Norton Hill Sixth form Prospectus - 2010-11

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Sixth Form Prospectus

Norton Hill Sixth Form Aims To: • provide a fully comprehensive curriculum • cater for every student’s individual needs • enable all students to achieve appropriate qualifications • foster self-esteem and the enjoyment of learning • create a supportive, caring community • enable students to progress confidently onto the next stage of their careers

Welcome to the Sixth Form

We take great pride in your success and want to ensure, no matter your ability and background, that you will enjoy your time here and succeed in fulfilling your potential. If you want to know more about the Sixth Form please contact Miss Ward (Director of Sixth Form) and in the meantime we hope this information will give you a flavour of things to come. Over 40 Courses One of the great attractions of the Norton Hill Sixth Form is the quality and quantity of courses to choose from. You can choose from more than 40 courses including AS and A2 levels, BTECs and Cambridge Pre-U Courses. With so much to choose from, you may need some advice on the combination of courses that exactly fits your interest, abilities and ambitions. So find out about the courses that interest you, discuss the opportunities at home over the next month and check the advice in this prospectus.

Norton Hill’s Sixth Form is an experience we’ll remember for the rest of our lives... Year 13 Student

We are here to help you to succeed on your Post-16 courses, to provide a wide range of fresh experiences, and to further your aims for the next stage of your career. We hope that you will all develop as confident individuals with the skills and independence to lead fulfilling adult lives.

A Fresh Way to Study In the Sixth Form you study subjects in depth. You are more responsible for your learning and creativity, for the direction of your studies and for planning your private study. In most courses much of the work is done in your own study time. The students around you are well motivated, and increasingly the emphasis is more on working with your teachers than working for them. The rewards for this are in discovering yourself, becoming more self-confident, articulate, able to work on your own initiative, as well as gaining valuable qualifications.

Results 2010 Students received an average point score – equivalent to an average of over three Bs per student



Experience and Opportunities Twenty five students went to the Pyrenees last summer to complete their Gold expedition – a truly unique experience. New students will have the opportunity to complete this in the Dolomites.

WIDENING YOUR EXPERIENCE Important as academic achievement is, there is much more to life in the Sixth Form at Norton Hill. You may choose to study Critical Thinking in Year 13 which develops your skills in evaluation, logical argument and analysis. It is valued highly by universities. You will also have the opportunity in the Summer term of Year 12 to work with Bristol University to complete an Extended Project which is equivalent to an AS level. This allows you to produce an in-depth analysis of an area that particularly interests or inspires you. It will allow you to develop the independent learning and research skills that higher education institutions and employers desire. All students also take part in an inter-tutor group sports competition. As well as participating in a wide range of sporting activities, a large number of students are involved in the most challenging Ten Tors expeditions and Duke of Edinburgh Awards.

The creative arts, sports and community involvement offer opportunities open to all. Visits to theatres, concerts and art galleries take place through the year and Sixth Formers play a leading role in the school’s musical and dramatic productions. There are residential visits in many subject areas with Sixth Formers having visited France, Spain, Italy, Poland and the USA in the last year alone. You might want to get involved with the Sixth Form Council and help arrange Sixth Form events, help younger students or be involved in voluntary activities and events in the wider school community. Facilities Norton Hill offers a wide variety of facilities for Sixth Form students including: Sixth Form Centre with ICT facilities ICT Suites Sports Hall & Astroturf Extensive specialist facilities in Science and Technology Sixth Form Library Business Academy Specialist Drama performance areas Music and Music Technology.

Student: Courses Studied: Post Sixth Form:

Dan Evans Media, English Language, Philosophy & Belief & German Glamorgan University - Media & Communication

“Prepare for having to do the work yourself. No one will spoon feed you anymore. You need to be able to manage your time and avoid all of the distractions around you.”


Experience & Opportunities

The Federation

Norton Hill School is part of the Midsomer Norton Schools’ Partnership with Somervale School. Both schools are separate and have their own identity but are led by the same Headteacher, Mr Beaven. For Sixth Form students the Federation offers great opportunities to take courses at either of the school sites as part of their Sixth Form choices. This year we are pleased to offer a wider range of courses than ever with more than 40 courses to choose from. There are those offered at Norton Hill School and those that are offered at Somervale School. Please see our Course Outline Booklet for further details of all the courses on offer from September 2011.

“Take the subjects you most enjoy rather than those you think look good.”

Student: Courses Studied: Post Sixth Form:

Emily Vosper Mathematics, Physics, Geography, Further Maths for AS & Media in Y12 Warwick University - Maths

The Federation


Sixth Form Curriculum


and join with the AS results to determine the final A’ level grade needed to enter Higher Education.

Advanced Level AS These take one year and continue your academic study after GCSE’s. The standard is between GCSE and traditional A’ levels. Some subjects cover a vocational area rather than a subject.

Cambridge Pre-U Course In September 2009 we became the first and only state school in the area to be approved to run the Cambridge Pre-U Course. This course is designed to offer students a linear approach to study with opportunities for more in-depth analysis. The programme has been identified by the Russell Group of universities as the ideal preparation for study at their institutions. More information on the Pre-U Course is available on page 6.

You can choose to continue subjects you have enjoyed at GCSE or take new courses. You will normally need at least Grade C or above at GCSE in the subjects you hope to continue studying.

Advanced Level A2 Study for these begins at the end of Year 12 after AS and continues into your second year in the Sixth Form. They are equivalent to the traditional A’ level standard

GCSE English Language and Maths Retake classes are available for students who need to improve their grade for these subjects.

Sixth Form is just one of those things that you won’t forget, it’s an amazing experience... Year 13 Student

Student: Courses Studied: Post Sixth Form:

BTEC Nationals These are the “real world” equivalents of A’ levels. These level 3 qualifications are the most popular vocational qualification in UK Further Education, recognised and respected world-wide and are valued by universities as well as employers. They enable you to go on to study for an Honours degree.

Josh Wyatt Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry & History Warwick University - Maths

“Start thinking about which University/course you want to attend early - as soon as possible really, as when the time comes to apply it can get rushed and you could miss out.” 4

Sixth Form Curriculum

Introduction to A’ Levels



AS Levels (Year 12) Students in Year 12 study Advanced Subsidiary courses (AS levels). The standard of the course is between GCSE and the old Advanced level. Each AS course contains two or three modules. You will take the exams in June.

A2 Levels (Year 13) At the end of Year 12 you may extend your AS subjects by taking A2 courses. These are at a higher level than AS level. Students study a further two or three modules with exams in June or sometimes in January and June. You will be awarded a final Advanced level Grade (A* to E) based on your combined marks in the A2 and AS exams.

Applied AS Level (Year 12) In some AS levels there is a vocational area of study rather than a subject. These encourage students to investigate work-related interests. About two thirds of a course is assessed by coursework.

AS Critical Thinking You can choose this course as part of your curriculum in Year 13. You develop skills in evaluating and constructing arguments, and develop your logical thinking. It supports other subjects and is valued by all universities because the course develops skills essential for study at a higher level.

Grades A* to E are all pass grades Note: The A* grade has been introduced by the Government to reward students who gain 90% or more in their

A2 modules

Creative & inspiring teaching... Year 13 Student

Introduction to A Levels


ge d i r b m a C e e s r Th u o C U e r P individual, independent research and promotes learning through innovative approaches to curriculum and assessment.

WHY THE PRE-U? In recent years there has been an increase in the numbers of students applying to university coupled with an increase in the number of students achieving A grades (a quarter of students achieved an A grade at A’ level in 2008). This has led to increased competition for places at the top universities and these universities have started to look for more than just A grades at A’ level. They are looking for students who have independent study skills and thought and who have gained greater knowledge than simply completing modules. University admissions tutors believe in many cases that A’ levels fail to prepare Sixth Formers well enough for the challenge of academic degree courses.

This course was designed in partnership with Oxbridge and the Russell Group of universities in response to their demands for greater academic rigour and a course which prepares students effectively for the top university courses. It has been developed by the University of Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) which is a department of the University of Cambridge. This is ideal for students who are considering applying to either the Russell Group or Oxbridge Universities and will enhance our strong tradition of sending students to Oxbridge and our rigorous preparation programme for these students.

The Pre-U will give you the skills and knowledge you need to be successful at university. It challenges you to show not only a keen grasp of your subject, but also lateral, critical and contextual thinking. It encourages

The Pre-U has been awarded a higher point score by UCAS which processes all university applications. For more information about the Pre-U please contact Mrs

Jackson (01761 412557) for a Pre-U Information Pack.

The Pre-U is a fantastic opportunity to learn about new eras of European and Asian History...

Year 13 Student 6

The Cambridge Pre-U Course

Unlike other courses it allows students flexibility in their choice of subjects and for them to be able to personalise their studies. You can take any combination of subjects you like. You can specialise or diversify, depending on where your strength and interests lie. The Pre-U has been designed to inspire, challenge and reward students. It takes individual learning seriously and enables you to study a programme tailored to suit your own interests, enthusiasm and expertise.

The course places a greater emphasis on study skills, as well as the knowledge that will make students successful – both as applicants to university and as students once they are there. Universities value the Cambridge Pre-U and the skills it develops. Universities have also welcomed the clarity of the Cambridge Pre-U grading system, which allows the most selective universities to distinguish between students who may receive the same grade at A’ level and allows them to identify the gifted and talented. It also allows students to show achievement at higher levels than the A grade or A* grade (awarded from 2010).

The Business Acad emy

It’s hard work but you are doing it for a good reason... Year 13 Student

Students who are interested in a career in Business can enrol in the Career Academy. This is a national programme of which Norton Hill is the only school in the area approved to be a Business Career Academy. As part of their preparation to be the business leaders of the future they receive master classes from local and national business leaders. Career Academy students follow a rigorous business -related curriculum equivalent to three A’ levels. Importantly, these all feature in the National Qualifications Framework and so are recognised for entrance to university or employment. In each case, the curriculum is a deliberate combination of broad based study and theme-specific units. This ensures students can explore an area of interest while being exposed to a wide range of education and career possibilities. The whole Career Academy class follows the same programme of study which includes the following: a six-week paid work placement visiting speakers mentoring by employee volunteers employer-led seminars.

This ensures that a powerful esprit de corps is developed within a Career Academy group, which includes students, teachers, non-teaching staff and employee volunteers, all focused on raising the achievement and aspirations of everyone involved. The ‘jewel in the crown’ of the Career Academy model is the internship, which takes place in the summer at the end of Year 12. Employers provide a six-week paid work placement, based on a standard working week in a real operating environment and aiming to use the skills and knowledge the student has learned in class. Crucially, students will be given positions of responsibility outlined in a job description. To study on the Career Academy Model, students must be studying one of the following subjects: Business A’ level BTEC National in Business BTEC National in Business and Personal Finance Pre-U Economics.

“Have courage. Never give up.”

Student: Courses Studied: Post Sixth Form:

Octavia Farnham-Long Drama, English Language & Media Studies East 15 Acting School - Acting


Course Guidelines

We usually expect students aiming to take AS to have at least Grade C at GCSE in the subjects they are hoping to study and preferably a Grade B. Detailed course requirements can be found in the Norton Hill Sixth Form Course Guide. Your Study Programme Study is divided into 60 periods each fortnight. Your programme will be made up of a combination of the courses you have chosen, together with private study periods. The tutorial programme is part of the Core Activities that all students participate in. This comprises of: tutor time assembly

tutor lesson community service

Year 12 & 13 Courses BTEC National 10 periods per subject per fortnight

Pre-U Subjects 10 Periods per subject per fortnight

A2 10 Periods per subject per fortnight

BTEC National 10 periods per subject per fortnight

Pre-U subjects

Students choose to continue up to 3, or perhaps 4, of the AS subjects studied in Year 12 to full A’ level standard (A2)

Can be combined with AS and/or A2 levels

Year 13

Year 12

AS 10 Periods per subject per fortnight

10 periods per subject per fortnight. Can be combined with AS and/ or A2 levels

“If a job’s worth doing it’s worth doing properly, there is no point in revising half-heartedly.” Student: Courses Studied: Post Sixth Form:


Course Guidelines

Jon Lane Maths, Biology, Chemistry & Psychology Bristol Dental School - Dentistry & then Maxillofacial Surgery

Choosing Your Courses: The Process Stage 1 Read this Prospectus and the Course Information Booklet carefully, then come to the Sixth Form Open Evening on Thursday 18th November. Talk to staff about their subjects and find out what interests you and is appropriate to your needs.

Stage 3 Select your course(s). Fill in your application form with your tutor group and hand it in by Monday 29 November. The deadline for external candidates is also Monday 29 November. All external students will be interviewed.

Stage 2 Talk with as many people as possible. You may want to approach:

All Norton Hill School students will be seen by one of our Sixth Form Transition Team to ensure their choices are suitable for their career aspirations. You may wish to discuss your course choices in light of your examination results and should contact Miss Ward if you wish to do so.

your parents your tutor your subject teachers Sixth Form students Connexions Director of Sixth Form (Miss Ward) Deputy Directors of Sixth Form (Miss Oxley-Hughes & Mrs Ruddick) Professional Tutor (Miss Kirkham).

Stage 4 After the results of your GCSE examination you will be able to discuss any concerns or changes you might wish to make with either Miss Ward or Miss Oxley-Hughes.

Student: Courses Studied: Post Sixth Form:

Fenna Leake Art, Textiles & English Literature Bath College - Art Foundation

“Keep up with the work the best you can, don’t leave things until the last minute, particularly coursework, because it’s even worse and more stressful trying to complete it under pressure.” Choosing Your Courses


Courses on Offer for

September 2011 Graphics History History Pre-U ICT IT (BTEC National) Mathematics Further Mathematics Modern Languages: French/German/Spanish Music Music (BTEC National) Music Technology Physical Education Philosophy & Ethics Photography Physics Politics Psychology Public Services: Outdoor Leadership (BTEC National) Sociology Sport (BTEC National)

Applied Science Art & Design Biology Business (BTEC National) Business Studies Business and Personal Finance (BTEC National) Chemistry Creative Media Production (BTEC National) Critical Thinking (only available in Year 13) Design Crafts (BTEC National) Drama and Theatre Studies Economics Pre-U English Language English Literature Environmental Studies Extended Project (EPQ) Fashion and Clothing (BTEC National) Geography Hospitality (BTEC National) Pre-U Global Perspectives and Research Project

Student: Courses Studied: Post Sixth Form:

Matthew Munton Physics, Chemistry, Maths & Further Maths Cambridge University - Natural Science

“Begin your personal statement early to give you plenty of time to refine it and complete your UCAS application.�


Courses on Offer

Your T utor

and O ther Su pport

THE TUTOR Your tutor is central to your progress in the Sixth Form. Your tutor will be the person on the staff who knows your needs and aspirations well and who is best placed to guide, inform and support your academic progress. Your tutor: is the first point of contact between teachers, students and parents ensures that you make progress and succeed helps you to overcome any difficulties or problems organises tutor sessions and writes student references administers University and College Admission Service (UCAS) procedures.

DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNING SKILLS Supported study sessions should take up two-thirds of your private study periods and will allow you to work in the quiet atmosphere of the Library.

CAREER GUIDANCE In the Sixth Form you will be offered a full programme of Career and Higher Education guidance including: a range of activities in tutor periods to help with your career choice opportunities for work experience visits to universities and colleges individual interviews with “Connexions� (the careers guidance service) a preparation programme to assist those planning to apply for Oxbridge, Medicine or other competitive courses at university.

Your Tutor & Other Support


m o r f s t n a c i l p Ap ls o o h c S r e h t O

After the interview we will contact you as soon as possible to let you know the result and, we hope, to offer you a place in the Sixth Form. In July external applicants will be invited to School to meet your teachers and to sample some lessons. When the GCSE exam results are issued we will send you a letter with details of the beginning of term arrangements. Late applications will be considered, however priority will be given to applications made before the deadline. Application forms are available from the school or may be downloaded from our website.


Applicants from Other Schools

VISITING THE SCHOOL If you would like to visit the Sixth Form and meet some of the staff and students, or if you have any questions relating to the information in this prospectus please contact Mrs Jackson, the Head’s PA, on 01761 412557 or email

ALLOWANCES Educational Maintenance Allowance The EMA is a means tested weekly payment of up to £30 paid to young people who stay in education after the statutory school leaving age. Students who live in a household with an annual income of £30,000* and less are eligible for this allowance. (*2007 figures).

All application forms should be sent to us by Monday 29 November at the latest. We will send you an acknowledgement as soon as we receive your application form. You will be invited to Norton Hill Sixth Form for an interview in early 2011.

You are treated with respect from day one... Year 13 Student

Proven Success

RESULTS AND DESTINATIONS In 2010 the school performed exceptionally well at both GCSE and A’ level. 10% of students achieved three or more A or A* grades. This year the average point score per student was 309, which means that each student left with an average of over three B grades. Subjects which achieved an exceptional percentage of A and A* grades include Maths with more than 50% of their students achieving A and A* grades, Further Maths where 75% gained A*, and also English Literature where 40% of the students achieved A* grades. Outcomes This year students have left to study a range of courses in Higher Education, as well as to start jobs with training. They include, among many others:

University of London - Queen Mary College, Drama University of Manchester, French & German UWIC, Sports Therapy & Rehabilitation University of Plymouth, Bio Medical Science University of Manchester, Dentistry University of Leicester, Chemistry with Forensic Science University of Plymouth, Animal Science University of Plymouth, Nursing University of Worcester, IT University of Cardiff, Criminology Duchy College, Equine Behaviour University of Surrey, Music University of Southampton Solent, Performance University of Bristol, Vet Science University of Warwick, Maths University of Swansea, History University of Kingston, Aerospace Engineering University of Reading, Politics & International Relations

University of Cambridge, Natural Sciences (Physics) University of Cardiff, Psychology

“Get organised at taking notes and preparing for revision, rather than having information all over the place and you can’t follow what you’ve written.” Student: Courses Studied: Post Sixth Form:

Hayley Ali Maths, Psychology & Geography Cardiff University - Psychology

Proven Success


Sixth Form Council


Norton Hill School Sixth Form offers a chance to gain great grades and great experiences.


Year 13 Student

There are many different anxieties that students may find in the transition from Year 11 to Sixth Form. Sixth Form is different to Year 11, there is a greater work load and the work is challenging. However we find that the Sixth Form offers a variety of different study areas and advice to get the best out of us. We are given more independence than in Year 11, the relationship between teacher and student is more mature and we are treated more like adults. We give greater respect to teachers and it creates a positive working environment for us to study in. We are responsible for making a balance between social and academic needs. Many of us come from a variety of different schools and the concerns of friendships and social belonging can be daunting, yet Norton Hill Sixth Form is a very social and friendly community and all students integrate well and rapidly. The current Head Girl Roisin McDermott and Student Ambassador Lucy Francis were both from different schools and are now members of the student commission. One of the biggest worries for us at the beginning of the year, is trying to organise the level of work that the Sixth Form involves. However there is plenty of help on hand to assist us. The Sixth Form Centre is a place to socialise, relax or to work in a social environment, whilst the library is the best place to revise and study in peace and quiet.


Sixth Form Council

At Norton Hill, you will find that the differences between Lower School and the Sixth Form are not limited to work load and uniform. The facilities give everyone new opportunities in both academic and social fields. The Sixth Form Centre acts as a community area, with both computers and tables to study at, and comfortable chairs for leisure and socialisation. We enjoy such games as Scrabble and Monopoly in our non-study periods. There are plenty of student areas for us to spend our study time; from the Sixth Form Centre to the dining hall and the library. A considerable amount of assistance is given to us when writing and applying for university placements as well as for preparing us for the world of work. These are all important tools, setting a firm footing for students for later life. The Sixth Form offers many opportunities for us to raise money for charity. The recent Fete organised by the Sixth Form raised over ÂŁ200 for Bath Genesis Trust for the Homeless. We sold cakes and drinks and set up plenty of entertaining interactive games including aqua-basketball and a human fruit machine. We also hold an annual Christmas party for the elderly in the Community, at which 140 Sixth Formers take part to organise and support the event so that the elderly members who attend can enjoy a fantastic festive event. We have several fancy dress days as well for all to enjoy.

Ofsted Inspection


Key to judgements: Grade 1 is Outstanding, Grade 2 is Good, Grade 3 is Satisfactory, and Grade 4 is Inadequate.

Sixth Form

Achievement and Standards How well do learners achieve?


The standards reached by learners


How well learners make progress, taking account of any significant variations between groups of learners


Personal development and well-being How good is the overall personal development and well-being of the learners?


The quality of provision How effective are teaching and learning in meeting the full range of learners’ needs?


How well do the curriculum and other activities meet the range of needs and interests of learners?


How well are learners cared for, guided and supported?


“Make your own fun and the 6th Form will be a very enjoyable experience, but during exam times even though its a bit of a chore the library is definitely the best place to go.” Student: Courses Studied: Post Sixth Form:

Josh Gibson AS: Biology, History, Geography & Chemistry A2: Biology, Geography & Chemistry Gap Year

Ofsted Inspection


School Community

The school stands on the B&NES border to the south of Midsomer Norton and Radstock (10 miles from Bath and 12 miles from Bristol).

The Somerset villages of Chewton Mendip, Ston Easton, Chilcompton, Gurney Slade, Binegar, Stoke St Michael, Coleford, Oakhill, Holcombe, Stratton-on-the-Fosse and Kilmersdon are within 15 minutes’ drive of the school, as are Peasedown St John, Wellow, Shoscombe, Camerton, Timsbury and Paulton which are in B&NES. School coach transport is provided by B&NES from Farmborough, High Littleton, Clutton, Temple Cloud, Hallatrow, Farrington Gurney and Paulton. Somerset County Council also provides school coach transport from Coleford and Holcombe.

Norton Hill School Charlton Road Midsomer Norton BA3 4AD Tel: Fax: Email: Web:

01761 412557 01761 410622

Headteacher: Mr Peter Beaven BA, MBA


The school stands on the B&NES border to the south of Midsomer Norton and Radstock (10 miles from Bath and 12 miles from Bristol). Norton Hill Sixth Form Charlton Road, Midsomer Norton, BA3 4AD Tel: 01761 412557, Fax: 01761 410622, Email:

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