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Middle School Enrichments
Art The middle school art curriculum is centered around a TAB based philosophy. TAB, or Teaching Artistic Behaviors, is a pedagogy through which students learn to think like artists. It develops critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity skills. The teacher's role in this pedagogy is to work as a coach, often with individual students, and to introduce the class to new concepts through mini lessons which begin each class period These mini lessons include demonstrations on how to use different art mediums, or discussions on various artists and art concepts Students use class time to experience the process of making art, fully immersing themselves in the creative journey from conceptualizing a piece to evaluating the final product
P E Physical Education at the Middle School level is an avenue for engaging in developmentally appropriate physical activities designed for children to develop their fitness, gross and fine motor skills to enable them to participate in lifetime sports and activities They learn essential skills to become physically literate Physical Education at the Middle School level allows students to explore team and individual sports They learn game history, playing techniques, strategies and how to play the game at an accelerated level.
Media Advocacy
The middle school Media Advocacy class is an exciting and innovative course that empowers students to explore and address global issues through the lens of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) The curriculum seamlessly integrates STEM learning, the engineering design process, and media literacy to create a dynamic and comprehensive learning experience. Throughout the course, students engage in hands-on activities and collaborative projects that challenge them to identify real-world problems related to the SDGs. They use STEM principles to analyze, design, and propose sustainable solutions, applying critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Media literacy plays a pivotal role in the class, as students learn how to effectively communicate their ideas and advocate for change. They study various forms of media, including digital media, social media, and journalism, to understand their impact on society and develop persuasive communication strategies. Students create engaging multimedia projects, such as videos, podcasts, and social media campaigns, to raise awareness and inspire action around the SDGs
The Social-Emotional Learning curriculum at the Middle School Level is designed to support students in learning the skills and attitudes needed to develop healthy identities, self-awareness, and social awareness It also teaches students the important skills needed for managing emotions, feeling and showing empathy for others, establishing and maintaining supportive relationships, and making responsible and caring decisions Through this work, students begin to deepen their understanding of themselves and others, take pride in their identity, foster inclusivity, and become a productive member of the community
Intermediate (Grades 4 and 5) Level Course Descriptions
Intermediate ELA
Norwood Fontbonne Academy’s Intermediate English Language Arts (ELA) program uses a Reading and Writing Workshop model. Through the use of teacher-read mentor texts, shared texts, novel studies, and active independent reading, reading strategies are taught through mini-lessons and practiced independently. By providing explicit instruction, teachers focus on a writer’s craft and create a predictable, safe environment where students take ownership of their writing, share their writing, and become competent with the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, publishing). Students are exposed to a variety of genres including fiction, non-fiction, and poetry All students are encouraged to see themselves as readers and writers and develop a love of the written word English Language Arts at the Intermediate Level allows students to develop as readers and writers while incorporating spelling, vocabulary, and grammar skills through a rich curriculum
Grade Level Focus on Curriculum and Projects
4th Grade Reading and Writing Workshop
● Foundations
● Poetry
Read Aloud Front Desk by Kelly Yang - Theme of Belonging
Black History Month focus
Poetry anthology and poetry share
● Non-fiction
○ Biography Unit - Living Wax Museum Presentation
5th Grade Novel Studies:
● First Trimester: Frindle by Andrew Clements
○ Create It Project
● Second Trimester: Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt
○ Co-curricular, Art Project
● Third Trimester: Literature Circles
○ SSJ Infused Theme: Good Neighbor / Resilience
■ Inside Out and Back Again by Thanna Lai
■ Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan
■ The Only Road by Alexandra Diaz