Look out for other
Magical Mix-Ups!
Magical Mix Ups
Birthdays and Bridesmaids Magical Mix Ups
Friends and Fashion Magical Mix-Ups: Pets and Parties Activity Storybook Published in the UK in 2013 by Nosy Crow Ltd The Crow’s Nest, 10a Lant Street London SE1 1QR www. nosycrow.com Nosy Crow and associated logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Nosy Crow Ltd Text copyright © Marnie Edwards 2013 lllustrations copyright © Leigh Hodgkinson 2013 The right of Marnie Edwards to be identified as the author and Leigh Hodgkinson to be identified as the illustrator of this work has been asserted. A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library All rights reserved This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, hired out or otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of Nosy Crow Ltd. ISBN: 978 0 85763 161 9 Printed in China 135798642
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Chapter 1
Mixtopia is a magical land where all sorts of
amazing things happen. It’s also home to a lovely princess called Sapphire, who lives in the castle, and a scruffy little witch called Emerald, who lives in the cottage next door. They are the best of friends! Draw more Mixtopian birds
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Lots more colourful flowers, please
Draw more sweets in the sky
ns tter a p e ts som e turre d d h A to t
Add more castle windows
One day, Sapphire is sitting on Emerald’s comfy old sofa, watching Emerald play a game of Snakes and Ladders with her trusty toad, Boris. She sighs wistfully. “I wish I had a pet,” she says.
n er t t a a p sofa n sig the e D on
Draw a spiky cactus in the flowerpot
Oh dear, Boris is losing – draw his grumpy face
Draw the dots on the dice that Emerald is holding
Add more snakes and ladders to the board
What other board games are in the cupboard?
Design the Snakes and Ladders box
“Could you have one for your birthday?” says Emerald. “Mum won’t let me,” replies her friend, glumly. “She said I’d play with it for five minutes and then guess who’d be left looking after it?” “Who?” asks Emerald. “I’ve no idea!” Sapphire sighs again, and Emerald pats her sympathetically on the shoulder. GreatUncle Twinkletoes?
Tula the fairy who lives at the bottom of the garden? Who would end up looking after Sapphire’s pet?
Who else might look after Sapphire’s pet?
Design a pattern on the sofa
Emerald and Boris go off to make some cheering nettle tea while Sapphire daydreams about owning a pet. A
would be nice,
or a
. . . or a
Add a big curly groomed tail
Draw curly ribbons in the pony’s mane
Sapphire imagines being on the back of a beautiful little pony, the ribbons braid ed into its mane matching those in her hair. “I would look after a pet, I would!” she mutters fiercely , making Boris jump and drop the spider biscuits all over the floor.
Draw spider biscuits all over the floor
Colour Sapphire’s nails
Sapphire shows Emerald her scrapbook, where she’s been sticking pictures of her favourite animals. She’s given them all excellent names!
Add names to the animals
Stick in pictures and drawings to fill the scrapbook
Stick in your favourite animal her e
Sapphire’s birthday is in two days’ time – maybe her mum will have changed her mind by then?
What other fun stuff is Sapphire up to?
Decorate the calendar with doodles