Nourish Waikato Summer 2020 edition

Page 16


These delicious Italian desserts are a faff to make from scratch! So pick up a packet of ready-made shells and fill with a mixture of Zany Zeus Ricotta, orange zest and a little icing sugar. Or if you want to get really fancy, before filling them dip each end in some melted chocolate and chopped nuts (pistachios are perfect!).

Summer Entertaining’s a Breeze with Vetro It’s the summer dilemma—longer days and balmy nights are the perfect conditions for entertaining, from impromptu BBQs to drinks and nibbles with friends. But, as the saying goes, time flies when you’re having fun and sunny summer days spent at the beach, lake or just mucking around at home are a great example of this. Don’t use time, or lack of it, as an excuse not to have friends around or take up that invite! Instead, shop smart, apply a few crafty ‘cheats’ and enjoy some great food and company without the stress. I headed into Vetro Hamilton, filled my basket, and here are just a few ideas I came up with.

Cheese & Crackers

Not just any cheese and crackers! Seed crackers are New Zealand made, gluten and dairy free crackers packed with tasty seeds and quite simply scrummy. Pair these with some cheese and some juicy green olives and you have a sophisticated plate of nibbles. Perfect with a glass of prosecco or merlot.


Antipasto Table

Grazing platters have been all the rage for the last couple of years, but if you have ever attempted to put one together you will realise just how much work they are and how much food is involved. I say, take this concept but simplify it. Roll some brown paper out on the table and simply layer it with a selection of cured meats, cheeses, olives and dips. Anna from Vetro says their taramasalata from Elysian Foods is really popular. I personally love the pates and terrines from L'authentique. At the end of the night you can simply roll up the paper and pop it into the compost or worm bin.

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