Zia Frank Process Book SPS Fall 2015

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Co-create: Co-creation emphasizes the generation and on going realization of user input, connecting people with the world and each other. Co-created environments arise in the form of personalizes, unique experiences for the user. Users are able to personalize his or her experience using an environment created for interaction.

Research your own collaborative web experiences. Find sites that demonstrate co-creation and collaboration

Crowd-sourcing is a process that involves outsourcing tasks to a distributed group of people. This process can occur both on-line and off line. The difference between crowd-sourcing and ordinary outsourcing is that a task or problem is outsourced to an undefined public rather than a specific body.

{ Zia Frank – Problem Solving – GDES 403 – Fall 2013 – Research & Analysis }

EVERY SECOND On The Internet Every Second is an Internet project possibly designed to make us feel horrified and amazed. The tittle is pretty self-explanatory; it is a visual representation of how often we use our favorite sites. Every Second uses the icons for these website to visually show the mass of Reddit Votes voted, Instagram photos instagramed, Tumblrr’s tumbled, Skype calls skyped, Drop box’s boxed, Tweets tweeted Google’s goggled, You-tube’s tubed and facebookery, that happens every second! You are drawn in instantly because you have to read and click to reveal the information, and the mass of icons keeps you interested. Additionally the site keeps track of how long you have been there, and is constantly updating and displays on the side how many more of these things are happening Internet wide. The relationship between the icons and the updating numbers is at first a little confusing because you expect the number of icons to grow with it. However the icon number is stagnant because it represents a simple one to one relationship of the average number of things (tweets tweeted for example) in just one second.

{ Zia Frank – Problem Solving – GDES 403 – Fall 2013 – Research & Analysis }



Take a picture of a picture, from the past, in the present

The Peoples Art Project

Dear Photograph is a blog in which the content is compiled of user uploads. People visiting the site submit a photo of a photo of a memory or past scene, in its present state. You are also able to just be an observer and rifle through the memories of the site contributors. In addition to posting the photos you can write a blurb, tag-line, or explanation of the memory captured, and in this way the user decides what you information you get out of each submission. The layout and design of the site is quite simple, but it contains a story that’s large. Each submitted photograph and story has a lot of personality to it and in this way is very engaging. The pictures evoke the sense of nostalgia and empathy. The user has a lot of freedom in what they post and write, and the choice to not post at all. I liked Dear Photograph the best out of all the given examples. I felt more instantly drawn into the site than any of the others. Essentially the entire content in the site comes from crown- sourcing. I also like that you don’t have to jump through any barriers of signing up or making an account, and there isn’t any pressure to post your own photo. However the photos and stories are so personal you think immediately, ‘I could do that’. How possibly and intriguing it seems to make your own submission, in my opinion makes this a great example of crowd-sourcing and of a co-creative, since with out user contribution the site wouldn’t exist.

The Inside Out Project concisely calls itself “ A global art project transforming messaged of personal identity into works of art”. It is a more hands on project than it is a website, but still a great example of a co-creative piece. The idea is for the users to create their own ‘Group Action’ of 5 or more people, gather portraits of all the group members and send them into the Inside Out headquarters. They will in turn send them back to you/ your group leader(s) to be wheat pasted up in a part of your city. A Group Action is when one or more of the group leaders commit to leading their own independently organized project, anywhere in the world. These leaders are to choose a statement that is reflected in the portraits of the group members. The headquarters provides you with the 36”x 53” posters and instructions on how to post them up. The actual website documents all of these individual projects as well as their own organized events involving photo booths where you can have your portrait taken. They also give their reasons for this global effort; “ Inside Out /11M is a nationwide action aimed at creating a portrait of America that includes immigrants and the descendants of immigrants alike. Around 20 cities will be covered: you can follow the trucks and participate/volunteer through the website. The statement for this action is: “there are 11 million undocumented people living in the U.S., these portraits remind us that behind the numbers are real human stories.”

ASSIGNMENT Present three proposal ideas for your own Co-collaborative site. Proposals must be verbally articulate as well as visually and graphically explained.

{ Zia Frank – Problem Solving – GDES 403 – Fall 2013 – Concept Proposals }




This website would sync with your netfliX account, and compare the time to other... More useful things. There is also the option, if i am able to figure out the algorithms that it would involve, then i could expand the site to include you-tube, facebook etc by looking at your Internet history. Its definitely a topic of interest, more people watch shows and movies on their computers than televisions these days, and with streaming and pirating the amount of show your have access to is mind boggling. You could be able to share the outcomes of the site, the generated lists. One could also peruse the time sucks of other users, which would probably result in seeing other people netflix ques and finding more things to watch. There could possibly be chats or message boards. At the very least the ability to comment on other peoples habits. So one of the options for expansion for this site is involving other social media sites, the other option is to try to inspire to get off the couch, via a sort of ad space. For instance in my time suck list next to the Rosetta Stone tid-bit, there could be a link to buy the kit and learn Spanish for real, because i obviously have the time.

According to my recently watched history, in the past seven days i have watched about 26.5 Hours of netflix. In 26.5 Hours i could have; - Earned $192.00 At a minimum wage job - Flown to china and back - Completed Rosetta stone’s first program to learn Spanish.

{ Zia Frank – Problem Solving – GDES 403 – Fall 2013 – Concept Proposals }




The what i have and what i don’t project, would be, for lack of better words, an examination of how our society is the total opposite of Buddhism. The main idea is similar to my other one with the sort of ‘confessional’ thing thats going on, but this one i want to have more of a formula. I think filling in the sentence i__ because i __ is a way to sort of “art direct” the page, in controlling information, but also could be a positive factor when it comes to participating in the site. I really am asking a deep question, and things would get hairy if i didn’t create a simple system for answering. What i would like to get from this site is all the things people do to distract themselves, we live in a world so full of them. You really can have a whole life with out a single bit of quiet, there will always be an ebay auction or a new viral video to do instead. But does any one ever look at why we shove to much loud nonsense into every nook and cranny of our lives? This topic is of interest to many people these days. With the Internet we have to options to be voyeuristic and watch the weird lives of every one around us, but also anonymously participate in something. This has created an ideal ‘safe’ environment for people to give their personal secrets or confess things they would other wise not say. One can feel like his piece of information is getting attention, but with out the chutzpah it takes to say it out loud. To put it bluntly, people just love this kind of shit.

FOR EXAMPLE I ______ because I ______ I own easily 300 lip balms and 80 lotions, soaps and salves because they don’t die or leave. I make my bed every morning, because I can’t smooth out my thoughts at night. I am a very social person, because I can’t stand to be alone. I watch law and order every night, because it makes more sense to me than my real life. I have 1,061 friends on facebook, and about 3 people I talk to regularly. One of them is my mom.

I own easily 300 lip balms and over 80 lotions soaps and salves because they dont leave or die

{ Zia Frank – Problem Solving – GDES 403 – Fall 2013 – Concept Proposals }


LITTLE WHITE LIES White lies would be a site that served as a bit of a confessional. There would be the option to post as just text, or a text and image combination in the vain of post secret or Internet meme’s. I would like the site to span between seriousness and humor in its little confessions. The logistics of this site are would be easily achieved. It would be in a blog format. This is familiar to users and easy to upload. I prefer an option like this because i have all the tools and software i believe it would take to truly produce this site. I may need some help from an advisor but technically it is pretty straight forward. Aside from the technical aspects, i think the simple vertical scrolling lay out is preferable with this kind of personal material. This topic is of interest to many people these days. With the Internet we have to options to be voyeuristic and watch the weird lives of every one around us, but also anonymously participate in something. This has created an ideal ‘safe’ environment for people to give their personal secrets or confess things they would other wise not say. One can feel like his piece of information is getting attention, but with out the chutzpah it takes to say it out loud. To put it bluntly, people just love this kind of shit.

My site wouldn’t have any log in requirements, to help the user get initially engaged in the project, you could peruse around as long as you like. Or as long as it takes to be convinced that these people are worse than you, lulling into a sense of safety making you willing to submit your own. Or the user is more of an attention whore and will go like “oh me! My secrets are the worst, i better put mine up! I can only predict reactions so far, but thats what makes crowd sourcing so interesting.

I’m sorry baby I have a ‘headache’

Noooooo, they look great on you ! {Early imagery ideas}

ASSIGNMENT Gather feedback, select one proposal for further development. Ask: • Why is this topic of interest? • What outcomes might it generate? • How can user be engaged? • How can stage be set for an experience? • How do you document your outcomes? • How and when do you make changes based on outcomes?

{ Zia Frank – Problem Solving – GDES 403 – Fall 2013 – Weekly Presentations }

WHY IS THE TOPIC OF INTEREST ? White lies are too insignificant to ask forgiveness for, not interesting enough to bring up in conversation, and the last thing you would ever do is go back and tell the truth. My site will serve as the platform for all of these things. Online forums and such also have the ability to turn the mundane into the hilarious. This site takes advantage of Internet trends rising in popularity, for example ;

⋅ Venting ⋅ Attention ⋅ Sharing ⋅ Anonymity ⋅ Voyeurism ⋅ Confessions



Tools and software needed would be simple, adobe, CSS, maybe jquery. I could just get a square-space, or even a word press site. I am able to produce this, which is one of the reasons in favor this idea. It wouldn’t hurt to run this by an advisor but there aren’t many technical hurdles to jump through.

The home page will involve large imagery and a dynamic call to action. The user will be interested immediately with a large pull quote and stay interested with further reading of the white lies, and be encouraged to participate. There will be a “contest” section and the most liked will win their lie to be on the cover page.

User visits site, browses

User visits site, submits, uploads post

{ Zia Frank – Problem Solving – GDES 403 – Fall 2013 – Weekly Presentations }

DIAGRAMMATIC EXAMPLE The first page seen is categorically more of a landing page or a splash page than a home. User is greeted with field of color with top voted quotes displayed large, to be browsed through.

Beneath landing page is a vertical list of submissions, or ‘lies’. Options are to either just browse through, comment on a submission, ‘up vote’ or ‘down vote’ the submission, or share is on social media.

User can then submit their own ‘lie’, will immediately be populated into list as top most post (arranged chronologically). Post can also be viewed in archive with a keyword search.

{ Zia Frank – Problem Solving – GDES 403 – Fall 2013 – Weekly Presentations }







Browse through top tagged quotes, displayed huge on field of color

Scroll down to view other submissions arranged chronologically

Submit your own lie, view in archive at any time

{ Zia Frank – Problem Solving – GDES 403 – Fall 2013 – Weekly Presentations }

WHAT ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT ELEMENTS OF THE EXPERIENCE ? The most important element of the experience will be the user submissions. These will be displayed on the main page in a blog format with vertical scrolling. You will be able to click back in time, currently I plan to let it go all the way back to the first submission but this may have to adapt if there are massive amounts of content. The draw of the ‘white lies’ posted is the heart of the website and will be aesthetically shown as the central point. As far as physical appearance of the posts, I have the option of submitting just text or text and image, I would like to explore the option of creating an icon system.

IS TIME AN ELEMENT ? Time will be an element concerning the display of the submissions, posts and comments. The comments will be displayed in chronological order, the newest at the top. A submitted post will immediately be populated at the top of the list with out delay for approval. Additionally the main display of submissions will go back to the past 100 posts in continuous scroll fashion. If a user wants to view additionally older posts they can click “older” or they can view in the archive



I’m hoping I will get a broad range of feedback from my users. I’m assuming the majority of them will be darkly humorous. Its also possible I’ll get some deep dark secrets some one has been stashing away. I plan on have some level of curating to the site to ensure people aren’t being just stupid or really uninteresting, but as far as seriousness or depth of the ‘white lie’ I will give every latitude. Also there will be no user profiles and no personal information involved. There will be no ‘log in with facebook’, anonymity is the top priority.

Location could be implemented as a search device in the archive. The posts will be anonymous but will still need a sorting mechanism if one wants to track down a specific posts. One option is to have users enter their zip code as a part of the submission process. The other option is a #hash tag system that would not require location.

Home Archive Submit Home Archive Submit Login

Home Archive Submit Home Archive Submit Login

“Oh my god woman, what do I have to do to get blown around here?”

“Oh my god woman, what do I have to do to get blown around here?” Secondary title

Secondary title



ASSIGNMENT Develop “wire frame” laying out all layers and elements. Present sketched representing how experience is made visual

{ Zia Frank – Problem Solving – GDES 403 – Fall 2013 – Weekly Presentations }

INSPIRATION ⋅ Large splash page ⋅ Images and Text ⋅ Minimal navigation ⋅ Vertical scroll ⋅ Single page ⋅ Sticky header

{ Zia Frank – Problem Solving – GDES 403 – Fall 2013 – Weekly Presentations }

Archive Submit HomeHome Archive Submit Log In

ABOUT; A white lie is something we all tell, every day, all the time. It’s a bend of the truth, generally to spare some ones feelings What have you told today ?

“Oh my god woman, what do I have to do to get blown around here?”

Archive Submit HomeHome Archive Submit Log In

y god , what do I to do to own nd here?”

Archive Submit HomeHome Archive Submit Log In

“I don’t y god give a , what do I shit to do to own nd here?”

“I don’t give a shit

Fold Secondary title

Secondary title






{ Zia Frank – Problem Solving – GDES 403 – Fall 2013 – Weekly Presentations }

WIRE FRAMES The first page seen is categorically more of a landing page or a splash page than a home. User is greeted with field of color with top voted quotes displayed large, to be browsed through. Beneath landing page is a vertical list of submissions, or ‘lies’. Options are to either just browse through, comment on a submission, ‘up vote’ or ‘down vote’ the submission, or share is on social media. User can then submit their own ‘lie’, will be populated into list as top most post (arranged chronologically). Post can also be viewed in archive with a keyword search.

{ Zia Frank – Problem Solving – GDES 403 – Fall 2013 –Sketches on Look and Feel }

Lie to Me

Lie to Me











WHITE LIES ; A white lie is something we all tell, every day, all the time. It’s a bend of the truth, generally to spare some ones feelings. I’m interested in collecting and hearing the white lies that YOU tell, and especially what you REALLY meant to say.

Lie to Me october 3rd











you were actually like 57th on the list

you were actually like 57th on the list

when I said “that outfit is cute!”

when I said you were the best I’d ever had ...

when I said you were the best I’d ever had ...

Lie to Me october 3rd

Lie to Me october 3rd

Lie to Me september 1st

october 5th

october 5th

september 2nd “yeah, no, its fine, we can just be friends”

october 8th

september 4th

october 8th

That time you were like Hey! hold the elevator! I was pushing the door close button thinking go fuck yourself. october 10th

october 10th

october 10th

september 6th “yes! I love it, your chicken alfredo tastes so freakin delicious”




“I don’t give a shit what you wear.”

“I have to go to a wedding this weekend” (I have plans for the 4th of July so I can’t october 5th




{ Zia Frank – Problem Solving – GDES 403 – Fall 2013 –Sketches on Look and Feel }


Lie to Me


you know you do it anyway

you know you do it anyway



PASSWORD SEND Don’t have an account ?

White Lies





“Oh my god woman, what do I have to do to get blown around here?” You dirty little liar!


White Lies





White Lies


“I don’t give a shit what you wear.”

You dirty little liar!



You dirty little liar!



“I have to go to a wedding this weekend” (I have plans for the 4th of July so I can’t come to work)

“I have to go to a wedding this weekend” (I have plans for the 4th of July so I can’t come to work)



“Yeah, no, its fine, we can just be friends”

“yeah, no, its fine, we can just be friends”



That time you were like Hey! Hold the elevator! I was pushing the door close button thinking go fuck yourself.

That time you were like Hey! hold the elevator! I was pushing the door close button thinking go fuck yourself.



“yes! I love it, your chicken alfredo tastes so freakin delicious”

“Yes! I love it, your chicken alfredo tastes so freakin delicious”


older SUBMIT



“yes! I love it, your chicken alfredo tastes so freakin delicious”


newer SEARCH


You dirty little liar!


“I have to go to a wedding this weekend” (I have plans for the 4th of July so I can’t come to work)

That time you were like Hey! hold the elevator! I was pushing the door close button thinking go fuck yourself.

“yes! I love it, your chicken alfredo tastes so freakin delicious”


older SUBMIT



when I said you were the best I’d ever had ...






That time you were like Hey! hold the elevator! I was pushing the door close button thinking go fuck yourself.



“yeah, no, its fine, we can just be friends”

“yeah, no, its fine, we can just be friends”





newer SEARCH

White Lies



“I have to go to a wedding this weekend” (I have plans for the 4th of July so I can’t come to work)



when I said you were the best I’d ever had ...






older SUBMIT


{ Zia Frank – Problem Solving – GDES 403 – Fall 2013 –Sketches on Look and Feel }

LIE TO ME you know you do it anyway


LIE TO ME You know you do it anyway


LIE TO ME You know you do it anyway



SEND Don’t have an account ?

“Oh my god woman, what do I have to do to get blown around here?” A white lie is something we all tell, every day, all the time. It’s a bend of the truth, generally to spare some ones feelings What have you told today ?.


“I don’t give a shit what you wear.” A white lie is something we all tell, every day, all the time. It’s a bend of the truth, generally to spare some ones feelings What have you told today ?. September 1st

September 1st

“I have to go to a wedding this weekend” (I have plans for the 4th of July so I can’t come to work)

“I have to go to a wedding this weekend” (I have plans for the 4th of July so I can’t come to work) September 2nd

September 2nd

“Yeah, no, its fine, we can just be friends”

“Yeah, no, its fine, we can just be friends”

September 3rd

September 3rd

That time you were like Hey! Hold the elevator! I was pushing the door close button thinking go fuck yourself.

That time you were like Hey! Hold the elevator! I was pushing the door close button thinking go fuck yourself.

September 5th

September 5th

“Yes! I love it, your chicken alfredo tastes so freakin delicious”

Newer • older

“Yes! I love it, your chicken alfredo tastes so freakin delicious”

Newer • older


When I said you were the best I’d ever had ... A white lie is something we all tell, every day, all the time. It’s a bend of the truth, generally to spare some ones feelings What have you told today ?.


When I said you were the best I’d ever had ... A white lie is something we all tell, every day, all the time. It’s a bend of the truth, generally to spare some ones feelings What have you told today ?.

September 1st

September 1st

“I have to go to a wedding this weekend” (I have plans for the 4th of July so I can’t come to work)

“I have to go to a wedding this weekend” (I have plans for the 4th of July so I can’t come to work)

September 2nd

September 2nd

“Yeah, no, its fine, we can just be friends”

“Yeah, no, its fine, we can just be friends”

September 3rd

September 3rd

That time you were like Hey! Hold the elevator! I was pushing the door close button thinking go fuck yourself.

That time you were like Hey! Hold the elevator! I was pushing the door close button thinking go fuck yourself.

September 5th

September 5th

“Yes! I love it, your chicken alfredo tastes so freakin delicious”

“Yes! I love it, your chicken alfredo tastes so freakin delicious”

Newer • older

Newer • older


ASSIGNMENT Select one visual direction and navigation system to present in digital form. Create three digital prototypes for presentation. Select one prototype for further development and presentation.

pinned item back to top button handled internally in Muse

Splash page CSS Function slide show handled internally in Muse Sticky header navigation CSS function handled internally in Muse

Share on social media Outside sourcing

Likes/ Dislikes outside sourcing function simple button counter I know the technology, I just have to track down the code

NOTE: have found code snippets and CSS buttons for sharing but have not successfully integrated them into site

Comment buttons will trigger a light box effect containing the comment box. This preserves the layout of the site, not altering the layout since it is a single page design. The light box will pop up and will automatically or manually close out returning the user the position on the home page which they were.

NOTE: currently have a mock up version

NOTE: currently have a mock up version partially functional, using the same comment box outsourcing as in the submissions. Have not integrated Muse’s light box system and comments together. Proving difficult to do.

Comments; Eternal Sourcing It is nearly impossible to use progressive rendering/scrolling in muse. I’m changing this to the site displaying 25 submissions at once and having a “view more” next button. Currently I don’t have enough submissions to mock it up, but I will probably utilize a slide show.

ABOUT (link from)

Anchor tags CSS function Handled internal in Muse


Comment Box Jot-form technology outside sourcing, does not populate immediately

(link from)

Anchor tags CSS function Handled internal in Muse

Jot-form is the first web based WYSIWYG form builder. Its intuitive drag and drop user interface makes form building a breeze. Using Jot-form, you can create forms and integrate them to your site. You can receive them instantly by email, or you can log into your Jot-form account periodically and view/ download all submissions. NOTE; while jot-form is fully functioning as a demo is not the ideal comment box solution, i have yet to find an internal and immediately populating comment box. This method could prove useful in gathering data.


{ Zia Frank – Problem Solving – GDES 403 – Fall 2013 – Tools }

TOOLS www.jotform.com Jot-form is the first web based WYSIWYG form builder. Its intuitive drag and drop user interface makes form building a breeze. Using Jot Form, you can create forms, integrate them to your site and receive responses by email. JotForm is developed mainly for web masters, but anybody with an Internet connection can use it. JotForm is WYSIWYG, so you can still make web forms without any web design or HTML experience. Since JotForm is hosted on our servers, there are no requirements. You have two choices to receive form submissions. You can receive them instantly by email, or you can log into your JotForm account periodically and view/download all submissions.

{ Zia Frank – Problem Solving – GDES 403 – Fall 2013 – User Testing Feedback }





1.“What I said” and “what I meant” disappears in color background.

1. I personally like how the text disappears but I will adjust the color for more legibility.

2. Slides move to quickly, is there a pause button or navigation I can use ?

2. Slow slides down, and created thumbnails and made the navigation buttons visible.

2. There is no pause button in muse sideshows unfortunately. I was able to make thumbnails but haven’t figured out how to style them.


1. After I comment on a submission, I ex out and it takes me back to the top of the page

1. I changed the anchor tag so it takes you to the comments section, getting you closer to the comment you were last on.

2. String of comments seems very short, I thought it would go deeper.

2. I have doubled the length of each slide

1. My comments section is a lot of smoke and mirrors, It seems that I may have to use a totally new approach to that section, but I can’t figure out how to do it in muse. I can have live type but I don’t know how I would have the ‘load more” section.

3. Once I submit I have to refresh the page to submit a second one

3. Will have to have a ‘continue browsing’ button under the submission box

3. I cannot find a refresh browser function that works in muse, hopefully with more research something will come up. If not I may have to reevaluate comment software.

1. The visually language of some of the items don’t feel cohesive

1. I agree, the design here could use some more thought, I will first look into the type solutions for the comments and let the rest follow.

1. The one “lie to me” submit button has a stroke on it, which in its texts form I can’t get rid of, I can however replace this with a Photoshop button.

2. Content should be highlighted more, maybe pull quote style could be default style of submission ?

2. It seems like the color slide show is everyones favorite part, I think I should use those ideas and language and reassess how the submissions are displayed on the page

3. “Comment” and “like” buttons are too small

3. The first change I would like to make is in the size and style of the submissions, probably increasing the scale and letting it take center stage, after this change I can re-asses the buttons.

2&3. I’m running into a lot of walls when it comes to my gallery of submissions. The way it is now is purely for prototyping. I would really like to have a more functional comment section. If I am to take this site further I will have to completely change my method of the site. Being perfectly honest, I don’t know what avenue to take. I am unsure of what action to take and how much the site needs to be brought to completion.



ASSIGNMENT Gather content Continue to develop look and feel Continue to refine experience, develop digital format and navigation Present final working draft of experience in digital format for user testing. Gather feedback, and implement changed as necessary.

{ Zia Frank – Problem Solving – GDES 403 – Fall 2013 – Website Excerpt }

LittleWHITELies TELLING THE TRUTH NEVER FELT SO WRONG A white lie is something we all tell, every day, all the time. It’s a bend of the truth generally to spare some ones feelings. But who are they? Why are we layering guilt on our conscious to make them feel better? A white lie is something you never really have a chance to get off your chest. It just sits there like a sleeping gorilla. So screw it, screw them, and screw the gorilla and let em know what you really meant! What lies have you told today ?


{ Zia Frank – Problem Solving – GDES 403 – Fall 2013 – Website Excerpt }


LANGDON Farnham Light Wisdom Script Helvetiva Neue

Slide show navigation forward and backwards arrows, which pause slide show and thumbnails. Pinned item Share on social media Outside sourcing Fully functional

Splash page CSS function Slide show Handled internally in muse Note: there is no pause button function in muse, This is ďŹ rst iteration of alternative solutions


(Link from)

Anchor tags CSS function Handled internally in muse

SUBMIT (Link from)

Anchor tags CSS function Handled internal in muse

Likes/ dislikes Outside sourcing function Simple button counter I know the technology, i just have to track down the code Update: proving really difďŹ cult to so simple function like this one in muse

Comments; Eternal sourcing It is nearly impossible to use progressive rendering/scrolling in muse. My current solution uses a slide show. Per slide there are give or take a dozen comments, and the ‘newer’ and ‘older’ buttons take the user to the next slide giving the illusion of moving through time. I can gather submissions and once i get around 12 i can create a new slide and update the site manually. This of course is not idea for a functional site, but works for prototype.

Comment buttons will trigger a light box effect containing the comment box. This preserves the layout of the site, not altering the layout since it is a single page design. The light box will pop up and will automatically or manually close out returning the user the position on the home page which they were. Note: currently have a mock up version which is functional, using the same comment box outsourcing as in the submissions. Have not integrated Muse’s light box system and comments together. Proving difficult to do.

Slide show buttons

Comment box Jot-form technology Outside sourcing, Does not populate immediately Jot-form is the first web based form builder. Its intuitive drag and drop user interface makes form building a breeze. Using jotform, you can create forms and integrate them to your site. You can receive them instantly by email, or you can log into your jot-form account periodically and view/ download all submissions. Note; while jot-form is fully functioning as a demo is not the ideal comment box solution, i have yet to find an internal and immediately populating comment box. This method could prove useful in gathering data

BOTTOM NAV • Top takes user to top of browser, showing splash page • Litlewhitelies takes user to the top of the comments where same type treatment of “little white lies” appears initially. Hopefully graphic repetitiveness will be enough for user to know what this button does. • About takes user to about section right below slide show, also in view is submit button


{ Zia Frank – Problem Solving – GDES 403 – Fall 2013 – Website Content }

Oct 17, 2013 When I said “I’m going okay”, what I meant was “I’m feeling nauseatingly empty because I don’t want to think about my life” Oct 17, 2013 When I said, “Sure! We can do that!” I really meant, “You are a total pain in the ass, but you are a paying customer, so I must smile and act pleasant. But, I wish I could kick you and spank your bratty, entitled, undisciplined child.” Oct 9, 2013 When I said “no, I actually think that’s cute.” What I meant was “I am no longer capable of interacting sexually with you ever again. In fact, interaction of any kind will no longer be possible.” Oct 8, 2013 When I said “that outfit is cute” What I meant was “I don’t give a shit what you wear.” Oct 8, 2013 Not my type What I said: She’s just not my type, that’s all. What I meant: She is ugly. Oct8, 2013 Lie Lie Lie Lie What I said: ”Baby, I love you no matter what” What I meant: “oh my god woman, what I have to do to get blown around here” Oct 8, 2013 You so cute What I said: ”No, those earrings don’t make your ankles look fat” What I meant: ”No, your legs and gut do.”

Oct 8, 2013 What I said “I’m fine” What I meant “I’m not OK, I can’t stand feeling like this, anxious, nervous, all the time. WTF? But you don’t give a shit so thats why I say - ‘I’m fine’. Oct 8, 2013 When I said you were the best sex I ever had, What I meant was you were actually like 57th on the list

Sept 24, 2013 “I have to go to a wedding this weekend” (I have plans for the 4th of July so I can’t come to work)

Oct 8, 2013 That time you were like Hey! hold the elevator! I was pushing the door close button thinking go fuck yourself.

Sept 24, 2013 What I said “I’m sick” What I meant ” I don’t want to hang out”

Oct 8, 2013 When I said “oh yeah you two would be great together” I mean “CRASH AND BURN!” Oct 1, 2013 White Lies What i said ” Yeah, sure we can be friends again” & What I meant ” FUCK YOU! “ Oct 1, 2013 no I’m not hungover, I was up late studying” (To my boss at work Saturday morning) Sept 29, 2013 “yeah, no, its fine, we can just be friends” Sept 25, 2013 “Yes! I love it, your chicken alfredo tastes so freakin delicious” Sept 25, 2013 “We will definitely hang out.” (I don’t really want to be friends with you. I have a boyfriend, and you want something more than ‘hanging out’)

Sept 24, 2013 “No I’m not even a little mad at you” I really don’t want to talk to you about your boyfriend being over all the time in your stupid honeymoon phase.

Sept 24, 2013 “your hair looks great” / “can we have sex already” Sept 21, 2013 what i said was “I’ll have it ready by October” and what i meant was “I’ll have it ready when I feel like it” Sept 21, 2013 When someone calls me while I’m taking a nap and asks if I was sleeping I will tell them no. What I really mean is I was but I don’t want you to think I’m lazy. Sept 21, 2013 When I said, “I’m sorry, but we are already doing something that night,” I meant, “Nope. Don’t wanna come.”

{ Zia Frank – Problem Solving – GDES 403 – Fall 2013 – Website Excerpt }

{ Zia Frank – Problem Solving – GDES 403 – Fall 2013 – Website Excerpt }

{ Zia Frank – Problem Solving – GDES 403 – Fall 2013 – Website Excerpt }

{ Zia Frank – Problem Solving – GDES 403 – Fall 2013 – Website Excerpt }


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