Health Benefits of Matcha The history of the consumption of Matcha tea dates back to thousands of years ago in Japan and China. Once that which was once a tradition of ancient Japan and China is now a popular cafĂŠ beverage consumed all across the world. More than beverage they have also been of use in making food like muffins, pancakes as well as drinks and so on and so forth. But what actually is Matcha? To define it, Matcha is the finely ground powdered version of a specially grown and processed green tea. The tea plant is grown in the shade for about three weeks and then it is harvested. During this time the tea produces Thiamine as well as Caffeine. After having removed the veins and the stem, the tea is sent for processing. The consumption of this variety of tea is far
different than those in tea bags and/or tea leaves and is consumed with either water or with milk. The growing popularity of healthy diet systems has led also to the growth in the popularity of the aforementioned variety. As a result of this many people have been wondering about where to buy Matcha Powder and that is why several stores these days, have huge stocks for them. Having said that, it seems very important that we understand why exactly is there a necessity for the consumption of Matcha and how it helps the human body. Health Benefits of Matcha Tea  Antioxidants help in fighting the adverse impacts of Ultra Violet Rays of the Sun which helps preserve the youthfulness of the skin and prevents a large number of lifethreatening ailments. The aforementioned tea is a rich source of Antioxidants and a single bowl of this provides more than five times as many antioxidants as any other foods.  Green tea contains organic compounds which are known as Catechins. These are highly beneficial as antioxidants. Among all the Catechins a specific variety, primarily termed as Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCg) is produced by Matcha to a rate of 50%. EGCg has well-known cancer fighting properties.
 Over a thousand years, the powder has been used in Chinese Daoist Buddhism and Japanese Zen Buddhism. The monks have often used tis variety of tea to calm down and meditate while being fully conscious about the exterior life. This is because the tea produces L-Theanine that is the source of alpha waves in the brain which is the main ingredient in the induction
drowsiness. It has several benefits apart from the above. If you are wondering about Where to Buy Matcha Powder, do try out Nourish Me Organics.