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Intermediate Math
Norwood Fontbonne Academy’s Intermediate Math Program pushes students to take passionate ownership of their learning, persist through challenges, and grow in independence Students develop a positive relationship with themselves and mathematics through the various components of math class. At the intermediate level, students will focus on mastering basic math facts, learning the process to solve multi-digit multiplication and division problems, and focus on fraction and decimal skills. A heavy emphasis is placed on solving word problems which fosters the growth of critical thinking skills in the subject area.
Grade Level Focus on Curriculum and Projects
4th Grade ● Mastering of basic math facts
● Focus on operations of whole numbers
● Introduction into fractions and decimals
● Geometry
○ Basic practice of finding perimeter and area, measurement, classifying triangles, angles, etc
5th Grade
● Continued focus on mastery of basic math facts
● Operations of whole numbers
● Focus on operations of decimals
● Focus on operations of fractions
● Geometry
○ Identifying shapes and finding perimeter and area
Intermediate Science
NFA’s 4th and 5th Grade Science experience provides students with opportunities for investigation, experimentation and discovery that will help them understand their surroundings Students learn to treasure self, others, and the earth by developing a perceptive sense of the scientific components in the world around them. Through engaging lessons and a strong knowledge of appropriate scientific subject matter, students will elevate their thinking while applying both science and engineering skills. Students will find that exploration is the heart of science, and also the heart of caring for the world that we live in today.
Grade Level Focus on Curriculum and Projects
4th Grade ● The Scientific Method
● Physical Science
○ Energy and motion
○ Human uses of energy
○ Waves and information
● Earth Science
○ Earth’s features
○ Earth’s natural hazards
○ The history of planet Earth
● Life Science
○ Structures and functions of plants
5th Grade ● Physical Science
○ Properties of Matter (Physical Properties, Boiling Point, Freezing Point, etc and Chemical Properties)
○ Changes in Matter (Physical and Chemical Changes)
○ Mixtures and Solutions
● Earth Science
○ Earth’s Systems & Water (Water Cycle, layers of the atmosphere and the geosphere)
○ Human’s Impacts on Earth (Global warming, Alternative energy, fossil fuels - impacts of each - positives and negatives)
○ The Solar System
● Life Science
○ Energy and Food (Food Chains)