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Cover Letter Curriculum vitae Urban / Architecture Portfolio Publications Competition Entry Graphic Portfolio Writing Sample ANNEXES



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About Me Hi ..

“Change can never happen without real knowledge and hardcore devotion to your beliefs.Egypt at its

current complicated post-revolution trauma needs empowered designers, researchers and professional practitioners to help monitor and guide the upcoming inevitable change that will shape our cities, to be less brutal, more homogenous. Being one of these change makers has always been a goal that I will fight for. “

Nouran El Marsafy, a 29-year-old Egyptian architecture graduate, living through the postrevolution in Cairo, it was neither easy nor hard, it was rather a life-changing experience. It shifted my perceptions a lot, I changed from being the architect who cares about buildings only to an Urban/Policy/Socio-Economical orientated person, which was reflected on my graduation project were I handled the Nubian minority issues and the conflict between the state and the residents, how the state relocated them and how disoriented they were and whether they were marginalized or self-isolated. I tried my best to resolve some conflict by my design, and to re-develop people which wasn’t easy back then as I lacked too much knowledge I knew about and gained later one by time and experience. My architecture study years added some qualities to me such as appreciating differences, being capable of analysis and observations, creativity, and finally working under high stress. I see urban studies (planning, design, and anthropology) as an investment in our communities that rewards us today and leaves an invaluable resource for future generations. I also think that understanding our past, and present dilemmas regarding the urban formations help in shaping and defining my Cairian urban identity. As a born and raised Egyptian, home of one of the oldest civilizations of the world, walking in the streets and observing the surroundings, it made me aware of the recent assault on our heritage and urban formations around me, so I was lucky enough to start my career with Tarek Waly Center for architecture and heritage where I learnt to work on different urban and restoration projects most of them were development oriented, afterwards participated as a junior architect and urban researcher in the Maspero Parallel Project which aimed to resolve the land ownership conflict problems and generating economic opportunities to create an inclusive urban design proposal, after that I worked on a more socio-urbanism oriented project that was related to the people of Ramlet Boulaq, And by then formed a more solid ground regarding participation and parallel practice, and how different members of the community should engage with their community development, to result in a sustainable urban practice. Nevertheless, there is still much knowledge out there that I am craving to learn about. Throughout my pre-masters’ study in the double master program. I was introduced to the sustainable development, circular economy aspects, and approaches to create a solid economic base for city and citizens’ development and this interested me the most willingly I decided that I need to work, read and practice more this approach. This helped me through my Master thesis, where I worked on my master theses on the Sustainable redevelopment of Heritage Market districts, and my case study was Manshia District in Alexandria. my approach was micro interventions and how they create a real developmental scenario for the market and the district as a whole. Now I am back to teaching Urban Design and Architecture design at the AAST in Cairo, hoping I will be able to transfer the knowledge I gained along the years to the students. At the moment I am open to embrace new challenges and projects.


over Letter




Egypt 3 Mahmoud El Badry,Nasr City

+2 01006673115

4/2017- 10/2017

6/2017- 10/2017

Urban Designer/ Architect & Researcher

Languages SKILLS


English German French

Technical SKILLS

5/2015- 9/2016


Photoshop Indesign Illustrator AutoCad Sketchup PowerPoint Office

10/ 2015- 6/2 016


Design, and Urban Design teacher assistant - Cairo Arab Academy for science and technology and maritime transport- Part Time • Working with the students in the design studio. • Developing with the students their design ideas and helping them visualize it, within the course outline and the design principals. • Aiding the Professors with the material for the course. • Aiding the students with precedence and examples to help them out. • Evaluating the students through the course. • Assists and prepares lectures

Urban Design/ Research - Cairo Noon Architects - Part Time • Sustainable urban development proposal for Quseir, Red Sea, Egypt • Masterplan designing • Preparing urban studies, architectural and structural analysis. • Illustrations and map drafting. • Report writing. • Analytical researching. Report Designing - Cairo IHCG ( Ibrahim Elhayawan consultancy Group) - Part Time • Designing and editing the company profile. • Helping in creating the web content. • Aiding in logo design.

Marketing Specialist - Cairo Engineering consultant group (ECG) - Full Time • Updating company’s website. • Working on company’s brochure, Presentation and Credentials. • Designing project sheets on various fields • Working on the company’s monthly newsletter • Presenting the company in any event. • Preparing research and presentation for clients. • Coordinating with a different sector in the company for project data collection. Design, and Urban Design teacher assistant - Cairo Arab Academy for science and technology and maritime transport- Part Time • Working with the students in the design studio. • Developing with the students their design ideas and helping them visualize it, within the course outline and the design principals. • Aiding the Professors with the material for the course. • Aiding the students with precedence and examples to help them out. • Evaluating the students through the course.

4/2015- 12/ 2015 7/ 2013- 1/ 2015

Urban Researcher and Report Designer - Cairo 10Tooba, Applied Research on the Built Enviroment - Part Time • Researching on the urban and social transformation of Ramlet Boulaq. • Working on presentation of the research. • Data collection and data analysis • Map drafting, urban and social mapping, and social Interviews. • Report writing, and Report design Published Online book - on 10Tooba Website - 2016 Junior Architect and Urban Design/researcher - Cairo MADD Platform - Full Time • Urban upgrading of Maspero triangle Area (Alternative Housing Project and Restoration of the existing Houses). • Preparing urban studies, architectural and structural analysis. • Mapping Streets and Activity settings. • Social and Architecture Surveying • Cad drawing, illustrations and map drafting. • Report writing and analytical researching. Published Online Book - on ISSUE - 2016

Extracurricular Activities • Environmental Camp with the League of Arab States at Nuiaba 2005 • Participant at STP start workshop 2009 • A workshop that deals with Stock market and brokering • Member of (Oshaa’ el hayaa) Art and cultural student Activity.2009 • A student activity funded by elder Architecture students, interested in spreading cultural and knowledge through book club, cinema club, photography club. • Member of juniors committee – STP 2010 • Teaching soft skills to secondary students at Aliaa School, Maadii , cairo - STP 2010 • Head of the Architectural Department Cinema Club for 2 years 2009-2010 • Member of the Architectural Department Book club 2010. • An Instructor at (Architects Of the Future) workshop. 2011 • A workshop held by Architecture department , for children from 6-12 years old, giving them introduction about architecture through easy ways as Physical models ‘ and games and colours 2012 • Blogging about Cairo (urban-social aspects) and my daily life experience in English and Arabic.

References Upon Request


ornological progress

Personal SKILLS

Presentation skills Leadership Working under pressure Problem solving Teamwork Resiliency Critical thinking Creativity Verbal and written Communication

EDUCATION October 2016- Septmber 2018

Urban Design - Revitalization of Historic City Districts Master of Science (M.Sc.)

September 2012 – January 2014 Pre-Master Studies in Urban Design & Community Development, Cairo University

September 2007 – June 2012 Bsc. Bachelor Degree in Architecture, Cairo University

Fellowship & Mentoring (Current) October 2018- March 2019

We Lead - Women’s leadership initiative economic advancement and entrepreneurship - George W. Bush center and Southern Methodist University


rban & Architecture Portfolio

Master Thesis - 2018


Alexandria, Egypt

El Gomrok District

Manshia Sector

Design Approach Illustration

Walking path People Gathering Spots

Market foot Traffic Analysis

The project studies and analyses Heritage Market districts. It is concerned with the role and effect of local urban markets in the historical setting of Alexandria’s City center. Exploring some possible interventions to reach a thriving market, and a sustainable heritage market district. Design Approach “re-introducing the patterns of socio-economic uses in order to upgrade the physical quality of spaces without losing any of the Area’s values.”

Blow U Buildi

Up - showing Manshia Square, Wekala heritage ing, Street Markets and Market Piazza Shot A- Showing New Market Piazza

Pre-Masters Project

Group Work- 2017

Qusier 2030. Sustainable Urban Redevelopment of Old industrial site.

El-Qusier is a city that faces many challenges. For number of years now, the city is mostly dependent on others to supply it with the main resources. A situation that is not sustainable. Accordingly, Depending on local resources available in the post-industrial site either they are natural (Sea-Sun-Desert) or man-made (Existing buildings and structures - Infrastructure) to achieve sustainable development through one big project that deploys an integrated Eco-friendly system for production of freshwater, energy, biomass and food to help the city reach satisfaction levels in 2030, what’s more, it employs the beautiful nature of Qusier and historic monuments in creating a nucleus for Eco-tourism along the Red sea which will eventually help fostering the local economy of Qusier, strengthening social livability in addition to protecting the natural environment on the different scales.

Site Analysis, Relation between Qusier and the nearby cities

Master Plan showing the Energy and Farming fields within the Industrial site

Sections showing the proposed integrated Systems together

3D visualization of the enegry fields complimenting the already existing heritage Church

Pre-Masters Project

Group Work- 2016

The Schรถneweide Incubator Adaptive Re-use of Old Industrial Heritage site in Berlin, Germany

Figure Ground Map and Area Analysis

The open space introduced to the Area in order to keep the spree front Publicly Used

Master Plan showing the main housing clusters and some details for the proposed housing typologird

Pre-Masters Project

Individual - 2018

Climatic awareness center New Architecture in Historic Context, Alexandria, Egypt “ BREEZE is the first interactive dynamic, climatic awareness center in the middle east. The Center will be a new step on Alexandria’s road map of being a leading cultural city, worldwide and in the middle east. Breeze aims to dynamically enhance the role of shallalat historic gardens from just being a lunge for the dense city center, into a hub for upgrading the citizen’s urban awareness of city history and how to handle the future climatic crisis. BREEZE will also promote a greener city center that caters for walking, jogging and cycling inside the city not only on the waterfront. BREEZE will work on supporting Shallalt garden to be the catalyst for city culture and climatic development and knowledge.”

Birds Culture

Plants Culture

Admin, MPU & Seminar Halls

Fish Culture

Climate Change Stimulation Zone



10-Tooba, Jan. 2016

Research Publication

January 2016 Research / Logo Design / Publication Design

Softwares Used Publishhed reseach report, on Ramlet Boulaq, Cairo, Egypt.

MADD Platform, Jan. 2015

Research & Design

January 2015 Research / Architect / Urban Designer

Publishhed reseach report, on Maspero Triangle area, Cairo, Egypt


ompetition Entiries

Team work, Jan. 2016

Urban Innovations was a multidisciplinary Competition Organized by; Cairo University, American University, and Megarwa built environment. and Sponsered by SODIC Developments

Cairo from below Competition

Team work, Dec. 2012

Competition Entry:

Cairo the City of Dreams The proposal is mainly a dreamy vision of the country structure in order to reach how the city residence dream of their city. The entry is based on a Questionnaire of how people dream of Cairo, then a structured Online survey was designed to list down the sample priorities and to design a proposed solution.

Researchers Vision of a functioning State

1st Degree relation 2nd Degree relation 3rd Degree relation Pressing issues relationship digram

Proposed structure digram


raphical Portfolio

Storyboarding, Charachter



Logo Designing People of Quseir, Red Sea, Egypt

Marginality in Ramlet Boulaq, Cairo, Egypt



People of Ramlet Boulaq, Cairo, Egypt

2018 Logo Design

Branding Pattern

Hand Sketching

& Water Coloring 2007 Till 2013

Company Brochure & Business-card Design 2017

Business Card Design




riting Sample

Abstract Markets are places for activities, diverse opportunities, and bringing together different sectors of city residents. They are city cores, aiding to cities’ economic growth and development, according to the patterns of supply and exchange. Markets also create an inclusive job hub. Despite significant economic challenges, some markets managed to keep on growing and evolving by the day. As for the Egyptian cities with their significant morphological and social anatomy; Markets encompass vibrant and numerous market typologies. They are a daily go to for most of the city residents. They are allocated at least in two or three streets of any neighborhood. One of the most significant Egyptian typologies are the markets within heritage locations. This research defines them as “Heritage Market Districts”. Such markets create a sense of originality and authenticity for both the residents and the buyers. This can be seen in the case of Manshia Market, Alexandria’s historic downtown and commercial hub. This research problematizes to the Egyptian developmental context and how it perceives markets’ districts complexity of activities. The overwhelming pedestrian movements and vehicular traffic problems. Markets are mostly perceived as a hindrance for any kind of development. Hence, this research tries to investigate the socioeconomic potentials of Manshia heritage market district by studying the spatial manifestation of the social uses of space, streets and heritage structures. Methodologically, the research is an empirical study based on primary and secondary data. The primary data is gathered through field surveying, interviews, and structured Questionnaire. The secondary data is based on reviewing literature and theories on cultural heritage, Urban markets and the different spatial pattern language of socioeconomic uses This study will present new design patterns for the Manshia square, and the use of ground floors of the commercial heritage structures. It will also suggest some regulations and managerial proposals for some spaces in the market. This is based on the analysis of the existing patterns and their problems. The research significance is introducing “the heritage market district” as a definition to understand the multilayering of markets, within the heritage perception. Additionally, the research documents current patterns of use for the market as a public space representing the points of attraction, and the social; spatial behaviors, as an attempt to define the whole market system as one entity.

ANNEXES Online Resources. Articles with TWC online Journal. • • • Published Researches • Transformations • Cairo from below Competition • =o.105693006200454&type=

My Online Portfolio and blog


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