Novia University of Applied Sciences 2030 - Strategy for Novia UAS

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Novia Sustainable Impact

Strategy of Novia University of Applied Sciences

Novia UAS makes an impact both nationally and internationally due to its areas of strength.

Through its networks, Novia is the most active Finnish university in the other Nordic countries.

Novia makes a difference.

The strategy was adopted by the Board of Ab Yrkeshögskolan vid Åbo Akademi on 12 February 2024.

In the event of any discrepancies between the Swedish and the English versions, the original Swedish version shall prevail.

Culture of Doing


Novia UAS makes an impact both nationally and internationally due to its areas of strength. Through its networks, Novia is the Finnish university with the highest visibility in the other Nordic countries. Novia makes a difference.

Strategic Goals

Sustainable Solutions for Climate Change Mitigation

Nordic Cooperation for Welfare and Resilience

Global Orientation for a Sustainable Future

Profile and Areas of Strength

Novia UAS is a working life-oriented and international university that supports sustainable societal development, competence supply, and public services in the Swedish language in Finland. Novia works to strengthen Finland’s ties to the Nordic cultural community and promote Nordic working life cooperation.

Sustainable Solutions

Creative Expression



Welfare Design

Include Engage Deliver Foundation

Our organization is based on a professional, committed, and reflective staff consciously developing an open organizational culture, expertise, and opportunities for interdisciplinary and interprofessional collaboration.

Strategy of Novia University of Applied Sciences

The foundation of Novia’s activities and strategy lies in high-quality education that aims to meet the current and future needs of working life and society, as well as in research, development, and innovation activities (RDI) that support education, strengthen competence, and create added value for our students and cooperation partners. All operations are strongly anchored in working life and based on continuous collaboration with long-term cooperation partners. We operate in an efficient, goal-oriented, and growth-oriented manner. Our jointly established values form a solid base.

The market for higher education is becoming increasingly global, thus opening up new opportunities. Finland’s demographic structure changes as birth rates fall and the share of the elderly increases. The need for international labour recruitment is growing, which increases the importance of strengthening Novia’s international student recruitment. Additionally, activities are broadened through growth in flexible services for continuous learning, both nationally and internationally.

Novia addresses these changes through the determined development of quality and competence. We are forerunners in development, which requires focus and long-term commitment. In the dynamic operational environment of higher education institutions, characterised by limited resources, Novia seeks international growth with the support of global initiatives as well as international and corporate-funded RDI. A structure consisting of several campuses and disciplines provides a solid foundation for growth. Through growth, sufficient resources are ensured to guarantee quality.

The ownership structure with Åbo Akademi University ensure strong higher education in Swedish in Finland by combining the strengths of both higher education institutions; working life orientation and practical application with scientific excellence.


• Technology and Seafaring

• Health and Welfare

• Business

• Arts and Culture

• Bioeconomy Campuses

• Campus Vaasa

• Campus Turku

• Aboa Mare, Turku

• Campus Raasepori

• Campus Allegro Pietarsaari

Other sites

Subic Bay, Filippinerna

The Group consists of (ownership share in procent)

• Aboa Mare Ab, 70 %

• Edunova Ab, 50 %

• Jakobstads konsertsal Ab, 100 %

• GigaMare Inc, 20 %

Ownership structure of Ab Yrkeshögskolan vid Åbo

Akademi / Novia UAS

(ownership share in procent)

• Åbo Akademi University, 75 %

• Svenska Österbottens förbund för utbildning och kultur, 2,5 %

• Utbildningsstiftelsen Sydväst, 12, 5 %



Novia UAS makes an impact both nationally and internationally due to its areas of strength. Through its networks, Novia is the Finnish university with the highest visibility in the other Nordic countries. Novia makes a difference.

Profile and Areas of Strength

Novia UAS is a working life oriented and international higher education institution that supports sustainable societal development, competence supply, and public services in Swedish. Novia works to strengthen Finland’s ties to the Nordic cultural community and promote Nordic cooperation within business and working life.

Areas of strength: Sustainable Solutions, Creative Expression, Entrepreneurship, and Welfare Design.



• Our actions are based on participation, openness, respect, and responsibility

• We work for equality and equal treatment

• We work for sustainable development



• We emphasize an openminded, dynamic, and creative community

• We value each other’s knowledge and grow professionally in our tasks

• We care about a supportive study and work community


• We keep our customer’s promise and achieve results

• We stand for quality

• We are up-to-date and credible

Novia UAS meets the multilingual Finland’s workforce, development, and educational needs with high-quality degree education and further education in Swedish and English as well as applied research, development, and innovation.


High-Quality Education and Research, Development, and Innovation

Novia UAS is founded on high-quality education and RDI activities. The university has a professional, committed, and reflective staff that consciously develops open approaches, knowledge, and opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration.

Student-Centered Learning

Student-centered learning is the core of Novia’s pedagogy. We support our students in their learning process towards responsibility and determination, where their vision and belief in their own potential are fundamental.

Novia’s pedagogy is based on a constructivist approach. The cornerstone is the willingness and ability to empathize with others and recognize their potential. We recognize everyone’s need to be seen and confirmed.

Through reflection on and evaluation of learning, we guide students in developing a critical approach to support independent analysis, evaluation, and questioning of information. A critical approach and readiness for AI are important competencies needed, considering ethical principles for justice, equity, equality, and respect for others.

Our staff plays an important role in inspiring students towards self-directed and goal-oriented learning. Achieving results requires responsibility and determination, based on the students’ vision and belief in their own potential.

Our ambition is that students and staff are able to operate in a globalised, multicultural, and digitalised society where understanding and readiness to promote sustainable development are fundamental. Both students and staff respond to the needs of the working life with their versatile professional skills. Our students have a strong belief in the future, good social skills, and see their personal potential for continuous professional development.

The results of our work are visible in various ways

• Our alumni are our ambassadors and highly attractive in the labour market

• Novia is an attractive partner for collaboration

• Our RDI activities have an impact and support education

• We have a well-being staff, who find meaning in their work

Working Life Orientation and Relevance

Relevance to working life is central to our operations, which are characterised by active dialogue with the working life and society. Both education and RDI activities are carried out proactively in collaboration with working life. Novia operates regionally, nationally, and internationally.

Collaboration with working life is evident in close contacts with employers and alumni, such as through internships, thesis projects, and RDI projects. We engage working life in the development of both degree education and education services for continuous learning.

The ambition is for Novia to continue to be at the forefront among the nation’s higher education institutions in terms of working life orientation and relevance. Furthermore, Novia internationally profiles itself as a forerunner in collaborating with working life, as well as in applying pedagogical models related to this. Novia contributes to innovation and renewal in the working life with regional, national, and international impact.


Basis for Novia’s Pedagogy

The goal of Novia’s pedagogy is to nurture students with a strong belief in the future, good social skills, and the capability for continuous professional development.

1. Our pedagogy builds on a student-centered and constructivist approach. The key to a successful learning process lies in collaboration and the willingness and ability to empathise with students’ situations and potential to strengthen their belief in themselves and their competence development.

2. We support students in becoming active, enterprising, and innovative individuals by encouraging both internal and external entrepreneurship.

3. Digital learning with a focus on flexible learning environments, where digital solutions are utilised towards more self-directed and goal-oriented learning.

Basis for Novia’s Research, Development, and Innovation

RDI activities combine the theoretical, abstract, and general concepts with the practical, concrete, and specific demands of working life.

1. Applied research that addresses development needs and generates new knowledge.

2. Interdisciplinary collaboration that enhances competence both within the university and in the working life.

3. New solutions and innovations emerge by combining the theoretical, abstract, and general concepts with the practical, concrete, and specific demands of working life.

The basis for Novia UAS as a Sustainable and Responsible University

Novia UAS is a pioneer driving the transition by developing sustainable solutions and concrete actions for economic, ecological, cultural, and social sustainability.

1. Sustainability and responsibility extend throughout our education and other activities.

2. A transition towards sustainable societal development is enabled by developing and implementing sustainable solution models with consideration for economic, ecological, cultural, and social sustainability.

3. Circular economy principles guide our operations, and we procure services, energy, and goods in a sustainable and ethical manner.


Areas of Strength

The goal of Novia UAS is to be a forerunner in its areas of strength in Finland and an attractive cooperation partner internationally. These areas of strength are shared across all of Novia and form the foundation of our education and RDI activities. Our areas of strength also allow us to contribute to shaping Finland’s ability to build a fair, sustainable, and inspiring future, where people thrive within the Earth’s ecological limits. We can adapt to the Earth’s carrying capacity by investing in an ecological reconstruction of society and everyday life. We can also revitalise the economy towards a more competitive direction while adhering to the principles of sustainable and responsible development. We can strengthen democracy by increasing participation and opportunities for influence. All of this requires forward thinking and adaptability.

Sustainable Solutions

Novia UAS has extensive experience in developing and applying solution models for global sustainability, especially in ecological and technological terms. How environmental resources are used is crucial for both individual well-being and maintenance of the welfare society. The current global use of natural resources has led to a sustainability gap and increased the need for ecological reconstruction methods. The international community’s efforts to rapidly achieve carbon-neutral solutions to reduce climate impact motivate continued strong investments in sustainable energy technology, circular economy, and sustainable bioeconomy.

In the field of bioeconomy, we aim to create an integrated approach, which allows different sectors to meet and generate new, processed products and services instead of the direct use of raw materials. In the energy sector, Novia supports activities to transition to completely renewable energy systems where energy storage also plays a significant role. In terms of building technology, Novia is a pioneer in sustainable construction with complementary expertise in intelligent and energy-efficient system solutions for more environmentally friendly and carbon-neutral buildings. By combining technical expertise and maritime competence, Novia also actively contributes to the development of offshore energy solutions. This work is supported by continuous knowledge development in the field of new e-fuels and hydrogen, as well as research in the biogas sector. In the field of health and welfare, we support social sustainability through intercultural and interprofessional competence, as well as knowledge within the Nordic welfare model.

Creative Expression

Novia UAS aims to promote diversity of cultural expressions. By fostering cultural awareness and understanding, the university contributes to students’ personal development and a broadened global understanding. Novia encourages reflection and dialogue, leading to increased awareness of the value and significance of diversity.

Cultural integrity and creativity are fundamental to our operations, and we strive to create an environment where creative expressions are a natural part of studies and work. Through engagement in cultural activities and cross-sectoral collaborations, we aim to inspire and promote a creative and explorative attitude towards learning. By integrating cultural perspectives into our curricula and providing opportunities for practical cultural experiences, we aim to equip our students with the necessary tools to become aware and engaged members of society.

Creative industries have a significant economic and employment impact. They support regional development and vitality and diversify the economic structure. As the growth of creative industries also relies on intangible value, the development of these sectors supports Finland’s sustainable growth program and the goal of carbon neutrality.



An entrepreneurial approach and attitude are part of the culture at Novia. Self-confidence, awareness, courage, and creativity are characteristics of an entrepreneurial mindset. Key aspects include the ability to communicate and collaborate, take initiative, solve problems, manage risks, plan, and work purposefully. It is not just about promoting entrepreneurship, but also supporting the development of active, initiative-driven, and innovative individuals who can lead development processes in companies or other organisations. Membership in Drivhuset Norden supports both our methods and expands our network in the Nordic region.

At Novia UAS, we foster entrepreneurship among our students through educational methods such as business assignments, team-based learning, guidance, and mentoring for the establishment of real businesses.

Growth Area

Intelligent Systems and Artificial Intelligence

The goal of Novia is to become a national pioneer in applied intelligent systems and AI as well as an attractive cooperation partner internationally.

Novia UAS strategically focuses on new practical applications of the latest widely applicable AI techniques, including language models, and how these can be combined with existing knowledge for modelling and optimising processes as well as for developing AI agents and other autonomous systems. This broad and applied approach supports societal and business development for the changes brought about by the AI revolution. Novia promotes responsible and effective use of the newest technology to improve people’s lives and society’s functioning in the form of AI readiness.

Novia’s Intelligent Systems Institute is a high-quality actor in the development of work-oriented applications of intelligent systems. The institute develops and offers expertise in using data to create value-added solutions with AI. With a wide range of education, training, and RDI services in areas such as machine learning, decision support systems, strategic data management, and analytics, Novia enhances both

Welfare Design

Welfare design aims to create a good life for everyone. This involves developing new methods, tools, and approaches for a sustainable, ethical, economic, efficient, and health-promoting working life and society.

Welfare is a comprehensive term encompassing people’s living conditions. It includes personal finances, health, education, working life, housing conditions, culture, and much more. From a Nordic perspective, emphasis is placed on civil rights, equality, and solidarity. Design promotes functionality, well-being, equality, and sustainable lifestyles, and it also creates, develops, and improves sustainable solutions and optimal experiences for both producers and users. Design areas can include social welfare and health care, education, industry, production, commerce, and culture.

the understanding and benefits of these enabling technologies for intelligent systems. The offering is continuously developed and expanded to meet future needs in a society where digital technology and intelligent systems are increasingly integrated into our daily lives. VR and XR solutions support the visualisation and understanding of the models created.


Research Areas

In addition to the areas of strength, Novia UAS has a broad-based expertise in several specific research areas. The goal within these research areas is to be among the top higher education institutions in the country. The research areas are built up through

Sustainable Technology

Sustainable Energy Technology

Environmental Technology and Sustainability

Intelligent systems

Measurement Technology

Well-being in Society

Best Interests of Children


Well-being of Elders

research themes that may vary over time depending on development needs and strategic priorities. Through our research areas we collaborate with and support the development of education, helping us to prioritise.

Sustainable Shipping

Safe Shipping

Safe and Sustainable Practices

Maritime Data Solutions

Remote and Autonomous Operations

Sustainable Communities and Businesses

Sustainable Working Life

Culture as a Force for Change

Relevance of Art


Culture as a Societal Changemaker

Triple Helix Model

Transformational Leadership Entrepreneurship

Circular Business Models

Systemic Transformation to Build Resilience

Ecosystem Services

Culture and Digitalisation

Spatial Systems

Local Systems

Energy transition


Competence and Well-being

Novia UAS offers high-quality education, development activities, and applied research thanks to its competent staff. We aim to create an economically, ecologically, and socially responsible workplace that provides students with a solid foundation for personal development, well-being, and adaptability in dynamic world. We invest in a good work environment where mutual respect for each other’s knowledge and well-being is valued. Successful recruitment efforts further strengthen expertise within the organisation.

As experienced employees serve as mentors for new hires, the knowledge within Novia is guaranteed to be both preserved and developed. By continuously developing the work community, we ensure knowledgeable

and thriving employees who find their work meaningful, are motivated, and want to collaborate to help students become experts in their fields. We focus on developing employees’ personal competencies, well-being, and careers. The objective is to align knowledge and skills with Novia’s ambitions and to foster a sense of involvement and engagement among employees in their work.

The ambition is for Novia UAS to be a thriving and dynamic university, where employees have equal opportunities to develop their own competencies. Novia serves as a platform for generating new knowledge and education and collaborates with the working life to drive the transition towards a sustainable future.


Three Strategic Goals

1. Sustainable Solutions for Climate Change Mitigation

Strategic Goal 2028

Novia UAS is at the forefront of supporting innovative and sustainable solutions for the green transition, as well as fostering the conditions for welfare and a good life. Novia develops and applies methods for sustainability.

What We Do

The utilisation of environmental resources plays a crucial role for the climate and, ultimately, individual well-being and societal welfare. We educate experts capable of promoting sustainable development in the working life and society at large. Our graduates, equipped with expertise in their specialised fields, also possess fundamental knowledge of sustainable development and responsibility, including climate-related issues. We ensure that sustainable development and responsibility are integrated throughout all our educational programs.

Investment in sustainable energy technology, circular economy, and sustainable bioeconomy is needed to reduce climate impact. In the energy sector, we support the transition to renewable energy systems where energy storage plays a significant role. By combining technical expertise and maritime skills, we contribute to the development of offshore energy solutions. This work is supported by knowledge development in new e-fuels, hydrogen technology, and the biogas sector. Buildings and the construction industry account for about one-third of carbon emissions. We work on developing intelligent and energy-efficient solutions for more environmentally friendly and carbon-neutral buildings. In the field of bioeconomy, we promote an integrated approach, bringing together various sectors to innovate new refined products and promote the sustainable utilisation of natural resources.

We support social sustainability through intercultural and interprofessional competence. Through welfare design, we develop new methods, tools, and approaches for creating a sustainable, ethical, economic, efficient, and health-promoting working life and society. Within the creative industry, we conceive, develop, and improve solutions to optimise experiences for both producers and users. Since the growth of creative industries also relies on intangible value, advancing these sectors aligns with Finland’s sustainable growth program and the goal of achieving carbon neutrality.

2. Nordic Cooperation for Welfare and Resilience

Strategic Goal 2028

Through active engagement in Nordic networks, especially in the fields of working life and culture, Novia increases visibility for both itself and Finland among the other Nordic countries. This strengthens knowledge about Finland and Nordic affinity. The university has an established role as an innovator and developer of welfare, making it an attractive partner for collaboration.

What We Do

Welfare is a comprehensive term for people’s living conditions, a measure of how people live. Welfare encompasses both our material and immaterial assets. We actively collaborate in the Nordic region through established contacts and networks for student and staff mobility (NordPlus) as well as research and development work. Novia is also a key player in Nordic networks such as Drivhuset Norden that promotes entrepreneurship among students and A Sustainable Tomorrow, a business network for sustainability.

We contribute to Nordic cooperation to promote sustainable welfare for all. We also participate in efforts to prevent social inequality and promote innovation and research to create better welfare solutions. We work towards a resilient and democratic society. Through expertise in and integration of social welfare and health care, culture, design, technology, entrepreneurship, and the environment, our students are educated and inspired to be mediators and promoters of good welfare. With welfare design, we can develop new methods and approaches that promote transition and strengthen both individual and societal resilience.


3. Global Orientation for a Sustainable Future

Strategic Goal 2028

Novia UAS has extensive global cooperation and longterm strategic partnerships. Good international references provide the university with the opportunity and credibility to work towards a global, open, and sustainable society. Novia is a partner that provides added value.

What We Do

We connect the local with the global through global development initiatives and educational concepts. Our global commitment strengthens competence within the university. Interdependencies are global in both business and working life, requiring new knowledge and skills. We develop our operations to respond to this through collaboration both nationally and internationally.

We support a diversity of cultural expressions. By fostering cultural awareness and global competence, we contribute to students’ personal development and a broadened global understanding. Our commitment to sustainable development from a global perspective is strengthened through Novia Global Initiatives. We implement these initiatives based on our educational, further education, and research areas. Moreover, we strengthen our expertise and impact through international cooperation and co-creation.


Critical Success Factors

Attractive Education and Successful Student Recruitment

Successful student recruitment, which depends on quality, image, educational offerings, and recruitment measures, is a crucial element for success. Ensuring a sufficient number of students starting their studies is essential. It is also important that our students are motivated and confident in their choice of education, which strengthens their motivation and reduces dropout rates. This requires quality and a clear profile.

Strengthening Student Recruitment

• The number of degree programmes in English is expanded so that Novia is among the five universities of applied sciences with the largest number of completed degrees by non-Finnish citizens by 2030.

• Recruitment channels are diversified by developing cooperation with upper secondary education and strengthening the link between continuous learning and degree studies.

International and Business-Funded RDI

The national goal is to increase Finland’s research and development funding to 4 % of GDP by 2030. In line with this national goal, the government’s share is expected to reach 1.2 %, provided that the private sector’s contribution increases to 2.7 %. To achieve this goal, the Ministry of Education and Culture has, among other things, modified the funding model so that international RDI funding and funding from companies are given greater weight than other RDI funding.

Strengthening International and Business-Funded RDI

• Measures are taken to increase internationally and business funded RDI activities.

• Collaboration with international partners has increased, and we actively participate in strategically selected networks that enable competitive applications for RDI projects.


Other Success Factors

Quality and Openness

A knowledgeable and motivated staff forms the foundation of high-quality activities. Clear goals and expectations regarding performance, staff and student well-being, and continuous development of staff expertise, ensure quality education and RDI activities. This results in our graduates being competitive in the labour market and contributing to societal development. Novia leads the way among universities of applied sciences in terms of quality assurance and management systems.

We contribute to equal access to knowledge to increase our impact on society through open science, education, and an open organisational culture. Openness means making our publications, teaching materials, research data, and methods more accessible and useful for students, teachers, researchers, and society. Open science and open education involve developing the organisational culture in collaboration with the surrounding society.


The foundation of success lies in results-oriented activities that create economic stability and security. This requires efficient student recruitment, a high number of applicants, sufficient external RDI funding, and good results following the Ministry of Education and Culture’s indicators, alongside cost awareness and efficiency.


The overarching communication objective is to strengthen Novia’s brand and ensure that target groups recognise the university. Building a brand starts internally, with the collective efforts of staff, students, and alumni, all of whom act as ambassadors for Novia, thereby shaping Novia UAS brand.


The relevance of education and RDI activities is ensured through continuous dialogue and close collaboration with the business and working life. Collaborating with other universities, especially Åbo Akademi University, leads to quality and economic synergy.

Cooperation with other higher education institutions and upper secondary education institutions is also crucial. Systematic and long-term collaboration with foreign higher education institutions contributes to an international study environment. This collaboration includes student and staff mobility, joint projects, agreements on double degrees, and global education services.

Campus and Safety

Novia UAS provides pleasant, safe, and well-functioning study and work environments. We strive for inclusive environments with an international character. The technical infrastructure contributes to a modern learning environment that enables flexible studies through a combination of on-campus and online learning. Information security is prioritised in the systems used, being cost-effective, user-friendly, and reliable. The information security concept is implemented among both staff and students at the university.

Implementation, Follow-Up, and Evaluation

The implementation of the strategy is concretised in internal goal agreements and action plans. Development is monitored and evaluated in accordance with Novia UAS’s quality system through annual goal agreements and management reviews, which also involve student representatives. Result indicators included in the funding model for universities of applied sciences serve as the main indicators.

Central quantitative indicators are continuously monitored via a dashboard on Novia’s intranet.



yrkeshogskolannovia NoviaUAS

Novia UAS is the first university in Finland to be awarded a quality label by the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) according to the auditing model 2018-2024. In the auditing, Novia UAS received the best possible assessment.

Novia UAS is certified in accordance with the international ISO 9001 standard for quality assurance.

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