Goldilocks and Just the One Bear - preview

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y Crow Ltd First published 2012 by Nos Street, Lant 10a t, Nes w’s Cro The London SE1 1QR ) ISBN 978 0 85763 043 8 (HB (PB) 5 044 63 857 0 ISBN 978 logos are trademarks Nosy Crow and associated of Nosy Crow Ltd. rks ema trad ed ster and/or regi son 2012 Copyright Š Leigh Hodgkin tified as the author iden be to son The right of Leigh Hodgkin k has been asserted. and the illustrator of this wor All rights reserved by way of trade the condition that it shall not, This book is sold subject to any form of in lated circu e d out or otherwis or otherwise, be lent, hire lished. No part of this pub is it h whic in that binding or cover other than em, or transmitted ced, stored in a retrieval syst publication may be reprodu cal, photocopying, hani mec nic, ctro (ele ns in any form or by any mea ission out the prior written perm recording or otherwise) with of Nosy Crow Ltd. A CIP catalogue record for

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the British Library.

a n o p u Once

. r a e b s i h t s a w e r e time, th od

wo e h t n i t u g abo

pin o l l o l s a w , he e t u n i m One ... y k c u l o -g all happy lue c a f o b rum c a t ’ n d a ute, he h

n i m t x e n The wa where he


e n o s a w e H

lost bear.

The bear didn’t much like this place. Too many and not enough twigs. Too much loud and and not NEARLY enough owl-hooting.

The bear was also a teeny bit scared and his furry legs had gone slightly “Maybe the thing to do,” said the bear looking round, “is to nip into ‘Snooty Towers’ here, and get away from this racket.

nd el

izzy, d el fe r ea b e th e ad m r oo d s’ But the spinny ‘Snooty Tower bad news. s a w s g le h it w and being dizzy

What the bear needed was a little sit-down. A little sit-down somewhere would

see him tickety-boo.

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