Architect / Computational Designer Portfolio

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PROFILE An architect with big interest in researchbased design and computational tools. Current research is focused on self-organization and botto m-up design and the implementation of computational design systems in generating ‘multi-authorial’ design scenarios.

EDUCATION ISTANBUL TECH. UNI. Sept 2015 - July 2018 GPA 4.0 A thesis with the title ‘System Agency for Bottom-up Design’ where a rule-based computational model is used to simulate the growth processes of a vernacular architecture typology. The end goal is developing a computational system which can be used as a design tool for large-scale residential projects. M AS TER OF ARCHITEC TU RE

My education during this period was focused on digital architecture and computational design. Some of t he courses I attended are: ‘Programming in Architecture’, ‘Digital Architecture Design Studio’, ‘Animation in Architectural Design’ and ‘Geo-spatial Data Acquisition and Processing in Architecture’. TU DELFT Sept 2017 - Feb 2018


I attended ‘The Why Factory’ design studio which was focused on designing dynamic and movable spaces to satisfy the changing needs of their users. The challenge required the development of a computational organization system which I participated in developing using Python programm ing language. ISTANBUL TECH. UNI. Degree Obtained: Feb 2015



Early interest in parametric design with the use of Rhino Grasshopper to generate optimized research spaces for my graduation project .

CONTACT Istanbul - Turkey


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GEO-SPATIAL ANALYTICS QGIS Mapbox 3D MODELING Rhino & GH Revit & Dynamo Houdini AutoCad ArchiCad Cine ma 4d GRAPHIC DESIGN Photoshop Illustrator Indesign Afteref fects

LANGUAGES English Arabic Turkish

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2018 | Golden A’Design Award - Italy Footwear, Shoes and Boots Design Category 2013 | Kıyı Köşe 1st Prize - Turkey Public space design & reintegration competition

EXPERIENCE FREELANCE ARCHITECT July 2018 - present Since obtaining my Master degree I have been working on preparing preliminary sketches, layouts, and drawings for personal clients, for both residential and commercial buildings. CO-FOUNDER & DESIGNER Jan 2016 - present


I took the initiative of co-founding an Istanbulbased genuine leather shoes brand that reflects my architectural background as a designer. Apart from design this opportunity provided the challenge of being responsible for different aspects of the project including brand identity, management, marketing, generating content for social media, website design, catalogue and brochures design, and the modeling and the making of a parametric exhibition stand. http s: //www.instagram . com /aie lle offic ial/

GRAPHIC DESIGNER Aug 2016 - May 2017


Designed 24 educational books using parametric patterns as the m ain theme for the series.

ARCHITECT April 2015 - Sept 2015


Architectural design, drafting and modeling, Small team management and project coordination between offices in Damascus and Istanbul. Proj ects include: a shopping mall and a cultural center competition (2nd prize), both project s in Karbala, Iraq. Two design competitions in Turkey: The Municipality Building in Izmir and the rehabilitation of a religious facility in Maltepe. ARCHITECTURAL INTERN Oct 2014 - Jan 2015


Worked on design and technical drawings for two residential projects.

METHODICAL SKILLS DIGITAL & PARAMETRIC DESIGN Using Python and C# within parametric and procedural design environments like Rhino GH, Revit, Cinema-4D Xpresso, and Houdini. AUTOMATION AND TOOL DEVELOPMENT Automating work-flow u sing python, writing C# based GH components to fit specific needs like scripting a tool for generating weighted voronoi cells, developing a command in Revit to create instant house geometry based on a Python model. DATA VISUALIZATION Python libraries: matplotlib and seaborn, Mining the city using QGIS and Mapbox, Network & graph based visualization like Gephi and MapCommons. Use of Processing and webbased visualization environments like d3js. DATA ANALYSIS I used NumPy and SciPy to analyze datasets such as the American Time Use Survey to derive normal tendencies and attributes of a population and embed them in a data-driven design process. URBAN ANALYSIS AND SIMULATION Developing a grid-based computational model to simulate the u rban growth processes of the Old City of Damascus. The Python-based model works also as a design tool for the housing typology in the studied area. Beside developing Space-Syntax like tools to provide better results of visibility analysis in complex urban settings.

ONGOING PROJECTS Developing a web-based design tool using Javascript and d3 library. I am currently learning Neural Networks and working on different applications of Machine Learning in self-organization, agent-based modeling and generative design.



SYS TEMS Presenting my work within the theme of systems is intended to better reflect my process-driven and problem-oriented approach to design, and my interest in providing generic solutions and workflows.


AUTOMATION BASIC ELEMENTS. .............................................................06

FUNCTIONAL N U M E R I C A L M A T R I C E S F O R S P A T I A L C O N F I G U R A T I O N .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4

GENERATIVE F A C A D E S Y S T E M S .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4

A B S T R A C T M O D E L S .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2

A N A LY T I C A L V I S I B I L I T Y A N A L Y S I S A N D V I S U A L I N T E G R A T I O N .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 6

U R B A N D ATA A N A LYS I S A N D V I S U A L I Z AT I O N .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4

+ E A R LY W O R K S E A R L Y W O R K S .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2


AUTO MA TION SYS TEMS With the goal of automating the architectural production, Basic Elements is a Python-based set of tools used for creating parametric and dynamic 3D buildings.



BASIC ELEMENTS Basic Elements is a library of tools that automate the creation of the basic components making most of the architectural forms, like walls, columns and beams. However the classification of these elements is not based on their functional use, but on their geometric relation to the axis curve they are based on. In this sense a wall, beam or a balcony belong the same topological category as they are elements parallel to the axis curve, nonetheless with varying dimensions and positions in relation to it. These elements can be add individually or within arrays to create more complex architectural components. Basic Elements automate the architectural production by defining buildings according to the relations between their components. Having these relations stored in scripts results in a dyn amic work-flow, as updating the base curves or volumes can update the building instantly without the nee d for remodeling.

El e me nt Pa ra l l e l

El e me nt Pa ra l l e l

Ar ray Pa ra l l e l Upwa rd s

Ar ray Pa ra l l e l Ou t wa rd s

Ar ray Pe r p e n d i c u l a r

Ar ray Pe r p e n d i c u l a r Rhy t h mi c

Ar ray Pe r p e n d i c u l a r Ra n d o mi ze d

X- Ar ray Pe r p e n d i c u l a r


Pe rpe n d ic u lar array Paralle l array Upwa rd s

Pa ra lle l Elements

Bas e Cu rve

The same elements shown above are dynamically used with different base curves and volumes to instantly create vary ing architectural envelopes.


Using different combinations of Basic Elements with varying dimensions and repetition rhythms creates a wide range of parametric architectural compositions that can be applied on different base curves or volumes.

r Base c ur ve =

# floor 11 slabs += v.buildSlabs(offset=sl glass += v.elementParallel(offs panels += v.arrayPerpen(divideEv s h i f t= - 0 . 2 , c e n t e r = T hdivision += v.elementParallel(offs roof += v.buildSlabs(level,cou roof += v.buildSlabs(level,cou

# floor 10 glass += v.elementParallel(offs columns += v.arrayPerpen(division columns += v.arrayPerpen(division columns += v.arrayPerpen(division panels + = v . a r r a y Pe r p e n U p w a r d s ( d i # floor 09 slabs += glass += columns += hdivision +=

v.buildSlabs(offset=sl v.elementParallel(leve v.arrayPerpen(level,co v.arrayParallelUpwards

# floor 08 slabs += v.elementParallel(offs glass += v.elementParallel(offs panels += v.arrayPerpenRandom(of # floor 07 glass += v.elementParallel(offs columns += v.NArrayPerpen(divisio panels += v.arrayPerpen(division s h i f t= - 0 . 2 ) hdivision += v.elementParallel(offs # floor 06 walls += v.elementParallel(offs walls += v.arrayPerpen(offset=s d i v i si o n N u m = 6 0 ) hdivision += v.elementParallel(offs hShading += v.arrayParallelOutward Usi ng GhPy thon co m ponent in Rhino Gra sshopper to use a ba se c ur ve from Rhin o to ge ne rate more comp lex fa ca de geometr ies.


# floor 05 slabs += v.elementParallel(offs glass += v.elementParallel(offs panels += v.arrayPerpenRhythmic( s p a c in g R h y t h m = [ 0 . 1 , # floor 04 slabs += v.elementParallel(offs walls += v.elementParallel(offs walls += v.arrayPerpen(offset=s d i v i si o n N u m = 2 0 ) glass += v.elementParallel(offs hdivision += v.elementParallel(offs # floor 03 beam += v.elementParallel(leve glass += v.elementParallel(offs division += v.arrayPerpen(division hShading += v.elementParallel(offs hdivision += v.elementParallel(offs balcony += v.arrayParallelUpwards balcony += v.arrayPerpen(division # floor 02 beam += division += hdivision += columns += panels


v.elementParallel(offs v.arrayPerpen(division v.elementParallel(offs v.arrayPerpen(divideEv c e n t er = F a l s e , d i r e c t += v.arrayPerpen(division s h i f t= - 0 . 1 5 , c e n t e r =

# floor 01 slabs += v.elementParallel(offs glass += v.elementParallel(offs panels += v.arrayPerpenRandom(of

abO ff s e t , t hickness=-0. 3) et= -0 . 2 , w i dth=0.05, height=floorHeight-0.3) ery =0 . 5 , o f fset=0, widt h=0.05, length=0.2 , he i g h t = f l o o r H e i g h t - 0 . 1 , c a p = T r u e , Tru e) et= 0, w i d t h =-0.2, height=0.1, moveV=floorHeigh t - 0 . 3 , c e n t e r = T r u e ) nt, o f f s e t = slabOffset, thickness=-0.3 ) nt, o f f s e t = slabOffset-0 .2, thickness=0.5)

et= -0 . 4 , w i dth=0.05, height=floorHeight-0.3) Num =2 0 , o f f set=0, width =0.3 , length=0.3, heig h t = f l o o r H e i g h t - 0 . 3 ) Num =6 0 , o f f set=0, width =0.02 , length=0.1, hei g h t = f l o o r H e i g h t - 0 . 3 ) Num =2 0 , o f f set=0.75, wi dth=0.15 , length=0.05, h e i g h t = f l o o r H e i g h t - 0 . 3 ) iv is i o n N u m = 20, offset=0 .45, width=0.1, length= 0 . 6 , h e i g h t = 0 . 0 5 , c a p = T r u e , s h i f t = - 0 . 2 )

abO ff s e t , t hickness=-0. 3) l,c ou n t , o f f set=-0.4, width=0.05, height=floorH e i g h t - 0 . 3 ) unt ,d i v i s i o nNum=30, off set=0, width=1 , length = 0 . 3 , h e i g h t = f l o o r H e i g h t - 0 . 3 ) (le v e l , c o u n t,offset=0, width=0.2, height=0.05, s p a c i n g = 0 . 1 5 , m o v e V = 1 . 5 )

et= sl a b O f f s et, height=-0.3, width=-slabInterio r O f f s e t - s l a b O f f s e t , c e n t e r = F a l s e ) et= -0 . 5 , w i dth=0.05, height=floorHeight-0.3) fse t= 0 . 9 , h eight=floorHeight-0.3, stepRange=[0 . 3 , 1 , 1 ] , s p a c i n g R a n g e = [ 0 . 1 5 , 1 , 1 0 ] )

et= 0. 4 , w i d th=0.05, height=floorHeight-0.3) nNu m= 2 2 , o f fset=0, widt h=0.2 , length=0.2, hei g h t = f l o o r H e i g h t - 0 . 3 ) Num =2 2 , o f f set=0.2, wid th=0.05, length=0.2 , h e i g h t = f l o o r H e i g h t - 0 . 1 , c a p = T r u e , et= 0, w i d t h =-0.2, height=0.1, moveV=floorHeigh t - 0 . 3 , c e n t e r = T r u e )

et= sl a b O f f s et-0.15, height=0.7 , width=0.3, ce n t e r = T r u e , s h i f t = 2 ) lab Of f s e t - 0 .15, width=0 .5, height=1.4, shift=0 . 6 , l e n g t h = - 0 . 2 , c e n t e r = T r u e , et= sl a b O f f s et-0.15, width=0.5, height=0.03, sh i f t = 2 - 0 . 0 3 ) s ( of f s e t = s l abOffset-0.1 5, moveV=2.7, height=0. 1 ) et= sl a b O f f s et, height=-0.3, width=-slabInterio r O f f s e t - s l a b O f f s e t , c e n t e r = F a l s e ) et= -0 . 5 , w i dth=0.05, height=floorHeight-0.3) le v e l , c o u n t=count, off set=0, height=floorHeig h t - 0 . 3 , s t e p R h y t h m = [ 0 . 1 5 ] , 0. 1, 0 . 8 ] , slide=0.5)

et= sl a b O f f s et, height=-0.3, width=-slabInterio r O f f s e t - s l a b O f f s e t , c e n t e r = F a l s e ) et= sl a b O f f s et-0.15, height=0.9, width=0.3, cen t e r = T r u e ) lab Of f s e t - 0 .15, width=0 .5, height=1.1, shift=0 . 9 , l e n g t h = - 0 . 2 , c e n t e r = T r u e , et= sl a b O f f s et-0.15, width=0.05, height=1.1, sh i f t = 0 . 9 ) et= sl a b O f f s et-0.15, width=0.5, height=0.03, sh i f t = 0 . 9 ) l,c ou n t , o f f set=0, width=-0.2, height=0.3, move V = 2 . 4 ) et= 0, w i d t h =0.05, height=floorHeight-0.3) Num =1 0 , o f f set=0.8, wid th=0.05, length= 1, hei g h t = 0 . 1 , s h i f t = 2 . 7 ) et= 0. 8 , w i d th=0.8, height=0.05, shift=2.65) et= 0, w i d t h =-0.15, height=0.05, moveV=1.8) (sh i f t = 0 . 5 , width=0.03, height=0.04, spacing=0 . 1 ) Num =1 0 , o f f set=1, width =0.05, length=0.15, hei g h t = 1 . 1 )

et= 0, h e i g h t= 0.3, width=-0.2, moveV=2.4) Num =1 0 , o f f set=0, width =0.05, length=0.15, hei g h t = f l o o r H e i g h t - 0 . 3 ) et= 0, w i d t h =-0.15, height=0.05, moveV=2) ery =4 , o f f s et=-0.5, wid th=0.3 , length=0.5, he i g h t = f l o o r H e i g h t - 0 . 3 , c a p = T r u e , tio n= - 1 , ) Num =6 0 , o f f set=1, width =0.05, length=0.4 , hei g h t = f l o o r H e i g h t - 0 . 1 5 , c a p = T r u e , =Fa ls e ) et= sl a b O f f s et, height=-0.3, width=-slabInterio r O f f s e t - s l a b O f f s e t , c e n t e r = F a l s e ) et= -0 . 5 , w i dth=0.05, height=floorHeight-0.3) fse t= 0 , h e i ght=floorHeight-0.3)




Cre at in g a va r i at i o n of b u ild in g s wi t h ra n d o mi ze d fac ad e pan e l s sys te ms [A RRAY P E R P END I C U L AR RA N DO M I Z ED].


Simpl e b u ild in g s for c reat in g ur ban contex t s .

The use of basic element s simplifies the 3D modeling of urban contexts by creating varying geometries based on 2D site plans.


FUNC TION AL SYS TEMS The projects in this section are focused on the functional configuration of both architectural and urban spaces and the use of numerical matrices as a data model for facilitating the spatial organization process.






T H E ? FA C T O RY | T U D E L F T

To solve such dynamic problem, a bottom-up process of self-organization was developed. This means that every voxels cloud was to act as an agent that has the ability to evaluate its current activity, volume, and position in the envelope. Based on this evaluation every agent decides to update or maintain its position to insure that it achieves its needed volume, while allowing the other voxel clouds to do the same as well.



Under the theme of city densification, this group project with The Why Factory design studio aimed to create a transformable building that responds to the changes in activities and spaces required by users. In order to do so, dif ferent human activities were mapped, with the use of 'voxel' as a unit for measuring spatial volumes. My contribution to the project was focused on the organizational logic behind fitting variant voxel clouds, representing different activities, withi n a given volume. As users chan ge activities over time, the voxel clouds change volume and shape accordingly. This makes the organization problem a dynamic one as input changes in every time iteration. Mo re a b o u t th e p ro j ec t at: -onthe go/

SPACES AS NUMERICAL MATRICES Applying this logic into a computational model was challenging. The first generation of solutions depended on creating 3D geometries and intersecting them together, however this approach required a great computational power and slowed down the organization process. Eventually a new data model, based on numerical matrices, were used, which proved to be faster and more efficient. The organization script was written in Python language were all the intersections between voxel clouds were numerically resolved. The outputs of the organization process were visualized in different 3D environment s, including Rhino and Cinema 4D. In order to transform the voxel clouds into build-able spaces, they were flattened into two-dimensional sections and the computational model was used to organize their positions in every time frame. Finally a movable gear-based blanksystem was developed to accommodate the continuously changing spatial confi guration of the voxel clouds within the envelope.


COURTYARD HOUSES As a part of my Master degree thesis tit le d 'System Agency for Bottom-up Design', I developed a computational design system that replicates the bottom-up growth processes of the Old City of Damascus as a case study. The same numerical-based organizational logic was developed for this goal starting from the architectural sc ale of individual courtyard houses to the urban scale of the residential neighborhood. In the previous example, the organized spaces where individual voxel clouds with no interrelations between them. However applying the same organizational logic in more traditional architectural spaces will need establishing connections between spaces to achieve required functionality. Therefore the connectivity graph and design rules were both translated into numerical relations to govern the relation between different spaces in every house. This input tabl e s h ows t h e fu n c t ion al prog ram a n d re quired area for 1 0 d iffe re nt h ou s e s u s e d in t h e st udy model .

CONNECTIVITY GRAPH The connectivity graph stores the required relations between different spaces in the program and whether they require direct access with a door or only adjacency to each other.



In addition to achieving the required connectivity graph, there are certain configuration rules needed in the studied courtyard house typology. These rules are mainly related to the functional program and rooms orientation. Rules are translated to their numerical equivalents in order to ease the computation proces s and allow the application of different variations of the same rule.

A s a m ple of the computatio n al m od e l ou t p ut w hich defines the bo rd e rs for t h e p o si t i o ns ever y room in eve ry h o u s e get s within avail abl e are a. Th e s e re sult s are l ater visua lize d in d i f fe re nt 3D model ing software s .

General wor k- fl ow of the process.


Th e co mp u t at i o n a l mo d e l ge n e rate s va r i at i o n s of co u r tyard houses plans based on t h e s t u d i e d t y p o l ogy co n n e c t i v i t y g ra p h and t h e re q u i re d ro o ms a n d a re a s i n t h e i np u t table.


ORGANIZING HOUSES WITHIN URBAN PLOT This step of the process aims to organize the ten different houses configurations reached in the previous stage within a given plot with two accessibility points. This includes fitting the houses within the plot in a way that prevents intersections between the houses and insures all th e houses are access ible to the two access points.

Di f ferent iterations in the expansion proce s s showing houses grad u ally cla iming some of the fre e sp a ce around under t h e co ndition of preserv in g a ccessibil ity for al l .



An essential aspect of the evolution process of The Old city of Damascus is the gradual expansion of houses to the vacant vicinities. The expansion is allowed as long as it is not denying accessibility to any of the other houses in the plot. The developed model simulated the expansion processes based on the urban rules of accessibility and conflict resolution.

EXPANSION & ACCESSIBILITY A numerical-based tool was developed to evaluate the accessibility of every house during every layer of expansion. It depends on checking the continuity of vacant grid pixels from every house entrance to the defined accessibility points.

Fi na l st reets netwo rk when no m o re expansion is po ssible.


C h a n g i n g t h e i nitial p o s i t i o n s of t h e h o us es by c h a n g i n g t h e ran d o mn es s s e e d re s u l t s i n d ifferent s t re et s co nf i g u ratio n s, w h i l e t h e s a me exp an sio n r u l e s s t i l l a p p l y.

Following the expansion and accessibility rules, till no more expansion is possible, results in an emergent streets network which is to far extent irregular. Shuffling the initial positions of the houses result in different streets configurations. Therefore, the computational model generates a wide variation of possible spatial configurations for the houses in the neighborhood. And while the emergent streets networks are variant, they share general characteristics like irregularity, deadendedness and bifurcation patterns, which are all important traits of the organic streets network found in The Old City of Damascus.



22 Ba s e ma p of Th e Ol d C i ty of Damascus based on: Sa c k , D. (1989). Da m a s k u s : Entwicklung und Struktur einer orientali sch-i sla m i sche n Sta d t. Ma i nz a m Rhe i n: P. von Za b e r n.

When compared to the existing streets pattern in The Old City of Damascus, the model-generated streets based on the expansion and accessibility rules s eem to hold great visual resemblance to the area of study. This highlights the importance of the simulated rules in the urban morphology of the city and the emergence of its current urban texture. It also provides an opportunity for the deployment of such model in generating such complex urban networks with more up-to-date design standards.

Th e ge n e rate d s t re et n et wo r k s [i n g ray] h o l d g re at v i s u a l re s e mb l a n ce to t h e ex i s te d u r b a n p at te r n s [i n w h i te].

Ge n e rat i n g ge o met r y o u t of t h e co mp u te d h o u s e s co nf i g u rat i o n s , i n t h i s ex a mp l e by t ra n s l at i n g t h e n u me r i c a l mat r i ce s i nto Rev i t a rc h i te c t u ra l e l e me nt s , l i ke wa l l s , openings and slabs.


GEN ERA TIVE SYS TEMS This section explores the generation of vario us facade panels systems out of a base surface. It depends on the use of scripting in modeling facade unit elements based on the surface points and normals.



FACADE SYSTEMS Ba s e NU R B S s u r fa ce a n d co nt ro l p o i nt s .

Eva l u at i n g t h e s u r fa ce o n e q u a l i nte r va l s c re at i n g a t wo d i me n s i o n a l g r i d of p o i nt s o n i t .

Vi s u a l i zat i o n of n o r m a l ve c to rs o n t h e eva l u at i o n p o i nt s .


Cre at i n g d ifferent co n n e c t i ons b etween t h e s u r fa ce p o ints ge n e rate s vario u s facad e te s s e l l at i o ns an d p an els sys te ms .

The design of a bu ilding facade plays an important role in the visual conception of the building and its environmental performance. The development in computational tools allows for creating parametric and optimized facade elements based on the desired visual effect and the relation of the building envelope to site parameters. The computational tool used in this project is developed based on RhinoCommon API, using Python programming language.



Af te r co n n e c t i n g t h e p o i nt s to c re ate t r i a n g u l ate d fa c a d e p a n e l s , t h e h a l f fa c i n g we s t i s o p e n e d a l o n g t h e s u r fa ce n o r ma l ve c to r at t h e ce nte r of t h e p a n e l .

Sor ting sur face point s in two- dimension al ar ray in order to c re ate repeatabl e facad e el ements based on connec tions b et we e n adjacent points .


Open Facade Element: topTriangle = Polyline(points[i ] [ j ] + v e c t o r , p o i n t s [ i - 1 ] [ j ] , p o i n t s [ i ] [ j + 1 ] ) bottomTriangle = Polyline(points[i ] [ j ] + v e c t o r , p o i n t s [ i + 1 ] [ j ] , p o i n t s [ i ] [ j + 1 ] ) Closed Facade Element: triangle = Polyline(points[i ] [ j ] , p o i n t s [ i + 2 ] [ j ] , p o i n t s [ i + 1 ] [ j + 1 ] )

Th e d ire c t ion a l a p p l i c at i o n of t h e pan e ls o p e n i n g s c an b e u s efu l i n p rov i d i n g s h ad in g from a d e s i re d d ire c t ion w h il e ma i nt a i n i n g t h e v is u al con n e c t i v i t y a n d n at u ral lig ht ing .



Diffe re nt pe rs pe c ti ve v iews of t h e com p o s i t i o n s h ow in g t h e applic at i o n of b ric k s on a c u rv y s u rface .

This project present s a tool for positioning standard building bricks (225 mm x 112.5 mm x 75 mm ) on any curvy surface, creating interesting compositions and shadow themes.


To p v i ew of t h e co mp o s i t i o n .

A two-d im e n s ion al point s gr id b as e d on evalu at in g the s u rface on e q u al intervals . These point s work as refere n ce point s for br ic k s pos it ion in g .

Si d e El evat i o n .


GEN ERA TIVE SYS TEMS An essential advantage of the use of computational tools in design is understanding the phenomena of 'emergence' as a higher degree of organizatio n appearing out of the repetitive application of certain rules. Cellular Automata and Fractal based models are great examples of such use of computational tools.




Th is frac t al s t ru c t u re is b as e d on t h e h ie rarc h al s c alin g an d re -pos it ion in g of a b as e ge om et ry. Th e c u rre nt form is a re s u lt of re pe at in g t h e proce s s for fou r ge n e rat ion s .



C o m p u tat i o n a l M o d e l

t = 0

t = 6

t = 12

t = 18

t = 24

t = 30

t = 36

t = 42

t = 48

t = 54

t = 60

t = 66

t = 78

t = 84

t = 96

t = 120

The appl ic ation of Cel l ul ar Automat a Gam e of Life r ul es in 3 D. Th e different iterat ion s show the unfol d in g of intr iguing yet e m e rge nt spatial organizat ion s .


ANA LY T I CAL SYS TEMS This project applies visibility analysis techniques for both architectural and urban spaces. The applied method is dependent on using 3D models as input rather than 2D plans. This proves useful especially in the case of urban example as the analysis takes into consideration the third dimension and the overlapping bridges and underpasses.



VISUAL CONNECTIVITY 3 D m o d e l of s t u d y s p a ce .

The analysis logic is based on representing the study area with a grid of points at the eye level. The first step in the process is finding the visibility field for every point in the grid. This is done by shooting rays to the other points and intersecting them with the studied geometry. The intersection process classifies the grid points within two groups, visible or invisible to the study point. This step of the analysis is also useful in evalu ating the visibility of certain p osition in the plan or in tracking the visibility field of one person wandering through the studied area.

An alys i s p o i nt s at eye l eve l a n d s e le c te d s t u d y point .

V is ion rays f ro m s t u d y p o i nt to eve ry ot h e r p o i nt in t h e a n a l ys i s are a.

Inte rs e c t i n g rays w i t h t h e 3 D m od e l to d ef i n e ob s t acl e s a n d inv is ib l e p o i nt s .

Rays to v i s i b l e point s d ef i n e t h e v is ib ili t y f i e l d .

Coloring p o i nt s in t h e s t u d y a re a accordi n g to t h e i r v is ib ili t y to s t u d y point .

Ever y point is a s s ig n e d a val ue accordin g to it s visibil ity to stu d y point . [1] stands for v is ib le an d [0] for invisibl e.


Re pre s e nt i n g v is ib ili t y w i t h n u m e ri c a l va l u e .

Representing the visibility of every point in the grid in numerical values is useful for the second step of the process whic h aims to find the overall vi sibility graph of the studied area. This is done by adding together all the layers of analysis for individual points in the grid. The layers on the right show different visibility fields for different points in the study area. Applying the same logic for every point and adding the resulting values together defines the number of other points every point is visually connected to. The higher the number, the more visually connected the point is. The overall visibility is represented at the bottom u sing a color range highlighting the most and least visible points in the study area.

Le ss Vi sibl e

Mos t V is ib le


An example of an architectural plan wi th more differentiated room sizes and organization.

Arc hitec tural space

Anal ysis point s / fiel d

Visual connec t iv it y anal ysis

URBAN VISIBILITY A N A LYS I S Applying the same visibility analysis in urban cases is more challenging, especially when the area is not flat but has overlapping roads, tracks, bridges, and underpasses as in this case study in London. In order to better represent the nature of the area, the analysis points are projected in a way that takes the overlapment of the roads into consideration. This way the complexity of the urban network is not reduced to a flat grid, and the analysis takes into account points on different levels. This application of the 3d visibility model in urban case is an attempt to overcome some of the limitati ons that the traditional 2d analysis, like the one used in Space Syntax, imposes on understanding the nature of urban settings. Using a 'projected' analysis, therefore, is more representative of the realit y of the space and yields more acc urate visibility analysis.


3 d Mod e l of t h e an alys is are a* 2 *2 m point s g rid for an a l ys i s

Is olat in g s tre et s an d te rrains a s t h e m ain s p a ce for an alys is

Proje c t in g an alys is po i nt s o n d iffe re nt leve l s of t h e s t re et s n et work Re m ov in g point s in s id e t h e b u ild in g s A 3d model * of the se lec ted ur ban stud y a re a in London show in g a compl ex networ k of streets, br idges, an d tra cks.

Re s u lt ant an alys is po i nt s

V is ion fie ld fo r point A

V is ion fie ld fo r point B

V is ion fie ld fo r point C

All point s an alys is

41 *Base m o d e l of Lo n d o n by Acc uC i ti es htt ps:// w w w.a cc u c i ti es . com /3d -c i ty-models-gallery/

PROJECTED VISIBILITY A N A LYS I S The result of the analysis showing the most visually connected streets within the study area. It is important to highlight that the analysis manages to capture the accurate structure of the network as it differentiates between the different levels of the overlapping points and assigns different values to them according to their visibility to the rest of the network.




2 level


42 1



The analysis resolution is 2m pixels, lifted from the ground to the human eye level.


ANA LY T I CAL SYS TEMS This section presents different visualization metho ds for urban datasets, with themes like cities and populations, Geo-located residents activities, and urban and global mobility tracks (including the simplified world flights map on the opposite page).


U R B A N D ATA A N A LY S I S & V I S U A L I Z AT I O N 45



Under the theme of cities and population , these are different maps exploring the global distribution of urban densities. Map [1] uses KD-Trees to represent density. While map [2] uses dot plots to highlight the inhabited areas on the globe. Map [3] represents the concentration of population in the US based on countie s. Map [4] provides a more accurate representation of population numbers using color and scaled dots.





2 M * Ba s e d on : http s : //b eta . o b s 3 a3 7 9 f b1 5 9 be7 1 4 Dat a f rom: http s : //www. k a gg

3 M

4 M 5 M

A ma p of wo r l d c i t i es . Th e ra d i u s a n d co l o r of every c i rc l e co r re s p o n d to the p o p u l at i o n n u mb e r wh en ava i l a b l e .

n o r e c o r d o f p o p u l at i o n


30 M




A map of gun violence incidents in the US during the years 2013-2018. The radius of the circle corresponds to the number of people killed in the incident.

A v i s u a l i zat i o n of t h e s a me d at a s et s h ow i n g t h e n u mb e r of i n c i d e nt s by s t ate . Th e g ra p h i s p ro d u ce d u s i n g Java s c r i pt D 3 l i b ra r y.

48 Data from : http s: // w w w.k a gg le .com / j a m e slko/g u n-v i ole n ce - dat a



The map shows complaints to the police about parties in nearby bars during 2016. The color of every circle corresponds to the number of complaints calls with the type “Loud music/Party”.

Pa r t i e s d i s t r i b u t i o n i n re l at i o n to t h e c i ty s u bway sys te m.

49 Data from : http s: // w w w.k a gg le .com /som e snm /p a r ty nyc

TAXIS IN PORTO Zoom -in to t h e c i t y ce nte r Diffe re nt rou te s by o n e t a x i b as e d on t h e c all t y p e .

ta x i c e n t r a l b a s e d ta x i s ta n d b a s e d street based

The visualized dataset is generated by tracking the trips of the 442 taxis running in Porto city for one year between 2013-2014. The dataset describes the trajectories, durations and call types of these trips.

Di f fe re nt ma p s c a l e s s h ow i n g t h e t r i p s of a l l of t h e 4 4 2 t a x i s i n Po r to co l o re d a cco rd i n g to call type.

50 Data from : http s: // w w w.k a gg le .com /cra i lta p/ta xi -tra j e ctor y


Based on a dataset published by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, these maps show the flow of refugees across the world in 2016.

A g lob e -b as e d v is u aliz at ion of t h e d at as et u s in g D3 lib rary*. L in e we ig ht s re pre s e nt t h e n u m b e r of refu ge e s .

Sa me d at a s et v i s u a l i zed in Ma p b ox , n o l i n e we i ghts o r d i re c t i o n s . Visual izing the d at as et in Q G I S . Col or gradient s are u s e d to s h ow t h e direc tions of refu ge e s flows .

* In s p i red by a n d b a s ed on: ht t p: //b l . o c k s . org/d wtk ns/4 9 7 3 6 2 0 ht t ps : //b eta . ob s er va b l mbostock/d3 -orthographic Dat a from : ht t p: //d ata . u n . o rg/Data . aspx?d= UNHCR& f= indID%3 AType-Ref


+ SYS TEMS The following projects are a sample of my early architectural works whether in scho ol or in offices . They range from freehand exploration of negative space in Istanbul, to early use of computational tools in creating 'parametric sketches'.






2 0 1 5 | S C H O O L P R OJ E C T


I s ta n b u l T e c h n i c a l U n i v e r s i t y

Early explorations in digital architecture and computational design, mainly using Grasshopper and GHpython. [1] Experimenting with material memory using folding technique on fabric , the model was made as a part of research about transformable spaces. [2] Studies on weaving patterns. The model was made by placing two layers of points on the generating surfaces and, using a python script, connecting alternate points to create the interlocking weaving pattern.




[3-4-5] Explore different geometries generate d based o n voronoi cells in Grasshopper. [6] Simple rotation of a basic element based on the x-position parameter.

DYNAMIC BUILDING The project goal was to create variant research spaces that accommodate both individuals and groups of researchers. In order to find the best configuration that achieves natural lighting and thermal comfort, the building was designed by building a dynamic 3d model with different parameters creating diffe rent variations for the design solutions.

Wo r k i n g ce l l s d i s t r i b u te d o n a t re e l i ke s t r u c t u re w h e re d i f fe re nt b ra n c h e s a re co nt ro l l e d by t h e s u n a n g l e , v i ew, a n d d i s t a n ce s b et we e n ce l l s .



Using Rhino and Grasshopper, design parameters were built into one model that incorporated also the structural frames supporting the cells.

Parameters i nclud e s un a ngle, d esired distance between wo rking cells, and th e size an d s hap e of every cell.


2 0 1 3 | S C H O O L P R OJ E C T I s ta n b u l T e c h n i c a l U n i v e r s i t y



Th e fa ca de consists of p e r fo rate d cor ten panel s wit h g raff iti patter ns inspired by t h e o ne s ex isted in the ol d bl o c k s.

Th e p ro j e c t a re a h a s a g re at v i ew to t h e fo u r fa mo u s i s l a n d s a d j a ce nt to Is t a n b u l . Th e refo re , t h e ma i n vo l u me s of t h e b u i l d i n g s we re p o s i t i o n ed to f ra me t h e v i ews a n d t h e ma i n f u n c t i o n s of t h e b u i l d i n g we re p l a ce d a cco rd i n g l y.


Se c t i o n s a l o n g t h e n ew b l o c k s s h ow i n g t h e n e g at i ve s p a ce used as a public one.




I s ta n b u l B a s e d S h o e s B r a n d

EXHIBITION STAND A waf fle structure exhibition stand designed for holding seven of Aielle shoes. The basic volume was modeled in Rhino and the sections for the waffle structure were created using a Grasshopper script. The structure was made of wooden planks and designed to be selfsupporting upon assembly.

ABOUT AIELLE Aielle is a slow fashion footwear brand. Designed and hand-crafted in Istanbul. It combines m inimalist abstraction of art and geometry with the prestige of high-end fashion, and the classic of English heels.

Beside being a co-founder and a designer in Aielle, I worked on creating the brand identity by designing the logo, web-page, Instagram account, catalogs and flayers, and the packaging. All in accordance wi th the spirit of the brand and my background as an architect.




S C H O O L P R OJ E C T TU D e l f t

The challenge is this project was to redesign the facade system of EWI, a b uilding in TU Delft campus that is exposed to high speed wind affecting the safety and comfort of pedestrians passing by the building. The main design approach was to create a dynamic facade system which is based on fo ld-able elements with different dimensions based on their location on the facade. The dimensions of every eleme nt is calculated based on the desired sun access and the wind speed according to the facade orientation.


Using Python and Grasshopper, a script was written to simulate the folding of the facade elements. This helped in finding the correct shap e for the rails, especially the hor izontal one as it follows a complex parabolic trajecto ry.



2 0 1 4 | S C H O O L P R OJ E C T I s ta n b u l T e c h n i c a l U n i v e r s i t y

ACCESSIBLE HOUSING Located in Heybeliada Island, Istanbul, the aim behind this island retreat was to create a temporary residences with special focus on accessibility. The island has a long tradition of constructing wooden houses. Therefore, the proposed designs aimed to incorporate different wooden element s to create a ki nd of representation for the island identity, while depending on simp le and abstract white volumes, to create minimal disturbance to the natural environment surrounding the site.



A competition entry for renovating an existing structure to host spaces with spiritual and aggregational functions.



G r o u p P r oj ec t | T r u s t - l i n e s

Being budget critical, the design approach was to create minimal interventions in the existing structure and to add focal gathering points using elements like a dome for the religious space, and a parasol-like element for the public space.

All t he suggested el em e nt s , includi ng the fac ades, we re de si g ne d as a waffl e str u c t u re m a d e of wooden plan k s .

IZMIR MUNICIPALITY A competition entry for Izmir municipality building, Turkey. The main design objective was to insure the privacy of the administrative offices wh ile maintaining the general c haracter of the building as a public property.

This was achieved by placing a ‘crack’ in th e building that separated unrelated functions and created a shaded area for public use, which also provides a shelter from the noise and polluti on of the adjacent highway.


M O S T R E C E N T V E R S I O N AT http s : //i n d d .a d o b e .co m /v i ew/ 3 3 e 5 a 7 f b-7 ba 8 -4 9 f 1 -9 1 0 9 -9 1 e 3 1 7 d4 8 7 2 8

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