Robert Schumann
(Op. 68)
Pieces selected and arranged for four hands piano duet by
Ludmila Zhulyeva
Robert Schumann
Album for the Young (Op. 68) Pieces selected and arranged for four hands piano duet by
Ludmila Zhulyeva
Роберт Шуман
Альбом для юнацтва (Op. 68) Вибрані твори Аранжування для фортепіано в 4 руки
Людмили Жульєвої
Вінниця Нова Книга 2016
УДК 786.2 ББК 85.952.42 Ш96
Шуман Р. Альбом для юнацтва = Album for the Young : вибрані твори для ф-но в 4 р. / Роберт Шуман ; аранжув. Людмили Жульєвої. – Вінниця : Нова Книга, 2016. – 56 с. : ноти. ISMN 979-0-707533-04-8 Це видання відкриє світ Шумана великій кількості дітей, допоможе по-новому почути і виконати музику, якій вже понад 160 років. Призначене учням ДМШ та інших навчальних закладів культури і мистецтв. УДК 786.2 ББК 85.952.42
ISMN 979-0-707533-04-8
© Шуман Р., автор, 2016 © Жульєва Л. В., аранжув., 2016 © Нова Книга, 2016
CONTENTS COMMENTS...........................................................................................................................................................4 ........................................................................................................................................................... 1. Melody Мелодiя ..........................................................................................................................................................6 2. Soldier’s March Солдатський марш ....................................................................................................................................7 3. A Little Humming Song Пісенька ........................................................................................................................................................9 4. A Little Piece Маленька п’єска ...................................................................................................................................... 11 5. The Poor Orphan Бідний сирітка .......................................................................................................................................... 13 6. A Hunter’s Song Мисливська пісенька ............................................................................................................................ 15 7. A Wild Horseman Сміливий вершник................................................................................................................................. 18 8. A Little Folk Song Народна пісенька ................................................................................................................................... 20 9. The Merry Peasant Веселий селянин..................................................................................................................................... 22 10. A Sicilian Dance Сицилійська пісенька ........................................................................................................................... 24 11. The Hobgoblin Кнехт Рупрехт (Дід Мороз) ................................................................................................................. 27 12. Song to May... May, Lovely May! Травень, любий травень!..................................................................................................................... 33 13. A Little Study Маленький етюд ..................................................................................................................................... 35 14. The First Loss Перша втрата............................................................................................................................................ 40 15. The Reapers’ Song Пісенька женців ...................................................................................................................................... 43 16. A Little Romance Маленький романс ................................................................................................................................ 46 17. Echoes from the Theatre Відгуки театру .......................................................................................................................................... 48 18. Italian Mariners’ Song Пісня італійських моряків ................................................................................................................... 51
1. Melody. The arranger turned this piece into a little duet. The lower voice hidden in the bass line of the original accompaniment has been made clear by sharing the two parts between the two players. The repeated notes of the accompaniment should sound softly, as a whisper. 2. Soldier’s March. This March, initially written by Schumann in 4/4, should be played with vigorous accentuation of the first beat. The effect of marching is achievable by underlining the difference between the strong and weak beat of every bar. 3. Little Humming Song. The original part-writing of this piece was divided between the players in the arrangement, turning this solo song in a duet. 4. A Little Piece. This music sounds like a soprano and a tenor singing together at the interval of compound thirds. Both voices should deliver the same phrasing and articulation and sing out clearly every note of the melody. 5. The Poor Orphan. This expressive and sad piece is full of articulation marks. Legato is the most common of them. The semi staccato dots under a slur very often mean a way of playing close to non legato which helps to imitate soft steps of the tired child. Great attention should be paid to the balance between the melody and the accompaniment. 6. A Hunter’s Song. The lively and energetic music of this song is full of excitement and force. The melody imitates the sounds of hunter’s horns and racing horses. 7. A Wild Horseman. Short and light quavers and the slurred notes in both Primo and Secondo, should be carefully balanced by the sharp staccato of accompanying chords. Light third and six beats in 6/8 time will help to create in the piece the spirited mood of swift racing. 8. A Little Folk Song. This piece contrasts a slow folk-style melody with a fast, brisk dance. In the recapitulation the main tune becomes more expressive in the Secondo part solo. 9. The Merry Peasant. In this bright and cheerful song the composer has managed to combine the genres of march, song and dance. The solo “peasant’s” melody of the beginning develops into a duet between Primo and Secondo players in the middle section. 10. A Sicilian Dance. In the opening and closing sections of this piece Schumann imitates a gentle and graceful Siciliano, or a Sicilian peasant dance in 6/8. The more rapid middle 2/4 section brings contrast and a faster tempo without new tempo indications. The key to correct transition from 6/8 to 2/4 section is to make a dotted crotchet from the compound duple time in the 6/8 section equal to a crotchet in simple duple time of the 2/4 middle section.
11. The Hobgoblin. While Santa or St. Nicholas is kind and loving to good children, his servant, Knight Rupert is stern and scary. His duty is to punish the naughty ones. This is why the rapid and forceful music of the first section in this piece is so dramatic and even frightening. The contrasting music of middle section leaves some room for interpretations, from portraying frightened and shaking naughty children to the imitation of the howling sound of winter whirlwinds. One of the ways to simplify the texture in bars 8–11 is to divide the semiquavers between hands. 12. Song to May... May, Lovely May! For the convenience of young performers the arranger transposed the piece from the original E major to F major. Careful and delicate delivering of numerous articulation and dynamics marks would help to bring out the warm and delicate character of this beautiful miniature. 13. A Little Study. An expressive melody was added to harp-like texture of this study. The gentle variations of tone and changing tonal colours here could be associated with the sound of an Aeolian harp. 14. The First Loss. The framework of the piano duet allows the creation of polyphonic imitations in the second part of this piece. This makes a duet of two sad voices. To bring out short and expressive motives here the notes with a tenuto articulation signs could be played slightly slower. 15. The Reaper’s Song. The opening phrases sound as variations on the main melody of the piece. An even tempo, combined with repeated dynamic accents on the second beat of each phrase imitate movements of reaper’s work. The unisons in the middle section Più mosso sound like an enthusiastic choir of the reapers. 16. A Little Romance. The mood of a Ballade is prevailing in this Romance. The sad and restless melody which forms long phrases at the opening and at the end of the Romance comes in a sharp contrast with the middle section where short exclamations of loud dramatic chords form a climax of the piece. 17. Echoes from the Theatre. In this expressive and agitated piece great attention should be given to the frequent changes of mood and character that are reflected in sudden dynamic and articulation changes. This short piece is a perfect example of programme music so typical for Schumann in many of his compositions. 18. Italian Mariner’s Song. The short phrase imitating the sound of ship-bell is an introduction to a flamboyant Italian tarantella. The tarantella is an exciting and rapid dance in 6/8. Strong accents are typical on the longer notes of every second bar of the two-bar phrases, and on the first beat of every first bar in the four-bar phrases.
Edited and translated by Mikhail Tablis 5
1. Melody
Солдатський марш
2. Soldier’s March