Norwood-Fontbonne The Good News Magazine / Annual Report

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Spring 2021

THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF NORWOOD-FONTBONNE ACADEMY About the cover: Francesca ’23 and EJ ’21 Trainor outside the Big House


Message from the President


Strategic Plan Update


NFA News

12-13 Advisory Board Update 14

Faculty and Staff Accomplishments


Admissions Update

16-19 100 Years of Growth 20-21 Development News 22-26 Alumni News 27-36 Annual Report of Investors 2019-2020

ADMINISTRATIVE LEADERSHIP Ryan Killeen, Ed.D., President Nancy Peluso, Principal Shannon Craige, Director of Curriculum and Innovation Tyrone Hedrick, Director of Facilities Angelo Milicia, Director of Institutional Advancement Trish Bradley, Director of Communications and Marketing Dan O’Sullivan, Director of Campus Ministry Nancy Nadler, Director of Business Operations David Rodgers, Director of Technology Erin Wallin, Director of Admissions Jim Rockenbach, Director of Athletics

Mission Statement Founded in 1920 by the Sisters of St. Joseph, Norwood– Fontbonne Academy is a Catholic Independent academy for preschool to eighth grade students. Committed to a strong academic program, Norwood-Fontbonne Academy offers both Montessori and creative interactive education enriched by service learning, outreach, and co-curricular experiences. Within a faith-filled community, students are challenged to become self-directed persons who live gospel values, enjoy learning, make reflective choices, and treasure themselves, others, and the Earth.

MAGAZINE STAFF Contributors: Trish Bradley, Angelo Milicia, Dr. Ryan Killeen, Annmarie Greenberg, Alumni Relations Manager Designer: Biddle Design Photographer: Frank Wojciechowski

Welcome Dear Norwood-Fontbonne Academy Community, We began this year embracing a favorite phrase of the Sisters of Saint Joseph. When the sisters first arrived in Philadelphia, Archbishop Kenrick described them as “ready for any good work.” This year has provided great challenges, but our community has more than risen to the challenge. Our students, faculty and staff could not be more resilient and resourceful in the response to adversity. On November 29, 2020, we celebrated the 100th anniversary of our founding. One hundred years before, nine sisters, 48 boarders and six day students walked up the steps of the Big House, and a legacy was begun. While current conditions have restricted what in-person celebrations we have been able to hold, we have found creative ways to celebrate and look forward to many events planned for the fall. Norwood-Fontbonne Academy’s Strategic Plan, Directed Toward Tomorrow, continues to drive all that we do each day at NFA. Rooted in the mission of the Sisters of Saint Joseph and built upon the legacy of 100 years, this plan reflects our commitment to provide the highest quality, formative educational experience, for today and for all our tomorrows. Directed Toward Tomorrow centers on five goal areas: Identity & Relationship, Student Experience, Belonging & Inclusion, Vitality & Stewardship, and Campus Environment. Each goal area has objectives that will be met throughout the plan’s five-year implementation. We’ll update you in this issue of the magazine. We have only just begun! Excitement continues to build as we continue to implement this plan. In and out of the classroom, NFA continues to grow stronger and deepen our commitment to our mission. This year also marks 20 years of our innovative Service-Learning program at NFA, in which our students put faith into action. As the Sisters of Saint Joseph have taught us, in words and action, it is only through relationship that we fully witness God’s love. Thank you for being in relationship with Norwood-Fontbonne Academy. In Christ’s Peace,

Ryan Killeen, Ed.D. PRESIDENT

Thank you for journeying with us, as we are

Directed Toward Tomorrow. SPRING 2021


Strategic Plan Update Norwood-Fontbonne Academy’s Strategic Plan, Directed Toward Tomorrow, continues to drive all that we do each day at NFA. Rooted in the mission of the Sisters of Saint Joseph and built upon the legacy of 100 years, this plan reflects our commitment to provide the highest quality, formative educational experience, for today and for all our tomorrows. As you know, Directed Toward Tomorrow centers on five goal areas: Identity & Relationship, Student Experience, Belonging & Inclusion, Vitality & Stewardship, and Campus Environment, which have objectives that will be met throughout the plan’s five-year implementation. Periodically, we offer updates so you can see how the goals are being worked on, and the progress being made. Since the plan’s launch last spring, many committees have been established with the specific purpose to meet the five goals set forth. These are chaired by faculty, staff or board members, and their membership reflects parents, alumni, community members and parents of alumni. Committees generally meet monthly and report their progress to the NFA Advisory Board.

Our Identity and Relationship Goal commits NFA to cultivate an inclusive, faith-filled community that nurtures global citizens committed to relationships with self, others, and Earth. • Conducting a comprehensive assessment and revision of the entire Service-Learning Program and Curriculum - Increased collaboration with other SSJ-sponsored works and infusion of the NFA community with SSJ mission and charism. - Revitalized Service-Learning Program and Curriculum launching in the next school year with service trips to new sites. Service experiences will be fully embedded into the curriculum before and after the trip. • Several faculty and staff members participated in professional development on Catholic Identity presented by the Roache Center for Catholic Education of Boston College.

The Student Experience Goal charges us with extending excellence to provide a sustainable, individual, and holistic student experience. • Revitalizing the Service-Learning Curriculum - The Curriculum Council is working with the Identity and Relationship Committee to ensure all curriculum follows newly defined standards. • Teachers created and implemented an Adaptable Instruction Model for 2020-2021, which ensured seamless remote and in-person learning experiences for our students. • Assessment of curriculum standards and objectives across all grade levels. Using findings to inform and guide curriculum development, the Council has reviewed the Math curriculum and has implemented Math initiatives at all grade levels. • Collaboration with high schools to ensure that our children are best prepared for the academic challenges presented at their chosen secondary education experience. • The Student Life Committee hosted its inaugural Committee Meeting in February. This effort will include one Steering Committee for all student life with subgroups of athletics, the arts, and co-curriculars, charged with setting and achieving specific objective goals.


The Belonging and Inclusion Goal commits NFA to co-create a community and culture of belonging that responds to the lifelong call to be engaged persons who impact the world with a love that unites. • The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council is exploring and identifying opportunities to recognize and celebrate diversity in all forms. • NFA faculty and staff continue their yearlong professional development series with Equity Ambush, a consultancy that has assisted the Council and also delivered training to faculty and staff on diversity, equality, inclusion, and culturally responsive programming. • With the Curriculum Council and the DEI Council, teachers have received support and guidance in inclusive pedagogy. • In celebration of Black History Month, faculty received a variety of resources with the goal of sustaining this celebration as they commit to representation of diverse examples of individuals across backgrounds in all academic areas. • Programs celebrating diversity empower students to enhance their awareness and understanding of differences. Eighth grade students who attended a local diversity conference have begun a new student DEI committee to increase understanding of belonging and how to be an inclusive school community.

The Vitality and Stewardship Goal strengthens and stewards an integrated, financially responsible operation model. Although not always obvious to our parents and supporters, this goal area is one where much has been accomplished in the past six months. • The Finance Committee established a socially responsible Investment Policy defining clear investment goals, standards, and guidelines for positioning ourselves for the future. - An endowment was established to sustain the vitality of NFA in the future through greater financial security. The committee is seeking creative ways to enlarge the endowment and ensure its growth. • The Enrollment and Marketing Committee has been reestablished and has been evaluating enrollment and admission trends in consultation with the Association of Independent School Admissions Professionals. - Results of a 360 Assessment have informed new admission efforts and activities including virtual admissions events, more engagement between prospective parents and current parents, classroom demonstrations, alumni outreach, and more. - The move to Ravenna has made tracking inquiries and applications easier for new families, and the switch to TADS software has made continuous enrollment easier for our current families. - Marketing efforts have significantly strengthened NFA’s inbound marketing, including instituting SEO in consultation with Finalsite, NFA’s website company. A digital marketing plan will be completed. - Increased community engagement with virtual events, including NFA’s Centennial Speaker series. - Improved communications and transparency, especially in relation to handling COVID challenges. - Weekly e-newsletters and communications have a new look, social media engagement has been increased, and monthly virtual get togethers with parents have been added. • New Advisory Board bylaws have been drafted, membership committee has been established, and three new members will join the Advisory Board.

The Campus Environment Goal sustains a safe, functional and welcoming campus that supports, stimulates and advances the dynamic needs of students, families and staff while facilitating relationships with others and the Earth. • The Campus Environment Committee completed a request for proposals for a longrange, comprehensive campus plan. Hord Coplan Macht, an architectural firm with extensive experience in the K through grade 12 environments, was chosen and sent surveys to parents, faculty and staff, alumni, Advisory Board, and our middle school students. Follow up focus groups were conducted this winter to garner further information. • The majority of Big House offices have been relocated to upper floors to provide more opportunities for academic programming on the first floor. The chapel has been restored and will be used for retreats, religion classes, guest speakers and as a sacred gathering space for small liturgies. • Renovation of the Loft, the Legacy Gift of the Class of 2020, is in its final stages of renovations, turning the vacant space into a multimedia lab and STEM classroom complete with a recording studio. • Additional plans are underway for outdoor landscape improvements on both campuses. SPRING 2021


NFA News

Social-Emotional Learning in the Classroom The challenges of adhering to continued safety protocols, daily temperature checks, and in-person and virtual learning would be stressful for anyone, let alone young children and adolescents. With these challenges come feelings – sadness, anxiety, fear – associated with those challenges that may be different from child to child. Not only are academics important, but a student’s social and emotional well-being are equally, if not more, important. To help students get through and have a forum to talk about how they are feeling, Kendall Ireland, M.A., R-DMT, NFA’s full-time counselor, introduced Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) at the beginning of this academic year. Held each week in students’ classrooms, virtual learners participate, too, since they may be experiencing feelings of loneliness and may be missing their classmates. “It’s an important time we have established for students to learn about and discuss emotions and feelings, build self-esteem, develop coping skills, and develop relationships with peers,” says Kendall. NFA parents and guardians have appreciated the addition of the SEL class this year, too. “I’ve heard from several parents this year, all very grateful that their children are using the skills from the class in everyday life,” says Kendall. “One parent said that her child was having a hard time, and she stopped and asked her mom, ’What would Ms. Ireland do?’, so it’s great they are developing those skills independently.”

Some of the SEL classroom activities include: • Growth Mindset: Working with students to change negative thinking patterns into positive ones (“I can’t do it” vs. “This is hard, but if I keep practicing I will get better and be able to do this.”) • Bullying Prevention: Identifying terms such as bully, bystander, upstander, etc. Learning ways to identify bullying and how to be an upstander • Learning ways how to report bullying, and why it is not tattling • Using Art (i.e., Halloween mummies) to identify true inner personalities and what is cover up with “bandages” (i.e., what people see on the outside vs. what is on the inside) • Gratitude: Why it’s important (improved sleep, blood pressure, mood), how to express gratitude, and how we feel when we express gratitude. Grades 1 to 3 and JLM did a kindness challenge where they would each earn a pebble in a jar for any time a teacher heard them being kind to one another. When the jar was full, the class got a prize. • Friendship: Learning about healthy vs. unhealthy relationships • Goal-Setting for the Year: Why it’s important, and how students feel when they accomplish a goal


NFA News New Faces Graced Us This Academic Year We welcomed several new faculty and staff members to the NFA community in 2020. S. Dorothy Bredehoft, SSJ, Ed.D., Part-Time Librarian, Fontbonne Campus Before she came to NFA this October, S. Dorothy served as Assistant in the Education Department at Chestnut Hill College. Chrissy Hughes Curci ’91, Stone House Assistant Chrissy is mom to Joe ’24, Veronica ’26, and Erin ’28, and serves as copresident of NFAPA this year. She’s has substituted in the Montessori houses, particularly in the Gate House numerous times. We welcome Chrissy’s enthusiasm, love, and support of NFA in her new role.

Maggie Miller

S. Dorothy Bredehoft, SSJ, Ed.D.

S. Marjorie Keenan, SSJ, Part-Time Receptionist in Sister James Anthony Hall S. Marjorie came to NFA from Chestnut Hill College, where she served as Executive Assistant to Senior V.P. for Financial Affairs. Joe Malizia Jr. ’88, Intern Joe, an NFA alum, as well as a U.S. Army Colonel, and dad to Michael Malizia ’22, joined us this fall, teaching a leadership course designed specifically for our middle school students intentionally infused with the NFA mission, vision, and beliefs. The course will emphasize the Gospel values, character, technical skills, conceptual skills, and interpersonal skills required to lead small teams; and provide opportunities for students to actively apply those skills. (Read more about the Leadership Course in this issue.)

Kelsey Riethmiller, RN

Chrissy Hughes Curci ’91

Maggie Miller, 6A Homeroom Teacher Maggie has experience teaching both ELA and Social Studies in the sixth grade. She is also a soccer enthusiast and coaches at several colleges in the area.

Ryan Saul

Kelsey Riethmiller, RN, Part-Time Nurse Ryan Saul, 3A Homeroom Teacher Ryan holds master’s degrees in Elementary Education and in Educational Administration. He has experience teaching younger students in K to grade 4 and was also a long-term substitute teaching computer literacy. At NFA, he continues his passion for teaching young children.

S. Marjorie Keenan, SSJ

Steve Wood ’03

Steve Wood ’03, 7C Homeroom Teacher We re-welcome Steve Wood as permanent homeroom teacher to 7C. Gloria Yamoah, Staff Accountant Gloria is a recent graduate of Neumann University with a degree in Accounting. She joined the Business Office where she will be handling financial reporting, payroll and clearances.

Joe Malizia Jr. ’88

We also said goodbye to Audra Gurin, Montessori teacher in Gate House. Families and alumni gathered on Zoom to wish her well in December.

Gloria Yamoah SPRING 2021


NFA News

NFA’s Middle School Offers Course for Future Leaders Last fall, NFA offered a new leadership course for grades 6 to 8, in which the middle school students learned how to lead small teams and manage a project—two invaluable skills they will need in high school and beyond. Taught by Joe Malizia ’88 as part of his internship, the course supported NFA’s emphasis on ServiceLearning, and was nested with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in mind. The SDGs are a collection of 17 goals designed to be a “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.” These goals were set by the United Nations General Assembly, and are slated to be achieved by 2030.

A video by sixth grader Joaquín Fernandez Valls, along with his group, Mia, Constanza and Brayden, was produced in an effort to stem racism. Not only did Joaquín learn about video production, he also “learned that a good leader listens to his or her group, inspires his or her group, and acts with honesty and courage,” he says. “I also learned that being a good leader doesn’t always mean being the boss and that we can all be leaders. Leadership skills can help me in high school and NFA by making me achieve my goals and organize successful teams.”

Samantha Hendrzak graduates in June, and she thought the leadership course was one of the most impactful courses she’s ever had at NFA. She and her group, John, Michael “Some of the students’ and Lila, organized a book projects included a food drive, drive that put into practice all a book drive, a blog designed she had learned in the class. to encourage people to stop “During the book drive, I stereotyping others, and a learned how to communicate video that focuses on social well, work with a team, justice,” says Joe. “They backwards plan, organize, and learned how to organize a (from left) Lila Forti, Jack Furletti, Michael Rossi and Sam Hendrzak so many more lessons that will team, assign participants with last a lifetime,” says Sam. specific responsibilities, “What I especially loved about identify goals and hold this course and the book drive was it was not just about the progress reviews. All real-world team experiences!” leader, it also focused on ’followership’ and how to be a good follower.” The teams were small—three to five—so students were able to hone their interpersonal communication skills, too. Each team was assigned faculty and staff “stakeholders,” to whom they advertised their calls to action. They were asked to donate non-perishable food or books, read and comment on the blogs the students composed, or watch a video the students had made. 6

The offerings introduced this year were just the beginning of classes exclusively for middle school students at NFA. They will continue to build on and expand those learned skills well into high school.

NFA News

Flex Classes this Academic Year Grade 6 Global Awareness

Grade 7 Film Study

Taught by Ally Monteiro and Maggie Miller, Global Awareness took on a flipped learning approach at times with students viewing videos or reading articles prior to coming to class, or receiving foundational information in another class for a cross-curricular approach. The goal of this course was to help guide students as they processed events happening around the country and around the world, assessed and evaluated news sources, and cultivated students who felt empowered to use their voice to speak up for those that are marginalized.

Taught by Ryan Heck, students were introduced to famous movies and analyzed them as part of a bigger picture to gain perspective on the themes and motifs that film adds to life. Teacher and students discussed and analyzed literary themes/motifs such as the “hero’s journey,” through the movies “Big” and “The Wizard of Oz.” They then discussed the historical and emotional impact of the movie, “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close,” based on a novel about a nine-year-old boy whose father dies in 9/11, and his search for the origin of a key his father left behind, and the impression this type of movie leaves an audience. Finally, seventh graders watched and analyzed the harrowing journey of how one man worked his way out of homelessness for his son in “The Pursuit of Happyness.”

In the third trimester, grade 6 students began a Mock Model United Nations (UN), loosely based on the official Junior Model UN program. This course introduced the history and purpose of the UN, the role and participation the Sisters of Saint Joseph have at the UN through SSJ guest speakers, as well as addresses the UN Sustainable Goals for Development. As the course project, each homeroom was given a country and an issue to research. In their research of their respective countries, students were assigned a socioeconomic status within that country to learn about how the issue affects them specifically.

Grade 8 TEDNFA and Financial Literacy Taught by Judy Riviezzo, Maria Cilio, and Steve Wood, students watched Ted Talks by authors, scientists, historians, journalists, business owners, athletes, artists, and other experts from various professional and personal backgrounds. NFA staff guest speakers will also be encouraged to do a live TedTalk for students. Post-viewing discussions, facilitated by grade 8 faculty, will require students to think critically about the themes of each TedTalk and challenge them to consider how said themes relate to their own past experiences and future goals. As the course progresses, students will each design and give their own TedTalks for their peers on a topic that they are passionate about or to teach a skill which they have acquired. In the spring, Joe Rosowski taught student valuable skills about financial literacy and the Stock Market.

“Through offering these courses, we’re exposing our middle school students to new ideas and new thinking about people and the world around them,” says Shannon Craige, M.A., Director of Curriculum and Innovation. “They learn from our teachers and staff who have life experiences they’re willing to share on a personal level with the students, which, in turn, make them more open to the stories of others.” SPRING 2021


NFA News 1 Art teacher Laura Colussi ’04 did a beautiful job with the Stone House Playground last fall. The Lunchbunchers are embracing the Montessori world!

Grade 1 created NFA snowpersons for the NFA Snowpeople Outdoor Art Exhibit.

2a This spring, 2A had a virtual author visit from Dav Pilkey, writer/illustrator of the Dog Man children’s graphic novel series. He also writes and illustrates the Captain Underpants books.

3a Homeroom 3A participated in Prodigy, an online math tournament, which pitted the students against other third, fourth, and fifth grade classes around the world. There were two ways to place in this tournament: having the highest average of questions answered and/or having the highest percentage of questions correct. After three grueling weeks of competition, 3A finished in fourth place in highest overall questions answered, and third place in highest percentage of problem correct. The students’ valiant efforts got them one free month of membership to the game. They’re aiming for first place the next time the tournament rolls around!

JLA students walked their own “Road to Emmaus” recreating when Jesus walked with two disciples on the day of His resurrection. 8

In and Out of

NFA News

4 In preparation for Earth Day on April 22, Norwood-Fontbonne Academy (NFA) fourth graders Sophie, Madeleine, Malley, Jabril, Joshua, and Alexis, were helped by S. Marjorie Lawless, SSJ, and Mary Ann Boyer, Chestnut Hill area Tree Tender to plant White Oak seedlings, donated by Chris Sohlney, Chestnut Hill area Tree Tender, on NFA’s 14-acre campus. The students learned about the trees they were planting and then got their hands dirty by digging, planting and watering the trees. They’re now junior Tree Tenders, since they will now provide ongoing care for the young trees. These fourth graders are walking examples of NFA’s mission – treasuring self, others and the Earth!

5 Fifth grade students are looking forward to their move to the Norwood campus, and they’ll have a new uniform option as they begin. Khaki trousers and skorts may be worn with either the blue or white polo in short and long sleeves and the dress shoe options. The existing uniform options will also be allowed for those who do not wish to purchase new uniforms.

6 Sixth graders took to the outdoors in the beautiful spring weather to take photos and sketch in a recent art class.

7 the Classroom

In the Sister James Anthony Hall Science Lab, seventh grade studied autotrophs and heterotrophs, and took a closer look at mushrooms. SPRING 2021


NFA News Last fall, S. Marjorie Lawless, SSJ, and members of the McIntyre/Dolan family gathered on campus for a prayer service and dedication of the stone memorial placed in front of a willow tree planted on campus this summer in memory of Sheila Dolan, her husband, Bob McIntyre, and their daughter, Julia, who tragically passed away last November. Sheila was a teacher in NFA’s Montessori and primary education from 1999 until her retirement in 2013. She taught in the White House, was an assistant in JLC, and completed her time at NFA as the lead teacher in JLB. She was known and much beloved for her kindness, her peaceful spirit, and her love of children. Their legacy will live on forever on our campus.

8 Grade eight students read 12 Angry Men, a courtroom drama, this winter. Students welcomed Melissa Gomez, Ph.D., current NFA parent, author, jury consultant and president of MMG Jury Consulting, for a presentation and Q&A session.

TV cameras (3, 6 and Fox) came to the Big House as NFA hosted a check presentation from Endless Pools to Children’s Scholarship Fund Philadelphia (CSFP). NFA is a partner school to CSFP, which provides scholarships to families in need in the Philadelphia area.

In and Out of the Classroom 10

NFA News

Dr. Killeen provided a VIP tour to NFA’s 100th graduating class, the Class of 2021, of the Centennial Chapel in the Big House. The space served as a chapel for many years until it was converted into offices. The renovation, which got underway this winter, brings the chapel back to its original beauty. The use of various pieces from some of the Sisters of Saint Joseph ministries continues the SSJ charism in this sacred space on NFA’s Norwood Campus. Several pieces of furniture came from St. Michael’s Convent, which has closed as a residence for the SSJs. Other pieces came from the Motherhouse, including balusters from a staircase leading to the chapel that have been refurbished as candlesticks. An SSJ-created tabernacle adorns the chapel, too. Statues were returned to their rightful place, as they were from the original Big House Chapel. Sacramental vessels were given to NFA by St. Mary by-the-Sea, the SSJ retreat house in Cape May Point, NJ, which closed this year. The blue painted tray ceiling resembles the Motherhouse Chapel ceiling, as well as the Cathedral in Lyon, France, where Mother St. John Fontbonne reestablished the SSJs after the French Revolution. The SSJ charism permeates the new space which will be used for small liturgies, retreats, and contemplative gatherings.



Advisory Board Update Changes to NFA’s Advisory Board We welcome Ryan Abramson, John Christen, and Judy Lloyd as new members of the Advisory Board. We welcome their leadership to the dedicated group of Board members.

John N. Christen is a Senior Banker in the Commercial Mortgage Group of KeyBank Real Estate Capital and has spent over 25 years in the real estate finance industry. He is responsible for originating and placing commercial mortgage loans into the capital markets for the Northeast Region.

Ryan Abramson is the Director of Admissions at Holy Ghost Prep in Bensalem, and has overseen the admissions and marketing efforts at the school for over 20 years. From the days of print brochures, to digital advertising and SEO, Ryan has earned a reputation for always pioneering ways to introduce the school to an ever-expanding group of families. Ryan was elected to the Board of Directors for the Association of Independent School Admission Professionals (AISAP) in 2019 and has participated in the Association’s 360 Assessment Program, which helps provide data-driven solutions to independent schools looking to grow their admissions efforts. In 2020, Ryan participated in the 360 Program at NFA and has remained actively supportive in the school’s enrollment and marketing efforts. Ryan holds a bachelor’s degree from the Catholic University of America and a master’s degree from La Salle University.


Prior to his start at KeyBank in 2014, John served as Executive Vice President in charge of Capital Markets Urban Retail Properties, LLC, Managing Director at LEM Mezzanine, Senior Vice President at RAIT Financial Trust, and a real estate capital markets underwriter and banker at Citigroup and Morgan Stanley. John began his career in the real estate consultancies of Ernst & Young, and Deloitte & Touche. John is a graduate of Fairfield University, earning a B.A. in Writing and Political Science, minoring in French, and attended Université de Grenoble in France for one semester. John belongs to the MBA, ICSC, and Zell/Lurie Real Estate Center at Penn. He also serves on NFA’s Finance Committee of the Advisory Board. John’s wife, Lizanne McGuinn Christen is a 1984 graduate of NFA, as are his children, John William “Will” ’11, Elena Maria ’13, and Katherine Elizabeth ’15. Lizanne has also worked as an aide in Junior Level Montessori, a substitute teacher, and has also coached JV field hockey.

Advisory Board Update Our many thanks to Bill Murphy ’92, the Board’s Vice Chair, who is retiring this year.

Napoleon Stephenson has been appointed as the new Vice Chair.

Napoleon Stephenson Jr. is a Senior

Judy Lloyd and her family have been a part of the NFA community for 10 years, beginning when her daughter, Emmy, who is a member of the Centennial Class of 2021, enrolled in the Gate House at age four. They chose NFA for many wonderful and unique reasons; however, what stood out most for Judy is NFA’s tradition of Service-Learning and the integration of the Sisters of Saint Joseph mission across NFA’s programs. Throughout Emmy’s time at NFA, Judy has served as Wreath Sale Coordinator, Plant Sale Coordinator, Contact Parent, Lunch Room Duty, Annual Fund Co-Chair, and NFA Parent’s Association Co-Chair. Judy, and her husband, Ted, Emmy, and their Labrador Retriever, Scout, live in Erdenheim, Pa. They enjoy time together walking and skiing in the Wissahickon, sharing stories around their backyard fire pit and one of Judy’s favorite activities — birding in the many nature preserves in this beautiful area of Pennsylvania.

Sales Executive with the MetLife Investment Management (MIM) institutional client group and is responsible for business development and client relationship management. Napoleon joined MIM in September 2017. Prior to that he was responsible for business development and client relationship management for Logan Circle Partners (LCP), which was acquired by MetLife in 2017. Prior to joining LCP in 2016, he was a Managing Director and Global Head of Business Development for Hamilton Lane and before that he was a Vice President of Institutional Sales at Delaware Investments. Previously, Napoleon was a Managing Director at Banc of America Securities, LLC, selling investment grade bonds to institutional investors. He also spent time in sales and marketing roles at Xerox Corp. and American President Lines, LTD. Napoleon earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Business Administration from Saint Joseph’s University. He and his wife, Natalie are parents of Cameron ’11, Carson ’14, Conner ’14, and Casey ’16.



Faculty and Staff Accomplishments School Nurse Bridget Bradenham ’96 was named a Magnus Health Frontline Hero this winter! This award recognizes and celebrates those who have gone above and beyond for their schools during the pandemic. She has supported our community with passion and kindness, and always with a smile. Laura Colussi, Art Teacher, is exhibiting her artwork at several shows this year – group exhibitions in Wisconsin and Philadelphia, and a solo exhibition in Ambler this July at Art In the Storefront. The art shown here is from last year’s online group exhibition at the Var Gallery in Milwaukee.

Ally Monteiro, Grade 6 Teacher/Religion/STEM, attended the ADVIS Multicultural Resource Center’s Cultural Competency Institute Webinar last year. She also attended National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) People of Color Conference (PoCC) whose theme was “New Decade New Destinies: Challenging Self, Changing Systems, Choosing Justice.” In addition, Ally began a Master of Arts in Educational Innovations (MA-EDIN), with a concentration in Student Development and Support, through St. Edward’s University.

Ryan Saul, Grade 3 Teacher, earned a Master of Education degree in Educational Administration at Grand Canyon University last year. Nick D’Orazio, Grade 5 Teacher, has kept busy in the higher academic setting since earning his Master of Educational Studies degree from Chestnut Hill College in spring 2019. That same fall, he joined Cabrini University’s faculty as an adjunct professor in the School of Education. He currently teaches two education courses to Cabrini’s undergraduate students. Elementary Education 381: Curriculum Methods in Science and Health, focuses on curriculum, lesson planning, lesson differentiation, and integrating science across all subject areas. Special Education 110: Introduction to Developmental Psychology and Learning Theory, focuses on basic concepts of child development relevant to future teachers. “Switching from fifth graders to undergraduate students is definitely a ’teaching challenge,’ but a welcome one,” he says. Nick finds it refreshing and professionally energizing to continue to be engaged in the world of academia.

Erin Wallin, Admissions Director, earned her Admissions and Enrollment Professional (CAEP) certificate through the Association of Independent School Admission Professionals (AISAP). The six-week course allowed Erin to work at her own pace online while in a cohort of eight admissions professionals from all over the United States and Switzerland. They were able to discuss and share what they were learning and their individual school experiences. To earn the certification, an assessment was given at the conclusion of the course.

Congratulations to our newest M.Ed. degree earners!


Steve Wood ’03, Grade 8 Teacher, and Taylor Stabler ’06, Spanish Teacher, graduated from Chestnut Hill College, and Joe Rosowski, Math Teacher, graduated from Villanova University. Taylor also wrote and delivered a Benediction Prayer. Taylor is seen with her sister, Lauren Stabler ’09, PharmD.

Joe Rosowski, M.Ed.

Taylor Stabler, M.Ed., ’06

Steve Wood, M.Ed., ’03

Admissions Update

piv ting to virtual Since 2014, the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) has surveyed its members to get their opinion on the word of the year. The word that rose to the top in 2020 was “pivot.” Erin Wallin, Admissions Director, agrees, as NFA’s admissions season continued with her pivoting live admissions events to virtual ones. Due to COVID restrictions on campuses across the country, standard face-to-face admissions events are temporarily a thing of the past. In Erin’s experience in admissions for the past seven years, once a prospective family came onto campus, met our students and faculty, and visited our classrooms, they were usually sold. “Admissions relies heavily on face-to-face connection, and although we had to ’pivot,’ we continue to keep the core of the SSJ mission alive in finding ways to build relationships,” she says. “So many members of the NFA community have contributed, and it’s the quality and spirit of the pivot that reflects what makes NFA so special.” Erin added more Open House sessions to the calendar and adapted her Zoom presentations to PowerPoint and videos to show the highlights of NFA. She was joined by Dr. Ryan Killeen, President, and Nancy Peluso, Principal, who live streamed to Open House participants as they ’walked’ prospective parents on a virtual tour of classrooms and the campuses. Dr. Killeen covered the Norwood Campus, and Nancy covered Fontbonne, and families could see in real time what was happening in our classrooms and on our campuses. Shannon Craige, NFA’s Director of Curriculum and Innovation, was on hand to answer questions from prospective families, too.

and efficient. Applicants, too, are able to track the status of their application, so admissions leadership and applicants can see where they are in the process. Along with virtual admissions events, the admissions page on NFA’s website serves as a hub for prospective parents to meet the Admissions Director, register for upcoming events, view videos, or download admissions viewbook PDFs based on the grades in which they are interested (pre-k to grade 3 and Montessori, grades 4 and 5, and grades 6 to 8). “It’s intentionally set up so prospective families can get a pretty full picture of NFA,” says Trish Bradley, Director of Communications and Marketing. “It’s a great starting point for Erin to begin, or even continue, a connection with parents looking for a right-fit educational experience.” It’s that connection that Erin continues with prospective families after they become current families. She keeps in contact with them, and aids them in onboarding, answers questions and guides them to make contacts with faculty, staff and fellow parents with events like Coffee Chats with the President throughout the year. While many of the admissions events and communication had become virtual, Erin makes sure she pivots back and maintains the one-on-one relationship that makes NFA’s Admissions Office stand out.

A recent attendee of a Zoom Open House complimented the session, writing in an email to Erin, “First, I just wanted to say how much [my husband and I] enjoyed the virtual tour this week. “...Norwood’s [virtual We’ve done a few of these recently, tour] was by far the and Norwood’s was by far the most thoughtful and well executed. We most thoughtful and really got a good understanding of well executed.” what the Norwood experience was like and how [our son] will fit into your overall program.” Erin shared that shortly after she received the note, the family applied to NFA. The addition of Ravenna, a web-based admission system, where prospective families can apply online, has made admissions more seamless 15

100 Years of Growth HISTORY OF NORWOOD-FONTBONNE ACADEMY 1852 Construction of Hillcrest (Norwood estate) 1858 Middleton Family property purchased by Sisters of St. Joseph

1853 Construction of Harrison estate (St. Michael’s Hall) 16

Construction of Edge Hill (Assumption Hall)

1878 Opening of St. Joseph Seminary for Little Boys

Soon after the Sisters of Saint Joseph arrived in Philadelphia, they established Mount Saint Joseph Academy, a boarding school for girls located in Mount Saint Joseph Convent, site of the Monticello estate purchased in 1858 from the Middleton Family. In 1878, young boys were admitted into the newly created St. Joseph’s Seminary for Little Boys, which also housed in the convent building. These two schools were the foundation for the present Norwood-Fontbonne Academy. In 1919 the Sisters of Saint Joseph purchased “Hillcrest,” the estate of Reed A. Morgan, which was renamed “Norwood” by a subsequent owner), on Germantown Avenue. The estate (today’s Big House) and its outbuildings (Stone House and White House) were renovated by the Sisters to accommodate 48 boarders, six day students, and nine sisters who formed Norwood Academy for Boys which opened on November 29, 1920. During the early 1920s, girls in the elementary level of Mount Saint Joseph Academy were moved to the newly purchased property located at 9001 Germantown Avenue, formerly the Harrison Estate and most recently St. Michael’s Hall. Named for the French foundress of the Sisters of Saint Joseph, Fontbonne Academy for Girls opened in 1924. In 1945, it was relocated to the property at Norwood and Sunset Avenues, formerly the Edge Hill Estate, on the site of today’s Fontbonne Campus. In the late 1960s as the number of boarders declined, Norwood Academy became a day school only. Rooms that were once bedrooms became classrooms in the Big House with the help of parent volunteers. The SSJs who lived in the Big House moved to St. Michael’s Hall. In 1969, then-principal S. James Anthony, SSJ, was encouraged to explore the possibility of starting a Montessori program at Norwood Academy, by her friend, Rev. Francis B. Schulte ’40, who later became an Archbishop. After planning and instruction on the Montessori method, S. Mary Harold, SSJ, opened the first Montessori preschool for boys that year.

1919 Sale of Norwood Estate to Sisters 1922 Rear Wing Addition: New Kitchen, Pantry, Dining Room, Infirmary, and Dormitories

1920 Opening of Norwood Academy

1924 Opening of Fontbonne Academy at Germantown and Sunset Avenues

1940 Norwood Athletic Field laid out

1947 Post-war Quonset hut erected 1945 Relocation of Fontbonne Academy to Strawbridge Morris Estate

1968 Library and Science Lab added in former dorm space in the Big House

1969 Elimination of boarding school status Opening of Montessori Pre-school for boys

1959 Temporary (10-year) closure of Fontbonne Academy



After a temporary closure beginning in 1959, Fontbonne Academy reopened in 1971 with the addition of a pre-school Montessori program similar to that introduced at Norwood. Carriage and Gate Houses on the Fontbonne Campus were opened as co-ed Montessori preschools. Today, families can choose the best learning path for their child through NFA’s Dual Path of Montessori and Primary education. NFA is known for its Montessori program throughout the area, and it’s only one of six American Montessori Society-certified schools in the state of Pennsylvania. A turning point in the history and growth of NFA was the merger of Norwood Academy and Fontbonne Academy, and the construction of Sister James Anthony Hall on the Norwood Campus in 1973. Currently, this building houses NFA’s Middle School – grades 6 to 8 – and it’s there that students are further prepped, through learning and atmosphere, how to successfully transition to their high school years. The addition of The Commons as a central area for liturgies, events and meetings on the Fontbonne Campus has enhanced NFA’s ability to gather as a community.

HISTORY OF NORWOOD-FONTBONNE ACADEMY 1971 Postulate opens as Fontbonne Academy and includes the addition of Montessori Preschool for Girls Strawbridge-Morris Mansion named Assumption Hall residence for sisters


1970 50th Anniversary Celebration

1977 First Middle States Association Accreditation

1973 Merging of Norwood and Fontbonne Academies as coed Norwood-Fontbonne Academy; construction of Sister James Anthony Hall

1984 Computer classes begin for students in grades 4 to 8

1982 First year of summer camp at NFA

1986 Loft program begins

1989 First Annual Appeal Campaign


100 years... OUR SCHOOL FOR OUR

Mother St. Pierre Mother Arsenia Mother Mary Louis Mother St. Francis Moore Mother Francis de Sales Cullen Mother St. Ursula Mother Philomena Mother St. Thomas McInerney Mother Mary of Bethany McGuinness Science labs and STEM labs have expanded, as has technology for all students with the use of iPads and laptops.

S. James Anthony, SSJ S. Helen Wiegmann, SSJ S. Beatrice DeSantis, SSJ

We continue to look ahead, through our innovative teaching, and enrollment and development strategies. However, we took a look back and brought the Chapel back to the Big House after many years. The space, which had been renovated into separate offices, has been renovated to a spiritual and sacred space for all. It’s been 100 years of growth that the Sisters of Saint Joseph who founded Norwood Academy in 1920 could never had imagined. We thank them for giving us the foundation on which we have continued to develop and refine in times of adversity and prosperity. We are so grateful to them and to all – faculty, staff, parents, students, alumni, and friends – who have been on this journey.

S. Judith McBride, SSJ S. Monica Osaben, SSJ S. Kathy McShane, SSJ S. Jean Laurich, SSJ S. Mary Helen Beirne, SSJ Dr. Ryan Killeen

Here’s to another 100 years!

2006 Groundbreaking for additions and renovations of Fontbonne and Norwood campuses

1995 75th Anniversary Celebration

2001 Introduction of the Service-Learning Curriculum

2014 45th year of Montessori Education 2010 90th Anniversary Celebration

2008 Dedication and opening of Fontbonne Commons and James Anthony Hall Classroom Addition

Awarded National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence

2012 Renovation of Sister James Anthony Hall Gym

2020 100th Anniversary Celebration 2019 50th year of Montessori Education SPRING 2021


Development News Not Your Typical Year in NFA’s Mission Advancement Office The pandemic made gathering together for all of the favorite annual NFA events like Fall Fest, Homecoming, and Pizza Bingo nearly impossible this year. This was a disappointment, considering that many events planned to celebrate NFA’s 100th Anniversary this year had to be postponed. However, the Mission Advancement Office (MAO) worked hard to come up with ways to engage students and families while keeping safe.

In December, MAO worked with merchants on Germantown Avenue to have a Sip & Shop event. Over 60 people came on an uncharacteristically beautiful December day to shop for holiday gifts and have lunch or dinner on the Avenue. Merchants provided raffle prizes and a percentage of sales to NFA. Special thanks all the shops that participated and to current parent Christine Benedum of Benedum Law for allowing the use of her office as the check in point and for being our bag sponsor.

Building on the success of virtual games and events last spring, MAO set out to create some new and different virtual events this year. In December, A/R Workshop conducted an NFA virtual craft night with some of their wood kits. We also had two virtual Cook Along demonstrations, with Chef Ken Ulsh from Jack Francis Catering who demonstrated a delicious Valentine’s dinner. Our own Dr. Ryan Killeen got us into the Irish spirit for St. Patrick’s Day as he prepared a traditional shepherd’s pie and savory scone. Special guests Meg and Anne McNally showed us how to make McNally’s luscious Guinness cake, too. 20

Development News NFAPA’s annual Pizza Bingo night was different this year, but still lots of fun. As a joint effort with MAO, pizza kits were available for purchase to make at home, and MAO hosted rounds of Bingo on Zoom. Lots of families (and even Sister Denise Clifford, SSJ!) participated. NFA’s Centennial Speaker Series highlighted two distinguished alumni and a former NFA parent in highly regarded virtual talks. Retired Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster ’76, former National Security Advisor and author of Battlegrounds (published by Harper Collins, April 2020), reconnected with NFA and shared some of his vast experience in foreign policy. One of the highlights of his talk was how NFA shaped the person he is today. Dr. Kathleen Walls ’85, clinical psychologist and author of The Adventures of Froggy-T & Bunnie: A Hip Hop Tale, spoke about increasing emotional well-being in children. Mary Ciammetti, whose son Christian ’08 tragically died in 2015 from alcohol poisoning, spoke honestly and powerfully about the dangers of binge drinking. She has turned her tragedy into a mission to educate, and has presented her Don’t Stall, Just Call presentation to over 30,000 people.

The 2021 NFA Classic Golf Tournament was held at North Hills Country Club on May 4. Sr. Jean Laurich, SSJ, prayed for good weather for the tournament and her prayers were answered with the most gorgeous day of the week. One hundred eight golfers, near the maximum that North Hills could accommodate, were treated with blue skies, low humidity, and a well-groomed golf course. A silent auction offered packages that the golfers and school families could bid on using their phones. There was also a box pool raffle for a 65-inch television, which was won by Jon Massari ’83. At dinner, Dr. Ryan Killeen, President, kicked off the 100th Anniversary festivities by introducing Dave and Robin Comerford, and Tim and Jackie Woolley, Co-chairs of the 100th Anniversary Gala. The day was a smashing success—a profit of $27,000—to replace and enhance educational technology for faculty, staff, and students. We are also busily planning celebrations of NFA’s 100th Anniversary that we had planned to have this year: the 100th Anniversary Liturgy on Sunday, September 26, at the SSJ Chapel at Chestnut Hill College, and the 100th Anniversary Gala on Saturday, October 2. Contact Angelo Milicia, Director of Institutional Advancement, or Karen Cavacos, Advancement Services Coordinator, at if you would like to participate in the planning of either event. SPRING 2021


Alumni News ENGAGEMENTS Colleen McNamara ’04 to Gabe Middendorf David Miller ’88 and Dolores Roman ’88

Christopher Primavera ’98 to bride, Tiffany Johnson (with brother, Matthew)

Jackie Hain ’04 was the Maid of Honor

Christa Schmidt ’00 to Jim Perry Moira Black ’05 to Joe Abboud in January

Elizabeth Wood ’99, former NFA staff member, to Michael McCabe

Joe Bailey ’04 to fiancée Kim

Maggie McDermott ’07 to Connor Eonta

Andrew Stenger ’10 to Ashley Cusak

Patrick Kenney ’05 to his beautiful bride, Olivia Frame

Diana Zalewski ’99 to Edward Fink


Shannon McGoldrick ’96 to Seth Richards

Deanna Kelly ’04 to Patrick Haggerty

Daniel Hyman ’06 to his beautiful bride, Chloe Keller 22

Alumni News Melissa Lopez ’06 to Johnny Crow

Dan Novak ’06 to Christina Wagner “I, along with my five brothers and my sister, all went to NFA [Norwood Academy and Fontbonne Academy], and I was blessed to be able to send my eight children there. My husband, Jim Kelly, was killed in a tragic sledding accident in February 1975, when our oldest son was in seventh grade at NFA, and our next-to-the-youngest son, Kevin, was in Montessori. Our baby, Dan, was only 14 months old and was home with me. There was no way that I could keep my children there for financial reasons. The day after Jim was killed, Sister Mary Scanlon, SSJ, [S. James Anthony] came to my home, put her arms around me and said, “You never have to pay another cent.” That gift came with no strings, but it did catapult me into my starting Hot Dog Day, Hoagie Day, and becoming Home and School President for four years. My memories and love for Norwood-Fontbonne Academy will live in me forever and I hope that’s how long NFA lives!”

— Molly Scanlan Kelly ’52


Nick Seaton ’07 and his bride, Jennie Upton (picture with classmate, Ryan Flynn ’07 and his fiancée, Stephanie.)

Hannah Parker to Missy Donnalley Bramblett ’99 and husband, Andrew

Devon Merkle ’08 to Judy Lucas

Shelby Reen to Sara Woods ’96 and her husband, Jim Nelson Paul Curcillo ’09 was the Best Man

Weston “Cruz” born to Karly Nolen LeRoy ’97 and her husband, Jack

Cristian Matthew to Christina Ramos ’00, her husband, Matthew Lewis, and big brother, Brandon

continued SPRING 2021


Alumni News BIRTHS (CONTINUED) J.C. to Matt Spencer ’01 and Lauren Weber

Nora to Will Cummings ’01 and his wife, Bridget

Ryan David to Mackenzie Cavanaugh ’03, her husband, Dan Jeitner, and big brother, Patrick Ethan to Katie Schmieg ’01 and her husband, John Schnelle

Behr Webster born to Marghie Walters Adzick ’02, husband, Mark, and big sister, Annie

Our many thanks to Kimberly Fonville ’88, Dr. Dolores Roman ’88, Joseph Rockenbach ’94, Tiffany Gallagher Mathews ’91, Jennifer Gannon Seehra ’91, Elizabeth Vergare Shane ’91, Daisy Slawek ’13, Kevin Kelley ’05, and Ransford Whaumbush ’05. These alumni all participated in the Second Annual Alumni Career Day. They shared the story of their career paths and what NFA meant to them with our middle school students. We are #NFAproud of their accomplishments!

Declan Paul to Daniel Vass ’03 and wife, Sarah

Orin Floyd to Sarah Collier ’04 and her husband, Matthew Villaume

“The Hasson family had many happy years at Norwood-Fontbonne. Four of my children, Regina ’79, Suzanne ’80, Caroline ’81, and John ’84, had a wonderful education and made many lifelong friends.The sports program, especially field hockey, gave them a great foundation. They made their high school and college teams. Five of my grandchildren, Gordon ’07 and Margaret ’13 Lynch and Bradley (Gus) ’13, Owen ’14 and Victoria (Rory) Williamson ’16, also attended NFA. We can’t thank you enough for being so dedicated to providing an excellent education.”

— Barbara Hasson (Parent and Grandparent of Alumni)

Barbara Hasson with children (from left) John ’84, Carrie ’81, Regina ’79, and Suzanne ’80 24

(from left) Owen ’14, Rory ’16, and Gus ’13 Williamson

Gordon ’07 and Margaret ’13 Lynch

Alumni News March Madness Challenge


Abbey Schwenger ’14 was featured in the Miami University Hurricanes Rowing Magazine. Matthew Stitt ’01 who was the Philadelphia City Council’s Chief Financial Officer has joined the public finance firm PFM as director and national lead for equitable recovery and strategic financial initiatives

Ransford Whaumbush ’05 was a guest speaker for the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) Zoom meeting, which is a pre-professional organization for students in Public Relations and Communications at Temple University. Ransford touched on the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Chiara Curcillo ’07 is a small animal Surgical Resident at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. Adriana Ongay ’09 has joined the Philadelphia Education Fund as the organization’s College Access Program Coordinator.

Ellie Slawek ’16, who is attending Villanova University, was awarded a scholarship for Engineering having the highest GPA.

Clare Gimpel ’17 will be joining the Chanticleers of Coastal Carolina University as a member of their golf team. Paddy May ’20, a member of the Keystone State Boys Choir, has been spending time during the pandemic volunteering with Kids2Kids (K2K), a N.J. based nonprofit organization led by a group of high-school students who were inspired to give back to their community through work with children with special needs. Paddy sings requests during a weekly Sunday SingA-Long.

The NFA March Madness Challenge was created last year as a fun way to encourage competition among graduates in support of the school. The concept is simple – all classes “compete” with each other during the initial part of the competition, with the top eight participating graduation years moving on to the ’Elite Eight’ of the tournament. Teams with the highest participation move on to the next round until an overall winner is crowned champion. This year’s competition was fierce. The Class of 2007 took home this year’s Blue and Gold Cup, which is awarded annually to the tournament winner. Its class year will be engraved alongside last year’s winner, the Class of 2012, on the cup. In the end, the real winners are the students and staff at NFA. Thanks to alumni support, Norwood-Fontbonne Academy will continue to provide an outstanding education for our students, preparing them not only for high school, but for life.



Alumni News Zoom Reunion Class of 1988

In Memoriam The Norwood-Fontbonne Community extends prayers and heartfelt condolences to those we have lost in recent months. May each of our dearly departed rest peacefully in the loving arms of God.

It was a night last June when some of the Class of 1988 reunited for a Zoom Happy Hour! It was great to see these wonderful faces, some that I have not seen since their days of NFA. After the reunion I received word that two of those wonderful alumni rekindled a relationship and are now engaged! (See the official announcement in Class Notes!) An NFA wedding!

Former student Anthony Kenny, son of Gene and Linda Kenny, brother of Vincent ’02, Joseph ’08, Nicholas ’09, Gianna and Isabella, passed away November 24, 2020. Peter Goldner ’03, son of Gerry and the late Susan Goldner and brother of Stephen ’88, James ’92, Andrew ’96, Thomas ’01, Susan, and John, passed away the week of December 14th, 2020. Jeanne Norris Bahm ’47

If you would like to get a Zoom reunion together for your class, please contact me! Would love to hear from you! Mrs. Annmarie Vozzo Greenberg Alumni Relations Manager


Annual Report of Investors 2019-2020



Annual Report of Investors 2019-2020

Near NFA Community, The 2019-20 school year was quite an experience, for us all! I recall talking to a colleague at another school in late February of last year and not being able to contain my excitement for what we had accomplished thus far in the school year and was enthusiastic about NFA’s new strategic plan. We were on quite a roll. As February turned to March, the world as we knew it came to a halt. Our amazing faculty pivoted to distance learning, and I suddenly even found myself in a virtual classroom teaching algebra to members of the class of 2020. Gatherings and events were postponed, and any talk of fundraising amid the uncertainty of the economic situation during the pandemic was shelved for a later time. Private schools have come to depend so much on philanthropic support that now I was concerned we would not be able to reach our goals for the year. Given the state of the economy, it was only natural to expect donor support to decline. It has happened at many schools around the world. However, that wasn’t the case at NFA. Parents, alumni, faculty, and friends continued to make NFA a charitable priority in their lives and that support allowed us to reach our goal for the year. I knew NFA was a special place when I first stepped on campus, but your support showed me how truly special it is for so many people. For that, I am eternally grateful. Of course, none of this would be possible without the support of our benefactors but also our dedicated team of volunteers. I want to thank our NFA Fund co-chairs, Bobbi Tumelty Kelly ’96, P’30, ’32, and Scott Wolpert ’80, P’23, and the entire committee of parents and parents of alumni who worked tirelessly to make this year so successful. Their dedication is a testament to the mission of NFA. At a school with such a rich history as NFA, I often find myself wondering what the walls of our buildings would say if they could talk. Founded just after the 1918 Influenza Pandemic, the school community has faced economic turmoil of the Great Depression, World Wars, and many other national and global crises, each time emerging stronger than before. Your support of the mission of Norwood-Fontbonne Academy has had a similar impact on our future. It is direct proof of the power of belief in our century-old mission and the hope that it continues for centuries to come. As you look through our Annual Report of Investors, take pride in knowing that the support of you and so many others is what makes NFA so great and shapes our future as we enter our second century. May God bless you and your family,




The Annual Fund Facts and Figures 2019-2020

255 Families + 71 NFA Staff + Members 56.8% Participation

91% Participation

376 Students + 100% Participation

91 Alumni

15 Advisory Board Members 100% Participation


Parents of + 128 Alumni, Former Staff and Friends


$230,950 Raised for our students! SPRING 2021


Annual Fund Giving Circle 2019-2020 Mother Saint John Fontbonne ($10,000 to $100,000)

John and Jennifer Borzi (PA)


Drs. Jonathan and Mirusia Cohen (CP/PA)

Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph (Scholarship)

David and Robin Comerford (DEV/PA)

Norwood-Fontbonne Academy Parents’ Association (NFAPA)

The Torpey Family, in honor of Nancy Torpey

Arnold ’67 and Denise Carnevale (PA)

John and Sharon Donovan (CP/PA) Mark and Maureen Furletti (CP/PA)

Sister James Anthony Scanlon* ($5,000 to $9,999)

Marci Gehman, SSJ (FFAC) Tom and Marie Goldkamp (PA)


Gerard Guertin and Jennifer McGlynn (CP)

David and Jennifer Forti (CP/PA) United Way Giving Campaign

Joe and Sue Hohenleitner (PA)

John and Terri Hutsell (FFAC)

Michael Korman ’83

Kevin and Lisa Loome (CP/FI/PA)

Bob and Brooke Krandel (CP) MG - PNC

Tom and Audrey Schwenger (ADVB/DEV/PA)

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Krzywicki Jr. (CP)

Abby Taylor (GP/GPA)

Rob and Beth Kyle (CP/PA)

Phil and Rita Hughes (PA/FFAC/GP)

Stephen and Mary Kurtz (PA/FFAC) Ted and Judy Lloyd (ADVB/CP)

Silver ($500 to $999) Anonymous


Academy of the Holy Names Classmates of Sheila Dolan, in memory of Dolan/McIntyre Family

Joe and Beth Bailey (ADVB/FC/PA)

Robert ’89 and Heather Louka (CP)

Ed and Katie Ciolko (CP/PA)

Matthew J. Barbour Jr. ’52

Anthony ’72 and Eileen Maginnis

Alison Schmitt (GP/PA)

Robert and Lisa Barrimond (CP)

David and Jackie Massari (PA)

Charles ’54 and Jeanne Dolaway (PA)

David and Donna Bartynski (GP/GPA/PA), in memory of Nello Naticchione IV

Christopher McDermott ’71 (ADVB/FI), in honor of Joe and Bette McDermott

Stephen and Jennifer Eagland (CP)

Chip ’69 and Julie Behr

Ian and Connie Meierdiercks (CP)

1920 Founders Gold ($1,000 to $4,999)

Terry and Karen Merkle (ADVB/DEV/PA) Julius and Nomi Nery (CP)




Advisory Board


Current Parent


Current Student




Development Committee


Norwood-Fontbonne Academy Student Council

Carolyn W. Miller Campot ’86 Joseph Christy (CP)

Wayne and Lola Fawber (CP) Marianne R. Finnegan (FFAC) Dr. Robin Gallagher, DMD, and Karen Gallagher, in honor of Malley, Isla, and Bridget Bradenham ’96 George and Jane Gambone (CP/GP)

Legacy Week Student Stewardship Coin Collection (CS)

Drs. Marlon, Maria Patricia ’81, and Ysabel Ilagan ’06 (A/PA) Richard and Maureen Jordan (FP/PA)


Keith Rice ’73 and Rolene Perumal (CP/PA), in memory of James W. and Elise B. Rice (PA)


Former Faculty/Staff

Bob and Anne Riethmiller (GP/GPA/PA)


Facilities Committee

Mark and Rachel Rizzi (CP/PA)


Finance Committee

Greg and Teresa Rodgers (CP)


Former Parent

Vincent Schneider and Jessica Hartley (CP)



James and Margaret Smigiel (PA)



Barry and Amy Smith (CP)


Grandparent of Alumni

Vince and Barbara Termini (GP)




Matching Gift

Chris Thistle and Family (FFAC/PA), in memory of Daniel L Thistle and the Dolan/McIntyre Family


Parent of Alumni


United Way

Key Bank Foundation Claude and Lea Knight (CP/PA) John and Erin Koch (CP) Eleanor Lloyd (GP) Jonathan Loeb and Dr. Catherine Loh (CP) Michael and Danielle Malloy (CP) Fred and Jess Massanova (CP/PA) Ryan and Krista Murphy (CP) William E. Murphy ’92 (ADVB/FI) John ’67 and Kathryn Redmond Eric ’89 and Kelsey Riethmiller (CP/PA)

Donald and Carol Tornetta (GP/PA)

John and Carol Rush (ADVB/FC/PA)

Scott ’80 and Amy Wolpert (CP)

Tyler and Michelle Schoen (CP)

Annual Fund Giving Circle 2019-2020 Joe and Jeanianne Sedlack (PA), in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13 Frank and Alice Simola (CP) Harry and Rebecca Southwell (ADBV/PA) Kareem and Tiffany Thomas (CP) Edward ’81 and Frances Trainor (CP) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Ventresca (CP/PA) Fred and Liz Walker (PA) Drs. Michael and Sheila Weaver (CP) Reed and Christine Wilmerding (CP/FP) Bronze ($250 to 499) Anonymous Michelle Archambault (FFAC) Gustav and Anne Baumann (FP) George Beppel and Lorraine McGlynn (PA) Dr. James and Kathleen Black (PA) Henry and Andrea Blocker (CP) Dr. Ed and Amy Buchanan (PA) Jim and Tara Canally (CP) John and Lizanne ’84 Christen (FI/FFAC/PA) Rev. Leo Connolly ’70 Brendan Cummings ’05 Jeffrey and Nanci Cumpson (CP) Greg and Chrissy ’91 Curci (CP) Walter and Kimberly Cwietniewicz (ADVB/FFAC/PA) Richard and Bridget D’Angelo (CP) Dr. James ’61 and Connie Degnan Brian and Amy Egras (CP) Peter Endriss and Manou Canisius (CP) Howard Etkin and Jennifer Jones Etkin ’87 (CP) Danielle Favata (CP) Keith and Nanci Fitzgerald (CP) Ted and Regina Forrence (PA/FFAC) Mary Furey (FAC)

Dr. Edward and Susan Leonard (PA), in memory of Ella Mae Leonard and Helen Doney Dennis and Mary Rose Lynch (PA), in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13

Adrian Stanley and Mary FitzGerald (CP), in memory of Richard Lambert, Jr. Dr. Angela Stout DMD ’79, in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13 John Tabor and Claire Busse (CP)

Michael and Mary Mabry (PA)

Stephanie Thistle ’98

Peter ’91 and Ashley Madden

Joseph and Patricia Toussaint (CP)

Ted and Dianne Manges (CP)

Thane and Karla Trotman (PA)

Steven ’87 and Elizabeth Mark (CP)

James and Sarah Van Stone (CP)

Gail McIntyre (PA), in memory of the Dolan/McIntyre Family

Paul ’77 and Debra Vozzo

Dr. Robert and Mary McNamara (PA)

Erin Wallin (FAC), in honor of Lauren Hamilton ’09, Joey Devine ’13, and Nora Kenney

Gregory and Ann McNamee (CP)

Jonathan Webb and Alicia Pace-Webb (CP)

Dr. Vincent Miraglia ’54

The Williamson Family (A/PA), in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13

Ted ’75 and Peggy McKeon (PA)

Drs. Kenneth Moore and Carolyn O’GarroMoore (PA) Nancy Nadler (FAC)

Duke Wolpert ’83 Elizabeth Wolpert (PA/GP)

Keith and Christina Oldt (FAC/PA) Corey and Jennifer Olsen (PA)

Centennial ($100 to $249)

Neil Hopkins ’56

Dr. David Oslin (F), in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13


Julie Jensen (GP)

Kent and Amanda Reichert (PA/FP)

Dr. Patrick Kelly and Bobbi Tumelty Kelly ’96 (CP)

Richard and Dolores Angelini (F)

Gus and Christine Repetto (CP)

Joseph Bailey ’04

David Salas de La Cruz and Maryann O’Leary Salas (CP)

Joseph Baillie, in Memory of Joanne Baillie (FFAC/PA)

Robert and Gretchen Kolb (CP)

Francis L. and Veronica Simola (GP/GPA/PA), in honor of Anna, Olivia, and Julien Simola

James and Stephanie ’90 Barr (CP)

Jason and Pamela Hans LaRocco (CP)

Michael and Blakely Sivel (CP)

Nicolas and Melissa Gomez (CP)

Joseph and Mary Kenney (PA) Chris and Cheryl Koch (GP)

John Lee and Tiffany Kim (CP)

Marc and Laura Rivera Alfarano (CP/FFAC)

Jerry and Sally Beil (PA), in memory of the Dolan/McIntyre Family SPRING 2021


Annual Fund Giving Circle 2019-2020 The Bjornson Family (PA), in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13

James Fitzpatrick III ’99 James and Cynthia Fitzpatrick (PA)

Albert Kroll, Esq. ’61, in memory of Catherine Kroll

Christopher and Natalie Blatney (PA)

William Ford and Patricia Montgomery (F), in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13

Frank Ledwith ’70, in memory of Chris and Betsy Ledwith

Siobhan Forde Crosby ’90

Tomeka Lee (CP)

Linda Galante (PA)

James and Ellen Legris (PA)

Richard Gallagher and Megan StobartGallagher (CP)

Joe and Anna Lesovitz (CP)

Jim and Terry Brehony (FI/PA) Bernard and Natalia Buckley (CP)

Sofia Angelina Gambone ’17

Stephen and Tracey Burgoyne (PA)

David and Nancy Calabrese ’80 Gansky

Drs. Elaine Mackowiak and Lisa Philippone (PA)

Chris Chavarria and Earnestine Walker (CP)

Tesa Gerhardt (PA)

Eugene Maginnis, Esq. ’65

Michael and Stephanie Chomentowski (CP)

Mary Gerry (GP)

Stephen and Tory Churchill (CP)

Louis and Page Gilmore (CP/PA)

Colonel Joseph Jr. ’88 and Dana Malizia (CP/FAC)

Matthew and Lisete Andre Cleary (CP)

Dr. John and Eileen Gimpel (PA)

Carl Coleman and Rasheia Johnson (CP)

Gary and Patty Vozzo ’79 Gola (PA)

Albert and Kristin Colleluori (CP)

Gerry Goldner (PA)

William and Judith Collier (PA)

Mary Anne Gordon (FAC)

Diane Collins (GP)

James and Patricia Gorman (F), in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13

BMC Benefit Services, in memory of the Dolan/McIntyre Family John and Bridget Gallagher ’96 Bradenham (CP/FAC)

Christopher ’89 and Annemarie Pavlick ’89 Convey (PA) Cpl. Michael Crescenz VA Medical Center Outpatient Behavioral Health Nurses, in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13 Thomas Cumpson (GP) The Curci Family (CP) Wendy Davis (GP), in honor of Dominic Favata Amy Millar Delzingaro ’80, in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13 The Delzingaro Family (F), in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13 Joseph Devine ’13, in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13 Alfred and Eleanor Dezzi (GP) Jeffrey Doerzbacher and Paula Riley (CP) Daniel Dolan, in memory of the Dolan/McIntyre Family Michael Eck (PA) Maria Edwards (GP)

Scott and Danielle Griffith (PA) Chip and Kelly Guller (FAC/PA) David and Christine Gutekunst, in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13 George and Robbie Hain (FFAC/PA), in honor of Courtney ’01 and Jackie ’04 Courtney Hain ’01 Angela Haney (PA), in honor of Sister Roseann Tribuani, SSJ Ned Hawkins and Lacy Clayton (CP) James and Regina Hearn (PA), in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13 David and Shannon Helenski (CP) Michael and Lisa Hogan (F), in memory of the Dolan/McIntyre Family The Hogan Family (PA) Carl and Liz Holmes (CP) Tim and Colleen Howard (CP/PA)

Michael and Danielle Malloy (CP) Christine Maloney (PA) Gabriel Marabella (A) Jonathan ’83 and Kerri Massari Mr. and Mrs. Daniel V. Massimini Jr., in honor of Nicholas Cumpson John and Anita McDonnell (PA) Wendy McEwen (CP) Daniel and Erica Meehan (CP) Mrs. Valerie Melnick (FAC/PA), in memory of Dr. Kevin Melnick Angelo Milicia (FAC) Alison Montemarano (FAC), in honor of Mrs. Marianne Finnegan John Morris ’69 John and Rebecca Mraz (PA), in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13 Patricia Murphy (PA) Mr. James P. Murray ’55 and Ms. Anne L. Galie Michael Naughton, in memory of Barbara and Jacques Normand O’Brien Family (PA) John and Gloria Osmian, in memory of the Dolan/McIntyre Family

John Ilgenfritz (PA)

Andrew and Trisha Oswald, in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13

Paul and Theresa Joyce (PA)

Jamie Pagliaro ’90

Kelley Family: Colleen ’00, Julianne ’02, Kevin Jr. ’05 (PA)

Matthew Pedersen, in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13

Daniel and Susan Kelly (GP) Patrick and Julie Kelly (PA/CP)

Basil and Dodie Pflumm (F), in honor of Terri Hutsell

Joseph Fallen and Kelly Bennett (F), in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13

Tom and Patty Kenney (PA/FAC)

Arturo and Candice Ponciano (CP)

Ernie Koschineg (GP/PA)

Megan Reddish (PA)

Joe and Kate Ferry (FFAC/PA), in memory of the Dolan/McIntyre Family

Roland and Mary Kriese (PA)

Anthony and Peg Rizzo (PA)

Pete and Mollie Egginton (CP) Barry and Malinda Eisman (CP), in memory of Mary Hendrie Child Support Enforcement Unit of the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office, in memory of the Dolan/McIntyre Family


Dr. Eric and Helen Griffin-Shelley (PA)

Diane Luffy (PA)

Annual Fund Giving Circle 2019-2020 Michael and Adrienne Roman (CP)

Donahue and Pamela Bailey (FAC/PA)

Domenick D’Orazio (FAC)

John and Maria Romano (CP)

Robert and Donna Beaver (F)

Nicole Dowell ’88

Joseph Sr. and Margaret Rosowski (F)

S. Mary Helen Beirne, SSJ (FADVB/FFAC)

The Rossi Family (CP/PA)

Garcia Bolton and Raquel Dowell ’93 (CP)

Lisa Dragani (F), in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13

Crissy Byron Santora ’78 Cathy Sawyer (FFAC)

James and Marti Bondelid, in memory of the Dolan/McIntyre Family

John and Dona Schmidt (ADVB/FI/PA)

Courtney Bongiovanni (FAC)

Alexandra Seidel ’13

Trish Bradley (FAC)

Brian and Rosemarie Shanahan, in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13

Dariya Brann ’16

Franck and Kathleen Skobieranda (PA), in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13

Tina Marie Brown (PA)

Napoleon and Natalie Stephenson (ADVB/FI/PA)

Fran Buckman (FAC)

Laura Thistle ’05 Gerad and Lori Thorell (FP)

JJ and Colleen Broderick (PA) Kay Buchanan (F) Marianne Canuso (FAC/PA) Chip Carlson and Shannen Loscalzo (CP)

Marcus and Lindsey Toconita (CP)

Grace Casey, in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13

Keith ’87 and Jennifer Tornetta (CP)

S. Meighan Cathie, SSJ

Erik Travers and Jamie Walters ’93 (CP)

Karen Cavacos (FAC)

Richard and Nancy Beth Tustin, in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13

Maria Cilio (FAC)

The Ulloa Family, in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13

S. Denise Clifford, SSJ (FAC)

Drs. Facundo Valls and Verena Ramirez Campos (CP)

George Clark (FAC) David “DJ” Lange Comerford ’15 Grace Comerford ’13

Fred and Carol Vernon, in memory of the Dolan/McIntyre Family

Julia Comerford ’12

Fred and Liz Walker (PA)

Shannon Craige (FAC)

John Whitaker, Marguerite McGarvey, and Andrew Whitaker, in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13

Mark Croker and Melissa Easy (CP)

Kevin John Comerford ’17

Bill and Kim Cummings (PA)

Meghan Drain (CP, FAC) Thomas and Loretta Dugan, in memory of the Dolan/McIntyre Family Michael and Kathy Dulin, in memory of the Dolan/McIntyre Family Jason and Alyssa Edwards (CP) James, Kathleen, and Madeline ’18 Eiser (FAC/PA) Maryann Elwell (F) Edward and Joanne Ey (PA) Dr. Michael Farrell ’58 Joseph and Marie Flemming (FFAC) Jeri Fox (FFAC) Michael and Kirsten Gambone (PA) Rebecca Gober (FAC) Melissa Graham ’84 (CP) George ’58 and Diane Green Jerry and Annmarie Greenberg (FAC/PA) Megan Griffin-Shelley ’10 (FFAC) Matthew and Audra Gurin (FFAC) Jacqueline I. Hain ’04 Harrington and Associates Marc and Rosemarie Hatton (CP) Bill and Ryan Kate Heck (CP/FAC) Tyrone Hedrick (FAC) Tom and Patricia Hinchey (PA)

Elizabeth White (CP)

Juliette Daily, in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13

Jeffrey and Susan Wise (PA), in memory of the Dolan/McIntyre Family

William and Margie Daily (F), in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13

Pamela Ingram (FAC), in memory of Joanne Baillie and S. Ann Sweeney, SSJ

David ’83 and Angela Wolpert

Kristina D’Angelo, in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13

Bridgette DeFils Joseph (F), in memory of Barbara and Jacques Normand Jay and Jenna Jutkofsky (CP)

Joseph ’89 and Laura Zalewski

S. Wanda Davidson, SSJ ’46, in memory of S. Miriam Regina, SSJ

Jim and Melanie Zamichieli (PA)

Dominic DeCinque ’12

Patricia Kaffenberger (FFAC)

Christa Zaro ’85

Mr. Michael DeCrescio (CP)

Ron, Craig ’88, Scott ’92 Kaminski (PA/A), in honor of Chuck Seaton

Stephen Wood Jr. ’03 (FAC) Tony and Bernadette Yanni (PA)

St. Joseph ($1 to $99) Anonymous Greg and Jeanette Aaron (PA) The Adler Family (PA) Walid and Karen Assaf (CP) Drs. Sayed Azizi and Christine de LacosteAzizi (PA)

Adriana della Porta (PA), in memory of Joanne Baillie Maria Della Porta ’17 Jay and Michele Desjardins, in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13 Christopher and Tracy DiFonzo (FP) Michael and Lucy DiGregorio (CP) Kathleen Donoghue, in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13

Bryan and Dr. Naomi Hughes (CP)

Hannah Kaestner (FAC)

Kevin E. Keegan Sr., Esq. ’61 Michael and Marianne Kelly, in memory of the Dolan/McIntyre Family Thomas and Janet Kershner (FAC) Dr. V. D. King, in memory of Barbara and Jacques Normand Keith ’90 and Krystin Kunz (CP) SPRING 2021


Annual Fund Giving Circle 2019-2020 Dr. Benjamin and Lindsey Sachs (CP/FAC) Cara Saponaro Maybruck ’00 Ed ’58 and Ann Scanlan, in memory of John J. Scanlan ’48 Mike and MaryChris Sehn (FAC/PA) Elizabeth Sher (F) Makeda Sinclair (CP) Bradley Smith ’14 Patrick Snyder and Laura Colussi ’04 Snyder (FAC, CP) Carl and Robin Sokolski (PA) Wendi Spector, in memory of Barbara and Jacques Normand Sean and Debi St. Clair (PA) Sandra Stabler (PA) S. Marjorie Lawless, SSJ (FFAC)

Holley Nisley (FAC)

Andre and Beth Stephano (CP)

Abelardo Leonardo and Lola SeasLeonardo (GP)

Barbara J O’Donnell, in memory of the Dolan/McIntyre Family

Clark and Brie Stossel (CP)

Fred and Bridget Leva, in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13

Bro. Frank J. O’Donnell, S.M. ’55

Isabella Tighe ’14

Tara Oldt (F)

Tilley Family (CP/PA)

Vincent and Martha Leva, in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13

Christopher Oldt ’14

Amelia C. Tippett ’04 (FAC)

Daniel Francis Oldt ’17

S. Roseann Tribuiani, SSJ (FAC)

Charles K. O’Malley ’51

Tom and Denise Tumelty (GP/PA)

Adrienne O’Neill ’93

Teaira Turner (CP)

The Opdahl Family (PA)

Jay ’88 and Susie McGrath ’88 Valinis (PA)

S. Monica Osaben, SSJ (FFAC)

Alexis Marie Ventresca ’19

Daniel O’Sullivan (FAC)

Gerardo D. Ventresca Jr. ’73

Samuel and Kathryn Otis (CP)

Robert Waligunda and Jance Hoy (CP)

Anthony Pasceri and Christine Gibson (CP)

Jeannine Walsh (F)

Sally Pavlick (PA/FAC/GP)

Monica Walsh (FAC)

Michael Phinney and Brittany GillespiePhinney (CP)

Jeanine Walters (CP/FAC)

Bernice J. Piecyk (PA)

June Wheeler (FFAC), in memory of George M. Aspen

Sharon Loder (GP) Eileen Lynn (PA) Grainne Lynn ’03 Antoinette Maciolek (FFAC) Ken ’81 and Karen MacMahon The Maguire Family (PA) Elizabeth Maloney ’07, in memory of Mrs. Kathryn Parris Michael Marchioli and Dr. Denise D’Andrea (PA), in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13 S. Josephine Marchionne, SSJ (FAC), in memory of Joanne Baillie

Kat Tancredi (CP)

Joseph Werner ’86 and family

Kristen and Michael Markert (CP)

Elena Pike (FFAC)

Anne McCormick, in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13

Geralyn Piliero (GP)

S. Margaret Mary McLaughlin, SSJ (FFAC)

Ryan J. Pollock ’00

Colleen McNamara ’04

Anne Porter (FAC)

Joyce A. McPhilemy (PA/GPA)

The Quirk Family (PA)

Aoife Uhlar Meacle ’19

John and Judy Riviezzo (FAC)

Francis Meacle and Clarissa Uhlar (PA)

James Rockenbach ’94 (FAC)

Allyn Monteiro (FAC)

David Rodgers and Rebecca Paul (FAC)

Christopher Woodson and Sharon Anne Boyle (PA)

Abigail Montler (FAC)

Bill Wright and Annie Fleming (CP)

Michael Moy ’72 (CP/PA)

Susie Rosen, in memory of the Dolan/McIntyre Family

Brendan ’60 and Karen Murray

Lois Rosenberg (FFAC)

Dr. Mayur and Sneha Naik (CP)

Joseph Rosowski (FAC)

34 Liam Nester ’12

Omaar ’96 and Kimberly Poitevien (CP)

Allison C. Sabia ’08

Charlotte Williams, in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13 Elizabeth V. Wilson (FFAC), in memory of the Dolan/McIntyre Family, George M. Aspen, and Matthew Hearn ’13 Danita Wisher (CP) Elizabeth A. Wood ’99 (FFAC)

Dr. John J. Zaro (PA) Marc and Pamela Zisselman, in memory of Matthew Hearn ’13

Designated Gifts 2019-2020

2019-2020 George M. Aspen Fund for the Greatest Good

Matching Gift Companies

Kevin Dolan ’87

Pennsylvania Tax Credits for Education 2019-20 Participants* Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC)

John Dolaway ’80


Key Bank

John and Dona Schmidt (ADVB/FI/PA)

The Dezzi Group (C/CP/DEV) David and Jennifer Forti (CP/PA)

The Merck Foundation Partnership for Giving

Mark and Maureen Furletti (CP,PA)

Morgan Stanley

Christopher ’74 and Adrianna Henkels (CP/PA)

PNC Foundation

Christina Carnevale ’94 Peter Caruso ’80

Norwood Academy Class of 1957 Family Assistance Award Dr. and Mrs. John R. Biller ’57, in memory of S. James Anthony, SSJ Charles Dunleavy ’57 Alfred J. Mauriello II, M.D. ’57 Rev. William Waters, OSA ’57 Norwood Academy Class of 1968 Tuition Assistance Fund James V. ’68 and Tina Mascaro Norwood-Fontbonne Academy Endowment Fund Jim Gober

Aetna Foundation, Inc. Eli Lilly Foundation Pfizer Foundation GlaxoSmithKline Foundation

Wells Fargo Foundation

Herman Goldner Co., Inc. (C/A) Phil and Rita Hughes (PA/FFAC/GP)

Other Sources:

Michael Jackson and Claudia Lamk (CP/FFAC)


Robert ’89 and Heather Louka (CP)

United Way


Main Line Accounting (C/PA) McGillin Architecture, Inc. (C) William E. Murphy ’92 (A/ADVB/FI) Mycone Dental Supply Co., Inc. (PA.FFAC/GP) Eric ’89 and Kelsey Riethmiller (CP/PA) John and Maria Romano (CP) Thomas and Audrey Schwenger (ADVB/DEV/PA) Barry and Amy Smith (CP) *Participants in the EITC/OSTC tax credit programs receive tax credits when they designate their PA tax liability dollars directly to NFA. These funds are allocated to tuition assistance for qualifying NFA families through Business Leadership Organized for Catholic Schools (BLOCS). This program is available for businesses AND individuals who pay taxes in the state of PA. Contact the Institutional Advancement Office for more information.



Financials 2019-2020 Revenue Tuitions and Fees Total Donations Fundraising Investment Income Other Income TOTAL

$4,824,910.00 $563,223.00 $3,780.00 $61,012.00 $71,428.00 $5,524,353.00

Expense Instructional Program


Organized Activities


General Institutional


Institutional Advancement


Plant Operations


Employee Benefits






Mission Advancement NFA Fund




Events Scholarship Funds

$3,780.00 $320.00



NFAPA Gift Card Rebates


George Aspen Fund TOTAL

$1,150.00 $479,107.00

Giving by Constituency Alumni


Parents of Alumni


Current Parents (139)


Advisory Board


Faculty and Staff




Current Students Legacy Week/Student Council



Parents’ Association (NFAPA) Fundraising




8891 Germantown Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19118 215-247-3811 A sponsored work of the Sisters of Saint Joseph since 1920

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