“You Can Quote Me On These!” Most of these are my own, or modifications of ones Iʼve read or heard at one time. At my age, there is lots of information in my brain, and itʼs sometimes hard to sort it all out. Bottom line, itʼs good stuff that I think youʼll find helpful! _____ The goal of all communication; verbal, written or visual, is the same. We want the recipient(s), as quickly as possible to - GET IT! They may not agree with everything we say. They may not agree with anything we say. However, unless the GET IT!, we canʼt have a meaningful discussion going forward.
_____ To help the audience GET IT!, I need to: • Educate them. • They need to leave the room with more information on my subject than they had coming in. • Entertain them. • We like to be entertained! If Iʼm entertaining you, I have your attention. If I have your attention, the odds are increase that youʼll GET IT! • Explain my message. • I need to deliver a simple and clean presentation that is easy of them to understand. My words, props and slides should be simple and easily understood by the audience.
_____ Connect to your audience Emotionally. Personal stories make that connection. We all have them. The key it to be, ask they say in Yoga, ʻAlways present and in the moment.ʼ When those stories occur in real time, capture them and place them in the hard drive of your brain. Then, when you need a personal story to make a make, pull that file out and use it!