N. Nesterenko, K. Lysenko
A Course in Interpreting and translation
УДК 81.111’253 ББК 81.432.1-7 Н 56 Затверджено Міністерством освіти і науки України як навчальний посібник для студентів філологічних спеціальностей вищих навчальних закладів Лист № 14/18.2-1880 від 02.08.04 Рецензенти: Левицький А. Е., доктор філологічних наук Волкова Л. М., кандидат філологічних наук Верба Л. Г., кандидат філологічних наук
Н. Нестеренко, К. Лисенко Н 56 A Course in Interpreting and Translation. Посібник для студентів та викладачів вищих навчальних закладів. – Вінниця: НОВА КНИГА, – 248 с. ISBN 966–382–028–4 Даний навчальний посібник представляє собою збірку різноманітних вправ для надбання навчальних навичок усного перекладу з англійської мови та на англійську. Він включає цикли вправ, націлених на розвиток пам’яті та уваги перекладача, його мови та дикції, навички переключення уваги, вводить в активний запас велику кількість лексики основного словарного фонду, географічних та власних імен. В посібнику використовувались тексти сучасних політичних та економічних статей. Вперше у практиці навчального перекладу формуються та закріплюються на конкретному мовному матеріалі навички перекладу з рідної мови на англійську та з англійської на рідну за допомогою аутентичних аудіоматеріалів, що додаються. Посібник призначається для студентів факультетів іноземних мов, філологів широкого профілю, перекладачів та інших спеціалістів в області гуманітарних дисциплін.
ББК 81.432.1-7
© Н. Нестеренко, К. Лисенко, 2006 ISBN 966–382–028–4 © “Нова Книга”, 2006
Зміст LESSON 1 1. Exercises for memory training.........................................................8 2. Exercises for “snow ball” repetition................................................8 3. Exercise for résumé making............................................................9 4. Exercise for consecutive translation..............................................10 5. Exercises for written translation....................................................12 6. Exercise for reading comprehension..............................................14 7. Exercises for vocabulary studies....................................................14 8. Exercise for attentive listening and comprehension......................15 9. Exercise for two-way translation of interviews.............................16 10. Exercise for “at sight” translations................................................17 LESSON 2 1. Exercises for memory training.......................................................18 2. Exercises for “snow ball” repetition..............................................18 3. Exercise for résumé making..........................................................19 4. Exercise for consecutive translation..............................................21 5. Exercises for written translation....................................................22 6. Exercise for reading comprehension..............................................24 7. Exercises for vocabulary studies....................................................24 8. Exercise for attentive listening and comprehension......................26 9. Exercise for two-way translation of interviews.............................27 10. Exercise for “at sight” translations................................................28 LESSON 3 1. Exercises for memory training.......................................................29 2. Exercises for “snow ball” repetition..............................................30 3. Exercise for résumé making..........................................................31 4. Exercise for consecutive translation..............................................31 5. Exercises for written translation....................................................33 6. Exercise for reading comprehension..............................................34 7. Exercises for vocabulary studies....................................................35 8. Exercise for attentive listening and comprehension......................36 9. Exercise for two-way translation of interviews.............................36 10. Exercise for “at sight” translations................................................39 3
LESSON 4 1. Exercises for memory training.......................................................40 2. Exercises for “snow ball” repetition..............................................41 3. Exercise for résumé making..........................................................42 4. Exercise for consecutive translation..............................................43 5. Exercises for written translation....................................................44 6. Exercise for reading comprehension..............................................45 7. Exercises for vocabulary studies....................................................47 8. Exercise for attentive listening and comprehension......................49 9. Exercise for two-way translation of interviews.............................49 10. Exercise for “at sight” translations................................................53 LESSON 5 1. Exercises for memory training.......................................................54 2. Exercises for “snow ball” repetition..............................................55 3. Exercise for résumé making..........................................................56 4. Exercise for consecutive translation..............................................57 5. Exercises for written translation....................................................57 6. Exercise for reading comprehension..............................................58 7. Exercises for vocabulary studies....................................................60 8. Exercise for attentive listening and comprehension......................62 9. Exercise for two-way translation of interviews.............................64 10. Exercise for “at sight” translations................................................66 LESSON 6 1. Exercises for memory training.......................................................69 2. Exercises for “snow ball” repetition..............................................70 3. Exercise for résumé making..........................................................71 4. Exercise for consecutive translation..............................................72 5. Exercises for written translation....................................................73 6. Exercise for reading comprehension..............................................74 7. Exercises for vocabulary studies....................................................75 8. Exercise for attentive listening and comprehension......................77 9. Exercise for two-way translation of interviews.............................78 10. Exercise for “at sight” translations................................................81 LESSON 7 1. Exercises for memory training.......................................................84 2. Exercises for “snow ball” repetition..............................................85 4
3. Exercise for résumé making..........................................................86 4. Exercise for consecutive translation..............................................87 5. Exercises for written translation....................................................89 6. Exercise for reading comprehension..............................................90 7. Exercises for vocabulary studies....................................................90 8. Exercise for attentive listening and comprehension......................92 9. Exercise for two-way translation of interviews.............................93 10. Exercise for “at sight” translations................................................97 LESSON 8 1. Exercises for memory training.....................................................101 2. Exercises for “snow ball” repetition............................................102 3. Exercise for résumé making........................................................103 4. Exercise for consecutive translation............................................104 5. Exercises for written translation..................................................104 6. Exercise for reading comprehension............................................106 7. Exercises for vocabulary studies..................................................106 8. Exercise for attentive listening and comprehension....................108 9. Exercise for two-way translation of interviews...........................109 10. Exercise for “at sight” translations.............................................. 111 LESSON 9 1. Exercises for memory training..................................................... 116 2. Exercises for “snow ball” repetition............................................ 117 3. Exercise for résumé making........................................................ 118 4. Exercise for consecutive translation............................................ 119 5. Exercises for written translation..................................................120 6. Exercise for reading comprehension............................................122 7. Exercises for vocabulary studies..................................................122 8. Exercise for attentive listening and comprehension....................124 9. Exercise for two-way translation of interviews...........................125 10. Exercise for “at sight” translations..............................................127 LESSON 10 1. Exercises for memory training.....................................................132 2. Exercises for “snow ball” repetition............................................133 3. Exercise for résumé making........................................................135 4. Exercise for consecutive translation............................................137 5
5. Exercises for written translation..................................................138 6. Exercise for reading comprehension............................................140 7. Exercises for vocabulary studies..................................................141 8. Exercise for attentive listening and comprehension....................142 9. Exercise for two-way translation of interviews...........................143 10. Exercise for “at sight” translations..............................................145 LESSON 11 1. Exercises for memory training.....................................................148 2. Exercises for “snow ball” repetition............................................151 3. Exercise for résumé making........................................................152 4. Exercise for consecutive translation............................................154 5. Exercises for written translation..................................................155 6. Exercise for reading comprehension............................................157 7. Exercises for vocabulary studies..................................................158 8. Exercise for attentive listening and comprehension....................159 9. Exercise for two-way translation of interviews...........................160 10. Exercise for “at sight” translations..............................................163 LESSON 12 1. Exercises for memory training.....................................................168 2. Exercises for “snow ball” repetition............................................169 3. Exercise for résumé making........................................................171 4. Exercise for consecutive translation............................................172 5. Exercises for written translation..................................................173 6. Exercise for reading comprehension............................................174 7. Exercises for vocabulary studies..................................................174 8. Exercise for attentive listening and comprehension....................176 9. Exercise for two-way translation of interviews...........................178 10. Exercise for “at sight” translations..............................................180 LESSON 13 1. Exercises for memory training.....................................................183 2. Exercises for “snow ball” repetition............................................185 3. Exercise for résumé making........................................................186 4. Exercise for consecutive translation............................................187 5. Exercises for written translation..................................................188 6. Exercise for reading comprehension............................................189 6
7. Exercises for vocabulary studies..................................................190 8. Exercise for attentive listening and comprehension....................197 9. Exercise for two-way translation of interviews...........................199 10. Exercise for “at sight” translations..............................................201 LESSON 14 1. Exercises for memory training.....................................................209 2. Exercises for “snow ball” repetition............................................209 3. Exercise for résumé making........................................................ 211 4. Exercise for consecutive translation............................................212 5. Exercises for written translation..................................................213 6. Exercise for reading comprehension............................................215 7. Exercises for vocabulary studies..................................................215 8. Exercise for attentive listening and comprehension....................220 9. Exercise for two-way translation of interviews...........................221 10. Exercise for “at sight” translations..............................................224 LESSON 15 1. Exercises for memory training.....................................................227 2. Exercises for “snow ball” repetition............................................228 3. Exercise for résumé making........................................................230 4. Exercise for consecutive translation............................................232 5. Exercises for written translation..................................................234 6. Exercise for reading comprehension............................................236 7. Exercises for vocabulary studies..................................................237 8. Exercise for attentive listening and comprehension....................242 9. Exercise for two-way translation of interviews...........................243 10. Exercise for “at sight” translations..............................................245
LESSON 1 1. Exercises for memory training Put down the figures read in English. Then read them aloud in Ukrainian. 19465 5647 58394 483 1745
57384 3856 19364 17498 48261
4637 3965 58493 42756 257
5623 2018 86950 47382 46563
6879 5637 3647 86940 76824
Train your speech fluency a) in Ukrainian: Побіля Прокопа паляниці пекла. Пилип прилип, Пилип прилип... Летів горобець через верхній хлівець, ніс пуд гороху і нам дав потроху.
Їхала Хима з Єрусалима новою таратайкою. Таратайка скрегоче, Хима їсти хоче. Летів горобець через безверхий хлівець, Вхопив гороху без червотоку, Без червоточини, без червоточини.
b) and in English: The thatcher from Thatchwood went to Thatchets for thatching. If the thatcher from Thatchwood went to Thatchets for thatching where is the thatching the thatcher from Thatchwood has thatched?
2. Exercises for “snow ball” repetition Train your memory and repeat the sentences after your partner (teacher) without looking into the text 8
a) in Ukrainian: 1. Назва вина походить від провінції Шампань. 2. Назва вина походить від провінції Шампань, де виноград стали вирощувати ще в III столітті. 3. Назва найзнаменитішого благородного французького вина походить від провінції Шампань, де виноград стали вирощувати ще в III столітті. 4. Назва найзнаменитішого благородного французького вина походить від провінції Шампань, де виноград, як свідчать історичні джерела, стали вирощувати ще в III столітті. 5. Назва найзнаменитішого благородного французького вина походить від провінції Шампань, де виноград, як свідчать історичні джерела, стали вирощувати ще в III столітті, хоча культура виноробства почала розвиватися тут через тисячу років. 6. Назва найзнаменитішого благородного французького вина походить від провінції Шампань, де виноград, як свідчать історичні джерела, стали вирощувати ще в III столітті, хоча справжня культура виноробства почала розвиватися тут майже через тисячу років. b) and in English: 1. Mr. Blair hopes to call a referendum. 2. Mr. Blair hopes to call a referendum before the next election. 3. Mr. Blair still hopes to call a referendum before the next general election. 4. Mr. Blair determined to take Britain into the Euro zone, still hopes to call a referendum before the next general election. 5. Mr. Blair, who is determined to take Britain into the Euro zone, still hopes to call a referendum before the next general election.
3. Exercise for résumé making Listen to the text read by your teacher or partner, making notes. Make a résumé in Ukrainian, using your notes: 9
In most corners of the world the name of Mickey Mouse will elicit at least a glimmer of recognition. Walt Disney’s most famous creation was one of the first stars with a global name. Now, Mickey has become a symbol – of the influence the United States has on global media, and particularly on television. Flick a remote control and you will see American products: Hollywood films, the CNN channel, television shows such as “Friends” or “The X-Files”. Until recently globalisation and Americanization have gone hand in hand. But now the media business, and especially television, are becoming increasingly international. That trend is inextricably linked with another: the activity that was once state-owned and monopolistic is becoming privatized and competitive. Both developments are driven partly by technological change, which has both increased the production and distribution capacity of media companies, and reduced some of their costs. For the moment, the scale of America’s role in global media, both as exporter and investor, is unique. Governments have not fostered the globalisation of media. Instead, even more than in other industries, they resist foreign investment. Most countries resist foreign ownership of television channels. In continental Europe, in particular, some politicians want to go further, and ration imports of foreign television. But do such measures make sense? Is the globalisation of media really a threat to local cultures? And what forces are driving it? To elicit a glimmer of recognition – викликати миттєвий спогад; global name – всесвітнє ім’я; remote control – дистанційне управління; to go hand in hand – йти поруч; to be state-owned – бути державною власністю; to be driven by – керуватись; to increase the distribution capacity – збільшити обсяг розповсюдження; the scale of the role – масштаб впливу; to ration imports – дозувати імпорт.
4. Exercise for consecutive translation Translate orally sentence by sentence without making notes. By Christmas, Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic should have negotiated their way to NATO’s front door. 10
But they will not be able to enter unless each of the 16 countries already in the alliance ratifies the North Atlantic Treaty’s revision. In any event, Britain, France and Germany are already making their forces more mobile. Britain current defensive view is likely to lead to more spending on transport planes and ships for its rapid-reaction forces. Germany is putting money into its crisis-reaction forces, an elite formation that will be trained to serve abroad. France’s military reforms are creating an all-professional army with a longer reach. *** Six years after the death of Yves Montand, a judge’s order to dig the popular singer’s body is causing disquiet across France. Going back to Napoleon, all legitimate children have had a right to a slice of a parent’s estate. More recently this right has been extended to children born out of wedlock. All legitimate and acknowledged illegitimate children must benefit equally – unless a child was born through adultery within a marriage. In most European countries, except Britain (where you can merrily leave your millions to a cats’ home and zero to your progeny), the spouse and the children of the deceased are entitled to a good part of the estate – whatever the deceased wishes. *** Mexico’s economic distress of three years ago was widely dubbed “the first financial crisis of the 21st century” because of the speed with which the country’s forced devaluation set back its economy. Most of the financial mess is of Asians’ own making, and nowhere is this clearer than in South Korea. To the rest of the world, economists are a perverse lot. (негідники) *** As Western peacemakers have learned over the years, Milosevich is a wily adversary, (лукавий супротивник), skilled at turning disadvantage to advantage – and obscuring facts that seem clear and unambiguous. 11
*** As every Russian knows, Putin blamed the atrocities on Chechen terrorists – and promptly launched a brutal military campaign to subdue them. (підкорити) All this could sooner or later result in a nationalist backlash and a stark reversal of policy. *** Anatoly Kvashnin, head of the Russian General Stuff, recently seized on a big military maneuver (скористатись випадком) in Poland and Norway as renewed evidence that NATO is still up to its cold war shenanigans. (інтриги, махінації)
5. Exercises for written translation Translate into English using prompts given in brackets: a) Польоти на повітряній кулі У подорож на повітряній кулі вирушають зранку або ввечері, коли перепад температури повітря й оболонки кулі найбільш сприятливий. Крім того, за умови несильного вітру та відсутності опадів. Помилуйтеся мальовничими видами Києва з висоти пташиного польоту (bird’seye views of Kyiv). Про інше подбає команда, однак будьте готові до того, що близько чверті часу польоту через шум увімкненого газового пальника (the gas burner) вам доведеться затуляти вуха. *** b) Having translated the following piece of text, compare your written translation with an expert translator’s work. Analyze the difference. У зовнішньому вигляді молодшої Alfa Romeo поєднались мотиви минулого та сучасного. Зверніть увагу на купе 6C2500 Villa d’Este, випуску 1949 року. (the youngest in the family; motifs) У ньому дизайнери підгледіли V-подібну виштамповку на капоті, вертикальне, схоже на геральдичний щит облицювання радіатора, витягнуті прорізи внизу бампера. (V-shaped bonnet; tails off beneath the headlights; badge not unlike a heraldic shield; extended slits; bumper bars) 12
Від седана 156 було запозичено плавні лінії, високу боковину кузова, подовжені задні ліхтарі, алюмінієві ручки дверей. (smooth lines; high body walls; elongated taillights; door handles) Молодша сестра отримала у спадок укорочену платформу від Alfa 156 та вдосконалені шасі попередніх моделей 145, 146. (shortened floor pan; improved chassis; earlier models) У жовтні модель з бензиновими агрегатами (усі – 16-клапанні 4-циліндрові Twin Spark) надійшла у продаж до дилерів. (to go on sale; fit with; 16 valve 4 cylinder engine) Початковий 1.6 літровий 105-сильний двигун потужніший за базовий мотор об’ємом 1.4 л та потужністю 103 к. с. (the first version; 105 hp unit) Збільшений об’єм дозволив покращити моментну характеристику. (capacity; to improve the torque) Інші два мотори – 1.6 л – 120 к. с. та 2.0. л. – 150 к. с. – перекочували з 145 моделі практично без змін. (without modification) Причому дволітровий агрегат може комплектуватися п’ятиступеневою механічною трансмісією або системою Selespeed із секвенційним перемиканням передач або кнопками на кермі. (five speed manual transmission gearbox; gearbox allowing sequential gear changes; lever; positioned on the steering wheel) В обох випадках максимальна швидкість топ-версії не нижча 210 м. год.
The external appearance of the youngest in the Alfa Romeo family combines both old and modern motifs. From the 1949 6C 2500 Villa d’Este coupe, designers have given the 147 its V-shaped bonnet that tails off beneath the headlights, vertical badge not unlike a heraldic shield, radiator facing and extended slits in the lower part of the bumper bars. The smooth lines, high body walls, elongated taillights and aluminum door handles were taken from the 156 sedan, as was the shortened floor pan, and its improved chassis was inherited from the earlier 145 and 146 models. 13
The new model went on sale in October and is available in three petrol versions (each fitted with a 16 valve four-cylinder Twin Spark engine). The first version, a 1.6l /105 hp unit, is more powerful than the base engine (1.4l 1/103 ph) due to an increase is capacity improving the torque. The other two versions, a 1.6 l /120 hp and a 2.0l/150hp, have been taken from the Alfa145 almost without modification. The 2.01 version can be fitted with either a five-speed manual transmission gearbox, or a lever or by the use of buttons strategically positioned on the steering wheel. In both cases, the maximum speed of this top version is at least 210 km/h.
6. Exercise for reading comprehension Try to guess from the hints given below what the information was about. 5 years, Royal family, ruins, collapse, trial, Princess Diana’s butler, Paul Burrell. Downing Street, denied rumors, Tony Blair, stop trial. Glen Smith, chairman of the Metropolitan Police Federation, Burrell, lucky man. Now compare your guesses with the background facts: Five years of meticulous efforts to rebuild the reputation of the Royal Family were left to ruins yesterday by the unanswered questions about the collapse of the trial of Princess Diana’s former butler, Paul Burrell. Downing Street denied rumours that Tony Blair had intervened to stop the trial. Glen Smith, chairman of the Metropolitan Police Federation, said that Mr. Burrell was “a very lucky man”.
7. Exercises for vocabulary studies Listen the following cliché with the verb to call read by the teacher or your partner and translate them into your mother tongue. 1. The Parliament was called on Monday. 2. The ship was calling us by radio. 3. I called on Mr. Smith at his office. 4. I call that a shame. 14
5. The librarian has called in all the books. 6. The council called on all honest people to support peace. 7. The chairman called upon Mr. Blair to speak. 8. We may call it a day. 9. I’ll call you up this evening. 10. The meeting has been called off. 11. The case called every faculty of the doctor into play. 12. You’ll be called over the coals for your conduct. 13. The draft calls for a system of inspection. 14. The occasion calls for quick action. 15. We called them to say that we wouldn’t be able to come. 16. The Ambassador called on the Foreign minister to express his opinion about the situation.
8. Exercise for attentive listening and comprehension Repeat after your teacher sentence by sentence of the text you hear. When listening to the text for the second time, count from 300 backwards. Give the main idea of what it was all about in your mother tongue. If you thought that the 50s were a period of economic stagnation, the 1970s a decade a disastrous decline and the 1980s a time of reform and economic recovery, then think again. A new generation of leftish historians is intent on rewriting post-war British history to come up with a version more congenial to New Labour and its sympathizers. *** For over 230 years entry to the British Museum has been free. Successive governments have regarded the museum as part of the country’s in heritance, and free entry as an act of public education. And if and when the British Museum starts charging, it is a fair bet that the rest of the country’s free museums will follow suit. The government has publicly pledged support for free entry to national museums and galleries. But the BM says that to keep entry free, it will need its Treasury grant increased by £4m, from the expected £32.9 m for 2001/2002. 15
9. Exercise for two-way translation of interviews Translate the following interview without making notes: A: Скажіть, будь ласка, чи багато користувачів Інтернету консультуються з медичних питань за допомогою комп’ютера? В: Record numbers of Americans are seeking medical advice from the Internet. A: Чи це безпечно? B: Bogus sites could put their lives at risk, of course. So-called “ciber-quacks” have been capitalizing on the online healthcare boom, with many offering false or misleading advice. A: Чи можете ви привести цифри та факти, які б це підтвердили? B: Since December 1999 a total of 34.7 million Americans have gone to the Internet for healthcare advice, 56 % more than in the previous year. The number of health-based websites rose from 2.8 million to 9.5 million between 1998 and 2000. A: Чи виявлено сайти, які просто не рекомендовано “відвідувати”? B: We have identified so far 800 sites with “questionable promotions for products and services” claiming to cure, treat or prevent heart disease, cancer, Aids, diabetes, arthritis and multiple sclerosis. One site says that a component of rocket fuel will cure cancer and another recommends a highly toxic herb as a treatment for liver disease. A: Невже такі консультації можуть серйозно зашкодити здоров’ю? Адже це лише інформація? B: The American Medical association journal reported that a patient died of kidney failure after taking “oil of wormwood” obtained online. A: Останнім часом в Інтернеті все частіше з’являється інформація щодо лікування діабету, яка, як пліткують, шкідлива для здоров’я. B: What the Internet should do is to provide patients with a basis to be better informed for, when they consult a professional. It should not lead you to be your own diagnostician. A: Чи звертався хтось з позовом до суду в з’вязку з цими підробками? B. In 1999 The Federal Trade Commission settled fraud charges with two sites that were promoting a chemical called CMO for $65, to treat arthritis, cancer and asthma, and with a third site that sold bottles of Essiac herbal tea, at $14.50 a bottle, as a cure for cancer and Aids. Studies have shown that the herb can cause kidney cancer and failure. 16
10. Exercise for “at sight” translations The government is expected to approve the construction of a $10mln telescope early in the New Year, which would be dedicated to finding comets and asteroids before they hit Earth. The Science minister, Lord Sainsbury, is expected to accept one of the main proposals in a government task force report – to develop a telescope with European partners to track “near-Earth objects” that could threaten the planet. Scientists from the Government’s expert team are now urging it to begin devising ways to deflect the objects when they have been identified. Their report suggested detonating a nuclear bomb in space to deflect asteroids, using space craft to nudge objects out of their orbits, or erecting solar panels like sails in an asteroid, using the sun’s radiation pressure to change the course. The ideas may sound like the script from the Hollywood blockbuster “Deep Impact” which is to be screened on BBC1 on Tuesday. However, the scientists warned: “This is not science fiction”. An asteroid traveling at more than 20 miles per second missed the Earth by 480,000 miles last week, a near-miss in astronomical terms. The 15-yard wide asteroid, called 2000YA appeared unexpectedly above London at midnight on Friday. Space experts said it would have left a crater about 20 times its size if it had struck.
Test on lexical material of the lesson 1. Це ім’я викликає хоча б миттєвий спогад у багатьох дітей. 2. Він натиснув на пульт дистанційного управління, щоб переключити канал. 3. Масштаб впливу США на світову економіку дуже значний. 4. В будь-якому випадку країни співдружності вже ратифікували цей договір. 5. Рішення судді викликало неспокій і обурення по всій країні. 6. На цьому закінчимо. 7. Ця подія вимагає негайних дій. 8. Випадок вимагав, щоб лікар застосував усі свої здібності та можливості. 9. Це ганьба. 10. Рада закликала усіх чесних людей підтримати мир. 11. Збори відмінили. 17