NPower is a national nonprofit that offers an alternative fast-track to tech careers for military veterans, military spouses and young adults from underserved communities in New York, Texas, California, Maryland, New Jersey, Missouri, and Michigan. Our six-month program fuels a diverse pipeline of digital professionals hired into entry-level and mid-level jobs by Fortune 500 companies throughout the U.S.
Our curriculum equips students to meet marketplace demand—engaging businesses, volunteers and nonprofits in their long-term success. We invest in the growth of our alumni with continued professional development and credentialing.
Matt Horner Chair Executive Vice President Global Enterprise Sales World Wide Technology, Inc.
Gail Fierstein Vice Chair SVP, Global Head of People CaaStle
Stephen M. Murphy Secretary Sr. Managing Director, Financial Services Technology, Global Lead Accenture
Viola Maxwell-Thompson Treasurer CEO Emeritus Information Technology Senior Management Forum (ITSMF)
Michael Fugett Board Observer US Army
NPOWER TX GRADUATE VP, Production Management Citi
Luisana Estevez Board Observer
NPOWER NY GRADUATE VP, Data Center Production Operations Engineer Meta
Gerald Charles Jr. VP and Head of Product for Omni Customer Servicing Capital One
Craig Cuffie Chief Procurement Officer HSBC
Dean Del Vecchio EVP, Chief of Operations and CIO The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America
Guillermo Diaz, Jr. Founder and CEO Conectado, Inc.
Ami Desai Chief of Staff to Founder, Chairman & CEO Vista Equity Partners
Michael Fey Co-Founder & CEO Island
Keir Gumbs Chief Legal Officer Broadridge Financial Solutions
Kateau James Global Chief Operating Officer Deloitte Technology
Tony Kerrison Chief Technology Officer Bank of America
Debra King Chief Information Officer Bunge
Jennifer Kleinert Chief Operating Officer, Enterprise Infrastructure Operations & Technology Citi
Mark Patterson SVP, Chief of Staff to Chair & CEO Cisco Systems
Frank Pedersen Partner Apply Digital
David Reilly Tech Executive
Diane Schwarz VP, Chief Information Officer Johnson Controls
Jacquie Cleary Chair CEO Atlas
Vivian Brady-Phillips Executive Director Jersey City Housing Authority
John Escalante
MASTER GUNNERY SERGEANT NYC/NJ Representative Marine For Life
Nicole Flowers Senior Manager, Cloud Infrastructure Accenture
Tara Fosbre Second Vice President of Technology Guardian Life
Avneet Thapar Hall Global Threat Analysis Lead, VP Citi
Chris Murphy Director of Platform Services TD Ameritrade
Ambrose Nardulli Managing Director JPMorgan Chase & Company.
Brian Quinn Director, U.S. Public Policy Audible, Inc.
Joshua Richards Vice President of Technology and Operations Pearson
John Sasso Associate Director, Service Delivery Lead, Technology Experience Support Ernst & Young LLP
Dwight D. Shepherd
REAR ADMIRAL (RETIRED) Director, Federal Government Client Relations IBM
Anupam Singhal Senior Vice President and Business Head Tata Consultancy Services
Josh Sutton Chief Executive Officer Agorai
Peter Trizzino President Dell Technologies Select
Sangy Vatsa Founder Digital Insights, LLC
Bertina Ceccarelli Chief Executive Officer NPower
Akhilesh Tiwari Vice President, Global Head, Enterprise Application Services Tata Consultancy Services
The curriculum for this program includes a NetAcad learning module courtesy of the Cisco Networking Academy.
*at least one Google Certification (IT Support and Project Management) obtained
INTERNSHIP ZT Systems, Data Center Technician
Before I became a part of NPower, I was working in Finance in NYC. I was quite happy with my career choice when I started working back in 2017. Overtime though I quickly realized that IT was a growing field and that I wanted to be part of it. January of 2022 is when I decided to make the switch from Finance to IT and that is how I came across NPower. A friend of mine had graduated through this program so this seemed like a great way to get my foot in the door and get the foundational knowledge in regard to IT. Being a part of NPower allowed me to become familiar with the ins and outs of working in IT and gave me the confidence to explore a career path going forward.
Coming into NPower, I was seriously in between what and where and why I wanted to work. Of course, funding your life is important, but not as important to me as understanding my goals through work. I left a decent restaurant gig to give more time to audio/visual editing for a different organization, and that fell through unexpectedly. Beginning to feel a bit defeated, I decided to reach back to my old high school and see if they had opportunities for Alums; and thankfully they did. They assisted me in getting my ITF+ cert, and that revived my love for learning and knowledge. Looking to continue on that path, my old teachers asked of me to sign up for NPower and get an interview day. Clearly, I got in, and was ecstatic to start the class. My classmates, my instructors, and I, all put in the hours necessary for us to not only learn, but to grow as we wanted to. I was able to get acquire a part of my A+ certification, as well as some nice google certs to better showcase my versatility as a tech professional. I'm thankful to NPower for keeping me disciplined, and I know there's more for me beyond this peak that is graduation.
Before starting NPower, I was a student at William Paterson University, but I wasn’t sure what I wanted to learn until a friend of mine recommended me to enroll at NPower. After learning more information regarding NPower and what they provide for their students, I decided to enroll, and I am very grateful that I joined this program. I’ve learned so much during these past months at NPower from lectures to employment opportunities and taking the A+ certification. I look forward using my knowledge and skills into the world of IT.
Prior to NPower I was lost, searching for what direction I wanted to traverse in life. Since starting the program, I now have a stronger foundation and a good idea of what I want my story in life to be. Studying with colleagues, who eventually became good friends, has been one of the comforting and reassuring learning environments I've witnessed in recent years. The ability to network, learn and earn certifications has been some of the many positive outcomes of this program. The teachers and mentors in the program all have the drive and desire to help us succeed. It feels good to have somebody in your corner.
My time at NPower gave me opportunities to advance in my IT career as well as network with many great people. I was going to college while doing NPower, but it was hard for me to break into IT because of covid. NPower gave me the opportunity to gain my CompTIA A+ certification as well as professional development training. Since I started the program, have not regretted it at all because it has changed my life completely. I reached potentials that I never thought I would reach.
Before starting NPower, I was unsure of what career path I wanted to take after completing my bachelor’s degree in Child Advocacy. I was deciding between furthering my education and using my current skills for another career option. I came across NPower and took advantage of a great opportunity. After being accepted into the program was excited to complete and eager to learn! Within the program, I was able to get the necessary certifications with provided assistance and had sincere accommodations along the way. I am elated to say that the technical skills I've acquired from NPower will lead me to a successful career!
I joined the Air Force at 21 with some college under my belt. I went to college, and I definitely enjoyed it. But I did not know what I wanted to do I felt a call to go in the service I was skeptical at first but then finally summited to my calling. And it was one of the best decisions I have ever made thanks be to God. In the Air Force I got an idea of what I wanted to do and I also loved my job eventually wanted to be a detective or in OSI. While I was in that is when I had become vested in technology. And when I heard about NPower, I had a good idea about tech and the more I researched the more I got invested and excited to learn about tech. And I am just grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of a program like this to be able to learn about your passion with likeminded individuals. And just take your career to the next level by becoming NPower to do so by NPower.
Prior to NPower I was just letting time pass by before me. Not knowing or even trying to figure out what I wanted to be after my High School Graduation. I didn't know what to do or where to go or even how to go about what I wanted to do next in life. All I know is I wanted to be happy, successful, and financially stable. NPower has taught me that there is no straight linear line to success. You must acknowledge to yourself that you may fail or make mistakes before you succeed. I appreciate all the staff and colleagues, each one who pushed and motivated me to be a better version of myself prior to coming to NPower. NPower helped me a lot and further going my studies and sparking my interest in IT.
Before my time with NPower, I was working two jobs constantly feeling stagnant in life. I had no true career path until I decided to pursue my interest in technology and coding. I wanted an alternative route than the expensive one that college presented for me. While searching through boot camps, a friend recommended NPower alongside other free programs. The timing of it all felt perfect, from NPower speedy response to my application to the classmates and I.T. worldly information. The services and people I’ve met were blessings that helped accelerate my growth into technology at such an invaluable price.
Before I started training at NPower, I was working retail and running into countless dead-ends. It felt like no matter what I did there was no space for growth in retail, so I needed to find another path. My husband told me about an email he received from the VA that mentioned NPower and what they do for veterans and their spouses. Even though I had missed the deadline, I still applied in hopes to get in for the following cohort. I’m so glad I took the chance and applied when I did because they were able to find me a spot and I was able to start almost immediately after my interview. I have learned both tech skills and professional skills that I need to make a strong entrance into tech. I haven’t confirmed a job placement yet, but I have learned so much through NPower that I feel fully prepared for any position that comes my way. I cannot wait to start not only a new career, but also a new life, in I.T. NPower has completely changed the trajectory of my life and I could not be more grateful.
I’ve lived in New Jersey my whole life, going back to my parents’ country in Ghana every now and then. Since was a child, I had an “innate” attraction to technology, playing and reading with whatever I get my hands on. After high school, I decided to attend university pursuing a degree in computer science at William Paterson University. While I was attending college, I got a job as a retail associate at Walmart. After a few years, I was transferred to the Electronics department, and have been there ever since. After graduation, I tried to get a job more suited to what I’ve learned in Comp-Sci and IT but to no avail. I stumbled across NPower and decided to apply for the program since it was free. The instruction has been very informative, boosting my knowledge and learning new things. The professional development class has given me the opportunity to network with different people, brush up on my soft skills and hear many different people’s perspectives and experiences. NPower helped me work towards a A+ certification, Google IT certification and Project Management certification.
I have always been interested in the IT industry, but never knew how to make the transition from accounting into IT. While I was job searching for an accounting role, I randomly received an email about NPower’s free IT fundamentals course for military spouses and the opportunity for direct employment afterwards. I decided to just apply and see how it goes. It has been a great and challenging experience. Not only have I learned so much about IT, but I’m also much more confident when networking and speaking about my skills and interests.
JOB IN THE MILITARY Combat culinary specialist
Before starting at NPower I was working at Costco for about 5 ½ years. I started working there when I was 18 but knew I didn’t want to stay there as my main career. I was recommended by my coworkers to work in IT since had a good amount of knowledge with computers. A friend of mine brought up NPower and how it sounded like a good idea if IT was what I wanted to go into. I looked a little more into it and decided that it was a great place to start. After being accepted and attending classes, I have learned a lot about IT. It was very fast paced which I liked since I wanted to get certified as fast as possible. In the program I learned how to work with the people around me to complete a task efficiently and also learned more about myself. After graduation, I plan on working somewhere in the IT field. I still don't know exactly which field I like most since there are so many, but I also want to look into getting certified in higher fields like cyber security or even working in web design.
I joined the US Marine Corps in 2012 after High School. I was 19 at that time. I completed boot camp in November of that year. My MOS was a combat culinary specialist. Food service was my life for 4 years and even after I got out of the marine corps in 2016, I continued my career in food service. What a roller coaster that was to experience the civilian aspect of food service. I realized once the pandemic came around, I no longer wanted to be in the food service industry. Not many if any companies that I have seen in my lifetime have had the fortitude to put such a title in their core values. What really closed the deal for me was one of NPower’s core values which is HUMILITY: We learn from our mistakes and success in equal measure. This is a company that aligns with my core values. Thank you, NPower, for an amazing experience and for showing me that it is possible to be able to have humility as a company and persevere.
Before NPower, I was finishing up my last semester at HCCC in cybersecurity. I came to NPower for the tech fundamentals to help give me that foundation I need to succeed in cybersecurity. Now that I am at the end of the course, I would recommend this course for anyone looking to gain the skills and foundation in IT. I am looking forward to what the cybersecurity course has to offer at NPower.
Before NPower I was not working and struggling to find work that paid well to live off of. I was always passionate about IT since a young age and decided to look for programs that will train me in the field. I was able to complete 2 certifications and currently working on the third one. I consider myself blessed and look forward to a successful future.
Before starting NPower, I was at my lowest point. I had just lost my job and didn’t want to continue going to the college I was at. I wanted to go to a different college but was financially unable to. Learning about NPower helped me make a career move for the better. This program found its way to me when I needed it the most.
Between the networking, the mentorship, and the certification training, this program has been a blessing, and everything was free! Npower gave me a reason to keep believing in a brighter future during the hard times. After graduation I have plans to return to a different college with a new position to help me feel more stable financially.
Prior to this program I was new civilian after spending the last 10 years in the Army. Dealing with multiple combat deployments really began to take a toll on me with burnout and I knew I had to do something different. After searching for gainful employment for a year and coming up empty I gave myself an ultimatum; either find a good program for Tech in two weeks or go back in the service. About two days prior to myself induced deadline, I got an email from the VA Network. Lo and behold all the way at the bottom (in fine print I might add) was a message link that said, “If Interested in Tech, click the link to find out about classes for Veterans.”
I clicked on the link and here I am now at the end of the program (Divine intervention at its finest) with what I needed to get a foot in the Tech door! Most importantly I would like to thank the Donors, Directors, Instructors, Social workers, Placement Team, Admin and everyone else who makes this program go. You all are doing your part to help make a difference for many people so here are your flowers! Thank you!
During my senior year, I realized I wasn’t fond of school and college wasn’t for me. I decided to join the Marines and served for four years as a mortarman. I was able to travel to many countries and see different parts of the world while I was in the military. Upon getting out, I jumped around schools a bit, eventually finishing my degree in criminal justice with SNHU. During my time at SNHU, I was confused on what direction I wanted to go, and nothing was panning out with my degree. I came across NPower during struggles of finding a job within my field. At first I was intimidated about applying as I had zero tech experience and only knew the very basics of computers. After getting into a rhythm, the staff have done wonders to assure each person that they can achieve the end goal of launching a tech career. I’m thankful for their endless encouraging words as they have helped me get started in beginning my career.
It was during my freshman year of college that the pandemic had started, and my father had lost his job. I wanted to continue my education, and I had always had an interest in computers. I decided to learn online on my own, and eventually found a website called Edx that has courses you can audit. Since the people around me saw that I was struggling with learning by myself, they assumed I couldn't do it. It was during this time of difficulty that my family friend enrolled into Npower that they told me to enroll as well. In short, although the pandemic put me at a disadvantage, I used this otherwise-be-wasted time to learn what I needed and wanted to. NPower really helped me learn the things I struggled for years to learn, because surprisingly Google did not have much information till the pandemic. Even though the past 3 years were some of the hardest years of my life, I am happy with the way it happened.
JOB IN THE MILITARY Network Admin, IT Specialist
I'm a soldier who was born and raised in NYC and has the work ethic to back it up. I've deployed and secured physical & virtual networks even under the most stressful situations. I am very grateful for all the experience I have from the Army and management in the civilian workforce. Although, I was at a place in my life where I wasn't happy because I wasn't working in Tech like I was in the Army. I believe the universe doesn't make mistakes. That's why at the same time I stopped working as a teacher, I found Npower. As a veteran I'm amazed and grateful for Npower because they are helping Veterans learn and enter Tech for free. Now that I'm a part of the Npower family and have learned the skills to be successful in the tech industry and are still learning, I'm ready to get to work.
Electronics Transmission Systems
Prior to starting Npower, I’d had most of my work experience in food and hospitality, I’d work tirelessly but no matter how hard I worked it never felt like it was never enough, I felt like I was running endlessly into a brick wall. A friend who had completed the program, suggested it to me and I decided to give it a shot, and I’m more than glad I did. Upon entering the program, I wasn’t sure my experience and skills would translate, and I wasn’t that hopeful, however, while being here, Npower showed me that once I applied myself, the possibilities were endless. Confidently speaking, I’d always known I was a star, but they gave me the tools I needed to show everyone else. Being here gave me the ability to string all my interests into possible tangible career paths. Driven by innovation and the want to drive technological future solutions, after graduation I plan to forge a career that allows me to help change the scope of what’s possible.
Before NPower i was in an aimless part of my life I wasn't in school or pursuing a career and I was just going from job to job, unsure what I really wanted to do with my life. What brought me to Npower was wanting to change my life even though I had no prior knowledge in the tech field before I wanted to learn the basics and create a platform to build a career.
I joined the Marine Corp after my first semester of college. After four years I had gone back to college but understood that I was no longer a traditional student. Coming back to civilian life and becoming a new father, taking a wide range of college classes not related to my discipline was very demotivating. Before Npower, I’ve struggled to find purpose and never had a career path laid out for me that seemed attainable. Especially in the world of IT, there are so many possibilities and lots of competition. NPower has helped guide me and shoot me on a path to success. Being able to learn from and connect with such bright individuals sparked my passion for tech. Alongside getting my Google certifications and my CompTIA certifications, I was able to develop professionally and felt confident that I could burst into the workforce and be successful. My time at Npower has been fruitful and just by “trusting the process” I’ve found what I’ve been searching for.
From a very young age I have been around tech, from around age 6I had access to a PC that I could tinker and play around with. I have been tasked with troubleshooting neighbors’, friends’ and colleagues’ computers and printers; in a way my career has been chosen for me from a very young age. It is exciting to be at the forefront of new technologies, working in startups that are ready to prove themselves. Though the industry, due to its young age, lacks the diversity that promotes a healthy and engaging workplace. I am very grateful for the opportunity to pursue a professional career in tech thanks to NPower, and I have thoroughly benefited from my 16-weeks in the program. I lack a traditional four-year degree from a university, so Npower provided the expertise as well as the certifications that I needed. As a fresh graduate, I am excited but nervous as well about my next move, as I have a lot of doors open for me but unsure about which one to go through. Presently I am involved with an internship that NPower has assisted me with obtaining, where I will be acquiring the work experience, I require to go further into my IT career.
JOB IN THE MILITARY PSYOP and wheeled vehicle mechanic
My original goal was to get into law enforcement. I was discharged from the military after I was diagnosed with a mental illness. I also was not able to get into law enforcement because of condition. I didn’t know what to do after this setback. I couldn’t afford to go back to school. I tried several civilian jobs, but I was not happy with them. felt depressed for a period until I found out about Npower. After doing some research on Npower, I decided to give th is program a shot. I have some experiences in information technology, and want to grow my skills further. Npower gave me an opportunity which I will not find anywhere else. I learned so much after just sixteen weeks of class. I’m grateful for the opportunity that Npower gave me.
Before starting at NPower, I was working overnight in the emergency room and struggling to gain the normalcy I thought I’d have after college. At times I wanted to go back to school, but mentally I was no longer there. After learning about the vast amount of career opportunities in tech and about Npower through an alumnus, I was able to take one step forward into changing my career path. The skills that I have learned and the resources that I’ve obtained from this program are immeasurable. Although the journey seemed fast in hindsight, this program required more discipline than anything else that I have done in my adulthood. The instructors and supporting staff pushed us and set high standards, but it’s because they knew how impactful this program could be if taken seriously. I am forever grateful to the NPower Family for this opportunity.
JOB IN THE MILITARY Network Administrator
I joined the US Marine Corps Reserves during my junior year of college in 2019 when I was 22 years old and became a Network Administrator. Once I came back from MOS (Military Occupational Speciality) school in the fall of 2020, I began my studies once again at Saint Peter’s University. While in school, a classmate referred me to a job at Hudson County Community College (HCCC) where I met someone who was in the Npower program. After learning about it I joined the program in January of 2022 and was astonished that it was completely free. I was surprised at the commitment of the team.
I am grateful that Npower has helped me prepare for and acquire multiple certifications. With the certifications I’ve earned through Npower coupled with my B.S in Cyber Security, I feel more confident than ever that I will be able to start my career in IT.
Before NPower, I wanted to be part of a program that focused on tech, and I wanted to learn more about the field. What brought me to NPower was my passion to learn. My time at NPower helped empower me to keep pushing, no matter what the circumstances. After graduation, I plan to continue learning and land a job earning enough money to attend college.
Prior to joining NPower, was working two jobs and running my own business just to make ends meet. I had received my bachelor’s degree and knew it financially impossible for me to go back to school and that I didn’t have a passion for law which is what I studied in undergrad. I began searching for alternative career options and found out about the flexibility of tech through social media. I researched free bootcamps and when found Npower it was almost too good to be true. I took a chance and here am joining one of the biggest wealth management firms in the world less than a month. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity NPower has presented me with and the endless support the staff has given me throughout the process. I went through a major life change while in the course and they supported me throughout the whole way. I was able to receive direct job placement as well which is more than I could imagine when joining the program. I am extremely grateful for NPower and all it has done for me.
JOB IN THE MILITARY Armed Forces Logistics Specialist.
I joined the military to support my son at the age of 18. My son is also a prior Army & proud to say he received his master’s from Howard University and now attending Harvard Ivy League School to get his Post Doctorate. After working at General Electric for 10 years, I decided to receive a degree. I like computers, so I say (why not). I recently graduated from Herzing University with a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology / Cybersecurity. I could not find no job. Due to the pandemic and no certifications/experience in Cybersecurity. Ever since I started the NPower program, I am hopeful. The staff of NPower has been great as they helped me get through fundamentals of I.T and I applied to Cybersecurity as well as Cloud Security, next level program. I am thankful to NPower as they have given me a boost in my career.
Before NPower I was a struggling stay at home single mother living with family and looking for opportunities to help me be financially stable. Going back to school was a difficult option because I knew I couldn’t afford it. I Never thought about getting into tech because I didn’t see myself as much of a technical person however when scrolling through Tik Tok one day, I found out about Npower and soon learned that tech was more than computer building and coding. Not only did I learn there are non-technical roles in tech that I knew I could strive in, but I finally found excitement in my future. My time at Npower has been the biggest blessing and with my newfound knowledge, the incredible staff and gained confidence from this program, a successful career is manifesting. Thank you, NPower, for helping me get back on my feet!
Before starting NPower, I was working for Apple at the genius bar. I learned about the program through a friend and viewed NPower as an excellent opportunity to acquire new skills to get to the next level. During the cohort I discovered a lot of technical skills, and professional skills to help refine me as a candidate for future employment opportunities. I’ve met excellent people along my journey, friends, and mentors that will have a lasting impact. A message to everyone would be “ Y'all don’t know how great you really are.”
I joined the US Marine Corps right after high school. After 8 years in the service, I began studying History with the goal of becoming a lawyer. With only needing 5 courses to achieve my bachelor’s degree, I realized I was chasing that goal for all the wrong reasons. After taking some time to do some reflecting on life, a great friend of mine told me about the NPower program. I’ve always had an aptitude for technology and after being intrigued by the program curriculum I thought “what’s the worst that can happen” and decided to apply. NPower has opened my eyes to the technology world, and have become obsessed with everything involving computers, tablets, mobile devices and etc. I am extremely thankful that I was referred to NPower as they have given me the tools and learned fundamentals to get into the tech field.
Before starting at NPower, I was working at a call center struggling to make ends meet. I had my master’s degree, but I could not land a job in my field. I discovered all the opportunities the tech industry has to offer on Tiktok. I was brought to NPower by one of my college friends who’s an NPower alumni. I was interested in getting into tech due to the endless opportunities it has to offer. My time at NPowere gave me the necessary skills to break into the tech industry. After graduation, I plan on working for one of the big tech companies making 6–7 figures.
JOB IN THE MILITARY Generator Mechanic
I joined the US Army right after high school. At 18, I was unsure about what I wanted to study at college, so I decided to join the military instead. After my time in the military ended, I was unsure on what route to take. Looking for jobs was hard, and I ended up finding NPower. At first, wasn’t so sure about IT due to not having any experience in the past. Ever since, I started the program I have learned so much. It has shown me just how many opportunities there are in IT. I look forward to combining my past experiences with my new knowledge about technology.
Before NPower I was working in the hospitality field hopping from restaurant to restaurant hoping to find a place that fits my values. What brought me to NPower was my curiosity about technology and how it worked. NPower stood out above many because they’re a nonprofit organization and share many great resources with their trainees. My time at NPower showed me that it’s never too late to find and follow a passion and if you keep searching, you’ll find the place that fits you. After graduation I plan to gain work experience as a Help Desk Administrator and apply to NPower’s cloud architect program for Alumni.
Before starting Npower, I was working 2 jobs and struggling to make time to study for any certifications. I wanted to go to bootcamp to improve my skills. NPOWER helped become more confident and conscious of the things that can accomplish. Being able to have a mentor through the mentorship program and obtaining my A+ certification is some of the things that I am grateful to have thanks to Npower.
Before starting NPower, I had already gone to a tech school and gotten some knowledge and certifications for IT. After my class was done it was time for me to interview for a start in my career. I would get interviews after interviews without receiving an offer. Eventually while scouring through Indeed, I found NPower and their mission statement really spoke to me. Between being surrounded by people just as passionate as me trying to make a career for ourselves and the support we're given by the staffs and mentors. NPower had made me realize how strong my desire was to continue to learn and strive for knowledge. After my cohort is over, I plan to continue my education alongside my work in order to be an expert in my own right.
Before NPower, I had prior technical experience from similar programs, and I wasn't too confident in my actual technical abilities. I got introduced to NPower by a partner program called UCC Youth Build and through them, I was able to enroll. Since starting the program I have been able to find the confidence that I was lacking and the skills I needed to launch myself into my IT journey. My time at NPower felt like it flew by so fast, but it was very fulfilling. From these short sixteen weeks, I was able to acquire three different certifications Google IT Support, Google Project Management, and finally, the one I'm most proud of CompTIA A+. All in all, NPower has been a blessing to me in so many ways it’s unbelievable exactly the fact it’s completely free and I've already recommended the program to a friend.
My time at NPower gave me the tools necessary to succeed in the tech field. With the tech field being so broad and constantly innovating I had no idea what wanted to do. NPower exposed me to many different career paths and many different opportunities in the field. They equipped me with technical skills and strengthened my soft skills so that I can express myself in a more efficient manner in the workforce. They also provided the trainees with the chance to get industry-recognized certifications which would help the trainees transition into the tech world.
Where will I be without Npower, before starting Npower I was really struggling to make ends meet financially and career wise. Npower has really helped me to figure out the next step in my career. Learning about NPower helped me make a career move for the better. This program has been a gift from above. After receiving a phone call from a different program explaining NPower, I knew this was just the program for me. Between the networking, the internship, the mentorship, and even the A+ certification training, this program has been a blessing, and everything was free! If I had to do Npower all over again wouldn’t think about it twice before joining it. The only thing I had to do was “trust the process” which I did and now glad to say I’m reaping the fruit of my labor. Thank you, NPower.
Before NPower, I was working in childcare at my local YMCA. I knew that I could not stay there forever so I began learning the basics of coding. I wanted to jumpstart my career in technology. The tech industry is always something that has occupied my attention. NPower's mission was directly aligned with my values as a black woman who aspires to be a leader in not only my community but in the tech world. I learned about NPower from a post on Twitter. At first, I was skeptical because how can a program like this be free? After browsing the website, there was no longer hesitation about whether to apply. My passion in combination with the tools provided by the NPower program helped accelerate my dream of being a successful black woman thriving in the tech industry and beyond! After graduation, I will be working with Citi through their 6-month Apprenticeship Program.
Before NPower I was feeling stuck in the work cycle, unfulfilled and unsatisfied. I had to make the change and after much thought and research I came across NPower. It provided an opportunity to break into tech. The IT Fundamentals course was only the beginning, it’s a foot in the door for endless opportunities. My time at NPower gave me a chance to acquire the knowledge and technical skills necessary to launch my career in tech. After graduation, I plan to utilize the connections and certifications I’ve obtained to continue growing professionally and personally through networking and Npower’s own mentorship program.
Before starting NPower, I was working retail jobs struggling to make ends meet. I wanted to go back to school but was financially unable to. Learning about NPower helped me make a career move for the better. This program has been a blessing. After receiving a phone call from a different program explaining NPower, I knew this was just the program for me. Between the networking, the mentorship, and even the A+ certification training, this program has been incredible. The most valuable lesson I learned from my professor was that it’s okay to fail because it is your “first attempt in learning.” I am happy and grateful to have been part of this program.
Before NPower, I used to work in the educational field. While teaching was my passion, I felt stuck and did not see any room for career growth. This got me thinking about other routes that I could explore, including IT. Tech was always an interest of mine, but I was hesitant to take this interest to the next level as I lacked formal technical education. Luckily, I learned about NPower and its mission to help people like me launch careers in IT by providing their students with a strong foundation necessary to successfully pass the CompTIA A+ exam and gain industry-recognized certifications. I did not know what to expect from the program but was very pleasantly surprised when I saw how committed everyone on the NPower team was — the instructors, the professional development team, the social support managers, the program director — they all wanted to see us at the finish line. Thanks to NPower, I feel confident and prepared to take on my first role in IT!
Before starting NPower, I was jumping around from job to job, never really moving up or advancing in my career. I knew that I wanted to work in tech but didn’t really know where to start. While at NPower I started to realize my strengths and weaknesses. Professional development days helped by giving me a framework on how I should maneuver in this world and beyond. The biggest thing was how much I could relate to my instructor and seeing how much success she had was a game changer. I can’t stress how important representation is. Setting up smart goals, developing my soft skills and having panelists from different companies really helped solidify how I’ll move forward after the program. After NPower I plan on taking another program to acquire more certifications while getting an entry level job in the field.
NPower’s model is a solution to building a diverse tech pipeline. Our graduates launch tech jobs with an average starting salary of $41,000–$60,000 and are positioned to advance their career path, enabling them to earn more than their peers in lower-wage jobs. Higher earning potential is the key to breaking generational cycles of poverty, positioning our students and their families to achieve long-term economic success.
Through partner and tech industry collaboration, our free training model is a workforce development solution for the future. In today’s economy, over 50% of all jobs require some degree of technology and digital skill. We prepare untapped, diverse talent to fill the number of technology-oriented jobs that will increase in the U.S. to 13 million by 2025, according to a recent Microsoft Data Science report that estimates that digital job capacity. Our graduates of over 4,000 veterans and young adults are hired at over 2000 companies and nonprofits as interns and full-time employees.
NPower is on a mission to create pathways to economic prosperity by launching digital careers for young adults and military veterans from underserved communities.
Part of this goal is our ‘40 by 22’ initiative, which aims to advance more young women of color in tech careers. This initiative is supported by the Citi Foundation’s Pathways to Progress initiative.
› Of students who enroll graduate
› Of alumni get jobs or continue their education
Amazin’ Mets Foundation
Atlas Data Systems
AT&T Foundation
BAE Systems
The Ainslie Foundation
The Achelis and Bodman Foundation
Beth and Ravenel Curry Foundation
Bloomberg L.P.
Blackrock Foundation
The Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Bank of New York Mellon Foundation
Comcast (NBC Universal)
The Cultural Leadership Fund |
Andreesen Horowitz
Fiserv, Inc.
Fund II Foundation
Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation
Larsen & Toubro Infotech Ltd (LTI)
Prudential Foundation and Prudential
Financial Veterans Initiatives
Pursuit Foundation
Llewellyn Family Foundation
Lockheed Martin Corporation
New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development
OneTen Coalition Inc,
RBC Capital Markets
The Rockefeller Foundation
SIM New York
Subaru of America Foundation
A1 Bank of America
Empowerment Academy Charter
Franklin Apprenticeships
Green Key Resources
Guardian Life
Ignitist Inc
Leaguers Inc
Loews Corporation
NTT Data
ShopRite Supermarket
TD Bank
UBS Financial Services, Inc
ZT Systems
Pathway Builders are individual donors invested in the future of our country and changing lives for military veterans and young adults from underserved communities. To learn more about Pathway Builders or to join this group of changemakers, please visit npower.org/support or email hello@npower.org.
Ronald & Cynthia Gula
Charitable Fund
Tim Brien
Dean Del Vecchio
Mike Elmore
Gail Fierstein
Matt Horner
Stephen Murphy
Christopher Perry
Daniel Petrozzo
David Reilly
Julie Sweet
Peter Trizzino
Mahir B AbdalRazzaaqEl
James Alcombright
Robert Anselmo
Linda Apsley
Jack Azagury
Peter Benzie
The Ramesh and Kalpana
Bhatia Family Foundation
Michael Blumstein
Brian Bohan
Chad Bope
James Carey
Steve Cass
Joseph Castro
Vittorio Cretella
Paul Daugherty
Anthony DeLisio
Richard DePalma
Bruce Derr
Anthony DiSanto
Darcy Down
Noreen Fierro
Michael Fugett
Pedro Garcia
Betsy George
Doug Greene
Scott Harris
Jason Heckler
Jonathan Hicks
Matt Holton
Stuart Henderson
Florian Jaze
Patricia Karzai
Leif King
Aaron Lewis
Viola Maxwell-Thompson
Catherine McDonald
Robert Millstone
Paul Miranda
Brian Mize
Hunter Muller
Joe Murphy
Christine Parsons
Frank Pedersen
Greg Raimann
Michael D Robinson
Michael Rupinski
Diana Scott
Dwight Shepherd
James Smith
Joel Spieth
Harold & Diane Steuber
Nicole Tate
Susanne Tedrick
Rex Thexton
Cliff Thomas
Rah Thomas
Joel Unruch
Alphonse Valbrune
Robert Vaughn
Chris Wegmann
Casey Wells
Crystal White
Pete Agresta
Guillermo Diaz, Jr.
Diane Gherson
Candace Givens
Mark Heil
Debra King
Jennifer Kleinert
James Linnett
Tristan Morel L’Horset
Harry Moseley
Larry Quinlan
Diane Schwarz
Ellyn Shook
Einat Burshtine
Benjamin Ciaglo
Allison Crady
Amy Heydman
Andreessen Horowitz
Atlas Data Systems
Beth & Ravenel Curry Foundation
Bloomberg Philanthropies
Centene Charitable Foundation
Check Point Software Technologies
Corteva Agriscience
The Achelis & Bodman Foundation
ADP Foundation
Ascension Information Services
Baltimore Nonprofit Relief Fund
Blue Data
Carl B. & Florence E. King Foundation
Centene Corporation
The Centene Charitable Foundation
Craig Newmark Philanthropies
Dennis M. Jones Family Foundation
Ernst & Young
Global Leadership Forum
Hewlett Packard Company
Ira W. DeCamp Foundation
Llewellyn Family Foundation
Maryland Apprenticeship
Innovation Fund
Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
MTX Group Inc
The New York Community Trust
Palo Alto Networks
Patrick J McGovern Foundation
The Pinkerton Foundation
Rocket Community Fund
St. Louis Community Foundation
Tata Consultancy Services
Community Foundation of Southeast Michigan
Communities Foundation of Texas
Consumers Energy
Flextronics International USA, Inc.
France-Merrick Foundation
Henry & Ruth Blaustein
Rosenberg Foundation
Kaiser Permanente
Kirkland & Ellis
Light a Single Candle Foundation
LinkedIn Corporation
Mainline Information Systems
Mass Mutual Insurance Company
Medidata Solutions
Morgan Stanley
Motorola Solutions
New York City Council
Northrop Grumman Corporation
The Rockefeller Foundation
Royal Bank of Canada
The Saigh Foundation
Shippy Foundation
State Street Bank
Texas Workforce Commission
Twilio Inc
United Way of Greater St. Louis
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Veterans’ Educational Assistance Program
West Baltimore Renaissance Foundation, Inc.
Workday Foundation
St. Louis Regional Business Council
Tanium Inc.
Texas Mutual Insurance Company
The William R. Orthwein, Jr. Foundation, Inc.
Wilson Sheehan Foundation
Veritas Zoom
Thanks to our government partners, the U.S. Department of Labor, Maryland, New Jersey and New York Department of Labor.