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Leicester Forest East Community Library
Article by Paul Turner
New books in the library
We will be getting new books in the library. Already arrived are 15 Punjabi language books loaned from another library. We will also be getting a selection of crime thrillers as well as Key Stage 2 non-fiction books this month which include such titles as:Great science projects: tried and tested experiments for all budding scientists
Science lab: fantastic activities for young scientists
How to be a maths whizz
Women scientists in maths and coding
Physics: science is all around you!
The Atlantic Ocean
The Arctic Ocean
Dinosaur atlas
Please come in and have a look for the new titles. We will be getting further new books later in the year.
Next to the coffee area we have a jigsaw on the go. We have just completed the one in the picture but have started another 500 piece one. Come along and place a few pieces into it while having a drink.
Regular Groups
Just a reminder of the regular groups that are meeting in the library.
Monday 7pm to 9pm – LFE Stitchers
Tuesday Teapot Club 2pm to 4pm – 2nd & 4th
Tuesday of the Month
Wednesday 10am to Noon – Coffee & Chat – all ages welcome
Wednesday 6pm to 8pm – Craft Group
Thursday 10am to Noon – Baby & Toddler Meet Up Group (up to 2 years)
Thursday 3rd Thursday of the Month 7pm to 9pm – The LE3 Ladies Group
Friday 2.30pm to 3pm & 3.15pm to 4pm – Busy Bees
If you are interested in any group then please view the website or Facebook for details.
Future events for your diary Beetle Drive
We are asking if any one is interested in a beetle drive? I can remember them in the past as being a fast-paced dice throwing night with plenty of shouting and fun. If you are interested, can you please let us know by using the QR contact form below.
Quiz Night - June 16th or 23rd July
Provisional date of 16th or 23rd June – £6.50 with light supper and drinks will be available to be purchased
Family Bingo Night August - 18th August @ 7pm
Autumn Fair - 16th September from 11am to 2pm - £15.00 per stall
4th November - Diwali Celebration
18th November - Christmas Fair
Opening Hours
Mon 2pm - 5pm
Tue Closed
Wed 10am – 4:00pm 6pm - 8pm
Thurs 10am - noon 2pm - 4pm
Fri 2pm - 5pm
Sat* 10am - 1pm
* 1st Saturday of the month coffee morning 10am - 1pm Visit