Every day after school, Maya raced across the playground and gave her mum a great big bear hug.
And Mum said, “Hey, Maya. How’s my strong, bold, brave girl?”

Then they walked home together, and Maya told Mum everything she had been doing that day.
“Today we were drawing pictures,” said Maya. “Mine’s a princess . . .

“Oh!” said Mum. “Well, Maya, I think you’d be a brilliant princess! But . . . what would you really like to be?”
“A princess, Mum! Really!” said Maya.

Alexa was in charge of lots of amazing brain operations at a big children’s hospital in America.

She helped thousands of children who had illnesses and injuries, and she won a lot of awards for all her hard work. Imagine that!”
“Eww – brains! Not me!” laughed Maya. “I’m going to be a princess!”