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Ocean Currents
Factors Affecting Climate
The closer you are to the equator (0° Latitude), the hotter it is. The closer you are to the poles (90° Latitude the colder it is. This means that the lower latitudes have higher average temperatures. Cold ocean currents such as the Labrador Current, cool our weather and change precipitation patterns. Warm ocean currents such as the Gulf Stream heat up temperatures and increase precipitation. Warm currents that only come every few years such as El Nino changes the weather patterns around the world giving us mild winters and hot summers. The direction and strength of winds can change both temperature and precipitation. In Canada, most winds (the prevailing winds) travel from west to east. They are called “Westies”. Winds passing over a large body of water will drop precipitation near the eastern shore where the elevation increases. Areas on the west side of large water bodies (e.g. Vancouver) get significantly more precipitation than other areas. Warm winds are called Chinooks and can increase the winder temperatures of the prairie provinces from below freezing to over 20° C There is often snow on top of mountains. This is because the temperature on the top of mountains is much cooer than the base of the mountain. There is a direct relationship between temperature and elevation. Although areas of high elevation are closer to the sun, they are cooler. This is because the atmosphere is thinner and unable to trap heat. As well the area is far
Near Water
Urban Centres
away from the heat captured by the earths crust. Relief is the shape or topography of the land e.g. mountains, valleys, plains, etc. Relief, especially mountains affect precipitation patterns.
Proximity to water influences climate It creates 2 distinct climates: Continental and Maritime Climates. Continental climates are in areas that are far away from a large body of water, they have a more severe climate. A good example is the interior plains. This region has very hot, dry summers, and bitterly cold winters. Maritime climates are in areas that are close to a large body of water, which have a moderate climate. A good example of a Maritime climate is P.E.I This province has mild, snowy winters and cooler summers. Large cities are warmer. The large number of people as well as the cities and buildings heat up the area. This additional heat alters precipitation patterns. The tall buildings of a city change the winds in a city, often creating high winds that are funneled between the buildings.