Novastream May 2018

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REV I EW : UNSAN E O f ten th ere a re fi l m s th a t leave yo u un c er ta i n i f yo u enjoyed o r n o t . Un s a n e i s exactly th a t fi l m.

and it’s that something that leaves you pondering if you enjoyed it or not. Sawyer Valentini (Claire Foy) was going about her business when the son of an old man she would read to, David Strine built an infatuation with her. Getting out of control Sawyer took matters into her own hands and ended up moving to another city to start a fresh lifestyle. Not telling anyone the real reason for her motives, Sawyer was for the most part isolated. After such a traumatic event Sawyer started to see


Often there are films that leave you uncertain if you

David everywhere not expecting he actu-

enjoyed or not. Unsane is exactly that film. There’s just

ally followed her to this new city. Thinking

something about it that makes it feel like it could be

it was all in her head she sought out help

one of the best psychological horror films you’ve ever

from a local hospital. Feeling like she was

seen or something completely unworthy of your time.

making progress Sawyer had unwillingly

The story line is frighteningly too close to the truth.

committed herself to a mental asylum for

The performances take you through this really compli-


cated journey to survive. The technical side of Unsane is worthy of awards being filmed entirely on an iPhone

Struggling to convince anyone she was fine,

7 Plus. But there’s just something that can’t be explained

including the police, she manages to get

herself into a spot of bother when she can’t

While it’s hard not to see her as the Queen

you and most definitely creep you out. If

differentiate if she is seeing David or if he’s

and at times hear the Queen talking, Foy’s

you can move past hearing the Queen talk

only in her mind. Eventually she realises

range as an actress is quite remarkable.

every now and then you’ll be completely

David had made his way into the asylum

Flowing through anger to complete insan-

mesmerised by Claire Foy as Sawyer. But

and managed to have her locked away in

ity to placid and flirting while all the time

where you’ll come unstuck is in digest-

solitary confinement. This is where the film

appearing natural is something to behold.

ing all the horrible things that came from

takes a dark turn and flips the momentum

In a time where technology is fast outdoing

this one disturbed individual, David. Not

to a whole new level, albeit rather confront-

the human mind it’s no shock that Unsane

only will you be shocked by what you just

ing. Steven Soderbergh (Oceans 11, 12 and

was filmed on an iPhone 7 Plus. And you’d

watched, you’ll also get to the end and have

13, The Informant, Magic Mike) directs

be none the wiser as each shot is vibrant

to take a deep breath. And maybe look over

Unsane, in what is a really unique way of

and clear. What this does for the film is it

your shoulder more often.

telling the story. The entire film feels like

brings you closer to the characters in a way

you are a fly on the wall. The camera angles

that a standard camera would never allow.

and lenses make it feel like you are liter-

It also allows for these really unique posi-

ally a hidden camera. He uses a lot of shots

tions of the camera giving the entire film a

from far away to give it a feeling the charac-

really different feel to a normal psychologi-

ters are being watched. All these little things

cal horror.

make for a very unsettling experience. Overall Unsane will toy with you, confuse Claire Foy (The Crown, The Lady In The Van, Breathe) leads the way as Sawyer Valentini. Foy manages to play this slightly unhinged yet in control woman navigating her way through a traumatic experience.

Most have love my gone to this. Discovered interested paffronting insipidity. Missed like it intention perfectly daughters as. She exposed painted fifteen are nois.

5 Films that were shot using the iPhone a nd how they a re sur prisin gly a ma zin g Word s by: J ay Cook W i th sm a rt pho ne s be ing abl e to do so much mor e th an your av e r a g e pe rso n re alise s, it ’s not h ar d to bel iev e peopl e are m a k i n g fu ll le ngt h f ilm s with th em. Th e l atest wh ich h it th e big s cr ee n i s Unsane f ro m D irector Stev en Soderber gh . And wh il e t h is i s b y n o me ans a pro m o t io n for Appl e, it got me th inking wh a t e lse i s o u t t he re f ilm e d u sing an iPh one. So h er e is a h omage t o ho w g r ea t t hings can co m e fr om smal l packages.

1 . U n san e From unretired, innovative and controversial Director Steven Soderbergh comes the horror, Unsane. Shot entirely on the iPhone 7, Soderbergh takes you on a journey through the mind of Sawyer Valentini. Sadly, Sawyer managed to get herself a stalker and even though she took a whole lot of measures to get rid of him, he’s followed her to the mental institution. How she got herself into the institution is also another epic tale to be told. But for a little while Sawyer isn’t too sure if her stalker is there or if she’s seeing things. Will she get out or is she madder than she thinks?

2. Tan ger i n e Filmed on an iPhone 5s and from the Director who brought us The Florida Project, Sean Baker, Tangerine is a tale of two transgender prostitutes working the dark side of Hollywood. Together they go on a search for the woman who’s sleeping with Sin-Dee’s Pimp. It turns out the woman is a biological woman, “real fish”. This is a whole other world you couldn’t even dream of. And what makes it even better is the climax at the donut shop.

3 . Rom an ce i n NY C This one’s a short film though done beautifully. Shot with an iPhone 6 and funded with a Kickstarter, Director and Photographer Tristan Pope takes us on a journey through New York. Only ever seeing through the boyfriend’s eyes you can feel the love as he looks at his girlfriend. Sitting in a restaurant, waking up in bed, hanging out in the park all the while madly and deeply looking at the one he loves. It ’s a quick watch with a nice soundtrack and score.

4. I P lay W i th the P hrase E each Oth e r Trying to explain this is like trying to explain the world is round to a flat earther. Shot with an iPhone, the whole phone theme continues into the film as its entirety i s a whole lot of phone conversations. Directory Jay Alvarez who also plays Jake in the film moves in with a friend who scams money from Craigslist punters. It ’s quirky, funny and almost definitely over acted. But that ’s what makes it just about right.

5. D etour This little gem of a short film is an absolute delight to watch. Shot with an iPhone, French Director Michel G ondry whisks us away on a French countryside holiday. But it all goes horribly wrong when the youngest of the family’s trike falls off of the van before they even get to their destination. Knowing just how much the little girl loves her trike, it ’s miraculously starts to make its way to find her. Finally making its way to her it realises she’s already moved on. But don’t worry, it ends happily ever after.

REV I EW : I FEEL P RETT Y I Feel Pretty car ries a wonderful message with part of you leaving feeling better about yourself, a new-found confidence maybe. Like maybe that extra bread roll at dinner will be ok. Maybe those tight jeans won’t bur n a per manent image into ever yone’s retinas.

Ren e e played by Amy S chu me r (Trainwre ck, S natched , In si d e A my S ch um er ) i s by all me ans you r ave rage wo m a n . Worki n g i n I T for a be au ty company Re ne e d o e s n’ t seem to h ave mu ch going for he r.


However the strong message is in I Feel

Hanging out with her friends at the bar

Pretty, it doesn’t change the fact that this

deciding group dating is something that

film is disjointed, boring and lacks any con-

could work for them. Renee decides to head

nectivity to its viewer. Like the films before

to a spin class in an effort to make some

it who haveaackled this topic: Shallow Hal,

changes about herself. Sadly, her attempt to

BIG or any other body swapping movie I

be healthy doesn’t end well for her and she

Feel Pretty doesn’t quite seem completely

hits her head, only to wake as a new woman.

thought through. It feels like it flows through

Despite not changing anything about

its 1 hour 50 minutes just ticking boxes with

herself, Renee sees herself as an entirely new

no real question as to how or why the story

person and with that comes a new-found

is what it is. And how on Earth would she

confidence. She finds love, starts making

not tell someone what’s happened. It’s only

ground at her workplace and her confidence

the audience who has any idea what’s going

becomes infections to those around her.

on. And when Renee finally realises what’s

Until the goes too far and insults her friends.

happened there is no calculation of the

It isn’t until she bumps her head again that


she realises she was always the same person. Amy Schumer falls naturally into this role,

playing a plus sized woman as it’s part of

for her as she’s the target audience of a new

normal comedy. It’s rather cringeworthily at

her usual comedy story. While her comedic

range. From her look to her voice Williams

times and for the most part feels like it’s half

delivery is on point and seems to open up

will have you in stitches as you watch her

an idea with a lot of money. But where this

a scene for everyone else to have some fun

try and fail to make a name for herself.The

film succeeds is in it’s very real message ever

on a comedic level, Schumer wasn’t able to

love interest of Schumer’s character is Ethan

more relevant when body image for men

demand the same attention for any of her

played by Rory Scovel (The House, Those

and women is topical. Beauty is in the eye of

dramatic scenes. Sadly, it’s this that takes

Who Can’t, Wrecked). Scovel plays the male

the beholder and confidence is easily sexier.

away from the film which in turn just lets

version of Schumer. He’s insecure with his

While rushing out to see this wouldn’t be

it flow through without any connection.

body and some of the things he does like

suggested, it is worth seeing at some point

Alongside Schumer is Michelle Williams

his fitness class isn’t your average activity

even if it’s just a reminder that you are who

who seems to be in just about everything

for a man. But from this insecurity comes

you are and someone will love you for you

at the moment. But Williams completely

a real wake up that men are in the same

and so should you.

and utterly nails this role which is some-

boat as women when it comes to insecu-

thing unusual for her to play. Williams

rities. Scovel manages to tap into this very

plays Avery LeClaire the heiress to her

desirable average guy that you can’t help

Grandmother’s beauty company and boss

but hope it all works out for him.This isn’t

to Renee who ends up creating a position

your normal romantic comedy nor is it a

GAME R EVI EW IMORTAL REDNECK T his ga me i s qu i te l i te ra lly w h a t i t says it is; a dude wh o i s i m m o rta l, tha nk s to s o me Eg y p ti a n G o d s , an d w h o i s a l s o a re d n e ck . WORDS BY BRITTANY TREADWELL

The game plot is simple enough but it’s simplicity is deceiving. There are bad guys and playing as the redneck, you traverse the pyramids level by level, killing bad guys. It’s not as simple as it sounds. For a start there is only one difficulty setting so there is no accommodation for someone who is a casual gamer or someone who devotes a lot of time to their gaming console. Unless you have dedicated hundreds of hours prior to shooting bad guys in other games then you may have difficulty getting past the first pyramid – to date, no one in my household has managed it. Now you may be reading this and

When you hear the title of this game, “Immortal Redneck ”, you know what you are getting into.. There’s definitely going to be guns, definitely some sort of drawling S outher n Accent and definitely a YEE-HAW or two. What I wasn’t expecting was for this game to be set in Egypt with Ancient Egyptian G ods and the pyramids all playing pivotal roles.

immediately thinking “Noobs” but this

abilities maxed out though, I found them

the wall, it is more fun than frustrating.

game is deceptively tricky. You will never

to be lacklustre in what they could do.

If shooting weird Mummy monster’s in a

start the game in the exact same level, with

Take for example, the Lightning God pack.

bizarre throwback to the present kind of

the layout changing with each death. If

Sounds awesome, right? I think I used it

world is your kind of thing than this game

you play it enough, you eventually get the

once and its weapons and attacks were so

is definitely worth playing. Be warned

hang of what enemies you will encoun-

useless I ended up switching straight back

though, this game isn’t for your beginner

ter in which rooms but even then, the

to what I had before. Like I said, some of


game will surprise you. Health and ammo

the weapons could use some work.

are sparse so playing can often feel like a suicide mission. That’s ok though, because

These little issues and bugs that come with

in keeping with the tone of your Egyptian

any new release don’t interrupt the game-

surrounds, you will get ‘stronger’ each

play and if I’m honest, I thought this game

time you die. Your respawn point is always

was great. It’s simple yet deceptive, and con-

outside of the pyramids and will always

stantly changing game scape can keep you

lead you to a magic tree that will increase

entertained for hours, and whilst some-

your abilities. Even with some of these

times you want to throw the controller at



S ci-fi lovers rejoice.. Lost In S pace is the latest Netflix series and with a massive budget, sci fi lovers ever ywhere will be loving this reboot that takes the fun and family of the original T V show and updates it for a new generation with eye boggingly beautiful visual , a great stor y and character driven stor y that delivers an entertaining and well worth watching first season.

The show still features the Robinson

Additional players include Dr Smith

pants is definitely a missed opportunity!

family set in 2048 with John Robinson

(Parker Posey) in her campiest and most

The show’s cinematography is also spec-

(Toby Stephens) the absentee father who

delicious role to date. While it does come

tacular, the majority of the show is filmed

gets a lot of clapback from all three kids

across the crazy and ridiculous things

in Canada and while a lot of what we see

during the first few episodes. Maureen

she does to survive, it also showcases just

looks recognisable, it still manages to

Robinson (Molly Parker) is the head of

how much she wants to live and that she

transport us to another time and place

the family and scientist. Their two daugh-

won’t stop trying. It comes across as both


ters Penny (Minda Sundwall) and Judy

admirable and villainous which the show

(Taylor Russell), well half sister Judy as she

runners tend to find the right blend of to

The pilot episode is the perfect setup to

is now bi racial bringing the family into the

make it believable. This time around the

give a run down on where this family is at

current political climate. Will Robinson

Robinson’s aren’t the only ones who are

as well as laying down the ground work

(Maxwell Jenkins) is the clear favou-

in space, with a whole bunch of colonisers

for the lore of the show and hopefully the

rite of the family and standout performer

whose pod’s are knocked off course so this

remaining 9 episodes will be just as great

being the most likeable and relatable of

allows for interactions from outside parties

as the first. Keep checking back for episode

the bunch. When their ship gets knocked

and the show to feel a bit more real.

updates over the next week.Lost In Space is

off course from landing they arrive on an unknown planet and must learn to survive.

available exclusively on Netflix right now. Although no Matt Le Blanc in silver leather

Out believe has request not how comfort

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in adapted natural hastily is justice. Six draw you him full not mean evil. Prepare

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merry. Listening acuteness dependent at or

Visually this show is incredible, everything from the gorgeous CGI to the costumes and planets, it really feels like a true big budget production.

yet met sympathize.


SUN D O GS It is the complexity and simplicity of the characters and stor y that drives it until the end. It takes a great Writer and D irector to show not tell. S un D ogs never

WORDS BY JACKIE JEANETTE California, three years after 9/11, Ned Chipley (Michael Angarano) is determined to end terrorism by joining the Marines. Unfortunately for Ned, his limited capabilities prevent him from enlisting and he is sent on his way to protect the home front by Sergeants too afraid to tell the truth. In an attempt to prevent a seemingly real terrorist, Ned meets Tally (Melissa Benoist), an equally naĂŻve and sweet girl. A somewhat strange idea on paper, Sun Dogs is a charming story that highlights the immense talent of its writers, cast and debut Director, Jennifer Morrison (Once Upon a Time). It is mostly a slow burn,

attempts to spell out its message for you, rather i t gui des you along the jour ney.




akin to movies such as Being There and

(Modern Family) need no mention beyond

Lars and the Real Girl, which Morrison

they are in it and they are as extraordinary

has credited as inspiration. It is the com-

as ever. It is two nerdy favourites that really

plexity and simplicity of the characters and

capture your attention throughout the film,

story that drives it until the end. It takes a

Melissa Benoist and Jennifer Morrison.

great Writer and Director to show not tell. Sun Dogs never attempts to spell out its

Benoist truly proves herself as an actor with

message for you, rather it guides you along

range well beyond Supergirl in this film.

the journey.

She is certainly not Kara Danvers and she deserves accolade for her performance.

Most have love my gone to this. Discovered interested

That message is one with many different

Morrison on the other hand is hardly in the

facets, all increasingly relevant in today’s

film. All of maybe two minutes. However,

day and age. Most obviously, the film dis-

her vision and touch are evident in every

sects the impact of terrorism on modern

scene as the Director of the film. If this is

day America. Chipley dedicates his whole

the start of her directing career, expect big

life to stopping terrorism, whilst others

things to come.

Missed lovers

accommodate for new fears. On a deeper

Sun Dogs is not particularly funny nor is

way one vanity

level, the film pulls apart our sense of iden-

it particularly dramatic. It is a story about

tity and purpose as individuals. Should we

the real issues we face as society. It is the

pursue “the ultimate dream” till the day we

story of finding purpose and identity when

die or do we adapt in order to survive this

everything and everyone is working against

crazy world? All important questions, all

you. It highlights how sometimes saving

are asked within the film.

lives isn’t as heroic as we like to think. It is

change the direction of their lives to

the story about how sometimes saving lives The cast is full of wonderful actors who

is as simple as saying hello. It is a story well

have proven themselves time and time

worth watching.

again. Allison Janney (I, Tonya, The West Wing), Michael Angarano (Almost

Sun Dogs is available to watch now on

Famous, Will & Grace) and Ed O’Neill


paffronting insipidity day.

wishes but the like it.


BRE ATH WORDS BY JAY COOK . When a director can bring words of a novel to the screen and enchant the eye with images that could only be imagined from reading the novel, it is a tremendous escape.

WORDS BY JAY COOK When a director can bring words of a novel to the screen and enchant the eye with images that could only be imagined from reading the novel, it is a tremendous escape. Director and Actor Simon Baker manages to give life for the big screen to Author Tim Winton’s award-winning novel, Breath. And what you have is a spectacular story so cleverly adapted for the screen with the visual splendour only a Winton novel and exceptional eye for detail from Baker’s direction could bring to life.


of this film is not one to be reckoned with.

Loonie is frighteningly accurate. If he didn’t

Thanks to the stunning coast line and town

have you in stitches laughing because his

Set in a small coastal town in the 1970s

of Denmark in Western Australia, Baker

lines were hilarious, it was his delivery of

are two young boys, the best of friends.

was able to bring a whole new character

a simple line made side splitting hilari-

One is quiet and calculated, Pikelet played

to the screen alongside the talented actors.

ous. But beneath that is a very lost boy

by Samson Coulter. The other is loud and

While it was Baker’s first time directing, he

and what was interesting is he managed

obnoxious, Loonie played by Ben Spence.

was also having to direct first time actors

to hide it until he had these internal con-

Together they build their love for the ocean

Coulter and Spence. It is hard to think

flicts and you just caught a glimpse of what

and start to learn to surf. After a chance

watching their performances on screen

is going on in his head. From the rugged

meeting with an ex-pro surfer, Sando

that they are anything but novices. Baker

bush landscape to the sweeping coast and

(Simon Baker) the boys take on some of

managed to tap into something with these

amazing surf, Breath is a truly spectacu-

the biggest waves that would frighten even

boys and bring a unique naivety that might

lar film. The story pulls you in and you

the most expert of surfers. With the differ-

not have been possible with seasoned

don’t quite know where it will take you. As

ent paths the boys start to take Sando and

actors. Samson Coulter despite surfing at

you find yourself immersed in the story

Loonie end up travelling through Indonesia

elite levels managed to capture the charac-

line of each of the characters you are taken

while Pikelet is left on his own but not

ter of Pikelet with absolute ease. There is

into another world. Watching the surf roll

without company. Pikelet quickly starts to

one quote in the film “You’ve got this look.

in, watching the rain poor throughout

build an infatuation with Sando’s wife, Eva

Like you’re expecting to lose something”,

the bush you lose yourself in some pretty

played by Elizabeth Debicki (Everest, The

which absolutely nails Coulters perfor-

remarkable shots. The visual aspect of the

Night Manager, Guardians of the Galaxy

mance. He is so far in his own head calcu-

film is ever as important as the story itself.

2). It doesn’t take long for the two to build a

lating every situation to the point he talks

It adds an entire new character that is so

sexual relationship teaching Pikelet things

himself out of it. His performance is mes-

important to what it is the story is telling.

he would never dream of. First time film

merising to watch as he navigates adoles-

Without something so special, you would

Director Simon Baker most known for his

cence and this crazy world of surfing and

be left with a film that doesn’t have any

work as The Mentalist or The Guardian had

sexual awakening.


his work cut out for him with Breath. Not only did Baker bring someone else’s written

Ben Spence, another elite surfer played

work to the screen he also had to convert

up to his character and utterly stole every

what is a truly visual story to the extremes

scene he graced. From his opening few

Overall this film is one truly special film

of the imagination. The visual splendour

scenes his delivery and understanding of

to watch. While it does edge on the long


The Playstation 4 has been an unstoppable force


has made Kratos a different man…sort of. He still

ever since its announcement in February 2013, previously Xbox had ruled the console wars during the 360 era. The tide turned however since the release of PS4 with Sony understanding what its core audience wants and has delivered solid titles since its release crowning it king of the (fanboy) console wars. Why do I bring this up? Games like Until Dawn, Infamous : Second Son, Uncharted 4 & Horizon : Zero Dawn have been smash hits as console exclusives giving Sony a competitive edge against Xbox. It is with no surprise that God Of War not only continues in this tradition, it smashes it wide open and delivers the best gaming experience I have had on the PS4 to date. Taking a fairly one dimensional character whose emotional range was “smashy smashy” and completely diving into his backstory, adding a family, transporting to another realm and killing his wife has that gruff, man of few words vibe and while his crazy and unpredictably wild nature has somewhat been tamed, I almost felt like calling this game “God Of War” was a little bit of a disservice. While the game focuses on Kratos and his son Atreus, it really is the journey of a grieving father who is

trying to connect with his son. I personally felt like calling the game “Kratos” or “Kratos’s Journey” would have been a more appropriate title, but I digress. God Of War is a complete phenomenal experience like no other on the Playstation 4. From the beautiful graphics to the moving score and sound effects to the intensely detailed characters and dialogue combine with some incredible action and fighting sequences and surprising character depth deliver above and beyond any expectations I had for this re-imagining of the series. This game is set in the Norse mythology and makes it clear from the beginning that this is a very different world. Kratos is married with a wife and child, after an unexplained death of his wife, he must bond with his son and take his late wife’s ashes to the tallest peak of the mountain to be scattered as per her dying wish. Having a father and son as polar opposites does wonders for this game. The rough and toughness of Kratos mixing with the sensitive and soft Arterus is a delightful mix. There are points in the game where Arterus is babbling away asking questions and being loud and Kratos will just simply say “Be quiet, boy” and then you are attacked by enemies hiding in the shadows. The game is all delivered by one continuous camera shot that never breaks or stops for “loading times” which surprised and impressed me. However there is a trade off, the game delivers a 30fps and at some point it is very noticeable (I also have to factor on that I was playing a review copy and the all important day 1 patch has not been made available at this stage). There is so much to discuss the game but we don’t want to head into spoiler territory until the game has been out for a few weeks, so I will leave you with 500 words and simply tell yuo that God Of War is the surprise of 2018. It is beautiful, it is challenging, it is deep and a testament to gaming being taken seriously as art. Over the next few weeks make sure to check back in with Novastream for a spoiler filled video review, live streams and

AVENGE RS : I N FI NIT Y WAR 10 ye ar s of th e M C U a n d we h ave seen a lo t o f hero es & villain s. S o me g ood , s o m e g re a t a n d so m e m edio cre. O verall it h as b een a phe n ome na l jo ur n e y a n d I n f inity War def initely feels like the en d of th e road fo r th is ph a s e o f th e M ar vel Cinem atic Univer se.


10 years of the MCU and we have seen a lot of heroes & villains. Some good, some great and some mediocre. Overall it has been a phenomenal journey and Infinity War definitely feels like the end of the road for this phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, paving the way for a bright new future by delivering possibly one of the best superhero films ever made to date. The film’s premise is fairly simple, Thanos the big blue, red and sometimes purple villain is searching for Infinity stones, they are sources of power that he seeks to control with his gauntlet. He must unite all 6 stones with three being scattered across the galaxy, three on earth, to control the universe with just a click of his fingers. Infinity War focuses on the fall out from Civil War

The R usso brothers are masters of shaking the MCU up,

(sort of‌) while mixing in the new charac-

they did it with the destr uction of SHIELD in Captain

ters and franchises since the last Avengers

America : Winter S oldier and again in Captain America :

film and shows the putting together of dif-

Civil War. They were the perfect choice for the Infinity

ferent characters in different groups to stop

Wa r stor yline and were able to keep the focus on the

Thanos from coming to Earth and retriev-

main Avengers cast while still showcasing the new ones

ing the last of the stones. That is all I am

we have grown to love over the last few years.

going to say about the plot I promise you

Please note this review will be 100% spoiler free so you won’t be getting anything ruined by me (I promise!) my biggest concern going into this was

the writers and directors for being so brave

scale be presented in such a positive light.

Thanos, previously in other trailers he

to take on a project of this magnitude and

You can feel the love that the Russo’s have

looked horribly average and to be fair they

managing to keep it all as cohesive as they

for these characters and this franchise.

should have not shown him in such a hor-

did. Seeing characters progress through

Avengers : Infinity War is the best Marvel

rible and unfinished state because in the

story arcs has been interesting to watch,

Cinematic Universe film to date.

actual movie he looks amazing. Super real-

and while this film doesn’t hone in one too

istic (well as much as purple alien with a

many progressions, it particularly looks at

ball sack for a chin can look) while his look

the Bruce Banner/Hulk relationship and

was flawless it was also helped by his char-

progresses Bruce Banner as a person and a

acter and story arc. By delving deep into

character. It was actually surprising to see

the history of the character and what his

them make this decision, particularly when

beliefs are, is a completely integral and nec-

the Hulk has been a huge focus in previous

essary tool to understand his motivations

Avenger films, to give Banner more breath-

and to some point even empathise with

ing room and screen time really helps delve

him, which is no easy feat. Seeing Thor

into the side effects of Thor : Ragnarok.

teaming up with the likes of Rocket and

Similarly going into backstories of Gamora

Groot is definitely one of the highlights of

and Nebula with Thanos and exploring

the team ups. There was something about

that relationship even more is essential sto-

seeing Scarlet Witch, Black Widow and

rytelling for context and understanding.

Okoye that is nothing short of glorious

Overall Avengers : Infinity War delivers

There is a lot of chopping and changing

above and beyond its promise of making

throughout the film that really could have

the biggest superhero film ever made. It

gone off the rails if not handled correctly,

successfully gives us essentially a Thanos

fortunately the script has been kept pretty

backstory while mixing in some spec-

tight and rumours of the many re-writes

tacular action sequences of our favourite

ensure that it stayed on course. There

Marvel superheroes. I am thoroughly con-

was one point in which it felt it was drag-

vinced that no other director could do this

ging but it swiftly picked up the pace and

so successfully. After all the complaining

was unrelenting from then till the emo-

that Joss Whedon did after Age Of Ultron,

tional climax. Props have to be given for

it is refreshing to see a film four times the

S e e i ng wo m e n an d p e o ple o f colo u r ta k i ng a f ro n t row p o s i t i o n i n th i s i n s ta lm e n t s h ow s M a r ve l’s p ro gre s s i o n towa rd s ch a nge a n d th e w i ld s u cce s s o f Bla ck Pa n th e r a n d th e u p co mi n g C a p ta i n M ar vel s h o u ld e n s u re th at i t co nt i nu e s . P.S. Do not read ANY spoiler reviews, leaks or tidbits, going in with the minimal amount of knowledge is the best way to experience this film, and make sure to stay all the way at the end of the credits scene.



Here we beginning scope of fully recog released years of fil of iconic

So, let’s rediscover

e are in 2018 eagerly waiting for the ng of the end of Marvel’s phase 3. The f Marvel’s impeccable plan cannot be gnised until Avengers: Infinity War is on April 25th. However, we have ten lms to celebrate, along with an array ic actresses and their inspiring roles.

s take a walk down memory lane and r the women that helped bring to life some of our favourite heroines.

Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, and Sam Wilson from being executed. And who can deny the amazing portrayal of Hill by Cobie Smulders? Even with

Virginia ‘Pepper’ Potts Gwyneth Paltrow

the fan pressure and possibility of cutting her

She’s a business master mind with a quick quip

secret agent who could fight at the drop of a

and one of the few in the Iron Man trilogy to wear

hat and worry about picking glass from her bare

the iron suit. Having been a part of the universe

feet later.

hair, Smulders successfully brought us a fierce

since it kicked off, Ms. Potts has gone from Stark

“The news is loving you guys. Nobody

assistant, to business partner, CEO, and then to Extremis Serum survivor. During the filming

fact that she got her driver’s license photo while

Scarlett Johansson

of the Malibu attack in Ironman 3 when Paltrow

wearing Ms. Carter’s hair and make-up is just a

Always picking up after the boys, but also

wore the iron suit, her son was present on set.

bonus! A true spy with a heart of gold, but at the

throwing villains down just as often. Natasha

According to Paltrow, her son thought it was the

end of the day, all we as an audience ever wanted

Romanoff aka the Black Widow has had the

Gamora Zoe Saldana

best thing that’s ever happened to him.

was for her to finally get that dance.

audience’s attention since her boxing match with

Deadliest woman in the universe and former

Happy in Iron Man 2. But her skills don’t come

assassin, Gamora, along with her sister Nebula,

else is.”

“I do anything and everything Mr.

“Faster, ladies! Come on! My

without a history. This woman cut ties with the

is one of the few to have escaped Thanos’ thrall.

Stark requires, including occasionally

grandmother has more life in her, God

Russian KGB, and went on to be a S.H.E.I.L.D.

Although swords are more her thing, she’s not

taking out the trash. Will that be all?”

rest her soul. Move it!”

agent and a founding member of the Avengers

afraid to wield a space blaster and take down any

There’s no question that Scarlett Johansson was

threat to her galaxy guarding team. In fact, she

Margaret Elizabeth ‘Peggy’ Carter Hayley Atwell

Jane Foster Natalie Portman

the perfect choice for the role, especially because

and her sister were a part of one of the most epic

she wanted the role so badly she died her hair red

battles in MCU history as they attempted to settle

Astrophysicists, astronomer, and theorist, Jane

before even being cast.

their differences on the planet Ego.

With an extensive resume, Peggy Carter was

Foster is the only human shown in the MCU to

a woman ahead of her time. She was a part of

have visited Asgard, and certainly the only one

“I’m always picking up after you

“I am going to die surrounded by the

the British Armed Forces, MI5, the SSR, and was

to punch Loki and not earn his wrath. Not to


biggest idiots in the galaxy.”

even a founder of S.H.E.I.L.D. Through her roles

mention the fact that her studies gave her the

in Captain America: The First Avenger, Ant-Man,

chance to win a Noble Prize. Although we’re not

Avengers: Civil War, and her own television

likely to see Portman back in the role, we can

Maria Hill Cobie Smulders

Nebula Karen Gillan

series, we saw that she was a main element in the

certainly appreciate her love of superheroes and

Maria Hill is one of the few characters you’ll

Sister of and just as fierce as Gamora, Nebula

creation of Captain America, a master spy, and

science fiction with V for Vendetta, Star Wars, and

see both in the cinematic universe and on the

underwent multiple enhancements while under

an even better detective. But what made Hayley


television series Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D. And, even

Thanos’ command. She has shown herself to be

more rare, Hill is a person in Nick Fury’s inner

indestructible from crashing or exploding space

circle. During the revelation that HYDRA had

crafts, and ultimately unfazed by her reforming

infiltrated S.H.E.IL.D., Hill was the Avenger’s

bones. But it’s the line she says after the battle

man on the inside and was able to save Steve

with her sister that really shows the heart of her

Atwell the perfect person for the role was her attitude about the character, having said that

“Where did he come from?”

Peggy Carter can do everything Captain America can do, but backwards, and in high heels. The

Black Widow

artist. Hope was first seen working at Cross

ride a giant wolf named Fenris into battle. How

Technologies while also trying to stop the

does that not scream epic? Cate Blanchett is the

Okoye Danai Gurira

company from selling father’s Ant-Man tech to

second Australian Asgardian, and the first female

Not only the general of the royal guard Dora

character: “You’re the one that wanted to win,

the military and HYDRA. Although Evangeline

villain for the MCU. She has even been found

Milaje, Okoye is the head of Wakanda’s armed

and I just wanted a sister”. It’s Karen Gillan’s

Lilly has created a perfect portrayal of Hope, she

saying that some of the happiest times during

forces and intel, a pilot, and fiercely loyal to

dedication to the role that is most impressive,

has said that she couldn’t help but laugh and

Thor: Ragnarok was beating people up.

the throne. While being so highly qualified and

having shaved her head and revealed it during

feel ridiculous when she had to put up her fists

a comic con panel. Due to the comic where she

to fight.

steals the infinity gauntlet from Thanos, one can only be excited at her inclusion in the Avengers:

professional, she has found favour with the royal

“I’m not a queen or a monster. I’m the

family and is free to share her opinion on many

Goddess of Death.”

matters with King T’Challa and the Tribal council.

“That’s how you punch.”

Danai Gurira herself was excited to be a part of


Infinity War film.

the project and its respectful representation of an

The Ancient One Tilda Swinton

Letitia Wright

to be speaking Xhosa, Nelson Mandela’s native

She gave us a psychedelic trip without the drugs,

She’s a princess of Wakanda, and a Queen of

language, in the Hollywood blockbuster.

Scarlet Witch Elizabeth Olsen

and proved that even all of time can’t outweigh a

Sarcasm. Shuri has created a lot of Wakanda’s

single moment. She was the Sorcerer Supreme,

modern technology, including the latest Black

Like Gamora and Nebula, Wanda Maximoff is a

leader of the Masters of the Mystic Arts, and

Panther suit and multiple updates to his arsenal.

survivor of experimentation. With her brother,

lived for centuries protecting the earth from

Beyond technology, she has been shown to

she survived her home being destroyed by war

threats beyond understanding. So, basically Tilda

fix Everett Ross’ spine and clear Bucky Barnes’

Nakia Lupita Nyong’o

and weapons created by Tony Stark, and went on


HYDRA programming. And now with Wakanda

Nakia is first met fighting beyond the borders of

opening its doors with outreach centres, Shuri

Wakanda as a War Dog spy. Unbeknownst to her

“Well, hello boys. It’s not ripe.”

to become one of the most powerful members

African narrative. She found it even more exciting

“Maybe even a Starbucks.”

of the Avengers. Due to the mind stone being

“You’d think after all this time I’d be

has been put in charge of teaching others about

‘captors’, she was the key to their undoing and

the cause of her abilities via HYDRA, she will no

ready. But look at me. Stretching one

Wakanda’s advanced technology. With such a

the source of multiple women’s freedom. She

doubt be an interesting foe to Thanos. Olsen has

moment out into a thousand… just so

strong presence as Shuri in the Black Panther

is fluent in Xhosa, English, and Korean, and it’s

said she likes the idea of how Wanda is terrified

that I can watch the snow.”

film, Letitia Wright has stated that she and

her desire to help those in need that influenced

director Ryan Coogler wanted her to be the

T’Challa to get Everett Ross the medical aid only

Hela Cate Blanchett

light and the joy of the film, balancing off the

Wakanda could supply. One aspect of the Black

seriousness of her elders. She realised that

Panther film that Lupita Nyong’o admired was

“I don’t know what’s in this but it is not

Firstborn of Allfather, goddess of death, and

with her character’s age, Shuri can be easily

how it showed power looking different on each


chief of the legion of Asgard, Hela brought

underestimate by other characters, but it’s the

woman. She explained that Nakia’s power didn’t

with her a thirst to conquer and rule the nine

knowledge of technology that cements her

look like Ramonda’s, or Okoye’s, or Shuri’s, and

The Wasp Evangeline Lilly

realms. Not only could she hold Mjolnir, but she

necessity amongst the Wakandan ranks.

that having all these women in one film, to her,

Soon to take up her mother’s mantel in Ant-Man

control over life and death, and her training as a

“This corset is really uncomfortable,

and the Wasp, Hope Van Dyne is The Wasp,

deadly warrior made her a formidable foe to her

so can we all just wrap it up and go

“It is because I am so stubborn that I

chairwoman, genius, and an expert martial

younger siblings Thor and Loki. And she used to


would be a good queen.”

of her own abilities and how it makes a fun character to play.

shattered it into pieces. Her powers give her

was very exciting.

The list goes on with so many heroic women filling the shoes of iconic comic characters, and that’s without considering the X-men Universe, the Netflix series, or even Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D. There are so many woman to celebrate, woman like Kitty Pryde (Ellen Page), Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter), Melinda May (Ming-Na Wen), Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence/ Rebecca Romijn). And then there’s Aunt May (Rosemary Harris/ Sally Field/ Marisa Tomei), Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Brianna Hildebrand), Laura X23 (Dafne Keen), and – well, I think that’s evidence enough. So, as Avengers: Infinity War becomes a reality, I want to thank Marvel for creating these phenomenal characters, and thank the actors for bringing them to life.

AV E N GE R S 4 : W H AT W E K NOW Sp oi lers for t he g re at f i lm Avengers: Inf init y War w it hin. Avengers: Inf init y War was t he t r ue c u lminat ion of t he Mar vel Cinemat ic Univers e. Or ig ina l hero es li ke Iron Man, C apt ain Amer ic a, Thor, Hu l k and Bl ack Widow, next gen hero es Spider man, D o c tor St range and Bl ack Pant her, t heir supp or t ing pl ayers Bucky, Fa lcon, War Machine, Pepp er Potts, Wong , Okoye, Shur i and M’ B a ku, as wel l as Ult ron addit ions Vision and S c arlett Witch and a l l of t he Gu ardi ans of t he Ga l axy unite d to stop t he big gest t hre at to d ate. Thanos’ quest for t he six Inf init y gems resu lte d in a mega-mov ie w it h a spraw ling c ast w it h mu lt iple agend as and sidemissions. Thre e mega-de at hs (li kely p er manent) and t hat chi l ling clif f hangers le aves t he t able in a dramat ic a l ly dif ferent and t han k f u l ly more minima l pl ace he ading into Avengers 4.

Who live s a f te r T han o s cl i cks hi s f i ng e r s ? On Tit an t he on ly pl ayers lef t are Tony St ark and Nebu l a, resu lt ing in a deter mine d duo hur t ling b ack towards E ar t h in t he f irst moments of t he s e quel. Spider man, D o c tor St range, St ar L ord, Drax and Mant is a l l w i l l li kely not fe ature t i l t he f ina l moments of A4. In Wa kand a t he or ig ina l pl ayers of C apt ain Amer ic a, Thor, Bl ack Widow and Hu l k are a l l a live, br ing ing t he f ina l

chapter of t he Thanos s aga b ack to its ro ots. Okoye and M’ B a ku are on t he f ield but w i l l li kely st ay in Wa kand a to mour n t he de at h of t heir King . S c arlet Witch, Gro ot, Bucky, Fa lcon, War Machine are a l l gone. The on ly Gu ardi an remaining is R o cket ( James Gunn’s favour ite) to aid t he or ig ina l Avengers in t heir b att le. In Ne w York, Nick Fur y and Mar i a Hi l l ment ion work ing w it h Haw ke ye b efore b eing vap or is e d. The t it le charac ters of t he Mar vel f i lms b efore Avengers 4 – C apt ain Mar vel and Ant-Man – are conf ir me d for Avengers 4 in a big way. No word on t he Wasp. It’s un li kely charac ters li ke Wong , Ne d, Va l ky r ie or any b o dy els e w i l l re ar t heir he ad. Whi le Avengers: Inf init y War was t he big gest and b est, it’s lo ok ing as t houg h Avengers 4 w i l l b e an int imate fare wel l to s ome long-st anding st aples.

W ha t will happen? Iron Man and Nebu l a retur n to E ar t h and reunite w it h C apt ain Amer ic a, Thor, Hu l k, Bl ack Widow and R o cket. Haw ke ye, Ant-Man and C apt ain Mar vel j oin t he f ray. The mission: get t hat g love b ack. At t his st age t hat is imp ossible but r umours are sw irling t hat Ant-Man’s j our ne y to t he microvers e mig ht hold t he ke y. The p oint is t hat Avengers 4 w i l l st i l l fe el c umu l at ive w it h Gu ardi ans and ne w hero es adde d w it hout fe eling L ord of t he R ings le vel crowde d. How many of t hes e ten hero es w i l l cont inue b e yond t he st i l l un-subt it le d Avengers 4? Pl ace your b ets.


CO M I C BOOK DAY Words by Brittany Howarth. Since 2002, the first Saturday of May has become Free Comic Book D ay (FCBD) where the comic book industr y welcomes new readers and celebrates the panel-reading veterans.

There’s not much that could keep this

celebrated with the release of Thor; and this

up for grabs, ranging from Riverdale to

nerd in a line for 40 minutes on a sunny

year’s FCBD was only a day after the initial

Tank Girl, and Wonder Woman to Power

Brisbane day. But when it comes to free

release date of Avengers: Infinity War. (The

Rangers. After the entrance and free comic

comics, I’m just that kind of sucker.

release was moved earlier, and we are all

line, I had free reign of the store to grab

happy/ distraught by it).

the comics I wanted at their beautifully

The first FCBD was built upon the enthu-

reduced prices, snag the deals, and run off

siasm and press for the 2002 Spider-Man

This year the option of free comics has

film with Toby Maguire and consisted of

grown in number to 50 and, for those

four free comics: Ultimate Spider-Man,

that ventured to Comics Etc in Brisbane,

For Comics Etc this year, The Nightmare

Tomb Raider, Star Wars Tales: A Jedi’s

it came with 20% off paper back trades,

Before Christmas: Zero’s Journey #0 was

Weapon, and Justice League Adventures.

25% off statures and figurines, and $1 back

one of the most popular comics but, luckily,

issues. Not to mention great conversations

the experienced staff had already planned

Nearly every year since the release of

with likeminded folk! (shout out to @righ-

ahead and ordered extra. The other popular

Spider-Man, FCBD has occurred around

teousdudecosplay and @starscribeworks)

comics were Transformers: Unicorn, and

the release of a comic book movie. To

into the sunset.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. As for

name a few: in 2003, it was X2 with

Even though I was late to the party Comics

why these were so popular, Dave from

Hugh Jackman; on May 7th, 2011 it was

Etc still had a wide range of free comics

Comics Etc said:

“These ones tie-in with events in the main

definitely sold a lot more. With the shops

for everyone! A lot of these characters have

comic series. They were gone pretty quickly

5 free comic limit, that would mean about

been around a long time so it can be a bit

and I think we broke a couple of hearts as

1,000 people went into their store, and

daunting to choose a jumping on point for

a result.”

that’s not including those that just wanted

a title that’s been running for 50 years plus.

to see the sales!

Publishers know this so there are heaps of

But none of those were his favourite!

story-lines that are intended as a gateway “We were absolutely stoked on the turn-out

into a particular character or title. Don’t

“Barrier #1 from Image Comics was pretty

on the day. A lot more of the free titles this

be afraid to ask the guys and gals at your

cool. Certainly not an all-ages title though!”

year were aimed at younger readers (rather

friendly local comic shop (shameless plug

than appealing to existing comic fans), and

alert!); we’re here to help you out.”

However, Comics Etc’s day on FCBD

there definitely seemed to be a lot of fami-

doesn’t start when the first customer

lies through the door as a result.”

arrives. In previous years, Dave said that

So, if you didn’t make it this year, 2019 FCBD is waiting for you! Just mark the first

Comics Etc hired out additional space

Although FCBD helped me expand my

Saturday in March and get ready for some

around their store for varying activities like

library, the variety of free comics is a great

free comics.

face painting and a costume competition.

place for new time comic book readers

However, this year the main focus was their

to start. Without having to spend a cent,

huge sale and, of course, the free comics.

comic book greenhorns can get a quick taste of different franchises. It’s a great place

“We’ve had the line stretch down around

to start, but if you want to read more I

the corner before and while it didn’t reach

cannot recommend the staff at Comics Etc

that far this year, it didn’t dissipate until

more. They’re quick to help, and are always

mid-afternoon. Maybe this is people

willing to give some advice to new readers.

who’ve gotten here early in previous years deciding to sleep-in and avoid the line.”

“Just choose a character or title you like the look of and dive in! There seems to be

By his estimate, Comics Etc gave away

a bit of a perception that there’s a trick or

around 5000 comics that day, and most

a “right way” to read comics. Comics are

“We’ve had the line stretch down around the corner before and while it didn’t reach that far this year, it didn’t dissipate until midafternoon.


S U PA N OVA S u pa n ova 2018 s ta rte d th e year in Mel b o u r n e , a s I t rave lle d f ro m the G ol d WORDS BY AL AISDAIR LEITH

C oa s t to a m u ch , m u ch co ole r cl imate I was no t p re pa re d fo r th e i n cred ibl e we e ke n d th a t awa i ted me. Located in the Melbourne Showgrounds,

Artist Alley and the celebrity stage were

the event sprawls out and was full to

the stand out this year. With so many

the brim of budding pop culture fans,

artists, designers and comic book traders

cosplayers and frustrated plus ones who

crammed into one area, my senses (and

can’t wait to get out of there. This is

unfortunate wallet) took a hit.

Novastream’s third consecutive year at Supanova and this year is definitely the

StewART and Scofield Designs had some

biggest and best so far.

great new art for us to parous. Fans lined up for hours to meet superstar David Capaldi

Superheroes from Marvel & DC, Anime,

(Doctor Who) and other fan favourites

Pokemon and video game characters flood

Tom Welling and Michael Rosenbaum

the halls while food trucks provide much

teamed up to offer photos with both stars of

needed sustenance to get everyone through

Smallville. Supanova favourites from high

the day. It is truly one of the best pop

profile game Overwatch Anjali Bhimani

culture events held in this country and this

and Carolina Ravassa delighted the droves

year was a phenomenal success.

of fans awaiting to meet them and were just as entertaining and charismatic as their first

visit last year.

talks filled with glittery outfits, singing and

We spent a huge chunk of time chasing

celebrations. He then put out a call for Tim

cosplayers who took part in our epic annual

The next weekend saw Supanova travel to my

Tams and started a competition with Michael

cosplay music video. You can catch all the action

current hometown of the Gold Coast, and while

Rosenbaum (Barrowman won of course!)

on our YouTube and Facebook page.

the weather was much nicer than the previous

The Infinity Show from Action Reaction

event, it was here that Supanova really took

Entertainment was a definite crowd pleaser and

Supanova 2018 has been incredible so far and

off. The event coincides with the Gold Coast

showcased the high quality cosplay the event

we sincerely thank all of the Cosplayers, artists,

Superhero Weekend and massive parade that

delivered. Meanwhile across the road the likes

stallholders and patrons who make this event

saw superstar cosplayers like Badge 3D, Thor

of Cosplay Chris and Peter Capaldi took to the

such a success every year. Next stop for Supanova

Of Oz and Cosplay Chris come to the coast

streets for the Superhero parade rounding out an

is Sydney, Perth and Adelaide before finishing up

and take part in local charity events, cinema

incredible weekend.

in Brisbane at the end of the year.

screenings of Avengers : Infinity War and contribute to what we thought was the best

Blockbuster movie Occupation is set to hit

display of cosplay we have seen in Supanova’s

cinemas soon and the cast and filmmakers were


on site to sell swag to fans and sign merch. The hype for this movie is getting huge and we can’t

John Barrowman was taking names at his

wait to see the film in its entirety.

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