English brochure

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Novia – A New Way

Our name is a combination of the Latin words

ing and the Degree Programme in Environmental

nova and via - a new way. The name conveys our ambition: Novia is the new way for our students to become professionals equipped with quality education, ready to meet the challenges of an everchanging job market in a globalised world.

With its 4000 students Novia is big enough to

have the resources to meet the expectations of students and working life alike, yet small enough to provide pleasant and stimulating study facilities.

We offer a broad range of degree programmes

in eight fields: Technology, Communication and Transport; Social Services, Health and Sports; Natural Resources and the Environment; Business and Administration; Culture; Tourism, Catering and Domestic Services; Natural Sciences; as well as Humanities and Education.

Novia’s campuses are located in coastal towns

from Jakobstad in the north to Raseborg in the south. The coastal zone in Finland has long traditions in international trade and business and considering our geography it is natural for us to build on this tradition.


We have four international programmes for

degree students: the Degree Programme in NursEngineering in Vaasa and the Degree Programme in Maritime Management in Turku and one adult education degree programme in Sustainable Coastal Manangement in Raseborg. In addition, each field of education offers courses in English for exchange students.

Active growth in internationalisation is part

of Novia’s strategy. I welcome both students and teachers from abroad to work and study alongside our students and staff. I am convinced it will be a stimulating and rewarding experience both academically and culturally. Örjan Andersson President

The unceremonious relationship between stu-

Novia is Unique

dents and staff creates an inspiring atmosphere

Novia is a university network connecting campuses in four coastal towns in southwestern and western Finland. A string of approximately 600 kilometers ties together the Swedish-speaking regions of the country, which are Novia’s main area of recruitment.

for working together toward the mutual goal: quality education.

Quality education today incorporates a

sensitivity for sustainable development. Our geography makes us particularly aware of the vulnerability of coastal areas which constitute Novia’s special field of expertise. As future

Most of Novia’s 4000 students speak

Swedish as their first language, representing a national minority of about 6 % or 300,000 people. The language of instruction at Novia is Swedish, a fact that contributes to our identity.

professionals Novia graduates will have the know-how to apply the principles of sustainable development for the benefit of their organisations and their region.




yrkeshögskolan and Yrkeshög-

grammes in Swedish and

student-centred methods,

skolan Sydväst in 2008. The

4 Master’s programmes

regional presence, and

new organisation has a 150-

within the fields of techno-

sustainable development

year continuum of education,

logy, social and health care

– ecological, economic,

dynamic and adaptable to the

and natural resources.

social and cultural.

ovia University of Applied Sciences is the result of

a merger between Svenska

ovia offers 4 Bachelor degree programmes in

English, 27 degree pro-

ovia is synonymous with quality educa-

tion, project-based learning,

changing needs of society.

In 2012 there were 240 International students at Novia UAS



learning where theory and practice blend in logical entities. Student-centred methods aim

Novia is a multi-disciplinary institution of

at knowledge and qualifications vital on the job

higher education that trains professionals for

market today - and tomorrow. Along with pro-

expert and development posts. The studies

ject management skills students develop such

have a practical orientation. Novia interacts

key competences as problem-solving, commu-

with regional industries, trade and services

nication and teamwork.

through e.g. projects, development work,

practical training periods and commissioned

soloist to coach and team worker. Much time

Bachelor’s theses.

The teacher’s role changes from lecturing

is devoted to counselling the students, both in

The curriculum pro-

groups and individually. Cooperation between

motes new methods

colleagues in planning a project, in counselling

of learning and teaching. The

and assessing the students, is not only necessary but also stimulating and rewarding.



operation with local businesses and organisa-


tions, students and teachers build networks

approach is

Through research projects and project co-

and acquire know-how that benefit both them-

replaced by

selves, the university and the local society.


Novia’s role as a dynamic regional actor is thus enhanced by its pedagogical approach and methods of learning.

International Activities The goal of internationalisation at Novia is to increase the skills and capability of students and staff to act and work in an international and multicultural environment. We offer a wide range of opportunities for international participation. Student and

staff exchange programmes, work placements abroad, excursions, exhibitions, intensive courses and projects, international art and cultural events as well as research and development projects. Our focus areas are Scandinavia, the countries around the Baltic Sea, other European countries, and China.


Integrating international activities in the

course work provides valuable international experience for students and staff who do not participate in exchange. Internationalisation at home includes an increasing number of incoming exchange and degree students as well as guest lecturers from our partner universities who contribute to an international atmosphere on campus. Tutoring international students is a splendid opportunity to increase one’s intercultural awareness and have fun at the same time.

International Students at Novia Thanks to the relatively small size of our campuses all incoming students receive individual counselling and guidance from teachers, help and support from tutor students and personal service from the International Office. All regional campuses offer excellent study facilities.

Exchange Studies Most degree programmes at Novia are taught in Swedish but non-Swedish students can easily participate in the studies. Many courses are offered in English. The growing importance of project-based learning allows the use of English as the working language. Courses with a more practical orientation involving field work, workshops or laboratories are always open to non-Swedish speakers. Exchange students can work on individual projects guided by a teacher, combine studies and a work placement or choose courses from other Finnish universities cooperating with Novia.

Students from Novia’s partner universi-

ties abroad can apply to Novia once they have been nominated for an exchange by their home university. For more information about the application procedure please visit www.novia.fi



Maritime Management - 270 credits

Novia offers three regular Bachelor Degree Programmes and one adult education programme taught exclusively in English. The majority of students in them are non-Finnish citizens making the programmes truly multicultural, as well as maintaining an international perspective.

The training is closely related to practice;

Nursing - 210 credits

sional and versatile master mariners, quali-

In an increasingly multicultural global society, the need for culturally competent nurses is imminent. The goal of the Degree Programme in Nursing is to educate registered nurses who can work anywhere in the world promoting and supporting health for the prevention and treatment of diseases as well as rehabilitation and habilitation. Studies focus initially on basic nursing skills, followed by health care and mental health; the final year of advanced studies focuses on medical and surgical nursing care.

simulators, workshops, rescue boats and training vessels form a significant part of the study environment. One year of the programme is realized as onboard training. Graduates from the programme are profesfied for Finnish, European and international careers. The first self-evident career is at sea as officers on board any type of vessel. Shorebased careers within the maritime industry are underpinned by a career of sufficient length at sea. The maritime industry offers land-based positions within e.g. authorities, shipping companies, brokers, insurance companies, yards, and logistics. Applying to Novia's English degree programmes is possible online at www.admissions.fi through a joint application system for all degree programmes in English offered at Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences.

Environmental Engineering - 240 credits Courses include environmental management focusing on for example life cycle analysis and management systems as well as energy technology with a focus on sustainability. The students will learn to handle environmental and energy related tasks in a comprehensive way, taking into consideration both legislation and economy. The working methods of the degree programme include case studies, projects and team work which aim at improving the communication, argumentation and cooperation skills. The methods give a good basis for future industrial project work.


Sustainable Coastal Management - 240 credits (120 prior to admission+120 at Novia) Adult education in English leading to a Bachelor's degree in Natural Resources is meant for applicants who have already completed two years of university level studies. Application is done outside the joint application system. More information at www.novia.fi/degree-students/ adult-education

THE STUDENT UNION/R&D The Student Union Novium

tutors for new students, marketing tutors who take part in the recruitment of new students

Novium is an independent service and support organisation for all Novia students. Its status is regulated by law. Members of the student union annually elect representatives to the

and “old” and wise mentor tutors who share their experiences of study-related matters with younger students. For more information about Novium please visit www.novium.fi

Union Council. The decisions of the council are implemented by the Executive Board, which is supported by a secretariat. The student union is

Research and Development at Novia

represented on the board and in other decisionmaking bodies within Novia and therefore

Research and Development (R&D) is one of

has good possibilities to voice the students’

the core activities at Novia. The emphasis is on

interests in all decision making. Novium is also

applied research with regional impact within

a member of the National Union of Students

the fields of environment and coastal zone

in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences,

management, environmental technology and

SAMOK, which promotes the students’ inte-

matters related to energy, social and health

rests on a national level.

care, arts, design and culture, entrepreneurship

In addition to benefits like subsidised meals

and business development. A large part of R&D

in student restaurants and discounts for bus

is financed through the European Union, the

and train tickets, membership means first and

Academy of Finland and other external sources.

foremost a great opportunity to get to know

R&D is carried out in all Novia’s regional cam-

students from other degree programmes and


Novia campuses. The student union organises

get-togethers, excursions, sports activities and

engage teachers and students in research and

an annual ball. A typical feature for most social

development work. The aim is to increase stu-

events organised by Finnish student unions is

dent participation in different types of projects

the wearing of an overall in the colour of one’s

as part of their studies at Novia. The various

own student organisation. International stu-

aspects of sustainable development and con-

dents are welcome to follow this dress code and

cern for our future environment are a common

buy their own Novia overall.

denominator for all R&D activities.

For international students the first contact

with the student union will be the international

host the Research and Development Institute

tutor who meets them on arrival, shows them

Aronia, which concentrates on environmental

around and introduces them to the studies

research with particular focus on coastal zones.

It is a great challenge and opportunity to

Novia and Åbo Akademi University together

and Finnish way of life. There are also peer



Suomi - Finland

Space - Silence - Sisu - Sauna - Sea

for enjoying the outdoors.

All four seasons offer wonderful possibilities Close contact with nature is fundamental for

the Finnish way of life, significant even for the


Forests, lakes and islands are typical features

highly wired, urbanized generation. There are

of the Finnish landscape. Forests cover almost

about half a million lakeside or seaside holiday

three quarters of the country’s surface. Some

homes to fulfill the longing back to nature.

188,000 lakes characterise the scenery in the

central and eastern parts of the country. Off the

there are close to two million private saunas in

long western and southern coastlines there are

Finland and the number indicates the impor-

180,000 islands which make up large beautiful

tance. The rite of sauna bathing includes plung-

archipelagos. In the southwest the Turku

ing into the lake or the sea – in winter through

archipelago stretches across to the semi-auto-

a hole in the ice, or rolling in the snow. An

nomous, demilitarised island province of

experience worth joining in and an act requir-

Åland, half-way between Finland and Sweden.

ing some sisu. This Finnish word describes the

The Kvarken archipelago outside the coast of

mental determination and physical stamina the

Vaasa was included in the UNESCO World

Finns have demonstrated in conquering both

Heritage List in 2006.

climatic and historical hardship to reach their

present-day welfare.

The climate is marked by distinct seasonal

Each holiday home has a sauna. Totally

variation. The blue lakes and green forests of

the summer are transformed into a white infi-

can be described as honest, reliable, diligent,

In addition to having sisu, Finnish people

nity in winter. Temperatures may vary from

straight-forward, modest, loyal and tough. They

+30 C in the summer to -35 C in the winter.

may not be very talkative at first but foreigners

The change of light that accompanies the sea-

should not be discouraged by this. Enjoy their

sons is striking. The extremes are experienced

silence – not many people give you this luxury!

in northern Finland, where the polar night lasts

The “winter Finn” appears more introvert and

for over a month around Christmas. To com-

sulky, not too interested in small talk. However,

pensate, the legendary mid-night sun never sets

the lighter the nights become, the more the

between late May and mid-July.

sociable and open “summer Finn” takes over.

Finland is officially a bilingual country. Finnish is the first language for 93 % of the population and Swedish is the mother tongue of some 6 %. Most of the Swedish-speaking Finns live along the western and southern coasts of Finland, where many municipalities are predominantly Swedish. In these areas there are comprehensive schools, vocational institutes and universities for both language groups. Most Finns understand and speak good English and often some other European language.

Facts and Figures u

Population: 5.3 million


Area: 338,000 sq.km


Capital: Helsinki,

population approx. 0.5 million u

Independent republic since 1917


Part of Sweden 1155-1809


Autonomous grand duchy of

Imperial Russia 1809 -1917 u

Member of the EU since 1995


GDP about the same as in Austria and

the Netherlands u

Export: electrical, optical and telecommu-

nication equipment, machinery and scientific instruments, shipbuilding, pulp and



paper, foodstuffs, chemicals


DEGREE PROGRAMMES Degree Programmes in Swedish at Novia University of Applied Sciences Jakobstad


u Design

u Automation and IT

u Fine Arts

u Business Information Technology

u Media Culture

u Construction Engineering

u Music

u Construction Management u Natural Resources and the Environment


u Business Administration


u Construction Engineering

u Business Administration

u Electrical Engineering

u Civic Activity and Youth Work

u Information Technology u Industrial Management

u Development and Leadership within Social Services and Health Care (Master)

u Land Surveying

u Design

u Mechanical and Production Engineering

u Nursing (Health Care, Nursing)

u Technology-Based Leadership (Master)

u Social Services

u Advanced Clinical Care (Master) u Beauty and Cosmetics

u Tourism Management u Maritime Studies, Master Mariner

u Biomedical Laboratory Science u Nursing (Midwifery, Health Care, Nursing) u Radiography and Radiotherapy u Social Services u

Performing Arts

Degree Programmes in English at Novia University of Applied Sciences Vaasa u Environmental Engineering u Nursing Raseborg u Sustainable Coastal Management Turku u Maritime Management




Layout Simon Gripenberg Photos Du&Vi/Joakim Hansson/www.plugi.fi Printed at Fram 1/2013

Arctic circle




Did You Know That u

Nokia began as a producer of rubber boots


In winter you can walk and even drive your car over the iced

surface of the sea or the lakes u

Finland has one of the highest standards of education

in the world u

Finnish ice-breakers can go through ice 1.5 meters thick


Sauna is one of the few Finnish words borrowed by other

languages u

The sports crazy Finns can compete in anything: hot sauna

sitting, wife-carrying, boot throwing, swamp football u

Fish and pork baked inside a crust of bread make the Finnish

dish “kalakukko” u

Finns are the number one coffee drinkers in the world


All Finnish children over one year are guaranteed a place

at a daycare centre u

The “everyman’s right” or right of public access allows you to

International Students at Novia Are Offered u

Four Degree Programmes in English A wide range of courses

u u

Supervised work placements


Individual counselling and guidance

by teachers Help and support by tutor students


Excellent study facilities in beautiful settings


Services and support of


the International Office Services and activities of Novium,


the student union at Novia

Contact: Novia University of Applied Sciences

roam freely in the countryside, pick berries, mushrooms and

P.O. Box 6

flowers, fish, sail, ski, cycle and camp almost anywhere

65201 Vaasa


Finnish Lapland is home to the real Santa Claus



Stories of the Moomin trolls, translated into at least 30

Phone +358 (0)6 328 5000

languages, were originally written by Tove Jansson, a Swedish speaking Finn u

Finland was the first country in the world to give women both

the right to vote and to stand for election in 1906 u

Nightwish, Him, The Rasmus and Lordi are all Finnish. So are

also Karita Mattila and Esa-Pekka Salonen. And who are they, you may ask! This and much more you will find out at www.finland.fi and www.finnfacts.com

Printing Company

E-mail international@novia.fi


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