Water Kefir

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Water Kefir – An Ultimate Panacea for Stomach & Intestines Ailments Water kefir is constituted from kefir grains that are otherwise known as sugar grains, tibi, tibicos, or Japanese water crystals.

The grains constitute a culture of many strains of healthy bacteria and yeast, clasped collectively in a polysaccharide matrix produced by the bacteria. The symbiotic connection of the microbes creates a steady and stable growing culture. The microbes survive on sugar and result in lactic

acid, alcohol (ethanol), and carbon dioxide. This way, it results out a fermented carbonated beverage, which contains not more than 1% of alcohol content.

How Much Water Kefir Differs From Milk Kefir? The kefir grains are available in two types – milk and water. While they both function similarly, they do differ from each other at certain points. Where milk grains appear white in color and cottage cheese-looking with slimy feel, water grains are translucent, cauliflower-like and get easily broken apart under pressure. Additionally, milk grains survive on the lactose in milk while water grains survive on sucrose. What are the Key Health Benefits of Water Kefir? Water kefir is a natural source of probiotics to our digestive tract. Being a natural source, its consumption brings many health benefits. The primary function of probiotics is to promote bacteria in our stomach and intestines. If there is an overgrowth of wrong bacteria (pathogens) in our



intestines, it can cause us several types of problems such as fungi, yeast infections, indigestion, obesity, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohns Disease, skin disorders, etc. However, if you consumer water kefir, it helps you in bringing balance to your internal micro-flora. There are people who take a

probiotic supplement on everyday basis for this specific reason but water kefir is far better than the consumption of these supplements. Moreover, as opposed to others, water kefir tastes better and is even cost-effective for future. Kefir grains create right-rotating lactic acid, which is an essential constituent of the human body. It particularly helps in preventing cancer. Additionally, right-rotating lactic acid also helps your heart in functioning




Some researchers say that the cells of the heart muscle acquire their energy mainly from right-rotating lactic acid. That apart, consumption of Water Kefir is also helpful for those who do not want to continue the consumption of dairy or prefer living on a vegan type diet. Vegans are also curious to know that through the fermentation process, kefir becomes a superb source of vitamin B12, and is enriched in vitamins B6 and B1. Consumption of water kefir particularly and greatly helps the diabetics. Since the finished product helps in producing a carbonated beverage, it works as recourse to sweet soda drinks. This means water kefir is beneficial for both children and adults alike.

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