Project 2: Urban Regeneration Early Analysis of Current Area Venturing down Naito Pkwy from Burnside St on a sunlit weekend gives one a clear perception of the disparity ingrained into the Riverside District. The Saturday Market that spans across the 4 lanes of Naito Pkwy does well to activate the area with a large influx of tourists and locals alike. However, a mere one block South of the festivities lays a barren urban wasteland, blighted by large swaths of flat parking. The sidewalks may be wide, but they are far from being populated. There are some magnificent street trees growing in some of the side streets too. It is almost as if the framework for a vibrant street scene has been established without regard to filling in the lots with scene generating activity! One can also sense a certain separation between the park hugging the rivers edge and the urban fabric of the River District. Granted, there is nothing to draw relaxed park-goers across 4 lanes of traffic other than if they have parked in one of the many parking lots, but once the area undergoes redevelopment there may also be some need for more pedestrian crosswalks similar to the one connecting the Saturday Market at SW Ankeny St. The close proximity to bars, restaurants, nightlife and all the other amenities provided in the surrounding area will surely be appealing to young potential resident. Obviously, Waterfront Park will serve to attract a wide range of people as well. However, for residential developments to truly bloom in this area there is a dire need for a supermarket in walkable distance. So as the area stands right now: Perceived Problems – • Currently a place for cars to dwell, not their drivers • A lack of strong connection to Waterfront Park • An insufficient number of differently paved crosswalks allow Naito Pkwy to be a barrier • No close supermarket • Some existing buildings do not present a pedestrian friendly street-front • Building too high will overshadow Waterfront Park Perceived Opportunities – • Proximity to Waterfront Park • Proximity to blue and red MAX lines • Proximity to bars, restaurants, nightlife, etc. • Great views of park and river beyond • Proximity to Saturday Market Key Design Issues – • Maintain/increase parking for residential and retail while reducing/eliminating visible parking • Allowing for a mix of housing and occupant types • Activating the street scene • Financial viability of developments • Connecting the urban fabric with the park and providing safe and easy pedestrian access • Recognizing a need for tourist oriented retail without creating a strip of kitsch souvenir stores • Applying a high standard for environmentally-sustainable development in the area
Figure Ground Diagram
Waterfront Blocks Urban Design Study
Project 2
Principles of Urban Design
Daniel Nowell + Abraham N. Rodriguez
Site Section
Lynch Diagram
Site Areal View
Waterfront Blocks Urban Design Study
Project 2
Principles of Urban Design
Daniel Nowell + Abraham N. Rodriguez
Natio Parkway & SW Pine
SW 2nd & Oak
Waterfront Blocks Urban Design Study
Project 2
Principles of Urban Design
Daniel Nowell + Abraham N. Rodriguez
Concept Statement: The revitalization of the waterfront area will occur in three stages, descending south from Burnside. Each stage will be anchored by a catalytic new attraction. Buildings on Naito will be kept low and the heights will step up as the progress westward. An enhanced connection between this district and Waterfront Park will be sought. This shall be accomplished by activating the park with sporting pitches and enhancing the pedestrian crosswalks at all intersections (perhaps with brick like in other areas of the city). Development Schedule Phase 1 • Portland Opera House to be constructed where the firehouse is now • Connect Skidmore Fountain area and plaza to Opera House for use when Saturday Market is not active. • Renovate existing buildings in the surrounding context • Field lines for soccer and football pitches will be drawn onto the park with goals accompanying • Basketball courts will be created underneath the Morrison Bridge on the existing pavement. Phase 2 • Portland Waterfront Recreation Centre to be constructed on the entire city block bound by Stark St., Oak St., Naito Pkwy. and 1st Ave. (existing building may be saved) • The two blocks north of this on Naito Pkwy. will be renovated and infilled with low-rise buildings for mixed use with retail, services, and entertainment on the ground level. • The remaining two block within phase two will be used for mid-rise hospitality services with retail on the base. • The mid-rise government building will stay Phase 3 • The cloverleaf ramps branching off of the Morrison Bridge will be demolished • Mixed-use office buildings will be constructed in place of the ramps and to the blocks just west of them (apart from where there is an existing office building). • The lot hugged on the north and south by the branches of the bridge will be a more prominent mixed-use building as a beacon for the revitalized district. • Development The areaProgram bounded by Naito and 1st and underneath the bridge shall be Development Program turned into the Morrison Bridge Market, which includes LAND USE PHASE AREA permanent market stalls along with more flexible space for food carts and other Development Program LAND USE PHASE AREA Office (mixed-use) 3 1,600,000 sq. ft. merchants. Development Program Office (mixed-use) Hospitality (mixed-use)
LAND USE Development Program Hospitality (mixed-use) Tourist (mixed-use)
Concept Diagram
Waterfront Blocks Urban Design Study
Office LAND (mixed-use) USE Tourist (mixed-use) Cultural Hospitality (mixed-use) Office (mixed-use) Cultural Plaza Tourist (mixed-use) Hospitality (mixed-use) Plaza Outdoor Recreation Cultural Tourist (mixed-use) Outdoor Recreation Plaza Cultural Outdoor Recreation Plaza EXISTING Outdoor Recreation EXISTING
31&2 PHASE 1&2 23 PHASE 21&2 1&2 3 1&2 2&3 21&2 2&3 11&2 2 12&3 1&2 12&3 1
1,600,000 840,000 AREA sq.sq.ft.ft. 840,000 360,000 1,600,000sq.sq.ft.ft. AREA 360,000 sq. ft. 840,000 1,600,000sq.sq.ft.ft. 360,000 sq.ft.ft. 80,000 sq. 360,000 840,000 sq. sq. ft. ft. 80,000 sq. ft. 60,000 360,000 360,000 sq. sq. ft. ft. 60,000 sq. ft. 80,000 360,000sq. sq.ft.ft. 60,000 ft. 80,000 sq. sq. sq. ft. ft. 1,630,000 60,000 sq. sq. ft. ft. 1,630,000
1,630,000 1,670,000 sq. sq. ft. ft. 1,670,000 1,630,000 sq. ft.
3,300,000 1,670,000 sq. ft. 3,300,000 sq. ft. 1,670,000 sq. ft. 3,300,000 sq. ft.
3,300,000 sq. ft.
Project 2
Principles of Urban Design
Daniel Nowell + Abraham N. Rodriguez
Site Plan
= Exist. Building = Prop. Building = Prop.Playfields = Prop. Bike Path = Exist. Transit Line = Exist. Transit Stop
Major Catalists: 1. Portland Opera House 2. Waterfront Rec. Center 3. Morrison Bridge Market
=Reloc. Transit Stop
Waterfront Blocks Urban Design Study Project 2
Principles of Urban Design
Daniel Nowell + Abraham N. Rodriguez
3D View
Waterfront Blocks Urban Design Study
Project 2
Principles of Urban Design
Daniel Nowell + Abraham N. Rodriguez
Proposed Site Section
Waterfront Blocks Urban Design Study
Project 2
Principles of Urban Design
Daniel Nowell + Abraham N. Rodriguez
Proposed Site Section
Waterfront Blocks Urban Design Study
Project 2
Principles of Urban Design
Daniel Nowell + Abraham N. Rodriguez
Proposed Site Section
Waterfront Blocks Urban Design Study
Project 2
Principles of Urban Design
Daniel Nowell + Abraham N. Rodriguez
View of Portland Opera House
Waterfront Blocks Urban Design Study
Project 2
Principles of Urban Design
Daniel Nowell + Abraham N. Rodriguez
View of Morrison Bridge Market
Waterfront Blocks Urban Design Study
Project 2
Principles of Urban Design
Daniel Nowell + Abraham N. Rodriguez