BiziNet Magazine #84 - Mar/Apr 2017 Issue

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Legal Evolution is Critical for 2017 Page 18


The 10 Telltale Signs Your Enterprise Needs a Business Intelligence Makeover Page 20

Can We Make a Difference?.. BiziNet Magazine

#84 Mar/Apr’17



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#84 Mar/Apr’17


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#84 Mar/Apr’17



BiziNet Magazine

#84 Mar/Apr’17

Contents Cover Story


Clean Ocean Day

Can We Make a Difference?.. A. Charles Smith




Now’s The Best Time to Start Your Business



Call Option Agreements


The 10 Telltale Signs Your Enterprise Needs a Business Intelligence Makeover John Howard


Realities of Selling Online, Digital Marketing and Start-Ups Daniel Moisyeyev


Sports BC are All About Bringing Sports, Business and the Community Together Bruce Mott

Steven Brown


Improve Your Personal Brand by Dressing Up for Success Farrukh Mirza

Dmitry Greku



Business Insights

18 25

Legal Evolution is Critical for 2017 Steve Sebbes

Your Business Calendar


What Will you Wear for the Rest of Your Life?

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#84 Mar/Apr’17



Now’s The Best Time to Start Your Business

Dmitry Greku, M. Sc., Editor and Publisher - BiziNet Magazine

Editor and Publisher: Dmitry Greku Cover Story: A. Charles Smith Cover Page: Plastic beach in Azores Islands, Photo By 5 Gyres - Contributing Writers: Steven Brown Steve Sebbes Bruce Mott Farrukh Mirza John Howard Daniel Moisyeyev Art Director: Svetlana Greku Cover Design: Elvira Cherry Executive Officer: Daniel Moisyeyev

In March, The Hills Shire Council put on the - Small Business Exchange. The event went really well for our business and for many others. This was an unusual, simple and innovative idea that helped us all. I have never seen anything like it at previous business Expos. Appointments with other businesses were organised by the host for all exhibitors before the Expo. Thanks must go to the Council's Economic Development team for this initiative. I would like to congratulate The Hills Shire Council for such a great experience. From what I know, we can expect even more next year. At the Expo I found people with whom I can do business, discussed opportunities for my enterprise to provide help for start-ups and assisted one person to change the whole future business concept from the one she was planning, to another. All of the participants were in different levels of their business development – from “zero” to those who had operated businesses for decades. They were a diverse group. Professionals supplying different products and services to the market place but with one thing in common – they all need more business contacts with a view to becoming their suppliers and mutually increasing turnover. The solution is one for all – better quality networking. There are a lot of great professionals looking for new opportunities to start or develop their ideas or current projects. We, in BiziNet, have a vast experience in B2B marketing and business development. We started our business “from scratch” as many others have done. We are


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here to have a chat and help if we can. Come and talk to us, give us a call. We have access to local Sydney-based businesses through Bella Vista Business Alliance. There are firms doing business internationally utilising the services of AmCham. We can open doors to government grant providers and an innovative group of entrepreneurs who are ready to do business with you. Have a great day and take care of yourselves and your clients. G

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#84 Mar/Apr’17

The opinions expressed in this journal do not necessarily reflect and are not to be regarded as the official opinion of the editor, publisher or their agents. All information contained within this journal is provided for general information purposes only and on the understanding that none of the content herein constitutes professional advice. The editor, publisher or their agents accept no responsibility for any claim, loss or damages arising out of or in connection with any materials contained in this journal. Readers should not rely on the publications in the journal and seek appropriate professional advice in respect of their own circumstances.

LIFE ON PLANET EARTH IS GETTING BETTER, THANKS TO GLOBAL TRADE. Big businesses and small are helping the world’s economies to flourish. New found wealth brings better health (the average person lives one third longer than 50 years ago) and education (today 90% of kids in developing regions of the world go to primary school). This is the power of global trade. Of course there’s still a long way to go, but one delivery at a time, the more we keep on trading the better it’s going to get for everyone, everywhere. Read more online.

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#84 Mar/Apr’17


Introducing Our Contributors

Steve Sebbes

Steven Brown

John Howard

Farrukh Mirza

Steve Sebbes – Director of PBOGlobal, Senior Positions in Retail and Channels with Australia’s largest Telecommunications company Telstra for several years, Director of several businesses in Australia and International.

Steven Brown founded Etienne Lawyers in 2003. They are best described as having an ‘International Reach with Small Firm Personal Service’.

John started his adult career in the role of mechanical engineer. The previous disciplines and problem solving aspects of his engineering career held him in good stead to switch careers.

Connector of people, brands and ideas - sales and marketing professional with MBA and over 14 years experience building, managing and expanding businesses across Australasia. Proud member of BNI, Rotary International, American Chamber of Commerce, NSW Business Chamber, Success Womens' Network, The Event Artisans, Business Alliance and other networking groups.

PBOGlobal specialises in a range of professional business outsourcing services, based around the popular Staff Leasing and a Seat Leasing model, among others.

With qualifications from Sydney and Macquarie Universities, Steven has gone on to have over 30 years in the law. With his own practice and a passion to help others succeed, Steven is a total professional, informing and educating along the way. Steven specialises in all aspects of helping businesses to stay out of trouble and grow. He enjoys the cut and thrust of litigation and is a balanced negotiator for all alternative dispute resolution methods.

After hard study and practice he set up his first business ‘Spreadsheet Modelling Systems’, later expanding into higher end Business Intelligence with the new name ‘Smoothstream Business Intelligence’, aimed at the SME business sector. With new invigorating passion John is now challenging the status quo of business software.


Business Analytics - Faster, Easier, Smarter

Steve Sebbes p | +61 438 39 39 39


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Steven Brown p | 02 8845 2400

#84 Mar/Apr’17

John Howard p | 02 9871 4484

Azrim Pty Ltd p | 0424 424 829

Who are we? We are a locally-owned and operated credit union (member-owned financial institution) at Riverside Corporate Park, North Ryde.

What is a Credit Union? A credit union is a member-owned financial institution. We offer all the same services as other financial institutions such as banks, but we’ve always been people before profit, democratically controlled, socially responsible, community focused, and financially sustainable.

We are Member Owned – Our members have a say! Our members are shareholders of the Credit Union which means they own a share of the credit union and have a say in the decisions made within the Credit Union.

People before profits! Unlike other financial institutions such as banks our profits go back to our members through competitive interest rates, fairer fees and by focusing on community investments in our local area.

Same regulations and governing body as the big banks Credit unions are regulated in exactly the same way as the big banks are under the Banking Act, Corporations Act and APRA oversight. So your money is safe with us!

Who can join LCU? We welcome membership from employees on Riverside Corporate Park, North Ryde, Macquarie Business Park and their family and friends are also eligible to bank with us!

BiziNet Magazine

#84 Mar/Apr’17




Can We Make

Two alternatives for the future...


BiziNet Magazine

#84 Mar/Apr’17


by A. Charles Smith ‘Save the Planet!’ we hear much shouting about these days. Humans’ capacity to do anything that will ‘save’ the planet actuated colourful British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson to opine in regard to the global warming hypothesis, “As a species, we human beings have become so blind with conceit and self-love that we genuinely believe that the fate of the planet is in our hands…”

Notwithstanding Boris’s sceptical position on that topic, ‘saving the planet’ is a cause that has taken hold. And he would probably concede that there are immediate hands-on methods of going some way to attaining this goal when it comes to the cleanliness of our oceans and waterways. Marine ingestion of plastic pollution is a present calamity albeit not as topical as posited temperature increases. But it’s happening everywhere. The Australian Marine Conservation Society estimates that throughout the world, around one million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals are killed every year by plastics, either entangled and strangled or choked and starved. Plastic is ubiquitous, in our creeks, bays, harbours and the sand at the beach. It’s adding up to one gigantic problem. Oceans are becoming a plastic soup and sea life is suffocating on the contents. Millions of tonnes of plastic pollution rides the ocean’s currents and reaches the furthest corners of the water that covers four fifths of the globe. Plastic is even appearing in the Antarctic wilderness. Plastic never goes away; it just breaks down into smaller pieces. That means that every piece of discarded plastic is still around today. The vast majority of the plastics in the sea come from urban areas. Almost 90% of the marine debris found on Sydney’s beaches is plastic, mostly bottles, caps and straws. Australians buy 600 million litres of bottled water a year and use 10 million plastic bags a day, a staggering 3.9 billion plastic bags a year! Into this potentially lethal cocktail and witnessed by thousands of tourists and locals alike, is the northern migration of whales along Australia’s east coast, one of Nature’s great annual exoduses. Perils abound from shark nets but groups are swift to act and free animals so obviously entangled. Left unseen are the effects on these great mammals of plastic soup.

a Difference?..

A recent example emerged in Norway where experts watched on helplessly as an elephant of the deep, strangling in waste, inched towards an agonising death. Disturbingly, this was a tragedy that could have been prevented. A post-mortem revealed around 30 plastic bags clogging the stomach of the whale. The haul of foreign objects included sweet wrappers and plastic bread bags. They had blocked its digestive system, according to

BiziNet Magazine

#84 Mar/Apr’17




Clean Oc e rubbish c an Day ollection , 13 Novem ber 2016

Would you like our beaches look like this?..

scientists from the University of Bergen who found no traces of food. The longest of the plastic material removed during the autopsy stretched more than two metres. Items were identified as coming from several countries. “It wasn’t like it [the plastic] was in just a part of the gut; it filled up the whole space,” explained zoologist Terje Lislevand. “The whale has been in pain and distress with this in its stomach,” he offered. Little has been done to ameliorate the effects of increasingly dirty oceans putting sea life at risk, at least until now. Motivated by considerations such as prevention and abatement, a group of Sydneysiders concerned about the fitness of coastlines, lakes, rivers and streams intend to implement


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a mass effort to take the junk out of water and away from unsuspecting stomachs. Thanks must be given to Dmitry Greku for his idea to mandate a, “Clean Ocean Day.” His unique plan would involve the community in ridding the waterways of non-degradable garbage utilising a pleasurable medium, namely, stand-up paddle boarding. Mr Greku, is a professional ocean researcher following in the footsteps of three generations of his family. His grandfather was in charge of the construction of one of the first Antarctic stations between 1955-1957. Dmitry has undertaken two Antarctic scientific expeditions, worked with UNESCO in Paris and with the European Space Agency. He observes confidently that water resources are integral to human survival given the body

#84 Mar/Apr’17

itself is comprised of 60% water. So from where did this inspiration derive? “We came to the banks of the Hawksbury River at Windsor one day for a family picnic. It’s a lovely village atmosphere near Sydney. People had faded off from the tiny beach by late afternoon, but not their rubbish, more prolific than Manly of a Sunday.” They cleaned up the mess and a belief arose that more could be done. Around this time, Dmitry had acquired his first Stand Up Paddle board and plunged into the sport of SUPing. He was hooked from the moment he set foot onto his board. “As opposed to surfing, you don’t need to be fit or a trained sportsperson to participate.

GREAT AUSTRALIAN PROJECTS Thus was born Clean Ocean Day, an initiative that has captured widespread acclaim. And SUPAROO Australia, is proud to be the standard-bearer for this effort. It will provide boards, paddles and other necessary accessories with a view to putting hundreds of people on the water for an annual effort to collect as much rubbish as possible. “A huge coordinated event will occur once a year, but for the SUP community every day on the water is a Clean Ocean Day.” He also urges a congruent educative process to inspire human regard for the ocean’s creatures and maintain its purity. “There are things we can do now that will have immediate benefit. Clean Ocean Day is the focal point.” The Clean Ocean Day organisation is a ‘NotFor-Profit’ group. Registration fees and gifts will go to the Clean Ocean Day fund that will be used to educate the community on taking care with plastic. Donations are tax deductible. The American Chamber of Commerce in Australia (AmCham) supports its members participation in Clean Ocean Day. This networking organisation fosters goodwill and co-operation with its members and brings solid businesses together. General Manager of AmCham, Robert Hossary, says the chamber provides the perfect platform for responsible people in business combining for what he regards as a, “very noble” cause. “Being a member of AmCham, Dmitry has our full support. Australia, as the National Anthem reminds us, is girt by sea and we should be looking after this magnificent legacy.”

SUPs are for everyone.” What also makes SUPing unique is the tripartite, peaceful connectivity engendered between water, the environment and scenery. Unlike aggressive or extreme sports, SUPing is serene and calm, permitting the taking in of stunning coastline views while the sun bathes all in translucent combinations. Providing universal connectivity across the age and sex spectrum between ocean and participant, it’s the fastest growing sport in the world. But SUPing opened Dmitry’s eyes in more sobering ways. “I encountered non-degradable flotsam and

attached a bag to my shorts. Soon it was filled with trash. The habit became second nature and part of my SUP ‘cruising around’ routine.” The natural evolution to a cleaning-up idea progressed with the arrival of the SUPAROO boards and then it gelled. If a group of friends and SUP acquaintances got together, a united effort could be made to minimise and hopefully rid Sydney Harbour and waterways of harmful hazards. “I managed to convince like-minded people to take my small fleet of boards and kayaks on the water with one purpose – collecting rubbish in locations around Sydney.”

He says that AmCham is not simply about doing business and growing the economy but for fostering interest in a project that amply demonstrates corporate responsibility. You won’t hear businessman and Rotarian Wayne Ryan cavilling with those sentiments. He has been involved with surfing since 1983. In that capacity he promotes the activity of Christian Surfers, a worldwide movement committed to working amongst young surfers who have struggled with drugs and mental health issues. With encyclopaedic knowledge of surfing beaches both here and abroad as Managing Director of LineUp Australia, Wayne stresses the imperative of a pristine ocean environment. “Australians love the beach and surf more

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#84 Mar/Apr’17




than any other nation on earth. Imagine what would happen to our tourism industry if we neglect this valuable, natural resource.” He travels the world and recoils in dismay at countries that regard the ocean as a dump, through inadequate infrastructure to dispose of their refuse. Acknowledging that our love of surf and sea has meant more emphasis on reducing the impact of waste on coastlines, he remains cautious about the future. “While our beaches and waterways are in reasonable shape, sometimes if you dig a little deeper things aren’t as rosy.” Wayne cites as proof authorities’ advice proffered after major rain and storm events that people refrain from surfing for at least 24 hours. Axiomatically, when nature strikes, garbage is swept into the seas and rivers. He lauds the efforts at his local beach Dee Why and other places where many volunteers pitch in to gather rubbish. “All this can be coordinated through Clean Ocean Day and this could see a remarkable effort capable of mirroring the success of Clean Up Australia day.”

Bruce Mott, the Managing Director of Sports BC, has weighed in with his backing too suggesting that getting people out on the water to do their bit for the environment is a great idea. “My company is dedicated to bringing sport, business, charity and the community together. So we are very much aligned with Clean Ocean Day and intend to get behind this terrific movement.” Clean water benefits humans too. Research and anecdotal evidence has shown that people can experience a curative and spiritual solace through association with the ocean and its in-shore affiliates. A national survey on the mental health and wellbeing of people aged from 16 to 85 provided a startling reminder of the incidence of mental dysfunction. 45% of Australians in this age range would experience a mental disorder at some time in their life and 20% of the population had experienced a common mental affliction in the previous 12 months.

As an enthusiastic member of Rotary International at Brookvale and about to take up a voluntary position in the organisation as head of International Aid, he is optimistic that Rotary will be part of the plan to mobilise support for the Clean Ocean Day venture.

u’s y Grek Dmitr er first ev cean Day, O Clean 2013 il 28 Apr

We’ve got something to protect…


BiziNet Magazine

#84 Mar/Apr’17

The question posed is whether treatment other than psychotropic medication might play a part in restoring mental equilibrium. Professor Michael Baigent is a psychiatrist with Beyond Blue. He speaks from a personal love of surfing and clinical experience, arguing that ocean sports play a role in assisting recovery from mental illness. One of not-for-profit organisations uses surfing and saltwater therapy to help people recover from mental health issues. Every week at beaches around the world, they host an early morning surf session where people are encouraged to dress up, surf and share their stories. “What we often say is it’s absolutely OK to not be OK. Mental health is such a normal part of life we just need to accept that and talk about it,” says their manager. They envisaged an opportunity to blend surfing into an eight-week program to help people recover from mental health issues utilising his hospital and clinical experience and his work in

GREAT AUSTRALIAN PROJECTS prisons and institutions. University of NSW research following the pilot program in Bondi demonstrated benefits for participants’ lives in four ways. “It reduced social isolation, increased relationships with friends and family, decreased psychological symptoms and participants acquired new skills.”

them to be more responsible leaders of the future. So make an effort for our beautiful ocean, rivers and lakes. We are looking for volunteers, donors/sponsors/partners and in-kind supporters. Please contact Clean Ocean Day if you want to make a difference and benefit in the process or visit” G

The process involves a different way of looking at therapy by partnering with the environment. “We’re seeing the same results as in a therapeutic setting such as a community health centre or hospital. It’s changing the stereotypical boundaries of clinical therapy.” So whether you’re struggling with depression or a keen surfer or want a non-confronting, easy transition to the water of the SUPing type, it’s a therapeutic opportunity to take out the junk in appreciation for what an ocean environment free of plastic soup can give back. Such is the Clean Ocean Day mission to bind these elements and benefit all who participate. Mr Greku says that Clean Ocean Day is not only a great project because thousands of people and organisations will participate, but also it’s a very powerful educational, awareness and pollutionpreventing program. “We plan to pull out tonnes of plastic objects from the water every year and if we’re able to talk to 10,000 kids at schools annually, we can expect that at least 10,000 plastic bags and bottles with not turn up in the ocean the following year. It will help

BiziNet Magazine

#84 Mar/Apr’17



Steven Brown, Etienne Lawyers

Call Option Agreements Before entering into a call option agreement, you must ensure you are familiar with the concept of what an option for your land or shares is, how the option works and when the holder of the option can exercise a right to buy. A call option agreement is where the grantor gives the grantee (also referred to as the ‘option holder’) the right, but not the obligation, to buy an asset (eg land or shares in a company). The option is usually at a specified price (called the ‘exercise’ or ‘strike’ price). If the option holder doesn’t exercise their right during a given period, the option (and the rights that attach) expire. The key terms of a call option comprises the following: 1. Parties to the Agreement (the grantee and the grantor) The owner of the asset (land or shares) grants the call option for the asset to the option holder. A grantee (option holder) and grantor (the owner of the asset) are parties to the option agreement. 2. Option The asset of the grantor is the subject to the call option agreement are referred to as the ‘option asset’. Option assets can be any asset owned by the grantor. An option asset can even be an asset that a grantor has yet to acquire. 3. Option Premium The option premium is the amount paid for the call option itself. Usually, this will be for a nominal amount since the option holder is typically required to pay the exercise price for the shares at the point of the exercise. The option premium is different to the exercise price (discussed in further detail below). If an option premium is required, it will be paid to the grantor of the option when the agreement is established. An option premium is not always provided for in a call option agreement, and whether one should be included depends on the commercial terms of the arrangement. In land transactions often, the grantee will seek to negotiate that the option premium form part of the deposit payable on an exchange of contract for the sale of land. If possible it is in the interest of the grantor to not agree to this.


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By agreeing to this the grantor in effect looses the option premium. 4. Exercise Price The exercise price is the price payable for the option asset after the option holder has exercised the call option. This price is usually a pre-determined amount and set out in the call option agreement as a fixed price. The option holder pays the exercise price to the grantor of the option upon completion of the issue or transfer of the asset (as the case may be). In certain circumstances, there may be no exercise price because the option holder may need to achieve certain performance milestones as consideration. 5. Effective Date The effective date is when the call option becomes effective. This may be the day the grantee signs the call option agreement of another pre-determined date in the future. The effective date should not be confused with the exercise date (i.e. the date on which the option holder exercises the call option). 6. Conditions to Exercise Often, the exercise of a call option will be conditional upon certain events occurring. For example, the option holder may only be eligible to exercise the call option after a fixed period or after it has satisfied pre-agreed performance milestones. While the grantor’s commercial objectives usually determine these conditions, they are not necessary. A call option can be structured so that the option holder can exercise the call option at any time. 7. Expiry Date The expiry date is the last day of the option period, that is, the period in which the option holder may exercise the call option. Usually, the call option agreement will terminate on the expiry date. The call option agreement can also be structured so that it terminates upon the occurrence of other special circumstances as determined by the parties.

#84 Mar/Apr’17

8. Full or Partial Exercise A call option may be structured so that it is either fully or partially exercised. A fully exercised call option means that the option holder must subscribe or purchase the option asset under the agreement upon exercise of the call option. For a grantor, this method creates more certainty. For a partial option, parties typically agree on a minimum number of options that the option holder must exercise. The option holder has the right to exercise the call option until all the option asset have been subscribed for or acquired, or until the option period expires. Other Agreements Before executing a call option agreement, parties must consider other company documents to determine whether additional approvals are required. For instance, in the case of shares: the any shareholders agreement if one exists) may contain pre-emptive rights over the issuance of shares or the transfer of shares in the company, and existing shareholders will need to waive those rights; and or The constitution of the company as it contains provisions that affect the nature and rights of the option asset. In the case of land: The terms of any existing lease(s) over the land. A call option agreement will usually contain standard representations from each party that the execution and performance of the agreement does not contravene either: • any agreement that the party is part of; • any applicable law. G Etienne Lawyers p | 02 8845 2400 e |

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#84 Mar/Apr’17



Steve Sebbes, Director, PBO Global

Legal Evolution is Critical for 2017 Here are my predictions for 2017 with innovation topping the 'must do' list of resolutions for law firms.

I recently spoke with medium business owners in Sydney, where I discussed my top predictions for the future of innovation in the legal profession. There are a range of areas that are critical for all law firms to consider to drive growth and business sustainability into 2017. 1. Diversity across a range of people and services will see those brave law firms take the lead in 2017. The shared experienced of a diverse workforce environment out shines less diverse peers in most studies. These diverse firms also prove that they out perform their peers in market expansion and also more successfully enter new markets. These critical success factors will prove more enticing for those clients looking for a single point of contact in a more and more complex global market. 2. The cross-pollination of skilled professionals not necessarily from the Legal profession, leading and driving law firms will see a powerhouse of new opportunities come their way. These creative firms will continue to experiment with their ownership structures and it’s this success that will entice new sources of funding, but also great new relationships that will support a more customer centric approach. Although this type of non-lawyer ownership is not currently allowed in the UK and Australia, it is inevitable that in time more flexible forms of ownership will become acceptable. Those firms that are able to embrace these progressive forms of ownership will open themselves up to greater opportunities, broader client bases and industries that they potentially would not have access to. 3. it is important that the future leadership of Law firms consider non-traditional forms of leadership. Gone are the days that top lawyers should run firms. Professional managers with a myriad of experiences and professional acumen may in fact be better suited to lead firms and keep an organisation focused on growth and new client development.


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Talented traditional managers who spend too much time at a desk and not in-front of their clients can become stale and frustrated. Those with a talent for running businesses should be encouraged to do so, however it should not be an expected path for many Legal professionals. In many situations it would be better have strong people capable leaders driving the business forward and allow the skilled Legal professionals to continue to drive business growth. 4. The future of profit driven businesses could be coming to an end – its value for money that will drive new business, keep existing clients and spur firms to offer more for less. I think the time is now for firms to offer innovative new models to support the changing face of their clients. There is no doubt that clients can be sensitive to complex pricing models however perceived value reduces the risk of clients looking for and finding those alternatives. No doubt the profitability of a firm is still top of mind for any business owner, however the focus on margins can be simplified and the focus can be re-directed onto the client, it’s this focus that will encourage the client to engage

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more and to avail themselves of more services. Recent studies show that nearly 50% of Canadian firms utilise the services of outsourcing professionals, or LPO’s. One recent study shows innovative firms in Australia are increasingly embracing relationships with LPOs as an effective means of controlling costs, managing and scaling resources, and improving their overall service delivery. For the moment, Australian firms lag significantly behind their other Global cousins with on average less than 10% outsourcing. This is set to increase by 4% to 6% in 2017. 5. Technology Advancements – Artificial Intelligence (AI) will see significant disruption to the Legal industry. By no means does this mean the end of the industry and the computers take over. It just means that how we leverage the information we have access to, how we engage with this tech and how we communicate the outcomes with our clients will change. It’s this type of disruption that will force traditional businesses to adapt rapidly or risk irrelevance. One potential benefit will be the how firms spend more time servicing their clients and

offering services beyond traditional Legal practices. It’s a new world and the tech is still in its infancy but as it grows and learns, the growth will become exponential, learning and building databases worldwide and allowing firms to potential do business in another country with limited local experience. 6. Data and network security continues to stretch organisations worldwide, the ever increasing risk of security breaches and client data being exposed to criminal organisations is growing.

No doubt that through this risk we are seeing firms of all sizes implement a range of new local measures to protect themselves and their clients. Leveraging the size of some of the world’s leading cloud providers should be seen as a priority for many firms. It’s through this size that you will find the security scale necessary to protect your business. Examples of these firms are Amazon, Microsoft and Google. Although there are many Tier 1 firms and a plethora of Tier 2 and tier 3, firms need to consider who they are working with and what level of protection is being offered. Even outsourcing firms or LPO’s need to be able to provide or prove their network security and what is being done at a local level to protect their clients. Hoping that it won’t happen to you or relying on your local IT team to stay on top of Microsoft security updates is no longer acceptable. A proactive and strategised approach to security is the only way forward. 7. Outsourcing is still at the forefront of strategies to support the continued cost reduction and growth opportunities for the Legal Industry. 2017 will see continued significant pressures on Legal firms to deliver more for less, this is the world over. Outsourcing gives firms an

advantage that they usually can’t get through their local labour opportunities. Outsourcing provides a competitive advantage that allows them access to specialised staff, opportunities to grow without significant cost increases, reduced recruiting costs, less on-boarding and management processes. Overall firms will invest less overall capital into outsourcing but gain and provide a more competitive landscape and deliver a more holistic, value driven experience to their clients.

8. Creative workspace and working environments – Collaboration across offices and countries will continue to drive client and staff working experiences. As our cities become more congested and clients look for better ways to engage with their preferred legal professional it will be essential that we provide options. Firms may engage with firms in other cities to provide complimentary services, they will need to consider if having their team spread more geographically in outer regions will allow for happier employees but also support growth through non-traditional client opportunities. Millennials will alter and change how we see workspaces forever. As cities grow and outlying regions are provided with better digital services, it is right to expect that our future employees might very well be video conferencing their clients off a phone or tablet from a day-care centre after dropping off their children. Or conducting a review or meeting from a café whilst planning a holiday. The balance between work and life is merging and as the doors of the world continue to open, digital tech will continue to drive opportunities and challenge traditional thinking of 9 to 5. Open plan work environments, collaboration centres and even sleeping pods allowing

teams to merge both work and life in and out of the office. Technology will continue to drive change and leaders in today’s firms will need to consider the potential risk of losing their very best and talented to more innovative firms. The future of Legal firms using LPO’s, Legal Processing Outsourcing industry is definitely on the rise. As firms realise that their competitive advantage is dwindling they will need to both adapt and rise to the challenge of growing and evolving. PBO Global is strongly positioned to support the needs of legal firms and their teams. Contact me to understand how. G

PBO Global p | 02 8765 5980 e |

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#84 Mar/Apr’17



John Howard, Founder, Smoothstream Business Intelligence

The 10 Telltale Signs Your Enterprise Needs a Business Intelligence Makeover How many times do you find yourself wading through paperwork attempting to troubleshoot problems you should have, could have prevented with foresight and planning?

Too often when we are so focused on the dayto-day operations of a business, we neglect to consider the overall health status of the operation. We miss the red flags that would have been glaringly obvious had we taken the time to evaluate the company’s performance and put strategies in place to deal with potential problems before they occur. Business owners can end up spending their time solving operational problems that could have been anticipated, planned for and dealt with. As a result, these owners may lack the time to stay ahead of the curve or focus on more strategic issues, such as planning the next phase of growth for the company. One way to of avoiding corporate disasters is by having a great Business Intelligence tool in place. Instead of being baffled by multiple spreadsheets and data analysis, you’ll be able to get in-depth insight with clear concise reports. If these signposts apply to your business, it’s time you enlisted the help of Smoothstream Australia. 1. You think Business Intelligence starts and ends with Excel? Spreadsheets require manual inputting of data which may be subject to errors. Critical errors occur when documents are being updated by multiple users. In departments like Human Resources and Payroll, errors could mean enormous tax fines or employees not being paid on time. 2. You have to copy and paste and manipulate data to compile reports. This is a laborious process and by the time you have finished assembling the reports, the data may already be incorrect. 3. Most of your business records and invoicing are archived in boxes relegated to the store room. 4. At a glance, you have no idea how your business is performing without spending


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two or three days looking over the figures. 5. Your human resources processes are still completed manually. 6. You don’t have a back-up server to store all your data. 7. You struggle to make head or tale of Excel spreadsheets 8. Your client database is effectively a wallet full of business cards. 9. None of your software programmes are capable of talking to each other. 10. You are ready to chuck in the towel because running a business is just all a bit too hard. Now see the benefits of employing Business Intelligence. An increase in staff achieving KPIs Staff are more effective in achieving their KPIs when they are able to focus on their main objectives rather than being side-tracked working with inferior software which doesn’t adequately perform the tasks you hoped it would. A business analyst can provide insight into software functionality with creative solutions on how to develop strategies which can improve the bottom line and incentivise employees. Stress levels are reduced A business analyst can help you iron out problems with inconsistent data and reporting functionality. Stress levels are reduced when managers know the facts and figures reflected in the report are accurate and easy to understand. Clear and concise reporting mean there are fewer margins for error. Better tracking of key metrics Throughout its lifetime, a company will undergo many substantial changes. A business analyst can help set up forecasting software to minimise risks so the effects on the bottom line can be taken into consideration before instigating any changes. Managers are thereforeable to base their decisions on data, rather than on a hunch.

#84 Mar/Apr’17

Trustees and sponsors can have easy access to data. With a dependable business intelligence tool, outside parties with a vested interest in the business (Trustees, sponsors, board members or various other stakeholders) are able to have access to the facts and figures behind management’s important decisions and provide backing for new initiatives. Get a competitive advantage At the rate technology is advancing and the internet providing consumers to businesses across the globe, a business intelligence analyst can ensure your computer systems offer modern functionality and capabilities to ensure you remain a worthy and determined participant in the marketplace. G But we are merely scratching the surface of what aligning your brand with Smoothstream Business Intelligence can do for your bottom line. To find out more about the advantages of enlisting John and his team, talk to Smoothstream today. Call or email to book a free, on site, 15 to 30 minute Discovery Session to determine your needs.

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#84 Mar/Apr’17




What Will you Wear for the Rest of Your Life? The moment arrives and you know, you’ve found the right person to spend the rest of your life with. And so it begins. The venue, the invitations, the dress, the music, the menu, the photography, the cake, the napkins, the parties, the fun! And then, in an instant, it’s over. All of it becoming part of the beautiful memory of one of the most important days of your life. Choosing your partner is a fork-in-the-road decision that connects families, continues blood lines and expands our support system. Of all these exciting elements, there is one that lasts like no other. It continues on to be a daily part of life, and then a part of our children’s lives and the lives of their children after that. The jewellery selected for that special day is worn dayin and day-out, connecting a couple until death do them part. It is a statement of personal style, trends of the day, personal significance and remains a constant


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through the entire experience of married life. It is not uncommon for these pieces of jewellery to be passed on from generation to generation. Unlike other aspects of the wedding day, rings need to stand the test of time. A couple’s engagement and wedding rings are a lasting precious memory. So what is important to consider when making that choice? There are a multitude of options with the internet opening the world market for design. Local retail design jewellers that manufacture can customise a design just for you. Some key considerations when making an engagement ring purchase: • Will the ring be made to last? Light and fragile is not a timeless choice. • Does the style of the ring suit your lifestyle? For example, a high setting with claws may not work well for a nurse who must

#84 Mar/Apr’17

be putting on and removing gloves all day! • Is there a reputable business to stand behind the quality of the ring? • Are you getting good value for money? A little research goes a long way. Take some time with an expert (a qualified jeweller and Registered Valuer) to look closely at and understand the differences between diamonds. • Are you confident the gemstone is genuinely what has been presented to you? Is there certified documentation for assurance of what you are buying? • Does your ring come with a valuation by a Registered Valuer? It takes years of study to become a Registered Valuer. Their reputation depends on following professional standards and effectively applying their extensive knowledge. The seal of a Registered Valuer


will give you confidence in your purchase. • Consider specialty diamonds that add value and produce timeless, spectacular sparkle, bringing to life the very best in the gemstone. A diamond does not have to be large to be stunning and to hold its value. Consider an Astralis (Tolkowsky) diamond – designed by the world’s most celebrated diamond cutter from the 6th generation of the renowned Tolkowsky diamond dynasty. Take a look – the difference is in the sparkle. • Look at wedding ring styles when deciding on the engagement ring so you know that the overall look will still suit you. • Consider a simple, timeless engagement ring style combined with a fancier wedding ring. The selection of wedding ring styles available for men is extensive now. Brands such as INFINITY Rings offer precious metal choices such as white, rose and yellow gold, titanium, platinum, palladium and more. Consider a mix of metals, look at the types of finishes available and ask for a ‘Comfort Fit’. This is an option that is often overlooked. The inside of a band is shaped specifically and carefully for comfort with thickness made for longevity.

How much better does it get than a Lifetime Manufacturer’s Warranty? Look for brands and jewellers that stand behind their products. Men will also be pleased to know they can change their minds. Brands like INFINITY Rings will exchange your ring within two years of purchase for a more suitable style. Or you can choose to work closely with a design jeweller to create an unusual and themed wedding ring that has special meaning just for you. Your names and wedding date can even be engraved inside the band. Wedding rings for women can be as simple as a fine band to extravagant with twists and swirls of sparkle. Make sure you take the time to find a great designer to show you a range of options. You may be surprised at how different an engagement ring will look with the finishing touch of a wedding band. Choosing the rest-of-your-life ring is important for so many reasons. A beautiful, finely-crafted ring can become one that your granddaughter or great granddaughter holds on to, to keep you close to her heart always. Making the right choices now can not only serve you well for the rest of your life, but also determine what kind of treasure

you leave behind for those we love.


For an appointment with a design expert, call the Underwood Jewellers Main Store in Parramatta at (02) 9689-1022. Underwood Jewellers are engagement ring design specialists, and also offer one of the largest selections of men’s wedding rings in NSW. Our designers, master jewellers and style consultants would be pleased to assist in the development of your look and style. Valuations and custom crafted jewellery is our speciality. Call us for an appointment at your convenience. Designers Master Jewellers Valuations Custom Crafted Jewellery Consignment Estate Specialists Underwood Jewellers 28 Phillip Street Parramatta 3rd Floor Westfield Parramatta Shopping Centre Tel: (02) 9689-1022

BiziNet Magazine

#84 Mar/Apr’17




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#84 Mar/Apr’17



Farrukh Mirza, Azrim Pty Ltd

Improve Your Personal Brand by Dressing Up for Success Personal branding is a cumulative exercise of making effort on a regular basis to improve your brand with your own hands. It is what you're worth and what people say about you when you're not in the room. What can Azrim do for you and your business? Being locally owned clothing manufacturers and distributors, we work with a wide array of fashion and colour stylists, interior designers and even wedding planners who want the best fabrics at best value. We stock leading brands like Ermenegildo Zegna, Loro Piana and Vitale Barberis Canonico which are not easily accessible to all tailors, and avoid Chinese knock offs that are inferior in touch, feel, quality and look.

Remember This - You have less than seven seconds to make a good first impression, and the fastest most cost-effective and simplest way is through good clothes that reflect your personality and standards. Well-dressed people are perceived to be nine times more successful than those that are not. Improving your personal brand is not about spending thousands but making the right choices. If you're not presentable to others, then it can imply negative traits such as laziness, poor self-worth, lack of confidence, depression and sign of failure. Grooming and Hygiene: Removing unwanted body hair and odour is a good start. Anything that you find cringeworthy can be on the list - monobrows, hairy armpits, overgrown nose or ear hair and even something as simple as a decent haircut. Clean shaven or short stubble works best despite the recent Hipster trend to grow thick luscious beards. Perspiration in summer is a concern, and those that suffer from extreme sweating need to wear the right clothes and take certain precautions so they don't smell of body odour which is a major turn off. Keeping teeth clean and having fresh breath is also very important. You need to be always ready to be kissed. Footwear: Wearing nice clean shoes that blend with the outfit show that you see every detail and want to make that effort in showing your best. Unclean, unmatched and old shoes can misrepresent you by showing you as untidy. Pay attention to socks by choosing the right fabric to the season, purpose, occasion and blend with the outfit and the shoes. Choosing The Right Outfit: Every occasion demands a specific look, and wearing the right outfit to the right place can be a game changer. This is where you can rely on your partner, flatmate or friend to decide on which style works, and use their honest feedback to your


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advantage. Knowing Which Colours work: Instead of stocking up your wardrobe with Black, White, Blue and Dark Charcoal (boring and rather uninspiring); choose soft pastel ivory (over white), light blue, pink and grey work better than yellow, reds and greens. Another trick is to choose the palette that matches your eye colour. Dress Simply but do not be simply dressed. The Signature Look for Men and Women – when in doubt choose this: For Men: Start with a dark blazer or jacket preferably navy or black, matched with a light coloured shirt (blue/white) with a nice set of jeans (dark denim). The shoes and belts need to match with the strap of a classic watch (not digital). For Women: Start with the right set of heels and match it with the black dress that both casual and comfortable. If not, then wear a set of ivory or soft pink shirt matched with charcoal grey trousers or skirts – universally accepted as most neutral colours for women of all skin shades and types.

#84 Mar/Apr’17

Along the twenty years within the industry and thirteen years in business, we have unique advantages in production, design and sourcing which makes us the only clothing brand that offers best-fit guarantee in Australia and New Zealand. A Case Study in Personal Branding for a leading Real Estate Agency in Sydney A leading real estate agency approached us to make suggestions for their staff uniforms which needed to be upgraded to match their new logo and profile. After confirming on a design within their budget, we suggested machine-washable suits for men and women, along with easy-care non-iron shirts that were practical and professional. Not only has company morale improved, but it has had a positive impact on their sales output with the agents closing more business and signing up more listings as they’re seen as best presented compared to others within the same region. We are now working on rolling this out across their whole company nationwide. G Azrim: Az Designer Az You p | 02 8765 5980 by appointment only

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#84 Mar/Apr’17



Bruce Mott, Managing Director, Sports BC Pty Ltd

Sports BC are All About Bringing Sports, Business and the Community Together Launching a new business in this competitive world, as Sports BC is about to do, you need to ensure your ‘offering’, is either unique or you just do it a whole lot better than everyone else. Once you have your offering defined there is no good having the best product in the world if no-one knows about it. How do you reach as many people as possible in the shortest period of time? In years gone by that would be through an advert in your local telephone books, your local print media, and if your budget can afford it, state and national paper. Finally, if you really have a budget, then producing a video for Television. Traditional television marketing is in its sunset. Audiences are no longer watching programs when dictated to by the media channels. Audiences have been taping shows for years and now they are streaming live or watching video on demand and watching is no longer restricted to the TV in the lounge room, they are watching on computers, tablets and smartphones. To capture new audiences, all companies now need a digital presence, website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more are imperative along with a professional video. Your website is even becoming “old school” as we spend more time on direct response social media. With DIY digital marketing you may not always control the reach you have in the global market. As a company, we all dream of having “the” video/product that goes viral across the world but unless it has that “grab” or specific market push, it may get lost in the millions of posts each day. Digital marketing companies match your product to databases of names that meet your profiles. They can provide detailed statistics that record the “reach”, the number of people who clicked on, liked or shared your post. This allows you to analyse the success of your campaign and determine your return on investment. So, how do you reach “new” and loyal markets in this digital world? Sport at all levels is a proven way to reach


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people. The participation or support of a Football team, a basketball team or the love of fast cars can break down barriers and create easy conversations between unlikely people. The unexpected sporting feats, the win against all odds, the devastating loss or the welcomed rise of various women’s leagues across the globe, they all bring new and different eyes to the screens. Businesses that work with sporting communities create loyal customer bases, however, most mid-range businesses cannot afford the spend of supporting national sports or teams. Sports BC are all about bringing Sports, Business and the Community together. We are getting very excited as the launch of our new program gets closer. Sports BC are offering a unique marketing program for Australian businesses seeking to expand into the USA or equally, USA business seeking to expand into Australia. Our marketing program will bring together business and sport like never before as we stream live and on-demand sporting shows that will unearth new sporting feats and

#84 Mar/Apr’17

hero’s to targeted national and international audiences. We are actively seeking businesses attracted to the opportunity to become a marketing partner and to access our sporting audiences at a fraction of the cost of mainstream marketing programs. Sports BC believe our program will be a game changer in the industry. G Interested in discovering more, please call me.

Sports BC p | 0408 488 000 e |


Helping business people in Sydney’s northern suburbs do business together - Ryde Business Forum, your umbrella Chamber of Commerce. Find out more, become a member and register for our events at





#84 Mar/Apr’17



Daniel Moisyeyev, B.IT, GWP Media

Realities of Selling Online, Digital Marketing and Start-Ups One can observe a recurring pattern when chatting to aspirational yet-to-be business owners that set their mind on venturing into the world of entrepreneurship. It appears that they are often drawn to developing an online business or otherwise focus heavily on an online presence. The reason for this is simple - entering the digital appears to only incur a small financial burden at first glance. New entrepreneurs generally have limited access to finance (that often turns out to be a good thing) and the digital space often seems like the correct way to go. However, developing a successful online business and digital marketing is a fairly tough game.

The Appeal The main point of attraction to running a business with a heavy digital focus is the appeal of getting away upfront minimal investments and low fixed costs. A potential business owner may ask themselves, "Why would one spend money on a physical presence, traditional marketing, sales staff?" A straightforward solution would appear to be to invest some capital into a sophisticated website that will function as a lead generation tool. With all the horror stories about retail collapses, a general vibe that everything and everyone is going digital, and stories of successful start-ups that make billions every year with just 7 employees, the online business model seems like the way to go. All you would have to do is spend a bit of money to develop a decent website, sit back and wait for those online requests to feed through… Correct? Absolutely Brutal Competition The Internet offers a low barrier of entry for all participants. Anyone can get in. For businesses, this can be both a great opportunity and a fatal flaw. The low barrier of entry means that the digital space is now completely flooded with a plethora of content. The relative ease of getting your offerings online with mass availability of DYI tools, content management systems, lowcost offshore web development services, social media and blogging platforms means that the digital market is pretty much completely saturated across all industries. There is now a solution to every problem available online. There was a time when a business having its own website was viewed upon as something of a leader in the business community. There was a window of great opportunity and there were


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big pay-offs for early entrants. The reason was simple - it was a difficult and expensive exercise to develop a website and keep it running. Back then if you had an online presence, you were the exception and stood out. Your competitors were behind in the dark ages. Unfortunately, this time was fifteen years ago and the situation has changed quite a bit since. If you want to start an online business that offers services to the wide market in highly saturated competitive industries (example: residential real estate, commercial printing, mortgage broking, web hosting), be prepared - there is a very steep and expensive road ahead. However, you may find that if your business offers niche services within a certain geographical area with few competitors, there may be plenty of opportunities. For example, your competitors may have inferior and out of date websites, and with some good web development and SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) work you can get ahead. Some businesses can still get lucky and squeeze good results out of a small investment into digital marketing. Do your due diligence and see where you stand.

and require extraordinary effort to achieve any sort of results. The SEM (Search Engine Marketing) space is extremely competitive with popular keywords in competitive industries bid to such high numbers that costs of customer of acquisitions through these channels sometimes no longer make sense. It will often be large companies doing heavy bidding for top keywords – keep in mind they may be doing so to maintain market share at all cost. Your online venture may have to compete against a myriad of large companies with dedicated IT staff that improve and upgrade their online platforms on daily basis. Your access to tools is quite limited - there isn't many ways to market your online beyond SEO, SEM and eDM (Electronic Direct Marketing – i.e. email newsletters). The truth is that you will have to compete against companies with deeper pockets and access to much better IT professionals than you will be able to afford as a new business.

Digital Platforms are Expensive If you want to go above and beyond and really stand out in the digital space today, be prepared to pay big.

SERP is Outside Your Control For online ventures that rely on search engines to draw traffic, there is a constant worry that search engines (there is really only one name here today that is important) may change their ranking algorithms at any time. It is a critical issue and has in fact negatively affected our own online platforms a few times.

It has never been easier to get a basic business website up and running. However, custom web and software development is still as expensive as it has ever been – experienced professionals that can develop true custom solutions are rare and command high hourly rates. Further to this, the over-saturated digital space means that SEO services are getting quite complex

After your website finds its place in search engine rankings, it won't be there forever. Hopefully with a careful strategy you will rise to the top of the SERP (Search Engine Results Pages). However, you may find that one day, your hard work has been undone and you have lost your rankings and leads are no longer coming through. What gives?

#84 Mar/Apr’17

Your flyers personally delivered to every Office Reception Desk in Norwest Business Park and Macquarie Business Park + Lane Cove West

Norwest Business Park $480 + GST per run ($450 + GST per additional flyer) GWP MEDIAÂŽ

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#84 Mar/Apr’17



Developers behind search engines are well aware that there are armies of SEO specialists working out the best ways to cheat the system and get their clients to the top of the SERP. Every now and then, search engines release an “update” that alters some of the algorithms that determined website rankings. These updates can easily rejig search engine results for your industry overnight. You may find your competitors on the top and yourself at the bottom. Or, if lucky, the other way around. You can't predict what will occur when these changes are implemented. However, these can wipe out your revenue overnight if your business is heavily reliant on search engine traffic. Digital start-ups are often duds Digital start-up success stories can be jawdropping. A completely new business that started with nothing is worth billions on the stock market. The owners are now travelling around the world speaking about their success. Who wouldn't want to be a part of that? These digital start-up businesses often operate on a complete different business model than the rest of the world. While a traditional business operates on fundamentals and cashflow – I.e. where day-to-day expenses are covered by day-to-day cash flow, the start-up model usually involves acquiring funding and using it to grow the user base – and sometimes,


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revenue. As the growth reaches a certain point, it seeks more funding to continue the next stage of operations. This is a well planned and timed process, and there are actually technical terms that describe funding requirements at different phases (see graph for reference). The end game is an offering on the share market, and a few days later a web or mobile app is officially worth billions.

good fundamentals. Trust me, there are not that many of those around. G

If you are interested in web design, development and organic search engine optimisation, please do not hesitate to contact GWP Media.

The key is that start-ups run on funding – not on cash flow. Their offerings are also generally geared to the mass consumer market and often offered free of charge to generate a huge user base. Sometimes there is no revenue in these start-ups at all – the potential of the large user base is what actually justifies the huge valuations. If you do not have access to investors that deal with this type of business model, there is no opportunity here. It simply has nothing in common with a regular business, be it offline or online. Summary Doing business in the digital space has its own set of challenges. It still requires upfront monetary investment, a degree of risk and a lot of hard work. It is not a shortcut to riches. As an experiment, I challenge you to find a successful business owner that has built a real, profitable, stand-alone online business with

#84 Mar/Apr’17

GWP Media p | 1300 889 132 e |

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#84 Mar/Apr’17


BiziNetwork AUTOMOTIVE Lander Toyota 02 8884 4888 112 Sunnyholt Road Blacktown NSW

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INSOLVENCY Jones Partners Insolvency & Business Recovery 02 9894 9966 Suite 301, Level 3, 4 Columbia Ct, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153 IT Pro IT Pty Limited 1300 727 553 12-18 Fairfield Street, Fairfield East NSW 2165 Smoothstream Business Intelligence 02 9871 4484 LAW Coleman Greig Lawyers 02 9895 9200 Level 11, 100 George Street, Cnr Smith Street Parramatta NSW 2150 Etienne Lawyers 02 8845 2400 Level 57 MLC Centre, 19-29 Martin Place Sydney NSW MANUFACTURING Manufacturing and Design Solutions 02 9614 7068 PO Box 213 Northmead NSW 2152

MIGRATION Worldwide Migration Partners 02 9415 2359 213/83 Longueville Rd, Lane Cove NSW 2066 PRINTING GWP Media 1300 889 132 F78B 24-32 Lexington Drive Bella Vista NSW 2153 REAL ESTATE Coutts - Castlecorp 02 8883 4000 F126/24-32 Lexington Dr, Bella Vista, NSW 2153 LJ Hooker Commercial North West 02 8814 1588 Suite 1:08, 29-31 Lexington Drive Bella Vista, NSW 2153 STRATA Cleaver Strata Consulting 0408 485 773 PO Box 962 Baulkham Hills NSW 1755








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#84 Mar/Apr’17


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#84 Mar/Apr’17

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