Reasons for Drinking “Kombucha” Every Day in Australia Originated nearly 2000 years ago and known as the “Immortal Health Elixir” by the Chinese, kombucha has tremendous health benefits extending to your gut, brain, and your heart. This post will briefly discuss some of the benefits of having this ancient drink. What is kombucha? It is basically a fermented beverage consisting of black tea and sugar from different sources such as honey, fruit, and cane sugar. It is used as probiotics food, which contains a large quality of beneficial bacteria and yeast that are responsible for initiating the fermentation process once combined with sugar. It becomes carbonated after the process of fermentation and contains a high concentration of acid including gluconic and lactic acid. In addition, it contains enzymes, vitamins, probiotics,
vitamin B, and vinegar. The bacteria present in this ancient beverage are known “cellulose-producing bacteria� as it produces cellulose. Bacteria and yeast ferments the sugar tea solution, which are known as a symbiotic colony of
(SCOBY). It is essential to understand that this ancient beverage can be even made with green teas although it is traditionally made with black tea. A SCOBY
is not a
kombucha mushroom, contrary to common claims. Interested? Purchasing right type of kombucha can get a little complicated but it is generally available at reliable online store in Australia. After purchasing the Kombucha, you should learn how to make kombucha in order to use it. Benefits of Kombucha Benefit 1: Prevent a wide variety of diseases It efficiently heals the gut of the users apart from detoxify the body and protect against disease. In addition, it also helps to reduce inflammation at the root of most diseases. This probiotic food helps in reducing inflammation at the root of most diseases.
One of the reasons kombucha might potentially decrease the risk for certain kinds of cancers. Benefit 2: Support a healthy gut The antioxidant prowess of this beverage counteracts free radicals that systematically create mayhem in the digestive system. The greatest
support digestion of the user as its high levels of beneficial acid, enzymes, probiotics, and amino
some researches carried out in Australia, it was reported that this beverage prevent and heals stomach ulcers due to its prolonged use by the individuals. Benefit 3: Beneficial for the lungs Several lung disorders can be efficiently cured and prevented due to use of this ancient beverage by the users on regular basis. Silicosis can be efficiently treated by consumption of this probiotics tea regularly. Diseases of lungs caused by repeated exposure to silica particles can be cured by using this ancient beverage, according to some research carried out by the Chinese scholars and researchers.