2 minute read
General Knowledge Get Your Lawn Ready For Summer
Article by Ian Walker
With warmer, longer days on the horizon, the beautiful bright colours of your garden are best enjoyed alongside a lush, green lawn. As the centrepiece of your garden, GreenThumb Lawn Treatment Service will ensure your lawn reaches its full potential as a weed-free, healthy, and well-loved lawn.
Our ‘Summer Ready’ Treatment is applied between April and June and features a fully coated fertiliser designed to give your lawn a timed release of nutrition over several months, feeding your grass and stimulating growth. This sophisticated treatment also includes a weed control to help eradicate those which are unwelcome on your lawn, keeping your lawn looking its best ready for summer.
An added benefit of our ‘Summer Ready’ Treatment is that you’ll also receive an application of our fantastic water conserver, Oasis. Now is the perfect time for an Oasis Treatment as it helps your soil to make the best use of any available moisture, meaning you’ll need to water up to 80% less. Our popular Oasis Treatment now features an innovative, highly concentrated seaweed extract which has proven to have an almost immediate visual effect on the colour of your lawn.
3. Chest bone (3)
7. Ceremonial procession (6)
8. Plant similar to the rhododendron (6)
9. Transparent optical device (4)
10. Disorder of the central nervous system characterised by convulsions (8)
11. Fortress (7)
13. ___ Cagney, Hollywood star who died in 1986 (5)
15. Steeple (5)
17. Gelatinous container with medicine inside (7)
21. Equestrian display (8)
22. Long arduous journey (4)
24. Large military unit (6)
25. Insect with large pincers at the rear of the abdomen (6)
26. Earth’s nearest star (3)
1. Female pantomime character (4)
2. Cinnamon-yielding tree (6)
3. Official who is expected to ensure fair play (7)
4. Method of producing designs on cloth by covering with wax, then dyeing (5)
5. Equipment for taking pictures (6)
6. Outer casing of a marine organism (8)
9. Resinous substance used to make varnish, sealing wax, dyes, etc (3)
12. Merchant who brings goods into the country from abroad (8)
14. Troglodytes (7)
16. Countrified (6)
18. Surgical stitch (6)
19. Northern deer with very large antlers (3)
20. Public announcement of a proposed marriage (5)
23. Independent ruler or chieftain (4)
At this time of year, we also recommend implementing a regular mowing regime to help your lawn be the best it can be. Dry, sunny days are the best conditions for mowing, however it’s important that your mower blades are kept sharp or replaced when needed to avoid causing damage to the grass plant. It is also important, especially during the summer months, that your grass isn’t cut too short as this will weaken it, attracting unwanted weeds. When dry, we advise raising the height of your cut from 1” up to 2” and give it a good drink the day after mowing.
Let’s create the lawn we both love.
Contact your local GreenThumb branch today 0116 269 4019 or email leicestershirewest@greenthumb.co.uk
The Village Writers
Article by David Schonveld
The VILLAGE WRITERS group is looking for one or two new writers. At the moment we meet via Zoom twice a month.1st & 3rd Wednesdays@7pm. (Members are sent a link)
You don't have to have any standard of writing. Anyone who writes, enjoys writing, or who wants to get better at it is eligible. We read the writing we've done as homework & get helpful, creative 'feedback' from our friendly others.
The Writers'WORKSHOP group is also looking for one or two members. It's an in-person group, and focusses directly on the many techniques of writing.(eg.description, dialogue, short story,memoir etc) All writing is done at the meeting. Find out more about either group: text or email David: 07552107461 or aschons98@gmail com