NPower creates pathways to economic prosperity by launching digital careers for military veterans and young adults from underserved communities.
In today’s economy, over 50% of all jobs require some degree of technology and digital skill. A recent Microsoft Data Science report estimates that digital job capacity—or the total number of new technology-oriented jobs—in the U.S. will grow to 13 million by 2025.
NPower currently operates in New York, Texas, California, Maryland, Toronto, New Jersey, Missouri, and Michigan.
NPower envisions a future where our domestic technology workforce is diverse, and clear pathways exist for all people regardless of ethnicity, gender, or socio-economic background to succeed in our digital economy.
We work together to transform lives and strengthen communities
We are dedicated to the success of our students, team and stakeholders
We are transparent, honest and ethical in all interactions
We are committed to efforts that build respect, dignity, fairness, equityand self-esteem
We learn from mistakes and successes in equal measure
2021 was unusual and challenging for all of us. The world had changed forever, the needs of the communities we serve were heightened, and the priorities of the business sector to find diverse talent became paramount.
Our students, staff, and partners had all shown incredible resilience in 2021. We’ve collectively become more creative, supportive, and steadfast in finding the opportunities and solutions in an ever-changing environment. In this report, we capture our key wins, challenges, and opportunities we have learned over the past year, and how we are integrating them into longer-term strategies to better support and serve the young adults, minorities, veterans, and military spouses that we train.
As this country continues to struggle with economic recovery, it is more important than ever to connect young people, veterans, and individuals from disenfranchised communities to quality recession-proof jobs. That’s where NPower 3.0 comes into play. These pillars are the ways in which we are responding to the changing conditions and demands.
We are being purposeful in our focus on pivotal transitions from high school, military service, and under/unemployment. The NPower-Urban Alliance partnership launched in 2021 empowers young adults to become economically self-sufficient after high school and access middle-skills jobs in tech or tech-adjacent fields, while supporting employers with developing diverse, entry-level talent pipelines.
We are reimagining our technical training to deliver more customized skills, options, and credentials, and using an assessment tool to weave in students and expand curricula tracks. The Baltimore Digital Equity Coalition Tech Support Hotline (BDEC) started in 2021 and provides great internship opportunities for NPower students, with hands-on experience with troubleshooting and navigating apps and programs. Since its launch, there have been 30 internships, with 87% placed in fulltime tech roles within one year of internship.
We are scaling our impact through advocacy, research, and national initiatives to drive equity in tech. In 2021, NPower announced the launch of “Command Shift: Accelerating More Women of Color in Tech,” a glass ceiling-breaking coalition that brings together business leaders, corporations, nonprofits, community organizations, DEI experts, and diverse young women to command a shift in how we hire and support women of color from non-traditional backgrounds and empower them to claim their space in the tech sector.
We are expanding into new markets and investing in infrastructure. In 2021, a Microsoft grant allowed us to begin instruction in Los Angeles, California, and our plans do not stop there. Our goal is to expand to eight new markets and serve 73,000 cumulatively by 2030 and explore earned revenue opportunities to ensure fiscal stability.
We are keenly aware of what differentiates NPower. We have a unique focus on young adults and veterans. There is a systems approach that encourages collaboration nationally and within each of our regions. We are an agile orientation with the ability to move quickly to adapt to criteria and pilot innovation. This is a unique moment in time — with a severe labor shortage and record unemployment among low-income workers—to make change happen. Let the resilience shown in 2021 be the beacon of light that guides our organization into a shining future.
In partnership,
Bertina Ceccarelli Chief Executive OfficerNPower
The pandemic and resulting economic fallout caused significant hardship. While the economy showed improvements in 2021, aided by job growth and government benefits, Black, Hispanic, and other People of Color suffered disproportionate impacts that only seemed to magnify long-standing inequities. Underemployment had a particularly negative effect on their working lives. Yet, through this period of great volatility, the underemployed graduates of NPower showed incredible resilience to not only complete the program, but land positions in which they earned significantly more, going from an average income of $25,707.79 annually to $52,124.37 after completing the NPower program.
NPower remains committed to providing training and support, while increasing equity and bringing forth the future leaders and innovators in the tech industry.
NPower California | Tech Fundamentals Spring 2016 & Cybersecurity Spring 2021 Security Operations Center Analyst, Sentry
After serving in the US Navy for four years, Kevin felt compelled to continue to serve others. He spent several years working for the VA in various roles, including peer support and case management. Kevin felt himself gravitate towards technology again, remembering the time he spent working with electronics in the Navy.
Kevin decided to apply for NPower’s Tech Fundamentals program, where he earned his CompTIA A+ certification. Kevin then became a Certified Salesforce Administrator, working in various Salesforce-related roles until he decided to dive deeper into technology by pursuing NPower’s Cybersecurity program. Kevin earned his CompTIA Security+ certification and landed the role of Associate Information Security Analyst with Sentry.
I was admitted into NPower’s Cybersecurity program. I earned my CompTIA Security+ certification while gaining hundreds of hours of hands-on experience scanning and analyzing systems for vulnerabilities and exploits.
Most veterans believe that their training while serving prepared them for military service, but far fewer say the military prepared them for civilian life. Veterans and their spouses often face financial, emotional, and professional challenges that are difficult to overcome, particularly in the months and early years that follow separation from service. One third of veterans said they had trouble paying their bills for the first years after leaving the service, and approximately one third received unemployment compensation. Today’s separation experiences require a new level of resilience and NPower is there with the training, resources, and support needed to make a successful transition to the civilian world.
For over a decade, NPower has played a vital role in the transition to civilian life and career, by providing free tech training, professional development, social service support, and job placement services to over 1700 military veterans and their spouses.
On average graduates land employment earning annual starting salaries over $50,000 and veterans are more likely to return to NPower to earn specialized certifications in cybersecurity or cloud computing. Strong support is the key to a successful transition to civilian life and future success in new career paths.
NPower is focused on providing the necessary support for veterans and their spouses to ensure a successful transition.
16% of NPower staff around the country are veterans, so we know first-hand that veterans offer tremendous value to the workforce.
Marine Corps Veteran Miguel has seen a lot. Orphaned at ten years old, his greatest inspiration comes from his family who rallied around him at a young age to create a stable childhood and foundation to succeed.
He served our country in the Marines, pivoted to a public relations career after service, and was working in law enforcement when debilitating injuries and a baby girl on the way pushed him to reevaluate what’s next. Cybersecurity is his future and NPower is his path forward.
› Only one in four veterans had a job lined up when they left the military
› Nearly half of post 9/11 veterans struggle with the transition to civilian life*
› 49% of nonwhite veterans report having trouble paying bills for the first years after service
› Female veterans are more likely than males to enroll in school after the military (60% vs. 46%)
Based on Pew Research Center report, "The American Veteran Experience and the Post 9/11 Generation", September 2019.
NPower California | Tech Fundamentals Fall 2021 IT Support Technician, United MechanicalA SNAPSHOT OF VETERANS AND THEIR TRANSITION TO CIVILIAN LIFE
Just do good. If you live by this one law of doing good, you have nothing to worry about.
of young adults are under employed or unemployed when they start with NPower.
To take the steps needed to begin a fulfilling career in tech takes tremendous strength, fortitude, and passion in the best of circumstances.
Add in a global crisis, and the challenges seem almost insurmountable. In 2021, the young adults that turned to NPower to begin that journey collectively embodied the motivation, intelligence, and incredible resilience needed to graduate our program in the middle of a pandemic. Their challenges were immense, but each trainee in our 2021 programs overcame incredible obstacles to earn the life-changing skills and credentials to set them on a path to success in tech.
Those who started our programs in 2021 saw a chance to invest in their future and went for it. Even while facing their own personal challenges brought on by the pandemic, these students tackled rigorous coursework, exams, earned certifications, took part in professional development activities, volunteered for additional assignments, championed each other’s wins, and `truly embodied ambition by turning obstacles into stepping stones. And along the way, NPower was there with social support, professional development, and access to networks to make a dream of a career in tech a reality.
Before NPower, Nico was unemployed and spent most of his time at church. While searching for apprenticeships in Baltimore, Nico came across NPower and called to get more information.
Looking back on his experience, Nico explained what he loved about NPower is there was never a dull moment. Nico thanks NPower for pushing him in ways that no one ever did and giving him the tools to be successful. While at NPower Nico worked to overcome obstacles, such as anxiety while interviewing and building self-confidence. He made sure to schedule one on ones with members of the professional development team so that he could become a better professional. This helped him gain an internship at Under Armour. He has recently been brought on full time as a Junior Site Support Specialist.
I love to serve those who need assistance in whatever that is, software, networking, or troubleshooting. I have always seen myself in a leadership position.
NPower has pioneered IT Generalist and Cybersecurity Apprenticeship programs with the U.S. Department of Labor to offer a nationally recognized credential to our graduates and to support corporate recruitment efforts. NPower graduates earn the opportunity to become U.S. Department of Labor apprentices with NPower employer partners. These partners hire IT Generalist or Cybersecurity Support Technician apprentices for 6–8 months and provide over 2,000 hours of on-the-job training.
In 2021, NPower enhanced the performance of the IT Generalist and Cybersecurity Support Technician Apprenticeship program with the U.S. Department of Labor by registering over 130 apprentices who obtained nationally recognized credentialing. NPower also reconvened the Apprenticeship Cabinet with all markets involved. The cabinet is an internal solution to the competitive job market expressing high demand for apprentices by sharing best practices, partner development techniques, and national hiring initiatives. There are dedicated new employer partners including: Tessco Technologies, Citi, Corteva Agriscience, McCarthy Building Companies, Inc., Astreya, WWT, and Gadget Software. NPower’s Department of Labor Apprenticeship program is well-positioned to succeed within designated NPower sites in New Jersey, Texas, California, Missouri, and Maryland.
Through the apprenticeship program, NPower students can increase their marketability, potential to earn and learn, and prepare for success in an evolving tech workforce.
We launched NPower's first alumni monthly giving program, Team 125, with the goal of paying it forward for future trainees.
105 alums signed up in 2021 during the initial launch, and we are on track to send more deserving trainees through our program.
Since joining NPower, I obtained two more certifications, secured an apprenticeship opportunity with Tessco Technologies, and I am currently working on another certification. I plan to use the skills and training I gained from NPower and my apprenticeship for my transition into the next role.
NPower Maryland Tech Fundamentals Fall 2021 Service Desk Coordinator, Tessco Technologies
Rasheena worked in healthcare for over 20 years performing multiple jobs. The last 14 years, she was working as a Radiologist Technologist. She felt the need to make a shift in a new direction and decided to embrace her technical side. Although she graduated from UMGC with her Bachelor of Science in Computer Networking and Cybersecurity in 2020, she found that lack of experience in the tech field hindered her from finding work. Since joining NPower, she obtained two more certifications and secured an apprenticeship opportunity with Tessco Technologies. In August 2022, after working at her apprenticeship at Tessco Technologies for 9 months, Rasheena was not only brought on full time, but also was promoted to Service Desk Coordinator.
"I have been blessed by being able to work with NPower, by participating in their mentoring and volunteering opportunities, and supporting their amazing tuition-free program. Sharing my knowledge with the students and taking the time to support the students in various ways, brings me great joy in life! I have had some amazing opportunities to meet so many wonderful veterans and young adults."
(COLSON) HAYHURST, WWT“The ability to invest my energy and effort into someone else’s life and career is the highpoint of my day.”
"I had a wonderful session with my two trainees. We did a deep dive in technical troubleshooting and did roleplays with typical problems. I helped them add some technical skills to their resume. If I were still managing a tech support team, I would have hired them both in a heartbeat. Very impressed and I had a wonderful time."
“I find NPower graduates to be smart, energetic go-getters, with a thirst to learn and a desire to prove themselves in a corporate environment. I’m always excited to lecture and meet because we always have spirited and thoughtful exchanges."
“I have a feeling that most of your trainees are probably more assertive and eager to succeed than I ever was. Still, I hope that some of my words of wisdom can help. Honestly, I probably benefited from this as much as anyone. Thanks for what you do to help others be successful!”
ERIC MCCLELLAN, VERIZONThe NPower-Urban Alliance partnership empowers young adults to become economically self-sufficient after high school and access middle-skills jobs in tech or tech-adjacent fields, while supporting employers with developing diverse, entry-level talent pipelines. NPower seeks to serve younger audiences in support of their post-secondary plan success. Urban Alliance seeks to provide the young people of color that it serves with more opportunities to secure living wages and upwardly mobile jobs in tech after high school.
Both organizations seek to disrupt intergenerational poverty by reframing the conversation around youth workforce development and forging new pathways to economically mobile jobs in partnership with employers.
› NPower will deliver a 20-hour digital literacy program to 1500 Urban Alliance high school seniors over the next three years. The 20-hour digital literacy program will yield a NPower proprietary digital badge – entitled “ Digital Citizen”
› In addition, 105 of the 1500 seniors will be selected to enroll in a 96-hour course that will lead to the Google IT Support Professional Certificate – entitled "Digital Champion".
› Program launched in Fall 2021 with 515 students enrolled across 90 schools in Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, Montgomery County- VA and Washington DC.
› 485 completed (94%) the 20-hour program and attained the Digital Citizenship NPower Proprietary badge.
› 8 enrolled in 96-hour program and 8 completed achieving the Google IT Support Certificate.
On May 19, 2021, NPower announced the launch of “Command Shift: Accelerating More Women of Color in Tech,” a glass ceiling-breaking coalition that brings together business leaders, corporations, nonprofits, community organizations, DEI experts, and diverse young women to command a shift in how we hire and support women of color from non-traditional backgrounds and empower them to claim their space in the tech sector.
NPower has raised $1.8 Million in support of Command Shift and recruited 27 Coalition members include organizations like Citi, Guardian Life Insurance, Comcast NBCUniversal, Accenture, Broadridge, Workday, Worldwide Technologies, NETSCOUT, Emsi Burning Glass, Girls Who Code, NCWIT, Girl Scouts USA, ITSMF and 5 women of color who are NPower alumni.
The Coalition has had over 100 million media impressions and 30 articles published including features in Forbes, VentureBeat, ITPro, and LA Opinion. NPower and Command Shift are also launching glass-breaking research with data analytics firm, Emsi Burning Glass.
The pilot class included:
In 2021, NPower launched a new tech training program in Los Angeles, California.
Funded by a grant from Microsoft, the IT Support Specialist Program (ITSS) expanded to LA County in October. The 18-week training course came to LA following the success of NPower’s San Jose program. The pilot program included 25 students and began on October 25, 2021. ITSS targets young adults ages 18 to 26, as well as veterans and military spouses of all ages, and is designed for IT professionals at the beginner and intermediate level. Trainees are expected to master the basics
of network infrastructure and troubleshooting and receive optimal individual support. The course concludes with testing to earn industryrecognized certifications including Google IT Support, CompTIA ITF+, Microsoft 365, and Microsoft Azure Fundamentals. The program is followed by project-based learning experiences, paid internships, and placement into full-time tech roles. NPower plans to expand to 50 trainees per cohort and increase its footprint in the Los Angeles area to include San Bernardino, Riverside, and Orange Counties.
After joining NPower, I soon learned that I love learning about IT. The instructors helped me see that IT and business work hand in hand, and my Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, along with my CompTIA A+, Google Project Management, and Azure certifications will take me to more promising job opportunities.”
NPower California | Tech Fundamentals Fall 2021 ITSS Los Angeles Helpdesk Assistant, California State University, Dominguez Hills
Before her time in NPower, Kelly was unemployed and did not have a predominant interest in tech. When she came across the opportunity at NPower, she decided to give it a chance. The instructors helped her see that her degree and acquiring tech training can work well together in the career field she wanted to enter. She now has a passion for technology and hopes to one day have a career in project management for an IT department. Kelly is currently working full-time as a Helpdesk Assistant and pursuing her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration at California State University, Dominguez Hills.
The Baltimore Digital Equity Coalition Tech Support Hotline (BDEC) is a community resource to help those who need it most transition to virtual learning environments. The hotline supports 2,200 residents from 40 Baltimore Area training non-profits seeking technical assistance. The program initially launched in 2020, with funding from United Way, Annie E. Casey Foundation, Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, and the Mayor’s office. Students at NPower Maryland can serve as interns for the hotline, along with three other training nonprofits (Per Scholas, Byte Back, and Pass It On).
BDEC gained tremendous momentum in 2021, operating eight hours a day, every weekday, and including four tech volunteers and six interns. Call types include general navigation, miscellaneous troubleshooting, instructor coaching, troubleshooting hardware and software support, e-learning platforms, network connectivity, technology access, and video chat/conference services.
The hotline provides great internship opportunities for NPower students, with hands-on experience with troubleshooting and navigating apps and programs. Since its launch, there have been 30 internships, with 87% placed in full-time tech roles within one year of internship. The success of the pilot program at NPower Maryland sets the stage for future growth and expansion into other NPower markets.
When Solomon Akisanya first laid eyes on his father's IBM Aptiva, he knew that computers were going to be a very important and essential part of his life. Throughout his school career, he focused his projects on computer science, social media, and programming, all to learn as much as he could about technology. He started by officially learning web development and eventually mastering Javascript and C++. That passion led him to find the NPower program, where he entered a whole new world of resources and opportunities, including serving as a BDEC intern. He is now a Junior Software Engineer at USAID.
"Solomon was extremely helpful and patient as he instructed me how to make several changes and conversions to my computer. It was a very comfortable feel and I felt empowered instead of stupid and helpless. You could tell through his pleasant cheerful voice that he not only loves and knows his job, he also loves helping and taking his time for his customers. Solomon is an asset to the Help Desk."
“I am grateful for the opportunities afforded to me and the ones that will arise as a young, eager, and ambitious developer ready to get my foot in the door of development.”NPower Maryland | Tech Fundamentals Spring 2021 | Junior Software Engineer, USAID Cynthia Kess-Wilson
In 2021, we learned a great deal about teaching and learning tech during the pandemic. Moving to virtual instruction was efficient and effective, but we recognize the balance between the art and science of teaching to keep students engaged. In addition to instruction, we realize that many of our students have been troubled by events related to the pandemic and racial unrest, so we took our instructors through trauma-informed workshops to spot students with special needs. We also set the stage to bring greater diversity to the tech industry. It was the year to pull together to overcome challenges, thrive in ever-changing times, and create maximum impact for those we serve every day.
› Robin Hood Foundation – Special 2021 Heroes Award to organizations leading the fight against poverty was awarded to NPower and highlighted alumni Yahaira Moore who completed her NPower training while living in a homeless shelter and now has worked for 7 years at World Wide Technology (WWT) in NYC. This award is in addition to an annual renewal to help other NYC trainees succeed and find life-long careers in tech.
› Ira W. DeCamp Foundation – With a focus on workforce development, this foundation provided a renewal grant to help underserved young adults succeed. The grant focuses on NPower’s efforts in the NYC metropolitan area.
› Prudential Foundation and Prudential Financial Veterans Initiatives – Funding to help Newark, NJ underserved young adults and veterans to develop a pipeline of talent through Tech Fundamentals program for local NJ corporations.
› NJ DOL Workforce Development – 18 month grant for tech training, job placement, and apprenticeship placement helping to expand the reach of tech talent and opportunities in New Jersey ($225,000 over 18 months)
› Bank of America 2021 Neighborhood Builders (NJ) – This award for New Jersey’s general program helps expand support as well as leadership skills training.
› Abell Foundation – Long-term ongoing funding for NPower Maryland Tech Fundamentals program serving young adults and veterans.
› NPower was selected as OneTen Preferred Talent Provider that will elevate our organization’s brand and capabilities to the companies that have signed on to the pledge to hire 1,000,000 Black talent without degrees by 2030.
› In July 2021, NPower served as a panelist at the PBS New Jersey Women in the Workplace panel. The television series Think Tank with Steve Adubato invited NPower to join a panel highlighting challenges that women face getting into the workforce and excelling in their careers –particularly women of color, and the support systems available to help women get ahead.
› In October 2021, NPower participated in the Philanthropy Roundtable Panel. The annual meeting gives access to a network of potential funders seeking quality organizations to support. The panel “Helping People Find Meaningful Employment in Difficult Times" was well received. Through its participation, NPower received a grant from Emily Cox at BR Curry Foundation.
› The National Training Institute reported impressive stats in 2021. There have been 578 advanced trainees to date with an 83% retention rate. The placement rate was 81% with 398% average wage growth.
› Dennis & Judy Jones Family Foundation –An award in support of the Tech Fundamentals program at NPower Missouri.
› Boeing - Boeing has supported NPower since 2017 and signed up to participate in the national MATCH mentoring program.
› Light A Single Candle – An award in support of NPower Missouri’s Tech Fundamentals program.
› GalaxE.Solutions - The company signed on as a sponsor for the NPower Michigan’s Pathway Builders event and has committed to hiring a minimum of 20 trainees per cohort.
› Microsoft - The grant was awarded to expand training to Los Angeles California.
› Sobrato Foundation - Continued support for NPower California’s Tech Fundamentals program in the Bay Area.
› Texas Talent Connection – In support of the Tech Fundamentals program in Dallas serving veterans, veteran spouses, and reservists.
› United Way of Metropolitan Dallas / City of Dallas – The two organizations helped fund the expansion in Dallas to include young adults.
Anthony knows what it takes to overcome a challenge. Born into poverty in Puerto Rico, he was passionate about tech.
NPower New York | Tech Fundamentals Fall 2018, Cybersecurity Fall 2021
Lead Technical Instructor, NPower
He tried to start a computer repair business out of school, but his search for a corporate role in tech led to the same response. He had the IT experience, but he lacked the fundamentals. That’s what led him to NPower. He zoomed through Tech Fundamentals and quickly landed a job after graduation. A few years in, he decided to take his skills to the next level and signed up for NPower’s Cybersecurity program in Fall 2021. Anthony worked hard to balance the program with a full-time tech job. As he was cruising along in the program, Hurricane Ida hit New York which resulted in extensive flooding and damage to his apartment. Despite ongoing challenges with flooding, renovations, and a house purchase that fell through, he pushed forward with a positive attitude. Anthony is now a Lead Technical Instructor for NPower Advanced Programs.
“ Moving forward is never going backwards, even though it feels like you’re starting from the beginning.
NPower New Jersey Tech Fundamentals Fall 2021 Application Development Associate, Accenture
Born and raised in Jersey City, NJ, Cameron was a stand-out football star at St. Peter’s Prep.
After graduating, he enrolled in the United States Military Academy at West Point to begin his military career, earn a degree and play college-level football.
During his sophomore year, unrelenting headaches brought him to the academy health clinic and he was quickly rushed to the hospital. A brain aneurysm required emergency surgery. After surgery, he re-learned how to walk and use his hands, and was determined to be back at West Point soon. The military Medical Evaluation Board had other plans and ended his military career after a drawn-out, pandemic-delayed process. Cameron may be starting over on a completely different path, but he has NPower on his side. As both a young adult and military veteran, he epitomizes the determination, intelligence, and optimism of the individuals we serve.
Mariah made the move from Atlanta to the Bay Area for a fresh start in the center of the tech industry. Her living situation changed, and she was faced with homelessness. She was 17 years old, alone in California, and living on the streets while trying to finish her high school program using a laptop, extension cords and borrowed Wi-Fi. Mariah went from facing San Francisco streets alone to now navigating a tech career in Silicon Valley with support. With a little help from NPower coupled with her own determination and resilience, Mariah is on her way to creating life on her own terms!
I know where I want to be in the future – I want to work in tech…and want to be financially stable. That pushes me to work hard.
NPower California Tech Fundamentals Fall 2021 Software Engineering Apprenticeship, Cisco
What a reset means to me is having a fresh start. You have a chance to rewrite what has happened to you.
NPower Texas | Tech Fundamentals Fall 2021 Enterprise Infrastructure Operations & Technology (EIO&T) Apprentice, Citi
Julie Zoungrana worked in childcare and held various office jobs as an administrative assistant.
She wanted to land a role in tech but kept falling short of expectations. Then, she found NPower and enrolled in the tech fundamentals course in fall of 2021. Beyond the technical training, she was most impressed by the professional skills she learned at NPower, including interview skills. The experience helped her land a role as an Enterprise Infrastructure Operations & Technology (EIO&T) Apprentice at Citi.
Jamaal had it all, but not how you would expect.
In the past years, he has dealt with PTSD, job loss, a painful health diagnosis, housing instability, and a car break-in, all while raising children with his wife. The son of a military family, he proudly served in the U.S. Army, but has found chaos and uncertainty in recent years. Through a recommendation from the V.A., he joined the NPower Maryland Tech Fundamentals program to reset his life. His strength, enthusiasm, and commitment throughout the program have been unwavering, even when life-changing circumstances swirled around. He is on the cusp of launching his tech career and we are thrilled to watch him thrive.
NPower literally came out of nowhere and I said, ‘yes, there’s my lifeline,’ and grabbed on.
NPower Maryland | Tech Fundamentals Fall 2021 IT Support Specialist, TESSCO Technologies
All the professional development training provided by NPower really helped me. I developed the confidence I needed for any interview. I would highly recommend this course for anyone who is entering the professional world.
NPower Michigan | Tech Fundamentals Spring 2021 Information Security Analyst, Sentry
Javon serves as an example of 'by any means necessary'.
He took great pride in being one of the leaders within his cohort. From the first day, he extended his energy, and his enthusiasm was often contagious, especially for his peers. That optimistic attitude was intentional, and just the thing he leaned on as he exercised agility while overcoming health challenges. Jovan's steadfast approach allowed him to not only graduate but obtain his Google certifications as well as secure an initial remote position for the State of Michigan's technology department. While getting settled in his new apartment in Lansing, MI, his WIFI wasn't working so he called the customer support number for the internet service and fellow NPower alumnus, Ali Khalil, was the person on the other end of the call that helped him fix it. Full circle indeed!
Terrence had always had an interest in tech, but thought the cost of entry into the IT job sector was too high.
He assumed that he would need a Bachelor’s degree to pursue this and couldn’t afford to do so. He was excited to join the NPower MO Tech Fundamentals class in March 2021. He performed well in the class, found his passion, and was offered a direct hire position with Accenture Federal Services as a Data Annotation Specialist earning $40,000/yr. in July 2021. In the first week on the new job, Terrence called me to express his concern with his ability to perform what was required and that he was suffering from imposter syndrome. The NPower team worked with him through this time and assured him that he belonged and had the ability to learn the job. Terrence is currently still in this position.
NPower Missouri | Tech Fundamentals Spring 2021 Data Annotation Specialist, Accenture
My approach is walking into everything knowing you can get the best possible solution out of it!
NPower is one of the most influential and honest programs I’ve experienced. They let you know right up front all of the hard work it will take, but provide you the support to see it through.
Chairman and CEO of Ariel Alternatives and CEO of Sarr Group
Held virtually on October 14th, the NPower 2021 Gala had everyone in attendance feeling the energy and impact throughout the evening. Over 400 attendees from across the country joined together for a virtual evening of inspiring stories, powerful honorees, and incredible networking. Together, we raised over $1.6 million to create pathways to technology careers for veterans and young adults from underserved communities.
The evening’s honorees, Leslie (Les) A. Brun of Ariel Investments and Sarr Group, along with Michael C. Bush of Great Place to Work, shared their unique perspectives on why the need to reset both personally and professionally is crucial.
The pandemic exposed many outdated mindsets and, to truly reset, we must create a new path forward. Our NPower graduate, Sarai De Leon, inspired us with her story of positivity, determination, and resilience.
Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Contributions receivable
Accounts receivable
Prepaid expenses
Contributions Receivable, Long-term, Net
Security Deposit Fixed Assets, Net
Current Liabilities
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Accrued vacations payable
Accrued salaries, bonuses and related benefits
Deferred income
Deferred Rent
Net Assets
Net assets without donor restrictions
Net assets with donor restrictions
2021 7,771,193 5,970,034 251,313 309,132 14,301,672 1,041,453 152,647 1,882,539 17,378,311 977,841 244,861 94,464 377,331 1,694,497 225,453 1,919,950 3,599,375 11,858,986 15,458,361 17,378,311
2020 5,814,306 5,755,082 227,774 475,865 12,273,027 1,198,038 155,547 2,284,406 15,911,018 517,832 251,662 110,316 587,586 1,467,396 191,589 1,658,985 1,625,148 12,626,885 14,252,033 15,911,018
Revenues, Gains and Other Support
In-kind contributions
Special events income, net of $130,079 in direct expenses
Program service fees
Interest income
Net assets released from restrictions
Program Services Training Programs
Total Program Expenses
Supporting Services Management and general Fundraising
Total Supporting Expenses
Other Items
Foreign Currency Translation Loss
20,480,535 663,508 1,309,311 1,076,802 3 9,834,015 33,364,174 24,643,252 24,643,252 4,705,396 2,056,860 6,762,256 31,405,508 1,958,666 1,974,227 3,599,375
9,066,116 (767,899) — — (767,899) (767,899) 12,626,885 11,858,986
TOTAL 29,546,651 663,508 1,309,311 1,076,802 3 32,596,275 24,643,252 24,643,252 4,705,396 2,056,860 6,762,256 31,405,508 1,190,767 1,206,328 14,252,033 15,458,361
to our 2021 supporters, large and small, for your incredible commitment to change the future of tech.
Kenneth Frazier Ronald & Cynthia Gula Charitable Fund
Tim Brien Les Brun
Dean Del Vecchio
Pete Agresta
Howard Boville Oliver Cook
Vittorio Cretella Paul Daugherty
James Alcombright
Robert Anselmo
Linda Apsley
Jack Azagury
Peter Benzie
The Ramesh and Kalpana Bhatia Family Foundation
Michael Blumstein
Brian Bohan
Chad Bope
James Carey Steve Cass
Joseph Castro
Gerald Charles, Jr.
Michael D Robinson
Gail Fierstein Matt Horner Jennifer Kleinert
David Reilly
Stephen Murphy Mark Patterson Chris Perry
Guillermo Diaz Jr. Diane Gherson Candace Givens Mark Heil Matt Holton
James Linnett Tristan Morel L'Horset Harry Moseley Larry Quinlan Diane Kozak Schwarz
Daniel Petrozzo Julie Sweet Peter Trizzino
Ellyn Shook John Thompson Cathinka Wahlstrom
Kirsten Davies
Kevin Delane
Anthony DeLisio Richard DePalma
Bruce Derr Anthony DiSanto Darcy Down Noreen Fierro
NaNette Gaines
Betsy George Doug Greene
Scott Harris
Jason Heckler
Stuart Henderson Florian Jaze
Leif King Aaron Lewis
Dan Maslowski Robert Millstone Paul Miranda Brian Mize
Hunter Muller Christine Parsons Greg Raimann
Michael Rupinski Mark & Amanda Rushing Diana Scott
Dwight Shepherd James Smith Joel Spieth
Paul Sussex Nicole Tate
Rex Thexton Cliff Thomas Rah Thomas
Viola Maxwell-Thompson
Alphonse Valbrune
Sangy Vatsa
Robert T. Vaughn Jerry Walker Chris Wegmann Casey Wells
Bank of America Google JPMorgan Chase National Basketball Association
Accenture Agorai BlackRock Broadridge Cisco
The Abell Foundation Ainslie Foundation Ascension
The Beth & Ravenel Curry Foundation Boeing Citigroup Technology Inc. Dell Dennis & Judy Jones Family Foundation
Ira W. De Camp Foundation
Comcast Fund II Foundation Gula Tech Foundation Lockheed Martin Microsoft
Llewellyn Family Foundation Maryland Department of Labor
May & Stanley Smith Charitable Trust Motorola Solutions Foundation
NETSCOUT New York Department of Labor
New York State Assembly
Pure Storage Robin Hood Foundation Texas Talent Connection Texas Veterans Commission
USAA VeriSign, Inc. World Wide Technology
Patrick J McGovern Foundation
Prudential Foundation & Prudential Financial Veterans Initiatives Rocket Community Fund Tata Consulting Services Texas Workforce Commission Tiger Foundation United Satates Department of Homeland Security
United Way of Greater St. Louis
United Way of Metropolitan Dallas Verizon Veterans' Educational Assistance Program West Baltimore Renaissance Foundation, Inc. Workday Foundation
The Achelis & Bodman Foundation AHEAD
Amazon.com Auth0
Bloomberg LP
Carl B. & Florence E. King Foundation
Check Point Software Technologies, LTD Communities Foundation of Texas
The Addy Foundation
Adobe Systems inc ADP Foundation Inc. The Altum Fund
American Direct Marketing Resources
Andreessen Horowitz Cultural Leadership Fund Appteon Apptio AT&T Foundation Atlas Data Systems BAE Systems
Baltimore Gas and Electric Company
Baltimore Nonprofit Relief Fund
Baltimore's Promise Benevity Fund BravoTECH
Bright Funds
Carefirst of Maryland, Inc. Celine, Inc.
Change Healthcare City National Bank
Community Foundation of Southeast Michigan
Consumers Energy Corteva
Craig Newmark Fund Flextronics International USA, Inc.
Henry & Ruth Blaustein Rosenberg Foundation Hewlett Packard Company KPMG
Light a Single Candle Foundation, NFP LinkedIn Corporation Maryland - AIF Mass Mutual Life Insurance Company New Jersey Department of Labor Northrop Grumman Corporation OneTen St. Louis Regional Business
The Rockefeller Foundation Salesforce.com Foundation
SHI International Corp. Stripe
Texas Mutual Insurance Company
William R. Orthwein Jr. and Laura Rand Orthwein Foundation, Inc A90 Wilson Sheehan Foundation
Claudia and Tim Brien Giving Fund Comerica
Con Edison CUNY School of Professional Studies CyberCorps
The Dauber Foundation Deloitte
DTE Energy Elasticsearch Enterprise Holdings Inc. Ernst & Young F5, Inc.
FIS Global Fiserv Inc. ForgeRock, Inc. Fortinet, Inc.
Full Circle Fund Gateway to Innovation Globant
The Graham and Carolyn Holloway Family Foundation Grand Hyatt
Guardian Life Insurance
IBM Infinidat
ING Financial Markets LLC Insperity, Inc.
Jacob & Hilda Blaustein Foundation
Johnson Controls Kaiser Permanente The Kimball Foundation Lam Research Corporation Leidos Mainline RTP
The Markkula Foundation
Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
Mechanics Bank Medidata Solutions
Mercy Caritas Morgan Stanley MUFG Union Bank Nestle-Purina New York City Council
NPower Canada
Orion Systems Integrators, LLC Pacific Credit Union Pershing Charitable Trust The Pott Foundation
RBC Capital Markets Roberts & Ryan Investments, Inc. The Saigh Foundation SAP America, Inc. Schnuck Markets, Inc. Snowflake Inc.
Social Finance Triad Foundation, Inc. UKG Inc.
Union Pacific Corporation Veritas VMware inc. W.P. & Bulah Luse Foundation Walmart Foundation Wells Fargo Bank Work Progress Program
David Reilly | Chair
Tech Executive
Matt Horner | Vice Chair
Executive Vice President, Global Enterprise Sales World Wide Technology, Inc.
Gail Fierstein | Secretary
SVP, Global Head of People CaaStle
Vittorio Cretella | Treasurer Chief Information Officer Proctor & Gamble
Steven Ballantyne Chief Operating Officer ProfitSolv
Gerald Charles Jr.
VP & Head of Product for Omni Customer Servicing Capital One
Craig Cuffie
EVP, Chief Procurement Officer HSBC
Dean Del Vecchio
EVP, Chief of Operations and CIO The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America
Ami Desai
Chief of Staff to Founder, Chairman & CEO Vista Equity Partners
Guillermo Diaz, Jr. Founder and CEO Conectado, Inc.
Michael Fey
Co-Founder & CEO Island
Kateau James
Global Chief Operations Officer Deloitte Technology
Tony Kerrison
Chief Technology Officer Bank of America
Debra King
Digital and Technology Leader
Jennifer Kleinert
Chief Operating Officer, Enterprise Infrastructure Operations & Technology Citi Viola Maxwell-Thompson CEO Emeritus ITSMF
Stephen M. Murphy
Sr. Managing Director, Financial Services Technology Global Lead Accenture
Mark Patterson
SVP, Chief of Staff to Chairman & CEO Cisco Systems
Frank Pedersen Partner
Apply Digital
Christopher J. Perry President Broadridge Financial Solutions
Diane Schwarz
VP, Chief Information Officer Johnson Controls
Dwight D. Shepherd
Anupam Singhal
Senior Vice President and Business Head Tata Consultancy Services
Josh Sutton Chief Executive Officer Agorai
Peter Trizzino President Dell Technologies Select
Sangy Vatsa
EVP, Chief Technology and Digital Officer FIS Global Bertina Ceccarelli Chief Executive Officer NPower
Luke Chilone | Co-Chair Consultant
Balaji Ganapathy | Co-Chair
Global Head, Corporate Social Responsibility Tata Consultancy Services
Anne Gilroy | Co-Chair Senior Vice President Bank of America
Steve Mase | Co-Chair Director Global Quality Assurance Operations Citi
Racheal Ankrah-Fosu
Former VP, Strategy and Business Development Broadridge
Michael Barsella
Senior Account Executive Cisco
David Boyle
Principal Ernst & Young, LLP
Einat Burshtine
Head of Data, Reporting & Analytics for Infrastructure Credit Suisse
Nic Caputo
Global Account Manager SHI International
Joe Carlin
Director of Technology Service Delivery Mars Guy Fruda
Managing Director East Region, Information Technology Services Deloitte
Amy Gnagy
Managing Director Accenture
Daniel Johnson
Senior Vice President, Chief Technology Officer & Head of Innovation Guardian Life
Jeffrey M. Kaufman
Managing Director Morgan Stanley
John O'Brien
Senior Director, Security Presales Broadcom
Judy Arteche-Carr
CEO & Managing Director Arteche Global Group
Kim Shostak
Global Account Manager Hewlett Packard Enterprises
Fernando Matzkin
Chief Business Officer, North America Globant
Tresia Eaves
SVP, Program Management Advisory Board Chair Citi
Doug Barnes
Vice President of Operations NETSCOUT
Jacqueline Bragg
NPower Alumni Representative Information Security Analyst Citi
Dana Branch
Senior Vice President, AI Bank of America
Robert Elliot Senior Client Director Nexient
Steven Guiliani
Senior Engineering Analyst Citi
Rashimi Jain CIO Careington International
Terry Jenkins
NPower Alumni Representative IT Business Unit Sr Analyst Citi
Christopher Karp
Director of Customer Service Chewy
Bobbie Long
SVP Digital Automation & Infrastructure, Citi
Daniel Maslowski
Global Head, Digital Automation & Infrastructure Citigroup
Ashley Neumeier
Account Executive Optomi
Kris Norris
Director of Strategic Partnership Kelly Services
Diane Schwarz
Chief Information Officer
National Board of Directors Member
Johnson Controls
Adrian Silva Senior Managing Director of Workforce Development and Apprenticeships Dallas College
Brashanda Walker
NPower Alumni Representative Jr. Network Engineer Service Experts
Michael Lawson
Sr Manager - Boeing Global Engagement
Raymond Pitts
Senior Vice President Data Center Migration Portfolio Manager Citigroup
Stephen Franchetti
Alicia Johnson
Principal, Technology Transformation Ernst & Young
Troy Johnson
Managing Director, Western Regional Technology Deloitte
Gwatoh Kroma
Human Resource Business Partner Accenture Sean Miner Head of User Experience (Global) QuinStreet
Thao Nguyen
Senior Vice President & Group Manager Comerica Bank
Ashley Sequeira
Senior Technical TrainerSecOps Palo Alto Networks
Chris Young U.S. Global Fi Strategic Resourcing Lead WWT
Ed Morales
Chief Information Security Officer Royal Business Bank
Kris Stradelman Director Nova Workforce Board
Jim Wong
Chairman of the Board National Veterans Transition Services
Frank Baitman | Chair
Global Head of Compliance & Strategy for Digital Platforms Genentech
Sandra A. Bempong
Grants Officer Community Health & Social Impact CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield
Eboni Fotang
Director, Quality & Mission Excellence Northrop Grumman
Michael Robert DiBlasio Sr. Technical Program Manager Amazon Web Services
Andrew Parlock Director, New Business, Defense ICEYE
Gayle Guilford (Retired) Chief Information Security Officer Baltimore City Government
Scott Harris President VIAcode
Jesse Hillman Vice President and Chief Information Officer Tessco
Yvena Atkins
Strategy Manager Accenture
Matt Holton
Senior VP, Operations & Technology, NAM Mastercard
Matt Horner SVP, Global Enterprise Sales World Wide Technology
Jon Joplin
Vice President of Technology Express Scripts
Gerry Lewis President and CEO AIS
Justin McFarland
Executive Vice President - Information Technology McCarthy Holdings, Inc.
Brian Mize
Department Manager, Global Cyber Security Information Security Office Enterprise Holdings, Inc.
Valerie Patton SVP, Inclusion and Talent Attraction, ED, St. Louis Business Diversity Initiative St Louis Regional Chamber
Scott Richert CIO Mercy Michael Rupinski President ZeroDay Technology Solutions
Gary Smith Director, Architecture &
Jacquie Cleary | Chair
CEO Atlas
Vivian Brady-Phillips
Interim Executive Director Jersey City Housing Authority
Sergeant John Escalante NYC/NJ Representative Marine for Life
Nicole Flowers
Senior Manager, Cloud Infrastructure Accenture
Tara Fosbre 2nd VP of Technology Guardian Life
Avneet Thapar Hall Global Threat Analysis Lead,VP Citi
Chris Murphy Director of Platform Services TD Ameritrade
Ambrose Nardulli
Managing Director JPMorgan Chase & Company
Joshua Richards Director, Identity & Access Management
Brian Quinn Director, U.S. Public Policy Audible, Inc.
Joshua Richards Director, Identity and Access Management Pearson
Blair Johnson Consultant
Natasha Murphy Director of Health Policy Center for American Progress
Bruce Williams Retired IBM
Engineering, KTech KPMG
Nicole Tate
Area Vice President, Global Client Enablement World Wide Technology
Reedy Wade Vice President, Academy Engagement & Impact NAF
Scott Wilton RVP, Enterprise Data & Analytics & Corp. Systems Centene Corporation
John Sasso
Associate Director, Service Delivery Lead, Technology Experience Support Ernst & Young LLP
Akhilesh Tiwari
VP, Global Head, Enterprise Application Services Tata Consultancy Services