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Good luck at this year’s INDY 50!

Rondae Hollis-Jefferson




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Cover photo by Andrea Mead Cross on location in Long Beach, California with NTT INDYCAR SERIES driver, Colton Herta. Cover photo by Andrea Mead Cross in South Florida with top p ro t e n n is p la y e r, S h e l b y Ro g e r s .





Sequoia National Park, California










Dustin Levine is a pro photographer from Brooklyn, New York. He worked in Peru for over a decade and during that time found Itchy in Huacachina, a true oasis in the middle of the Peruvian desert. Itchy is now Dustin’s BFF and is a consistant subject in his work.




New Zealand alternative/rock trio Capital Theatre made their way across the pond to Los Angeles to record their sophomore album in the heart of Hollywood. The band reunited with Grammy Awardwinning producer Mike Clink (Guns N’ Roses, Steve Vai) who they previously enlisted to record their debut record release, A Hero’s Jouney.


Find out what our feature athletes and rockers are listening to!



You just have to check behind the scenes!



Senior footwear designer, Guercy Eugene has an extensive resume in the industry working at the world’s top footwear brands including, Reebok, Puma, Adidas, Anta and now Nike. His Q+A goes behind the scenes on the process and what goes into bring a shoe to life.

D THE SCENES out what’s going on

140 Thank you!



Andretti Autosport driver, Colton Herta is one of the top NTT INDYCAR SERIES drivers on the track and one of the most exciting to watch. His most recent win at the GMR Grand Prix in Indianapolis, under rain soaked conditions, was his seventh career victory. And Herta plans on it not being his last!






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Chihuahuan Desert

NowVIZ: Can you give us a behind the scenes description of yourself? Dustin: I’m honestly a very simple and easy going person. Probably boring by most people’s standards. My life is almost entirely centered around photography and spending all my time with Itchy. All I need is a camera in my hand and my dog at my side and I am content. I’m also a minimalist. I have my backpack full of camera gear, a laptop, and a small bag of clothes in my truck. That’s it. No furniture, no appliances, no TV, nothing. I am also a bit of a health nut. I really prioritize my fitness. I have 4 things I schedule in my life daily. I exercise on a regular basis, I eat a healthy balanced diet, I’m always hydrated (I drink over a gallon of water every single day), and I do my best to get a solid 8 hours of sleep a night. I figure if I can just do those 4 things consistently, I’m doing my part to keep my body and mind functioning optimally. I believe when you improve your physical health, you’ll improve how you feel, and that in turn gives you a positive mindset to do everything else in your life better. It may seem completely unrelated, but when I’m eating right, exercising consistently, and sleeping well, my photography is 100% better. NowVIZ: How did you get into photography? Dustin: Photography is a great creative outlet for me. Everyone should do something creative. Whether you write, dance, act, standup comedy, paint or draw, etc. Anything. However, I can’t do any of those things. I draw like a toddler, I dance like I have two left feet, and my voice is terrible. I wouldn’t even consider singing alone in the shower. So when I picked up my first camera, it just felt “right.” It felt good in my hands and I enjoyed the process of making photographs. It was like nothing I’ve tried before. I guess I liked the idea that I could control what I was producing. I bought my first “real’’ camera in 2004, a Canon Rebel Xsi with a 17- 85mm lens. I used that combination to practice and shoot everything and anything for years. I beat that combo into the ground until I eventually upgraded to newer and better gear later on.

NowVIZ Q+A Bear Lake, Rocky Mountain National Park

Mobius Arch located in the heart of the Alabama Hills, California

NowVIZ: Originally from Brooklyn, New York you spent a decade in Peru. Can you tell us about your time there? Dustin: When I first left the USA for Peru, I wasn’t sure how long I would stay in South America. I even joked that I might be back in a week. Obviously, 9 years later was a little longer than a week. I lived the entire time in Lima, the capital where I worked as a sponsored ambassador for the 2 largest clothing brands in the country that are the equivalent to a RVCA, Billabong, Quicksilver style of clothing. I was part of a team of extreme sport athletes such as surfers, skateboarders, BMX Bikers. As the team photographer, I did a lot of studio work with them, but we also traveled outside of Lima a few times a year to do lifestyle photoshoots for the upcoming seasons catalog. During my free time I just worked more. I freelanced and took any other photography jobs I could get. I photographed events and parties at night, I worked with freelance models on weekends. Anything to make money with a camera in my hand. When I wasn’t working, I honestly didn’t do much but spend time with Itchy. The boardwalk in Lima is so beautiful, and goes on for miles. So Itchy and I would just walk along the coast everyday for miles. I do miss those strolls along the water. Good memories burned in my mind forever.

Marfa, Texas

34 Marfa, Texas

NowVIZ: You found Itchy, your rescue dog, in Peru and brought her back to the States. How did you find her? Dustin: I found Itchy in Huacachina, a true oasis in the middle of the Peruvian desert. She was crouched underneath a food cart on the street. She caught my eye. I asked the gentleman with the cart and a few other people around if it was their dog or if they knew the owner. They all said, “No, it’s just a street dog.” Unfortunately in Peru and from my other own experiences, a lot of Latin American countries have severe problems with homeless dogs. They are almost like squirrels in the United States. They’re everywhere. Most people just ignore them. I often tell people who want to adopt a dog, just fly to Peru and pick one off the street and fly back home with him. It’s really that easy. So, I saw Itchy under the food cart, and noticed she was skinny and had a flea infestation problem (that’s how she got her name. She was itching from all her flea bites and I was calling her Itchy while trying to come up with a good name for her. It was supposed to be temporary until I thought of something else, but Itchy stuck). I gave her some food right then and there. Then I took her back to my hotel that night. In the morning I took her to a local vet and they gave her a flea bath and all her vaccine shots. The following day I was taking a bus from Huacachina back home to Lima. At the bus station I asked if I could bring a dog with me, and they told me it is 10 soles (roughly $3) and that she would have to ride below the bus with the luggage. So I bought a pet carrier and she took the five hour ride under the bus back to Lima. Being in that dark, cold, bumpy space with all the luggage was the last time she had any drama in her life. She has been spoiled ever since that moment in 2012. I really don’t know what would have happened if they told me no dogs on the bus. Would I have just fed her, bathed her, vaccinated her, and then left her behind, back into the street? Or would I have found another way back to Lima with her? I really don’t know what I would have done in that situation. But now I could not imagine my life without her. Itchy is down for anything, anytime, as long as it’s together. If I want to go for a hike in the forest, she is ready. Take a slow stroll around the city all afternoon, she’s ready. Lay in a bed and watch movies all day long, let’s go! She is just happy being together, doesn’t matter what we are doing. That’s why they call them man’s best friend, I imagine.


“Itchy is do

own for anything, anytime, as long as it’s together.”

Coney Island

NowVIZ: After your time in Peru you and Itchy hit the road for a massive 18 month road trip cross country! What inspired you to take this trip? Dustin: The road trip was supposed to be for one year. Then it stretched to 18 months. And now we are in month 41! We left in January 2019, and besides a six month break in Brooklyn, we have been traveling ever since. As of this writing we are both sitting at a campground in the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee. My reasons for my “van life” initially started while I was in Peru. I was thinking how little of the United States I have actually seen. Basically only the eastern coast from Maine down to Florida. I felt bad that I have barely seen most the country. Friends in Peru would ask me about places in the USA. What is Seattle like? What is the Grand Canyon like? And I would shamefully respond with, “I don’t know, I have never been.” That got me thinking. I didn’t want to have any regrets when I was older, so after a year of research and planning in Peru, I flew back to the US, bought a Honda Element, ripped out the rear seats, built a bed for the back, and hit the road! NowVIZ: You took some amazing photos in some unique locations while on this trip and began including Itchy in the pictures. How did that begin? Dustin: I really don’t know how it started, but looking back at the pictures, I see I have been including her more and more as time goes by. It’s been completely organic. It wasn’t planned. Some of what I shoot is street photography. I’ll see a scene while walking that grabs my attention, whether it’s the light, texture or colors, and she is there at my side 24/7, so I just put her in the composition. Even if you removed Itchy from the photo, it’s still a decent image. But she just adds to it and makes it better. In some of my photos, she is for sure the star subject. At some point after she is gone, I will be happy to have all these photos of her too look back on. NowVIZ: What were some of your favorite areas to explore and obviously Itchy must be a great travel companion. Dustin: She is definitely the best travel buddy I could ever have. I really don’t think I could do a trip of this duration completely alone. There is never a dull moment with Itchy at my side. I talk to her all the time, and she knows my thoughts and secrets. Plus, she is so small and takes up such little space in the bed. She only weighs 9 lbs. Our favorite place was Yosemite National Park. We spent 6 weeks there! And as with most of our stops, we don’t really have a plan. The views in Yosemite are breathtaking. And in Yosemite Valley there was a large squirrel population. That’s what kept us there for so long— the jaw-dropping views and the squirrels. Itchy loved that.

Austin, Texas

Miami, Florida


Brooklyn Bridge, New York

NowVIZ: What inspires you on a daily basis? Dustin: Great storytelling. I love movies. The great ones stick in my mind. I am also inspired by people who can turn their passion into their profession. As the saying goes, “If you love your job, you never have to work a day in your life.” When I see others achieving their goals, it’s a beautiful thing to witness. It motivates me.

NowVIZ: Give us your personal reason why anyone should rescue a dog? #adoptdontshop!

Dustin: Everybody deserves a second chance, and when you adopt a dog, you are giving them a second chance at life. They will return the favor with unconditional love and loyalty. Anyone who doesn’t have a dog in their home should adopt one. They make every situation better. Taking a nap with a dog next you is better, eating a meal with a dog is better, watching a movie with a dog is better. Plus they make you more active whether you feel like it or not. You will be outside walking your dog many times throughout the day. #AdoptaNoCompres


Capital T

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One of the most talented and prophetic alt/rock bands that you probably haven’t heard of—yet. Straight from New Zealand the trio recently landed in Hollywood to work on their (upcoming) sophomore album at the iconic EastWest Studios. Vocalist Adam Stevenson (also on keyboard and guitar), Paul Reid (drums, vocals) and Roy Oliver (guitar, vocals) are collaborating for a second time with legendary hard rock Grammy Award-winning producer Mike Clink (Guns N’ Roses’ Appetite for Destruction and Megadeth’s Rust in Peace.) Stevenson the band’s leader, has a heady approach to creating that is alive. The intoxicating lyrics and euphoric sounds have become a defining trademark of Capital Theatre. He claims influences such as Queen, David Bowie, Muse, Duran Duran and Foo Fighters. “A lot of our inspiration and sonic landscape comes from the name Capital Theatre. We want our rock music to have elements of theatre throughout so we come to writing sessions with this in mind,” says Stevenson. The first meeting with Clink was in 2020. Recording began in the States at Hollywood’s NRG Recording Studios, for their debut album, A Hero’s Journey. “What attracted me to the project is that each song takes you on a journey delivered with conviction through the music and the lyrics. From pre-production through recording, we fine-tuned each song to capture those messages. While this album was technically challenging to record with distance and time changes, it did not diminish the quality. Paul, Adam and Roy, are a band of brothers and I enjoyed being on this journey with them.” Clink told Scoop NZ. Unfortunately as recording began the challenges of Covid threw in setbacks, forcing them to return to New Zealand. Eventually, in Auckland they finished recording and mixing of the album, but delayed its release until this year, June 24th. As a result, “Delicately Poised,” their driving single is currently #1 on Mediabase’s “Most Adds” Alternative radio chart. And this is a band that met only three years ago. They have such a seasoned approach and sophistication of where they want to be and they are extremely motivated to do what it takes to produce quality work. To add depth to their sound they have come together to play with respected musicians in the industry. On A Hero’s Journey they worked with Chris Cheney (Jane’s Addiction) on bass and played shows with Bon Jovi’s lead guitarist Phil X. On the upcoming sophomore album, it was Sean Hurley (John Mayer) on bass, and Zac Rae (Death Cab For Cutie) playing keys. “We definitely see ourselves being a festival band that brings a bit of a rock circus vibe with a bit of color. Everything’s about taking people into this world of theatrical rock,” Stevenson says. The future remains to be seen for this impressive band. But if what we’re hearing and seeing thus far is any indication, this isn’t just a group we’ll be listening to down the road, but a band we won’t be able to stop listening to.



On location with musician BECCA MANCARI

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Capital Theatre recording in Los Angeles at Mates Studios.

Adam: We met at a jam night beneath a strip club in Auckland where musicians play on Thursday nights. They were wild nights, and that’s where we clicked as a band and became best mates. NowVIZ: You have begun to collaborate with other talented artists. What do you learn the most from these experiences?


NowVIZ: Capital Theatre is a band from New Zealand that started over three years ago. What’s the story behind the band? How did you all get together?

Adam: We’ve had a great time working on our new material with a couple of other musicians. Sean Hurley, an absolute all around nice guy and funny dude, played bass on the new album. He plays with John Mayer when he’s not moonlighting with Capital Theatre. We also have Zac Rae from Death Cab For Cutie playing keys. He brings his sweet synth arrangements to our music, which is going to add a unique flourish to our sound. On A Hero’s Journey we worked with bass player Chris Cheney (Jane’s Addiction), whose playing is completely kick ass. NowVIZ: What’s your band’s process for writing and creating music and where do you see the band in the future? Adam: A lot of our inspiration and sonic landscape comes from the name Capital Theatre. We want our rock music to have elements of theatre throughout so we come to writing sessions with this in mind. Songs come from everywhere. It might be something we’ve jammed and then develop further when we hear something we like. We see ourselves putting on really exciting and theatrical live shows that give fans a proper show. We feel strongly about giving fans a spectacle. NowVIZ: Who has been your biggest influence in music? Adam: There are so many we could name, but it’s almost universally accepted that a band like the Beatles changed popular culture and produced a catalogue of very influential work. We all listen to a wide variety of music. You can hear a range of influences in our work from American hard rock to the more subtle synths and harmony sounds from the likes of Duran Duran. NowVIZ: Can you describe what it’s like being a musician living in New Zealand these past few years and what affect it’s had on you and your music? Adam: We were in LA recording A Hero’s Journey when the first lockdowns from Covid happened in March 2020. Going from recording an album to suddenly being locked down back in New Zealand was quite a reversal of momentum. We did struggle to find motivation at times and most of the gigs we lined up were cancelled. So we have sorely missed playing shows and experiencing music in that way. But we moved on to things we could control and wrote a new album. We are now in the studio with Mike Clink again and having a really good time.


Their latest release, A Hero’s Journey was inspired by American author Joseph Campbell’s comparative mythological book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, which “Time magazine” listed as one of the Top 100 Most Influential Books Written Since 1923. It was recorded in Los Angeles at NRG Recording Studios while some guitar recordings were completed at Slash’s Snakepit Studio. “The Hero’s Journey is the blueprint for so many great stories of our time, and so we decided to map out the album based on that framework,” said Stevenson. “We really took our time creating a whole world around every song, and made sure the music had a very epic feel to it,”

NowVIZ: Your latest single “Delicately Poised” has received an incredible online response for its evocative and striking music video. Can you discuss the inspiration and idea behind it? Adam: The response has been great with something like 1M streams and 15M views now. The video and song create something completely new. We worked with director Julie Gomez from Barcelona. Her vision, casting and overall aesthetic at the notorious “Bagdad” adult club all contributed to a unique creative expression. We just wanted to celebrate identity and alter ego. The clown character in the video was part of an identity journey for Adam. You’ll see in our upcoming video for our new song, “Fait Accompli” that we are back to rocking out as ourselves, so the clown has gone on holiday as we say. NowVIZ: You are currently in the States recording at the iconic EastWest Studios in Hollywood, California. What made you decide to record here? Adam: We are recording our second album at EastWest Studios right now, which is shaping up to be great album. We recorded A Hero’s Journey at NRG studios back in 2020, but due to Covid we delayed the release until June 24, 2022. NowVIZ: How did you get the opportunity to record with legendary Grammy Award-winning producer Mike Clink (Guns N’ Roses, Steve Vai)? Adam: We had a very clear vision to work with an iconic rock producer and Mike was at the top of our list. After some back and forth and sharing of demos, we had an initial Zoom call with Mike and the rest is history. We love being back in the studio with him again.


NowVIZ: You plan to hit the road on a national tour in New Zealand beginning July 15th. Give us the details! Adam: Yes, this will be our first national tour, headlining our own shows and finally connecting with fans. We can’t wait. We play 7 dates across New Zealand from 15th July to 6th August.

Check for all updates!


Ryan Lochte




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y / NIKE

story + QA







NowVIZ: As a senior footwear designer at NIKE can you give us an overview on what your job entails? Guercy: I am currently a Senior Footwear Designer within the NXT Innovation team, which is truly an experience. The most exciting part of working at Nike is getting to collaborate with so many within and out of design. Everyone motivates each other. I am now on the running team learning about the fastest athletes in the world. We work on products that help our athletes be the best they can be when it comes to those final milli seconds that count, whether it’s on the court, field, or track. We do a lot of sketching and building models (physical or 3D) that could solve some of the problems they face through their journey. NowVIZ: You have had the opportunity to work for many of the world’s top footwear brands including Reebok, Puma, Adidas, Anta and now Nike. What experience throughout the journey has been most beneficial? Guercy: Going on development trips. We get to travel and meet our athletes which drives much of the design functions. My first development trip was to Vietnam. It was exciting to see all the steps that went into getting the product perfect—the molding process; constructing upper patterns that would fit for final bonding process. It’s awesome to see the various machines that are built to make specific parts of the shoe. After my first development trip I felt I had a more in-depth idea of what it takes to build a shoe.

The Nike Arc Angel is a conceptual footwear solution for ballet reducing the impact on dancers feet while pointe work training. The Arc encourages proper technique providing support with fitted elastic bands wrapped in key areas. Overall construction of The Arc will incorporate a higher quality material combination then the current traditional pointe shoe.

NowVIZ: Footwear design today is extremely competitive. As a Nike designer what keeps you fresh and creative on a daily basis? Guercy: Sharpening my experiences. Keeping up to date with music, tech, fashion. A lot of my energy comes from knowing the culture, so I think it’s always important to tap into what’s going on. A great example of that is the 3D VR craze that exploded a bit before Covid. Folks were creating such amazing things and posting on Instagram during the pandemic. The awesome thing about VR is the push in tech, design, music, fashion, and even the Metaverse. As a designer it’s exciting to see how things aesthetically change because of a slight shift in the design culture. Now I have a new tool I can use to tell my story and share with others who want to learn as well. NowVIZ: What has been the biggest challenge in the footwear industry? And how do you stay ahead of the field? Guercy: I believe the biggest challenge we face at the moment is making sure the product we design not only surpasses form and function, but is made with its life cycle in mind and carbon footprint. That’s the initiative for many companies right now and it affects design. We have to be very selective with what we use in our products. It’s exciting though, because with these challenges we can come up with some cool results that ultimately help the athlete and the world.

NowVIZ: Can you discuss one of your favorite footwear designs and the inspiration behind it? Guercy: The Puma Ignite Limitless shoe is one of my favorites. This product means a lot to me because a group of close friends (Astin Davis, Jared Subawon, Sean Oshea), developers (Robert Malchalski), and plm’s (Product Lifecycle Manager, Daniel Woodward) worked on this project with no brief and expectations. We built a room that showcased the athletes’ performance characteristics. We were able to tap into this new group of versatile runners coming up in the running industry. The idea was to create a versatile product. It took many development trips to arrive at a product the athlete could run in and have the protection they needed when training in the gym. The Limitless ended up being an entire franchise that goes by the name Puma Street Running. It pushed the idea of what a running shoe was supposed to look like and gave us that edge Puma needed in the running world. The Weeknd ended up being the face of Puma Street Running since he was so tied to the culture of music, fashion and sport.


NowVIZ: The sports and fitness world is consistently changing and top athletes, as well as weekend warriors, are looking for that product “edge” to maximize their performance. Does this in any way influence your designs? Guercy: Definitely. Form follows function. I try to make sure the focal point of every product is the performance or any new features that will help the athlete excel. I use design to lead the viewers’ eyes to the functional parts of the shoe but also to express the feeling they might have while using the product. The product needs to evoke emotion as well as have the balance of tech and aesthetics.

NowVIZ: What’s your passion and inspiration outside of the design world? Can you give us a slice of what you do on your time off? Guercy: Lately I have been painting and creating NFT’s that have nothing to do with sneakers. Like the Limitless, I get to work on something that has no expectations and just be myself as an artist. I think this new world of crypto is exciting. It can truly change the world of art, music, and entertainment for the better and help propel the independent artist who has true innovation in tech and art. A lot of it is community based as well, which is cool because I get to tell like minded people about my projects and get advice from others who have released a project or are working on one at the moment. Super fun stuff. NowVIZ: As a designer are you able to stay active? If so, what kind of training are you into? Guercy: I have always found time to be active whether it be basketball, running; even dancing. It’s important since it’s so easy for us to get stuck at the desk, or on the couch since a lot of us work from home. I’ve always danced. Dancing allows me to express myself in ways running doesn’t. I recently started running 3-4 days a week, but that is a more constant movement, where dancing is more free and unexpected. I plan to run a marathon this year but I have long ways to go. Wish me luck!



NowVIZ: Is there a particular project that has become an important addition to your portfolio? Why? Guercy: The Anta Coop has been a great addition to my portfolio. It was more of a lifestyle project. I was able to showcase the power of gravity sketch and how it could potentially be Implemented into the design process. Around that time, I was researching how Bridgestone’s airless tires used thermoplastic resin instead of air to support the weight of a car. These were successfully field tested with electric vehicles. Turns out they could support a load of up to 150Kg. I wanted to design a product that had that same tech structure in 3D that had cushioning within the heel and could potentially work with something crafted like perforated leather, providing a cool balance of tech and lifestyle.

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key component of a highly successful individual is creativity. And fearlessness is one of the five characteristics found in what defines creativity. These individuals aren’t worried about whether they are right or wrong because they believe that their idea(s) bring value to the field in which they reside. They are willing to take risks and, at times, fail. NTT INDYCAR SERIES driver Colton Herta is one of those highly creative individuals. You can just sense he’s always searching for whatever it takes to push his car beyond its limits. And he’s willing to take whatever the risk to get that end result: the win. Included at Herta’s disposal is the infinite wisdom and knowledge of his team’s owner, Michael Andretti of Andretti Autosport. A highly successful and seasoned driver in his own right, he is also the son of Mario Andretti, who not only has been dubbed with the righteous title of, Driver of the Century, he dominated motorsport the way Michael Jordan dominated basketball and Pelé dominated soccer. In Herta’s case the four remaining characteristics of creativity, which are flexibility, curiosity, strength and determination, and positivity, have also been implemented into his arsenal. And although he’s come up through the traditional ranks like the majority, he’s begun to separate himself with his gutsy performances. “I wouldn’t be in IndyCar if I didn’t have the confidence in myself to perform,” says Herta. He’s the youngest race winner in IndyCar history winning at Circuit of The Americas in 2019 at 18 years old, he became the youngest ever pole winner at Road America in 2019 at 19 years old. In May, Herta added his seventh career win at the Indianapolis GMR Grand Prix. It was a chaotic rain soaked day. “That was the hardest race I think I’ve ever done. Wet to dry, dry back to wet,” he says. Simon Pagenaud told NBC Sports’ Kevin Lee, “I couldn’t see: I couldn’t even drive in the end. The car felt really good in the wet, but I just couldn’t see. You have to congratulate Colton because it was really tough to finish the race.” Will Power told NBC Sports’ Dillon Welch, “I tried to be smart and not take too big of a risk. Congrats to Colton on putting the race together like that and getting it done.” And at 22 years old Herta is still the youngest driver in the NTT INDYCAR SERIES. He’s looking for his first Series title and remains in the mix for this 2022 season which is still up for grabs. When he isn’t behind the wheel Herta’s creative outlet doesn’t stop on the track. In his spare time he is the drummer in a punk rock band called, The Zibs. It started in 2018 with friends Jon Graber (vocals, guitar) and Chris Broadbent (bass). They just released their latest album self titled, The Zibs. Other than Colton who had played drums as a kid, neither Jon or Chris had ever picked up an instrument. “We’re friends playing music together. We’re not like a band that became good friends. We just love playing,” Graber says. As this IndyCar season winds to a close, he will embark on a new opportunity this fall. In March, McLaren announced Herta will test the team’s 2021 MCL35M. Under new Formula 1 sporting regulations, teams are allowed to test cars that are one years old, allowing them to evaluate young talent for the future. “Colton is a proven talent in IndyCar and we will be interested to see how he adapts to a Fomula 1 car,” says McLaren Team Principal Andreas Seidl. “This will be a great opportunity for me to gain some valuable experience in a new form of motorsports and learn from such an established team like McLaren,” says Herta. Spoken like a true creative. And with the sky as his limit, we can’t wait to see his next move.

Andretti Autosport driver, Colton Herta is relentless behind the wheel of the #26 Gainbridge Honda. On location with NFL wide receiver, Christian Kirk.


Herta plays drums for the punk rock band, The Zibs.

The ZIBS latest album release! Colton Herta on the drums, Jon Graber vocals and Chris Broadbent on the bass.

The Zibs



NowVIZ: You started kart racing at 10 years old, made your INDYCAR debut and INDYCAR history, winning your first race, at 18 years old! And currently with seven wins, nine podiums and eight poles, you’re one of the most exciting drivers on the track! What’s your current focus? Colton: My current focus is the INDYCAR SERIES. I think if the F1 thing works out, you know that would be cool. But I’m staying focused on what I’m doing now. NowVIZ: As of last year your dad, Bryan Herta a former pro driver himself, is behind the mic as your strategist and coach. It seems to be a great working relationship! Can you tell us how and why it works so well for you? Colton: I like having him on the radio with me because he has the experience. We have a good relationship, so it works well and we have similar personalities. NowVIZ: You’ve had the opportunity to drive for some great teams and currently for one of the best teams in the world, Andretti Autosport. How do they help you to win? Colton: All the guys at Andretti are great. We all are really competitive and want to win every weekend. You see that in what they do in pit lane. So, it all comes together. NowVIZ: As one of the top drivers in the INDYCAR SERIES how do you stay on top of your game physically? Colton: I spend a lot of time in the car with testing and sim work which helps. I spend my time strength training. I might do Pit Fit if I’m in Indy.





NowVIZ: You play drums with a punk rock band you started in California called, The Zibs. And you guys recently released a new album—congratulations! Can you tell us about it and how the band started? Colton: We had released singles before this album. And there’s obviously a lot that goes into putting an album together with writing and recording, but it was something we had been wanting to do and work on. The Zibs started after we were friends. So I guess it just evolved from us hanging out.


r Andrea Mead Cross working with Shelby Rogers on location Delray Beach, Florida

NowVIZ: How do you mentally prepare yourself for race day? Colton: I don’t really do anything specific to prepare myself mentally. I spend race day looking over data with my engineer, Nathan. We just try to get prepared as best we can for the race. NowVIZ: How do you fuel your body nutritionally throughout the season? Is there a specific diet or regime you follow?


Colton: I don’t currently have a diet I follow. But if I win the team makes me victory tacos!


Herta isn’t ruling out a future F1 career. According to racing legend Mario Andretti, Herta “has to be ready to go when that opportunity comes.” “It’s a serious ambition of mine,” says Herta of F1. “When I am done racing, there are a lot of things that I want to say that I have done. And Formula 1 is pretty high on the list for one of those things, right? I wanted to get to INDYCAR, I wanted to get to the Indy 500, and I still want to win the Indy 500 obviously, which I haven’t done yet.”



I have lyrics to finish on some material for the new album so every time I go running I put the instrumental demos on and try and get the lyrics to fall out of the sky.

Listening to “Won’t Stand Down” by Muse and Jack Whites’ “Taking Me Back”.

Listening to Lovely The Band because we are playing a show with them in Cleveland!

J Cole on replay on my headphones for sure with a mix of Young Thug, Kanye, and Drake. I have recently been listening to a lot of Afrobeat artists like WIZKID, Burnboy, Mr.Eazi, etc. Music plays a large part of my design process. I can’t go a day without it.

Right now I’m into the band Bambara. I like a lot of the garage music and sound that surrounds that band.

At this very moment, Run the Jewels and Jedi Mind Tricks have been in heavy rotation on my playlist. But honesty, I listen to a lot more standup comedy than I do music. If I have a long drive ahead of me, most of the time I’m usually playing some comedy instead of bumping tunes. Some of my favorite stand up comics are George Carlin, Doug Stanhope, Norm MacDonald, Mitch Hedberg, Tom Segura, Patrice O’Neal, and Bill Burr.

MUSIC page







SBX USA Team racer Senna Itchy in Leith Utah

behind the scenes


s start

Shenandoah National Park



Photographer Andrea Mead Cross and Whitney Dosty.

s one

Dustin and Itchy on Grand Lake Colorado.


Photographer Andrea Mead Cross on location in Hollywood, CA with Capital Theatre.

On set with photographer Andrea Mead Cross and musician, Becca Mancari.


behind the scenes behind the scenes

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In the desert with Kane Ritchotte and Malcolm McRae of more*


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Behind the scenes with more*

Capital Theatre recording in Los Angeles at Mates Studios.

behind the scenes

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On location on Long Beach with Colton Herta and photographer Andrea Mead Cross.

behind behind the the scenes scenes

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Becca Mancari behindMead the scenes. on the set with more* Photographer Andrea On location in Long Beach, CA with NTT INDYCAR SERIES driver, ColtonCross Herta.

Working with top pro tennis player, Shelby Rogers.

On set with IndyCar driver Colton Herta in Long Beach, California



On set with INDYCAR driver, Colton Herta.


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Photographer Andrea Mead Cross and Shelby behind the scenes!

CREDITS+COMMENTS What defines a great athlete? What motivates a band to write that song with a deep soulful vibe? What makes an artist envision his first masterpiece? We’re not quite sure of the answers, but this issue features talent that has what it takes to jump start the conversation. NTT INDYCAR SERIES driver, Colton Herta, New Zealand Alt/Rock band, Capital Theatre, Nike senior footwear designer, Guercy Eugene and Brooklyn, New York based photographer, Dustin Levine with his rescue dog Itchy. Each has that undefined desire to produce a result that is fresh and new. Thank you for sharing a piece of your world with us. NowVIZ editor and writer, Hilary Stunda brings her wealth of creativity and experience to our team having worked as producer for The Outdoor Life Network, Editor-in-chief of Modern Luxury Aspen, writing for Lexus, Art in America, Interview, ARTnews, SPIN, and Wallpaper* just to name a few. Additionally we’d like to thank photographer Andrea Mead Cross who is essential in the growth and development of NowVIZ! Her vision and creativity exceed expectations and we’re excited she continues to be apart! We’d also like to acknowledge a group that has been intregral to the behind the scenes success, writer Mark Staffieri by way of Toronto, Canada. Having written for Bleacher Report, Hockey Canada and Legends Football League (Canada), he continues to infuse his talent into each assignment. Also to our creatives, the super talented graphic technician, Beckett Knolls, visual specialist, Emma Stark, motion graphic artist, Raf Breuer, motion, logistics, and research, Finley Nelson and Marc Cohen. Thank you for that extra effort, incredible talent and positive vibes! Hope you enjoyed the ride! All inquiries,


2022 All Rights Reserved NowVIZ magazine and COPYRIGHT 2022 No part of this magazine may be reproduced without written permission. This magazine is viewed with the understanding that the information present is from varied sources for which there can be no warranty or respondsibility by as to the accuracy or completeness.



NTT INDYCAR SERIES driver, Colton Herta

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