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PBIS Calendar

PBIS Calendar

MyNFA Teacher “How To” Guide

MyNFA is our SIS and LMS. This should be the hub for everyone. Teachers use the LMS to post announcements, create and post assignments, grade assignments/assessments, and enter report card grades Students access all classroom materials and grades through this platform, and families have a view of the materials and posted grades. Access the full guide to provide video and text tutorials for you on the following topics:


● Login and Navigation

● Bulletin boards

● Topics

● Creating assignments

● Sending batch emails (to students and families)

● Guide to entering report card grades

● Day to day teacher “tips and tricks”

Lesson Planning

At NFA, the school administration trusts teachers to plan effective lessons for their students Lessons plans are written to support the teacher in their daily and weekly instruction In lieu of submitting weekly lesson plans, teachers will contribute to a monthly curriculum map which will provide an overview of the standards covered within their content area over the course of that month. The framework for this as well as emailed reminders will be provided by administration

In case of an unplanned absence, teachers submit (3) days worth of emergency substitute plans to the Director of Curriculum and Innovation at the beginning of each school year. This is outlined in more detail in the Employee Handbook.

Homework Expectations: Middle School

Middle School Homework Expectations

Math Monday-Thurs day

● skill practice

○ paper/pencil practice is necessary

○ digital resources should be for additional practice

● tangible preparation for quizzes/tests

ELA Monday-Thurs day

● reading every night

○ follow through in class with conferencing, response to prompt, prep for a book talk, etc

● writing- long term assignments

● skill practice

SS Science Spanish Religion

1-2 nights a week

● Varied

○ Response to reading content

○ Preparation for class

○ Long Term assignments

○ Projects

○ Study guides

○ Follow up with classwork

Assessment Practices

Assessment Planning

Grades 4 to 8 teachers: In small group planning, (4 and 5) and (6 to 8) and based upon your current teaching schedules, create an assignment and assessment schedule that meets the needs of your students Please work together to apprise each other of this Students should not have more than two assessments on one day.

Assessment Schedule


● Early Literacy Skills Screener

K-5 Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment (Reading)

● Identification of students’ independent and instructional reading levels

6-8 Midterms- All resources linked here

● Math


2-8 Terra Nova Now Standardized Test

4-8 Finals- All resources linked here

● Math (all 4-8)

● ELA (6-8)


K-3- October and April

4-5- As needed

Grading and Reporting


All grades are entered into the MyNFA gradebooks, and instantly published to parents and students. Report cards are generated from MyNFA within a timeframe provided at the closing of each trimester. Assessment grades should be entered within one week of administration time All comments should be informative and provide parents and students with a full understanding of success and/or areas of growth

If a student fails an assessment or major project, the teacher should communicate with the family directly through email. If the student is at risk of failing for the trimester, the teacher should communicate with the family and the principal

Any cases of academic dishonesty must be reported to the student’s parent/guardian as well as to the principal. Consequences for plagiarism are dependent upon the assignment and the number of times the offense has occurred. Students are at risk of failing the assignment without the possibility of retaking it, or failing the course for repeated offenses.

Report Cards:

Report cards are generated every trimester according to the dates on the NFA calendar Teachers prepare the report cards, and administration provides a review Report cards are then published on MyNFA for parents to access

Student Assistance

Teachers who are concerned about student progress should refer the student via email to The Student Assistance Team and Principal

Services Include:

K-5 Learning Support

● Provides intervention for Reading and Math

○ Fundations, Wilson

● Provides overall academic support

6-8 Learning Support

● Provides overall academic support

NFA Counseling

● Available to all students

● individual counseling, classroom lessons, and parent consultation

CORA Services

● Parent permission is required

● speech and language, educational/psychological testing, counseling, remedial reading and math, occupational therapy

School and Classroom Culture

Access this growing list of resources for building a positive classroom culture. Connection over content!

In partnership with our families and our community, we strive to create an environment of collaboration where all people can live and work so that all may be one The NFA student vision statement is a profile of our students that guides teachers in establishing a positive classroom culture. It is important for teachers to establish clear student expectations, strong rapport, and a welcoming classroom community This foundation is laid during the first few weeks of school and should be consistently upheld throughout the school year.

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) System

Universal Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports nurtures a positive school climate in which all students can learn and grow. These systems provide immediate, intermittent, and long-term reinforcements, given by adults, to any student displaying desired school-wide expectations, behaviors, or associated rules.

NFA implements PBIS in grades 4 through 8 This includes the following:

Grades 4 and 5

Grades 6, 7, and 8

NFA Proud Tickets - Drawings bi-weekly on Fridays during morning announcements.

NFA Shout Outs

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