39th Norwich Beer Festival programme

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CONTENTS THE CASK BEERS_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40 FOREIGN & BOTTLED BEER _ _ 57 CIDER AND PERRY_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 27 PLAN OF THE HALLS_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 FINDING YOUR WAY AROUND _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 GENERAL INFORMATION _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 FESTIVAL ORGANISER’S WELCOME_ _ _ _ _ _ 6 CHAIRMAN’S WELCOME_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8 2016 BRANCH CHARITY_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 FESTIVAL ENTERTAINMENT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12 TRADITIONAL CASK CONDITIONED BEERS_ 20 LACON’S BREWERY MUSEUM _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 24 BREWING CASK CONDITIONED BEER_ _ _ _ 32 COLEMAN’S BREWERY COMPANY, LIMITED._ 36 INTRODUCING THE FOREIGN AND BOTTLED BEER SECTION_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 56 1066 AND ALL THAT - THE TRUTH, MAYBE_ _ 68 BRANCH SOCIAL ACTIVITIES _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 70 INDEX TO BEERS BY BEER NAME_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 72 WINTER ALE FESTIVAL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 74 CAMRA MEMBERSHIP_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 75 VOTING FORM_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 76

Free - but please make a donation to the Festival Charity

Welcome to Norwich Beer Festival! The Basic Guide for Visitors to the Festival.

Step 1 – Get In

At the front of the queue you will need to pay your entrance fee, hand in a ticket or show your CAMRA membership card – this gets you into the Festival. The entrance fee for the session is shown on page 4, and will be shown near the door just before you get to the counter. Immediately after entry,

Step 2 – Get a Glass and a Beer Card

As you enter, on your left you will find the glasses counter where you will need to purchase a Beer Card to pay for your beer, as the bars don’t take cash. You also need a souvenir beer glass to drink from. The £3 glass deposit and a £7 Beer Card to spend on drinks will cost you £10. Anything you don’t spend is refundable, and we will give you your £3 back for the glass when you leave, if you don’t want to take it with you. If you do intend to spend more than £7, simply ask the cashier for as many extra £5 or £10 Beer Cards as you think you will need. Please have a think about how much you might want to spend before getting to the Glasses counter, and have your money ready. Once you have your glass and Beer Card please move away from the counter so others can be served.

Step 3 – Get a DRINK!

Go to the bar near to where you can see the name of your chosen beer displayed and ask the bar staff for the amount of beer you wish. To pay, simply hand over your Beer Card and the bar staff volunteer who served you will cross off the appropriate amount. You can come back to the Glasses counter at any time to buy further Beer Cards, which are also available in the Foreign Beer Marquee. Please treat your Beer Card as cash – we cannot replace lost cards any more than lost fivers! Don’t leave your glass or Beer Cards unattended on the bar. Note: to reduce theft we reserve the right to limit the number of Beer Cards and glasses to be refunded to any person, and may ask for proof of identity before refunding multiple beer cards.


TOILETS Regular visitors will find the toilets have moved, the ladies now have more capacity. Gentlemen are reminded of the additional facility near the back of St Andrew’s Hall

The Following have provided sponsorship at the Festival, which has enabled us to keep ticket prices down. Crisp Maltings Group has sponsored Blackfriars Hall The Belgian Monk has sponsored the Marquee Van Dal & Vionic (Norwich) Sponsored St Andrew’s Hall Humpty Dumpty - Sponsor the Meeting point in St Andrew’s Hall Lovewell Blake (Norwich) - Beer card sponsorship Fat Cat Pub - Volunteer T-shirts Kettle Crisps - volunteer snacks Entertainment has been sponsored by H Banham Ltd, Vionic, Van Dal and Lacons Brewery

Smoking, including using electronic cigarettes, is not permitted. A facility for smokers is provided at the west end of the cloisters, providing we have sufficient staff.


FINDING YOUR WAY AROUND Elsewhere in this programme you will find listings of all the beers, bottled beers and ciders that we expect to have during the week. Also entertainment listings for the main stage. We have two main halls, and in addition the cloisters and a marquee. Both halls have cask beer bars in them. The Blackfriars’ Hall, sponsored by Crisp Malting Group Ltd, will have most of the Norfolk brewery beers. St. Andrew’s Hall sponsored by Van Dal and Vionic houses all the other cask beers, arranged in approximately alphabetical order by brewery. At the start of the week we go A to Z, although this system breaks down during the week as the beers are restocked into vacant spaces, but we do our best to keep them in the right area of the stillage (as we call the structure the beer casks are stored on). At the end of the week local beers may also appear on the St Andrew’s Bar. Remember not all beers are on sale at once; some quickly sell out, others take time to be ready to serve. Some we have only a small amount of. There is an online system to tell you which beers are on sale at any time. St. Andrew’s Hall also houses the Cider Bar, where traditional ciders, perries and apple juice are available. In the Marquee , sponsored by the Belgian Monk, you will find Belgian and other foreign bottled beers, and a selection of English bottled beers to drink here (bottles are not allowed to leave the bar). Premium speciality soft drinks are also available in the Marquee. These include apple juices. Apple juice is also available on the cider bar. Basic soft drinks are also available free on all the bars. Seating is available in the Marquee and Cloisters. There is a meeting point sponsored by Humpty Dumpty Brewery - we encourage you to arrange to meet friends here as the door area gets very congested and you will be asked to move. All areas are accessible, with ramps or lifts available to avoid steps - please ask a steward for assistance if required. Food, provided by outside caterers is available from Blackfriars’ Hall. St Andrew’s Hall has a stall selling beer festival related items, including T-shirts and rugby shirts. A range of books are on sale, including the Good Beer Guide, with a discount for CAMRA members. This stall is also selling beer glasses from previous festivals. The friendly staff welcome your enquiries. The Membership staff will be pleased to answer your questions about CAMRA, the Festival, and joining our volunteer staff. All stewards will also be pleased to help you. There is no smoking (including E-cigarettes) in any inside area, but when we have sufficient staff an outside area will be available. Finally on the stage in Blackfriars’ Hall you will find traditional pub games to test your skill and luck, with fabulous prizes to be won.


General Beer Festival Information Opening times and admission prices

Date Monday Oct. 24th Tuesday Oct. 25th Wednesday Oct. 26th Thursday Oct. 27th Friday Oct. 28th Saturday Oct. 29th

Lunchtime Closed 11.30-2.30 £1.00 11.30-2.30 £1.00 11.30-2.30 £1.00 11.30-3.00 £3.00 11.30-3.00 £3.00

Evening 5.30-11.00 5.30-11.00 5.30-11.00 5.30-11.00 5.30-11.00 6.00-11.00

£3.00 £3.00 £4.00 £5.00 £5.00 £6.00

Saturday evening - the majority of admissions are with advance purchase tickets but note that there are cash admissions on the door at all sessions including Saturday evening. Prices shown are for payment on the door.

CAMRA members are admitted FREE at all sessions, but members must join the queue, unless directed otherwise. Admission is to over 18s only – proof of age may be requested. No children or babies at any session.

Last admissions 30 minutes before closing time. Admission is subject to space restrictions ( limited Saturday night for non ticket holders).


Souvenir pint and half-pint glasses with the festival logo are available. If these glasses run out towards the end of the week, other glasses are used instead. Glasses from some previous festivals are available on the CAMRA Goods stall for collectors.

Full measures

Norwich Beer Festival uses oversized, lined glasses - so ensuring that a full measure is served every time. Lines at pint, half and third.

Soft Drinks

Speciality soft drinks are available in the Marquee. Speciality apple juice is also available from the Cider stall. Free lemonade and other basic soft drinks are available on all bars. © 2016 N&N CAMRA Norwich Beer Festival is organised and run by unpaid volunteers who are members of the Norwich and Norfolk Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale Ltd. 230 Hatfield Road, St Albans, Herts.

Printed by BD&H Limited 37 Europa Way, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2EN Email: mail@bdandh.co.uk 01603 620780



BEER FESTIVAL ORGANISER’S WELCOME The Norwich & Norfolk branch of the Campaign for Real Ale and myself would like to welcome you to the 39th Beer Festival. Over 200 cask-conditioned Real Ales from Britain’s independent brewers will be on sale, with a few festival specials as always along with draught and bottled beers from continental Europe and over 40 real ciders, perries and wines. We hope you will like the logo which was designed by Richard Smith on his third attempt in the competition. The design was inspired by seeing and enjoying the rows and rows of real ales at the beer festival being served by the volunteers. He said “I just wanted to do a simple design which showed a happy/merry dragon helping to pour a pint of real ale from one of the casks.” I must mention our many volunteers, without their help there would be no beer festival. We have staff who take on various tasks, including stewards, merchandise, bar staff, glasses, membership, cellar team, logistics, games and many more. Some staff come for just a session or two, some all week. If you would like to join our friendly team come and talk to our staffing team. I am sure you will find a task that you enjoy, as well as making new friends. I know many volunteers come back year after year. Next year is our 40th anniversary and we are lunching next year’s logo compation at the festival giving you time to design something exciting for next year’s logo so get designing and we look forward to see seeing your designs. Robert Derbridge Norwich Beer Festival Organiser

The Branch awards evening with on the right the presentation of the Beer of the Festival Award to Beeston Brewery. Make sure you vote for this years beer of the festival


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NORWICH AND NORFOLK CAMRA CHAIRMANS WELCOME Welcome to the 39th Norwich Beer Festival, Norwich & Norfolk CAMRA’s flagship event, and a permanent fixture in the life of the city of Norwich, the county of Norfolk, and all the regular customers and volunteer staff, some from much further afield. Before anything else I’d like to thank all of the three hundred plus staff, without whom the Festival just would not happen. From the initial planning and logo competition back in February, to clearing down the tables after the staff party in mid-November, everything is done by volunteers, giving up their free time to make the Festival a success. Why do they do it? Well it may surprise you, but it really isn’t the free beer - although that does help! For most, though, it is the camaraderie of knowing you are part of something big, the joy of meeting friends old and new, of working hard at something completely different to your day job. And all in a beautiful building whose first stones were laid over five hundred years ago. If you’ve ever thought about joining in, please do - you won’t regret it! (ask any steward in orange for more details). While much of the Festival would be recognisable to those fifteenth-century labourers, we do try to keep up with the times, and improve things where we can, and this year there are a few changes I’d like to mention. Firstly, we’ve replaced the aging equipment used to dispense foreign draught beers in the Marquee, which should mean faster service and less waste. A bonus for us is that the new equipment is capable of dispensing from Key Casks, which many UK brewers are now using instead of, and as well as, regular casks, for both filtered beers and real ale. Taking advantage of this, we will have a cracking range of real ales in key cask on the bar in the Marquee - please give them a try and let us know what you think of them! We’ve also made a few changes to the music lineup, following the relaxation of the Halls’ rules on amplification, and we’ve added the foreign and UK draught beers available in the Marquee to the live ‘beer finder’ website at norwichcamra.org.uk/bf. This is maintained by staff on the bars, and should help you to know when beers are on or off, and where they are. It’s a straightforward website, so works on all smart phones and tablets, but you can log in and save your ‘favourites’, make notes and score the beers, and even vote for the Beer of the Festival. Next year will be a huge year for Norwich & Norfolk CAMRA, as we’re organising the National Winter Ales Festival at the Halls, from February 21st - 25th. Don’t be misled by the name - there will be winter ales, but there will also be plenty of other beer styles, plus cider, foreign beer and music (on the last three days). The Tuesday evening will be for CAMRA members only (so find the Membership Desk and sign up!), and we’ll be open


all day Wednesday to Saturday to all. See the advertisment on page 74, or go to nwaf.org.uk for more details. We’ll also be holding our second Beer Awards Night in late March, which will be bigger and even better than the inaugural event, with we hope space for at least 150 people, to help local and national brewers celebrate their Beer of the Year and Beer of the Festival awards. And to top it all off, next year’s Norwich Beer Festival will be the 40th, and we’re already planning to make it really special! Each year at Norwich Beer Festival we are proud to give a local charity the opportunity to raise funds, and this year is no different. BUILD is an independent Norfolk-based charity providing social, leisure and learning opportunities to people with sensory, physical or learning disabilities. Please donate to their collectors in the Halls, or by leaving your left-over tokens in the boxes provided, or at their website, buildcharity.co.uk Having started by thanking the volunteers, I’d like to end by thanking you the customers for making the Festival the exciting event it always is. I hope you had/have a great time and enjoy some fantastic beer!



2016 BRANCH CHARITY FOR ITS 2016 CHARITY THE NORFOLK AND NORWICH CAMRA BRANCH HAS SELECTED BUILD BUILD is an independent, Norfolk based registered charity, providing social, daytime and evening leisure and learning opportunities for adults and young people with sensory, physical or learning disabilities in central Norwich. To help achieve this, BUILD Charity relies on just six members of staff and a support of over 100 volunteers involved in a variety of roles. An independent charity such as BUILD costs around £200,000 a year to run. Norwich & Norfolk CAMRA are pleased to be associated with BUILD and we look forward to helping them raise funds to help meet the costs of this valuable local service. Of course, as this year’s branch charity BUILD will benefit from money raised through various activities but especially donations from customers at the 39th Norwich Beer Festival.

BUILD is a Norfolk based independent registered charity providing social, leisure and learning opportunities, to people with disabilities. We aim to treat people, like people, value their involvement and contribution and offer them the opportunities in life that most of us take for granted. We offer these core services: l Evening and weekend community based sports, social, and

cultural activities for adults with disabilities aged 16+ across Norfolk. l Learning and skills workshops to promote confidence and

independence. l A Norwich based social club (Wednesday Evenings) l Nightclub projects in Norwich & Kings Lynn with Chicago’s

We have around 100 volunteers supporting us in roles that include supporting people to take part in activities, as well as marketing, mentoring and fundraising. What can you gain from joining us?

We need around £200,000 a year to provide around 350 community activities, and the support to make them happen. Can you help us?

01603 618029 www.buildcharity.co.uk

For more information call or visit

BUILD Charity Limited is registered in England and Wales with company number 8069610 and registered with the Charity Commission with charity number 1147395. Registered office: Church House, Church Alley, Redwell Street, Norwich, NR2 4SN

Branch Charity 2015

Last year some £8500 was raised for St-Eds, of which about £3500 came from unused or part used beer cards. The rest came from the collection boxes round the Halls. The funds which raised went towards equipping their workshop in Oak Street with the tools and equipment needed for training.


HOW YOU CAN HELP BUILD UNUSED (or part used) BEER CARDS - You can donate these before you leave; there are boxes on the products stall, glasses stall and elsewhere in the halls. Any unused credits will be converted into a cash donation.

Bedford Street, NR2 1AG

This beer festival programme is provided free, (thanks to our advertisers) but we do ask for a small donation into one of the many collecting boxes round the hall. You will also see volunteer workers at the festival as well so please feel free to ask them all about this years Charity

Wherry only £2-50 a pint 24th Oct – 31st Oct With this advert T&C’s apply

Bags - Short handles or Long handles versions - £3.50 Ladies Rugby Shirt - Pink/Navy stripes or White/Navy stripes -£26.00 Ladies Polo Shirt - Red or Sunflower - £14.00 Ladies Gilet (limited amount) - Red or Black - £23.00 Mens Rugby Shirts - Black or Red/Black - £26.00 Mens Polo Shirt - Red, Sunflower or Royal blue - £14.00 Mens fleece - Navy/red - £22.00 Mens Gilet (limited amount) - Black only - £23.00


Fully revised every year with details of more than 4,500 pubs selected and reviewed by local CAMRA volunteers Unique brewery section listing all real ale breweries in the UK. with tasting notes for hundreds of beers written by a trained CAMRA tasting panel.

FESTIVAL ENTERTAINMENT The musical entertainment at this year’s festival will be the first, for over ten years, to be performed without external sound restrictions thanks to an overhauled decision by the local judiciary but we will still be working within the sound ‘envelope’ of the Halls so please enjoy yourselves but keep your appreciation within, shall we say usual ‘limits’, and on leaving the Halls please leave quietly as there are residential properties near the premises. So, what music are we offering in 2016, well there are new, for the festival, virgins, in the form of Dove & Boweevil on Monday, Celebration Band on Tuesday and the Punch House Band on Wednesday all first timers but, who knows, possibly to be future ‘must book’ bands who will appear alongside festival favourites.

Day by Day Listing

Band Review: Jon, our Entertainment Manager, gives us an in depth review of each of the sessions entertainment. As always he seeks to ensure a variety of musical tastes are catered for.

Monday Evening Dove & Boveevill Tuesday lunchtime Celebration Band – Windhover Tuesday Evening - Stage Sponsor - H Banham Ltd Music free Wednesday lunchtime: Punch House Band / Tim Lane Wednesday early evening: sponsor Vionic Shoes Hayley Moyses Britgrass Three Wednesday late evening: sponsor Vionic Shoes Vibe City Brass Thursday lunchtime: Sponsor Lacon’s Bry. Dixie Mix Jazz Band Thursday early evening: Sponsor Lacon’s Bry. Sophie G & the Good Times Thursday late evening: Sponsor Lacon’s Bry. Music Free Friday lunchtime: . Dave Thomas Duo Friday early evening: Invidia Voices Friday late evening: Norfolk Wherry Band Saturday lunchtime: Sponsor Lacon’s Bry. The Harvs

Monday Evening Dove & Boveevill

Dove and Boweevil are cutting a line to fish for some swamp roots Americana/Blues gumbo! They have built a mighty fine reputation on the British Blues scene in the UK, widely recognised as an act to watch and constantly carving their own style. In 2012 Dove and Boweevil became electrified and formed as a five piece band with influences from Doctor John, Delaney and Bonnie and The Tedeschi Trucks Band. Vocalist Lauren Dove and guitarist Mark ‘Boweevil’ Howes released their debut album ‘Getting Somewhere’ in March 2011 following an inspiring trip in pursuit of their passion of Blues and Soul from New Orleans to Chicago performing in Nashville, becoming a finalist in a songwriters competition at reputable Eddie’s Attic in Atlanta as well performances at Buddy Guy’s Blues Club in Chicago. There they revelled in witnessing the likes of Etta James, Bonnie Raitt, Joe Cocker, Mavis Staples and Seasick Steve to a name a few of Dove and Boweevil’s influences.

Saturday Early Evening: Sponsor Van Dal & Stone Cold Sober Lacon’s Bry Saturday Late Evening: Sponsor Van Dal & Vagaband Lacon’s Bry


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4.5% abv A smooth, dark ale, lightly smoked and infused with orange & corriander.

4.9% abv This strong dark mild has a subtle blackcurrant aroma, full-bodied with a rich, fruity, sweet finish.

Our range: Moon Gazer Ales: Amber, Golden, Gold IPA. Dark Mild, American Pale Ale and Ruby Craft Lagers: StubbleStag and DewHopper



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NorfolkBrewhouse 09/10/2016 11:12

Wednesday late evening: sponsor Vionic Shoes Vibe City Brass

Tuesday lunchtime Celebration Band – Windhover

Wanted to book this band for ‘quite some time’ unquote. Real street brass, with loud and danceable brass, drums with a wall of sound and rhythm ‘guaranteed to get the feet twitching’ (Norwich City Council) Plus they are advertising for a sousaphone /Tuba player under the heading of must Be Enthusiastic , Good Player & Performer , want to play Modern fun music ? Well that is me happy, what about you?

One of Norfolk’s finest selection of folk musicians this band (Keyboards, guitar, viola, mandolin and whatever else they find strapped to the bike) will deliver an evening of musical delights. Usually the band practise & perform at the Alexander PH on Stafford Street so that may be worth a second viewing

Tuesday Evening: Stage Sponsor - H Banham Ltd Music free Wednesday lunchtime: Punch House Band / Tim Lane

Probably best known as the composer & guitar player for the top local theatre company Crude Apache and once upon a time, with the Hethersett Kazoo Orchestra. Tim Lane is a Norwichbased song-writer and composer, guitarist, singer and music technology addict who’s been making music since he was a youngster. There’s not much about him that’s young these days (except maybe his attitude) but his songs, with his band, represent his interest over the last ten years in country, bluegrass, blues, folk and americana. Enjoy!

Thursday lunchtime: Sponsor Lacon’s Bry Dixie Mix Jazz Band

Led by cornetist Simon Nelson Dixie Mix are a band that brings together many of the best jazz players in the region Their talent, knowledge & enthusiasm for traditional Jazz combines with ease to provide outstanding entertainment for all occasions. With the emphasis on first class music mixed with humour this band never fails to provide a top quality performance. To quote their byline: East Anglia’s Hottest Dixieland Jazz Band.

Wednesday early evening: sponsor Vionic Shoes Hayley Moyses Britgrass Three

This is an innovative three piece of Norfolk musicians playing a wide range of material from old pop classics to songs plucked from contemporary charts mixed with classic bluegrass breakdowns. With an easy professional musical style they seem to straddle several musical styles with three part harmonies, guitar, fiddle, banjos & mandolin.


REAL ALE, REAL FOOD GREEN JACK AND TOMBSTONE ALES PLUS LOCAL AND NATIONAL GUESTS • QUALITY HOME COOKED FOOD We are in the 2017 CAMRA Good Beer Guide! • 01603 270049 • lucasinns.com • • 18 The Street, South Walsham, Norfolk, NR13 6DQ •

Thursday early evening: Sponsor Lacon’s Bry Sophie G & the Good Times

They were formed in 2013 and are a professional UK party band, offering a dynamic selection of entertainment packages for weddings, private parties, functions and corporate events. They perform all around the country with a wide range of popular music from the 1950s to current chart hits. But that is enough of their promo what do they play, well; from Taylor Swift to T-Rex & from Adele’s Rolling in the Deep to Valerie by Amy Winehouse In other words if you are 18 to 80 they will have something in your era well played and rather enjoyable.


Thursday late evening - Sponsor Lacon’s Bry Music free

Friday late evening: Norfolk Wherry Band

Norfolk Wherry Brass was formed in 2004 by a group of musicians from across East Anglia. The band is located in Neatishead, Norfolk based at one of the most eco-friendly village halls in Great Britain, the New Victory Hall. Having formed just over 10 years ago, they are a modern, progressive brass band based in the heart of rural Norfolk committed to quality music-making, entertaining and educating the community.

Friday lunchtime: Dave Thomas Duo

Dave Thomas is entering the 50th year of his professional career and is the guitarist and bandleader of choice for many of the big blues names visiting from the U.S. He also has a number of critically acclaimed albums in his own right that are as varied as they are classy. If you have an interest in blues music that has a clear lineage from its 1950’s and 60’s roots you owe it to yourself to check Dave out.

Friday early evening: Invidia Voices

Saturday lunchtime: Sponsor Lacon’s Bry. The Harvs

Invidia Choir are a big, strong and powerful sounding rock and soul choir in Norwich that allows all members to have fun whilst enjoying singing great hits from that past 5 decades, anything from Aretha to Queen, to Abba to Katy Perry and anything in between. Invidia voices was born in 2012, when Matt Emerson decided to set up a rock & soul choir for his students. He felt that many of the existing choirs lacked an emphasis on fun and wanted to bring back the social, enjoyable side to performing as part of a vocal group. The first sessions started off as the Carolling & Christmas Choir, which turned into a roaring success. As a result of the enthusiastic response from all involved, Matt and Alex Emmerson decided to turn the choir into a full time group. By March of 2012, well over a hundred new members had signed up to join the newly named Invidia Voices Rock & Soul Choir.

Ian & Liam - father & son. They are family and say they genuinely enjoy playing together. They like much the same sort of things and say they approach stuff like harmonies in a very similar and spooky way so they don’t have to spend lots of time practising. Quite simply, one of them plays mandolin and the other plays guitar... well mostly it’s like that. Both of them sing, sometimes melody, sometimes harmony. As they put it, they like a good laugh, and they both like hecklers. What does come across is that they both like what they do to entertain us !



Saturday Late Evening: Sponsor. Van Dal Vagaband & Lacon’s Bry

Saturday Early Evening: Sponsor Van Dal Stone Cold Sober & Lacon’s Bry.

Founded in 2009 the band specialise in Americana, Folk, Blues, Jazz & Rock and have been very welcome on the local scene from there very early days with pedal steel guitar, fiddle, sax, flugel horn, piano, dulcitone, clarinet, banjo, mandolin, dobro, double bass, pump organ, guitar, squeeze box, recorder, flute and percussion Their debut album was ‘Town & Country’ released Sept 3rd 2012 and from Q magazine” The Vagaband - Proof the Devil doesn’t always have the best tunes... Stunning.” & from Flyin Shoes “They build songs around hooks that they hammer home until you’re convinced that you’ve known these songs forever...In short, this lot are talented, distinctive and fun – a welcome arrival on the scene.”

Returning after a few years away SCS are a seven piece band specialising in 70’s and 80’s big classic rock covers with a few surprises thrown in. Working all over Norfolk this is a hard working band who pull together to produce a rather fine sound and the occasional festival appearance. From Dancing in the Moonlight to Maggie May they cover the lot!

We would like to thank all those companies who have sponsored the stage entertainment : H Banham Ltd Vionic Van Dal Lacons Brewery

Members contemplating hops growing. Just one of the visits made this year.





Mild is one of the most traditional beer styles which is enjoying a revival in today’s real ale market. Usually dark brown in colour, due to the use of well-roasted malts or barley, it is less hopped than bitters and often has a chocolaty character with nutty and burnt flavours. Cask conditioned Mild is a rarity in a lot of parts of the country, which is a crying shame, because Mild is a distinctive and tasty beer. Mild is one of, if not the, oldest beer styles in the country. Until the 15th Century, ale and mead were the major British brews, both made without hops. Hops were introduced from Holland, France and Germany after this time. This also started the trend of reducing the strength of ale, as the hop is also a preservative, and beers had previously to be brewed very strongly to try to help preserve them. The hop also started the rapid decline of mead, which is only made in a very few places today. So what is Mild? It is a beer which has tastes and textures all its own. Basically it is a beer that is less hopped than bitter, etc. The darkness of Dark Milds, such as Greene King XX Mild, comes from the use of darker malts and/or roasted barley which are used to compensate for the loss of Hop character. “Chocolate “, “fruity”, “nutty” and “burnt” are all tastes to be found in the complexity of Milds. However, not all milds are dark. Yorkshire brewed Timothy Taylors Golden Best is one of the best examples of a light coloured mild, as is Bank’s Original, the name changed from Mild to try to give it a more modern image. In Scotland, 60/- ale is similar to mild (Belhaven’s being a good example). Milds today tend to have an ABV in the 3% to 3.5% range, with of course some notable exceptions. In fact, a lot of the Microbreweries who try their hand at mild are bringing the alcohol content back up somewhat! Mild wasn’t always weaker though. In the latter half of the 19th Century, milds were brewed to about the same strength as bitters as a response to the demand for a sweeter beer from the working classes and in those days most bitters were around 6% to 7% ABV.


Bitters developed towards the end of the 19th Century as brewers began to produce beers that could be served in pubs after only a few days storage in cellars. Bitters grew out of pale ale but were usually deep bronze to copper in colour due to the use of slightly darker crystal malts. Towards the end of the 19th Century, brewers built large estates of tied pubs. They moved away from vatted beers stored for many months and developed ‘running beers’ that could be served after a few days’ storage in pub cellars. Draught Mild was a ‘running beer’ along with a new type that was dubbed Bitter by drinkers. Bitter grew out of Pale Ale but was generally deep bronze to copper in colour due to the use of slightly darker malts such as crystal that give the beer fullness of palate. Best is a stronger version of Bitter but there is considerable crossover. Bitter falls into the 3.4% to 3.9% band, with Best Bitter 4% upwards, but a number of brewers label their ordinary Bitters ‘Best’. A further development of Bitter comes in the shape of Extra or Special Strong Bitters of 5% or more: familiar examples of this style include Fuller’s ESB and Greene King Abbot. With ordinary Bitter, look for a spicy, peppery and grassy hop character, a powerful bitterness, tangy fruit and juicy and nutty malt. With Best and Strong Bitters, malt and fruit character will tend to dominate but hop aroma and bitterness are still crucial to the style, often achieved by ‘late hopping’ in the brewery or by adding hops to casks as they leave for pubs.


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This new style of pale, well-hopped and quenching beer developed in the 1980s as independent brewers attempted to win younger drinkers from heavily-promoted lager brands. The first in the field were Exmoor Gold and Hop Back Summer Lightning, though many micros and regionals now make their versions of the style. Strengths will range from 3.5% to 5.3%. The hallmark will be the biscuity and juicy malt character derived from pale malts, underscored by tart citrus fruit and peppery hops, often with the addition of hints of vanilla and cornflour. Golden ales are pale amber, gold, yellow or straw coloured and above all, such beers are quenching and served cool.


India Pale Ale changed the face of brewing early in the 19th century. The new technologies of the Industrial Revolution enabled brewers to use pale malts to fashion beers that were genuinely golden or pale bronze in colour. First brewed in London and Burton-on-Trent for the colonial market, IPAs were strong in alcohol and high in hops: the preservative character of the hops helped keep the beers in good condition during long sea journeys. Beers with less alcohol and hops were developed for the domestic market and were known as Pale Ale. Today, Pale Ale is usually a bottled version of Bitter, though historically the styles are different. Marston’s Pedigree is an example of Burton Pale Ale, not Bitter, while the same brewery’s Old Empire is a fascinating interpretation of a Victorian IPA. So-called IPAs with strengths of around 3.5% are not true to style. Look for juicy malt, citrus fruit and a big spicy, peppery bitter hop character, with strengths of 4% upwards.


Porter was a London style that turned the brewing industry upside down early in the 18th Century. It was a dark brown beer - 19th Century versions became jet black - that was originally a blend of brown ale, pale ale and ‘stale’ or well-matured ale. It acquired the name Porter as a result of its popularity among London’s streetmarket workers. The strongest versions of Porter were known as Stout Porter, reduced over the years to simply Stout. Such vast quantities of Porter and Stout flooded into Ireland from London and Bristol that a Dublin brewer named Arthur Guinness decided to fashion his own interpretation of the style. The beers were strong - 6% for Porter, 7% or 8% for Stout. Guinness in Dublin blended some unmalted roasted barley and in so doing produced a style known as Dry Irish Stout. Restrictions on making roasted malts in Britain during World War One led to the demise of Porter and Stout and left the market to the Irish. In recent years, smaller craft brewers in Britain have rekindled an interest in the style, though in keeping with modern drinking habits, strengths have been reduced. Look for profound dark and roasted malt character with raisin and sultana fruit, espresso or cappuccino coffee, liquorice and molasses, all underscored by hefty hop bitterness. Porters are complex in flavour, range from 4% to 6.5% and are typically black or dark brown; the darkness comes from the use of dark malts unlike stouts which use roasted malted barley. Stouts can be dry or sweet and range from 4% to 8% ABV.


Barley Wine is a style that dates from the 18th and 19th centuries when England was often at war with France and it was the duty of patriots, usually from the upper classes, to drink ale rather than Claret. Barley Wine had to be strong - often between 10% and 12% -- and was stored for prodigious periods of as long at 18 months or two years. When country houses had their own small breweries, it was often the task of the butler to brew ale that was drunk from cut-glass goblets at the dining table. The biggest-selling Barley Wine for years was Whitbread’s 10.9% Gold Label, now available only in cans. Bass’s No 1 Barley Wine (10.5%) is occasionally brewed in Burton-on-Trent, stored in cask for 12 months and made available to CAMRA beer festivals. Fuller’s Vintage Ale (8.5%) is a bottle-conditioned version of its Golden Pride. Many micro-brewers now produce their interpretations of the style. Expect massive sweet malt and ripe fruit of the pear drop, orange and lemon type, with darker fruits, chocolate and coffee if darker malts are used. Hop rates are generous and produce bitterness and peppery, grassy and floral notes.



Old Ale recalls the type of beer brewed before the Industrial Revolution, stored for months or even years in unlined wooden vessels known as tuns. The beer would pick up some lactic sourness as a result of wild yeasts, lactobacilli and tannins in the wood. The result was a beer dubbed ‘stale’ by drinkers: it was one of the components of the early, blended Porters. The style has re-emerged in recent years, due primarily to the fame of Theakston’s Old Peculier, Gale’s Prize Old Ale and Thomas Hardy’s Ale, the last saved from oblivion by O’Hanlon’s Brewery in Devon. Old Ales, contrary to expectation, do not have to be especially strong: they can be no more than 4% alcohol, though the Gale’s and O’Hanlon’s versions are considerably stronger. Neither do they have to be dark: Old Ale can be pale and burst with lush sappy malt, tart fruit and spicy hop notes. Darker versions will have a more profound malt character with powerful hints of roasted grain, dark fruit, polished leather and fresh tobacco. The hallmark of the style remains a lengthy period of maturation, often in bottle rather than bulk vessels. Old Ales typically range from 4% to 6.5%.


Historically, Scottish beers tend to be darker, sweeter and less heavily hopped than English and Welsh ales: a cold climate demands warming beers. But many of the new craft breweries produce beers lighter in colour and with generous hop rates. The traditional, classic styles are Light, low in strength and so-called even when dark in colour, also known as 60/-, Heavy or 70/-, Export or 80/- and a strong Wee Heavy, similar to a barley wine, and also labelled 90/-. In the 19th century, beers were invoiced according to strength, using the now defunct currency of the shilling, hence the use of 60/- , 70/- etc.


We define light bitters as any bitter with an ABV of 3.4% or lower or an original gravity (OG) of 1034 or lower. By light bitters, we generally mean low gravity or low strength, but they do also tend to be lighter in colour than stronger bitters. Originally these beers were most prevalent in the West Country where they were colloquially known as Boy’s Bitters. Other names that have been used over the years are Family Ales or Luncheon Ales.


It comes as a surprise to some people that beer is not always suitable for vegetarians and vegans. The key point that determines whether a beer is vegetarian / vegan or not is the use of finings. Finings are used by most brewers to clarify cask conditioned beer (Real Ale), as they cause the yeast to flocculate, and sediment on the bottom of the cask. These finings are usually isinglass finings, which are made from the dried swim bladders of fish (originally sturgeon). Although the finings stick to the yeast, sediment with it, and are not consumed, the use of an animal product means that beer clarified with isinglass is not vegan, and some vegetarians don’t drink it either. Before the 19th Century, when pewter tankards were used, all beers were unfined until glassware became popular and therefore the clarity of beers was visible. Some brewers leave their beers unfined which means that the beer generally doesn’t need to settle before serving, although it will still need to be vented, and allowed to finish maturation. Such beers usually turn out hazy, or even cloudy, in the glass. Recently more and more brewers are leaving their beers unfined, or using vegan finings to achieve full or partial clarification. There are also some who feel that (isinglass) finings strip beers of flavour, hop character, aroma and mouthfeel. Vegan beers from breweries such as Brass Castle, Odyssey Brew, Poppyland Brewery and Boudicca Brewery will be available at the 39th Norwich Beer Festival so do try some for yourself. Afterall, we all drink with our mouths and not our eyes


LACONS BREWERY MUSEUM At a time when old brewery names suddenly reappear as the name of a small micro brewery, with little to connect them, it is refreshing to see how Lacon’s has been established in Great Yarmouth. Lacon’s was the big Yarmouth Brewery, shut in 1966 after being taken over by Whitbread. The tradition and spirit of Old Lacon’s lies behind the new Lacon’s. Old beers based upon original recipes have been brewed, as well as some exciting new ones. The establishment at the outset of a museum celebrating Lacon’s long history is to be commended. He we see images of the huge brewery that met one as you entered Great Yarmouth. Mysterious objects abound that were used in the brewery trades. We see how beer was promoted to different generations, and the publicity material developed, even down to a model Great Yarmouth Blue Bus with its Lacon’s advertising. Old price lists amaze, and whilst the choice for cask beers was limited, there was a surprising variety of other drinks available. Without doubt this is the best display of brewery and beer related ephemera in

Norfolk, and one of the best in the Country, it is well worth visiting. At present the museum in open Wednesday and Thursday between Noon and 2pm.


Opposite a General view of part of the museum and some example display cases

Above: A painting of the brewery. Below: The Brewery Shop.



CIDER AND PERRY Key to Listings

Cider in Norfolk and East Anglia

CIDER MAKER Cider Name Perry Name

This year we have 4 new Norfolk cider makers represented for the first time: All Day Brewing, Downham, Trunch Cider Cooperative, and Village Green Cider Norfolk. We also have 2 new Cambridgeshire cider makers represented: Duxford Scrumpy Co., and Ermine’s Treat. To top it off, we also have 2 new Suffolk cider makers: Giggler, and Orwell. The number of East Anglian cider makers is increasing year on year, which makes CAMRA’s East Anglian Cider & Perry Competition (held at the festival) more of a challenge each year. This together with Ryan Burnard (in Norfolk) winning National Silver for his perry, and Lee Harding (in Cambridgeshire) winning National Gold for his cider, makes East Anglian cider & perry a force to be reckoned with.





Aspall , Suffolk

Temple Moon

Made by Aspall, one of the larger cider makers in the UK.

BERTIE’S OBSession Galanthus Perry

- Braintree, Essex

Ian Reynolds is a small producer, making cider in his back garden.

BLACKHAND Traditional

- Denton, Norfolk

A non-commercial group of over 50 family members that make cider using restored traditional equipment.


- Salle, Norfolk

Whisky Barrel Oak-Aged


Not content with making beer, Simon Barker and Miles Anstes also make organic cider from their own orchard. This is the first time we’ve had his cider at Norwich.

- Canewdon, Essex

Trevor Buffett is a small scale maker, making cider in his garage.



Oakey Dokey Stray Pear COR BLIMEY Scrumpy

- Baldock, Hertfordshire

Perry F.T.J. Filthy Tramp Juice

Paul & Gayle Edwards started small, and are now one of the 5 largest in East Anglia. They continue to win awards!

- Banham, Norfolk

Ryan Burnard has been making cider since before 1988. He recently won a national award for his perry.




- Meldreth, Cambridgeshire

Discovery (SV) 0 Scrumptious (SV) Dabinett Blend

Tim Elbourn is the fifth generation to farm in the area around Melbourn and Meldreth. The first was in 1864. Over 20 varieties of apples are grown and sold in the farm shop.

Cabinet maker Robbie Crone started part time cider making in 1984 before going full time in 1989. A fully organic set-up producing a wide range of apple juices as well as cider.


- Bassingbourn, Cambridgeshire

Much Merriment President’s Perry


- Sible Hedingham, Essex

Rob Muggridge started with just bottle cider in 2013, and has grown rapidly. His perry won an East Anglian award last year.


Waltzing Wasp

Dawn & Adam Leworthy have been making cider since 2004. They use a vintage tractor to power their hydraulic press.

- Boxted, Essex

Essex Cider


Made by Tom Bunting at Dedham Vale Vineyard.


- Mayland, Essex


Started in 2012 as a collaboration between a local cider maker and Wibblers Brewery, but now produced by Wibblers. Apples are pressed off-site to prevent crosscontamination of yeasts.

- Bourn, Cambridgeshire

Stoke Red (SV)

Now based in Bourn, David Thompson uses unsprayed, hand pressed, West Country, dessert and culinary apples.


- Downham Market, Norfolk

Tickle Jonagold

CASTLINGS HEATH Organic Original

- Kenninghall, Norfolk

Dutchy Original (Oak Matured) Rum Cask Special Reserve

- Boxford, Suffolk

John Norton makes his organic cider in old oak casks at Castlings Heath Cottage.

Stephen Manton started small, but is growing rapidly. This is the first time we’ve had his cider at Norwich.



- Duxford, Cambridgeshire

- Hemmingford, Cambridgeshire

Incider Trading

Cavalier Perry Oliver’s Choice Oliver’s Sweetheart Session

This is the first ever batch of real cider made by Kay Jagels, Stephen Martin, and Oliver Nentwich! Obviously, this is the first time we’ve had their cider at Norwich.

Tony Hobbs matures his cider and perry for over a year before you get to taste it!

ALL Beer Festival Staff are unpaid volunteers 28



- Scratby, Norfolk

Romany Rose Perry Norfolk Hawker Radiant Rose


- Odell, Bedfordshire

Elisabeth Evershed makes small batches of cider and perry from whatever apples and pears she can get hold of.

Russell Watson makes his cider near Great Yarmouth. They’re England’s most easterly cider maker.



- Biggleswade, Bedfordshire

Simon Bailes was involved with Dunton Cider, and has expanded and branched out. Dunton cider is still available from Franklins.

- Longstowe, Cambridgeshire

Weasel’s Wevenge

This is the first ever batch of real cider made by Gen Madgwick & Lucy Wrapson! Obviously, this is the first time we’ve had their cider at Norwich.




- Halesworth, Suffolk


- Peterborough, Cambridgeshire

‘Ang Over

Tim Chapman uses apples grown on their farm and another just 5 miles away. This is the first time we’ve had his cider at Norwich.

Paul Hubbard started small, and is growing slowly.



- Carlton Rode, Norfolk

Orchard Medium

Trevor Greenwood uses mainly dessert apples from the family orchards for the bulk of his cider and juice making. He also offers a pressing service for those with no means of pressing.

Frank Foster-Wright now makes the cider at the Banham Barrel pub.


- Moreton, Greater London

Crab Apple Cider Perry


- Abbotsley, Cambridgeshire

3 Peace Sweet

London Glider, rhyming slang for cider. They take apples & pears from the gardens of suburbia and turn it into cider & perry. They have just moved into new premises to allow expansion.

Lee Harding is a small producer using apples that would normally be going to waste. He is now firmly based in Cambridgeshire.



- Harleston, Norfolk

Ci’der’road Vintage (Chestnut Cask) Perry


Miss Muffet Wild Free Frity

- Ely, Cambridgeshire

Cider Perry


- Streatham, Cambridgeshire


Cox (SV) Sweet Little Pig

- Much Hadham, Hertfordshire

Stippy Stappy

Charles Roberts keeps winning awards for his cider, which uses locally sourced apples.

Chris Cleall started making cider as a result of her love of real cider. With the help of Rob Gabriel, they are slowly expanding.

Don’t Forget Vote for the Cider of the Festival and Vote for Norfolk Cider Pub

- Great Totham, Essex

Major’s “Quincessential” Cider Nigel Lane has diversified his juice pressing company and now makes cider.

- Ipswich, Suffolk

George Parker is very small maker, using whatever apples he can find. This is the first time we’ve had his cider at Norwich.

Michael Czarnobaj makes his cider from a mixture of eating, cooking, and crab apples.


- Cottered, Hertfordshire

Lynne and Nihal Premadasa make hand pressed cider using traditional techniques.

A boutique producer, Ken and Deb Woolley use apples from wild roadside trees to make their award winning cider.


- Banham, Norfolk

Red Sky Early Night



POTTON PRESS Crispin Pyder Sweet Spot

- Potton, Bedfordshire

Horatia’s Tipple

- Trunch, Norfolk

A Cooperative of villagers making use of perfectly good apples that would otherwise go to waste.

Made in his shed, John Weekes won an award for his first ever cider, and continues to win awards.


- Pulham St Mary, Norfolk

Norfolk “Medium” Norfolk “Dry”


- Cambridge, Cambridgeshire

Jack Adlard is the Norfolk half of Village Green Cider, the other half in Sussex. This is the first time we’ve had his cider at Norwich.

Barrel No. 3 Pigeon Scarer

Simon Doyle is still at the small scale of cider making, but his cider is winning awards.


- Wisbech, Cambridgeshire


“Medium” Pear Perry

- Cambourne, Cambridgeshire

Conference Peary East Meets West

David Fisher primarily makes apple juice, but the quantity of cider is growing. The cider is made with Cambridgeshire grown apples

Simon Gibson’s first perry won an award! He’s growing rapidly, with plans to move into larger premises.



Sweet Browns (SV) Perry Dabinett (SV)

- Wicken, Cambridgeshire

Monk and Disorderly Virgin on the Ridiculous

Spinney Abbey is a house and farm on the site of a former monastic foundation. Their cider continues to growing in popularity.

- Wells, Norfolk

Mark and Lisa Jarvis took over in 2012, and have continued the tradition of producing award winning perry.



Making malt

There are a vast number of different beers, with a whole range of tastes and strengths. British brewers alone produce over 2,000 real ales and numerous keg beers and lagers. Brewing has taken place ever since the first people began to grow grain - 5000 BC in the Middle East. Yet brewing is a complex process requiring skill and care.

Brewing starts with barley. The starches in barley cannot be fermented, so they must be converted into a fermentable form, by malting. The grains of barley

Barley, the key ingredient for beer Traditional Floor Maltings

What is beer? All beer is brewed from malted barley, hops, yeast and water - though other ingredients can be used. Yeast ferments the sugars in the malt to alcohol. Hops provide bitter flavour and aroma. The difference between ales and lagers is mainly the type of fermentation. Lager beers use a bottom-fermenting yeast, one which sinks to the bottom of the fermenting vessel. Fermenting at a lower temperature, which should be followed by a long period of cool conditioning. The ale family includes stouts, milds, bitters, old ales and barley wines. Ales are fermented at a warmer temperature, it is a shorter more vigorous fermentation, and the yeast forms a thick head at the top of the fermenting vessel. It is what happens after fermentation which decides whether an ale is traditional real ale or not. The flavour of the beer depends on many things; the types of malt and hops used, the use of other ingredients, and the yeast variety used is also crucial, as each variety leaves its own distinctive influence on the beer.

The operations inside a traditional floor maltings. The barley is soaked with water, then spread across the floor of the maltings. As the grain starts to germinate heat is produced so the green malt is raked and turned to ensure even germination. Shortly after the grain sprouts it is placed into a kiln and dried to kill the germinating grain, so producing malt.


are soaked in water and allowed to germinate. Then they are heated and turned regularly, either in the traditional ‘floor’ maltings or in huge rotating drums in the modern drum maltings.

Above: Hops growing on wires in a hop field. Below left: Hop flowers used to brew with Below Right: Compressed flowers made into pellets

Barley grains before and after malting When germination has unlocked the rich natural sugars in the barley, the grains are heated in a kiln, which stops germination. The degree of heat affects the type of malt produced and its flavour - high heat produces dark roasted malts, lighter heats lighter coloured malts. Malt does not just give the wherewithal to produce alcohol, it also gives colour and the body of flavour of the beer. Brewers do use other ingredients such as sugars and fermentable starches. Some ingredients improve the appearance of the head, assist fermentation, or act as preservatives. CAMRA has long argued that brewers should declare the ingredients they use. During the malting process the hard grains are turned into a softer and sweet tasting grain.

reason why big brewers have encouraged lager drinking, they save on the cost of hops. Hops are a vine, traditionally grown on wires supported by long poles, though there are now newer varieties easier to harvest that row closer to the ground. The harvested hops are taken to the oast house to be dried and packaged. These traditional buildings were common in Kent, but many have been converted into luxury homes. Inside the oast house the hops are dried in a kiln. spead out to cool before being pressed into the hop pocket, a traditional large sack for hops. Some are now processed into pellets, which are foil vacuum packed for a long life.

Hops The second important ingredient in traditional beer is hops. Hops came into use during the 16th century to add bitterness and flavour to beer and also improve its keeping qualities. They are traditionally grown in Kent and Herefordshire where the climate is most suitable. Ales require much more hops than astrigent types used in lagers. This is another

Below a traditional Oast House, and a cut away drawing showing the hops being dried in a kiln and then put into large sacks called hop pockets.


Brewing Malt is delivered to the brewery in either sacks or bulk tankers. In the brewery, malt is crushed into a powder in the malt mill. The brewer will use a mix of different malts for different brews. The resultant grist is then mixed with hot water.The thick porridgy liquid is left in a vessel called a mash tun for several hours while the sugars in the malt dissolve. The liquid is now known as wort. When the liquid has absorbed as much sugar as possible, it is run off through the slotted base of the vessel into the Copper, so called because it was traditionally made of copper. The grains in the mash tun are washed to remove as much sugar as possible by spraying the top, a process known as sparging. The wort is now boiled in the copper with hops for between one and two hours. The most traditional brewers use the whole flowers of the hop, but many use pellets. Some hops may be added towards the end of the boil for flavour. During boiling bitter alpha acids and complex flavours and oils pass from the hops into the wort. Also the wort produces precipates unwanted protein material. After boiling, the hopped wort is run over a bed of the boiled hops as a filter in the vessel known as the underback. The wort is then cooled by passing it through a heat exchanger, the hot water produced being used for the next brew. The cooled wort is then run into fermentation tanks, where yeast is added. Yeast is a microscopic fungus which feeds off the fermentable sugars, producing alcohol and carbon dioxide. Yeast cells divide and grow rapidly in this warm sugary liquid. Within a few hours a scum appears on the top of the wort, and this rapidly builds up into a great foamy yellowy-brown crust - though fermentation takes place throughout the liquid. British ales are brewed with strains of the ale yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, at a temperature of about 20° C. Brewers go to great lengths to retain their own specific yeast variety uncontaminated, as each one produces different flavours during the fermentation process. When fermentation has finished, the ‘green beer’ is run into conditioning tanks for a few days. The remaining yeast continues to


turn sugar into alcohol, and also helps purge the beer of rough after-tastes. It is how the beer is treated now that determines whether it is traditional cask conditioned ale (‘real ale’) or a brewery conditioned product. For cask conditioned beer, the beer, still with live yeast in it is run into casks. Sometimes a little wort or sugar solution is added to help the yeast work again. Bitter beers may have a few hops added for extra aroma. Finings are also added to the beer before it is sent to the pub. This is a glutinous substance made from the swimbladders of fish. Finings sink through the beer, attracting particles of yeast, until the beer is clear. This natural process ensures an attractive product without needing to filter and remove flavour. Finings are not actually drunk, remaining in the sediment, nor do they alter the flavour. The cask is now sealed, and will be transported to the pub for the next stage of its life. Here the cask will be placed in the pub cellar where the yeast will continue to work. When required the excess carbon dioxide will be vented off through a porous piece of wood or spile. This encourages the yeast to fall to the bottom of the cask, and the beer becomes ready to serve. We have described a generally traditional brewery. There can be differences with more modern plant. A few breweries also bottle their beer with yeast present to continue fermentation in the bottle, so it’s called Bottle Conditioned.

Keg Beer To produce a product with a long shelf life, which is ready to drink as soon as it leaves the brewery. The conditioning in the brewery is completed, the beer is chilled and filtered to remove all the yeast, and pasteurised to make a sterile product. The beer is put into a sealed metal container, the keg. Filtration and pasteurisation remove flavour and character from the product, and pasteurisation adds distinctive flavours of its own - a sort of burnt sugar flavour. In order to make the beer lively, and also to dispense it, the beer is made fizzy with excess carbon dioxide. Some beers such as Guinness and the nitrokeg beers do not use carbon dioxide alone, but a mix of this and nitrogen gas. This produces a creamier and less fizzy beer, and tends to produce a distinctive head. However nitrogen tends to eliminate bitterness, making for a blander product still. (Nitrokegs are also called smoothflow, creamflow, cream ales and similar names.). All canned beers, all draught keg beers, a lot of bottled beers, and nearly all draught lagers undergo these processes.


COLEMAN’S BREWERY COMPANY, LIMITED. merchant In St Georges Street and Bank Plain with a frontage onto Queen Street.

Recently the Norfolk Industrial Archaeology Society has republished a rare trade directory from 1890. Amongst the 365 businesses described in detail is that of Coleman’s, spelt with an “e”.

About 1883 they commenced making “Coleman’s Liebig’s Extract of Meat and Malt Wine” which was sold as a restorative medicine. Based on port wine it had a ready market amongst those who would never normally drink. They also developed versions laced with quinine and an alcohol free version for strict teetotalers.

The Society have given us permission to publish this extract from “Norfolk 1890” dealing with Colemans Brewery. For those interested in the industrial past the book includes a very detailed description of Bullard’s Norwich Brewery, as well as a number of other breweries and mineral water makers across Norfolk. The book is available from good bookshops for £18.99

In 1889 or 1890 they established a brewery on Rosary road, on the site of old chalk pits and brick kilns. The brewery seems to have moved about 1900 to Westwick Street. However it had only a few tied houses, most of which were sold to Bullard’s, and the trade they had targeted, that of family brewers for domestic consumption had fallen considerably with tea and coffee and bottled soft drinks taking over.

Coleman & Co Limited started life as a manufacturing chemists and wine

Unfortunately the short time of operation on Rosary Road means it never appears on detailed mapping. The site on Westwick Street is shown later as including a vinegar works, so perhaps the quality of brewing was not up to much. The site eventually became the Wincarnis Tonic wine works, making in addition to the tonic wine, tonic chocolate drinks and Jellies. The Westwick site is now occupied by Toys R Us. The Rosary Road site was occupied by a sheet metal works for many years, but has recently been developed for housing.



Image of Coleman’s Brewery on Rosary Road. The chimney may well have been left by the former brickworks on the site. Just to the right of the chimney in low buildings would appear to be the location of the brewing vessels. At the back can be seen the entrance to a tunnel into the chalk, used by the brewery as a cellar. As always with these drawings the buildings are

made to appear grander than they are. Look at the size the artist has drawn horses and men in relation to the doors and windows. How much of the brewery was built is difficult to say, by 1905 when the Ordnance Survey drew a plan of the area Coleman’s had gone, but the sheet metal works may well have taken over what ever buildings were on the site.

.......... The firm is also connected with a large Brewery, the chairman of Coleman & Co., Limited, being the managing director of Coleman’s Brewery Company, Limited. The brewery, of which we give an illustration, is located in Rosary Road, in a convenient situation for rail and river transit. The building has recently been entirely remodelled and equipped in most modern style, and contains every appliance and convenience necessary for successfully conducting the business.

A short description will therefore be read with interest. The top floor, which is excellently lighted and ventilated, has a dimension of forty by twentyfive yards. Here are situated the clerks’ offices, brewer’s room, hop and malt stores, etc. On this floor also are located some very fine mechanical appliances, including hot and cold liquor backs, malt-hoppers, and a splendid cooler and refrigerator by Ramsden & Sons, the well-known brewery engineers. There is a powerful crane and other appliances for handling material in the most expeditious manner. The mashtun room is on the floor below, and it


contains some very fine specimens of modern brewery plant. The mash-tuns have a capacity of fifteen quarters. The fermenting room is also an interesting department, and is equipped in the best manner. Near by is situated the packing case making room, where a number of men are busily engaged in the production of packing cases, of which the firm use a great quantity. On the ground floor is located the cleansing room. Adjoining is the racking room of ample dimensions, and close by the bottlewashing machinery - a noteworthy feature of this department being the care and attention which is bestowed and cleaning bottles, etc. On this floor is also placed a fine pumping plant, including two sets of three throw pumps, with a capacity of four thousand gallons per hour. The cooperage affords accommodation for a number of skilled mechanics, and the stabling department has a number of fine horses, drays, etc.

1905 OS Plan , location of Colmans Brewery on Rosary Road shown in pink.

department, which is situated under the adjoining hill. It consists of numerous tunnels cut through the chalk for a considerable distance, affording ample space for keeping a great quantity of liquor in casks in splendid condition. Taken altogether, the brewery is one of the most perfectly equipped in the country, and its productions have already won high praise for purity, strength, and brilliancy. The beer and stout brewed is unexcelled for fine flavour and appetising qualities, and is recommended by eminent authorities. Mr. Budgard, a gentleman of great experience and practical skill, has been secured as brewer. The success which has already been achieved is both substantial and deserved, and augurs well for the future of this enterprising concern.

The cask-washing shed deserves special mention, owing to the splendid steam apparatus it contains for thoroughly cleansing the casks and barrels by the firm. The copper-house is connected with the brewery by a covered bridge. The copper has a capacity of one thousand eight hundred gallons. This department is, like the rest of the brewery, equipped with the finest appliances, thus ensuring the highest standard or perfection. Not the least interesting feature of the establishment is the storage


Above: An early coloured Wincarnis advertisement. It clearly solved most problems, which just goes to show a moderate amount of alcohol can be beneficial. Below: A bag promoting Wincarnis Wine Jelly. Left: The OS Plan of 1905 showing a vinegar works on Westwick Street, Norwich, and the same area in 1938. This area was badly bomb damaged in the Second World War.


THE CASK BEERS Norfolk Beers are usually found in


Blackfriars’ Hall, sponsored by Crisp Malting Group Ltd. Other beers in St Andrew’s Hall Sponsored by Van Dal & Vionic (Norwich)

BREWERY - Location of brewery

Beer Name - strength, beer style Description

BREWERY - Norfolk Breweries

ABBEY ALES - Bath, Somerset

Beer Name - strength, beer style Description

Bellringer - 4.2%, Bitter

A notably hoppy ale, with a balancing sweetness. Citrus, pale malt aroma and dry, bitter finish. Chorister - 4.5%, Bitter A well balanced brown malty ale brewed with local Wiltshire Maris Otter malt and finished with Fuggles hops.

Strength is given in % alcohol by volume

ADNAMS - Southwold, Suffolk Cashmere - 4.7%, IPA

An American-style session IPA with a clean, nutty malt base and smooth bitterness, Golden and fruity. Cashmere is a relatively new variety, released in 2013, and is a cross between Cascade and Northern Brewer. Ghost Ship - 4.5%, Golden This pale ale has a good assertive pithy bitterness and a malty backbone. Southwold Bitter - 3.7%, Bitter Taste is a complex mix of malt toffee and roast bitterness with hops. Tally Ho - 7.0%, Barley Wine Dark Mahogany red in colour with a rich, fruity aroma and a heart warming sweet raisin and biscuit palate.

When beers are available to serve a gravity card similar to above will be displayed on the cask or stillage. Only these beers are available.

ALL DAY BREWING - Salle, Norfolk Green Hop - 4.8%, Bitter

Part of their regular green hop range with different hops each month. Stag Beetle - 4.9%, Bitter Amber coloured best bitter with a late addition of Nelson Sauvin hops, dry and earthy. Stag Beetle Jnr - 4.0%, Bitter A slightly weaker version of the stag beetle.

You can also find out what beers are on sale during a session by going to our online beer list which is constantly updated: please visit norwichcamra.org.uk/bf

ALMASTY - Newcastle, Tyne & Wear Americana - 4.2%, Golden Made with US hops.

Mango IPA - 6.3%, Fruit

Don’t Forget Vote for the Beers of the Festival

Fruit IPA, very sweet mango flavour with a good balancing hop bitterness.




Phobos and Deimos - 7%, IPA

North Yorkshire

A hoppy rye IPA with full on spicy rye malt body. Schrodingers Cat - 3.5%, Bitter Brewed as a paradox, a full bodied, low % hop bomb.

Monty Pythons Holy Grail - 4.0%,

Golden A clean, zesty flavour and a long, crisp, bitter finish – apparently tempered over burning witches! Riggwelter - 5.9%, Bitter A fruity bitter, with complex underlying tastes and hints of liquorice and pear drops leading to a long, dry, bitter finish.

BAD SEED - Malton, North Yorkshire Polaris - 4.5%, Golden

Sweet malts change to a touch of melon and orange.

Session IPA - 4.0%, Golden

Aroma has some tropical hop action, taste has pineapple, tangerine and some grapefruit, pale malts.

BOUDICCA - Barsham, Norfolk Prastos Porter - 5.2%, Porter


Dark fruit & hops on the nose, with hints of roast malt & smoke. Full bodied in the mouth. Smooth with dark malt, & a side order of the aforementioned dark fruit. A dry & very subtle smokey finish with fruit & hop notes skittering over the top of it. Three Tails Bitter - 3.9%, Bitter Named after the three tailed horse which was a popular symbol on Iceni coins, this is a classic English Bitter, but with a touch of peppery spiciness. Queen of Hops - 3.7%, Golden A refreshing pale ale with a satisfying, lasting finish Soft aroma - fruity, rounded, grassy, hints of marmalade.

Cambridgeshire Electric Landlady - 5.0%, Golden Golden Ale brewed with mosaic hops. Jentacular - 3.5%, Golden A new breakfast beer, making good use of Cascade, Centennial and Simcoe hops.

BANKS & TAYLOR - Shefford, Bedfordshire

Fruit Bat - 4.5%, Fruit

A warming straw-coloured beer with a generous taste of raspberries and a bitter finish.

BARRELL&SELLERS - South Elmham, Suffolk

Best Bitter - 4.2%, Bitter

Classic English ‘Best’ brewed with crystal malt and punchy hops to give a bitter finish. Two's - 4.0%, Bitter An easy drinking blend of two classic recipes commonly known as "twos"

BEESTON - Beeston, Norfolk

Old Stoatwobbler - 6.0%, Stout

Strong, dark, luscious & notorious, sometimes win awards at this event. On the Huh - 5.0%, Bitter A fruity raisin aroma with bittersweet maltiness and a dry hoppiness leads to a strong finale. Worth the Wait - 4.2%, Golden Hoppy throughout with a growing dryness. Complex and grainy with fruit notes, malt and understated bitterness.

BINGHAMS - Ruscombe, Berkshire Twyford Tipple - 3.7%, Bitter

Tawny coloured bitter which has a good balance of malt and hops in the flavour and a citrus hop finish. Vanilla Stout - 5.0%, Stout Infused with vanilla pods that complement the dark malts to create a smooth-drinking, deliciously dark stout. CBOB 2016.


BRAMPTON - Chesterfield, Derbyshire

BROXBOURNE - Hoddesdon,

Premium dark mild. Warming, rich and roasted and packed full of character and flavour. Wasp Nest - 5.0%, Bitter A premium mid-amber ale with a sting in the tale. Rich malty flavour balance with Fuggles and Goldings hops.

Black Death - 5.2%, Spice

Mild - 4.9%, Dark Mild


Here is a beer designed for pain, a jet black stout infused with Naga chilli. Ginger Beer - 4.0%, Spice Traditionally made ginger beer with an old fashion style to give it a strong sweet taste with a smooth finish.

BRANCASTER - Brancaster Staithe,

BRUNSWICK - Derby, Derbyshire


Best - 3.8%, Bitter

Rocket - 4.7%, Golden

Pale copper coloured with sweet, fruity malt character The Wreck - 4.8%, Bitter A beer with lots of body and flavours of sweet coffee and malt, with an aromatic finish from the Boadicea hops. Oystercatcher - 4.4%, Bitter Brewed with three varieties of hops - Pilot, Cascade and Brewer’s Gold - to give a beer with good body and a distinctly hoppy flavour.

A ‘New World' IPA, the use of US and Pacific hops imparts citrus, apricot and mango flavours. The Usual - 4.2%, Bitter A traditional English malty best bitter, smooth with hints of toffee.

BUFFYS - Tivetshall St Mary, Norfolk India Ale - 4.6%, Bitter

Made with First Gold Dwarf hops the crisp bitterness comes through in the long aftertaste. Norfolk Terrier - 3.8%, Golden Floral aroma with a smooth slight maltiiness. Beagle - 4.0%, Golden Soft sweet dry floral fruit nose leading to a fruity finish.

BRASS CASTLE - Malton, North Yorkshire Bad Kitty - 5.5%, Porter

A chewy chocolate vanilla dream of a porter. Runner up beer of festival 2015. Cliffhanger - 3.8%, Golden A refreshing hop-laden golden ale infused with citrus notes.

BURNING SKY - Firle, East Sussex Aurora - 5.6%, Golden


Big citrus & tropical fruit flavours, which are prominent, yet well balanced. Plateau - 3.5%, Golden Pale gold in colour, with a crisp malt edge and sharp bitterness. With a big mix of US & NZ hops, full in flavour, zesty and refreshing.

West Yorkshire Aired Ale - 4.1%, Bitter Brown beer with malty aroma. Malt, hops and fruit in equal balance with lingering fruitiness in a long bitter finish. Porter - 4.5%, Porter Dark brown beer with red hints. Aromas of malt & liquorice lead to coffee & wine fruit flavours which carry through to a dry finish.

CHALK HILL - Norwich, Norfolk CHB - 4.2%, Bitter

Malty with fruity cooking apple notes, hoppy bittersweet background. Long finish. Gold - 4.3%, Golden A Light hoppy nose. Grapefruit, banana and hops mingle in a well balanced beginning. The finish develops a growing bitterness . Mustard IPA - 5.0%, IPA A light-coloured IPA with lemon and spice notes.


Independence - 4.5%, Bitter

Strong, hoppy aroma and initial flavour. Sweet fruitiness follows, leading to a bitter hoppy finish. Well balanced with impressive flavour for its strength. Milk Stout - 4.6%, Stout Very sweet full bodied black stout with lactose creaminess. Finishes with smoky roast bitterness.

CHESHIRE BREWHOUSE Congleton, Cheshire

Cheshire Gap - 3.8%, Bitter

Light English pale ale finished with East Kent Goldings and Bodecia hops. A quintessentially English beer. DBA - 4.6%, Bitter A Burton style bitter, strong and malty with a peppery finish from late hopped styrian golding hops.

Online beer list constantly updated: please visit norwichcamra.org.uk/bf



CLIFF QUAY - Ipswich, Suffolk

ELMTREE - Snetterton, Norfolk

Down The Hatch - 4.1%, Bitter

80/- - 4.5%, Bitter

An amber coloured bitter with fresh citrus aromas that develop into a balanced fruity and refreshing dry bitter finish. Tumblehome - 4.7%, Bitter Tumblehome is the way a ships sides curve inwards above the waterline. Deep ruby in colour with a gentle warming fruity aroma with a hint of hoppy floral character. Victoria - 3.6%, Bitter Light, hoppy and bitter with some peppery notes.

Roast malt and caramel provide balance to an inherent hoppy bitterness. Nightlight Mild - 5.7%, Dark Mild A heavy mix of liquorice, roast and malt infuses aroma and first taste. A sweet spiciness slowly develops. Golden Pale - 5.0%, Golden Full bodied, with a swirling malty aroma. Lime fruit adds depth to the sweet malty character. Short sweetening finish.

FALLEN - Kippen, Stirlingshire

COLCHESTER - Wakes Colne, Essex

Chew Chew - 6.0%, Stout

Cats Whiskers - 4.8%, Stout

A sweet, salted Milk Stout, brewed with dark Belgian candy syrup, lactose and Hebridean sea salt. Local Motive - 3.9%, Bitter A session beer turbo charged with Mosaic dry-hops. 'IPA style'.

A rich and smooth cream stout.

CROUCH VALE - South Woodham Ferrers, Essex

Brewers Gold - 4.0%, Golden

FAT CAT BREWERY - Norwich, Norfolk

Pale golden ale with a striking citrus nose. Sweet fruit and bitter hops are well matched throughout. Mosaic - 4.1%, Golden Appropriately pale and with fantastic tropical aromas and searing, clean bitterness from the most up-front US Mosaic hops.

Cat's Eyes - 4.0%, Golden

Celebrating the centenary of local opticians, Dipple & Conway, This very pale Maris Otter ale is all about the Green Bullet hops from New Zealand, which dominate . Totally Tropical - 5.0%, Fruit Brewed in collaboration with Wilkinson's of Norwich, we created a range of tea and fruit infusions. This one just bursts with lively mango, passion-fruit and guava doubling up perfectly, as either Breakfast Beer, or Dessert Digestif!

DANCING DUCK - Derby, Derbyshire 22 - 4.3%, Bitter

A wonderfully balanced best bitter with good malty flavour and dark fruit notes, these are offset by a strong hop with a very clean finish DCUK - 4.3%, Golden A great aroma and powerful upfront hoppy bitterness give way to an explosion of citrus and pine flavours

FIREBRAND - Altarnun, Cornwall Graffiti - 5.2%, IPA

A session IPA, brewed with a malt backbone of Maris Otter Pale Malt, hopped with Summit, Centennial and Amarillo. Minstrel - 3.8%, Golden A dark golden session ale, highly hopped with Minstrel giving spiced berry and orange citrus hop notes, boosted with the late addition of orange peel.

ELGOOD'S - Wisbech, Cambridgeshire Golden Newt - 4.1%, Golden

Golden ale with floral hops and sulphur aroma. Golden ale with floral hops and sulphur aroma, b bittersweet background lead to a short, muted hoppy and fruity finish. Indian Summer - 4.8%, Bitter Caramel, biscuit & citrus fruit flavour. Plum Porter - 4.5%, Fruit An enticing fruit aroma, leads to a full-bodied, rich and fruity flavour and results in a dry, deep, satisfying finish.

FIRST CHOP - Salford, Gt Manchester AVA - 3.5%, Bitter

A hoppy blonde beer, pale and fruity, more character than you might expect from a beer of this strength. Jam - 4.0%, Golden Mango Pale ale.

ELLAND - Elland, West Yorkshire

FORGE - Bideford, Devon

1872 Porter - 6.5%, Porter

Handsome - 5.1%, Bitter

Creamy, full-flavoured porter. Rich liquorice flavours with a hint of chocolate from roast malt. Wooden casks. Bitter - 3.8%, Bitter Aromas of light red fruit and malt, slightly sweetish. Wooden casks.

A light brown bitter, malty hints with a nice hoppy finish.

Litehouse - 4.3%, Golden

Golden colour, light and hoppy citrus notes with a hint of elderflower and a bitter finish.

Online beer list constantly updated: please visit norwichcamra.org.uk/bf



FOX - Heacham, Norfolk

GREEN JACK - Lowestoft, Suffolk

Drop of Real Norfolk - 4.4%, Golden

Morse XXX - 6.0%, Bitter

An excellent balance of malt and fruitiness with some pleasant bitterness. Moggy - 4.4%, Bitter New Beer

A modern take on a recipe from 1840, deep amber in colour with fruity and rich biscuity malt flavours and a dry finish. Orange Wheat - 4.2%, Wheat Marmalade aroma with a hint of hops, leading to a wellbalanced blend of sweetness, hops and citrus with a malt background. Mixed fruit flavours in the aftertaste. Red Herring - 5.0%, Bitter A rich, fruity red ale, inspired by the German rauch bier style, is brewed with oak-&-beech-smoked malts to provide a rich aroma. Baltic Trader - 10.5%, Stout An Extra Strong Imperial Stout with smooth rich roasted coffee & vanilla flavours. Golden Best - 3.8%, Golden Brewed with Flagon pale ale malt grown and malted in Norfolk. A golden bitter ale with great aroma, crisp bitterness, balanced malt and a hoppy finish, Does Craig like this ?

GOLDEN TRIANGLE - Barford, Norfolk Hop Lobster - 5.5%, Golden

Three East Anglian Malts combine with five American Hops and two yeasts, no matching towels though. Mosaic City - 3.8%, Golden Award winning light golden ale made exclusively with Mosaic hops, hence the name. A distinctive flavour with plenty of body for the %. Simtropolis - 3.9%, Golden Kevin's newest beer, simcoe tropolis?

GOODY - Herne, Kent

Good Harvest - 3.8%, Bitter

Clean tasting amber ale made with East Kent Golding hops harvested straight from the bines and brewed within 4 hours of picking - a unique taste of Autumn Good Lord - 5.0%, Porter A medium-full bodied porter with smooth roasted coffee and silky bitter finish.

HARVIESTOUN - Dollar, Clackmannanshire

Ola Dubh - 8.0%, Old

Complex beer aged in selected oak casks formerly used to mature Highland Park 8 Year Old Single Malt Whisky, adding whisky notes to a chocolaty, bitter sweet flavour.

GRAFTON - Worksop, Nottinghamshire Caramel Stout - 4.8%, Stout

A black coloured ale, plenty of caramel flavours, vanilla and raspberry undertones and a hint of dark roast. Lady Ruby - 4.5%, Fruit A dark ruby coloured ale made with Cherries. Hint of cherries on the nose, on the palate a bitter start which then finishes with a cherry bomb on the back of the tongue.

HAWKSHEAD - Hawkshead, Cumbria Brodie's Prime - 5.0%, Bitter

Complex, dark brown beer with plenty of malt, fruit and roast taste. Satisfying full body with clean finish. Dry Stone Stout - 4.5%, Stout Black, dry, bitter stout with an astringent, roast finish.


GRAIN - Harleston, Norfolk

Trent, Staffordshire

Redwood - 4.8%, Bitter

Masterpiece - 5.6%, IPA

Heavy blackcurrant airs give way to a rich fruity bitterness with malt overtones. Rye Pale - 4.8%, Golden New beer from this award wining brewery. Blonde Ash - 4.0%, Wheat Banana notes flow through this sweet smoky brew. Yellow hued with a grainy mouth feel and a quick fruity finale. Lignum Vitae - 6.5%, Bitter Powerful complex and rich throughout. Malt and hops vie with tropical fruit and bitterness for dominance. Challenging and rewarding throughout.

Masterpiece was the name of one of the former dray horses at the museum. Aromatic hops, toasted cereal notes and hints of smoke and spice enhanced by fragrant fruity character and a top note of fresh bread. Offilers Bitter - 4.0%, Bitter Offilers’ was a Derby brewery which brewed beer and owned pubs in and around Derby. In 1965 the brewery was closed and the brand lost.

HOLSWORTHY - Holsworthy, Devon Hop on the Run - 5.0%, IPA

An American style IPA. Packed full of vibrant hops from America, this beer has good body and lasting flavour. Make Me Hoppy - 4.7%, Golden Classic modern IPA, triple hopped for a big flavour.

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Online beer list constantly updated: please visit norwichcamra.org.uk/bf


HOPSHACKLE - Market Deeping,

Shaltai Boltai - 8.0%, Stout

Shaltai Boltai (Russian for Humpty Dumpty) is a strong dark ale with rich coffee and chocolate flavours, backed up with a smooth hoppy bitterness - to celebrate our 1000th brew. Nord Atlantic - 3.7%, Bitter Copper coloured, full bodied, with a grainy character. Heady mix of malt, caramel and apple .

Lincolnshire Ohuna - 3.8%, Golden A golden heavily hopped ale with intense tropical fruit and spice aromas and flavours Shamuzzle - 4.3%, Golden A golden ale loaded with hop oils and resins giving intense citrus fruits , pine and herbal flavours

ILKLEY - Ilkley, West Yorkshire

HOXNE - Hoxne, Suffolk

Hanging Stone - 4.6%, Stout

Smoked Porter - 5.4%, Porter

Rich and creamy, with a bitter finish of forest fruits and coffee. Rombald - 4.6%, Golden Local folklore depicts Rombald stalking the moors, in search of his long lost love. Complex malt characters of biscuit and honey, finished with a crisp fruity hop note

A strong, warming beer with deep smoky aromas. Rich malts combine perfectly with dark berry flavours to create this dark winter beer. Suffolk Punch - 4.5%, Bitter A fruity best bitter with a hint of pear drops on the nose.

HUMPTY DUMPTY - Reedham, Norfolk

JO C'S - Barsham, Norfolk

Cr(aig)exit Rye PA - 4.5%, Golden

Norfolk Kiwi - 3.8%, Bitter

A crisp pale ale, brewed with large additions of rye malt for a dry, biscuity taste and finished with a variety of US hops for a fruity hop aroma. Especially named for Craig Fermoy, who is leaving the business after 10 years as Head Brewer at Humpty Dump Lemon & Ginger - 4.0%, Fruit An amber, crisp ale with a ginger and lemon tang.

Yellow, hop dominated bitter. Citrus notes vie with bitterness to add depth. Quick, slightly astringent finish.

KENT - Birling, Kent

Cobnut - 4.0%, Bitter

Generously hopped, dark and nutty, with no nuts involved! Pale - 4.1%, Golden A full-flavoured and aromatic Pale Ale.


KEW - Kew, Gt London

LONGDOG - Basingstoke, Hampshire

Kew Green (& Black) - 3.4%, Stout

Bunny Chaser - 3.6%, Bitter

The combination of four malts, oats, and wheat with a ‘dry hop’ of cacao nibs adds further layers of luxuriantly rich bitter-sweet chocolate to this complex, flavourful stout Pagoda - 4.2%, Golden A series of pale ales, celebrating different great English hops each time. We'll use broadly the same full-bodied pale malt base, with small tweaks at the brewer's whim, to show what English hops can really do. Jester hops in this one.

A dark copper-coloured session bitter with plenty of malt in the mouth and a good whack of bitterness. Golden Poacher - 3.9%, Golden A fruity nose with plenty of hops, balanced by a malty sweetness in the flavour. The hops build to a faint astringent finish.

MALLINSONS - Lindley, West Yorkshire Oatmeal Stout - 4.5%, Stout

This stout has a creamy roast malt and vanilla nose, full bodied roast malt light/medium bitter taste, with a smooth light/medium bitter dark malt finish. Puttag - 3.8%, Golden A golden ale with full tropical fruit aroma that hints of passion fruit and pineapple. The flavour is full bodied with rounded bitterness and a balanced fruity finish.

LACONS - Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk Encore - 3.8%, Bitter

Grapefruit and hops dominate throughout. Well balanced, with soft sweetness contributing to a gently tapering finish. Phantom - 4.6%, Golden Brewed specially for us. Audit - 8.0%, Barley Wine This strong dark copper barley wine has a prominent flavour of berry fruit, laced with pronounced spice. The finish is warming, smooth and sweet. A unique style of beer with ‘hop wine' overtones.

MAULDONS - Sudbury, Suffolk Black Adder - 5.3%, Stout

Malty, roasty aroma leads to a well balanced full-bodied beer, malty with roast and dark soft fruit overtones. Blackberry Porter - 4.8%, Porter A full bodied, black porter with a balanced hop aroma and rich blend of chocolate and roast flavours that give way to a subtle sweet fruit finish. Orange Adder - 3.6%, Golden New golden ale , with a taste of orange and lemon. quite dry finish.

LARKINS - Chiddingstone, Kent Green Hop Best - 4.0%, Bitter

Made from hops that are brewed with on the day they are picked and therefore not dried, the fresh hops add unique qualities to the beer Traditional - 3.4%, Bitter Tawny in colour, a full-tasting hoppy ale with plenty of character for its strength.

MILE TREE - Wisbech, Cambridgeshire Crescent Ale - 3.8%, Bitter

Slightly malty bitter with a subtle hint of fruit esters.

Winter Ale - 5.9%, Bitter


Spicy aroma of cinnamon, clove, bramble and liquorice. Sweet taste, very fruity. Reminiscent of a mulled wine Wellstream - 4.9%, Bitter Ruby brown, full-bodied malty beer with a deep bitter sweet finish.

Lactose Tolerant Stout - 5.5%, Stout

Milk Stout with Mosaic and Bramling. Combining sweet milk, dark chocolate and roast malt flavours with a light berry and spice hit from the hops.

LOCH LOMOND - Alexandria,

MOONSHINE - Fulbourn,

Dunbartonshire Silkie Stout - 5.0%, Stout A black stout with chocolate-orange spicy notes Southern Summit - 4.0%, Golden Light blonde but highly hopped with Summit and Citra hops. The palate is fresh and fruity, with hints of grapefruit and lemon which lead on to a crisp, light bitter finish"


Heavenly Matter - 4.1%, Golden

Well rounded, highly hopped straw coloured beer.

Raspberry Wheat - 4.5%, Wheat

Wheat beer with added stuff in it, ooh I know raspberries. Chocolate & Orange Stout - 6.7%, Stout A soft luxurious rounded & creamy dark beer. Loaded with chocolate, coffee & treacle flavours. The taste is soft & rounded, having a good hop balance with a hint of orange.

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Online beer list constantly updated: please visit norwichcamra.org.uk/bf





MR MAJOLICA'S - Grays, Essex

OAKHAM - Peterborough,

Enterprise - 4.5%, Golden


A very hoppy and pale ale. Evolution - 4.8%, Bitter A mid-brown coloured ale, with English Fuggles and Goldings hops, very drinkable for its strength.

Black Hole Porter - 5.5%, Porter

Dark malt flavours in this almost black beer combine with a sweet, fruity hop taste to make this strong porter exceedingly drinkable for it’s strength JHB - 3.9%, Golden Straw-coloured golden ale dominated by citrus hop character throughout. Long dry, slightly, slightly astringent, finish.

NEATISHEAD - Neatishead, Norfolk Black IPA - 4.0%, IPA A black IPA

Etyann Malt - 3.7%, Bitter Malty session ale.

ODYSSEY - Whitbourne, Herefordshire


San Diego - 4.2%, Golden Citrusy style golden IPA.

Northamptonshire Dark Horse - 3.8%, Dark Mild A dark ruby mild with roasted grains giving hints of chocolate, coffee and maybe even liquorice. A lot of flavour in a low gravity beer. Gluten Free. Unexpected Pleasures - 3.6%, Golden Golden ale with a slight sweet edge, punchy and full of citrus. Gluten Free. Big Bang Theory - 5.3%, Golden Well balanced pale ale with a huge hop aroma giving way to malty sweetness and a gentle bitter finish. Gluten Free

Syren - 3.8%, Golden

Syren starts with juicy tropical fruits on the nose and palate and finishes with balanced, citrus bitterness which is never overwhelming.

OLD CHIMNEYS - Market Weston, Suffolk

Good King Henry - 9.6%, Stout

Classic Imperial stout, multi award winner, star rating in the Good Bottled Beer Guide and listed in the world's top 50 beers on www.ratebeer.com Good Queen Bess - 10%, Barley Wine Alan's newest beer. Orange Tip - 7.0%, Wheat Belgian Double Witt beer.

NETHERGATE - Pentlow, Essex

Complete Howler - 4.3%, Bitter

Deep dark ruby flavoured with chocolate and biscuit notes, full of depth and the opposite of its name! Stour Valley Gold - 4.2%, Golden Light Golden, gently hopped with Cascade and Willamette Hops, smooth and refreshing at the start with a well rounded bitterness before the hop explosion leaves a delightful slightly fruity taste at the end.

OPA HAY'S - Aldeby, Norfolk 1914 - 7.2%, Bitter

Commemorative ale for WW1, brewed with 12 different hops, from all nations involved in the conflict. Small Beer - 4.0%, Bitter Sweetish bitter with slight nuttiness.


PANTHER - Reepham, Norfolk

Hindringham, Norfolk APA - 4.2%, Golden A light golden ale, gently hopped with three American hops; Pekko, Centennial and Belma. Winter Porter - 4.5%, Porter A smooth, dark ale, lightly smoked and infused with orange and coriander. Using five malts, including an oak smoked wheat malt to add that hint of smokiness. Mild - 4.9%, Dark Mild This strong dark mild has a subtle blackcurrant aroma, full bodied with a rich fruity sweet finish.

Bread & Bitter - 4.5%, Wheat

An amber-coloured wheat beer that is brewed substituting more than 20% of the malted barley with bread and then adding a blend of German and American hops to give it a malty and citrusy finish. Ginger - 3.7%, Wheat Ginger wheat beer is fiery with a distinct ginger flavour and with subtle lemon flavour notes Beast of the East - 5.5%, IPA Dry biscuity malt flavour to start, then a grassy hop flavour comes through, bringing a pithy lime citrus fruit flavour.

Online beer list constantly updated: please visit norwichcamra.org.uk/bf



PHEASANTRY - East Markham, BB - 3.8%, Bitter

S&P - Horsford, Norfolk

Barrack Street - 4.0%, Bitter


A refreshing amber ale. A gentle hop aroma sits comfortably with the malty biscuit flavour. An increasingly bitter finish. Darkest Hour - 4.4%, Stout Roasted barley gives a faint coffee aroma and taste to this full bodied, Northern Brewer and Bullion hopped, Irish stout.

Smooth tasting copper coloured beer, with medium bitterness and low to medium sweetness. It has a light spicy aroma. Dancing Dragonfly - 5.0%, Golden Refreshing blond beer, galaxy, cascade and summit hops give exotic fruit flavours Dark - 4.2%, Dark Mild A smooth, soft. satisfying dark ale with malty flavours, balanced bitterness and a velvety texture.

SALTAIRE - Shipley, West Yorkshire Blackberry Cascade - 4.8%, Fruit Cascade hops infused with a hint of blackberries.

Decennium - 4.6%, Golden

PIG & PORTER - Royal Tunbridge Wells,

Brewery anniversary special 10 hops!

Kent Ashburnham Pale - 3.8%, Bitter Classic English Pale ale made with East Kent Goldings and Fuggles. Dry hopped with EKG to add a spicy finish. Dream More - 4.2%, Golden Dream More features mosaic hops, expect a big mango hit.

SHORTTS FARM - Thorndon, Suffolk Darkside - 5.0%, Porter

Medium sweet flavour with chocolaty character, subtle roast, toasty brown bread, very slight earthy bitterness. Indie - 4.8%, Golden A golden IPA. Subtle but refreshing citrus fruit followed by a spicy and almost honey like lingering bitter finish. Skiffle - 4.5%, Bitter Full bodied with complex, rich malty flavours and a clean dry bitter finish

POPPYLAND - Cromer, Norfolk East Beach IPA - 6.5%, IPA

Strong hoppy pale ale made with all Norfolk barley and hops. Stormbrynger - 5.3%, Bitter Deep amber and bitter flavoured, made with rye and brown malts from Branthill Maris Otter giving a dry, roasty, spicy flavour, well hopped with Chinook, Centennial, Aurora and Columbus.


Grocers Ghost - 4.2%, Bitter

This is a very hoppy ale which combines a mixture of British, European and American hops to give a floral, citrusy aroma with long lasting hints of grapefruit and spice. Rye IPA - 5.0%, IPA A cloudy Rye IPA.

RAT BREWERY - Huddersfield, West Yorkshire

Black Rat - 4.5%, Porter

Four different malts combine to give a porter with burnt, coffee and chocolate malt character. Slightly sweet on the palate, but moderate bitterness and fruity/spicy aroma come from English grown Bramling Cross hops. White Rat - 4.0%, Bitter This very pale hoppy ale is made from low colour Maris Otter malt. A combination of three high-alpha American hops produce an intensely aromatic and resinous finish.

ST PETER'S - South Elmham, Suffolk IPA - 5.5%, IPA

Golden to copper colour with a medium maltiness and body Old Style Porter - 5.1%, Porter A blend of a mature old ale with a younger light beer, dark in colour and complex in taste. Golden - 4.0%, Golden Amber-coloured, full-bodied, robust ale. A strong hop bouquet leads to a mix of malt and hops combined with a dry, fruity hoppiness. The malt quickly subsides, leaving creamy bitterness.

REDEMPTION - Enfield, Gt London Fellowship Porter - 5.1%, Porter Chocolaty style porter, hints of liquorice.

Trinity - 3%, Golden

Refreshing golden beer with strong citrus notes throughout. The strong bitterness is softened by a little sweet malt character.

ALL Beer Festival Staff are unpaid volunteers

Online beer list constantly updated: please visit norwichcamra.org.uk/bf


SWANNAY - Birsay, Orkney

TINY REBEL - Newport, Gwent

Ale 9 - 5.0%, Bitter

Cwtch - 4.6%, Bitter

An orange, nearly amber, IPA dominated by chewy American hops. Named after the road all our ingredients come up and all our beer goes down! Orkney IPA - 4.8%, IPA Lemony citrus hops with a hint of grapefruit and spicy, peppery goldings with a slight malty undertone.

Arguably the coolest word on the planet. Cwtch is a Welsh Red Ale. 6 malts, 2 US hops go into making this beer. CBoB 2015. Dirty Stop Out - 5.0%, Stout Complex Smoked Oak Stout. Fubar - 4.4%, Golden Floral hoppy flavours up front, leading into a dry spicy bitterness on the back. Champion Beer of Wales 2014 Full Nelson - 4.8%, Golden Maori Pale Ale. One Inch Punch - 3.9%, Golden Golden American session beer. Random Name Generator - 4.8%, IPA Pale Black IPA.

TEIGNWORTHY - Newton Abbot, Devon

Climate Change - 5.0%, Bitter

Dry bitter flavour. Hoppy with good orange notes!

Old Moggie - 4.4%, Bitter A golden, hoppy and fruity ale.

THEAKSTON - Masham, North Yorkshire

TIPPLES - Salhouse, Norfolk

Green Hop - 4.2%, Bitter

Brewed using freshly picked English Pioneer Hops grown in Yorkshire to give a golden amber coloured ale of subtle maltiness combined with a lemon citrus aroma and a refreshing fruity flavour. Old Peculier - 5.6%, Old A full-bodied, dark brown, strong ale. Slightly malty but with hints of roast coffee and liquorice. A smooth caramel overlay and a complex fruitiness leads to a bitter chocolate finish.

Indian Hill - 6.5%, Bitter

Lingering pine & grapefruit bitterness in the finish.

Lady Evelyn - 4.1%, Golden

A crisp hoppy aroma. Bitterness and hop throughout. Some malt and sweetness take the edge off a smoky finish.

TOMBSTONE - Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk Ale - 3.7%, Bitter

Light and refreshing session bitter with lemon and orange notes. Plum Porter - 4.8%, Porter A smoked plum porter. New to the range. Arizona - 3.9%, Bitter Gentle butterscotch airs. Strong bitter backbone with hints of lemon and malt. Increasingly dry finish.

THREE BLIND MICE - Little Downham, Cambridgeshire

Beyond Wonderland - 7.4%, IPA

Fantastically full-bodied hoppy IPA. Great malt base with fruity hops. Lonely Snake - 3.5%, Golden Golden single hop Citra. Very hoppy session ale.


WILD WEATHER - Silchester,

TWO RIVERS - Denver, Norfolk


Happy Hopper - 4.6%, Bitter

Black Night - 3.9%, Dark Mild

Straw coloured bitter with fresh green hop aroma and an exciting fresh green Golding finish Hares Hopping - 4.0%, Bitter Refreshing clean flavoured Bitter with a distinctive late bitterness and a dry finish. Oatmeal Stout - 5.8%, Stout Distinctive, full flavoured, silky, dark oatmeal Stout with a well balanced, subtle burnt edge. Miners Mild - 3.7%, Dark Mild A slightly bittersweet mild but with still with plenty of chocolate taste.

A dark mild, with a light taste that rapidly develops into a complex blend of rich malt and hop flavours and a hint of caramel. The aftertaste is long, dry, hoppy and toasty. Shepherds Warning - 5.6%, IPA A smooth, rich IPA with a wonderful hit of hoppy grapefruit, peach and mango flavours.

WINTER'S - Norwich, Norfolk

On the Beer City - 4.4%, Golden

Light-medium sweet flavour with straw tangerine, biscuits undertones. The Beans - 4.9%, Stout Coffee infused Stout. A rich bodied stout infused with Arabica coffee beans. Genius - 4.1%, Stout Dark fruits and malty molasses blend together nicely to give this beer a pleasant aroma and taste.

TYDD STEAM - Tydd St. Giles, Cambridgeshire

Barn Ale - 3.9%, Bitter

A golden bitter that has good biscuity malt aroma and flavour, balanced by spicy hops. Long, dry, fairly astringent finish. Piston Bob - 4.6%, Bitter Malt and faint hops on the aroma progress through to a malty flavour complemented by a balance of hops and fruit. Mr Didwell gets about doesn't he. Dr Fox's Chicken Choker - 4.6%, Bitter Well balanced premium bitter with citrus hop aroma.

WOLF - Besthorpe, Norfolk

Granny Wouldn't Like it - 4.8%, Bitter A rich, malty beer. It has masses of flavour and a slightly sweet finish. Dangerously drinkable Werewolf - 4.4%, Bitter Malty chocolate toffee is overtones, leading to a earthy bitterness. Lavender Honey - 3.7%, Spice Straw coloured pale ale. Refreshing, leaving a lingering hop and bitter taste. Golden Jackal - 3.7%, Golden A hoppy, thirst quenching golden bitter.

WAVENEY BREWING - Earsham, Norfolk Lightweight - 3.9%, Golden

Aroma of orange hops and strawberry, taste of tangerine and light malt, long dry finish. Rocky Myrobalen - 4.2%, Fruit A beer with added fresh plums, picked locally.

WOODFORDE'S - Woodbastwick,

WHITE HORSE - Stanford In The Vale,


Oxfordshire Black Beauty - 3.9%, Dark Mild Rich deep ruby mild. Oxford Dark Blue - 4.3%, Bitter Dark chestnut coloured beer made using crystal and roast malts, hopped with East Kent Goldings and Bramling Cross.

Norfolk Nip - 7.0%, Barley Wine

Based on the original Steward & Patteson recipe of 1929, brewed only once a year. Old Jaffa - 4.6%, Fruit Dark ale with orange. Parsons Porter - 5.4%, Porter Parson woodforde I presume. Reedlighter - 4.2%, Golden Pale ale with an American twist, citrusy lime mouthfeel with a slight malty base.

WHY NOT - Norwich, Norfolk Best Bitter - 4.7%, Bitter

A moreish red tawny bitter with malt and light ’fruit cocktail’ notes in the nose. Chocolate Nutter - 5.5%, Stout A complex dark ale made with chocolate malt. Full of flavour.

Don’t Forget Vote for the Beers of the Festival

Online beer list constantly updated: please visit norwichcamra.org.uk/bf





I 01603 722218

Please drink sensibly - drinkaware.co.uk


INTRODUCING THE FOREIGN AND BOTTLED BEER SECTION I cannot write this introduction without first thanking Keith Loney, a man who made the Foreign & Bottled Bar one of the most respected in the country for its range of beers and his ability to get some really special beers for you all to taste. He has now handed the baton to me and I hope that I can continue providing you all with that something special. In some ways this is a year of experimentation. There have been a number of changes to the bar and one of the biggest is that we have new dispensing equipment. The aim is that this will provide you with your beer in the best way possible, yet it has been a big learning curve for us all (please be patient if we have teething problems). This change has also allowed us to include a range of UK Key-Cask beers (we look forward to your feedback). What about the beer? I have found on my travels some very special beers for you meaning that, we are the only Beer Festival in the UK to have Delirium, Deliria. This beer will be on draught on Tuesday when we are visited by the Ladies Beer Coven. The soft spice and mouth feel of this 8.5% beer was designed by some of the top female Beer Sommeliers in the world and it is only brewed in February by 15 specially selected ladies as part of International Ladies Day. This year I was one of these selected ladies. We also have beers from Alvinne and D’Oude Maalderij. Both of these breweries are rated as some of the top young brewers in Europe. We have expanded our range of fruit beers to bring you some of the newer red fruit beers that are currently in vogue in Belgium. We are continuing to bring you beers from around the world with some from Australia, Japan and New Zealand. I would like to end this with more thank you’s to the Belgian Monk, Beers of Europe, The Jolly Good Beer Company, Brewfit and The Fat Cat Brewery Tap for all their help with beer and dispensing. I have also to thank all of the knowledgeable volunteers that help make the Marquee what it is! We may not be the fastest serving bar but we do have some brilliant volunteers who love to share their love of our wonderful selection. If you want to know more about these beers come and volunteer to join us behind the bar for a session or two. Cheers KEY TO THE BOTTLED Cheryl Cade BEER LISTINGS Foreign & Bottled Beer COUNTRY Bar Manager BREWERY Beer % alcohol by volume, Bottle size Description of beer

Bottled Beers and speciality soft drinks are located in the marque, which is sponsored by The Belgian Monk 56


Foreign & Bottled Beer Bar Rules

COOPERS Sparkling Ale - 5.8%abv - 37.5cl

• For health and safety reasons, bottles are not allowed over the bar. All drinks MUST be served in glasses.

Spritzy golden ale balancing fruity malt with lasting hops

LITTLE CREATURES Little Creatures Pale Ale - 5.2%abv -

• Large bottles are to share – They will only be served if 2 or more glasses are presented (see above).


Hop-laden golden ale with loads of character. A gem from down under

• Some beers due to volume or lively head, must be served in pint glasses. We will gladly exchange glasses as required.

AUSTRIA STIFT ENGELSZELL Gregorius - 9.7%abv - 33cl

• Bottle conditioned beers have a yeast sediment. They may be poured clear or cloudy according to style or personal taste. Please feel free to state a preference.

Sweet with honey but caramel liquorice & roast flavours mix with dry fruit notes to a warming alcohol finish

BELGIUM 3 FONTEINEN Kriek - 5.0%%abv - 37.5cl

• Not all beers in the program will be available at any one time, and there may be others that are not listed here. Please consult the lists at the bar for the current selection.

Traditional lambic with notes of almonds & cherries beautifully tart.

3 FOURQUETS Lupulus Blonde - 8.5%abv - Draught

Sweetish triple well rounded by gently spicy hopping

Lupulus Brune - 8.5%abv - 75cl

• Some of these beers are very strong, both in alcohol content and flavour. Please treat them with respect.

Smooth & spritzy brown with gentle caramel notes blended with a hint of aniseed


Traditional Wallonian Brewery producing fine Belgian beers. Our selection includes; Abbaye des Rocs, Blanche des Honnelles, Montagnarde and Tripel Imperiale

• Alcohol content and bottle size is as advertised at the time of ordering from our suppliers. CAMRA cannot be held responsible to any subsequent change in stated strength or packaging

ACHEL Achel Blonde - 8.0%abv - 33cl

Well-made, tasty blonde triple from the newest of the Belgian Trappist breweries

• We will have some gluten free beer (less than 20ppm) available. Please feel free to ask for advice on gluten or other allergens.

Achel Bruin - 8.0%abv - 33cl

Firm, balanced Trappist brown of distinction

ACHOUFFE Chouffe Houblon Dobbelen IPA Tripel - 9.0%abv - 33cl/Draught

• If in doubt, ask. If not too busy, our knowledgeable staff will try and help you. They like talking about beer.

Straw gold & ultra-hoppy in the modern US style. Classy with a massive hop punch

La Chouffe - 8.0%abv - 33cl

• Enjoy yourselves

Initial orange citrus on the nose passes over the tongue, caressing the palate to leave a glorious lingering aftertaste


McChouffe - 8.5%abv - 33cl

BROUWERIJ AFFLIGEM / DE SMEDT (HEINEKEN) Affligem - 6.7%abv - 33cl

Strong dark ale from well respected village brewery in the Ardennes

Award winning blond Belgian beer. Notes of Bananas, yeast and soft rich fruits. A gentle spice with some nutty notes with a full mouthfeel.

ALVINNE Cuvee Sofie - 8.0%abv - Draught

Wood aged with Cherries, originally brewed for the wedding of Sofie Vanrafelghem a Master Beer Cicerone

BROUWERIJ DEN TOETELE Toeteler Speculoos - 8.8%%abv - 33cl

Sourire de Mortagne - 11.0%abv -

Gingerbread, dried fruit and some floral notes in the aroma. Sweet, spicy and fruity taste with ginger, floral hops and yeast standing out. Quite nicely balanced and easy to drink


Wood aged smoked peach beer, rich, dark and hides its alcoholic level well. Only available in 3rds or Halves

ANKER Gouden Carolus Classic - 8.5%abv -

CHIMAY Chimay Blue - 9.0%abv - 33cl


Soft, dark Trappist ale which gains some complexity with age

Full sweet and port-like chestnut-coloured ale with warming raisin finish

Gouden Carolus Hopsinjoor - 8.0%abv

Chimay Doree - 4.8%abv - 33cl

A modern day Belgian IPA, good balance of sweet malt with 4 different hops to give aroma and bitterness

Chimay Rood - 7.0%abv - 33cl

This beer was originally kept for only the Trappist Monks to drink as their daily tipple. A taste of history.

- Draught

Ruddy coloured, lighter bodied Trappist ale

BAVIK Petrus Aged Red - 8.5%abv - Draught

Chimay Tripel - 8.0%abv - Draught

Golden Trappist tripel. Initial candy notes lead to final bitterness

Full on cherry aroma with controlled sweet & sour fruit flavours

Chimay Wit - 8.0%abv - Draught

BON SECOURS Myrtille - 6.4%abv - Draught

a glass of hops, malt, banana and yellow fruit, ends dry with a clean palette

It’s really unlike anything I’ve had before. Blueberries, bubblegum, parma violets.. it’s all there.

DE RANKE Guldenburg - 8.5%abv - 33cl/Draught

BOON Framboise Boon - 5.0%abv - 37.5cl

The honey & herb aroma does not prepare you for the massive peppery hop assault on the tongue. Stylish but uncompromising

Intense raspberry fruit backed by delicate young lambic with a hint of cherry

XX Bitter - 6.2%abv - 33cl/Draught

Geuze - 6.5%abv - Draught

Hops, hops and more hops, on the nose, the palate and in the afterburn

Geuze Boon is one of the finest examples of the traditional 100% spontaneous fermentation Lambic style. To moderate the sourness, Boon Brewery only brews Lambic in the 7 cold months, from early October until April. This Lambic beer is aged for 1, 2 or 3 years in oak casks. The blend, a mild average 18 months old Lambic unsweetened, unfiltered and unpasteurised

D'OUDE MAALDERIJ DEO - 5.0%abv - Draught

This is a dark porter with hints of rich fruit. A mix of the best of Belgian and English beer

Optium - 8.0%abv - Draught

Stout with a roasted malty, smoked, alcoholic aroma. Full sparkling palate. Finish is bitter roasted fruited sweet.

Kriek Boon - 5.0%abv - Draught

Lambic based cherry beer lightly sweetened to enhance strong fruit flavours

DOCHTER V. D. KORENAAR Belle Fleur - 6.0%abv - 33cl

Oude Kriek Boon - 6.5%abv - 37.5cl Intense cherry fruit on a full lambic base

Dry hopped IPA packed with grassy aromas & flavours but herb dominating over bitterness

BOSTEELS Tripel Karmeliet - 8.4%abv - 33cl/

Finnese - 5.5%abv - 33cl


The aroma is light with, coriander, spices, banana and oranges. Sweet flavour with some ripe berry and spicy notes.

Spritzy 3 grain tripel which develops distinctly pleasant apricot notes


DOLLE BROUWERS Arabier - 8.0%abv - 33cl


- %abv - 33cl/Draught

This brewery follows real Belgian tradition by brewing some of the best Unhopped ales in the world. Our selection includes; Gruut Amber, Gruut Blond, Gruut Inferno & Gruut Wit

Pale and dry-hopped, giving a strong aromatic nose & spicy hops on the palate with a dry but almost honeyed finish

Oerbier - 9.0%abv - 33cl

HALVE MAAN Brugse Zot - 6.0%abv - 33cl/Draught

Mad brewer, artist and architect Kris Herteleer's original mid-brown vinous brew he describes as wet and strong with taste evolution

Special Extra Export Stout - 9.0%abv

Bruges Fool. Easy drinking blonde with subtle peardrop flavours and gentle hops at the end

Even the rich rum molasses nose does not prepare you for the onslaught of Java coffee & more molasses on the palate. A dark taste sensation

Rich dark & sweet warmer with a slightly nutty finish

Straffe Hendrik Quadrupel - 11.0%abv

- 33cl

- 33cl

Straffe Hendrik Tripel - 9.0%abv - 33cl/

DU BOCQ Blanche de Namur - 4.2%abv - Draught


Starts soft & sweet with pronounced pear-drop notes but with a lingering hop finish

A fine example of a Belgium Witbier, spice, coriander and citrus peel

Straffe Hendrik Wild 2016 - 9.0%abv - 33cl

DUBUISSON Bush PĂŞche Mel - 8.5%abv - 33cl/Draught

Variation on the tripel fermented with added bretanomyces yeasts giving earthy flavours that gain complexity with time

Strong peach aroma & flavour but dry and very robust

DUPONT Bons Voeux - 9.5%abv - 75cl/Draught

HUYGHE Delirium Deliria - 8.5%abv - Draught

With the best wishes of the brewery. Powerful golden seasonal brew with characteristic strong hopping & dry but fulsome malt

This is the beer brewed by ladies for International Ladies Day. Hints of Chardonnay grapes with gentle spice notes and a floral background.

Saison Dupont - 6.5%abv - 33cl

Delirium Nocturnum - 8.5%abv -

Golden, smelling of hay meadows with intense hop flavour, this is a classic saison


Dark brown with, Chocolate, spice, caramel and liquorice. Hug in a glass.

Saison Dupont Dry Hopping - 6.5%abv - Draught

Delirium Tremens - 8.5%abv - 33cl

The classic saison enhanced each year with a different blend of dry hops to furher tickle your palate

Surprisingly good if you ignore the pink elephants on bottle & glass with a slight honeycomb aroma dryish malt flavours and good hopping

DUVEL MOORTGAT Duvel Tripel Hop 2016 - 9.5%abv - 33cl

KAZEMATTEN Wipers Times 14 - 6.2%abv - 33cl

For 2016 the brewers selected HBC 291 from the Yakima Valley in the USA. The typical Duvel palate is enriched with HBC 291 hops providing fresh notes of citrus, black pepper, lavender and roses.

4 grains give an initial sweetness & fruity aroma nicely balanced by 4 subtle spices and a touch of hops

KERKOM Bink Blond - 5.5%abv - Draught

GLAZEN TOREN Jan de Lichte - 7.0%abv - Draught

Strong "double" white, brewed with barley and wheat malts, oats and buckwheat.

Incredibly intense for a beer of this modest gravity with hops predominating

A classic Belgian tripel with no added spices or sugar

Dry but malty full-flavoured reddish brown ale

Cloudy, pale yellow color with a white head Citrus (lemon)aroma, mild bitternessÂ

Full, rich well hopped golden nectar

Ondineke - 8.5%abv - Draught

Bink Bruin - 5.5%abv - Draught

Saison d'Erpe Mere - 6.9%abv - Draught

Kerkomse Tripel - 9.0%abv - Draught LA GAULOISE Fruit Rouge - 8.2%abv - Draught Cherry fruit richness backed by marzipan


LEFĂˆBVRE Barbar - 8.0%abv - 33cl

Rochefort 8 - 9.2%abv - 33cl

The vinous aroma leads to a smooth, rich palate with the reddish brown ale hinting at dark chocolate and raisins

Honeyed strong pale

LIEFMANS Fruitesse - 6.0%abv - 25cl/Draught

RODENBACH Rodenbach Grand Cru - 6.0%abv - 33cl

A mixed red berry beer giving a fruity sourness with an aged brown ale base

Oaky, sour but rounded brown ale aged for up to 2 years

Rosso - 4.0%abv - Draught

Kriek Brut - 6.0%abv - 33cl

A unique fruity flavour from the sour cherries, raspberries and cranberries that enrich the oaked aged beer. It has the colour of a young Burgundy wine.

Fruity sourness from aged brown ale base

LINDEMANS Faro Lambic - 4.5%abv - 25cl

ROMAN Wieze Tripel - 8.5%abv - Draught

Traditional Lambic with sugar added to make it sweeter. The traditional way to drink Lambic

Discovered this lovely tripel in Veurne and had to get it. A great mouthfeel with banana & honey.

Pecheresse - 2.5%abv - Draught

Fresh & fruity with a hint of lambic sourness to back the peach sweetness

SENNE Taras Boulba - 4.5%abv - Draught

MILLEVERTUS - %abv - 33cl

Powerful hop punch dominates this light but classy blond with a surprisingly long bitter finish

This artisan brewery mixes the fine traditions of Belgian brewing with little twisted of flavour. Our offerings from this brewery include; La Douce Vertus, La Mac Vertus, La Mere Vertus & Zanzi.

STRUISE Pannepot Grand Reserve 2011 10.0%abv - 33cl

OUD BEERSEL Framboise - 5.0%abv - 75cl

Aged in Calvados barrels, a complex beer of figs, raisins, molasses, wood and is my desert island beer.

Discribed as the missing link between beer and wine. Raspberries are the highlight of this lambic beer.

ST BERNARDUS Abt 12 - 10.0%abv - 33cl/Draught

Oud Gueuze - 6.0%abv - 37.5cl

Luscious, dark barley wine packed with rich fruit flavours

A classic blend of old and young Lambic beers are mixed to give a refreshing tart beer with apple notes.

Tripel - 7.5%abv - 33cl/Draught

ORVAL Orval - 6.2%abv - 33cl

One of the best "abbey" tripels - sweet, bitter and coriander laced

Massively hop-laden, deep golden Trappist ale of immense style

Witbier - 5.5%abv - Draught

Developed under the supervision of Pierre Celis he reinvented the Belgian wheat beer style with Hoegarden. A fine example of the style

PROEF Antigoon - 7.0%abv - Draught

TER DOLEN Armand - 7.0%abv - Draught

Spritzy dry & well hopped blond named for the mythical giant of Antwerp brewed for The Musketeers

Reinaert Grand Cru - 9.5%abv - 33cl

Huge aroma of US hops with grapefruit & citrus peel notes balanced by a slight fruity sweetness that offsets the final bitterness from dry-hopping

Packed with full sweet malt caressing the tongue with just the right amount of hops to prevent it becoming cloying.

Ter Dolen Blond - 6.1%abv - Draught

Reinaert Tripel - 9.0%abv - 33cl

Smooth but bitter stylish blonde

Stylish pure malt recipe golden triple that balances good hops with an almost honeyed sweetness

Ter Dolen Kriek - 4.5%abv - Draught

Rich, sweet & classy, with strong aroma and flavour of morello cherries and bitter almond

ROCHEFORT Rochefort 10 - 11.3%abv - 33cl

Ter Dolen Tripel - 8.1%abv - Draught

Fulsome bittersweet & fruity with generous hopping

Possibly the richest of all beers. Perfect to finish the evening, or try with chocolate or Christmas pudding

Rochefort 6 - 7.5%abv - 33cl

Mid-brown dryish Trappist ale. A more delicate version of its big brothers, that slips down very easily


7 Pottergate, Norwich NR2 1DS Tel 01603 767222 www.thebelgianmonk.com

Proud suppliers of Belgian Beer to the 39th Norwich Beer Festival 2016 The Exclusive “Home of Ter Dolen Kriek” We offer a range of 45 Belgian Beers and Ciders, many exclusive to us here in the UK, so whether it’s a tasty Blond, something strong and dark, spicy or fruity, we have them all.

Full À La Carte Menu available

Also look out for our “Dubbel Deal” offer: 2 meals for £12.50 or 1 meal for £6.50 (selected times and conditions apply)

30 Different Flavours of Mussels now being served

Opening Times

Monday to Saturday 12.00 to 11.00pm Food served Monday to Friday 12.00 to 3.00pm and 5.30 to 10.00pm, and on Saturday from 12.00 to 10.00pm

“The only place to find a beer festival every week of the year” 61


TIMMERMANS Timmermans Framboise - 4.0%abv -

ZATEC Dark - 5.7%abv - 50cl


Real raspberry taste and some sweetness

Roasted bread aroma with a taste of malt and delicate hops.

Timmermans Peche - 4.0%abv - Draught Sweet and peachy

Pilsner - 4.8%abv - 50cl

URTHEL Urthel Saisonnière - 6.0%abv - Draught

A fine example of a Czech pilsner, hops and malt with herbal notes.

Sweetish saison style with very floral hopping but refreshing finish


VAN EECKE Kapittel Abt - 10.0%abv - 33cl/Draught

ST. SYLVESTRE Trois Monts - 8.5%abv - 75cl

Flavour packed strong golden triple

Possibly the finest French beer. Pale, dry and vinous, good head and fresh bread aromas

Kapittel Blonde - 6.2%abv - 33cl

Rounded, easy drinking blonde with some sweetness

Kapittel Pater - 6.5%abv - 33cl


Poperings Hommelbier - 7.5%abv -

ANDECHS Andechser Bergbock Hell - 6.9%abv

Refreshing brown ale


- 50cl

Packed to the brim with the harvest of the Flanders hop gardens around Poperinge

VAN HONSEBROUCK Kasteel Rouge - 8.0%abv - Draught

At first look & taste this strong pale lager seems innocuous enough. It is only later that the full malt, subtle hopping & noticeably drying alcohol creep up on you

VERHAEGHE Duchesse de Bourgogne - 6.2%abv -

Biscuit malt aroma & slight sweetness give way to lingering hops in this straw pale Monastic brew

Robust yet satisfying balance between sweet and sour cherry fruit and a bitter almond aftertaste

Andechser Vollbier Hell - 4.8%abv 50cl

Andechser Weissbier Hell - 5.5%abv -



Well-respected sweet and sour aged brown ale

Clove aromas with grain joining in the flavour

Echte Kriek - 6.8%abv - Draught

Distinctive cherry beer with dry, woody aftertaste from 8 months barrel maturation

FÄSSLA Weizla Hell - 5.0%abv - 50cl

Refreshing easy drinking old brown ale with good mouth feel and enough oak character from 8 months in the vat to keep it interesting

FRANZISKANER Hefe-weissbier - 5.0%abv - 50cl

Vichtenaar - 5.1%abv - 33cl

Banana flavours & aromas with a sweet grainy finish Brewed in Munich since 1363, a fresh wheat beer with a good mouth feel.

WESTMALLE Westmalle Dubbel - 7.0%abv - Draught

GÖLLER Göller Kellerbier - 4.9%abv - 50cl

Dry fruit flavours and gentle roastiness make this the classic dubbel

Unfiltered golden-amber with initial full sweet malt but a long generous hop finish

Westmalle Tripel - 9.5%abv - 33cl

The original golden triple and still the standard against which others are judged

Göller Lager - 4.9%abv - 50cl

Forget the British idea of lager & enjoy this full flavoured golden amber brew with lasting hop presence

Göller Original - 4.9%abv - 50cl

Quality Pils with a touch of malt sweetness supporting herbal hops

Don’t Forget Vote for the Beers of the Festival

Steinhauer Weisse - 4.9%abv - 50cl

Banana & butterscotch aromas are continued in the taste with any sweetness balanced by subtle hopping



HELLER Aecht Schlenkerla Helles Lagerbier -

Pilsner - 5.1%abv - 50cl

Slightly bitter with a gentle hop aroma. The pilsner malts shine through

4.3%abv - 50cl

WELTENBURGER Kloster Asam-Bock - 6.5%abv - 50cl

A delicate beer with touches of smoke that build gently. A beautiful example of a fine lager. Great with meat and cheese.

Full malty aroma & flavour leads to a surprisingly dry finish. From the one of the world's oldest breweries

Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier -

Weltenburger Barock Hell - 5.6%abv

5.1%abv - 50cl

Intense smokiness from malt kilned over smouldering beechwood

- 50cl

Golden lager with gentle meadow hop aroma and soft refreshing citrus flavours

Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier Weizen - 5.2%abv - 50cl

Weltenburger Pils - 4.9%abv - 50cl

Smoke, vanilla & bananas. Traditional wheat beer with the Bamberg smoked slant. An unusual, but wonderful combination

Some malt sweetness with aromatic hops at the end


HOFMANN Helles Landbier - 4.8%abv - 50cl

TRE FONTANE Eucalyptus - 8.0%abv - 33cl

JEVER Jever Pilsener - 4.9%abv - 50cl


Flavour is floral, some grassy, bready and mild honey like notes. Mellow hop profile, but not that bitter. Easy to drink.

One of the newest members of the Trappist family. This beer has been made with touches of eucalyptus, which gives it a subtle refreshing note

KIUCHI Hitachino Nest Japanese Classic Ale - 7.0%abv - 33cl

Using the same well for over 100 years it has a unique subtle taste of malt balanced with hops.

KUNDMĂœLLER Weiherer Kellerbier - 4.9%abv - 50cl

Japanese take on the old IPA style with full hop aromas matured in cedar barrels giving a rich but rounded flavour

Golden & refreshing with grainy malts & herbal citric hops

Weiherer Lager - 4.7%abv - 50cl

Hitachino Nest Pale Ale - 5.5%abv -

Weiherer Rauchbier - 5.3%abv - 50cl

Tasty pale ale in the UK style with English malt and hops both making their presence felt


Malty with honey notes and spicy hops

Gentle smokiness offset by bready & banana flavours

Hitachino Nest White Ale - 5.5%abv -

PAULANER Salvator - 7.9%abv - 50cl


Good grainy mouthfeel given flavoursome backing by the addition of coriander orange peel nutmeg & orange juice

This is a Doppelbock Bier and was originaly served by the monks at lent replacing food. Rich, dark malty and still follows its monastic tradition


SCHNEIDER Aventinus Tap 6 - 8.2%abv - 50cl

DE KIEVIT Zundert Trappist - 8.0%abv - 33cl

Strong fruity malt flavour marks this original dark weizenbock

Amber Trappist brew that balances malt sweetness against drying aromatic spice

Meine Hopfenweisse Tap 5 - 8.2%abv - 50cl

KONINGSHOEVEN La Trappe Puur - 4.7%abv - 33cl

Wheat double bock with a strong hop presence to cut through banana fruitiness

Fresh easy drinking Trappist beer that showcases its organic hops.

WEIHENSTEPHANER Kristall Weissbier - 5.4%abv - 50cl

The oldest brewery in the world brews this light crisp weisse beer.

ALL Beer Festival Staff are unpaid volunteers 64


Samuel Smith Organic Strawberry -

RENAISSANCE Boonies Pilsner - 5.5%abv - Draught

Strawberry jam in the glass, sweet but with acidity to balance

5.1%abv - 35.5cl

A new beer from this NZ brewer with a reputation for great beers. This will be a delightful blend of the best of NZ hops to give you a gentle Pilsner

USA ANCHOR Go West! IPA - 6.7%abv - 35.5cl


A lovely American IPA with a sweet malty base and citrus, mango hops.

NØGNE Ø Ø India Pale Ale - 7.5%abv - 50cl

FLYING DOG Pale Ale - 4.7%abv - 35.5cl

Powerful grapefruit and pine aromas from lashings of US Pacific Coast hops on a solid base of barley wheat & oat malts allowing some sweetness

Classic amber ale with creamy head, malty aroma and grapefruit hop flavours


Easy IPA - 4.7%abv - 35.5cl

All the expected hop & malt aromas of an American IPA but at session strength

POPPYLAND Maid of the Mill GF - 5.2%abv - 50cl

SIERRA NEVADA Porter - 5.6%abv - 35.5cl

A refreshing lemon y Weizen beer following the full mouth feel of a traditional wheat beer

Dark coloured with a rich roasty taste. Nice and smooth.

Hawkey Frolic GF - 7.0%abv - 50cl

Sweet & fruity harvest ale showcasing Maris Otter malt

Strange Attraction GF - 7.0%abv -37.5cl This is served in champagne bottles. It is a crisp yet soured saison.

WESTERHAM Bohemian Rhapsody GF - 4.0%abv 33cl

This is a great UK lager with a fine crisp taste

Hop Rocket IPA GF - 5.5%abv - 33cl A good example of a American style IPA

Scotney Bitter GF - 4.3%abv - 50cl This is a really good traditional English bitter.

WOLD TOP Against The Grain GF - 5.0%abv - 50cl

Six Real Ales Fine selection of Lagers & Spirits Great Food BBQs and Buffets Live Music Events Sunday Roast dinners served 12-5pm and only £8.95!

Rich and complex dark fruit with hints of coffee and chocolate.

SAMUEL SMITH Samuel Smith Organic Apricot 5.1%abv - 35.5cl

Packed with sweet apricot flavours balanced by a gentle lactic sourness

Samuel Smith Organic Cherry 5.1%abv - 35.5cl

Cherry fruit richness backed by marzipan

Samuel Smith Organic Raspberry 5.1%abv - 35.5cl

Massive fresh fruit aroma & flavour without excessive sweetness


Monday Night Quiz Tuesday Night Poker Free Function Room Hire Huge Beer Garden and Smoking Area Pool Table Freeview Sports Shown


BEAVERTOWN Bloody Notorious - 9.1%abv

Hoppy Red Ale uses an exclusive malt as a base to produce this bitter. It is boosted with Crystal and Wheat malts. Spicy American hops and yeast further enhance the rich malt profile.

Blood Orange DIPA. Sweet malt base with a citrus bitterness heading to oranges at the end

Gamma Ray - 5.4%abv

Guardian of peace - 7%abv

IPA A juicy tropical beer with good malt base

This IPA has notes of pine & citrus in the aroma & taste with a medium body that is followed by a dry aftertaste

Holy Cowbell - 5.6%abv

India Stout a love affair between dark chocolate malt & hops

Smokey Horizon - 5%abv

Rye adds a distinctive, spicy flavour to beer that is both interesting and enjoyable. It's even better when paired with smoked malt

Neck Oil - 4.3%abv

Session IPA, full of tropical fruits & honey.

Quelle - 4.1%abv

NORTHERN MONK Chennai Export Stout - 5.4%abv

Dry Hopped Saison, sour, citrus, lemons & yeast.

BEXAR Coffee Pale ? -

Export porter brewed with a blend of seven malts. Dry hopped with Chinook and Columbus.


Hot Numbers (cafe) Collab

Patrons Project - 7.4%abv

Hows DIPAs Your Love - 8.3%abv

The next inline of the Patrons project this time made with Cerro De Jesus coffee beans. A big mouth-feel and a sweet coffee taste. It is rich and has a deep flavour that is exciting in it’s complex nature and makes this a really moreish brew.

DIPA, sweet caramel with hints of mango & biscuits

Sol y la luna - 4.8%abv

Mexican Lager floral aroma with a light sweet taste.

CHORLTON Amarillo Sour - 5.4%abv

PARTIZAN Saison - 4%abv

Dry Hopped Pale Sour, sour with dry hop notes.

Mandarina Lager - 6.1%abv

Aroma of citrus lemon, candy, light fruit. Light fruity taste, light body, high carbonation. Quite a refreshing saison

Ale-y Kellerbier

Marzen Weisse - 5.4%abv

Saison Lemon & Thyme - 3.6%abv

Spritzy golden ale balancing fruity malt with lasting hops

Aroma is really fresh and citrusy with the thyme being quite present but not offensive at all. Taste follows with the spicy thyme shining through, some lemon and lime juice in the background but it’s not tart, just citrusy and fresh

CLOUDWATER Pioneer Lager - 4.8%abv

British Hopped Lager, fruity aroma with light floral notes

PIG & PORTER Pig Cubed - 4.8%abv

Cosweisse - 3.5%abv

English version of a Berlinerweisse

Mango Saison Collaboration with Birmignham Beer Bash 2016. Brewed with Mango pulp and hopped with Comet

IPA Vic's Secret - 6.5%abv

Its a secret, so can you guess? If so tell vic

HARDKNOTT Azimuth - 5.8%abv

RUNAWAY Marzen Lager - 5.4%abv

IPA heading more to an American IPA aroma of pine, pineapple,papaya & citrus

Amber coloured, Oktoberfest style lager with a rich malty flavour and fruity aroma

Intergalatic Space Hopper - 5.2%abv

Pale Ale - 4.7%abv

IPA, lots and lots of hops in aroma & taste

Long Drop -

Crisp, bright, refreshing Pale Ale packed full of new world hops, with pink grapefruit particularly evident on the nose and palette. The combination of hops including Citra and Mosaic give a lingering but tempered bitter finish.


Session IPA, full of tropical fruits & honey.

MOOR Agent of Evil - 7%abv

Black IPA, more chocolate than coffee, complex dried fruit with citrus balance

Wheat Beer - 5.2%abv

Brewed for the Manchester Beer Week 2016 special wheat beer ale.


SIREN Tschuss - 5%abv

A blueberry Berliner weisse with mint, lime and orange.

Soundwave - 5.2%abv

the science of style

A west coast IPA: golden, immensely hoppy and alive with grapefruit, peach and mango flavours. . She is the driest of Siren’s ales – full with flavour but subtle with bitterness. Her resinous finish will pull you off balance.

Vermont Tea Party - 3.6%abv

Loose leaf pale ale with Earl Grey tea & lemon zest.

THIRST CLASS Farmhouse in your soul - 5.1%abv

Traditional Saison farmhouse-style beer. Fruity with belgian saison yeast character.

Penny Black IPA - 6.5%abv

Rich and dark. Burnt sugar but good hops and a nice dryness.

Thirst Wheat - 5.4%abv

Brewed for the Manchester Beer Week 2016 special wheat beer.

WEIRD BEARD Decadence Stout - 5.5%abv

Stout dark and rich with a touch of oat creaminess.

Little Things That Kill - 3.9%abv

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Super Session IPA very easy drinking with soft mango and citrus fruits.



Mariana Trench - 5.3%abv




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This IPA has the best American and New Zealand hops melding together with just enough malt backbone to allow them to sing. A riot of mango and passion-fruit on the nose but balanced enough to drink by the bucketful.



Saison 28 1.03 - 10.2%abv

The aroma has tropical fruits, some caramel, spice. Hazy, orange coloured beer with a medium, white head. The taste is light-moderate bitter, has tropical fruits, caramel/sugar tones, is somewhat boozy and there’s a hint of spicey yeast. Medium-full bodied beer.

Designed to keep you moving in style.

WILD WEATHER Melee - 5.2%abv


Sorachi APA, has a sweet malty fruitiness to this. Hopped with Sorachi Ace. Fruity in the close, some lychee notes.

Parley - 5.2%abv

American Burgundy Ale, caramel notes matched with soft fruit, ends with a nice bitterness.


Strawberries & Dreams - 4.2%abv


Strawberry Lactose Pale, an English fruit beer with a strawberry punch and full mouth feel.

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1066 AND ALL THAT - THE TRUTH, MAYBE. This year is the 950th anniversary of the arrival of William the Conquer without a party invite. Now not many realise why this happened, but recent research has shown that it was all due to the quality of English Ale and beer festivals. This story is depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry panels..

in the middle is sampling Old Stoatwobbler from a wide beaker, because this particular beer has a large foamy head. Facing him is a man reading the Festival Programme, who is pontificating on the merits of dark beers, even though he never drinks them himself. On the table is a festival bap, for many years the mainstay of beer festival food. The men on the steps are pointing to the large queue forming outside. Note the security man in his orange jerkin. On the right of this image you can see men in a boat arriving to visit the festival. Other men who took their trousers off for a laugh are being made to leave the event by a steward carrying a large rod of office, as radios had yet to be invented.

In the top image we see men walking along to an old church, (Ecclesia). This had been turned into a feasting hall, and some people say it could have been called St Andrews Hall, being as it was close to the sea. The men in the hall are drinking ale. If you look closely you will see that some have special souvenir horns with dragon drawings on them. The man


In the middle image we see Harold, future king, turning up somewhat under the weather. It was nothing to do with the drinking he assures his travelling companions, but the sea was quite rough. He then meets Duke William and starts telling him just how good English ale is, far better than the beer in Normandy. All the time swaying about and belching. You can see Duke William’s steward pointing out what a fool Harold was. This boasting did annoy William somewhat. Harold then promises to invite William over next time they have a big party or beer festival so he can see how good English ale is. Harold then annoyed William even more when he won a big prize playing “Deal or No Deal” Anyway eventually Harold came back to England. Then, just as he was about to set off to the Cambridge Beer Festival, Edward the Confessor died. To cut a long story short, poor old Harold got made King. This meant he had to pay for the party after his Coronation. He kept the guest list down as much as possible, and didn’t invite William Duke of Normandy. He knew that William would ruin any party as he would bring along a whole load of gatecrashers. However Harold had promised William an invite to the next big do. When he heard that he had missed out on a good session, Duke William decided to come across anyway, and bring his mates with him. They set off and soon landed at Pevensey. William quickly built his own hall and had a Beer Festival of his own, this is shown below. Looking at this image you can see how William and his chums are peacefully enjoying beer and baps - it was to be

Above: : Harold playing “Deal or No Deal.

William embarking for his first Real Ale Festival over 500 years before salt and vinegar crisps were invented, and another 400 years before people realised they didn’t need to put the salt in a little blue bag which you could never find until half the crisps had been eaten. (Staff crisps at the beer festival are sponsored by Kettle Crisps) Looking at the image below you can see on the right how William’s chums had taken to the English habit of night clubbing and dwile flonking. This is what happens if you don’t have a steward wearing a bright orange jerkin. Harold was so annoyed that William and his chums were having such a good time that he came down to Sussex to have it out with him, and the rest, as they say, is history.

When out drinking look after your mates. Never encourage or force anyone to drink more than they can or want to. Make sure no one gets left behind , and all get home safely If one of your party has had too much - look after them 69

BRANCH SOCIAL ACTIVITIES As Social Secretary for the Norwich and Norfolk branch of CAMRA my role involves organising campaign trips, brewery visits, branch meetings and other social events. In other words many of the things we do between beer festivals, oh, and it includes visits to pub and CAMRA beer festivals throughout East Anglia. The regular events that take place within our branch are as follows. On the 1st Friday of every month, I organise a visit to 5 pubs within Norwich (First Friday Five). In December we have our Christmas Crawl where we visit about 10 pubs and details can be found in the latest edition of Norfolk Nips. We are going to move our Branch Meetings to the 3rd Thursday of most months next year to see if we can generate a greater attendance. Details will be available on the branch website and Norfolk Nips so it would be good to see you at these meetings to find out what is happening in your branch. On the last Friday of every month (excluding February, October and December) a Campaign Trip takes place where we visit up to 5 rural pubs promoting and drinking real ale and real cider where available. Since March of this year I have organised midweek strolls visiting 5 pubs within the City and these are also proving very popular. This provides people unable to make Friday nights an opportunity to visit some of the fine pubs that Norwich has to offer. Next year I plan to introduce the occasional midweek coach lunchtime coach trips. So what have we been up to in the last 12 months? Well we have had 2 official brewery trips to All Day Brewing and St Peters, were invited to attend Reepham Beer Festival organised by Panther Brewery plus our September branch meeting was held at Humpty Dumpty. I would like to take the opportunity to thank all breweries for inviting us and for their excellent hospitality. In June, our branch summer social took us to Colchester where we visited some very good pubs but got rather wet walking back to the train station. In September we enjoyed an afternoon of bowls at the Caxton Club in Beccles against our friends from Suffolk branches. It was an enjoyable afternoon and we successfully retained the Roly Bowly Cup whilst enjoying a good range of ales available. At the end of September we enjoyed an excellent trip to Ascot Races and Beer Festival. This is the 5th year in succession that we have attended this event so it seems as if it is now going to become a regular annual event so I better start planning next year. Our Campaign Trips are proving to be extremely popular and we are regularly ordering a larger coach but booking on these trips is essential. I trust this gives you an insight as to the types of activity that as a branch we are involved in and it would be good to see you if you wish to join us on any forthcoming events. To find out more about forthcoming events please refer to Norfolk Nips, our website or pop along to one of our branch meeting in the near future (the November meeting takes place at the Angel Gardens in Norwich). If you are a CAMRA member and your e-mail details are up to date you should be receiving regular e-mails detailing upcoming


events. If you have any suggestions for other events then please let me know and I will see if these can be arranged. Once again, enjoy the festival and hope to see some of you at our branch meetings and social events in the coming weeks and months. Michael Phillips Social Secretary

Above: “I’ve got mine to take home, now how do I get them on the coach?” Left: The victorious members of Norwich and Norfolk Branch CAMRA with the presentation of the Roly Bowly Cup. Middle: Eyes Down, it’s not bingo but time to fill in taste panel cards. Members travel the County seeking out beers to taste. Such dedication to duty. Bottom Left: Sometimes members get to visit pubs well off the beaten track, and sometimes those closer to home. Bottom Right: Another beer festival where we undertake the onerous duty of checking out the beer range and quality.


INDEX TO BEERS BY BEER NAME 1872 Porter, Elland 1914, Opa Hay’s 22, Dancing Duck 80/-, Elmtree Aired Ale, Bridgehouse Ale 9, Swannay Ale, Tombstone Americana, Almasty APA, Norfolk Brewhouse Arizona, Tombstone Ashburnham Pale, Pig & Porter Audit, Lacons Audit, Lacons Aurora, Burning Sky AVA, First Chop Bad Kitty, Brass Castle Baltic Trader, Green Jack Barn Ale, Tydd Steam Barrack Street, S&P BB, Pheasantry Beagle, Buffys Beast of the East, Panther Bellringer, Abbey Ales Best Bitter, Barrell&Sellers Best Bitter, Why Not Best, Brancaster Beyond Wonderland, Three Blind Mice Big Bang Theory, Nene Valley Bitter, Elland Black Adder, Mauldons Black Beauty, White Horse Black Death, Broxbourne Black Hole Porter, Oakham Black IPA, Neatishead Black Night, Wild Weather Black Rat, Rat Brewery Blackberry Cascade, Saltaire Blackberry Porter, Mauldons Blonde Ash, Grain Bread & Bitter, Panther Brewers Gold, Crouch Vale Brodie’s Prime, Hawkshead Bunny Chaser, Longdog Caramel Stout, Grafton

Cashmere, Adnams Cat’s Eyes, Fat Cat Brewery Cats Whiskers, Colchester CHB, Chalk Hill Cheshire Gap, Cheshire Brewhouse Chew Chew, Fallen Chocolate & Orange Stout, Moonshine Chocolate Nutter, Why Not Chorister, Abbey Ales Cliffhanger, Brass Castle Climate Change, Teignworthy Cobnut, Kent Complete Howler, Nethergate Cr(aig)exit Rye PA, Humpty Dumpty Crescent Ale, Mile Tree Cwtch, Tiny Rebel Dancing Dragonfly, Pheasantry Dark Horse, Nene Valley Dark, Pheasantry Darkest Hour, S&P Darkside, Shortts Farm DBA, Cheshire Brewhouse DCUK, Dancing Duck Decennium, Saltaire Dirty Stop Out, Tiny Rebel Down The Hatch, Cliff Quay Dr Fox’s Chicken Choker, Tydd Steam Dream More, Pig & Porter Drop of Real Norfolk, Fox Dry Stone Stout, Hawkshead East Beach IPA, Poppyland Electric Landlady, Baker’s Dozen Encore, Lacons Enterprise, Mr Majolica’s Etyann Malt, Neatishead Evolution, Mr Majolica’s Fellowship Porter, Redemption Festival Special, Lacons Fruit Bat, Banks & Taylor Fubar, Tiny Rebel Full Nelson, Tiny Rebel Genius, Winter’s Ghost Ship, Adnams Ginger Beer, Broxbourne


Ginger, Panther Gold, Chalk Hill Golden Best, Green Jack Golden Jackal, Wolf Golden Newt, Elgood’s Golden Pale, Elmtree Golden Poacher, Longdog Golden, St Peter’s Good Harvest, Goody Good King Henry, Old Chimneys Good Lord, Goody Good Queen Bess, Old Chimneys Graffiti, Firebrand Granny Wouldn’t Like it, Wolf Green Hop Best, Larkins Green Hop, All Day Brewing Green Hop, Theakston Grocers Ghost, St Andrews Brewhouse Handsome, Forge Hanging Stone, Ilkley Happy Hopper, Two Rivers Hares Hopping, Two Rivers Heavenly Matter, Moonshine Hop Lobster, Golden Triangle Hop on the Run, Holsworthy Independence, Bristol Beer Factory India Ale, Buffys Indian Hill, Tipples Indian Summer, Elgood’s Indie, Shortts Farm IPA, St Peter’s Jam, First Chop Jentacular, Baker’s Dozen JHB, Oakham Kew Green (& Black), Kew Lactose Tolerant Stout, Left Handed Giant Lady Evelyn, Tipples Lady Ruby, Grafton Lavender Honey, Wolf Lemon & Ginger, Humpty Dumpty Lightweight, Waveney Brewing Lignum Vitae, Grain Litehouse, Forge

Local Motive, Fallen Lonely Snake, Three Blind Mice Make Me Hoppy, Holsworthy Mango IPA, Almasty Masterpiece, Heritage Brewing Mild, Brampton Mild, Norfolk Brewhouse Milk Stout, Bristol Beer Factory Miners Mild, Two Rivers Minstrel, Firebrand Moggy, Fox Monty Pythons Holy Grail, Black Sheep Morse XXX, Green Jack Mosaic City, Golden Triangle Mosaic, Crouch Vale Mustard IPA, Chalk Hill Nightlight Mild, Elmtree Nord Atlantic, Humpty Dumpty Norfolk Kiwi, Jo C’s Norfolk Nip, Woodforde’s Norfolk Terrier, Buffys Oatmeal Stout, Mallinsons Oatmeal Stout, Two Rivers Offilers Bitter, Heritage Brewing Ohuna, Hopshackle Ola Dubh, Harviestoun Old Jaffa, Woodforde’s Old Moggie, Teignworthy Old Peculier, Theakston Old Stoatwobbler, Beeston Old Style Porter, St Peter’s On the Beer City, Winter’s On the Huh, Beeston One Inch Punch, Tiny Rebel Orange Adder, Mauldons Orange Tip, Old Chimneys Orange Wheat, Green Jack Orkney IPA, Swannay Oxford Dark Blue, White Horse Oystercatcher, Brancaster Pagoda, Kew Pale, Kent Parsons Porter, Woodforde’s Phobos & Deimos, Atom Piston Bob, Tydd Steam Plateau, Burning Sky

Plum Porter, Elgood’s Plum Porter, Tombstone Polaris, Bad Seed Porter, Bridgehouse Prastos Porter, Boudicca Puttag, Mallinsons Queen of Hops, Boudicca Random Name Generator, Tiny Rebel Raspberry Wheat, Moonshine Red Herring, Green Jack Redwood, Grain Reedlighter, Woodforde’s Riggwelter, Black Sheep Rocket, Brunswick Rocky Myrobalen, Waveney Brewing Rombald, Ilkley Rye IPA, St Andrews Brewhouse Rye Pale, Grain San Diego, Odyssey Schrodingers Cat, Atom Session IPA, Bad Seed Shaltai Boltai, Humpty Dumpty Shamuzzle, Hopshackle Shepherds Warning, Wild Weather Silkie Stout, Loch Lomond Simtropolis, Golden Triangle Skiffle, Shortts Farm Small Beer, Opa Hay’s Smoked Porter, Hoxne


Southern Summit, Loch Lomond Southwold Bitter, Adnams Stag Beetle Jnr, All Day Brewing Stag Beetle, All Day Brewing Stormbrynger, Poppyland Stour Valley Gold, Nethergate Suffolk Punch, Hoxne Syren, Odyssey Tally Ho, Adnams The Beans, Winter’s The Usual, Brunswick The Wreck, Brancaster Three Tails Bitter, Boudicca Totally Tropical, Fat Cat Brewery Traditional, Larkins Trinity, Redemption Tumblehome, Cliff Quay Two’s, Barrell&Sellers Twyford Tipple, Binghams Unexpected Pleasures, Nene Valley Vanilla Stout, Binghams Victoria, Cliff Quay Wasp Nest, Brampton Wellstream, Mile Tree Werewolf, Wolf White Rat, Rat Brewery Winter Ale, Mile Tree Winter Porter, Norfolk Brewhouse Worth the Wait, Beeston






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