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cover page
In Indianapolis with cover star, Pietro Fittipaldi NTT IndyCar driver for Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing. Photography by Andrea Mead Cross.















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NowVIZ: Photographer Kevin Hayes, aka @kevvhayes1972 would you tell us about yourself and where you live.

Kevin: My name is Kevin Hayes, and I’m a photographer based in Dublin, Ireland. I’m originally from a small town in Co. Wicklow, which is about 90 minutes south of Dublin, but I have been living and working in Dublin for many years. I live pretty much in the city center with my wife Ali and our wee dog Oscar.

NowVIZ: Would you discuss your passion for photography? Why do you use the medium and what is it that makes you pick up the camera?

Kevin: I shoot a variety of genres of photography sports, (particularly off-road cycling), American football, basketball, wildlife, landscape, and macro. But it’s street photography where my real passion lies.

Photography has always played a major part in my life, as my dad was a very keen amateur photographer, and he had a darkroom in the attic of our home. I still remember the magic of being in the darkroom. The smell of the chemicals, the wonder of seeing a print appear as the paper was put through the stages of development. It was magical to see the whole process of loading the film into a camera, shooting it (not knowing what the result might be), loading the roll into a Patterson Tank in complete darkness, experimenting with different development times, and finally seeing the finished print hanging up to dry. From those moments, I knew that I’d be involved with photography in some form in the future.

NowVIZ: Your work on the street is fantastic. The presentation is unique in that you involve so many different ways to capture the image and make it fresh again. It’s a difficult task to accomplish because the shot presents itself randomly and with no pause button. How have you made this type of shooting work for you?

Kevin: Shooting street photography is probably the most challenging of all the genres. You just never know what is going to present itself to you from day to day, minute to minute. People are unpredictable. You are shooting in an environment that is totally out of your control. Shooting in a studio, or at a sporting event, you can pretty much predict what might happen and be prepared for that. But shooting on the streets is such a different scenario because you are at the mercy of what life in the outside world throws at you. Every day is different. Every time of the day is different. Every city you go to is different. Every culture is different. And that is what makes street photography fascinating to me. It can often be the case that after a week of shooting, I review the images and realize that I didn’t manage to achieve anything good. It can be massively frustrating and demoralizing, but the best thing to do is just keep on shooting, and the results will come.


NowVIZ: “Patience” and “no fear” seem to be two descriptive words that a street photographer would have to embrace. Would you agree? Or what words would you choose to describe this particular process?

Kevin: “Patience” and “no fear” are definitely two key words when it comes to street photography. It can be extremely intimidating to take photographs of complete strangers. A lot of people have become very suspicious of someone with a camera (even though every phone has one), and often times your motives can be called into question. I find that when challenged as to what I’m doing, a quick explanation that I’m a street photographer and that their presence in the shot was only adding something to the scene is a good way of diffusing any potentially unsavory situations.

Most people, when you engage with them, are only too happy to contribute. So, it’s about knowing when and who to include in the image.

Of course, the are times when simply deleting an image is the best and safest option. Patience when shooting street is key. There can be times when it seems like nothing is ever going to happen. Then, just when you think the day is done, that’s when things start to present themselves.

I shoot at all times of the day. Capturing a place early in the morning is completely different from capturing it late at night. Photography and, in particular, street photography, has afforded me the opportunity to travel a lot in recent years, and there’s nothing better than arriving in a new environment and immersing yourself in the ways and culture of new place. I’ve been lucky enough to shoot in places such as London, Berlin, Chicago, Hamburg, Morocco, Montenegro, Italy, and Romania, and each place is different; All throw up diverse and interesting challenges.

NowVIZ: What are some of the challenges of shooting street photography? Is there a particular scene, time of day, individual, group(s), etc. you seek out?

Kevin: I like to challenge myself to achieve different results and different types of shots. Whether that’s limiting myself to a particular focal length for a few days or shooting an ultra-wide angle lens, meaning I need to get super close to my subject, or spending some time shooting just film, using the priority modes, zone focusing, etc. One way I find to combat issues is to always have a camera on me when I leave the house (any type of camera). That way, I’m ready, prepared for that one split second that an opportunity might present itself. Street photography is ‘full on.’ Every scene is a potential shot. Being prepared for that moment is key. Having your settings dialed in and knowing what kind of shot you are looking to achieve goes a long way toward getting the desired results.

NowVIZ: What do you do outside of photography to stay fresh or find creative inspiration?

Kevin: I teach digital photography to complete beginners, and it’s something that I love doing. From how to turn on the camera to learning how to shoot in fully manual mode to seeing the progression of people and the realization of just what their cameras are capable of is amazing.

A camera is a powerful piece of equipment, not just in its technical capabilities, but also just how powerful the resulting images can be. Photography is a medium that can tell so much. We are capturing history as it happens, and it is these images that will be referred back to in years to come that tell the story of the times we are in.

I also run Street Photography Workshops, (#OffBeatPhotoExperience), to give people the skills and techniques to get the very best out of their cameras and understand the importance of documenting what is going on in the world around us.

In these workshops, each participant also gets to shoot a roll of film on a classic Olympus Trip35 camera. Very few of us actually print images anymore, so this gives each person the opportunity to shoot a roll in either color or black and white. At the end of the workshop, they’ll then have 36 actual physical prints of their day shooting.

The Olympus Trip35 cameras is a great camera for someone who may not have shot film before as they can experience the excitement and anticipation of what film photography is all about. I keep these workshop classes small (5/6 participants) so that everyone gets individual attention throughout the day, and in the future I hope to run these in various cities around Europe, and maybe even further afield.

“One way I find to combat issues is to always have a camera on me when I leave the house (any type of camera). That way, I’m ready, prepared for that one split second that an opportunity might present itself. Street photoraphy is ‘full on.’ Every scene is a potential shot. Being prepared for that moment is key.”

Check out Kevin Haye’s work @kevvhayes1972








Beetroot Hummus

NowVIZ: Celebrity chef Alfie Steiner, aka @alfiecooks_, would you please tell us about yourself and where you live.

Alfie: Haha, first of all, I’m not a celebrity! But yeah, I’m Alfie; I’m 24 years old, and I live in London with my girlfriend of 6 years. I’ve lived in London for most of my life, also spending time in Suffolk at my mum’s place and up in Edinburgh during my time at university.

@alfiecooks_ is now my full-time career, which is great. I basically create recipe videos and post them on social media. Think colorful, comforting, and delicious plant-based food.

Becoming a content creator wasn’t really the plan, haha. I studied Spanish and Portuguese at university, and only graduated a year and a half ago.

I thought I’d give content creation a go, and for 6 months I did, without really making enough to earn a living. So I decided to go traveling to South America in search of inspiration, and luckily I made a beetroot hummus before I went… but more on that shortly.

I’m also a MASSIVE Arsenal fan; food and football are my two great passions in life.

NowVIZ: Talk about your “PINK” hummus. (which is incredible by the way!!!) And would you elaborate on how this dip enhanced your social media presence!

Alfie: Haha! So, I’ve always loved dips (who doesn’t), and it was just over a year ago that I made this pink hummus using beetroot. Now, honestly, before making it, I thought I hated beetroot; I’ve never given it a go, really. But I saw a sad looking bunch of it at the bottom of the fridge so I thought, ”Right, let’s transform you into something delicious.” And then, the pinkest hummus in town was born!

Before posting it as a recipe video, I realized that I had other clips of various other dips I’d made over the past year — hummus, pesto, tzatziki etc. so, I decided to bring them together in a little promotional video, almost like a trailer, for a new series. It was then that the idea of starting the series called Take a Dip came to me. So I wrote a voiceover, and posted the video on Instagram and TikTok.

Now, at the time, I had 2k followers on Insta, and around 5k on TikTok. After posting this video, my TikTok followers rose first, growing to around 50k within a month or two. I thought ”Wow!, This is amazing.” And then Instagram got going. It was bizarre, the first week saw the video hit 20k views or something, which was great for me. And then, rather rapidly, the view count absolutely rocketed. Within a month, it had reached over 10 million people. And with it, over 500k people started following me.

All in all, that one video alone gained 12.5 million views on Instagram, and was responsible for 500k people following me. So I was like, wow, maybe this CAN be a career…

Cauliflower Steak + Chimichurri

NowVIZ: You are currently plant-based, when did you make the decision to go plant-based and why?

Alfie: So, I decided to stop eating meat around five years ago. It was actually part of a new year’s resolution, but I’d always been a big animal lover and owner of pets, so it was something I knew I’d try at some point. My girlfriend had recently gone vegan too, so it made the switch easier.

Since then, I’ve not eaten meat. I’ve gone through different periods of being completely vegan, but now I stick to a majority plant-based diet. Everything I cook and eat at home is pretty much 100% plant-based.

When I’m out, I’ll have a dairy on occasion, or fresh seafood, if I’m holiday, for example. But the key for me is that plants and plant-based ingredients form the backbone of my cooking and eating habits.

NowVIZ: As a content and recipe creator, would you please tell us how you discovered that you had an incredible talent for cooking?

Alfie: For as long as I can remember, I’ve always LOVED food, and I have a massive appetite. Back when I was 8 years old, I recall getting my teacher and classmates to call me FOODZILLA, which is quite funny. But I guess it was me wanting to show people just how passionate a foodie I was, even at that age.

I grew up eating well; my dad is a very good cook, so we were always eating quality home-cooked dishes from a young age. And then, I guess, once I started cooking for myself at university I just kept going.

My girlfriend will tell you what she thinks of my initial cooking skills (NOT VERY GOOD), but I think, slowly but surely, I just kept plugging away and practicing. I carved out my cooking style, how I wanted my food to look and taste, and what I wanted in it.

I think a big part of my development and improvement as a home cook was the decision to stop eating meat around five years ago. I was almost forcing myself to become more creative in the kitchen, asking HOW to build those levels of flavor, and nail those textures without relying on meat and animal products.

Pea + Mint Soup

I’m also a MASSIVE Arsenal fan; food and football are my two great passions in life. And if it wasn’t the food world, I would definitely be working in the footballing world in some capacity. Hopefully, I can continue combining the two!


NowVIZ: Not only are your plant-based recipes outrageously delicious, but they’re also healthy! How do you create your recipes and do you have a method for choosing your ingredients?

Alfie: That is very kind! Firstly, my recipes are inspired by what ingredients I have in the fridge already. That’s exactly how the beetroot hummus was born—not wanting to waste what is already there, salvaging a sad-looking vegetable, and transforming it into a delicious veggie centerpiece.

I’ll also try and cook with as much seasonal and locally sourced produce. I do this to get the best taste, but it’s also in consideration of the environmental impact of our food choices.

Recipes then take shape in all sorts of different ways. I’m inspired by recipes I see on social media, cookbook classics, and dishes I try at restaurants. But honestly, mainly it’s me thinking, “Right, what do I normally like to eat and cook? And then how can I recreate that and execute it in a way that will appeal to people, and encourage them to give it a go at home?”

NowVIZ: What’s your favorite recipe from the recipe videos you’ve created so far?

Alfie: OOFT, that’s like choosing between my children. Well, the recent cauliflower steak with chimichurri is definitely up there. It went absolutely bonkers across socials, inspiring many to get creative with their cauliflower, and also annoying traditional meat-eaters, haha, which is always fun.

Then you can’t go wrong with some of my soups peanut butter ramen and cream of mushroom are two of my favorite soups I made for my series, Soup Season.


Mushroom Shawarma Vodka Pasta Firecracker Ramen

“For as long as I can remember, I’ve always LOVED food, and I have a massive appetite. Back when I was 8 years old, I recall getting my teacher and classmates to call me FOODZILLA, which is quite funny. But I guess it was me wanting to show people just how passionate a foodie I was, even at that age.”

Curried Carrot Soup

NowVIZ: Is there a person that has in any way been an influence on your cooking?

Alfie: As I said, my dad is definitely a big source of influence, as he would always cook great dishes as we grew up. My stepdad too has encouraged my passion. And of course, I receive inspiration from all over—chefs, fellow content creators, etc.

NowVIZ: You’re a very fit guy! Do you do any type of activity or training?

Alfie: Hahaha, I don’t know about that. That’s very kind! But yeah, I run a couple of times a week, go to the gym, play seven-a-side football too, cycle, etc.

Not intensely active training, but I know how important it is for my mind and body to exercise regularly. I find it harder during the winter months, when it’s colder, darker, wetter, and I always seem to be ill. But I’m getting back into my fitness routine at the moment, which is great.

NowVIZ: What’s your passion and inspiration outside the cooking world?

Alfie: Football. Well, more specifically, Arsenal. I’m a massive Arsenal fan, as I mentioned, and if it wasn’t the food world, I would definitely be working in the footballing world in some capacity. Hopefully, I can continue combining the two!

But yeah, since birth pretty much, I’ve grown up as an Arsenal fan. Always watch the games, go as and when I can, listen to all the podcasts, read all the articles. And I play a bit too! Before @alfiecooks,_, I also started my own football podcast, and did some freelance football journalism, which was cool. But Arsenal, the club, Mikel Arteta the manager, and the players, really do inspire me, and I’m hoping they can do something special this year.

NowVIZ: Is there a particular project or event coming up you’d like to talk about?

Alfie: So there’s lots in the pipeline. After Take a Dip, Soup Season, and Saucy Pastas, there’ll be a new series hitting @alfiecooks_ soon. What it is, you’ll have to wait and see!

Keep an eye out for longer form content and recipe tutorial videos over on YouTube too.

And hopefully, some really cool campaigns I can be part of with the food and drink brands I love.

This spring and summer, I’m hoping to start hosting an event or two, whether it’s supper clubs, panel discussions, food festivals, cooking demos, Q&As, etc,.

And then, yeah, over the next year or so, perhaps a website, maybe a newsletter, and who knows, my own COOK BOOK one day…

Check out Chef
Alfie Steiner’s recipes and more



Feature story

story PIETRO

There’s nothing strange about entering the family business. Many people do it. But when “the family business” is motor racing and several members are already champions, you might not be so quick to clock in alongside them.

Pietro Fittipaldi didn’t have to think twice, however. The grandson of two-time FIA Formula 1 World Champion and double Indy 500 winner, Emerson Fittipaldi, the nephew of F1 and Champ Car racer, Max Papis, and brother to FIA Formula 2 racer, Enzo Fittipaldi, he knew from a young age that this was the only life he wanted.

He spent weeks of winter and summer living in motorhomes infield at legendary racing tracks such as Daytona, staying up late at night while watching his uncle Max Papis roar around the race track by day. The noise, the excitement, the speed of the cars–all of it thrilled the young Brazilian-American so that by the time he was nine years old, Fittipaldi knew he was going to be a racing driver.

In 2006, at the age of 10, he began karting. His rise through the ranks was quick and by 2011, a 15-year-old Fittipaldi was making his debut in stock cars. That first year, he earned the accolade of ‘Rookie of the Year’ in the NASCAR Whelen All-American Series for Limited Late Models.

In 2013, the young racer relocated to Europe, where a switch to open-wheel racing saw him competing in the British-based BRDC Formula 4 Championship and the Protyre Formula Renault Championship. The following year, he secured the winning title in the latter series, scooping 10 wins from 15 starts.

The next few years saw Fittipaldi moving into Formula 3 and the Formula V8 3.5, but by 2018 he was Stateside again, taking on the IndyCar Series with Dale Coyne Racing. That same year he was confirmed as Haas F1 Team’s official 2019 test driver, with his first official car test due to take place in the pre-season at Barcelona the following February.

“Formula 1 for any driver is a dream come true,” he told media at the time. “But I believe I’m ready and can deliver great performances.”

Haas obviously agreed, and his relationship with the American racing team continued to see the young BrazilianAmerican ticking off racing firsts and incredible driving.

In 2020, it was announced that Fittipaldi would race for the Haas F1 Team in the Sakhir Grand Prix and Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, standing in for Romain Grosjean, who had been injured in an earlier race in Bahrain. The following year, another first with Haas saw him making his debut with the Indy 500.

Racing on the same track that he’d first watched his uncle Max Papis race on 14 years earlier was a moving moment for Fittipaldi. It could have been this that gave him the energy to hit an impressive average speed of 230.846 over four laps, earning him 2021’s ‘Fastest Rookie of the Year’ credentials.

2021, was also the year the young racer competed in the European Le Mans Series with Team InterEuropol, helping them snag their best finish in their history with second place at Spa-Francorchamps and their best qualifying position of third in Monza.

Since then, Fittipaldi has been kept busy. Haas has retained his name on their racing roster as an F1 reserve driver, and in October 2023, IndyCar innovators, Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing (RLL Racing), announced that the 28-year-old would be joining them for the NTT IndyCar Series 2024 season, taking on driving duties for the team’s number 30 Honda-powered entry. The move makes Fittipaldi the first Brazilian driver in many years to have a full-time position with IndyCar.

“With the experience I’ve gained over the last few years in F1 and other racing series, I am looking forward to the challenge of racing in IndyCar, one of the most competitive and versatile racing series in the world,” a proud Fittipaldi told the media when his move to RLL was announced. “I want to thank Mr. Rahal, Mr. Lanigan, and Mr. Letterman for the opportunity and their trust and confidence in me. I can’t wait to get started.”

Mike Lanigan, Co-Owner of Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing, welcomed the racer to the team with a nod to the famed Fittipaldi “family business”.

“The Fittipaldi family name has always been associated with winning and competitiveness in our sport,” Lanigan noted. “The legacy lives on with Pietro and we welcome the challenges in keeping the tradition alive.”

For Fittipaldi, joining RLL allows him to be behind the wheel of yet another top racing car and continue doing what he loves best. “Racing’s in my blood,” he has said. “It’s everything I know, and it’s everything I want to be doing.”

NowVIZ: What is your earliest memory in racing?

Pietro: So I would say that my earliest memory of racing is watching both my uncle, Max Papis, and cousin, Christian Fittipaldi, racing the Daytona 24 hours. As a kid I grew up watching them race, staying up all night in the motorhome in the Daytona infield. That’s basically what gave me the passion to start racing. It’s amazing. It’s a big privilege for me to be part of a racing family.

NowVIZ: When did you decide to become a race car driver?

Pietro: I’d say when I was around four years old and drove my first go-kart. It was a little kart that my dad gave me. We were living in Florida and he would take me to a little track called Opa Locka, south of Miami, which is like a parking lot karting track, and I started with that. And then probably when I was around eight or nine, I definitely knew that I wanted to be a race car driver.

I knew how difficult it was, since the family was involved in everything. I knew that it wouldn’t be easy to make a professional career out of racing. But both my brother and I chased after it and we’re racing at a very high levels nowadays, so I’m very happy with how it went. But it’s, for sure, never easy!

NowVIZ: What does it mean to bring back the Fittipaldi name to IndyCar?

Pietro: To be able to bring back the Fittipaldi name full-time to IndyCar is very special for me. My family has a lot of history, not only with my grandfather, Emerson, but with Christian Fittipaldi and my Uncle Max Papis–they’re all IndyCar race winners.

My grandfather won two IndyCar 500’s and one IndyCar Championship, so it’s very special. The goal now is to carry on the tradition and keep winning. I know the challenge ahead, but the way we have to approach it is just work as hard as possible and take it one race weekend at a time.


NowVIZ: What excites you the most about IndyCar?

Pietro: The racing. For me IndyCar has the best racing in the world. Particularly with the amount of overtakes and the different winners you have throughout the season. For example, if you don’t qualify well and start P20, but you have a good strategy, good race, and pace, you have opportunity to win the race! I think that’s what makes IndyCar so exciting.

Then there’s the oval racing. I know some people might not like oval racing. I love oval racing and I love watching oval racing. So for me, it’s the perfect package. And what made me come to IndyCar full time is the opportunity to race at Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing. You know, it’s a race-winning team, a team of very high caliber. And I’m very grateful to Mr. Rahal, Mr. Letterman, and Mr. Lanigan for the opportunity. It’s something I’ve been working towards for a long time.



“To be able to bring back the Fittipaldi name full-time to IndyCar is very special for me. My family has a lot of history, not only with my grandfather, Emerson, but with Christian Fittipaldi and my Uncle Max Papis–they’re all IndyCar race winners.”

NowVIZ: What are some of the challenges and advantages you will have this 2024 season?

Pietro: I definitely think that one of the challenges are the tracks. I will need to adapt and learn them as quickly as I can. It’s a new race team for me, so just getting to know everybody is important, but I’m sure we’re gonna gel pretty quick.

And there’s not a lot of testing before the race season starts. There’s very limited time in the car and then boom, you’re ready for the first race weekend. So, that’s going to be a challenge.

I would say some of the advantages is the experience I’ve gained over the years. For example, I have several years working in Formula One, with six years doing a lot of testing. I’ve raced for Haas Formula One and those races are high pressure situations. I think that experience builds up over time.

Also, racing in big races lasting 20– 24 hours, like 24 hours of LeMans and the super formula DTM (Deutsche Tourenwagen Masters) formula II as well, plus a lot of the testing we did for Jaguar–All that experience has built me as a driver and now I feel like this opportunity in IndyCar came in my prime, the perfect moment of my career.

I feel like I’m ready. I know the challenge ahead. But I feel like I’m ready to do a great job.

NowVIZ: What does it mean to be the next full-time Brazilian driver in IndyCar?

Pietro: To be the next full-time Brazilian-American in this series is very special. Brazil has a lot of history in motorsport, not only in IndyCar, but also in F1 and endurance racing, and to be able to race an Indy car full-time to represent both Brazil and the US is a unique opportunity… It’s a privilege for me to try to carry on this history in the best way possible.

NowVIZ: Which track are you looking forward to racing on the most?

Pietro: So, I’m looking forward to the Indianapolis 500, for sure. I think it’s not only the track; the whole Indy 500 event is super special. You’re there for two and a half weeks, living inside the track in a motorhome. All the adrenaline and energy that the whole team puts into trying to win the race is a thing all its own. So, I’d say it’s incredible. I’m looking forward to it!

5-Hour ENERGY® returns to racing with Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing’s No. 30 NTT INDYCAR SERIES entry with driver Pietro Fittipaldi.

NowVIZ: What are you thinking as you walk through Gasoline Alley on Indy 500 race day?

Pietro: Honestly, it’s such a special feeling. It’s like you’re getting inside the car for the biggest race in the world. And everybody’s trying to win that race. There’s so much energy put in over the previous two weeks– doing hundreds of laps at the track trying to make the car better, working on pitstops, working on strategy for the race and more. Then you walk through that alley and you know that you just gotta get in the car and drive it as fast as you can. Then, of course, there’s just standing on the grid with 300,000 fans– it’s spectacular.

NowVIZ: What is the differences between IndyCar and Formula One?

Pietro: So, there are big differences in F1 and IndyCar racing. Both series are amazing. I know sometimes there’s rivalry between IndyCar fans and F1 fans, but honestly, both are amazing.

The F1 cars are unbelievable to drive. The cornering speeds and the braking power that they have make the cars feel like spaceships, bascally! IndyCar, on the other hand, has various fast cars but you know the speeds you’re doing on, for example, Indianapolis 500. I remember in 2021, I averaged 230 miles an hour in qualifying, which is an absurd speed. And, you know, the adrenaline that you have racing on an oval is unlike anything else. I also believe IndyCar racing is the best in the world. You never know what it’s going to be like and I think that’s what makes it extremely exciting.

Fittipaldi and photographer Andrea Mead Cross at Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing Headquarters.

NowVIZ: Do you have any driver race day superstitions?

Pietro: I don’t, however, before I get in the car, I always drink some coffee. I love coffee. I actually had to manage it a little bit because I was drinking around four or five cups a day and I’ve had to lower it down. So, it’s something I’m working on. But, for sure, before qualifying or the race I’m gonna have, you know, one or two espressos to get me going before I get in the car!



“With the experience I’ve gained over the last few years in F1 and other racing series, I am looking forward to the challenge of racing in IndyCar, one of the most competitive and versatile racing series in the world,” a proud Fittipaldi told the media when his move to RLL was announced. “I want to thank Mr. Rahal, Mr. Lanigan, and Mr. Letterman for the opportunity and their trust and confidence in me. I can’t wait to get started.”


indian AD





short addition

addition MUSIC

Formed in Akron, Ohio in 2001, The Black Keys are singer/guitarist Dan Auerbach and drummer Patrick Carney. Last year, the duo received two Grammy nominations for their eleventh studio album Dropout Boogie. The Black Keys have been called “rock royalty” by the Associated Press and “one of the best rock ‘n’ roll bands on the planet” by Uncut. Cutting their teeth playing small clubs, the band has gone on to sell out arena tours and has released eleven previous studio albums: the debut The Big Come Up (2002), followed by Thickfreakness (2003) and Rubber Factory (2004), along with their releases on Nonesuch Records: Magic Potion (2006), Attack & Release (2008), Brothers (2010), El Camino (2011), Turn Blue (2014), “Let’s Rock” (2019), Delta Kream (2021), and Dropout Boogie (2022). The band has won six Grammy Awards and a BRIT and headlined festivals in North America, South America, Mexico, Australia, and Europe.

Following the announcement of their upcoming album Ohio Players (out April 5 via Nonesuch/Warner Records), The Black Keys have debuted the second track off the album – a rendition of William Bell’s “I Forgot To Be Your Lover” – that features the band’s good friends Tommy Brenneck and Kelly Finnigan. This track, available now on all streaming platforms, maintains the momentum The Black Keys started with the album’s lead single “Beautiful People (Stay High).” Listen to “I Forgot To Be Your Lover” and watch the lyric video.

The reimagined song joins the original tracks on an album unlike any of the band’s others, featuring collaborations among the band’s Dan Auerbach and Patrick Carney and various additional friends and colleagues, including Beck, Noel Gallagher, Greg Kurstin, and others.

Earlier this week, The Black Keys were announced as performers for the 8th annual Love Rocks NYC benefit concert as well as performers for the NASCAR Chicago Street Race in Grant Park.

The Black Keys were recently announced as SXSW Music Festival performers. This addition follows the announcement that Auerbach and Carney will be partaking in a special keynote as well as premiering their new documentary This is a Film About The Black Keys during the festival. The documentary traces Auerbach’s and Carney’s remarkable journey from two neighborhood kids jamming in a basement in Ohio to rock ‘n roll superstardom.

The Black Keys in concert

“Rock & roll is dying because people became OK with Nickelback being the biggest band in the world, so they became OK with the idea that the biggest rock band in the world is always going to be shit – therefore you should never try to be the biggest rock band in the world. Fuck that! Rock & roll is the music I feel the most passionately about, and I don’t like to see it fucking ruined and spoon-fed down our throats in this watereddown, post-grunge crap, horrendous shit. When people start lumping us into that kind of shit, it’s like, ‘Fuck you,’ honestly.” - The Black Keys’ drummer Patrick Carney, on why rock music isn’t doing so well. [via RollingStone]

January 2012

“Music is like a piano: the white keys represent Happiness & the black keys Sorrow, but

as you go through Life, remember it takes both to make Music.”





Story 4



Releasing in limited quantities throughout Greater China, the Jordan Wings Collection is Jordan Brand’s pinnacle product capsule to date. Each product is made in Italy and underscores Jordan Brand’s approach to meticulous craftsmanship, rich materials and commitment to excellence. The collection pays respect to the staples that cemented Jordan Brand’s iconic status in sport, culture and style — from 1984 to today — and elevates them to an heirloom status built to last for future generations.

The apparel includes a series of timeless basketball-inspired silhouettes, such as a hoodie, varsity jacket, diamond shorts and a tracksuit. Nothing was spared to bring the finest materials to these pieces, cashmere blends, premium fleece and more. Other pieces, like the hoodies and tees, designed with elegant simplicity, are influenced by the legacy of the Jumpman, including features that were masterfully completed over time. For example, the Jordan Wings net sweater is modeled after a nylon basketball net and was hand-stitched by Italian artisans over seven hours to achieve the realistic properties of a net. The accessories are inspired by the proportions of the classic Jordan Wings logo, whether through patterns or through dimension, like the Wings-shaped luxury pouch.

A fresh take on a true original, the limited-edition Air Jordan 1 High ‘85 Wings and Air Jordan 1 Low ‘85 Wings were meticulously created by hand in Italy. Each upper is hand-stitched by an Italian craftsperson and features 3-layer hand-painted leather edges throughout. Internal lining is heavy satin and sock liners are poured PU with foot-conforming properties to deliver unprecedented comfort.

The Jordan Brand Wings Collection releases exclusively in Beijing in March 2024.

The Jordan Wings Collection is the Brand’s most pinnacle product expression to date.

It’s an expression of ascension – of soaring beyond – and features iconic designs that have been elevated to an heirloom state and built to last for generations.


Made in Italy, each limited-edition piece merges meticulous craftsmanship, rich materials, and underscores the Brand’s commitment to excellence.

The collection pays respect to the staples that cemented Jordan Brand’s iconic status in sport, culture, and style— from 1984 to today.



So the type of music depends a lot on my mood, for sure. Before I get in the race car, I want something that pumps me up. So it depends, you know. I listen to a lot of hip hop, rock, and rap from the early 2000’s, and I like Metallica as well. It’s whatever really gets me going and in the mood. But when I’m relaxing, honestly, I can listen to anything, I’m pretty easy with that.


Well, all the football podcasts under the sun, haha. Arseblog Arsecasts, Arsenal Vision podcasts, Handbrake Off, all The Athletic pods.

And then, music-wise, honestly, I listen to all sorts. I’ve recently ‘discovered’ Lana del Rey — I knew she had a nice voice, but honestly, listening to some of her music recently, I’m obsessed, haha.

Love Jorja Smith’s new album too. And, yeah, ordinarily you’ll find me listening to Kendrick Lamar, James Blake, Masego, J Hus, Wizkid, Billie Eilish, or Travis Scott. Cleo Sol is a favorite of mine at the moment too.


As usual, my music taste is as eclectic as ever. The list is pretty much endless… but right now, Young Fathers, Idles, Teenage Fanclub, Dug, De Staat, LCD Soundsystem are pretty much on rotation. Along with those, some classics like The Cure, Depeche Mode, The Blue Nile, Sparks, The Chemical Brothers, Beastie Boys, and the Pixies (really showing my age now) are go to acts too.






Pietro Fittipaldi working with photographer Andrea Mead Cross.

behind the scenes

The #30 Fittipaldi and crew in the pit.

behind the scenes

On Location at Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing Headquarters in Indianapolis.



Love the moment. 2024


Studio 25, INC.


K Skyler


Emma Stark


Siobhan Colgan


Siobhan Colgan

Eric Hayes

Chanel Williams Joshua Levy Mark Saffieri

Rose Fydler


Andrea Mead Cross



Marc Cohen


Wyatt Sullivan


Finley Nelson

Raf Breuer


Stella Madison


Kelley Kwiatkowski

Love the moment. All inquiries, 2023 All Rights Reserved NowVIZ magazine and COPYRIGHT 2023 No part of this magazine may be reproduced without written permission. This magazine is viewed with the understanding that the information present is from varied sources for which there can be no warranty or respondsibility by as to the accuracy or completeness. @ NOWVIZMAG
Mark Hudson Group, LLC
Beckett Knolls


Fittipaldi #30 The Thermal Club Palm Springs 2024. .

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