Issue 153 of Norfolk Nips & Cask Force

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& CA SK FO RC E No.153

Summer 2010




Newsletter of the Norfolk Branches of the Campaign for Real Ale

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Trafford Arms

A pub is for life, not just the world cup support your local! Chris and Glynis invite you to the Trafford Arms -

61 Grove Road, Norwich 01603 628466


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Heroes launch Royal Anglian

Norwich & Norfolk Branch Chairman: Graham Freeman Tel: 01603 687495 Email: Secretary: Warren Wordsworth Tel: 01603 665557 Email: Social Secretary: Tim MacDonald Tel. 01603 865505 Email: Pubs Officer: Mark Stimpson Email:

West Norfolk Branch Chairman: Phil Buffham Secretary: Ian Bailey Contact: Bruce Ward Tel: 01485 609107

Branch websites:

Branch mailing list web page: CAMRA_Norwich

The Wolf Brewery, Attleborough, has launched a new beer, which will raise muchneeded funds for an Army Charity. The Royal Anglian Regiment’s Benevolent fund will receive £7 from every cask sold and 10p from every bottle. Originally “Hero”, the beer is now called “Royal Anglian”. The official launch was at The Duke of Wellington on 5th May and it was a very proud day for Landlord Dougie Clarke. The beer was brewed in memory of his Grandfather, Sgt Frank Clarke. His extraordinary First World War story is told in a fascinating new book “Not quite the Gentleman”, which was on sale in the pub. The launch was attended by

members of the 1st Battalion of the Royal Anglian Regiment, recently returned from Helmand Province. The Lord Mayor of Norwich, Eve Collishaw, presented Lt Colonel Tony Slater OBE a cheque for £2,227.50 for the fund on behalf of Wolf Brewery. This is from advance sales. Tony Hall, cartoonist on the EDP penned an original cartoon which was raffled at the launch and raised another £250. It depicts German troops retreating, hands over their ears, as they are assaulted by “ze dreaded Englander War Poets Regiment.” Look for “Royal Anglian” in pubs across the region, buy a pint (or two) and raise your glass to unsung heroes, past and present.

Published every 3 months by the Norwich, Norfolk & West Norfolk branches of the Campaign for Real Ale © N&N CAMRA 2009 Norfolk Nips is produced and distributed by members of the branch in their own time. Edited by: Mike Baldwin Email: Chris Lucas Email: Views expressed in Norfolk Nips are not necessarily those of the editor or of CAMRA Design & Production: Daniel Speed - Tamoko Design Email: Distribution: Norwich and Norfolk District : Tony Miles West Norfolk District : Ros Harre Advertising: For advertising enquiries please contact Chris Shilling on: Tel: 01778 421 550 Mobile: 07736 635916 Email:

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9 Silver Road, Norwich, NR3 4TB. Tel: 01603 665535

• Up to Ten Cask Ales • Real Cider A selection of Malt Whisky and Gins Opening Hours Mon - Sun 12 noon - 11.00pm Quiz Night Every Monday Tapas Every Tuesday from 7pm Live Music Every Friday Night and Sunday Afternoon

Cup World on 5 2010 0 Scre inch en

New n! e d r a G r Bee

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NORFOLK NIPS | Chairman’s Letters

Drinking for England By the time you read this the World Cup 2010 will have kicked off and England will be on their way to winning the trophy at long last. Well that's what beer goggles do for you? I know a lot of Pubs & Breweries are celebrating the event and I urge you to support your local and enjoy the occasion. If it's your first time visiting a Pub I hope you will continue to attend as it's a great experience that like me can last you a lifetime. As Summer approaches there are more and more Beer Festi-

vals to attend and I hope we can give notice of these either in this magazine or on our website. This might be your first time at tasting Real Ales and Ciders and if you are interested further then why not join CAMRA. We have exciting trips to Pubs and Breweries and we always welcome new members who are never disappointed. The General Election is over, or is it? With the coalition a lot of promises have been changed but at least the Prime Minister has announced powers to give communities the right to buy the last pub in the village. This

is important in our rural county and hopefully they will reappoint a Pubs Minister who can focus on the relevant issues. Regrettably due to a Volcano I was unable to attend the Members Weekend in the Isle of Man, but full details are in What's Brewing the National CAMRA newspaper. However, it's clear our Branch makes one of the largest contributions to the Campaign and this is thanks to the continued help from our members. Well done and come on England. Graham Freeman Chairman Norwich & Norfolk CAMRA

Summer in the Garden It’s been a busy time since the last edition of nips, Easter saw many beer festivals. On the Friday I went to the Fox & Hounds at Heacham a good crowd with good ales; I gather this was the trend for the whole weekend. On the Saturday a visit to the Angel at Swanton Morley which had 25 ales and 2 ciders on. Evening entertainment was by an excellent band called “Polaris” and I finished the night with the last pint out of the barrel of Green Jack Ripper Tripel at 8.5%, which could explain my loss of memory over the trip home!

After this I decided to have a quiet Sunday night at the Union Jack beer festival which is walking distance but with a full house, music, some good “locAles” plus Bruce’s birthday bash it turned into a rather heavy late night session. Mandy Barlow, Landlady at The Union Jack has now completed her research into the History of the pub and a copy of all this information is on the bar. After a week to recover it was off to the West Acre Stag Beer festival, having been let down over the Marquee “Figgy” had run the festival with his barrels lined up along the back wall of

the bar! All went well and I gather this festival was as successful as any he has held. Then it was to the Wetherspoon’s festival. Bruce, Tony and I were disappointed with the Globe. The beer was very cold and two barrels were off. One and a half hours later they Continued Overleaf

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Chairman’s Letter continued

Got a short pint? If you believe that you have been treated unfairly in a pub, club or bar, you should contact the Trading Standards service by writing to them at Norfolk Trading Standards Service, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2UD or faxing them on 01603 222999.

© Copyright janet tench

A wide range of consumer information and advice is also available online from the Consumer Direct website at


had not been changed, so off we went to Wetherspoon’s other Lynn pub, the Lattice house, where the beer was at the right temperature. Very good ales and there were seven on. Stig, Tim, Nige, Steve, Kev and myself had a trip round Cambridge, starting at the Red Lion, at Histon, having seen Nige consume a large cooked breakfast I was surprised he had any room for beer, but he seemed to manage! (Except for dropping his compact camera in his pint! Ed.) On a nice sunny day it was very pleasant to be able to sit outside in the garden. A good day was had by all.

Hopefully summer has now arrived and there are several pubs with nice gardens in our area, the Lord Nelson, Burnham Thorpe, the Feathers and the Coach and Horses, Dersingham, Fox & Hounds, Heacham and the Globe, Kings Lynn, To name a few. I look forward to visiting some of them! Finally I have just heard as I am writing this that the Angel at Larling is Norfolk pub of the year so congratulations to Andrew Stammers and everyone at the Angel. BUFF Chairman W. Norfolk

Southrepps Open all day every day 364 days a year • Free Wifi • Dogs welcome (kept on leads) • Food served 12-2 every lunch time, evening meals 6:30-9 Tuesday to Saturday

The Vernon Arms Beer & Music Festival

13th to the 15th August 2010 20 Real Ales and BBQ


ince becoming a free house for the first time in its history, the Vernon Arms is celebrating with a music and beer festival. Live Music on Friday with the Rockin’ Johnnies and Vic Salter. Saturday afternoon local folk with Rig a Jig Jig 3pm-5pm, Saturday night with Chibber 8 til late. End the weekend on Sunday with The Mick Murphy New Orleans 4 Jazz and rag time 1-4. For further information Tel: 01263 833355 Email:


| SUMMER 2010

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NORFOLK NIPS | Words from the Editors

Summer time and the drinkin’ is easy Summer is definitely here. I can tell by the sound of torrential rain on the conservatory roof as I write! Summer is the season of all the Bs, beer festivals, barbecues and burning pink English skin. A time of year when stunning quantities of ale are consumed on the pretext of keeping cool, a time of year when my taste tends towards the lighter coloured hoppy beers. Sitting under a tree in the shade or watching (for the next few weeks) football without the larger drinkers noticing you are being ever so slightly non conformist as they glug down

The Ed’lines By the time you read this, we will know if we are getting the BBQ summer that we were promised last year. I hope so; having re-landscaped the garden (very, very thirsty work) it would be good to fire up the man cooker again and spend quality time with friends and family outside for once. I have decided that my BBQ’s this year will have a LocAle theme. Guests are, of course, welcome to pop into the local supermarket on their way and bring bottles/cans of “I can’t believe some people think that

their patriotic Carlsberg, the Vikings won after all! Chomping on a hot sausage (copyright T. Spitzer) and then applying cool beer as a convenient fire extinguisher! Only thing is I love drinking outside pubs and I don’t smoke which means sitting in the “we’re out here ‘cause of you” smoking zone which exists around most pubs.

attend over the next few months and for the history minded the 70th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain in September. The reason that we don’t have to say “eine grossen hefe wiezen, bitte” in pubs today! A good excuse for some beer names in the Spitfire/ Hurricane mould I suspect.

I’m sure I’m being paranoid about this but it does seem that all outside areas are now dominated by smokers, which I find tends to make me stay inside. Anyway personal irritations aside, plenty of festivals to

I wish you all a long hot summer, if not it always looks better through the bottom of a glass!

this is actually beer”. If they want to. So long as they drink it. Some left over? Well, I need more slug bait.

people, some of whom contribute to this magazine. What with First Friday Fives, etc., I can honestly say that there is never a dull moment with CAMRA!

No. I have decided that on the day, I will pop down to The Dog and Duck and come away (eventually- there is a quality control issue here) with 4 pint containers full of foaming ale brewed less than 30 miles or so from here. It’s all to do with supporting local Pubs and Brewers, which is what LocAle is all about, after all. So then I can offer a quality product to go with the “caramelised” burgers and sausages. In the few short months since I became Editor, I have become much more involved with the Branch and met some wonderful

Stig - Chris Lucas Editor - West Norfolk Branch

I was also very privileged to attend the launch of Wolf Brewery’s Royal Anglian at The Duke of Wellington and meet members of The 1st Battalion, The Royal Anglian Regiment, they have my deepest admiration. So, if you are reading this and you are not a member, or are a member, but have never been to an event, why not give it a go? Good beer, good pubs, good company, what is there to lose? Have a great summer! Mike Baldwin Editor – Norwich & Norfolk Branch

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Pub News


Pub News Adnams have sold the Horse & Dray on Ber Street Norwich to the Chinese restaurant next door and an application to put a connecting corridor between the two buildings has been submitted to Norwich City Council. Cricketers Rest and Constitution in Norwich are both currently closed as is the Gibraltar Gardens where the lease up for sale. However, they are recruiting new staff and “hope to re-open shortly.” In the County The Jolly Farmers in Swanton Abbot is reported closed. The Gallon Pot in Gt Yarmouth, and The Cross Keys Dilham which was reported closed in last NIPS both reopened in March. In Norwich The Lord Rosebery has reopened selling quite a wide range of real ales. Renovation work on The Plough, St Benedicts, Norwich, which has recently been purchased by Grain Brewery has now been completed and the pub has now reopened. The Magpie, in Norwich which has been closed for some while was recently sold by auction and purchased by an anonymous bidder. It is not known what the future of this pub will be. 8

| SUMMER 2010

The Phoenix Hotel in Dereham has been purchased by Wetherspoons. The Pleasure Boat in Horning, previously owned by Enterprise Inns and was closed for a few months last year has been purchased by the tenants freehold and is now a freehouse The Ferryboat in King Street was sold by Green King earlier in the year to Deepdale backbackers who plan to turn the building into a backbacking centre. The plans for the new centre have been posted on Facebook and include a "Beer Shop". Norwich and Norfolk branch are keen to see a bar retained in the building. An initial conversation with the owner was positive but they were adamant that they did not want a "session bar" due to the noise that would be generated. An on site meeting is due to be arranged in the coming weeks. The Norfolk Ale Shop, Ringstead, Nr. Hunstanton would like to thank all Norfolk Nip readers who have visited the shop and for their custom and comments. To celebrate an increase in their range of ales on offer, they are offering all Norfolk Nip Readers 10% off any ale’s purchased this SUMMER! Just mention you saw them in this issue of Norfolk Nips.

Stop Press - The Norwich and Norfolk Branch have just announced that their chosen Charity for the coming year is "Norwich Door to Door". They are a specialist transport solution charity whose aim is to provide social inclusion for people whose disabilities curtail their independence and access. "Access is a right, not a privilege." More about the Charity and the vital work they do in the next issue of NIPS.

News from the West It seems like I stirred up a bit of a storm with my comments on the Queens Arms in Kings Lynn on page 11 of the last issue of Nips. I have been assured that whilst the hand pumps are ‘gas assisted’ at no point does the gas come into contact with the beer, and therefore it should not affect the quality of the product. I don’t think that it is secret that I am not a great fan of Elgood's beer, so I would recommend that instead of taking my word, you visit the Queens and make up your own mind. I would be interested in other opinions, so let us know whether you think I was being unfair in my judgement. Having said that about Elgood’s, I have been to a few

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NORFOLK NIPS | Pub News events recently at the Green Quay in Lynn, where they serve Elgood’s bottled beers, and I am becoming quite partial to a bottle of their Double Newt. Perhaps there is hope for me yet. Elsewhere in the west, we still have the closed pubs (such as the Sportsman at West Winch and the New Inn on Wootton Road in Kings Lynn) and several ‘For Sale’ or ‘To Let’ notices – the most recent one that I observed being on the Retreat in Lynn. Fortunately there are some pubs which are being brought back to life, and just reopened after having about half a million pounds spent on it, is the Ship at Brancaster. It’s good to see that the model ship is still a feature on the wall outside. It’s now part of the ‘Flying Kiwi’ group run by chef Chris Coubrough. You can see pictures of the refurbishment on the website which are far more eloquent than my attempts at a description. I guess the food is excellent, although on our visit I just tried one of the 4 beers on offer. I had Adnam’s which was very good. I would be really surprised if this place did not become a standard feature in the colour magazines in the same way as the Victoria at Holkham and the Hoste Arms at Burnham. It has the modern North Norfolk feel right down to the colour of the paintwork. Being passionate about maps (with my own small collection) I was overwhelmed by my look in the map room. I reckon that if I ate there, the conversation

might be limited as I spent my time gazing at the walls. It is not often that I come across a new place in the area, but recently we went out to the Old Barn at Terrington St. John and I was pleasantly surprised to discover that alongside the fine meal I could have a pint of Greene King IPA. After we had eaten we nipped next door to the Woolpack, which has settled down into a fine pub under its new owner. Three beers were on offer and I tried a seasonal beer from Robinson’s of Stockport, a rare find in this area. The staff were interested by Nips but disappointed not to be mentioned. ‘Tell me something to put in the next edition’ I suggested. ‘It’s a great pub’ was the reply. If only it was as easy as that to get a plug. The end of the football season has come rather to soon with the mighty Shakers missing the playoffs and languishing in 9th place, but it does mean that we do not spend our weekends visiting all points of the country from Torquay to Accrington, and we have had the chance to get around more locally. Recently we went up to Langham, near Holt to try the Good Beer Guide listed Bluebell. This is a real old village local, which has not yet succumbed to the poshification of North Norfolk pubs. (I made that word up, but you probably know what it means) On the way back we called in at the Albatros, which is an old sailing boat, moored in Well harbour. Across the gangplank

and down the steep stairs to the hold and there is a nice little bar with a couple of small barrels racked up to dispense Woodforde's beer by gravity. What a marvellous place to have a pint and a Dutch pancake. They also have regular live music. Check it out but consider the return journey back up those steps before you decide to have that last pint!

You would think that after my adventures in the Queens that I might be able to spot a fake Hand pump. This fine example was discovered in the Locks at Geldeston down on the Suffolk border in east Norfolk. It is very remote, being located about a mile down a track next to the river. I made the mistake of using the SatNav to find it and the location given was right in the middle of the said river. After a long detour we approached it from the correct (that is the north) side and, boy, was it Continued Overleaf

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Early Bird Menu from Monday to Thursday 5.30- 6.30 pm

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NORFOLK NIPS | Pub News continued worth it! I can’t believe that I have lived in Norfolk for 30 years and never been here. Fortunately there were other beers available. I think I had Green Jack, but for once the star is the pub rather than the beer. If you haven’t been –go. Now. Our mission over in the East was to try the Norwich branch pub of the year, the Mariners Tavern in Great Yarmouth. I thought that it would have to be a wonderful pub to be better that our choice in the West, Larling Angel, but it came very close, offering a superb selection of beers, interesting decor and a warm welcome. Close by we stopped in Gorleston to try the GBG listed Mariners Compass. It reminded me of a 30s style Midlands roadhouse from the outside, and again a warm welcome, good beer and keen prices. Another place we visited for the first time in years was the Red Cat at North Wootton. It has been refurbished and we have heard good reports, so we called in for a quick pint and ended up staying all evening. It was good to have a chat with Peter, the landlord who is the forth generation form the family to run the business and he was telling us that there has been a real effort to refocus on the bar and not just the hotel trade. It looks like its paying dividends with a steady trade of both diners and locals having a drink in the very pleasant surroundings. Adnam’s and Wherry are both

on offer to tempt you. So the moral of this tale is that there are undiscovered pubs with great beer out there. Go and find them.

Branch POTY Presentation at The Mariners

Post Script. As I finished writing my wife enquired about the plans for this fine summer Sunday. I decided to take my own advice and we went out to Andel Lodge, south of Lynn on the A10. We must have been past hundreds of times over the years and never called ignoring the signs promising food and a public bar. Its a fine looking building with a comfortable bar decorated in a variety of styles, from brass animals to leather armchairs. Disappointingly there was no real ale. Once again I was haunted by Elwood’s, this time in the form of ‘Old Smoothie’. The staff were pleasant, although the barmaid had only just been taught how to pour a pint and I don’t think that she had quite grasped the fact that beer was sold by volume. The Sunday lunch was of heroic proportions and very tasty. A place with great potential – it reminded me of Elderton Lodge over in North Norfolk. If they had decent draught beer it would be the perfect place to take granny for lunch. Didn’t hit the jackpot this time – but we will keep looking. Jeff Hoyle

On 31st March owner Shaun Underwood of The Mariners in Gt Yarmouth was presented with his award of Norwich & Norfolk Pub of the Year 2010 by Branch Chairman Graham Freeman. The pub was crowded, mainly with locals, but complemented by over a dozen CAMRA Branch members and the Mayor of Gt Yarmouth, Mr Tony Smith. Shaun Underwood who has owned the pub for the last five years and now also owns The Mariners Compass in Gorleston and The Mariners Rest in Lowestoft commented that he was delighted to have won the award. He stated that over the past five years it had not all been plain sailing. On the night he took over the pub the night’s takings were only £12 and he had to ban twenty eight people, but winning this award had made all the hard work worth while.

Continued Overleaf

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Pub News continued


View from the bottom of the glass Hello, For those that don’t know me, I'm Mark Stimpson and have recently been elected as Pubs Officer for Norwich and Norfolk Branch. Warren Wordsworth has done an excellent job for the past few years so he will be a tough act to follow. Earlier this year, CAMRA launched it's Pub Discount Scheme. The idea is to try and increase pub trade while offering CAMRA members cheaper beer. Should any pub be interested in joining the scheme, further details can found at:- I need to remind you to start thinking about nominations for the 2012 CAMRA National Good Beer Guide (GBG). I know that the voting Meeting for the 2011 edition occurred only a few months ago and the deadline for 2012 nominations is not until 31st December 2010, another six months away. It is at this is the time of year with the long summer evenings that CAMRA members are more likely to venture further afield and visit some of our more rural pubs. So when you are out and about this summer why not get out into the county and visit some different pubs.

Let me have your recommendations for new pubs to be considered for possible entry into the GBG. This is your chance to have your say as to which pubs get nominated for the next GBG. Please give your opinions on which pubs you reckon are worthy contenders for inclusion in the National Good Beer Guide. Nominations or comments can be submitted to me either by E-mail Or by post to Mark Stimpson (Pubs Officer) 8 Pond Road, Horsford, Norwich NR10 3SW I look forward to hearing from you. Mark Stimpson

The City’s favourite local


9 Cask Ales - 6 Lagers and Local Cider Global Bottled Beers - Award winning Wines Brand new look and hi tech cellar Riverside seating and smoking area • Delicious home cooked lunches

Wensum Street, Norwich NR3 1HY

Tel: 01603 619517

Quiz Monday evenings - Blues Nights 1st Sunday of each month Sunday Roasts 12 noon- 5pm

Book a table for four or more people for Sunday Roasts & receive a Complimentary bottle of house wine. 12

| SUMMER 2010

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Pub Post-its As always, remember that these post-its are subjective and reflect the personal experience of our correspondents. Please feel free to email your post-its in to - and if you really like the pub, why not nominate it for next year’s CAMRA Good Beer Guide? Buckinghamshire Arms, Blickling A beautiful National Trust country pub right next to the Hall.With Werry, Adnams bitter and Wolf Golden Jackel on the handpumps. A half of the jackel (at £1.65) was old and tired, possibly reflecting the dining clienteles’ preference for wine. The Feathers, Aylsham This town local had beautiful brewery mirrors (Bullards and Bass) and three handpumps, only one of which had a beer on, Wells Bombadier. This promptly went off with no replacement ready, Perhaps, on a Friday afternoon we were just unlucky. The Shed - Wroxham. What “Real ale” drinker wouldn’t enjoy having a local pub with a permanent “Beer festival” on their doorstep. Well, if you live in Wroxham, then you’re lucky. At the recently opened “Shed”, situated just off the Avenues, there waits a wonderful selection of “Fifty” real ales for your delight, all in perfect condition, (not that I had time to try them all) and with all day opening too.

Swan Inn - Ingham It's very sad when the only pub in a small village closes, but when one changes hands (as has happened recently at the above) and the new tenant discourages the drinkers for those who wish to eat high class “Fish and chips”. This now means travelling out of the village for a drink, (which can only be for one, due to the drink driving) thereby encouraging people to stay at home instead of enjoying the company of their friends and neighbours at the local hostelry. Furthermore, the refurbishment has not catered for the disabled, with its dangerous steps. Ferry Inn - Stokesby Situated in a quaint clean and tidy village with its large green and rare village shop is the “Ferry Inn”, with the broads running alongside, a perfect setting. Sadly the real ales consisted only of Adnams, which wasn’t in the best condition, and the dull interior didn’t make things any better. Maltsers - Ranworth The change of management is heading in the right direction, the removal of a 1950’s ‘boat’ shaped bar, replaced by more covers for diners.

Ales of various strengths, and all from local micro breweries, keep the cellarman busy with their special method of keeping real ale far longer than the usual four or five days, so that us drinkers can enjoy the delights of his labour, and all at reasonable prices.

A general clean-up and the addition of some outdoor protective covering from the summer showers should attract the boating holidaymakers.

I can’t wait for my next excuse to visit Wroxham and sample some more ales. You should try it, it’s well worth the hunt trying to find it.

Hopefully in time they will introduce one or two other real ales. (Currently Woodfordes Wherry at £2.80 a pint and Speckled Hen direct from the cask.)

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Packed full of Norfolk’s Finest Real Ales Brewed and bottled on the premises, Local Cheeses, Chutneys, Glazed Hams, and Local Crafts.


Sunday Lunches • Brewery Tours Beer Festivals • Folk Nights If you like Beer and Food - we’re the place to try The Hop and Hog, No 1 The High Street, Downham Market, Norfolk PE38 9DA

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Tel 01842 878922/ 07949 488113 Or email for details

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NORFOLK NIPS | Norfolk CAMRA Branch Calendar

CAMRA Calendar Norwich and North Norfolk Branch 24 June Beer Festival Planning Meeting. The White Lion, Oak Street, Norwich. 8pm 25 June Campaign Coach Trip Visiting several pubs in Broadland Pick up points: 6.47pm junction of Southwell Road/Grove Road, 6.55pm junction of Old Palace Road/West End Street, 7.10pm Heartsease Roundabout (Harvey Lane side), 7.15pm Norwich Railway Station (Thorpe Road Bus Stops). 2 July First Friday Five Visiting five pubs in The Golden Triangle area of Norwich. The York Tavern, 1 Leicester Street 8pm, then, The Rose Tavern, The Rose Valley, The Eaton Cottage and finally The Beehive, Please note that The Beehive is open until midnight. (The No.25 bus runs every half hour throughout the night between the City and the University at 23mins and 53 mins past the hour from the Unthank Road/Colman Hospital stop). 3 July Norwich Beer Festival Volunteers BBQ The Cottage Public House, Silver

Road, Norwich. 7.30 – 11pm Booking essential with Mark Stimpson 20 July Branch Meeting Venue TBA 30 July Campaign Coach Trip TBA Pick up points: 6.47pm junction of Southwell Road/Grove Road, 6.55pm junction of Old Palace Road/West End Street, 7.10pm Heartsease Roundabout (Harvey Lane side), 7.15pm Norwich Railway Station (Thorpe Road Bus Stops). 6 August First Friday Five Visiting five pubs in Norwich 17 August Branch Meeting Venue TBA 27 August Campaign Coach Trip TBA Pick up points: 6.47pm junction of Southwell Road/Grove Road, 6.55pm junction of Old Palace Road/West End Street, 7.10pm Heartsease Roundabout (Harvey Lane side), 7.15pm Norwich Railway Station (Thorpe Road Bus Stops). You do not have to be a member to attend any of these events, but if you enjoy them you are more than welcome to

join! Just come along. However, for coach trips, please contact Social Secretary Tim McDonald to book your seat on the coach and let us know where you want to be picked up. Contact Tim on 01603 865505 or e-mail For more details and updates, please check the full calendar on

West Norfolk Branch Tuesday 13th July Branch meeting -Swan, Gooderstone Saturday 17th July Ely crawl Starting Cutter at 1200 10th August Branch meeting Whin Hill cider- Wells next the sea. Barbecue (Pre-booking required £7-50 a head, all funds to charity). 17th August Elgood’s Brewery tour 14th September Angel – Larling (TBC) 18th September Bateman’s weekend, Wainfleet 12th, October AGM-Red CatWooton (TBC)

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Norfolk’s True Heritage Pubs 6


This series of articles highlight the pubs whose interiors have been little altered in the past 40 years or so. This issue features a pub in the seaside town of Gorleston and another accessible by boat on the Broads.

© Michael Slaughter 2010

Magdalen Arms, Gorleston

Great Yarmouth brewers Lacons built a significant number of pubs – they had a tied estate of over 300 pubs when in 1965 they were taken over by Whitbread. Subsequently, most have been subject to change but the Magdalen Arms in Gorleston built in 1954 still retains a significant amount of its original interior. Lacons pubs are easily spotted due to the proliferation of their falcon trade mark – at the Magdalen Arms you will find ceramic plaques spaced out regularly around the exterior; a stone falcon over the front door; and they even appear at the top of the drain pipes. The pub is built of brick with the odd row of pebbles and the date of 1954 appears on the Dutch gable end. 18

| SUMMER 2010

Top Left - The exterior of the Magdalen Arms, Gorleston – showing a stone falcon over the main door and ceramic falcons – the logo of Lacons Brewery. Top Right - The right bar of the Magdalen Arms, Gorleston - note the shields of Oxford University colleges. Opposite page top - Drainpipe with Lacons falcon logo at the Magdalen Arms, Gorleston.

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NORFOLK NIPS | The original layout was public bar on the left, lounge on the right and rear left small snug with hatch and an office on the rear right. The only changes took place in the 1980s which saw the area for staff reduced and a walkway created to link the two bars; also gaps created to link the rear rooms to the bars. Original fittings that remain include the rear sections of bar counter, original fixed seating, 4 large original radiators, a 1950s fireplace on the rear right, and even the tables look like they could date from 1954. Also, in between


the strips of panelling on the walls of the right hand bar, there are a number of crests representing the colleges of Oxford University – this locals’ pub was originally planned to be called the Oxford Arms. The Magdalen Arms, Magdalen Way, Gorleston NR31 7BN is open from 12 noon to 12pm (1am Fri, Sat; 11pm Sun). Bar snacks are served from 12 to 4pm. The real ale on sale is Draught Bass. Live rock music most Saturday evenings. Phone number is 01493 668757

White Horse Inn, Neatishead Only 5 minutes walk from Neatishead Staithe on Barton Broad and close to Gays Staithe where the Broads Authority run boat trips aboard the solar powered boat “The Ra”, is the White Horse Inn, Neatishead, a late 18th / early 19th century brick built pub. The White Horse is a good example of how to expand a pub business by creating rooms etc. in other parts of the property and still retain the original rooms, which were last subject to change in the 1960s. If you look down the side of the building you will see a door that was blocked up in the 1960s. It originally led to an off-sales hatch to the side of the bar now hidden behind ply panelled walls. At the rear of the pub is the public bar on a lower level and it is virtually unaltered for 80+ years with its

red quarry tiled floor, large fireplace with a tiled and cast fireplace added in the early 20th century. The old bar counter has a new top, there are some old bar back shelves on the left (the rest are modern) and some old seating remains. Note the separate

area for darts. The small ‘top bar’ on the right of the front door was originally served via a hatch and in c.1960 this was replaced by a small bar counter which Continued Overleaf

The exterior of the White Horse, Neatishead – note the bricked-up doorway on the right side.

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Simon and Karen welcome you all to their traditional family pub. Great selection of real ales and wines, along with an extensive menu and excellent company.

New guest ale every Friday.

Autumn Beer Festival Wed 8th Sept through to Mon 13th Sept including

Last Night of the Proms extravaganza Saturday 11th September

Phone us on (01508) 520250 to book or for more details

Open all day every day, food is served:Monday 12-2 12-2 & 6-9 Tuesday to Sunday

Offering four LOCAL real ales and excellent food we are sure you will have a great time. 17th Century timber beamed pub. From Norwich & Acle head to Salhouse and at the mini roundabout follow the sign to Wroxham, we are 200yds on the right.

12-3 Sunday for plated home cooked Sunday lunches with homemade Yorkshire puddings and fresh vegetables. Booking advised if dining.

Quiz Nights every Wednesday from 8.30pm A meat raffle is held every Sunday at 4:30 pm. ‘Andy Russell finds plenty of appeal with a family outing to a 17th century pub’ - EDP Eating out October 2009

Tel: 01603 721141 20

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NORFOLK NIPS | Heritage Pubs continued If you require photographs of your pub interior / exterior you can contact Mick on 01733 390598 or email to discuss your requirements.

The top bar at the White Horse, Neatishead – last changed in the 1960s. now has a modern top. To the front left of the building is the dining room, which was formerly the licensees’ living room. Outbuildings were converted to a games room and sheltered terrace in the 1990s. White Horse, The Street, Neatishead NR12 8AD is open

from 11am to 11pm every day. Meals are served from 12 noon to 9pm. The real ales on sale are usually Woodfordes Wherry, Nelsons Revenge and Greene King IPA – in the summer you may find Adnams Broadside and Greene King Abbot Ale as well. Phone 01692 630828.

Update Alby Aldborough

Horseshoes Black Boys


London Tavern

Clippesby Cromer Drayton Earsham Filby Gorleston

Muskett Arms The Cottage Bob Carter Leisure Centre Queens Head The Kings Head Dock Tavern

Gorleston Gt Yarmouth

Mariners Compass Mariners

Gt Yarmouth Gt Yarmouth Hopton Kenninghall Lyng North Elmham North Walsham Norwich

Red Herring St Johns Head White Hart Red Lion Fox & Hounds Railway Orchard Gardens Beehive

The old bar counter (new top) in the public bar at the White Horse, Neatishead.

Here is a current list of all the pubs in the area which are part of the CAMRA LocAle scheme. New entries are in Bold. Norwich


Norwich Norwich Norwich Norwich Norwich

Cottage (Silver Road) Gardeners/Murderers Jubilee Ketts Tavern Kings Head



Norwich Norwich Norwich Norwich

Rose Take 5 Trafford Arms Vine


York Tavern

Reedham Reedham Reedham Tacolneston Sheringham Swardeston Wroxham Wymondham Wymondham

Ferry Lord Nelson Ship Pelican Windham Arms Lakenham/Hewitt Rugby Club Brewery Tap Cross Keys Green Dragon

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West Norfolk visit Norwich


Norfolk Pub of the Year 2010 discover the exchange had taken place early and no free drinks were available! The Angel later fell under the control of various breweries until re-purchased from them by the Stammers family.

After a very close competition, the Angel at Larling has become Norfolk CAMRA pub of the year.

local community. The pub has been in family hands for a long time, first being bought by Andrew’s ancestors in 1913.

Congratulations to Andrew Stammers and his team for achieving such a high standard and being what a rural pub should be, a combination of top class beers, home made food an a real reflection of the

His dad told me a great story about this, all agricultural purchases were finalised on a fixed day each year, so the local lads made sure they turned up on what should have been the old publican’s last night only to

There are some superb family photos on the walls including the first Stammers landlord standing in an easily recognisable pub doorway. I’ve included one picture which, I think shows why the Angel deserves its victory. Finally I would like to say that it was a very tight decision and that the Mariners in Yarmouth are also doing a fantastic job, keep up the good work! Chris Lucas

A pub with Extra Spirits As mentioned in the Chairman’s contribution Mandy Barlow, Landlady at the Union Jack, Roydon has researched and produced a history of the pub including the life of the building before it became a pub. Being in the building when it is not teeming with customers, which is it’s normal state, she has seen or sensed two ghostly presences which encouraged her to find out more about the old building. Built in the early 1800s to replace a house of the 1730s, it was home to the Carter family until the 1880s. The most interesting occupants were a brother and sister Thomas and Mary Anne, who never married living in the house till 1882 dying within months of one another, certainly they would be my candidates for ghosts. 22

| SUMMER 2010

One of the family was a “Pig Ringer”, you think you know the countryside then you hear a term that’s completely new. The “Jack” became a pub in 1884 evidence of this was found on a wooden panel found in 1992 but since lost again. The pub was owned by a succession of breweries until 1996 and had the words “Union Jack” on the gable end. The name changed in ’96 to the Blacksmith’s Arms but has now returned to the original with even the old pub sign being saved from a skip to be restored. Congratulations to Mandy for doing this work, I can only encourage other publicans to do the same. Pubs are all about tradition!

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01603 625891

6 St Martins Palace Plain, Norwich NR3 1RN

This warm and friendly 17th century Freehouse is to the north side of Norwich cathedral. Owned by Craig & Lynne McLaren since 1993. ‘The Wig’ as its affectionately known, has built a reputation for fresh, fast, affordable British cuisine.

• Good Ale • Good Food • Heated smoking area • Comprehensive Outdoor Dining Area Sky & ESPN Sports TV • Late Night Opening Look out for our Cask Marque Plaque. This guarantees beer quality in the Wig & Pen and the opportunity to TRY BEFORE YOU BUY.

For the 13th successive year, the Wig & Pen has been included in CAMRA’s Good Beer Guide. We are very proud of this achievement.

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DUKE of WELLINGTON TRADITIONAL REAL ALE HOUSE 14 REAL ALES GRAVITY SERVED available all year round from our glass fronted tap room


Summer Beer Festival August 27th- Sept 4th


Welcoming REAL FIRE

100 REAL ALES from across the nation

Barbecue each day Proceeds to the Royal Anglian Regiment Benevolent Fund CAMRA Good Beer Guide Listed

Open Monday to Saturday 12noon to 11pm Sundays 12noon to 10.30pm

Come and enjoy our Tap Room with a selection of Belgian bottled beers, Schneider Weiss, Erdinger, Dunkel and Riegele all on Draught.

91 - 93 WATERLOO ROAD | NORWICH | 01603 441182

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N Gone to the birds... Since a certain prominent high street pub morphed into an antique shop five years ago I believed that there are four watering holes to visit in this old Broadland town. Sadly I arrived (on me bike) to find that the Kingfisher had closed last year. As extinct as the sign implies.

Still, three more birds to ring starting with the Grebe. No real ale but lots of customers and a community feel to it. Fizz was £2.80 a pint and there were half a dozen beers available in bottle form. There is no pub sign so a birder might feel uncomfortable being unable to identify to species but the fretwork above the bar said unequivocally, Great Crested.

The Grebe was bombed in the war and photos inside show it prewar as a Morgans house and impressively rebuilt afterwards as S&P. Two civilians were killed in the raid and they are commemorated in the substantial mediaeval church tower.

Across the road to the Swan, an Adnams house selling bitter and Broadside, with the latter at £3 a pint and in good nick. There is also a bird of prey on the wall outside, a falcon, revealing the Inn as ex-Lacons. Finally, half a mile south (as the heron flies) on the Green stands the Harnser. The old pub sign is inside the pub and is a lovely work of art. Unfortunately the Nelsons Revenge (at

£3.10) was tired but I couldn’t bring myself to give the GK IPA and its shiney chrome dispense font a go. Have you identified the town yet? From a drinking man’s point of view it was a slightly disappointing visit to Stalham. It can’t all be blamed on Tescos.

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The King’s Head KEG FREE HOUSE

Open 12.00noon - 11.00pm Monday to Saturday 12.00noon - 10.30pm Sunday Run by enthusiastic drinkers and CAMRA members.

Keg Free Zone 14 Hand Pumps Norfolk Ales and Cider Mild always available Worldwide Bottled Beers Belgian Beers Television-free Bar Billiards

olk f r o N A R M CA r a e Y e h t f o Pub 8 2006 & 200 Dating from the 14th century, the pub has been restored to a Victorian style. The Kings Head, 42 Magdalen Street, Norwich NR3 1JE

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NORFOLK NIPS | Brewery Visit

Woodfordes Brewery new beer store and Shop/Visitor centre. The two cottages, adjacent to the Brewery, originally used as offices, have been converted into the Brewery Tap, The Fur & Feather Inn.

It was a warm day in May, just right for a beer or two. Unfortunately, Graham Freeman, Warren Wordsworth and Mike Baldwin had a meeting to attend. Fortunately, it was at Woodfordes Brewery in Woodbastwick.

Following a disastrous fire, which meant that brewing was undertaken by Mauldons in Suffolk, they eventually moved to the present premises in Woodbastwick, which has the benefit of having its own boreholes.

There they met Neil Baines, Head Brewer, for a conducted tour of the premises. And very impressive it was too. The premises have an agricultural look to them, in keeping with the rural surroundings, but inside you realise that a lot of investment has gone into state of the art kit to ensure consistent high quality ales.

And this is what isn’t new. Tests have shown that the water, which is very low in nitrates, dates from the Bronze Age!

So, is everything new? Well, maybe not. Woodfordes began brewing in 1981 in an Industrial Estate in Drayton, Norwich. However, temperature fluctuations and variable mains water quality did not make for consistent quality ales, so they moved to The Spread Eagle in Erpingham, near Aylsham.

In 2001-3 the Brewery underwent a major expansion which more than doubled production capacity and included six additional fermenters, automated cask washing (no cask “sniffer” here) a cask racking system, automated cleaning system,

New fermenting room It was here that we were able to sample some of Woodfordes excellent Ales. The new beer for the 2010 FIFA World Cup, Game On, was about to be launched at Carrow Road. Casks were in the store, but it was not yet in the Tap. The beer had undergone several trial brews before they were completely satisfied with it. However, the final trial brew was available for us to drink, simply branded as “Cask 78”. Hmm, if my memory serves me correctly, England failed to qualify for the ’78 World Cup, but we are there this time round and if we can match Woodfordes, quality and consistency – who knows?

The game of hide and seek ended in tears when someone got stuck.

As they say – Game On!

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NORFOLK NIPS | Competition

Whereabouts are these breweries? Just to make it easy for you, we’ve given you the answers, all you have to do is match the correct brewery to the correct place. Please send completed entries to ‘NIPS Brewery Quiz’ c/o 201 Kingswood Avenue, Taverham, Norwich NR8 6GJ NR1 3BQ or alternatively E-mail to giving your name and address.

Ickburgh Isle of Skye Bedford Dunbar Lowestoft Lewes Chelmsford Narborough Lowestoft Sudbury Woodbastwick Walsall Peterborough Blandford St Mary Chiswick



4 7


8 9





A prize awaits the winner of the brewery competition which will be drawn at the committee meeting on Tuesday 3rd August.

Brewery Name






Brewery Name

















The winner of the Competition in issue 152 was Martyn Brown of Holme-next-the Sea SUMMER 2010 | 31

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Coast Hopper Trip


“Hopping” along the North Norfolk coast good range of beers including Woodforde’s Wherry Greene King IPA and Abbot, Marston’s Pedigree and John Smiths Cask were on sale here.

Relaxing onboard The Albatros Some of the best real ale friendly pubs in our county can be found in the many towns and villages situated along the North Norfolk coast. Until fairly recently, many of them were a bit difficult to visit unless you had your own transport. Nowadays however they are much more accessible thanks to the ‘Coast Hopper’ bus service. If travelling from Norwich, a “Bittern Line Rover” ticket at just £7 gives you a days unlimited travel, jumping on and off where and when you like anywhere on both ‘The Bittern Railway line’ between Norwich Cromer and Sheringham and on “The Coast Hopper” bus service which runs from Cromer through to Hunstanton and on to Kings Lynn stopping at virtually all 32

| SUMMER 2010

the Norfolk coastal towns and villages This summer sees the introduction of a half hourly service in each direction during the daytime. On a fine sunny spring April day Graham Freeman and myself decided to take ‘The Hopper’ and sample the delights of some North Norfolk’s hostelries. First we travelled by train to Sheringham and after a quick stop to admire the new level crossing that has recently been installed linking The North Norfolk Railway to Network Rail, we boarded the Coast Hopper bus to Wells. The first pub we visited was The Ark Royal, situated close to the harbour front. A fairly

Next we decided we would give nearby Whinhill Cider a look in and sample some of their ciders. Neither of us are experts on cider but owners Jim Ferguson and Pete Lynn gave us a warm welcome and were very helpful giving us tasting tips about their ciders. During our stay here we shared a refreshing bottle of their ‘Majors’ and ‘Browns’ bottled ciders. For anyone visiting Wells Whinhill Cider is highly recommendable. It is open weekends in June then every daytime except Mondays during July and August. By this time we were feeling a bit hungry so it was off to one of the many fish bars along the harbour side for a fish and chip lunch. Next we gave one of our favourites, The Albatros a look in. For those not familiar to Wells, The Albatros is a 19th century Dutch sailing clipper that has been more or less a permanent feature at Wells harbour since 2001. Available as usual were a choice of two Woodforde’s beers Wherry and Nelson’s Revenge. During our visit we had chat with Dutch

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NORFOLK NIPS | owner Ton Brouwer who reported that sales had been very poor during this cold winter with few visitors but fortunately things had picked up and they had had a very successful Easter and he was looking forward to another successful summer season in Wells. After leaving The Albatros we strolled up Staithe Street to The Edinburgh at the top of the hill. Real ales on sale here were Woodforde’s Wherry, Nelson’s Revenge and Draught Bass. Next it was back onto the Coast Hopper for the short ride to Blakeney where we stopped at The Kings Arms. As usual a large range of real ales were available that included Adnams Bitter and Broadside, Greene King Old Speckled Hen, Marston’s Pedigree and Woodforde’s Wherry, which we opted for, which was dispensed from the barrel. Feeling peckish again we ordered some delicious fresh local crab sandwiches for our tea.

Satisfied customer at Whin Hill Soon we were back on the bus again for our return to Sheringham. While on the bus we learned from a fellow traveller that Norwich City had won one nil at The Valley and secured promotion back to the Championship. On arrival at Sheringham we wondered down the High Street. First stop in Sheringham was The Windham Arms where available was Woodforde’s Wherry and Norfolk

Nog, Wolf’s Straw Dog and ‘Royal Anglian’ a new brew to raise money for The Royal Anglian Regiment Benevolent fund plus Humpty Dumpty’ s Broadland Sunrise and Little Sharpie. After the Windham Arms we walked down to the sea front and took a look in The Crown which had Adnams Bitter and Broadside plus Greene King Abbot available and The Two Lifeboats where a choice of Adnams Bitter and Broadside were available. Altogether this was a great day out. There are very many more good pubs along this route which we didn’t have time to visit, but maybe with the summer still ahead, next time! For more information on travelling the North Norfolk coast by public transport see and

Girls at a birthday party

Warren Wordsworth

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ston Locks In e d l e Locks Lane, Geldeston n

NR34 0HW Tel: 01508 518414

Live music every Thursday night and Sunday afternoon SUNDAY JULY 25TH - FOOTSTOMPIN' COUNTRY MUSIC FESTIVAL With Christen The Cat, The Rum Brothers, Woody Creek Bluegrass Band And The Gutter Boys - Hog Roasts, Barbecue & Loadsa Beer 1pm To 8pm


SEPTEMBER FRIDAY 10TH TO SUNDAY 12TH - HARVEST BEER FESTIVAL folky Friday with Murphy's Lore & more, Red Mecca - rock anthems from 8.30pm, Country Sunday - 1pm to 8pm CURRIES OF THE WORLD FRIDAY 6pm TO 8.30pm, BARBECUES AND HOG ROASTS OVER THE WEEKEND, FOOD 12 to 2.30pm AND 6 TO 8.30pm EVERY DAY for more information


(01692) 650371 FREE HOUSE

Proprietor since 1989: STEVE BULLIMORE

OPEN FOR FOOD & DRINKS ALL DAY, EVERY DAY, 11am - 11pm Food available all day until 10.30pm 10% off food and drink on production of CAMRA membership card


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NORFOLK NIPS | Inter-branch social

Inter-Branch Social - 6th March On a bright and sunny Saturday morning this March, members from Norwich & Norfolk and West Norfolk CAMRA met together for a long over due inter branch social. We first met at The Jolly Farmers in North Creake. After a pint or two there we moved on to the nearby village of Burnham Thorpe, famous for being the birth place of Admiral Lord Nelson where we visited The Lord Nelson public house.

and to preserve his body, it was said to be submerged and pickled in a cask of Brandy. Nelson was much loved, and his courage, skill and gallantry so admired by his crew, that during the dark hours they would creep out and drink from the cask containing his body, praying they would inherit some of his traits. Today’s drink which is brewed to a secret recipe is a unique blend of Navy Rum herbs and spices.

Here we sampled some of their beers and were treated to good buffet. A few of us tried their local favourite, “Nelson’s Blood”. This drink is thought to have derived from the end of the battle of Trafalgar where Nelson although victorious, gave his life in the battle. His body was returned to England for a great State Funeral. This involved a long sea passage

After a few drinks and food at The Lord Nelson we continued on to The North Norfolk coast and visited The Jolly Sailors at Brancaster Staithe. The Brancaster Brewery after a short period of being closed has restarted brewing again and this gave us the chance to sample a few of their new beers.

Last port of call on the way home was a quick drink at The Ostrich at South Creake. Warren Wordsworth

The branches two chairmen

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r a i n M e h T Ale and Cider Housesers Now at:



The Maritime Beer Festival 2nd – 5th September 30 Maritime related beers Live music and shellfish! 69 Howard St South, Great Yarmouth NR30 1LN

Tel 01493 332299

LOWESTOFT THE MARINERS REST Easter ‘Champion of Champions’ Beer Festival Fri April 2nd- Monday April 5th Our FIRST Beer Festival – Approx 20 Beers Rotterdam Rd, Lowestoft NR32 7ES Tel 01502 538813

GORLESTON THE MARINERS COMPASS 8 Real Ales plus a selection of Ciders 21 Middleton Rd, Gorleston NR31 7AJ Tel 01493 659494


Friday July 30th, Satur day 31st and Sunday 1 s t August at the: The Green

Gate Caister on S ea, Great Ya High Street, rmouth NR 30 5EL A selection of 8 Real ale and Cider available throughout the weekend on both hand pump and gravity!


Woodfordes Wherry and Norfolk Nog, Timothy Taylor Landlord, Green Jack Orange Wheat, Fullers London Pride, Adnams Broadside, The Green Gate Festival Ale, Black Cat Traditional Cider

Live Music all weekend Friday Evening Super Action Heroes Saturday Afternoon and Saturday Evening Beer swilling and drinking songs from fabulous Irish Duo Fo'c'sle Sunday Afternoon Billy Sarsted Full Menu all weekend including Fresh local fish direct from Mastersons Fishmonger • Sunday Carvery served from Midday.

To book or for more information call Colin or Debbie on 01493 720228 36

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NORFOLK NIPS | Thetford Beer Festival report

Thetford’s first beer festival

Ely Pub Crawl Tim, our pub crawl organiser without portfolio has arranged a pub crawl in Ely as suggested by the Ely branch. The date is 17th July starting at: The Cutter, Anesdale at 12 Noon, then on to the Royal Standard , Fore Hill High Flyer , Newnham St Town House, Market St Hereward, Market St Minster, Minster Place Kings Arms, St Marys Street West End, West End (Branch POTY) Prince Albert, Silver St Fountain, Silver St The average walk is 10 mins between pubs.

Our chairman Buff has already told you of his Easter beer festival extravaganza. I just can’t compete, so I’ll tell you about a new addition to West Norfolk beer festivals, the first Thetford beer festival. Held in the Carnegie rooms over the early May bank holiday, the festival which was non CAMRA was organised by the Black Horse and the Manager of the Royal British Legion Club. A good range of locally sourced real ales were available plus an impressive selection of real cider. A hog roast was available and good live music provided a

pleasant background to the event.

Subscription details

When I visited you could detect a distinctly colonial accent amongst the bar staff, who did a great job.

To recieve the next 4 copies of Nips and Cask Force by post please send 12 first class stamps to:-

By all accounts a good number of people attended and very little beer was left over.

Norfolk Nips 91 Tennyson Road Kings Lynn Norfolk PE30 5NG

On talking to customers the only criticism voiced was that the beer prices were a little high, but obviously as a first attempt it is hard to judge the correct level. A great first effort, already planned to continue next year, a welcome improvement in the local real ale culture. Stig

The Queen’s Arms King’s Lynn One of our correspondents inaccurately suggested this pub had “fake electric handpumps”, this is not the case the pumps are gas assisted and I apologise for this error.

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26 St Leonards Road Norwich NR1 4BL 01603 618734

A real gem, well worth a visit.

Eight real ales to choose from, two of which change regularly.

Lovely enclosed beer garden with large sheltered smoking area.

Two pooltables upstairs.

Only a ten minute walk from the train station and city centre.

Pork pies and other light snacks available all day.

Open all day from 12 noon everyday.

Hog roast available sundays.

Sky Sports and ESPN

Watch the World Cup in HD at the Jubilee 38

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Summer is icumen in offer safe gardens, with play areas and toys. One of the best has always been the Feathers at Dersingham. I well remember seeing rows of tricycles and other brightly coloured vehicles lined up as if on a starting grid. This was at opening time – they didn’t stay lined up for long! As parents often say: ‘If the kids are happy, I’m happy’. And with a pint or two from the bar for the adults, everyone was delighted.

About time too! Here, we hope, are the long lazy days (and balmy evenings) that we missed so much over the winter. How better than to spend some time at the pub? Not crowded in some airless bar, albeit they are much improved since the smoking ban, but out in the garden, patio, or other open air space. As pubs have evolved over the years in their attempt to woo customers back, several have decided to focus on making themselves more ‘family friendly’. Doubtless many of us have memories of being left in the garden, or even the car park, as children. Pubs were strictly for adults, and no attempt was made to offer anything for children. Things have changed, and several now

Catering for a slightly less juvenile clientele, the Globe in King’s Lynn has a long garden stretching down to the river. There are tables in abundance, and it’s a pleasant spot to while away an hour or two. Last summer, with some friends visiting from Cheshire, we were eager to show off the superior weather in Norfolk and spent a very happy Sunday afternoon in the garden of the Lord Nelson at Burnham Thorpe. Bright sunshine (parasols available for the faint-hearted), great beer, and excellent food from the barbecue as well as a chat with the landlady persuaded our friends that ‘down South’ (as they think of it) is ‘all right’. We, of course, have always known this. When the redoubtable Lucille took over the Woolpack at Terrington St. John, as well as completely renovating and

extending the interior, she set about creating a garden where there had been little before. Up at dawn, she worked for a few hours before returning to welcome her customers. Lucille and Barry may have left, but the garden remains and the pub is still worth a visit. The Ancient Mariner, attached to the Le Strange Arms Hotel, has a pleasant patio offering views over the Wash. It is a popular venue for food as well as fine beer, so in good weather it can be difficult to find an outdoor table. Get there early! For a less conventional outdoor drinking spot, try the deck of the Albatros, a hundred year old Dutch clipper moored in the harbour at Wells next the Sea. In addition to excellent beer, there is an extensive menu of pancakes. The Albatros also hosts regular music sessions. A final suggestion: West Norfolk has some beautiful countryside, so why not try a picnic. Just remember to stock up on some beer to accompany it. Try the Real Ale Shop at Branthill Farm near Wells. If cider is your thing, go to Whin Hill Cider in Wells. Whatever you do, and wherever you drink, make the most of summer! Ros Harre

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The London Tavern Great real ales, fine wines and spirits.

Traditional food served daily, pre-booked evening meals, Childrens menu. Bar rolls only £1.00! Meals for large parties up to 30 catered for in our funtion room, choice of set menu’s. Bookings only.

Parking, Disabled Facilities, Baby Changing, Smokers Sheltered Garden and Beer Garden. Well behaved dogs on leads welcome. IN THE ER GOOD BE GUIDE 2010

Christenings, Funerals, Intimate Weddings / Civil Ceremonies catered for

5th BEER FESTIVAL 17th,18th & 19th SEPTEMBER

London Tavern Free House Church St, Attleborough Tel :01953 457415

Queen’s Head and Waveney Brewing Company Traditional Village Pub with a brewery producing permanent and seasonal ales on site Large beer garden, traditional games, lunchtime menu and a good selection of real ale, spirits and soft drinks Listed in the Good Beer Guide every year since 2000.

Station Road, Earsham, Norfolk

Tel: (01986) 892623


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Magazine Distribution So Norfolk Nips & Cask Force, how does it get to you? Well, in the Norwich & Norfolk Branch area its something like this. Once a quarter, the publishers deliver the magazines to a top secret distribution base in Norwich, also known as The Fat Cat. When this happens the word goes out via email, facebook, yahoo group message and good old fashioned telephone that the latest issue is ready for distribution. A small but growing team of dedicated volunteers, including some landlords and brewers, then descend on the Fat Cat, a hard-

ship I know, to pick up the quantity of magazines they require for their delivery routes. These routes can vary from a single pub to, in some cases, almost the whole eastern coast of Norfolk! Some even drop copies off at other pick up points for other volunteers unable to make it into Norwich to distribute further afield. For some of the more remote pubs where we have been unable so far to find people to deliver the magazine, copies are sent via mail, a few make it out of the county via this method as well. So if you are reading this that’s how it got to you. We are always on the look

out for extra help with the delivery of this ever more popular magazine, especially in the towns and villages outside of Norwich. So if you think you may be able to help please send an email to telling me where you are or the area you can deliver to and I will get back to you with any pubs that we need copies to go out to. Requests for help will also be published on the Branch Facebook group. Remember the magazine is also available online at nips/nips001.htm.

Sonia Howes becomes our 2,000th Member! Rob Derbridge, Membership Secretary, said “When the Festival started, we were only 35 members short of the target, so we were really confident that it would happen during the week.

When Mark Howes took out a years CAMRA Membership at the 2009 Norwich Beer Festival, it was intended as a surprise present for his wife, Sonia. But, it was an even greater surprise than he thought, because it made Sonia our 2,000th Member.

In recognition of this milestone, Sonia was given a meal for two, courtesy of The Trafford Arms. To celebrate her birthday, the meal was enjoyed on Friday 5th March with Mark and they were joined by daughters Sophie, Hayley, Laura and her boyfriend Terry.

At the meal, Sonia was presented with an engraved tankard by Rob Derbridge. Of course, Mark was not left out and he received a selection of Brewery T-shirts in his size. Sonia was clearly delighted by the presentation and said that she was looking forward to being an active member – you never know, you just might see her working at the 2010 Beer Festival.

Mike Baldwin Editor

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South Norfolk’s Best Kept Secret

The Pelican Inn Tacolneston - Freehouse 01508 489 521

Our Massive Annual Alfresco

AUGUST BEER FESTIVAL Starts Thursday 19th Aug to Tuesday 31st Aug



| SUMMER 2010

45 local Norfolk Real Ales + Ciders in a marquee FREE ADMISSION offering loads of Entertainment and planned events across Bank holiday week - call now for more info!

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NORFOLK NIPS | Investment club

CAMRA Members’ Investment Club Have you ever wished that you owned part of a brewery or one of the many pub chains now in existence? We turn that wish into a reality and, as company shareholders, we help to make a difference to policies introduced by their directors. We have been investing in breweries since 1989 and we have approximately 4,000 members in the Club. At the end of February 2010 the fund value stood at £8.67m with a unit value of £2.98. You are eligible to join us at the CAMRA Members' Investment Club only if you are a member of CAMRA. You can invest any amount from £5 to £83 per

month with an annual maximum of £1,000. The funds are invested in a wide range of companies including Black Sheep, Marstons, Greene King, Fullers and Youngs, together with a few overseas companies including Duvel Moortgat and the Cantillon Brewery, both in Belgium. The Committee is actively seeking to increase the Club’s involvement with the ever increasing micro-brewery sector. The fund and the investments are managed by an elected, ten-strong Committee who meet on a regular basis to discuss the Club’s portfolio, future investments and any other matters which may affect the Club.

The Club has its own web site, where you can find more details, including planned brewery trips and other events, reports on past visits and the AGM which is normally held in June each year, usually in Beeston, Nottingham. This article has been prepared for information purposes only. It shall not be construed as, and does not form part of, an offer, nor invitation to offer, nor a solicitation or recommendation to buy any financial instrument. The views expressed herein are not intended to be and should not be viewed as advice or as a recommendation. The Club is not a regulated entity. The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount originally invested.

Lifeboat Open Days Fancy doing something different on the beach this year and supporting a worthy cause at the same time? Caister Lifeboat - Sunday 1st August 10.30am. Lifeboat launches and a Beach Fete with a variety of stalls Cromer Lifeboat – Sunday 8th August 10.00am.

Events on the promenade from 10.00am. Lifeboats will be launched at 11.00am and the Sheringham lifeboat will be in attendance. Family Service in the Lifeboat Shed at 3pm Sheringham Lifeboat – Sunday 15th August Lifeboat display with the Cromer Lifeboat in attendance. Family Service in the Lifeboat Shed in the afternoon. See websites for further details. Displays and launches are weather dependent.

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Traditional Norfolk Free House

Four Real Ales always available including Woodfordes Wherry, Greene King IPA and two ever-changing guest ales

Sandwiches always available Function rooms for hire Open daily 11am-2.30pm & 5.30pm - 11pm

Bingo Friday nights Line dancing Sunday Nights Cribbage on Monday Nights 8 Louden Rd, Cromer NR27 9EF (Just 3 mins walk from the Sea)

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KINGS HEAD HOLT 6 BRILLIANTLY KEPT REAL ALES Including the ever popular Adnams Bitter, Broadside and Woodfordes Wherry. Proudly providing 3 guest ales (143 in one year and rising!) Giving everyone a fantastic accompaniment to our ever growing grill menu. So why not try a delicious locally sourced steak cooked to perfection on our char-grill! 3 stylish, comfortable, yet affordable B&B rooms for single, double or family use

Recently re-furbished ‘George’ Lounge with Snugs and quiet corners Come pull up a stool, grab an Ale at ‘The Question mark Bar’ and put the world to rights! Live music throughout Spring, Summer and Autumn Enclosed Courtyard Beer Garden in the heart of the Appleyard

New Summer Menu Available Showing Football World Cup To find out more you can visit our website, give us a call on 01263 712543, or just come on down and give us a try, you won’t be disappointed!

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MANAGEMENT The pub with no bar, ales direct from cask. Watch for forthcoming events.

Tongue twizzling food, and great value.

Charcoal BBQ - weather permitting Check Website for Live Music Events

Real fires. Huge garden. Come & visit Nelson’s local. Walsingham Road, Burnham Thorpe Norfolk PE31 8HN

01328 738241


| SUMMER 2010

Your local Bar Relief to cover for your Holidays or Sickness. Personal Licence Holder. Food Hygiene Certificated. Please Call Brian Mayhew on 01603 301356 or 07714657752 to discuss your requirements email:

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Angel Gardens

The 2nd Longham White Horse Beer Festival

Free House

Under same ownership for 22 years

Up to 7 reasonably priced Real Ales including three guest ales Home Cooked Food • Monthly Quiz & Darts • Live Music on Saturdays Beer Garden with heated smoking shelter

2 Bars (with one for Private Hire) Ample Car Parking 96 Angel Rd, Norwich NR3 3HT

01603 427490 email:

At least




Mu sic

F ood for more information

6th - 8th August Longham, Dereham, Norfolk NR19 2RD

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Up to 8 Real Ales (4 on gravity) 3 Belgian Fruit Beers Outstanding selection of Scottish malt & Irish Whisky Opening Hours 12pm to 11pm weekdays & Sunday 12pm to 12am Friday & Saturday Closed Mondays (Except Bank Holidays)

Lunchtime Meals

162 Yarmouth Road, Broome, Bungay NR35 2NZ Tel: 01986 893325

12pm to 2.30pm weekdays 12pm to 4pm Sundays

Evening Meals

On the 580 and 588 Anglia Bus routes

6.30pm to 9pm Tuesday to Saturday (Booking is advisable)

NORFOLK CAMRA PUB OF THE YEAR 2009 Beer garden and ample parking

The Kings Head North Lopham (Near Diss) 400 year old thatched country pub

AUGUST 28 – 30 August• 15 beers or more! August Bank Holiday Sausage & Ale Festival

AL SAUSAGE & ALE FESTIV For more information go to Real Ales at sensible prices: Woodfordes Wherry & Adnams Bitter plus a rotating guest beer (4% ABV and above) PLUS Aspalls Cyder and a draught keg Mild

Home made food, freshly prepared with a selection of Vegetarian and gluten free meals (Served Wednesday to Saturday 12 - 2.30pm & 6pm - 8.30pm and Sunday Lunch 12 noon - 3pm)

Fire Real

Opening Times: Monday 5-11pm Tuesday / Wednesday 11.30am - 3pm and 5pm - 11pm Thursday / Friday 11.30am - 3pm and 5pm - 12midnight Saturday 11.30am - 12midnight Sunday 12noon - 10:30pm

The Kings Head, 16 The Street, North Lopham, Diss , Norfolk IP22 2NE Tel: 01379 688007 50

| SUMMER 2010

Beer amp Garden & le Pa rkin g

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NORFOLK NIPS | Dates for your Diary

Beer Festival Diary June 19-20 (Sat-Sun)3rd Beer at Gibberd Garden Festival; Harlow, Essex.130+ real ales, 70+ ciders/perries. Decent real beer in tranquil settings Tel 07778 780807

July 13-17 (Tue-Sat) Chelmsford Summer Beer Festival, Admirals Park, Rainsford Road 300+real ales, 120+ ciders/perries, Belgian beer, local wines. Tel 01245 600294 29-31 (Thu-Sat) 2nd Bishops Stortford Beer Festival, British Legion Club, Windhil. 25+ beers.

25-26 ((Wed-Sat) 15th Clacton-On-Sea Real Ale and Cider Festival St James Hall, Tower Road CO15 1LF 55+ real ales, plus ciders/perries/wines/Belgian beers and free soft drinks for designated drivers. 27-4 Sept (Fri-following Sat) Summer Beer Festival The Duke of Wellington, Norwich 100 real ales from across the nation, BBQ every day. Proceeds to Royal Anglian Regiment Benevolent Fund. Tel 01603 441182

September 17 - 19 September London Tavern, Attleborough - 5th annual beer festival

August 3-7 (Tue-Sat) Great British Beer Festival (GBBF) Earls Court, London. Huge range of beers,ciders,perries and International beers Advance tickets available 5-7 August Angel, Larling - BEER FESTIVAL, Over 70 Real Ales and Ciders Barbecue and Live Music 6-8 (Fri-Sun) 5th Annual Beer and Music Festival, The Railway Tavern, Coltishall. 30+ real ales, plus ciders. Music bonanza, Pure Floyd, Ultimate Madness plus others. Tel. 01603 738316 13-15 August Vernon Arms, Southrepp. Beer and Music festival 13th to the 15th August 2010 20-30 (Sun-Wed) 2nd Reedham Riverside Festival The Lord Nelson. 60+ beers, 15+ live acts Tel.01493 701548


Now Overall NORFOLK CAMRA PUB OF THE YEAR! Open all day every day Excellent home cooked meals available from our award winning kitchen Large Beer Garden with play area En-suite accommodation Camping and Caravanning available

BEER FESTIVAL Thurs 5th - Sat 7th August Over 70 Real Ales and Ciders Barbecue and Live Music Larling, Norfolk, NR16 2QU (17th Century former coaching inn)

Tel: 01953 717963 SUMMER 2010 | 51

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4th Annual Beer Festival Thursday 1st July (starts midday) to Sunday 4th July (‘til the beer runs out!)

Featuring over 25 East Anglian Beers and Ciders • Charity BBQ Fri, Sat, Sun

6 Real Ales On Handpump Belgian Bottled Beers Lunchtime Menu Quiz night every Wendesday

Earle Arms Heydon

Traditional Norfolk freehouse and restaurant

3 Real Ales always available Woodfordes Wherry, Adnams Bitter and Black Sheep

01263 587376 Satnav: NR11 6AD (Just off B1149 Holt Norwich Rd)


| SUMMER 2010

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The Wolf Brewery Rookery Farm, Silver Street, Besthorpe, Attleborough, Norfolk NR17 2LD Tel: 01953 457775

Wolf Brewery is proud to be associated with the Royal Air Force Association by producing Battle of Britain Ale which should be available in your local pub or off - licence.

Ask your landlord to order some now! SUMMER 2010 | 53

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The Sole & Heel Rackheath

Newly refurbished Pub & Restaurant with recently extended Beer Garden Minimum of 5 changing Real Ales on gravity Restaurant open daily with A la Carte menu in the evenings. All produce locally sourced where available.

Alby Horse Shoes Inn Freehouse Situated on the A140 Norwich/Cromer Road

Fortnightly Sunday Quiz

Up to 5 Real Ales including Wherry & Mardlers Bar open: Mon 4.30-11pm, Tues 12-2.30 and 4.30-11pm, Weds-Sat 12-11pm, Sun 12-10.30pm Restaurant open: Tues –Sat 12-2.30 and 6-9pm, Sunday Roast 12-4pm

Home cooked Food - locally sourced Food Hygiene Rating HHHHH Patio & Gardens

August Bank Holiday Beer Festival

Margaret & Richard Rushmer look

Fri 27th - 31st • 20 Real Ales and 2 Ciders Live Music Every Day!


forward to meeting you

2 Salhouse Rd, Rackheath, Norwich NR13 6QH

01263 761378

Tel 01603 720146 web:

| SUMMER 2010

We are In it!

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NORFOLK NIPS | Beer & Music

Music & Real Ale TRADITIONAL JAZZ Acle Recreation Centre, Bridewell Lane, Acle Real Ales include Adnams Water Rats Jazz Band 46th Annual Tour of Norfolk Broads – Sat 24th July to Friday 30th July. At the time of writing these notes the provisional itinerary is as follows:Sat 24th July Lunch: (see below) Evening: White Horse, Upton Sun 25th Lunch: Fur & Feather, Woodbastwick Evening: Wroxham Hotel Mon 26th Lunch: Dog Inn, Ludham Evening: Lion Inn, Thurne Tues 27th Lunch: Flotilla Party, Ranworth Broad Evening: Maltsters, Ranworth Wed 28th Lunch: New Inn, Horning Evening: Kings Arms, Ludham Thurs 29th Lunch: Sutton Staithe Hotel Evening: Sutton Staithe Hotel Fri 30th Lunch: Bridge Inn, Acle Evening: Ferry Inn, Horning Watch out for full details in the

press or visit the website at In addition, the Water Rats will be back in Norfolk for the Beer Festival at Lord Nelson, Reedham on Bank Holiday Monday 30th August starting at 1.00 pm. Boughton Jazz Picnic (Nr Oxborough Hall) Saturday 24th July (12.30 – 3.30 pm) – Water Rats Jazz Band, comprising members of the Original Dixieland Jazz Band plus guests, will play at the Boughton Jazz Picnic, Rectory House, Oxborough Road, Boughton, PE33 9AH, before moving on to their main Broads Tour. Real Ale bar available, bring a picnic, chairs, etc. Admission £6. More details from Paul Coulton 01366 500315. Brook Hotel (Formerly Quality Hotel), Bowthorpe, Norwich (off Dereham Road) Real Ale should be available. Please note the next two sessions have been switched to a Thursday evening. Thursday 15th July – Mick Murphy’s Chosen Six Thursday 16th September – Colin Kingwell’s Jazz Bandits Tuesday 16th November – Sammy Rimington’s International Band Tickets/Enquiries – Rod Playford 01362 680136

Acle Recreation Centre, Bridewell Lane, Acle No known sessions this quarter, but make a diary note of the Christmas session with the Gambit Jazzmen on Friday 3rd December Enquiries – Brian Davis 01493 701880 King’s Arms, Market Place Reepham Adnams Best Bitter, Elgoods Cambridge Bitter, Woodforde’s Wherry and Nelson’s Revenge, Greene King Abbot Ale plus guest beers. Every Sunday lunchtime until 5th September (plus Bank Holiday Monday 30th August) in attractive courtyard at rear of pub (weather permitting), the bands alternating through the summer will be: Nene Valley Jazzmen, Climax Jazz Band, Dixie Mix, Norfolk Jazz and Vintage Hot Orchestra. (Phone King’s Arms for more details 01603 870345) King’s Head Hotel, Beccles, Suffolk Adnams Bitter and Broadside plus special house beer Matilda’s Revenge, brewed by local brewery Opa Hays in honour of the resident ghost, and guest beers. Every Sunday evening - Red Beans ‘n’ Rice New Orleans Jazz Band (NB. Special guest on Sunday 4th July features Norman Thatcher on trumpet) Continued Overleaf

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Minimum of 20 Reaitl ioAlnesto

(in add our usual lls!) 5 handpu


| SUMMER 2010

Two Real Cid ers

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NORFOLK NIPS | Beer and Music continued NB. Red Beans ‘n’ Rice are also playing at a special fund-raising concert in St Nicholas Church, Gt Yarmouth on Saturday 3rd July, when Norman Thatcher will again be the guest. There will be a bar available. Tickets £10 from Paul Davies on 01493 843647.

Dereham Jazz Society, Lakeside Country Club, Quarry Lane, Lyng (nr Dereham) Greene King IPA or Woodforde’s Wherry and Old Speckled Hen Wednesday 30th June – Sole Bay Jazz Band

The Diplomat, Ormesby Road, Ex RAF Coltishall site (Nr Coltishall) NR10 5JZ Real Ales include house beer ‘Six Squadron’ and a guest beer.

Marsham Arms, nr Hevingham (B1149 Norwich-Holt Road) Adnams Bitter, plus alternating guests including Adnams Broadside and Woodforde’s Wherry Third Friday every month – Lumiere Rouge Ragtime Band

Sunday 27th June and first Sunday of every month from 5th September (1.00 – 3.30 pm) – Norfolk Dixieland Jazz Band. Admission free, but lunch bookings advisable on 01603 738866. Globe Inn, The Buttlands, Wells-next-the Sea Real Ales available Sunday 22nd August (evening) – Norfolk Dixieland Jazz Band Red Hart, Bodham (Nr Holt) Adnams Bitter and Broadside First Friday every month – Lumiere Rouge Ragtime Band Bell Inn, Hempton (Nr Fakenham) Woodforde’s Wherry, John Smiths Cask and guest beers Fourth Thursday every month – Black Bowler Hat Jazz Band

George and Dragon, Newton by Castle Acre Elgoods Cambridge plus local guest beers Second Tuesday every month – Black Bowler Hat Jazz Band (Also folk music on first Thursday every month) Northrepps Cottage Country Hotel, Nut Lane, Northrepps (Nr Cromer) Greene King Abbot Ale and IPA Second Sunday every month (Jazz Carvery from 12.00 – 3.00 pm) – Chris Wigley’s Phoenix Jazz Quartet. (Phone 01263 579202 for further details) The Buck Inn, The Street, Flixton, Suffolk Woodforde’s Mardler’s, Morland Original and Adnams Bitter are the regulars at present, but in addition there are guest beers, and an increased selection in the

summer months Every Thursday Sole Bay Jazz Band

MAINSTREAM/ MODERN JAZZ Green Man, Wroxham Road, Rackheath Woodforde’s Wherry, Adnams Bitter, Fuller’s London Pride plus guests Every Tuesday – Full programme consisting of various bands and musicians. For further details, phone Barbara Capocci on 01603 413443, or e-mail Dereham Jazz Society, Lakeside Country Club, Quarry Lane, Lyng (nr Dereham) Greene King IPA or Woodforde’s Wherry and Old Speckled Hen Every Wednesday – Full programme consisting of various bands and musicians in varied styles, which usually includes one ‘traditional’ session each month (See above). NB. Closed for Summer break the first four Wednesdays in September, re-commencing 29th September. For further details phone 01328 863511 or 01362 696741 or visit website

Keith Chettleburgh

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He should have gone to the


Mark & Marie offer you a warm welcome to the

Fox and Hounds Heacham Home of The Fox Brewery We are a free house specialising in real ales. The first pub in Heacham to be in the CAMRA Good Beer Guide. Live Music every Tuesday • Quiz Night Thursday

10th July Beer Festival 29th July to 1st August 40+ Real Ales plus real ciders

LIVE MUSIC Soul/Silver/Rock See website for details -

Fine Real Ales,lagers,wines and spirits All Sky Sports • A traditional pub Good covered outside areas • Doggies welcome

“a festival of beers every day” 58

| SUMMER 2010

Tel: 01485 570345 22 Station Rd, Heacham, Norfolk PE31 7EX


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The Gatehouse Pub 391 Dereham Road, Norwich NR5 8QJ

Tel: 01603 620340

FOUR REAL ALES Live Music, Friday & Saturday Large garden overlooking the River Wensum OPEN Mon - Thurs 12-11 Fri & Sat 12-12 • Sunday 12-11

The Real Ale Shop Branthill Farm, Wells-next-the-Sea, NORFOLK NR23 1SB ON THE B1105 FAKENHAM- WELLS RD

Over 50 bottle conditioned real ales from 15 Norfolk brewers who all use Branthill Farms famous malted barley.

TEL: 01328 710810

Heath House Norwich • Traditional Family Pub

BEER FESTIVAL 21st - 27th JUNE 2010 Ales from near and far Open from 12 noon every day First chance to taste ‘Raspberry Velvet’ Belgian Style raspberry beer from Tipples Brewery The Heath House, 99 Gertrude Rd, Norwich, Norfolk NR3 4SG Tel: 01603 406417

SUMMER 2010 | 59

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Festival News


Norwich Beer Festival 2010 Over the last few months planning and preparation has been under way for the 33rd Norwich Beer Festival, as most people know the festival does not just magically appear overnight, and suddenly disappear a week after, it takes a lot of effort by a dedicated bunch of enthusiasts. With the logo announced, other parts of the planning procedures can kick off, ordering glasses, designing posters, working out merchandising quantities etc. This years logo competition was won by Kate Mavilio, with her depiction of a Dragon (surprise!) and a pumpkin, well done to her.

I was very pleased with the reaction to the change in the beer range that we instigated last year, and hopefully we should be able to offer a more balanced portfolio of beer styles, suppliers permitting. As you may know wholesale beer prices have increased quite a lot over the last year, due to a variety of factors, English hop quality, tax increases to name but two. But we will endeavour to select to keep the rise to you, our customer to the minimum possible. Staffing the festival is always a concern, we rely on the good will of our many volunteers to give up some of their free time,

The Mermaid Inn Church Street, Elsing Dereham,NR20 3EA Tel: 01362637640 Email:

Come to the Mermaid and eat pie or curry, Try a variety of good Wines and Beer, Bring along dogs and kids, in a hurry, To give the world footy a very loud Cheer! Look us up in the CAMRA Good Beer Guide 2010 or the CAMRA Good Pub Food Guide. We have internet café facilities! 60

| SUMMER 2010

to help, if any of you reading this could possible spare a few hours we would be most grateful. If so please don’t hesitate to contact me or our staffing officer Mark Stimpson, details can be found on our website at l/staffing.htm. We also have this year, twitter and blogs at, respectively to keep you informed of what’s is going on as well as a facebook page. Hope to see you in October! Martin Ward Norwich Beer Festival Organiser

The Railway Freehouse Station Rd, North Elmham

01362 668300 In the current Good Beer Guide, CAMRA members and supporters of local microbrewers

August Bank Holiday 11th Annual Beer Festival Colin & Julie Smith look forward to seeing you!


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The Shoulder of Mutton ~ Strumpshaw ~

Fine ales and good food served in a friendly atmosphere Real ales include Adnams Bitter and Broadside plus TWO guest ale (mainly from local breweries) Food served 12-2pm and 7-9pm (Mon-Sat), 12-2pm Sundays Pub games include Darts, Pool, Crib and Petanque!

Ian and Jenny look forward to welcoming you.. Norwich Rd, Strumpshaw, Norwich NR13 4NT

Tel 01603 712274 62

| SPRING 2010

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The Royal Oak at Poringland August Bank Holiday Beer Festival Range of 24 Beers and Ciders available Live Music on Friday 27th with Murphys Lore and Saturday 28th with Tosh and Nick

Hog roast in the garden on Sunday 29th at 1pm

We Don’t Have a Big Screen TV, Food Or a Juke Box We do have 17 handpumps, with Real Ale from far and wide, 2 Real Ciders and 2 Real Ales From gravity, a large car park, large beer garden With heated smoking shelter, darts, pool, quizzes And crib. We now serve morning coffee from 10am, children are welcome. The Royal Oak lies at the heart of the community and new customers are always welcome. Come along and get a real welcome from a real pub selling real ale!!!!!! Nick, Delia And The Team would love to see you soon.

Norwich And Norfolk Pub Of The Year 2007 Norfolk Pub Of The Year 2007 13 years in the Good Beer Guide! A dream of a pub situated in the village of Poringland on the B1332 road to Bungay. The main bus route from Norwich stops right outside. Contact us on

01508 493734 New email:

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FREEMOUSE 49 West End Street, Norwich NR2 4NA 01603 624364

Beer Pub of the Year GOOD PUB GUIDE 2010 - Winner for the 4th time!

Two Times CAMRA National Pub Of The Year (1998 & 2004) Up to THIRTY real ales available all year round

FIFTY BOTTLED BEERS FROM AROUND THE WORLD featuring 25 countries, from Mexico to Mongolia, Jamaica to Japan and China to the Czech Republic


ROLLS STILL 60p Part of the Oakademy Scheme of Excellence


Fat Cat Brewery at the Cidershed, Norwich 98-100 Lawson Rd, Norwich NR3 4LF 01603 624364 UP TO 15 REAL ALES INCLUDING THE FAT CAT RANGE:


01603 788508

Fat Cat Bitter Honey Ale Wild Cat Marmalade Cat Stout Cat

3.8% 4.3% 5.0% 5.5% 4.6%

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