NOVOMATIC Italia inaugurated its new headquarter in Rome In the presence of the full Board of Directors, the inauguration ceremony of the new NOVOMATIC Italia headquarters in Rome took place at the end of September. The new premises are distinguished by their modern office design, a sustainable and environmentally friendly energy concept as well as the general awareness of the Group’s international character and its Austrian roots.
President Franco Sergio Rota, CEO Markus Buechele and COO a K rl Plank simultaneously cut the NOVOMATIC-blue ribbon, thus starting a new chapter in the Roman presence of the Group, which also marked the beginning of the gradual return to ‘work in presence’ for its employees.
e refurbishment project of the building was aimed at achieving a new balance between multiple exigencies, both current and prospective: consider ing the needs of oce managers, reinforcing the benets of smart working – a project, which was launched even before Covid – but also rethinking spaces and their purpose to create an ideal compo sition.
In order to safeguard everyone’s health, in compli ance with the anti-Covid provisions in place, and in trepidation of being able to organize a party, as soon as the pandemic situation will allow it, the ceremony took place in the presence of the top management representing all sta.
Modern office design e new building hosts all the companies of the Italian Group, it has a total oor space of about 10,000 m2 and it boasts low-emission energy performance that, thanks to an innovative manage ment system, is well matched with modern - re quirements in terms of organizational eciency.
La Junta de NOVOMATIC Italia (izquierda a derecha): Karl Plank, COO, Markus Buechele, CEO, Franco Sergio Rota, President.
As a result, areas dedicated to co-working and remote collaboration have been increased, through the setting up of various huddle rooms, i.e. small rooms for informal and operational meetings, which allow the on-site and smart working sta to work jointly and share their expertise. At the same time, eorts have been made to give due considera tion to the need to enhance human resources, by identifying areas dedicated to training and learning initiatives. Finally, the opportunity to recreate the workplace in a context that promotes socialization processes, strengthens the sense of identity and corporate ‘community’ has not been neglected, through areas that can be used for cultural, recreational as well as sports events and initiatives.
Corporate performance improvement e move to the new headquarters is expected to contribute directly and indirectly to a signicant improvement in NOVOMATIC Italia’s performance. is was done both in terms of optimising costs and creating a better operating environment and organisational climate for the benet of the Group and its most important asset: its employees. For NOVOMATIC Italia, the move to the new headquarters also meant a new organisational and operational structure that takes into account the company’s needs in terms of environmental sustainability. In terms of energy saving, the new headquarters incorporate solutions and innova tions aimed at raising environmental aware ness in line with the Group’s global corporate