Chinatown multi-Cultural Center

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Support via Diversity

вдохновение приходит от наших социальных и экологических условий

A Proposal for a Chinatown Multi-Cultural Center

Inspiración viene de nuestro contexto social y ambienta. solos somos débiles, pero juntos podemos llegar a ser fuertes

Inspiration kommt von unserer sozialen und ökologischen Kontext. Allein sind wir schwach, aber gemeinsam können wir s

प्‫اعم‬ रेरणा ‫نحن‬ हमारी ‫نيمآ‬ सामाजिक‫ةيوق‬ और पर्‫يقيدص‬ यावरण के संदर्भ से आता ह ‫דחיב‬ ‫ונחנא‬ ‫םיקזח‬ हम कमजोर है ं, लेकिन साथ में हम मजबू‫ןמא‬ त बन सकता है ‫ןמא םיקזח ונחנא דחיב‬

L'inspiration notre contexte et environnemental. seuls nous faibles,‫وہ‬ mais‫رک‬ ensemble nous pouvons d ‫ ےلیکا‬vient ‫ مہ‬de ‫روزمک‬ ‫ ںیہ‬social ، ‫نکیل‬ ‫ںیم ھتاس‬ ‫ مہ‬sommes ‫طوبضم‬ ‫ںیہ ےتکس‬. ‫ےک داوم ےک رادرک یرامہ تقاط یک لامعا ےرامہ‬

Alone we are weak but together we can become strong

Sola nos we infirmi, simulbut potest superabit. actiones intusdébiles, contentis Inspiración viene desed nuestro contexto social y ambienta. solos somos peroaffectus. juntos podemos llegar a Alone are weak together weViscan become strong

‫يقيدص ةيوق نيمآ نحن اعم‬ ‫يقيدص ةيوق نيمآ نحن اعم‬

มาคนเดี ยวเราจะอ่ อนแอ แต่รวมกัwe นเราจะกลายเป็ นดี Alone we are weak but together can become strong вдохновение приходит от наших и экологических услов อำนาจในการกระทำของเราอยู ่ในเนืсоциальных ้อหาของตัวละครของเรา

प्रेरणा हमारी सामाजिक और पर्यावरण के संदर्भ से आता है. अकेले हम कमजोर हैं, लेकिन साथ में हम मजबूत बन सकता है

Daniel Nowell _ Arch 683 _ Gast / Ho Studio _ Fall 2010

Inspiration kommt von unserer sozialen und ökologischen Kontext. Allein sind wir schwach, aber gemeinsam können wir stark werden

L'inspiration vient de notre contexte social et environnemental. seuls nous sommes faibles, mais ensemble nous pouvons devenir fort

우우 리리 의 의 행 행 동 의 동

‫דחיב‬ ‫ונחנא‬ ‫ںیہ ےتکس‬. ‫םיקזחےرامہ‬ ‫ןמאیک لامعا‬ ‫اوم ےک رادرک یرامہ تقاط‬

‫ ںیہ روزمک مہ ےلیکا‬، ‫ہ طوبضم مہ ںیم ھتاس نکیل‬

‫اعم‬ ‫نحن‬ ‫نيمآ‬ ‫ةيوق‬ ‫يقيدص‬ Sola nos infirmi, sed simul potest superabit. Vis actiones intus contentis

Alone we are weak but together we can become strong

มาคนเดียวเราจะอ่อนแอ แต่รวมกันเราจะกลายเป็นดี อำนาจในการกระทำของเราอยู่ในเนื้อหาของตัวละครขอ

Aonair táimid lag, ach is le chéile is féidir linn a bheith láidir. Tá an cumhacht ag ár gcuid gníomhartha taobh istigh den ábhar ar ár charachtar.

緒 緒 緒緒 我 함 我我 우我 우 함 に に 함 にに 们 私 께 리们 们们 리 私 私 私 께 께 共 た 의共 たた た 共 의 共 ち 강 同 は ち 강 강 ち ち 행 同 해 同 同 행 强 強 は はは 해 해 동 强 烈 强强 동 強強 い 強 Μαζί είμαστε δυνατοί

Alone we are weak but together we can become strong

‫يقيدص ةيوق نيمآ نحن اعم‬

‫ןמא םיקזח ונחנא דחיב‬

Alone we are weak but together we can become strong

‫يقيدص ةيوق نيمآ نحن اعم‬

‫ןמא םיקזח ונחנא דחיב‬

Alone we are weak but together we can become strong

‫يقيدص ةيوق نيمآ نحن اعم‬

Μαζί Μαζί είμαστε είμαστε δυνατοί δυνατοί

Μαζί είμαστε δυνατοί

Aonair táimid lag, ach is le chéile is féidir linn a bheith láidir. Tá an cumh ár gcuid gníomhartha taobh istigh den ábhar ar ár charachtar.

우 리 의 행 동 동 의 의 힘 힘 의烈 烈烈 い いい

우 함 리 께 의 강 행 해 強

함緒 に 께私 강た ち 해は



Oldtown / Chinatown has a rich history developed by many different groups of peoples. No one group, race, or nationality of people alone can represent the nature of this place. The essence of this area requires the support of every combined influence brought upon it by various different peoples over the course of time to adequately portray its story. So too, my proposal for the Chinatown Cultural Center conveys this need for all peoples to join together in support of their community. Every nationality is expressed through an architectonic ribbon with the language of the given nationality prominently enscribed upon it. These ribbons flow from the sidewalk bordering Burnside and climb up and over the site to create a framework for the programatic spaces of the center. In doing so, these ribbons not only supply th center with structural support, but also mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems support. One ribbon alone would not be able to support the cultural center in this manner; it requires a consolidated effort by all of the ribbons to achieve this end, just as Oldtown /Chinatown requires the input of several different peoples to adequately protray its history.

NW 3rd Ave.

NW 4th Ave.

NW 5th Ave.

NW Davis St.

NW Couch St.

W Burnside St.

Urban Plan

Ribbons of coarse stone paving material shall be laid down at the intersection of Burnside Street and 4th Avenue running North to South as a visual indicator of Chinatown’s entry whilst at the same time providing a full-intersection crosswalk to aid pedestrians in crossing this busy artery. Similar application of paving ribbons will reappear throughout the various intersections in Chinatown to act as a unifying agent for the district. Also sidewalks on Burnside around the Chinatown entrance will be expanded allowing for onstreet parallel parking.

The physical massing of these paving ribbons will then reassert themselves in a transverse application of carving out mass. Alleyways will be created within new developments in the area as well as excavated from existing blocks. The purpose of creating these alleyways is to provide ample space for small pop-up shops with extremely low rents. The hope here is that these spaces will attract immigrant communities looking to open up small businesses. Of course, one would have to account for the obvious dangers that alleyways produce by providing ample lighting and security measures. Gates may be situated at the ends of all alleys so that these areas can be closed off from the public when not in use. With any luck, these alleys will evolve to take on an atmospheric quality comparable to that of similar instances shown to the left.




1_ San Francisco, CA 2_ San Jose, Costa Rica 3_ Melbourne, Australia 4_ New York City, NY




This design manifested itself out of an evolutionary process starting from the macro scale and continuing through the project to the micro detail level. The original application of a series of ribbons across both the project site and surrounding context was born out of a concern for the automotive dominated presence of Burnside Street. The ribbons, running perpendicular to traffic flow on Burnside, were meant to abstractly represent a visual slowing of the traffic and guiding of


the eye into Chinatown itself. From here. I started investigating a three dimensional manipulation of these ribbons to shape the space above, below, and around them. Identifying these ribbons herein as a framework for the building (as was described in the concept statement) I arranged the programmatic spaces in volumes spanning from one wall of the ribbon frame to the other. In this way the ribbons are able to envelope each space and provide for it.





3 FF +2’ 6”

3 6




2 G

5 FF +0’ 0”





0 2






14 FF +19’ 0”

FF +22’ 0”



FF +18’ 0”

FF +16’ 0”


FF +29’ 0” FF +20’ 0”

1. Restaurant & Bar 2. Multi-use Atrium 3. Atrium Stage 4. Cooking Studio

FF +14’ 0”

FF +12’ 0”


5. Performance Space 6. Female Restroom 7. Male Restroom 8. Food Storage

9. Vestibule 10. Main Entrance 11. Public Gathering Space 12. Children’s Library & Daycare

13. Library & Work Spaces 14. Female Restroom 15. Male Restroom 16. Media & Research Area


4 23

19 17




FF +40’ 0”

FF +60’ 0”

FF +54’ 0”



17. Dance Studio 18. Gallery / Exhibition Space

19. Classroom A 20. Classroom B

21. Roof Garden 22. Administration Offices

23. Female Restroom 24. Male Restroom

West Sections: B1 B2 B3 B4 B5

South Section; A1

C C C chinatown



West Elevation

South Elevation

Ribbon System Detail

The ribbon system detail shown to the right is a cut-away segment of one of the architectonic ribbons shown in the exterior perspective on the right. The bubbling membranes flanking the ribbon detail are a glazing alternative known as ETFE (Ethylene Tetrafluoroethylene). Structural columns along with mechanical, electrical, and plumbing services are run through these ribbons. Shown in the detail is an instance where a pneumatic pump feeding the ETFE cushions is supported and accompanied by electrical conduit running up and down as well as lighting fixtures to illuminate the text cut into the exterior casing.

Exterior Perspective

Sustainability Checklist

Lighting Fixtures

Guard Rail Operable Vent

Solar Shading

Southern & Horizontal Exposure: Overlapping frit patterns printed on different layers of the ETFE cushions can be pneumatically controlled to let varying levels of light into the interior. Western Exposure: On lower levels where direct light is not an issue due to contextual shading, interior blinds are provided to manually adjust light transmission. On higher levels, light is allowed to penetrate into the interior but is bounced off of wooden panels before entering programmatic areas (shown in diagram).

Fixed Glazing

Wooden Panels

Clerestory Glazing Insulated HVAC Ducts

Passive Ventilation Operable Windows at lower levels allow air into areas on the western and southern perimeter. These spaces have a clear vertical climb providing the ideal space to harness stack-effect ventilation. Direct sunlight heats interior elements and warms the air within so that it is propelled upward to operable vents on the roof

Wide Flange Steel Beam Electrical Conduit

Operable Glazing

Hung Ceiling System Interior Shade Fixed Glazing

Rainwater Management An extensive green roof resides between the architectonic ribbons on the roof. Rainwater is passed through these natural filters and then run through the ribbons to cisterns located at the base of some of those ribbons for later use in the building.




Ribbon Cavity


Stack Effect Ventilation


Western Sunlight

มาคนเดียวเราจะอ่อนแอ แต่รวมกันเราจะก อำนาจในการกระทำของเราอยู่ในเนื้อหา

вдохновение приходит от наших социальных и эко Sola nos infirmi, sed simul potest superabit. Vis action

Inspiración de от nuestro social y ambienta. solos somos débiles, p вдохновение viene приходит наших contexto социальных и экологических условий Inspiración viene devient nuestro de contexto socialcontexte y ambienta. solos somos pero juntos podemos llegar a ser fuertessommes faibles L'inspiration notre social etdébiles, environnemental. seuls nous

Inspiration kommt von unserer sozialen und ökologischen Kontext. Allein sind wir schwach, aber gemeinsam können wir s

प्‫اعم‬ रेरणा ‫نحن‬ हमारी ‫نيمآ‬ सामाजिक‫ةيوق‬ और पर्‫يقيدص‬ यावरण के संदर्भ से आता ह Sola nos infirmi, sed simul potest superabit. Vis actio ‫דחיב‬ ‫ונחנא‬ ‫םיקזח‬ हम कमजोर है ं, लेकिन साथ में हम मजबू‫ןמא‬ त बन सकता है ‫ןמא םיקזח ונחנא דחיב‬

L'inspiration notre contexte et environnemental. seuls nous faibles,‫وہ‬ mais‫رک‬ ensemble nous pouvons d ‫ ےلیکا‬vient ‫ مہ‬de ‫روزمک‬ ‫ ںیہ‬social ، ‫نکیل‬ ‫ںیم ھتاس‬ ‫ مہ‬sommes ‫طوبضم‬ ‫ںیہ ےتکس‬. ‫ےک داوم ےک رادرک یرامہ تقاط یک لامعا ےرامہ‬

Inspiración viene de nuestro contexto social y ambienta. solos somos débiles, pero juntos podemos llegar a

Sola nos we infirmi, sed simulbut potest superabit. actiones intus strong contentis affectus. ar ár ch ár gcuid gníomhartha taobh istigh den ábhar Alone are we become Alone we are weak weak but together together we can‫يقيدص‬ become strong มาคนเดี ย‫نيمآ‬ วเราจะอ่ อViscan นแอ แต่ รวมกั นเราจะ ‫اعم‬ ‫نحن‬ ‫ةيوق‬ อำนาจในการกระทำของเราอยู ‫่ يقيدص ةيوق نيمآ نحن اعم‬ในเนื้อหา

มาคนเดียวเราจะอ่อนแอ แต่รวมกันเราจะกลายเป็strong นดี Alone we are weak but together we can become Aonair táimid lag, ach is leсоциальных féidir linn a bheith вдохновение приходит от наших и экологических услов อำนาจในการกระทำของเราอยู ่ในเนื ้อchéile หาของตัis วละครของเรา

Inspiration kommt von unserer sozialen und ökologischen Kontext. Allein sind wir schwach, aber gemeinsam können wir stark werden

L'inspiration vient de notre contexte social et environnemental. seuls nous sommes faibles, mais ensemble nous pouvons devenir fort

Inspiration kommt von unserer sozialen und ökologischen Kontext. Allein sind wir schwach ‫ ںیہ روزمک مہ ےلیکا‬، ‫ںیم ھتاس نکیل‬ प्रेरणा हमारी सामाजिक और पर्यावरण के संदर्भ से आता है. अकेले प् र र े णा सामाजिक और यावरण के स ‫ےتکس‬ ‫ںیہ‬. ‫لامعا‬ ‫یک‬ ‫تقاط‬ ‫یرامہ‬ हम कमजोर हैं,हमारी लेकिन साथ‫ےرامہ‬ में हम मजबू त बन सकता है पर् हम कमजोर हैं, लेकिन साथ में हम मजबूत बन

우우 리 리 의 의 행 행 동 의 동

ár gcuid‫ںیہ‬. gníomhartha istigh den ‫رادرک‬ ábhar‫ےک‬ ar ár ‫דחיב‬ ‫ונחנא‬ ‫ےتکس‬ ‫םיקזחےرامہ‬ ‫لامعا‬taobh ‫ןמאیک‬ ‫تقاط‬ ‫یرامہ‬ ‫اوم‬c

Aonair ‫مہ‬ táimid lag, ach، ‫نکیل‬ is le chéile féidir‫مہ‬linn a bheit‫ہ‬ ‫ےلیکا‬ ‫روزمک‬ ‫ںیہ‬ ‫ھتاس‬is ‫ںیم‬ ‫طوبضم‬

‫ںیہ ےتکس‬. ‫یرامہ تقاط یک لامعا ےرامہ‬ ‫اعم‬ ‫نحن‬ ‫نيمآ‬ ‫ةيوق‬ ‫يقيدص‬ Sola nos infirmi, sed simul potest superabit. Vis actiones intus contentis

Alone we are weak but together we can become strong

‫ےلیکا‬ยวเราจะอ่ ‫روزمک مہ‬ ، ‫نکیل‬ ‫ھتاس‬น‫ںیم‬ มาคนเดี อนแอ‫ںیہ‬ แต่รวมกั นเราจะกลายเป็ ดี อำนาจในการกระทำของเราอยู่ในเนื้อหาของตัวละครขอ

Aonair táimid lag, ach is le chéile is féidir linn a bheith láidir. Tá an cumhacht ag ár gcuid gníomhartha taobh istigh den ábhar ar ár charachtar.

緒 緒 緒緒 我 함 我我 우我 우 함 に に 함 にに 们 私 께 리们 们们 리 私 私 私 께 께 共 た 의共 たた た 共 의 共 ち 강 同 は ち 강 강 ち ち 행 同 해 同 同 행 强 強 は はは 해 해 동 强 烈 强强 동 強強 い 強 Μαζί είμαστε δυνατοί

Alone we are weak but together we can become strong

‫يقيدص ةيوق نيمآ نحن اعم‬

‫ןמא םיקזח ונחנא דחיב‬

Alone we are weak but together we can become strong

‫يقيدص ةيوق نيمآ نحن اعم‬

‫ןמא םיקזח ונחנא דחיב‬

Alone we are weak but together we can become strong

‫يقيدص ةيوق نيمآ نحن اعم‬

Μαζί Μαζί είμαστε είμαστε δυνατοί δυνατοί

Μαζί είμαστε δυνατοί

Aonair táimid lag, ach is le chéile is féidir linn a bheith láidir. Tá an cumh ár gcuid gníomhartha taobh istigh den ábhar ar ár charachtar.

우 리 의 행 동 동 의 의 힘 힘 의烈 烈烈 い いい

우 함 리 께 의 강 행 해 強

함緒 に 께私 강た ち 해は

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