Norton Hill School Prospectus 2011-12

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“Outstanding in every way” OFSTED



The outdoor pursuits opportunities are amazing. You really have to push yourself but the satisfaction of completing makes it worth it. Hayley, Year 12, Duke of Edinburgh Gold

Welcome to Norton Hill School Welcome to the 2011-12 prospectus for

Norton Hill School. The information contained within this booklet gives you some idea of the values and curriculum structure of the school. I am immensely proud of the achievements

Traditional values of behaviour and appearance

Developing personal leadership through a wide programme of extra-curricular activities and outdoor education.

of the students who come to the school and

Choosing the right secondary school for your

in 2011 they, once again, achieved excellent

son or daughter is a key moment in ensuring

results at both GCSE and Advanced Level.

they have the best chance of success in the

Norton Hill consistently achieves the highest

future. It is important you take time to consider

standards in the area on all measures,

two questions when making your choice of

including the new academic measure of the

school: “Will my child be happy here?” and

English Baccalureate. We strongly believe in

“Will my child be successful here?”. I firmly

the importance of students following courses

believe the answer to those questions for

which give them the best opportunities in later

current students is a resounding yes and this is

life, so we encourage academic challenge in

backed up by parental feedback.

our curriculum and will not make students take less worthwhile courses simply to boost league table positions.

This prospectus and our Open Evening can only give you a flavour of Norton Hill and I believe it is important parents visit a prospective

Norton Hill is identified as being one of the

school during a normal work day so I would

most successful schools in the country and

encourage you to book a tour through my PA,

was rated as Outstanding in every category by

Claire Jackson. During your visit, you will have

OFSTED in our most recent inspection. At the

a chance to visit lessons, observe a lesson

heart of this success are the core values that I

changeover and talk to the students you meet

and the whole school community believe

to give you a true experience of the outstanding

are important:

teaching, learning and behaviour at the school.

• •

Individual care through the House system Excellent teaching by experienced, specialist teachers

High levels of achievement through a challenging academic curriculum that

Mr Peter Beaven

is chosen to give students the best life


chances, not just to boost league tables

Norton Hill School

Welcome to Norton Hill


Individual Care

Emily, Year 7

Being in a House made me feel part of the school straightaway. The Year 11 House Captains were really friendly and helped me find my way around on the first few days.

Students Joining in Year 7 Transition Timeline: 22nd September 2011 Open Evening Sept – Oct 2011 Parental Tours 31st October 2011 Deadline for applications to LA 1st March 2012 Letter from LA offering places May/June 2012 School liaison team visit all students in their primary schools July 2012 Induction Day & New Parents’ Evening July/August 2012 Optional Languages Week/transition events for Year 6 students September 2012 New Year 7 intake start full time


Students Joining in Year 7

The majority of our students join us at the beginning of Year 7. Students can be both nervous and excited so we work hard to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible. Our Primary Liaison Team are Mrs Appel

transition process is smooth and comfortable

(SENCO) and Miss Mulgrew (Assistant Head

for parents too!

- Pastoral System). They will visit every student in their primary school during the

The Tutor Groups are carefully drawn up to

term before they start with us. This ensures

ensure a balance of gender and ability. We

each Year 6 is happy with the arrangements

also try to put each child with a named

for transition and gives them an opportunity

friend or friends (and avoid undesirable

to discuss any concerns they may have.

combinations too).

All the new intake attend a taster day in

A number of our students take part in the

July where they meet their Form Tutor,

extended activities we offer during the

House staff and the other members of their

summer break to help them get to know

Tutor Group. They will be able to explore

the school. This includes Languages Week,

the school and have an introduction to

Sports Activities and small group or one-to-

some lessons.

one support for specific individuals.

Parents are also invited to visit the school

If there are concerns at any point, parents

one evening to meet the Form Tutor, Head

are free to contact the Tutor, House staff

of House and Senior Staff. There will be

or Senior Team. We want problems and

an opportunity to ask questions of the

worries to be identified and addressed

Headteacher, as well as a display of school

whenever they arise.

uniform. Our intention is to make sure the

House System An environment based on traditional values, genuine care and concern is at the heart of student achievement.

House Staff (Pastoral Leaders): Blackdown - Purple Tie

Although Norton Hill may seem a large school to many parents, we ensure every student is known and valued through our House system. It is organised to make sure that every student’s personal and academic growth and happiness are closely monitored.

House Head


Mr D McGilloway

Assistant House Head


Mrs M McDermott

House Head


Mr D Wiltshire

Assistant House Head


Mr S Perkins

Cotswold - Yellow Tie

When a student joins Year 7 they work closely with their Form Tutor who

Exmoor - Blue Tie

they will see twice a day. The Form Tutor is the first point of contact for

House Head


Mr C Elstob

the student and parents if worries arise or for information on progress or

Assistant House Head


Miss R Burling

welfare. The Form Tutor will normally stay with the Tutor Group from Year 7 through to Year 11. This allows students, parents and the Tutor

Mendip - Red Tie

to build the positive relationship which underpins academic success.

House Head


Mr G Green

Assistant House Head


Mrs S Graham

Each of the five Houses contains two Tutor Groups from each year and has its own distinctive tie and House area. Students are rightly proud of their House’s identity and take an active role in the running of the House through a myriad of inter-House competitions, the House Council and charity events. Each House is managed by a Head of House who is supported by an Assistant Head of House who does not teach. This ensures they are easily accessible for both students and parents. The Houses are each based around an academic area and provide an area where the students from the House can relax at break and lunchtime.

Quantock - Green Tie House Head


Miss R Lilley/ Mrs K Truscott

Assistant House Head


Mrs L Jones

The Pastoral Team, led by Miss Mulgrew (Assistant Headteacher), meets regularly to ensure a consistent approach to its work. The Pastoral Team works with Tutors and other agencies to ensure that each of the students in the House reaches their full potential.

House System


Individual Care

My teachers were really supportive during my exam preparation. They knew how to break the subject down into parts to revise and were always willing to offer help after school. Sophie, Year 11

Monitoring Progress of Students We aim to ensure each student is supported and encouraged to reach the highest standard they are capable of, both in their academic and personal development. At the core of this are our monitoring systems and three-way working

As students move through the school there are additional events/

relationship between students, parents and school staff.

evenings where required, eg Options Evenings.

Students’ progress and well-being are continually monitored by both

Links with Home

subject staff and the Tutor. Students receive regular mentoring from

We rely on our close partnerships with parents to maintain the high

their Tutor allowing early intervention where necessary if students are

standards and happy atmosphere the students are proud of.

not reaching their full potential. Parents are kept fully informed of their child’s progress and can contact the House or subject staff at any

As you would expect, we ask parents to be actively involved in, and

point if they have concerns.

support, their child’s progress in school. To this end we stress that parents are always welcome to contact and visit the school.

Each term, every student is set challenging target levels and grades based on their prior attainment. Their progress towards these is

We have a Home-School Agreement which the student, parents and

regularly fed back to parents through the progress reports, Parents’

school sign. This outlines the commitment each will make to ensure

Evening and an annual Full School Report.

students attain the highest possible progress during their time at Norton Hill.

Additionally we have an Academic Review in December when the Tutor meets with the student and their parents to give an overview of progress, strengths and weaknesses. During this meeting an action plan is agreed to help the student progress further.


Monitoring Progress


Inspirational Teaching

There is no doubt in our minds that Norton Hill School has set our children on a firm footing, from which they can progress through adulthood. Parent of ex-Year 13 student

Curriculum Information The innovative curriculum at Norton Hill provides the range of skills and qualifications young people need. Norton Hill works with all students, whatever their ability, to help

of learning experiences that give them a balanced preparation for

them achieve their full potential. Students study a broad and balanced

future study. When entering the school, students are placed in a Tutor

curriculum which enables them to:

Group in one of the five Houses. The Tutor Groups have students from

Achieve the highest standards they are capable of

across the ability range. Year 7 students are taught in mixed ability

• • •

Develop skills and qualifications that enable them to function

groups for the Arts and PE/Games. Students are grouped by ability for

effectively in the future, and which are valued by employers and

Mathematics, English, The Humanities, Modern Foreign Languages

Higher Education institutions

and Science.

Develop open and creative minds Possess an awareness of the problems facing society on a local,

Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11)

national and global scale

During Year 9 pupils select their examination courses for the following

Become confident and self reliant in their relationships whilst

two years. The curriculum is designed so that students follow rigorous

developing a respect for others and an ability to work with them

courses which provide them with the best opportunities for their futures. Their choice of subjects is made after considerable guidance

High Quality Teaching

at school and discussion with parents.

Norton Hill is recognised at both national and international level for the quality of teaching at the school. Lessons are delivered by highly

In 2010-2011 at Key Stage 4 all pupils take:

qualified subject specialists who both inspire and support students of

English Language, Science & Mathematics GCSEs

all ability levels.

Short course GCSE in Philosophy & Belief and a short

Curriculum Structure

Physical Education and Games

The school day has six lessons, each lasting 50 minutes. In some

Personal and Social Health Education

subjects there are double lessons allowing time for practical activities.

A Modern Foreign Language

The school operates a two-week timetable.

They then choose three further options from a wide range of over

course in ICT

twenty subjects. Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9) The curriculum at Key Stage 3 provides students with a wide range


Curriculum Information

Facilities & Specialisms

Facilities & Specialisms The school is organised into distinct faculty areas which are well equipped to provide specialist accommodation. Our Facilities Include:

Maths and Computing

Sports Hall, Gymnasium, Multi-activity room, Astroturf

As a specialist Maths and Computing school, Norton Hill

pitch, seven tennis courts and a number of grass pitches

is recognised for the quality of support it offers students in

Drama and Dance Studios

developing their mathematical skills at all levels. Students’

Ten fully equipped Science Laboratories

ICT skills are developed through both discrete lessons and

Music practice rooms with Recording Studio

across subjects. The extensive ICT facilities allow students

New Business area housing the Business Academy

to access a range of ways to learn and additional support

Numerous ICT teaching rooms with the most up-to-date

outside the classroom.

hardware and software, including a brand new ICT •

Newly refurbished dining facilities

Languages College We are also a specialist Language College. This allows


students to develop the communication skills that are so

As a nationally recognised high-performing school, Norton

valued in business and further study. All students study

Hill has been given additional specialisms. These provide

two languages at Key Stage 3 and will follow at least one

additional resources and allow the school to offer a wider

language to GCSE. The school is also recognised for the

breadth to its curriculum than most other schools.

work it does in preparing students to be part of the global community. Norton Hill is one of only a handful of schools to

Gifted and Talented

have received the International School Award from the British

Norton Hill is the Lead School in Bath and North East

Council on three occasions.

Somerset for Gifted and Talented Education. Students who are identified as having a talent in a particular curriculum

Leading Edge and Training School

area have access to an individual support programme to

Norton Hill is designated with these additional specialisms

ensure they reach the highest standards possible. This

due to the recognised quality of teaching at the school

extends to the Sixth Form to the Cambridge Pre-U course and

and its innovative use of new technology to support

Oxbridge preparation programme.

students’ learning.

Facilities & Specialisms


Outstanding Achievement

Outstanding Achievement Norton Hill is one of the highest performing schools in the country, with students of all abilities making outstanding progress.

Excellence for All

the success of those who find learning more

Results at Norton Hill have

challenging. We invest considerably in

been consistently high over

additional support for those who need it,

a long period of time. In

with programmes to boost literacy and

Year 9 results are outstanding, with students

numeracy and life-skills courses across all

making excellent progress in their first three

year groups.

years. At GCSE we are amongst the top 5% of all schools nationally for “value-added�

All students have targets which are regularly

between Years 7 and 11. We are the best

reviewed to ensure they are making good

school for the English Baccalaureate. A-level

progress. Assessments and marking help

results are the highest in the area.

students to understand what they need to do to move to the next level or grade.

Individual Progress


Outstanding Achievement

These excellent results are, in part, due to

Sixth Form

the imaginative curriculum which caters

Our Sixth Form is one of the highest

for the needs of all learners at each stage

performing in the local area, with nearly all

of their education and development. The

students exceeding their official government

more able are stretched with accelerated

predictions. Students go on to attend

courses and programmes to support Gifted &

prestigious universities, including Oxford and

Talented students. We are equally proud of


Ofsted Inspection

Ofsted Inspection Outstanding in all Categories Key to judgements: grade 1 is outstanding, grade 2 good, grade 3 satisfactory, and grade 4 inadequate.

School Overall

Sixth Form

How well do learners achieve?



The standards reached by learners



How well learners make progress, taking account of any significant variations between groups of learners



How well learners with learning difficulties and disabilities make progress


Achievement and Standards

Personal development and well-being How good is the overall personal development and well-being of the learners?


The extent of learners’ spiritual, moral and social cultural development


The extent to which learners adopt healthy lifestyles


The extent to which learners adopt safe practices


How well learners enjoy their education


The attendance of learners


The behaviour of learners


The extent to which learners make a positive contribution to the community


How well learners develop workplace and other skills that will contribute to their future economic well-being



The quality of provision How effective are teaching and learning in meeting the full range of learners’ needs?



How well do the curriculum and other activities meet the range of needs and interests of learners?



How well are learners cared for, guided and supported?



Ofsted Inspection


Student Leadership



Being in a House makes you part of a group as soon as you join the school. The older students help the younger ones settle in and there are lots of chances to celebrate success together. Charlotte, Year 11 Mendip House Captain

Student Leadership Students at Norton Hill play an active role in the life of the school community at all levels. They are encouraged to develop their individual leadership skills through a range of opportunities available to them. House Council

Sixth Form. The School Council provides a

Each House has its own representative body

forum for students to develop whole-school

made up of two students from each Tutor

initiatives. They also work with other local

Group. Students are voted onto the House

organisations to develop the work of students

Council each year by their peers. The House

in the community.

Council meets regularly as a group with the Head of House. They take an active role in

Outdoor Education

organising charity events and Inter-House

A large number of students participate in

sporting competitions. The House Council

the Outdoor Education programme. These

representatives are also available to other

activities provide an excellent opportunity for

students in the House who want to raise

students to demonstrate both their teamwork

issues to go to the School Council. Year 11

and leadership skills as they take on a

students in each House can also apply to

variety of roles within a group.

become House and Sports Captains. These students take a lead in organising many of

Junior Leadership Awards

the activities and in helping the new Year 7

Students have the opportunity to take part

students in their House settle in.

in either the Junior Sports Leadership Award (JSLA) or the Language Leaders Award.


Student Leadership

School Council

This involves developing and delivering a

The School Council is made up of

programme of activities to younger students

representatives from the House Councils

and the students work closely with local

and the Head Boy and Head Girl from the

Primary Schools to deliver this.

Traditional Values

Traditional Values Norton Hill School dates back to 1911 and we are proud to have provided a hundred years of state education. At the heart of the Norton Hill philosophy is a belief in the highest standards and an expectation that everybody will do their best. High Expectations We have the highest expectations of our students’ behaviour. In lessons we have an ethos of learning and OFSTED noted that our students “have very positive attitudes towards their work”. Relationships between staff and students are excellent, and visitors to the school remark on how courteous and trustworthy Norton Hill students are. At Norton Hill, we believe that it is important to reward effort, achievement and community spirit. We operate a system of merits throughout the school for good work or good behaviour. We use “Time Out” to deal with any student who disrupts a lesson to ensure that nobody can interfere with the learning of other students. Student Involvement Students play a central part in the life of the school and are directly involved in many aspects of the management of the school. Each Tutor Group elects a tutor representative who is part of the House and School Council. As well as raising money for charities of their own choosing, the students organise sporting competitions and numerous projects around the school. The School Council has an important role in shaping school policies and activities.

Traditional Values


Life Changing Experiences

The Duke of Edinburgh award is a fantastic experience. You really get to know your team mates and test your own skills. Ellie, Year 11

Learning Beyond the Classroom We firmly believe that high academic achievement goes along with encouraging young people to develop their skills, attitudes and interests. Thanks to the considerable energy and commitment of our staff, we are able to offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities. At the start of each academic year, students are sent a programme


listing all the extra opportunities available. The new Year 7 intake

All students are encouraged to take part in representative and House

also take part in a ‘Freshers Fair’ where they have a chance to find out

sports and we have very high levels of participation. Through the

more about the activities on offer and speak to students who currently

highly qualified PE staff and use of external coaches, we can offer a

take part in them. To allow as many of the students as possible to

wide variety of sporting activities at a range of levels. Many students

participate, we provide a late bus to most of the outlying villages in

(and parents!) also make use of the Sports Facilities at evenings and

BANES that our students come from.

weekends through the Community Sports Programme. We have extensive playing fields which accommodate rugby, football, hockey

The types of opportunities available can be broadly grouped into:

and cricket as well as athletics. We have seven tennis courts and a full size Astroturf with floodlights. Indoor facilities include a Sports Hall,

The Arts

fitness activity room and a gymnasium.

We have a strong tradition of excellence in the Arts and students are encouraged to develop these skills through:

Students can participate in extra curricular sport through:

Individual/group musical tuition

Musical groups

boys’ and girls’ football, boys’ and girls’ rugby, netball, hockey,

Musical performances

rounders, cross-country, athletics, tennis, cricket, basketball,

Music Summer School - a week long residential culminating in a

dance and golf

A wide variety of clubs and school sports teams including


School sports teams

Annual Lower and Upper School Drama productions

Inter-House competitions

Dance performances including the annual Gym and Dance display

School Sports Day

Art club

County and National representative teams (we currently have

Participation in local and national Art competitions and displays

students in athletics and canoeing competing for the England School teams) •


Learning Beyond the Classroom

We even have an Equestrian Team

Study Centre

a skill or hobby) and a two day expedition. Many students then go

Our well equipped and spacious Library and ICT facilities are open and

on to complete the Silver and Gold Award in Year 11 and Year 12. To

staffed at lunchtimes and after school for students to use for study,

support these activities we have a range of staff with outdoor activity

research, doing homework or improving their ICT skills. Students can

qualifications, including the Mountain Leader Award.

also take part in an animation club. Education Visits Specific support for students approaching examinations is offered in all

There are many opportunities, both within the curriculum and during

subjects after school and also during the Easter holidays.

Activities Week, for students to participate in off-site visits which enhance their learning. For example, students can opt to spend a

Outdoor Pursuits

week in France, Spain or Germany to develop their language skills.

Norton Hill is recognised as having the largest outdoor pursuits

They can learn to ski in the French Alps or participate in water sports

programme in the area and we are proud of the number of students

in the Ardeche. In 2008, Norton Hill received the International School

and staff who take part each year. These activities build student

Award for the third time from the British Council, reflecting its links

confidence and leadership skills and are highly valued when students

and exchanges with other cultures.

leave the school for Higher Education or the workplace. Outdoor activities available to students include:

Activities Week

Year 8 Forest of Dean Residential visit

One of the curriculum highlights is the Activities Week which takes

School Camp

place during the final week of the Summer Term. This offers an

Ten Tors

extended learning opportunity for students to develop their skills in a

Kielder Challenge

particular area of interest to them. During this week, Music Summer

Duke of Edinburgh Award - Bronze, Silver & Gold

School, School Camp and the Languages visits to Europe take place.

One-day Year 9 Outdoor Skills training

Other students are involved in work with community organisations,

Ski Trip

Sports week, Arts week, a residential visit to Ironbridge, the Real Game and even Murder, Mystery and Mayhem (Maths based problem

This year, we have over 150 students (and 30 staff!) taking part in

solving with a forensic theme!). All of these offer the students a

the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award. This involves three elements:

chance to develop their knowledge in a different way.

Service (contribution to wider community); Skill (further developing


Community Values

Community Values At Norton Hill, we recognise that, as well as personal and academic success, it is important we make sure students are equipped to make a positive contribution to their local and wider communities. Students are given a range of opportunities to take part in community activities both through the curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities. These include: House and Student Leadership

international activities allow our students to work with people from a

Each House develops their own community action projects led by

range of cultures and ages.

the House Council. Each year, each House produces a presentation of their community work to a panel which award points to the House

Activities Week

deemed to have made the greatest contribution. Students of all ages

Students can choose to take part in ‘Make a Difference’ during our

are involved in the activities, for example, each House runs a charity

annual activities week. This is a week spent working with local

week when they raise money for the school charities.

organisations on activities aimed at improving the local area and helping vulnerable groups.

Eco-Schools The school runs a student Eco-Schools group who take a lead on


sustainability issues in the school and local community. For example,

A large number of our Key Stage 4 students are involved in

students help lead and publicise the country wide Zero-Waste week.

volunteering activities through the Duke of Edinburgh and Applied Learning schemes. Students are able to log and accredit their activities

Curriculum Projects

to provide evidence of their work for future employment and Higher

Students have the chance to experience working with students

Education applications.

of different ages through link projects with other secondary and primary schools. Visits to and from the school for local, national and


Community Values



Having the whole school centenary photo was amazing. It is a really good way to celebrate 100 years of Norton Hill. Ben, Year 8


I’ve really enjoyed the Sixth Form at Norton Hill. I’ve had excellent teaching and I now want to go on to University, something I never thought I would be capable of when I joined the school. Tom, Year 12

The majority of students choose to stay at the school to continue their Post-16 studies across the Partnership at the Midsomer Norton Sixth Form. The Sixth Form students have the opportunity to experience the greater

Christi and the University College Cambridge helps to maximise

freedom and opportunities of Sixth Form life as well as a wide range of

students’ chances of successful applications.

over 40 courses at both the Norton Hill and Somervale sites. They can also take advantage of excellent facilities across both sites, such as

Cambridge Pre-U Diploma

the fantastic media suite and new Sixth Form library on our Somervale

From September 2009 we have become the first state

site, and our Sixth Form Centre and our extensive new ICT facilities on

school in the area to be approved to run the Cambridge

our Norton Hill site. Students can also participate in a wide variety of

Pre-U course. This course is designed to offer students

social and educational trips; such as to Thorpe Park, Bournemouth,

a linear approach to study with opportunities for more in-depth

and Berlin.

analysis. The programme has been identified by the top Russell Group of Universities as the ideal preparation for study at their institutions.

Each year, a number of students will choose to join us from other institutions for their Sixth Form study. We offer a wide range of

Business Career Academy

courses and have outstanding levels of achievement. There is a strong

Students who are interested in a career in Business can enrol in

tradition of students entering Higher Education including regular

the Career Academy. This is a national programme and Midsomer

success at Oxbridge.

Norton Sixth Form is the only Sixth Form in the area approved to be a Business Career Academy. As part of their preparation to be the

As part of the Post-16 programme, students participate in a Careers

business leaders of the future, they receive master classes from local

and Higher Education programme which ensures they receive

and national business leaders. They also have a mentor from the

preparation and support with university applications and when

business world who meets them regularly. The jewel in the crown of

entering the world of work. Additionally, as part of our work as the

the programme is the paid internship during the summer of Year 12.

Gifted and Talented Lead School, students can opt to take part in a

Students spend six weeks on a placement developing their skills in a

separate Oxbridge preparation process. Our partnership with Corpus

real-life business environment.



School Community The school stands on the B&NES border to the south of Midsomer Norton and Radstock (10 miles from Bath and 12 miles from Bristol).

The Somerset villages of Chewton Mendip, Ston Easton, Chilcompton, Gurney Slade, Binegar, Stoke St Michael, Coleford, Oakhill, Holcombe, Stratton-onthe-Fosse and Kilmersdon are within 15 minutes’ drive of the school, as are Peasedown St John, Wellow, Shoscombe, Camerton, Timsbury and Paulton which are in B&NES. School coach transport is provided by B&NES from Farmborough, High Littleton, Clutton, Temple Cloud, Hallatrow, Farrington Gurney and Paulton. Somerset County Council also provides school coach transport from Coleford and Holcombe. m Fro

Norton Hill School Charlton Road Midsomer Norton BA3 4AD Tel: Fax: Email: Web:

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01761 412557 01761 410622

Headteacher: Mr Peter Beaven BA, MBA

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Chewton Chewto wtoon on Mendip

Norton Hill School Charlton Road, Midsomer Norton, BA3 4AD Tel: 01761 412557, Fax: 01761 410622, Email:

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