TOP-EVENT Roadshow: A complete success In October and November, LÖWEN ENTERTAINMENT toured four football stadiums across Germany with the TOP-EVENT roadshow. The events were packed with new products, innovative solutions, entertainment and a big comeback: Just in time for NOVOLINE’s 15 th anniversary, LÖWEN ENTERTAINMENT presented the brand’s return to the arcade.
On 14 October, LÖWEN ENTERTAINMENT’s TOP EVENT roadshow started in Leipzig – fol lowed by the WWK Arena in Augsburg and the Signal Iduna Park in Dortmund. On 10 November, the roadshow ended in Frankfurt’s football- sta dium, the Deutsche Bank Park.
NOVOLINE Black CMYK: 0 | 0 | 0 | 98 NOVOLINE Orange Burn CMYK: 0 | 100 | 60 | 0 0 | 30 | 90 | 0
Christian Arras, CEO of LÖWEN ENTERTAIN MENT, welcomed the guests to the events together with Sales Director Andreas Hingerl and with the NOVOLINE respective Regional Sales Manager, Ralph Brunner, means pure gamStephan Heidrich, Ralf Reinisch and Adrian So wada. I“ am very pleased to welcome you all here. ing pleasure. It is very nice to nally meet each other again in Arthur Stelter, person and to be able to exchange ideas together,” said Christian Arras in his welcoming speech at the LÖWEN rst roadshow event in Leipzig. ENTERTAINMENT At the focus of the product show was the come back of the NOVOLINE™ brand for the arcade. NOVOLINE™ will be available for all top cabinets from LÖWEN ENTERTAINMENT in the arcade | Marzo 2022
segment. It includes 90 games, a new all-games game selection and the new LOCK ‘N’ WIN jackpot feature, which is already very successful internationally. L“ OCK ‘N’ WIN now enhances the strongest blockbusters in the LÖWEN ENTERTAINMENT gaming world even more,” explained Arthur Stelter, Head of Product Management at LÖWEN ENTERTAINMENT. W “ ith this feature, we will once again signicantly extend our lead in the soware area: NOVOLINE™ means pure gam ing pleasure.“ Andreas Hingerl also emphasised: N “ OVOLINE™ is the perfect addition to compliment the already successful VOLUME 3 soware generation and thus the next must-have in every arcade – another true performance booster.” e feedback from roadshow visitors on NOVOLINE™ was very posi tive, he said. I“ n particular, the new games with the LOCK ‘N’ WIN feature were extremely well received by our guests,” said Hingerl.