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Nour El Qirem

Nour Musbah Mustafa El Qirem is an architecture, architectural design & construction information practice professor. After receiving her bachelor's degree in architecture from the German Jordanian University (GJU) in 2011 & in “raumplanung” from the Technical University of Dortmund (TU-Dortmund) in 2010, she continued to earn a master of science in architectural conservation from the GJU in 2015 & a practice professorship in architectural design & construction information from the Al Hussein Technical University (HTU) & in architecture from the University of Kansas (KU) in 2023. Prior to working at Petra University (UOP) in Amman, Nour worked for four years at the Jordan office of El Qirem’s gebaute Umwelt (EEBE) parallel to one year at Amman Ministry of Public Works & Housing. Previously, she worked at JAWAD & Partners in Amman founded by Jawad Hamdan, AVSI foundation in Amman & Aqaba, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in Amman & Aqaba, Architecture Sans Frontières International (ASF-Jordan) in Amman, Spain & India, & Philadelphia University (PU) in Amman. Nour had the opportunity to work on various projects in Luxemburg, Germany, India, Spain, Syria, Saudi Arabia & Jordan. On the other hand, these projects were widely ranged in typology, scale, complexity, modes of presentation, level of details, & number of phases as well. In 2023, she was honored professorship jobs interviews … (
