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fab academy paris

time to make in paris woma


Our aim is to connect ideas and materials through collaboration. Out with that old clichéd notion of separating white collar and gray matter from blue collar and manual labor! Here, there will be no starched collars – we’ll all hike up our sleeves to work and create together.

Fondé par la rencontre de créateurs transdisciplinaires, Volumes est bien plus qu’un simple lieu de travail à destination des indépendants et des entreprises en voie de développement: C’est un espace, doté d’une personnalité propre, intégrant un espace de coworking, une cuisine collaborative et un atelier de fabrication numérique inspiré des modèles des maker-spaces et fablabs.

tomas diez

aldo sollazzo

chirag rangholia

director fablab barcelona super node fab academy master in advanced architecture

fab academy guru master in advanced architecture director iaac external program director noumena, reshape

master in advanced architecture fab academy diploma partner noumena, reshape

a team of gurus local tutors, global experience

Fab Academy Gurus are individuals who have shown mastery of the broad range of HTMAA and have earned the respect of their peers through their years of service to the Academy. The role of Fab Academy Guru is to initiate, mentor and technically train new Fab Academy students for participation and leadership in the global Fab Lab Network community. As many students are without strong local mentorship, the Guru’s key task is to monitor the students or labs placed in their charge - clearly communicating both class expectations, answering their questions, supporting them (through both email and weekly video conferencing) and monitoring and tracking their progress and attendance.

the core:

center of bits and atoms The Fab Academy teaches principles and applications of digital fabrication. It was developed to teach hands-on skills in fab labs, which began as an outreach project from MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms, and has grown into a global network of more than 500 labs. Fab Academy instruction is based on MIT’s popular rapid-prototyping course How To Make (almost) Anything, both taught by Prof. Neil Gershenfeld.

the network:

A distributed network of education Fab Academy is a distributed educational model providing a unique educational experience. Each Fab Lab that participates in the Fab Academy program (see list here) is part of a global Fab Lab / Fab Academy network. These Fab Labs are Nodes that offer the Fab Academy program. Students view and participate in global lectures broadcasted every Wednesdays at 9:00 am – 12:00 pm EST. The lectures are recorded and available to students throughout the semester. In addition to the lectures, there are 2 / 3 lab days each week where students have access the digital fabrication equipment and personal help with projects. Each Fab Lab will establish the schedule for these Lab days.

from bits to atoms: prototyping codes

Just as communications and computation went from analog to digital, resulting in PCs and the Internet, the digitization of fabrication is leading to personal fabricators that will allow anyone to make almost anything, anywhere. The development of digital fabrication is based on creating codes that don’t just describe things, they are things, much as proteins are coded in molecular biology. This research roadmap is ultimately aiming at a Star Trek-style replicator, but prototype versions of these capabilities are already available in field fab labs.

learn by doing a hands-on approach

At the Fab Academy, you will learn how to envision, prototype and document your ideas through many hours of hands-on experience with digital fabrication tools. We take a variety of code formats and turn them into physical objects. The Fab Academy Diploma consists of a 5 month part-time student commitment, from January to June. The Fab Diploma is the result of the sum of Fab Academy Certificates. Progress towards the diploma is evaluated by a student’s acquired skills rather than time or credits. The Fab Academy is a fast paced, hands-on learning experience where students plan and execute a new project each week. Each individual documents their progress for each project, resulting in a personal portfolio of technical accomplishments.


how to use a Fab Lab’s digital fabrication tools Epilog Mini Lasercutter Roland MDX-20 Milling Machine 3D printer Roland CAMM-1 Servo GX-24 Desktop Vinyl Cutter ShopBot and MORE

the fab academy program 19 intense weeks

principles and practices, project management computer-aided design computer-controlled cutting electronics production 3D scanning and printing electronics design embedded programming computer-controlled machining molding and casting input devices output devices composites networking and communications mechanical design, machine design interface and application programming applications and implications invention, intellectual property, and income project development project presentation

computer-aided design model a possible final project,

computer-controlled cutting design, make, and document a press-fit construction kitproject,

electronics production make the FabISP in-circuit programmer

scanning and printing

test the design rules for your printer(s) (group project) * design and 3D print an object (small, few cm) that could not be made subtractively * 3D scan an object (and optionally print it)

cnc - milling make something big

m0lding and casting design a 3D mold, machine it, and cast

input devices

measure something: add a sensor to a microcontroller board that you have designed and read it

output devices

measure something: add a sensor to a microcontroller board that you have designed and read it


design and make a 3D mold (~ft2), and produce a fiber composite part in it


design and build a wired &/or wireless network connecting at least two processors

machine design

make a machine, including the end effector, build the passive parts and operate it manually, document the group project and your individual contribution

Interface and Application

write an application that interfaces with an input &/or output device

final project

complete your final project

final projects prove your skills!

Local Instructors also help students manage their time and provide guidance towards the creation of feasible final projects that can be accomplished by each student (students have different skill sets) within the duration of the course. Local instructors and Remote Gurus must work with the students to ensure they have everything in stock, or that they order well enough in advance.

fab academy paris

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