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Intermediate Religion
Religion classes at Norwood-Fontbonne Academy are designed to support our students in their growth as faith-filled persons in Catholic tradition Weaving SSJ spirituality and history through our lessons, students become rooted in the mission of our Sisters and the importance of unity; a unity that unites neighbor with neighbor and neighbor with God and includes a strong emphasis on care for our Earth. Grade level SSJ infused themes provide a lens for our students to understand their role in being anti-racist and ways in which they can actively advocate for social justice. Opportunities to participate in Service-Learning and Outreach Projects, students are able to embody a spirit of service as they build relationships with our Dear Neighbor, while also growing in their ability to show empathy, respect, and compassion. Time in our Centennial Chapel rounds out the religion classroom experience.
4th Grade
● The Church
○ The Ten Commandments
○ The Sacrament of Baptism as a Sacrament of Initiation
○ Examination of Conscience and the gift of Forgiveness
○ The Eucharist
● Social Justice
○ The Works of Mercy
○ The Beatitudes
○ Becoming Disciples of Faith
● The Chapel Experience - Ways to Pray
○ Music Mediation
○ Reflections around prayers - The Lord’s Prayer, The Hail Mary, The Apostle’s Creed
○ Integration of cultural studies rooted in faith traditions
● Service-Learning experiences and special projects centered around our grade level theme of Belonging
5th Grade
● Overview of Sacraments
○ Sacraments of Initiation - Baptism and Confirmation
○ Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick
○ Holy Orders and Matrimony
● Social Justice
○ The Works of Mercy
○ The Beatitudes
○ Project on Gifts of the Holy Spirit
● The Chapel Experience - Ways to Pray
○ Music Mediation
○ Reflections around prayers - The Lord’s Prayer, The Hail Mary, The Apostle’s Creed
○ Integration of cultural studies rooted in faith traditions
○ Introduction to Lectio Divina
● Service-Learning experiences and special projects centered around our grade level theme of Resilience