NRA Sports - Winter 2014

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WWE 2014


Lucky x


Expand Your Hunting


m a g a z i n e President's Column: Admitting to the "Assault Weapons Myth"


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Expand Your Hunting Community

Lucky x 2 Horseshoes Help Us take Two Bull Elk

Women's Wilderness Escape 2014 A Definite Bucket List Item

Pittman-Robertson Funding Assists South Dakota Shooting Range Improvement Efforts

Countdown to Success Suggestions for Event Planning for Shooting Program Managers

6 9 15 16

The 2013 Outstanding Club of the Year goes to...


Kimball Rod and Gun Club


Phillipsburg Pistol Club

Makes Advancements Through Grant Funding

Published quarterly by the National Rifle Association of America Recreation Programs & Ranges Division


Son Nguyen, Manager Clubs & Associations

(800) NRA-Club (672-2582)

Design & Layout: © Copyright 2015 National Rifle Association

Stephen Czarnik, Program Coordinator Clubs & Associations

NRA Clubs & Associations • 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 • (800) NRA-Club •

Admitting to the

"Assault Weapons Myth" By James W. Porter II, NRA President


hen the New York Times published an op-ed thoroughly exposing the “Assault Weapons Myth,” the major players in the gun-ban movement blithely said they were moving on, that a federal gun-ban was a “non-starter.” With that myth shattered, gun banners have simply regrouped to concentrate on their new big lie— “universal background checks.” The Times piece was surprisingly accurate, with evidence from Justice Department researchers and other academics who long-ago concluded the 1994 “assault weapons” ban’s effect on crime was “too small to measure.” In reality, the issue was a massive fraud. In her September 14, 2014, analysis, Lois Beckett of ProPublica accurately dissects what I would prefer to call a serial lie that led to the passage of U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s and (then) U.S. Rep. Chuck Shumer’s 1994 “assault weapons” ban. It was, says Beckett, purely political fiction, or as she put it, “… Democrats created and then banned a category of guns they called ‘assault weapons.’” These firearms, she writes “were presented by the media as the gun of choice for drug dealers and criminals and which many in law enforcement wanted to get off the streets.” None of that was true then, nor is it true today. Beckett in this and subsequent pieces, validated NRA’s truth about what has been a phony issue. My initial reaction was surprise, followed by anger. Since all of this is and has been a “myth,” what the hell has the last 30 years’ expenditure of time, emotion and money by millions of threatened Americans been all about? What about the loss of freedom of peaceable individual citizens in states like New York, Connecticut, Colorado, California and Maryland where the “assault weapons myth” led to real confiscatory bans with Draconian criminal penalties? What about all those formerly law-abiding-citizens who are now potential felons? These good citizens are paying a heavy price for a “myth.” Beckett should go a few steps further and put human faces on victims of the “Assault Weapons Myth.” Neither the Times, nor other major media that consistently amplified the big lie of “assault weapons” over decades, even blinked over Beckett’s revelations. Huge damage has been done to countless citizens and the gun-ban crowd wants to simply walk away saying, “Nevermind”?

Not to take anything away from Beckett—we hope she pursues the truth further—but there is something else afoot here. With the gun-ban crowd’s reaction—to take a walk on this issue—they’re now admitting that the “assault weapons” ban is a big rock tied around their necks and they want to lose the loser. From the get-go, the “assault weapons” issue was a self-fulfilling disaster for the anti-Second Amendment crowd—simply because when it was enacted, honest Americans went on a buying spree that has never abated. In terms of grassroots power alone, that changed the dynamic. The man initially responsible for the “assault weapons” fraud, Josh Sugarmann, who founded the venomous Violence Policy Center, believed that banning handguns was impossible because there were just too many of them in private hands. “Assault weapons,” he wrote, were the perfect “new topic” because “few people can envision a practical use for these weapons.” With your opposition and NRA’s successful legislative action, the1994 federal ban as passed included an automatic sunset provision under which it would vanish off the books after 10 years, unless reenacted by Congress. During that decade, which predictably saw no reduction in any crime, the ban produced another result—a massive consumer demand. When the ban vanished off the federal books in 2004, that demand was exponential. Where in the early 1990s only a handful of companies produced the AR-15, there are now thousands of companies producing rifles, parts and accessories. There has never been anything like the aftermarket commerce for ARs, which has become the most popular rifle in history. With each acquisition over the years, the firearm that “few people can envision a practical use for” has become ubiquitous. Because of the ban, because of the big lie and because of the likes of Dianne Feinstein on a national level, Sugarmann’s original fear about handgun ownership—too many in private hands to ban—now applies equally to semi-automatic long guns. As the new effort of the gun-ban lobby to back away from their “myth” expands, so will our opportunity to take back lost ground. We must never let up in our efforts to free all American gun-owners from the tyranny of the “assault weapons” big-lie in those states where gun owners suffer against its anvil.

Winter 2014/2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 3

YHEC – Expand Your Hunting Community By Nicole Waugh, Special Projects Coordinator, Outdoor Recreational Programs


he arrival of cold weather brings out an assortment of all-American activities, including the great tradition of hunting. America’s hunters eagerly await the cold, signaling the time of year when they can stay in the woods all day waiting for that perfect shot. However, with the predominance of other activities, expanding urbanization, and lack of opportunity, it is becoming harder and harder for American youth to gain crucial exposure to hunting traditions and skills. To spark interest and draw kids into the hunting world, enter – NRA’s Youth Hunter Education Challenge (YHEC). Originally created to serve as an advanced hunter education course 29 years ago, YHEC has evolved into a hands-on skill enhancement, responsibility, and training program for youth of all ages and hunting experiences. Through a series of live-fire and responsibility events, YHEC participants receive practical experience handling firearms in hunting and outdoor situations – experience which promotes safe firearm habits and creates an enduring interest in hunting and the shooting sports. In addition to its important role as a safety and training program, today’s YHEC largely serves as a recruitment and retention tool for young hunters. Although an interest may exist, many youths won’t get exposure to the history and tradition of hunting without YHEC events. In order to keep the American hunting tradition strong and thriving for years to come, it is crucial that the entire hunting community reach out to youth and encourage interest and participation through programs such as YHEC. 4 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Winter 2014 /2015

Volunteering at a YHEC event is a great way to get involved in the community and exert a positive influence on the future generation, even if you do not have any children in your family or neighborhood. NRA depends on volunteers to make YHEC a fun and successful hunter recruitment program. Volunteers are needed at all levels, and many events can accommodate any schedule. Whether it’s starting a state or local YHEC event, volunteering at an established event, coaching a team or individual, or serving as a state YHEC coordinator, the hunting community’s involvement is crucial. Your time commitment is completely dependent on what you can offer, ranging from a few hours on a single afternoon to coordinating all of your state’s events throughout the year. When it comes to youth involvement and safety, any amount of time counts and is appreciated. Year-after-year, YHEC volunteers return due to their personal passion for the outdoors and hunting. However, many note that a driving factor is the enthusiasm and pure joy exhibited by the kids. In a time when America’s history and tradition is being lost to busy schedules and outside influences, it is as important as ever to spark and maintain an interest in hunting among our youth. For more infor-mation on volunteering or participating, please view the YHEC Guidebook available at

Perfect Gifts For the Hunter/Huntress

Having trouble f inding the perfect gift for the hunter or outdoorsman in your life? By Nicole Waugh, Special Projects Coordinator, Outdoor Recreational Programs


ith hunting season in full swing, there are plenty of options from all kinds of suppliers and outfitters to fit every price range. It may be too late to secure these items for this holiday season, however, these ideas may be perfect for an upcoming birthday, anniversary or other special occassion. In the off season, you may be able to find many of these items on sale or even clearance! From smaller, more inexpensive items to larger-thanlife trips of a lifetime, we have some suggestions to make sure you've got your hunter’s gift needs covered.

$50 and under

• Hand warmers • Quick-dry, wool socks • Head lamp • Lined gloves • Face mask • Gambrel

$100 and under

• Mosquito repellant device • Moisture wicking garments • Heated insoles • Heated seat cushion • Game processing kit • Game calls

$$$ Big Ticket $$$

$250 and under

• Binoculars • Range f inder • Trail cam • Rain gear • GPS • Ground blind • Electronic game call

• ATV or Side-by-Side • Guided hunt (booked by )

The majority of these options can be found at outdoors and sporting goods stores nationwide. When considering larger ticket items, we recommend putting in adequate research and making an informed decision. In considering a guided hunt, NRA Outdoors offers incredible specials on trips throughout the country. For more information, visit Any hunter would be thrilled with an outdoors-themed gift, no matter size or value. Ask around to determine need, have fun thinking of ideas, and remember – when in doubt, gift cards are always a great customizable option. Visit our NRAO program partner's website at Discounts are offered to booked hunts through NRAO. Winter 2014 /2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 5

Lucky x


Horseshoes Help Us Take Two Bull Elk by Brad Mason, Recently Accomplished Elk Hunter, Courtesy of


e’s weird, I’ll take him”, I whispered as I peered under the pines and caught a glimpse of the bull elk as it walked through a small opening. Another 30 yards and the bull entered a larger shooting lane and I dropped him with a single shot as he walked in the sage. It was only then that I learned of the power of the horseshoe. Let me rewind and set the stage. My dad and I arrived in our hunting area southeast of Evanston, WY on Tuesday, Oct 21. After unpacking and checking rifles, we headed to bed. The next morning, we followed a drainage canal and entered a valley between the aspens. At the top of the peak, on the other side of the valley, we caught the glimpse of a bull. It wouldn’t respond to calls and so we left. That night, we hiked into a meadow above where we saw that bull, thinking we might find him. But no elk appeared. As light faded and we hiked towards where we had seen the elk 6 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Winter 2014 /2015

in the morning, we caught a glimpse of six elk, one which was a nice wide 5x5 bull feeding. We were above them and quickly set for a shot, and from 358 yards I fired. While I felt good about the hold, the bull ran off and we searched for an hour with flashlights but found no blood. The next morning we returned, scoured 400 yards into the timber where the bull ran but again were unsuccessful in locating any blood or a dead bull. So we declared it a miss and returned to camp where I again checked my scope and had confidence before going back out. Thursday evening came and we hiked into a new area to look and listen for elk. After a while, we moved uphill into the winds and stopped by an old pine to try some calls. With openings all around us, we hoped to see some elk, but nothing materialized. From there we continued up the ridge. As we entered some timber, I caught glimpse of a cow and calf. We stood there in the shadows and watched

them. The elk eventually skirted the edge of the timber we were in and moved across a sage meadow. As we watched the cow move, we soon saw other elk. In total, 11 elk skirted past us, with the last being the bull I shot. After I shot the bull, my dad came up to me and presented to me a horseshoe he had found as we moved up the ridge. He had found it along the way and stuck it in his pack hoping to bring us good luck, and having an elk on the ground, I was happy to have had the luck. The next evening after having taken care of my bull, we went out to find a bull for dad. We sat up near a meadow that contained an old sheep herder’s cabin probably built in the 1940s. While we never saw any elk we decided to climb the back side of the mountain and pop out near where we sat the first evening. As I was walking past the cabin, there in the sage I noticed part of a horseshoe sticking up from the ground. I dug it out and threw it in my pack, hoping

it too would provide some luck to us. Reaching the peak top and peering down into the valley we saw nothing. But across the way there were 6 elk near the very top of the next ridge, some 700+ yards away. We never saw a bull and so started to hike the ridge down towards where I had missed my shot the other night. But we never got there. After moving down the ridge a few hundred yards and peeking down into the valley, we saw elk. Six total elk were there, including the bull I missed two nights ago. Dad sat up on the shooting sticks and took aim. From ~200 yards, the bullet struck where intended and the elk dropped. We descended to where the bull lay, and then congratulations

were offered. Pictures commenced and I then presented dad with his own horseshoe and told him how I had found earlier that night. We both chuckled at the odds of each finding one and then within hours, the other having each taken elk. The horseshoes may have in fact been the little extra luck we needed to get those elk. But they also served as a reminder of how lucky and fortunate we are to be able to hunt and share these moments. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us, and given he’s the oldest member of his 60-64 year-old softball team, hunts like these may not happen again. So... while I’m lucky to have taken an elk, I’m even luckier to have my dad.

Adult male elk grow new antlers every spring after shedding in winter. Each antler can be up to 4 feet long and weigh as much as 35-40 pounds!

by Bethany Mullen, RTBAV Program Coordinator

Dot Arms, RedanNRA-affiliated

training facility in Lake Villa, IL, has gone through exciting changes the past couple of years. 50 miles north of Chicago, Red Dot Arms has been adapting to the changing culture in Illinois, and growing to facilitate the increasing number of people interested in firearms training and personal safety. For more than two years now, they’ve had a brick and mortar store, although they started training almost four years ago. They are currently waiting approval from the county to build a range, which would expand their repatoire of training classes even more. One such class that Red Dot Arms offers, which owner and instructor Michel Rioux calls a “must take class,” is NRA’s Refuse To Be A Victim®. Though not a firearms course, Refuse To Be A Victim® teaches crime prevention and personal safety. Covering a wide variety of topics from mental prepardness to home safety, awareness to cyber

• Why did you book through NRA Outdoors?

We saw the video of last year’s hunt, the shooting contest to win the rifle and liked the fact that the outf itter used ATVs instead of horses. Additionally, as an NRA life member, knowing that our booking was connected with the NRA helped us decide that this was the right choice for us.

• What was your experience like going through NRA Outdoors?

The process was simple and easy, with folks at NRA Outdoors contacting us via email and phone as required to ensure applications in, providing recommendations on equipment, etc...

• Is it something you would recommend to others?

I would [def initely] recommend NRA Outdoors to others based on my interactions this past year.

security, Refuse To Be A Victim® is a 4 hour seminar that talks about different strategies people can easily integrate into their everyday lives to avoid being an easy target and a victim of crime. “When I first took the Refuse To Be A Victim® class, I was blown away,” Rioux says. “The class has good reminders of things that people should be doing on a regular basis to be more aware of their surroundings.” He and Red Dot Arms colleague Steve New became instructors shortly after attending the course and are now offering the seminar on a regular basis at their facility. The last Refuse To Be A Victim® seminar held at Red Dot Arms was met with overwhelmingly positive feedback. “Many people said that they were going to go home and make changes to their home that day!” says Rioux. Each person who attends a Refuse To Be A Victim® seminar receives an 82 page comprehensive safety handbook, a 12 page firearms supplement, and two program brochures. The next Refuse To Be A Victim® seminar at Red Dot Arms is on Saturday, February 21st, from 9 am to 1 pm. The cost is $30 per person, and pre-registration is required. Red Dot Arms also offers NRA Home Firearm Safety, NRA Basic Shotgun, NRA Metallic Reloading, and NRA Basic Pistol courses. Unique to Red Dot Arms, once you take any of these classes, you may re-take the class as often as you wish! For more information or for a complete schedule of classes offered at Red Dot Arms, please email or visit them online at Winter 2014 /2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 7



Presented By:


I • Top Name Shooting, Hunting and Archery Manufacturers • Hunting and Fishing Outfitters from all over the World • NRA Foundation Banquet, Live Auction and Wall of Guns • NRA NR Country Concert • 3-D Archery and Game-Calling Competitions • Archery Tag - Experience the Rush! • Family Fun Zone - For All Ages! • Airsoft and NRA 3 Gun Experience and Pyramyd Air® Air Gun Range

FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY For tickets and hotel information visit:




WWE 2014 by Kara Schlifke, Lead Pgm. Specialist, Recreational Shooting


he NRA Women's Wilderness Escape (WWE) provides women 18 years old and older with an eight-day getaway opportunity to experience the softer side of firearm education with exposure to a wide variety of shooting sports activities and an array of enticing hunting and outdoor related activities. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned outdoor enthusiast, it's an experience that will prepare you for your next adventure!

“WWE is an exciting, fun, educational, empowering outdoor experience in an amazing experience!” - Linda Schuster

During this wonderful event you’ll have the opportunity to shoot pistol, rifle, archery, muzzle loading, and shotgun. After a full day of shooting, you can relax at a variety of evening events including a wine social, western wear fashion show, survival training, game calling, and Refuse To Be A Victim® course. It’s a jam packed week of great activities for all.

“Priceless opportunity to experience a diverse array of shooting sports activities from the top instructors in the country.” - Debra Banville

Attendees will be guided by some of the most skilled

firearms instructors and outdoor specialists in the country. The event is hosted at the NRA Whittington Center in Raton, New Mexico.The NRA Whittington Center is without a doubt one of the finest shooting complexes in the nation. Its 33,000 acres are nested among the scenic western mountains and the high mesa country of New Mexico. While staying at the Whittington Center, you'll share a room in the Competitor Housing Complex, eat in the dining facility, and anticipate unscheduled escapades of the deer, elk and antelope that call the Center home. Meals, housing, firearms, ammunition, targets, instruction and evening activities are all included. If you’re looking for a week long escape and making lifetime friends, then the Women’s Wilderness Escape is for you! The 2015 events will be held at Seven Springs Resort in PA From June 5th-8th and a second event from September 19th-26th at the NRA Whittington Center. Please register at: or call 703-267-1413.

“A definite bucket list item. The people were great - ranging from the instructors, staff and attendee[s].”

- Olivia Navarro

Winter 2014 /2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 9

2014 – NRA Recruiting Programs

Year in Review

by Randy Clark, Manager, Recruiting Programs


was an incredibly fruitful year for NRA Recruiters. Participating clubs, instructors, ranges and retailers were asked to fortify NRA before the crucial midterm elections and they delivered. Recruiters brought in over 200,000 members in 2014 and in the process, put over $1.2 million back into their pockets! Now, recruiters must look forward towards 2015. Despite the critical gains stemming from the midterm elections, there are still anti-gun extremists in every branch of government who will jump at the chance to further their anti-freedom crusade. Make sure to have a specific goal in

mind for next year and a plan for how to achieve it. If you’re a recruiting club, aim for 100% NRA membership. Instructors, take a look at your schedule and figure out how many students you need to recruit out of each class to achieve your desired growth. Retailers, set sales incentives for your employees and reward them when they achieve the desired amount of members. Together, we can make 2015 another fantastic year for NRA Membership Recruiting. It will be imperative that we fortify NRA membership as we gear up for the general election in 2016! The NRA Recruiting program provides an opportunity to strengthen NRA by signing up and renewing

members during everyday activities. It’s free to join and the necessary materials are free of charge. For every member signed up, Recruiters earn up to $25 per membership to go back into their club, business or personal bank account. For more information on how to join the NRA Recruiting Program call us at (800) 672-0004 (option 2), email us at recruiter@ or visit us on the web at Are you already a part of the NRA Recruiting Program? We’d like to hear from you too. Please email your suggestions to and tell us how we can help you recruit more members.

Are you the best shooter in your state or region? In 2015, you’ll have a chance to find out!

by Damien Orsinger, Program Coordinator, Competitive Shooting/Pistol Department


Action Pistol is open to all individuals who are interested in “action” courses of fire, which combine speed and accuracy while shooting at multiple targets of steel and cardboard/paper. All shots are fired static (no moving while firing) from a set distance and all the courses of fire are run on par times; where all shots must be fired within the set par time i.e. 6 shots in 5 seconds. If you fire a shot after the designated 5 second par time has elapsed, you are penalized. This combination is what makes NRA Action Pistol such a fun, challenging, and exciting discipline. The confidence gained in your marksmanship from shooting NRA Action Pistol will be noticed when shooting other popular “Action Pistol” shooting disciplines offered around the country such as USPSA, IDPA, ICORE and PPC.

10 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Winter 2014 /2015

Visit the NRA Action Pistol website at http:// to find out whether or not you really are the best Action Pistol competitor in your state or region. Look for your state, or a state in your region and go find out if you are as good as you think you are! More importantly, go to have a good time, and to express your Second Amendment rights in a fun, safe and organized manner! If you do not see a match in your state, and would like to conduct a state or regional championship, you will find a Match Director's Guide on how to run an NRA Action Pistol “Approved”, “Registered” or“Regional” Championship competition on the pistol webpage.

NRA Public Range Fund Spotlight:



by Bryan Hyder, National Liaison, General Operations

ince the inception of the NRA Public Range Fund in 2009, one of the most active state partners in the program has been the Department of Natural Resources of Wisconsin. With three projects in 2012, one in 2013 and another in 2014, the Wisconsin DNR has utilized the fund to make or plan improvements at the Snaketrack Public Shooting Range, Yellowstone Lake Public Shooting Range, McMiller Public Shooting Range, the Wisconsin Trapshooters Skeet Field, and the newest project funded improvements to the Waushara County Public Shooting Range. The NRA is proud to be a partner with the Wisconsin DNR to provide the sportsmen and women of the Badger State with safe, well managed ranges. The Wisconsin DNR estimates approximately 400,000 recreational shooters live in the state. Since most of the population lives in the southern region, development of facilities in that area are important to keep up with growing demand. One of the reasons for this success in range development is Keith Warnke, Hunting and Shooting Sports Coordinator for the DNR and the support he gets from Scott Gunderson, Assistant Deputy Secretary. Both understand the importance of ranges to hunter recruitment, retention and reactivation. Another big part is understanding the role that recreational shooters play in providing much needed funds through the Pittman Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act (PR). Assistant Deputy Secretary Gunderson recently said, “The NRA Public Range Fund has helped us maximize our dollars in range creation and expansion.” There are 35 public ranges in the state now, but only 3 in southern Wisconsin. The southern region will be the priority for the future as Wisconsin continues to move it's range program forward. As Warnke recently stated, “The NRA Public Range Program has been a critical partner in five recent re-construction projects on public ranges. The funding received made it possible for us to access federal dollars through the PR funds

that otherwise would not have been available because of match fund shortfalls in our budget.” The NRA Public Range Fund was established in 2009 as a matching grant program to encourage city and county governments and state and federal agencies, to work with the NRA on efforts to build and improve public ranges across America. To date, the NRA has partnered with 50 different public range projects from Florida to Alaska. In addition to the Public Range Fund, the NRA’s Range Department also produces the Range Source Book, a comprehensive guide to range construction and management and a team of Range Technical Team Advisors available for on-site range assistance when needed. The state of Wisconsin remains committed to providing the citizens of the state with safe and well managed range facilities. As Wisconsin and other states move their range development programs forward, the NRA, will be there to assist. For more information on public shooting ranges in Wisconsin, please visit: shootingranges/rangelocations.html Pictured: The newly renovated 100 yd rifle range on the Yellowstone Lake Wildlife Management Area. This range also includes 25 feet and 50 yd. shooting positions made possible by the NRA Public Range Fund.

Winter 2014 /2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 11

Distinguished Experts Q

ualification shooting is an informal, year-round recreational shooting activity that provides incentive awards for developing and improving marksmanship skills. It's a drill. We set the standards; you meet the challenge! Progression is self-paced and scores are challenging but attainable. Performance is measured against established par scores and any shooter who meets or exceeds those scores is entitled to the corresponding recognition awards for that rating. It's an honor system! Shooters acquire the large discipline patch at the onset of the program and as each rating is earned, they are entitled to all of the corresponding awards for the rating. Each rating level has a skill rocker, medal, and certificate award that recognizes and highlights the achievement. The courses of fire in the qualification program are designed to take shooters f rom beginning skill levels through intermediate levels up to a nationally recognized skill level -- Distinguished Expert -- the pinnacle of the program. By the time a shooter completes the Distinguished Expert rating, he or she has attained a proficiency level paralleling that of a competitively classified Sharpshooter. Qualification shooting can be conducted anywhere -- on public ranges, at your favorite club range, even on your own home range. BB and pellet gun shooters will find air gun qualification courses especially suited for informal home air gun ranges and family learning environments. Parents can shoot side-by-side with their children or start a neighborhood air gun shooting sports program for their children and their friends. Go to for more information. Vincent D’Orazio, Williamsburg, VA

Marietta Johnson, Dallas, TX

Carroll Anderson Monroeville, PA

Don Edwards, Indian Trail, NC

Stephen Julian, Southlake, TX


Dale Alexnder, Paradise, CA Trisha Allen, Garland, TX

Diane Anderson, Monroeville, PA Richard Anderson, Bowie, MD Jeff Anderson, Gridley, CA

Larry Akins, Gloucester, VA Anne Barrett, Magalia, CA

Dennis Barrett, Magalia, CA Kenneth Bass, Cary, NC

John Bourne, Wake Forest, NC T. Bowles, Boise, ID

Susan Brennan, Waxhaw, NC Edith Bunch, Cookson, OK

Walter Butler, Matthews, NC Steve Carlin, Le Roy, MN

Vernon Carr, Universal City, TX Alan Carroll, Raleigh, NC

James Carroll, Raleigh, NC Caleb Chinn, Paradise, CA

George Collins, Paradise, CA Gerald Collins, Murphy, NC

James Colotta, Charlotte, NC

Linda Bishop-Cooper, Dallas, TX Melanie Coyl, McKinney, TX Ralph Crippen, Paradise, CA

John Dekeersgieter, Yorktown, VA Frank DeYoung, Onalaska, WA

Melissa DeYoung, Onalaska, WA

Jason Dickert, Newport News, VA Henry Dobson, Waxhaw, NC

12 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Winter 2014 /2015

John Eerenberg, Fort Mill, SC Stacy Engel, Havelock, NC

Gregory Fountaine, Cary, NC Mark Franks, Paradise, CA

Mathew Fultz, Charlotte, NC Thomas Galvanek, Cary, NC

Nelson Godbey, Charlotte, NC

Arcadio Gonzalez, Allentown, PA

Clifford Yun Wo Goo, Waipahu, HI David Gough, Paradise, CA

Robert Gray, Fowlerville, MI

Janet Grooms, Charlotte, NC Nathan Gunn, Spencer, WV

Frederick Haggerson, Charlotte, NC Luke Hammond, Manhattan, KS

William Harrison, Charlotte, NC Wanda Hartung, Suffolk, VA Liza Hendricks, Dallas, TX

Timothy Herr, Hartland, MI

Vincent Herrera, Paradise, CA

Thomas Herstedt, W. Frankfort, IL Jeff Hewlett, Yorktown, VA

Cathi Higgins, Indian Trail, NC Forrest Holnbach, Paradise, CA

Fred Hornback, West Harrison, IN John Howard, Homewood, IL

Sally Ann Hnatiuk,Coll. Station, TX Randall Humphries, Chico, CA Bill Jackson, Indian Land, SC

Arthur Joslin, Pinckney, MI Rick Kania, Brighton, MI

Eugene Keel, Paradise, CA

Cecily Ketterer, Dallas, TX Fredi Kodl, Paradise, CA

John Krogmann, Catawba, VA Brian Krueger,Pylmouth, WI

Wendy Kvale, McCormick, SC Leah Lewkowicz, Chico, CA

Dennis Lloyd, Charlotte, NC Greg Lowe, Matthews, NC

Elizabeth Lutz, Annville, PA Ling Ly, San Diego, CA

David Lyon, Oak Forest, IL

Judith Mackowski, Pierson, FL Kimberly Manuel, Wylie, TX John May, Chico, CA

T. McAdams, Chico, CA

Lyla Malzahn, Dallas, TX

Tom Markson, Honolulu, HI

A Duane Menefee, Paradise, CA

Christopher Michini, Charlotte, NC Robert Minton, Chico, CA David Mize, Yorktown, VA

Marcy Molz, Groveland, CA

Albert Motley, Hampton, VA George Mounce, Suffolk, VA Daryl Murray, Shertz, TX

Mark Myrdahl, Chico, CA

s of Summer 2014 Barbara Parks, Dallas, TX

Jeffery Parrott, Enumclaw, WA James Payne Jr., Charlotte, NC

James Payne III, Charlotte, NC Terry Pepperdine, Paradise, CA R. Philbrook, Holiday, FL

Richard Picard, Monroe, NC

Tanja Pietrass, Falls Church, VA

Michael Pinault, Richmond Hill, GA Neil Potts, Paradise, CA

Harry Pratt, Alexandria, LA David Ramsey, Chico, CA

Gerald Richardson, Magalia, CA

Michael Riggleman, Smithfield, VA Judy Rhodes, Dallas, TX

Gregory Rupp, Augusta, KS

Steve Sautter, Missoula, MT

Heather Schrunk, Garland, TX Guy Scott, Grimes, IA

Jeffery Scudder, Circleville, OH

Billy Azzinaro, East Bruswick, NJ

Timothy Breslin, Col. Springs, CO Linda Butler, Charlotte, NC Eric Chun, Alameda, CA

John Dekeersgieter, Yorktown, VA

Vincent D’Oranzio, Williamsburg, VA Kenneth Foist, Cheyenne, WY Jerrine Fussell, Sandy, OR

Russell Harrelle, Riverside, CA Jeff Hewlett, Yorktown, VA Sherri Huff, Wylie, TX

Cecily Ketterer, Dallas, TX

Cheryl Long, Fairview, TX

Stanley Long, San Antonio, TX

William Marsh, Col. Springs, CO Pat Morganthaler, Nappanee, IN George Mounce, Suffolk, VA James Payne, Charlotte, NC

Richard Picard, Monroe, NC

Tanja Pietrass, Falls Church, VA

Virgil, Frick, Lubbock, TX

Vincent Herrera, Paradise, CA Mike Hull, Paradise, CA

Gary Leroy, Walnut Creek, CA Cassandra Mack, Raleigh, NC Steven McMullen, Chico, CA John May, Paradise, CA

Steven Nunes, Orlando, FL

John Packs, Hawthorne, NY R. Philbrook, Holiday, FL

Richard Picard, Monroe, NC

Donald Pitchford, Sprinfield, IL Kevin Portanova, Orlando, FL

Nancy Roberts, Rocky Mount, NC Steve Sautter, Missoula, MT Gregory Scafidi, Itasca, IL

Christiaan Van Der Walt, Aurora, CO Sally Zimmerman, Murphy, TX

Frank Sonsini, Williamsburg, VA

Shannon Selstedt, Wichita, KS

Double Distinguished

William Smith, Hutchinson, KS

Jeff Hewlett, Yorktown, VA

Robert Sorge, Bloomfield Hills, MI

Marietta Johnson, Dallas, TX

Steven Sorano, Newport News, VA

Cheryl Long, Fairview, TX

Howard Stephens, Waxhaw, NC

George Mounce, Suffolk, VA

Greg Thomas, Charlotte, NC

R. Philbrook, Holiday, FL

George Siegel, Rincon, GA

Mitchell Diggs, Hampton, VA


Joyce Butler Nichols, Hamilton, OH



Alan Nichols, Howell, MI

Linda Butler, Charlotte, NC

Frank Sonsini, Williamsburg, VA

Sherri Huff, Wylie, TX

Michelle Sorano,Newport News, VA

Dennis Lloyd, Charlotte, NC

Thor Sparre, Paradise, CA

Cindy Keel-White, Odessa, TX

Gregg Stouder, South Lyon, MI

Tanja Pietrass, Falls Church, VA

Mitch Thomas, Clifton, CO

Robert Sorge, Bloomfield Hills, MI

Triple Distinguished Vincent Herrera, Paradise, CA

Michael Tomlinson, Gloucester, VA Paula Truitt, Grand Prairie, TX

Bernard Vanraaphorst, Pinckneg, MI Tom Utterback, Fort Bragg, CA

Debra Erwin-Votaw, Lancaster, TX Duncan Way, Paradise, CA

James Weinrich, Howell, MI

Cindy Keel-White, Odessa, TX Larry Wilkins, Chico, CA

Carol Williams, Dawsonville, GA Ken Williams, Dawsonville,GA Ian Wise, Nampa, ID

Winter 2014 /2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 13






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by Otto Jose, Fish & Wildlife Branch Div. of Wildlife & Sport Fish Restoration


n 1937 the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act (PR) was authorized into law to restore and enhance wildlife species. It was and continues to be a major force and benefit to conservation efforts in the United States. It wasn’t until 1970 when a 10% excise tax on pistols and revolvers was amended into the Act which allowed for funding hunter education and shooting range development. Another amendment followed in 1972 that placed an 11% excise tax on archery equipment providing additional funding. These amendments opened the door for State agencies to begin investing in shooting range facilities for recreational shooters. It’s no mystery to shooting sports enthusiast that finding a safe and convenient place to shoot is becoming more difficult. As our population continues to increase, areas that were once remote are now residential and commercial developments. Even in South Dakota, with a population of only 845,000, there are areas in the State where finding a safe shooting range nearby can be challenging. It is estimated that there are over 20 million recreational shooters in the U.S. As the popularity of shooting sports continues to grow, there is a real need to provide safe and friendly shooting ranges. There will be a continued demand for shooting ranges available to the public. Over time, the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Department (SDGFP) has taken advantage of PR funds and have invested in numerous shooting ranges statewide. These efforts have included assisting local rod and gun clubs, local municipalities and the Department itself. Funded projects have run the gamut, from minor repairs and purchases of equipment to construction of new ranges. Many of these projects have become a reality with the help of partners stepping up to provide cash and manpower to match PR funds. The most recent effort by SDGFP includes the renovation of the Oahe Downstream Range near the community of Pierre. The project is located on 96 acres leased to the SDGFP by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The range has been in operation for 60 years and has served thousands of users. The original layout of the range was a safety hazard due to down range issues, overuse, and deteriorating infrastructure. The limited number of shooting positions has created congestion and conflicting uses among users. Given these shortcomings, the SDGFP decided it was time to upgrade the existing range.

The first decision SDGFP made was to move the location of the range and increase the size of the footprint to expand shooting opportunities. The original range location was moved 1,700 feet to a new location that enhanced the operation and safety of the site. The next decision was to expand the existing 4 shooting stations to 20 stations. The expansion allows for multi-discipline shooting to take place simultaneously while increasing the safety of range operations. The engineering and planning effort laid out the construction of the site. The new location included the following infrastructure: (2) 50 yard shooting stations; (10) 100 yard shooting stations ; (2) 300 yard shooting stations; (2) separate pistol bays that have (3) shooting stations; and a dedicated shotgun area. All of the stations, except the shotgun range, include backstop/side berms, concrete benches with a swivel seat, covered fireline canopy, and ADA accessible walkways. In addition, the construction of a 16-space parking area, and a vault toilet was included in the project. Jordon Kitts, SDGFP Assistant Federal Aid Coordinator, stated “this project would not have been possible without the support from the National Rifle Association (NRA) and local donations from area conservation organization”. Kitts further stated "the total cost of the project was $215,000 including $166,000 in PR funds, $11,000 from SDGFP, $30,000 provided by NRA, and $8,000 from local donations." Local organizations consisted of Dakotamart, Runnings, Central South Dakota Handgunners Association, High Plains Sportsmen, and the Pierre/Ft. Pierre Pheasants Forever chapter. Kitts also noted, “The construction of the range is a tremendous recreational resource for hunters and target shooters from the immediate and surrounding communities”. Through committed SDGFP staff, strong partnerships with local conservation organizations, and the National Rifle Association, another safe and family-friendly shooting facility is now open free for the public to participate in shooting sports activities year-round! We should also remember all the individuals who support the PR fund through their purchase of firearms and ammunition. Thanks to all!

Winter 2014 /2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 15


Countdown to

Suggestions for Event Planning for Shooting Program Managers

by Don Turner, President of Nevada Firearms Coalition


s a shooting program manager, sooner or later you will be involved in planning for an event on your facility. Hopefully this guide will give you some hints to make your event more successful. Before hosting a shooting event, there are some things you need to consider. First and most important: Is the facility where you are hosting your event running smoothly? One of the

biggest mistakes is to add the complexities of planning and executing a special event if the range’s operations are not running smoothly. The special event is an opportunity to show your stuff to the greatest number of people. If operations aren’t where they need to be, don’t invite the world in to see it. No impression is better than a bad one. Second, determine the dates of the event. Weekends are best for one or two-day events. Wednesdays through

One Year in Advance

• Establish the planning team • Review the event planning checklist • Assign roles and responsibilities • Establish a preliminary budget • Reserve ranges and other facilities • Announce date to event planners and organizations • Announce event to participants • Check to see if local laws/codes require special permits • Contact suppliers/manufacturers • Consider your marketing and advertising needs • Contact potential sponsors

Week 2

Week 10

• Check with local officials regarding signage or health restrictions/regulations, and apply for any permits • Contact distributors and manufacturer’s representatives for promotional offers and support • Contact food service providers for information on availability, pricing and support (hot dog carts, soft drinks, snacks, pizza shops) • Contact special service providers to negotiate prices and arrange schedules (VIP guests, bands/DJ’s, celebrities)

Week 3

• Receive and double-check all promotional material supplies • Schedule advertising insertion in local papers, cable, radio, etc. to run the week prior to your event • Send press releases to local media

• Mail flyers • Make sure all orders are received or are in transit

Week 1

Sundays are best for multi-day events. Avoid holiday weekends and conflicts with other local community events. Also keep in mind that sportsmen’s schedules revolve around local hunting and fishing seasons. Third, plan well in advance. This gives your invitees time to plan and schedule, and gives you and your team time to deal with the various problems that may occur.

Week 4

• Contact all suppliers and confirm offers and delivery dates • Review the budget

• Put up signs • Clean everything • Re-orient your target presentations • Arrange displays and banners • Re-confirm VIP guests/bands/DJ’s • Re-confirm scheduling of food service provider • Re-confirm supply of food/condiments/snacks/drinks, etc. • Re-confirm chefs to serve food • Double-check that advertising is accurate and running as scheduled 16 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Winter 2014 /2015

Week 9

Week 8

• Establish a schedule for instructors and/or additional range officers as needed • Determine if you will need additional rest room facilities

Week 6

• Contact local media advertising sales representatives • Define traffic arteries that potential visitors will use • Identify mailing list sources (hunting license purchasers, state rifle andpistolassociations,shootingsports magazinesubscribers, etc.) • Identify local sign companies

• Decide which products/brands will be featured at your event • Decide which suppliers you will use for concessions • Decide where you will spend your advertising dollars • Review your budget and adjust where appropriate • Double check inventories: make sure you have adequate supply of trash bags, toilet paper and other cleaning supplies • Make sure all your other supplies are or will be received

Week 5

• Work with your media advertising sales rep to develop ads • Develop and print handouts and direct mail flyers • Purchase mailing lists • Negotiate deal for printing of signs

3 Days Prior

• Train/brief staff, providers of special services • Double-check set-up timing to ensure everyone and everything will be in place at the right time

1 Day Prior

• Put up signs directing visitors to your facility • Walk through the facility with a critical eye for cleanliness • Put out extra trash cans

Week 7

• Get all required permits (health, signage, etc.) • Contact neighbors (an important courtesy and an opportunity to invite them over!)

During the Event

• Smile and have fun!! Your smile and your enthusiasm are infectious • Be aware that something may go wrong —do the best you can to adapt and don’t let it get to you • Don’t disseminate trouble issues outside of your team

Following the event

• Send thank-you notes to all suppliers, staff and media • Pay all invoices and review budget • Meet with staff and suppliers to review what worked and what needs improvement • Document what/how you did it, what could be done differently and results to help in planning for the next event • Meet with event participants and see what worked and what would work better next time


Winter 2014 /2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 17

What would you do to protect yourself? Did you know the legal implications of being involved in an act of self-defense could cost you as much as $100,000?*

Starting at just $165 per year, Self-defense Insurance provides you with affordable protection if you’re involved in an act of self-defense. Protect yourself and your assets with Self-defense Insurance. Purchase these coverages online:

18 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Fall 2014

18 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Summer 2014

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*Hayes, Marty, J.D. “What Every Gun Owner Needs to Know about Self-defense Law,”Armed Citizens’ Legal Defense Network, Inc., 15 May 2013. NRA Endorsed Property & Casualty Insurance Program is administered by Lockton Affinity, LLC. All coverage descriptions are a summary and not complete descriptions of all terms, exclusions and conditions in the master policy on file at NRA Headquarters. NRA Member dues or contributions are not used for this promotion, program or any other related expenses.

Protect Your Club & Firearm Business with NRA Endorsed Insurance by NRA Endorsed Insurance Program

he NRA Endorsed Insurance program for NRA Business Alliance members and Club Affiliates was born over a dozen years ago with the purpose of making a simple task of securing insurance for clubs and businesses in the firearm industry. The program is administered by Lockton Affinity, LLC—a leader in insurance program administration— and offers a broad range of insurance, from basic coverage for a club’s firearms to million dollar liability coverage for retail operations, and more. Insurance for Club Affiliates One of the key elements to a club’s success is its protection if someone is injured. Securing a liability insurance policy is the surest form of protection. The NRA program offers custom coverage plans depending on the scope of the club’s activities.

shooting competition at another club, participating in a fundraiser, or other normal club activities that occur away from the club premises, the club and its members are covered. Coverage for club activities conducted in other states: General liability coverage applies in the coverage territory which includes the U.S. and its territories, Puerto Rico and Canada. Worldwide coverage applies for an insured, whose home is in the coverage territory, while away for a short time on business. The policy excludes any premises used for the purpose of holding one or more gun or firearm shows. These can be insured separately. Coverage for club members: Coverage includes club members as insureds. This means an individual member, as well as the club, would be defended for allegations of negligence relating to club activities. Coverage for guests: Members are insureds on the club’s policy; however, guests are not covered in the same manner. If a guest using a range injures another person in a shooting exercise, or damages property, the guest causing the injury is likely to be named in a complaint, and because the incident happened on club grounds, the club is also named in the complaint. Under this insurance, the club has protection for the guest’s actions, but the guest is not covered. The same would hold true for a trespasser that is injured on

Club activities occurring away from the club: Coverage is not restricted to activities held just at the club premises. Whether attending a

club property. The club has coverage, the trespasser does not. Insurance for Business Alliance Members The business insurance policy insures the risks of doing business in the firearm industry—protecting businesses that sell and service firearms, FFL holders, firing ranges, firearm instruction businesses, guides and outfitters and gunsmiths.

More than

8,000 Clubs & 2,500

Firearm Businesses insured.

The NRA Endorsed Insurance Program also offers individual property and casualty products including ArmsCare Plus Firearms Insurance, Gun Collector coverage, Excess Personal Liability, Firearms Instructor Liability, Gun Show Liability, and Self-Defense coverage—many are available for purchase online. For more information or to purchase your insurance, visit or call (877) NRA-3006. Fall 2014 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 19

The 2013 Donn C. DiBiasio Outstanding Club Award goes to...

Phillipsburg Pistol Club

Members of the Phillipsburg Pistol Club receiving the 2013 Donn C. DiBiasio Outstanding Club Award presented by NRA President James W. Porter II, 1st Vice President Allan Cors and Executive Director of General Operations Kyle Weaver at the Fall 2014 NRA Board Meeting in Arlington, VA. by Joe Westf ield, President of Phillipsburg Pistol Club


he recognition of the NRA Donn C. DiBiasio Outstanding Club Award took place on September 13th, 2014 in Arlington, VA at the NRA Board of Directors meeting. Phillipsburg Pistol Club (PPC), of Phillipsburg NJ was selected by the NRA Clubs & Associations Committee, as the 2013 Outstanding Club award winner! The following requirements were challenging; community involvement — member participation — NRA membership strength — newsletter offerings to the club members and the community at large. The PPC, established in 1961, has sponsored many events to include a hero’s welcome for the Wounded Warriors and their families at our range on Howard Street. We’ve also hosted the NRA Women On Target® 20 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Winter 2014 /2015

(WOT) classes for the last two years, and safely trained over 58 women in the shooting sports. This was accomplished by our all-female training team of NRA Certified Instructors. In partnership with Northampton Community College in Bethlehem, PA, various firearms courses are now offered in the college’s Continuing Education (non-credit) catalog for the public to attend at a moderate cost. These are held either at our range or at the Fowler Campus in Bethlehem. The club is not only a longtime member of the Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Club, but is also a current member of the Civilian Marksmanship Program. Five PPC members went out to Port Clinton, OH to become CMP GSM Certified Instructors. The Boys Scouts of

America are constantly welcomed to our range for their Merit Badge workshops. Three of our instructors are BSA Certified Merit Badge Counselors. The number of NRA Certified Instructors is 34, along with 4 Training Counselors that are on the membership rolls. Training, whether it be a formal NRA course or just fine tuning of one’s marksmanship, is always available to the membership. We used to call ourselves “the little club that could”… now we look at ourselves as the little club that could…and did! For more information: contact Joe Westf ield via phone at 908-884-9877 or via email at jwestf

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Winter 2014 /2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 21

Franklin Revolver & R i f l e Association

Receives Grant From


Friends of NRA

ecently, the 2014 North West Jersey Friends of NRA Annual Freedom Banquet was held at Crystal Springs in Hardyston, NJ. This event was well-attended with over 250 people and featured live and silent auctions, games, drawings, new and exciting firearms, art, jewelry and great camaraderie amongst attendees. 50% of the net proceeds from these events benefit local New Jersey programs and projects. A highlight of the evening was event chairperson, Maria Alampi called Franklin Revolver & Rifle Association President, Chuck Hughes to the podium to receive a Friends of NRA Grant. This money allows the gun club to continue its community service programs such as their Girls, Guys & Guns Day and Junior Rifle Program provided to the public at no charge. The Friends of NRA not only supply ammunition, ear and eye protection for

these events, but this year gave new .22 rifles to the club to expand their Junior Rifle Program. Over 30 members of Franklin Revolver & Rifle Association were in attendance at the banquet to appreciate the moment. Girls, Guys & Guns is a hands-on introduction to firearms safety and basic pistol shooting provided for men and women 21 years-of-age and over. It is held on the third Sunday in July, with club members providing their services as personal coaches and instructors. The Junior Rifle Program runs one evening a week for eight weeks in the summer months, and is provided for youth 12 years-of-age and over to learn firearm safety and sportsmanship with the .22 rifle. Club members also provide their services as coaches and instructors for this program. For more information on these and other club events call (973) 383-4994.

Visit the Franklin Revolver & Rife Association website at

22 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Winter 2014 /2015


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Winter 2014 /2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 23





by Linda Dillon, Secretary of Hollywood Rifle & Pistol Club


n the 1920’s, there was a great land boom and construction began on hotels, businesses and new homes in the area which was soon to be called Hollywood, Florida. Solid rock foundations were required for the new construction and “ojus rock” was dug for this purpose from remotely located pits. These rock pits became favorite gathering spots where individuals could shoot whatever firearms they owned. The Hollywood Rifle and Pistol Club (HRPC) came to life from one of those pits, in the original location where it remains today, more than 80 years later. There were 19 charter members and dues were $2 per year. Family members were included.

In 1935, the newly organized club applied for affiliation with the National Rifle Association of America. Club dues to the NRA were $51 and all club members were also required to be individual members. We were accepted as a 100% “Class A” organization and were the first private rifle and pistol club in the State of Florida to be affiliated. In March 1937, we held our first NRA registered competition. The firing line was rock, approximately 75 feet wide, and could accommodate 15 prone smallbore rifle shooters. HRPC maintained a reputation as a smallbore rifle club until 1958, when the pistol shooters organized. Dues increased to $10. All wives were given free associate memberships. In 1964, our junior members were approved by the NRA under the classification “Junior Division”. In 1969, we held the first NRA approved 1800 pistol championships which eventually were expanded to “Bullseye 2700’s”. Over the next 40 years, numerous National records were set on our range, we sent seven juniors to the Nationals, dozens of members in various disciplines became “Distinguished”, National titles were won, and two of our senior members were named among the NRA Top 100 Shooters in the USA based on their scores at NRA Sanctioned Matches. 24 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Winter 2014 /2015

In 2002, the HRPC was recognized as an NRA Gold Medal Club, a designation maintained ever since. In 2009, we received the first of several NRA grants which have allowed us to make major improvements to our facility. Today, with a total of 340 members, the HRPC is stronger than ever. There is no doubt, however, that the NRA has contributed greatly to our success. This coming year, we will be celebrating 80 years of continuous affiliation with the NRA, and we are extremely grateful for the many years of support. The most recent grant for 2014/2015 is icing on the proverbial cake. We truly appreciate being recipients, and we look forward to expanding our steel safety baffle system. As we are now surrounded by office buildings, a mobile home park and individual residences, it is now more important than ever to be able to protect our neighbors as well as our “treasure in the City”. Thanks to the generosity of the NRA, we will be able to fulfill this goal. Linda Dillon – HRPC Secretary (With special recognition to member Kay Ellington for providing and maintaining historical data.)



The Less Fortunate of Ashe County, NC Benefit from the Sharp Aim of Local Hunters by Bill Burkett, ACWC Hunters for the Hungry, Program Coordinator


or the fifth year, the Ashe County Wildlife Club (ACWC) is spearheading the local Hunters for the Hungry campaign. Hunters for the Hungry is a volunteer program where hunters who have already filled their own freezers for the year can continue the challenge of hunting deer. All harvested deer can be taken to an Ashe County meat processor who grinds that meat into meals that are distributed to local charities. “This is a great program the Wildlife Club discovered. The hunters in our club can continue to harvest deer, knowing that at no cost to them the deer will be processed to feed the people in Ashe County who need the help,” said Bill Burkett, who coordinates the program for the club. “The cost of processing the meat is picked up by the club and donations from organizations like the National Wild Turkey Federation and area churches. So far, I have four churches willing to take up collections for Hunters for the Hungry. I would like every church in the county to consider designating one extra collection to this program with the knowledge that all of the money raised in Ashe County stays in Ashe County. They can earmark the money for Hunters for the Hungry and send it to Ashe Baptist Association, P.O. Box 850, Jefferson, N.C. 28640.”

Last year 59 deer were processed into 9,440 meals. Each deer costs around $40 to $50 to process into the meals. That gives non-hunters an opportunity to participate in the program by making financial contributions to process the deer. The Ashe County Wildlife Club maintains a club house near Laurel Springs with rifle, shotgun, pistol and archery ranges. Membership is $125 for the first year and $100 for each following year. Lifetime membership plans are available. The club hosted the national 100 and 200 yard national championship for the International Benchrest Shooters this year.

For hunter or donor questions, contact Bill Burkett at 336-982-2922.

For more information on Hunters for the Hungry, please visit

Winter 2014 /2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 25


Rod and Gun Club

Makes Advancements Through Grant Funding


ust like many other small trap clubs in the state, our own club had an old building, worn out target throwers, and an endless list of other projects that needed to be done. Due to our membership population growing older, we didn’t have a good base of younger individuals to continue the club into the future. In the last five years, our club decided to do something about it! We needed to get our club set up so we could further educate, train, and inspire youth. Youth members are the base of our organization. They are the future decision makers and leaders of our club. We started our project by building a new Youth/Education Building in 2010. Through our member’s hard work, we raised money through raffles to fund our facility. We now have a climate controlled environment where we teach firearm safety, trappers classes, and more. There has been an increase in trap shooters with the new facility. Parents and kids have started noticing what our club was doing. As we were fixing the place up; more of the parents that used to belong to the club are coming back. They had either done firearm training through us or had come out to shoot years ago. Now, there is some interest to start being part of our club again. We then were approached by our local school board. Kimball High School was interested in being a part of the Minnesota State High School Clay Target League. They wanted us to back them and provide the facility. This was great to hear! The only problem was our trap fields are getting old. Concrete was broken up, houses were dilapidated, and throwers were breaking down constantly. What do we do? We held another raffle! Money was raised to build new trap fields, houses, and to get new throwers. With the increase in youth sportsman involved in our club, we wanted our facility to be turn-key operational. 26 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Winter 2014 /2015

That’s when we thought of applying for a grant from The NRA Foundation in 2013. Throwers were going to be about $8,000 each and we wanted three of them! We applied for the grant last summer, telling them the same story that I am sharing with you now. We asked for some money to purchase a thrower or possibly to get a new thrower donated. To our surprise we got both! The NRA Foundation donated $4,500 to purchase a thrower and also donated a Promatic Thrower. The NRA Foundation holds their own raffles every year to help raise money for clubs like ours. It is local dollars that were donated to them and returned back to local organizations. We can’t thank The NRA Foundation enough. During the spring of 2014, the Kimball Rod and Gun Club were proud sponsors of the Kimball High School

Clay Target Team. Our team had 19 athletes with many of them and their parents now involved with our organization. Our athletes had a great first year with our team competing at “state”. During the course of spring/summer of 2014 we built three new trap fields, three new trap houses, and installed three new trap throwers. Our overall plan was coming together. The NRA took notice as well and our club and high school trap team were featured on the "CAM & CO” show!

Recently the MN DNR took notice of the success of the MN State High School Clay Target League and how many youth were involved in this shooting sport. They decided to donate over 1 million dollars to clubs across the state to make trap range improvements. Our club decided to apply for the grant. It is a matching funds grant. The DNR will pay 50% and the clubs would pay 50% for any range improvements that they would do. We applied and were successful! Our club will be receiving $17,810 from the MN DNR, this money must be matched by our own $17,810. This money will help us finish our projects. We plan on building a fourth trap house, pouring concrete for sidewalks to access the trap fields, provide more sound abatement, and more. A huge “Thank You” goes to The NRA Foundation, MN DNR, as well as our current President Mark Almgren and Treasurer Lonnie Hendricks. These two individuals have been the backbone of our organization and have put in a priceless amount of voluntary hours to make our club what it is today. I am proud to say that I am a member of the Kimball Rod and Gun Club, the NRA, and one of the coaches of the Kimball High School Clay Target Team. I hope someday that we have inspired one of our youth athletes to lead our organization and help educate, train, and inspire the next generation of members.

Robert Kuechle

Secretary Kimball Rod and Gun Club Winter 2014 /2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 27

NRA Affiliated State Associations ALAL STATE STATE RIFLE RIFLE && PISTOL PISTOL ASS'N ASS'N 2009 2009 Rogers Rogers DrDr Huntsville, Huntsville, ALAL 35811 35811 256-534-7968 256-534-7968 • • James Moses, President James Moses, President AK AK OUTDOOR OUTDOOR COUNCIL, COUNCIL, INC. INC. 310 310 KK StSt SteSte 200 200 Anchorage, AK 99501 Anchorage, AK 99501 907-264-6645 907-264-6645 • • Rod Arno, Exe. Director Rod Arno, Exe. Director AZAZ STATE STATE RIFLE RIFLE && PISTOL PISTOL ASS'N ASS'N P.O. Box 74424 P.O. Box 74424 New New River, River, AZAZ 85087 85087 623-687-4251 623-687-4251 • • Noble C. Hathaway, President Noble C. Hathaway, President ARAR RIFLE RIFLE && PISTOL PISTOL ASS’N ASS’N P.O. Box 2348 P.O. Box 2348 Conway, AR 72033 Conway, AR 72033 501-327-4702 501-327-4702 • • Ann Fairless, Sec./Treas. Ann Fairless, Sec./Treas. RIFLE PISTOL ASS'N, INC. CACA RIFLE && PISTOL ASS'N, INC. 271 E Imperial Hwy Ste 620 271 E Imperial Hwy Ste 620 Fullerton, CA 92835 Fullerton, CA 92835 714-992-2772 714-992-2772 John C. Fields, Exec. Director • • John C. Fields, Exec. Director CO STATE SHOOTING ASS'N CO STATE SHOOTING ASS'N 609 W Littleton Blvd Ste 206 609 W Littleton Blvd Ste 206 Littleton, CO 80120 Littleton, CO 80120 720-283-1376 720-283-1376 • • Tony Fabian, President Tony Fabian, President CT STATE RIFLE && REVOLVER ASS'N CT STATE RIFLE REVOLVER ASS'N P.O. Box 754 P.O. Box 754 North Haven, CT 06473 North Haven, CT 06473 860-480-4600 860-480-4600 • • Shelly Albino, President Shelly Albino, President DE STATE SPORTSMEN’S ASS'N DE STATE SPORTSMEN’S ASS'N P.O. Box 94 P.O. Box 94 Lincoln, DE 19960 Lincoln, DE 19960 302-475-4228 302-475-4228 • • Daniel Lindberg, Vice President Daniel Lindberg, Vice President FLFL SPORT SHOOTING ASS'N, INC. SPORT SHOOTING ASS'N, INC. 14629 SW 104 StSt #188 14629 SW 104 #188 Miami, FL 33186 Miami, FL 33186 407-701-1030 407-701-1030 • • Robert Stokes, President Robert Stokes, President

GA SPORT SHOOTING ASS’N GA SPORT SHOOTING ASS’N PO Box 1733 PO Box 1733 Macon, GA 31202 Macon, GA 31202 478-955-7068 478-955-7068 • • Tom Patton, Secretary/Treasurer Tom Patton, Secretary/Treasurer HIHI RIFLE ASSOCIATION RIFLE ASSOCIATION PO Box 543 PO Box 543 Kailua, HI 96734 Kailua, HI 96734 808-306-7194 808-306-7194 • • Harvey F. Gerwig, President Harvey F. Gerwig, President IDID STATE RIFLE && PISTOL ASS’N STATE RIFLE PISTOL ASS’N PO Box 140293 PO Box 140293 Boise, ID 83714-4183 Boise, ID 83714-4183 208-452-4183 208-452-4183 • • Neill Goodfellow, President Neill Goodfellow, President ILIL STATE RIFLE ASS'N, INC. STATE RIFLE ASS'N, INC. P.O. Box 637 P.O. Box 637 Chatsworth, IL 60921 Chatsworth, IL 60921 815-635-3198 815-635-3198 • • Richard Pearson, Exe. Director Richard Pearson, Exe. Director ININ STATE RIFLE && PISTOL ASS'N, INC. STATE RIFLE PISTOL ASS'N, INC. 7527 State Route 56 7527 State Route 56 Rising Sun, IN 47040 Rising Sun, IN 47040 812-534-3258 812-534-3258 • • Jerry Wehner, President Jerry Wehner, President IAIA STATE RIFLE && PISTOL ASS’N STATE RIFLE PISTOL ASS’N 240 Prospect Road 240 Prospect Road North Liberty, IA 52317-9660 North Liberty, IA 52317-9660 319-626-2710 319-626-2710 • • John Klopfenstein, President John Klopfenstein, President KSKS STATE RIFLE ASS'N STATE RIFLE ASS'N P.O. Box 219 P.O. Box 219 Bonner Springs, KS 66012 Bonner Springs, KS 66012 913-608-1910 913-608-1910 • • Patricia Stoneking, President Patricia Stoneking, President L OF KY SPORTSMEN, INC. L OF KY SPORTSMEN, INC. 2500 Handy’s Bend Road 2500 Handy’s Bend Road Wilmore, KY 40390 Wilmore, KY 40390 859-351-7113 859-351-7113 Thomas J. Mansfield, NRA Liaison • • Thomas J. Mansfield, NRA Liaison SHOOTING ASS'N LALASHOOTING ASS'N 350 Quill Ct. 350 Quill Ct. Slidell, LA 70461 Slidell, LA 70461 985-781-4174 985-781-4174 Daniel Zelenka II, President • • Daniel Zelenka II, President

(ME) PINE TREE STATE R&P ASS'N, INC (ME) PINE TREE STATE R&P ASS'N, INC PO Box 373 PO Box 373 Yarmouth, ME 04096 Yarmouth, ME 04096 207-882-4713 207-882-4713 Ronald Vaillancourt, President • • Ronald Vaillancourt, President MD STATE RIFLE PISTOL ASS'N MD STATE RIFLE && PISTOL ASS'N 341 Whitfield Rd 341 Whitfield Rd Catonsville, MD 21228 Catonsville, MD 21228 410-838-1734 410-838-1734 Margaret Clarke, President • • Margaret Clarke, President (MA) GUN OWNERS’ ACTION (MA) GUN OWNERS’ ACTION LL PO Box 567, 361 W Main St PO Box 567, 361 W Main St Northboro, MA 01606 Northboro, MA 01606 508-393-5333 508-393-5333 James Wallace, Exe. Director • • James Wallace, Exe. Director MI RIFLE PISTOL ASS’N MI RIFLE && PISTOL ASS’N P.O. Box 71 P.O. Box 71 Marshall, MI 49068-0071 Marshall, MI 49068-0071 269-781-1223 269-781-1223 Charles Hayes, Secretary • • Charles Hayes, Secretary MN RIFLE REVOLVER ASS'N, INC. MN RIFLE && REVOLVER ASS'N, INC. 4737 CR 101, Box 114 4737 CR 101, Box 114 Minnetonka, MN 55345-2634 Minnetonka, MN 55345-2634 320-968-6898 320-968-6898 George Minerich, President • • George Minerich, President MS STATE FIREARM OWNERS ASS'N MS STATE FIREARM OWNERS ASS'N PO Box 1061 PO Box 1061 McComb, MS 39649 McComb, MS 39649 601-341-8797 601-341-8797 Douglas Bowser, President • • Douglas Bowser, President MO SPORT SHOOTING ASS’N MO SPORT SHOOTING ASS’N PO Box 209 PO Box 209 Winfield, MO 63389 Winfield, MO 63389 314-440-3811 314-440-3811 Mike Kight, Secretary • • Mike Kight, Secretary MT RIFLE PISTOL ASS’N MT RIFLE && PISTOL ASS’N P.O. Box 48 P.O. Box 48 Ramsay, MT 59748 Ramsay, MT 59748 406-868-4181 406-868-4181 Zona Mowrer, Secretary • • Zona Mowrer, Secretary NE MARKSMANSHIP ASS’N NE MARKSMANSHIP ASS’N PO Box 390311 PO Box 390311 Omaha, NE 68139 Omaha, NE 68139 402-933-4881 402-933-4881 Bill Keil, President • • Bill Keil, President

NRA Clubs & Associations • 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 •

NRA NRA Affiliated Affiliated State State Associations Associations NV FIREARMS COALITION 5575 Simmons St, Ste I-176 5575 Simmons St, Ste I-176 North Las Vegas, NV 89031 North Las Vegas, NV 89031 702-353-5935 702-353-5935 • Don Turner, President Don Turner, President GUN OWNERS OF NH, INC. P.O. P.O. Box 847 Box 847 Concord, Concord, NH 03302-0487 NH 03302-0487 603-225-4664 • Mitch Kopacz, President Mitch Kopacz, President ASS'N OF NJ R&P CLUBS, INC. 55 Sicomac Rd Ste 292 Sicomac Rd Ste 292 North North Haledon, NJ 07508 Haledon, NJ 07508 973-697-9270 973-697-9270 • Scott Scott L. Bach, Exe. Director L. Bach, Exe. Director NM SHOOTING SPORTS ASS'N, INC. P.O. P.O. Box 20787 Box 20787 Albuquerque, Albuquerque, NM 87154 NM 87154 505-286-8449 Dye, President • Gayle Gayle Dye, President NY STATE R&P ASS’N, INC. 90 90 S. Swan Street Suite 395 S. Swan Street Suite 395 Albany, Albany, NY 12210 NY 12210 518-272-2654 • Tom Tom King, President King, President NC RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N P.O. P.O. Box 4116 Box 4116 Pinehurst, Pinehurst, NC 28374 NC 28374 910-295-7220 Prest, Secretary • David David Prest, Secretary ND SHOOTING SPORTS ASS'N P.O. P.O. Box 228 Box 228 Bismarck, Bismarck, ND 58502 ND 58502 701-255-4601 701-255-4601 • Rich Rich Butler, President Butler, President OH RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N P.O. P.O. Box 1201 Box 1201 Morehead, Morehead, KY 40351-5201 KY 40351-5201 513-426-7944 513-426-7944 • Bob Bob Sacco, President Sacco, President OK RIFLE ASS'N P.O. Box 850927 P.O. Box 850927 Yukon, OK 73085-0927 Yukon, OK 73085-0927 405-324-8498 405-324-8498 Charles Smith, Executive Director • Charles Smith, Executive Director

OR STATE SHOOTING ASS’N 34423 Brewster Rd 34423 Brewster Rd Lebanon, OR 97333 Lebanon, OR 97333 541-409-3358 541-409-3358 Nelson Shaw, President • Nelson Shaw, President PA RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N 1573 Chestnut Grove Hwy 1573 Chestnut Grove Hwy Grampian, PA 16838 Grampian, PA 16838 814-236-0708 Jack Lee, President • Jack Lee, President GUN RIGHTS & SAFETY ASS'N OF PR PO Box 191919 PO Box 191919 San Juan, PR 00919-1919 San Juan, PR 00919-1919 Rafael Torres, President • Rafael Torres, President 787-691-1919 RI 2ⁿd AMENDMENT COALITION 928 Atwood Ave 928 Atwood Ave Johnston, RI 02919 Johnston, RI 02919 401-944-1600 Frank Saccoccio • Frank Saccoccio GUN OWNERS OF SC P.O. Box 211 P.O. Box 211 Little Mountain, SC 29075 Little Mountain, SC 29075 803-345-5761 Gerald Stoudemire • Gerald Stoudemire SD SHOOTING SPORTS ASS'N PO Box 3 PO Box 3 Dell Rapids, SD 57022 Dell Rapids, SD 57022 605-428-5488 605-428-5488 Tom Raines, President Raines, President • Tom TN SHOOTING SPORTS ASS'N, INC. 6653 Jocelyn Hollow Road 6653 Jocelyn Hollow Road Nashville, TN 37205 Nashville, TN 37205 615-352-3954 • Ray Harvey, President Ray Harvey, President

VT FED'N OF SPRTMN’S CLUBS, INC. PO PO Box 225 Box 225 Lyndonville, Lyndonville, VT 05851 VT 05851 802-535-7111 • Evan Evan Hughes, VP/NRA Liason Hughes, VP/NRA Liason VA SHOOTING SPORTS ASS’N P.O. Box 1258 P.O. Box 1258 Orange, Orange, VA 22960 VA 22960 540-672-5848 Lucien Charette, Exec. Director • Lucien Charette, Exec. Director WA STATE R&P ASS'N, INC. 17541 Fremont Ave N 17541 Fremont Ave N Shore Line, WA 98113 Shore Line, WA 98113 206-427-8257 206-427-8257 • James Crosier, President James Crosier, President WV STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N P.O. Box 2504 P.O. Box 2504 Buckhannon, WV 26201 Buckhannon, WV 26201 304-472-5174 • Amy Tenney, Treasurer Amy Tenney, Treasurer WI F.O.R.C.E. PO Box 583 PO Box 583 Merton, WI 53056 Merton, WI 53056 920-687-0505 • Ted Weber, President Ted Weber, President WY STATE SHOOTING ASS'N, INC. 625 Sweetwater St 625 Sweetwater St Lander, WY 82520-3044 Lander, WY 82520-3044 307-335-9323 • Roger Sebesta, Secy/Treas Roger Sebesta, Secy/Treas

TX STATE RIFLE ASS'N 8411 8411 N. IH 35 N. IH 35 Austin, Austin, TX 78753 TX 78753 512-615-4200 • Jan Jumper, Asst. Director Jan Jumper, Asst. Director UT STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N 5926 S Fashion Point Dr #200 5926 S Fashion Point Dr #200 Ogden, UT 84403 Ogden, UT 84403 801-499-9763 • Elwood P. Powell, President Elwood P. Powell, President

NRA Clubs & Associations • 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 •

NRA Field Representative Directory EASTERN REGION Eastern Regional Director Director Bryan Hoover Hoover Area 1 (ME, NH, VT) VT) Brian Smith Smith Area 2 (NY) (NY) Jay Jay Rusnock Rusnock Area 3 (CT, MA, RI, NJ, Lower NY) NY) Jim Reardon Reardon Area 4 (DE, Eastern PA) PA) Kory Enck Enck Area 5 (Western PA) PA) Thomas Baldrige Baldrige Area 7 (WV, Western VA, Western MD) MD) Jim Kilgore Kilgore Area 12 (Southern OH) OH) Andrew Root Root Area 45 (DC, Eatern MD, Eastern VA) VA) David Wells Wells Area 49 (Northern OH) OH) Marc Peugeot Peugeot

CENTRAL REGION Central Regional Director Director Chad Franklin Franklin Area 13 (Northern MO) Travis Scott Scott Area 14 (IN) (IN) Craig Craig Haggard Haggard Area 15 (KY) John (KY) John LaRowe LaRowe Area 17 (WI) Scott (WI) Scott Taetsch Taetsch Area 18 (Northern IL) IL) Michael Huber Huber Area 19 (MO) Gregg Pearre Pearre Area 23 (IA, NE) NE) Tim Bacon Bacon Area 51 (MI) Allan (MI) Allan Herman Herman Area 52 (Southern IL) IL) Donald Higgs Higgs

SOUTHERN REGION Southern Regional Director Director Al Hammond Hammond Area 8 (Eastern NC) NC) Lloyd Edwards Edwards Area 9 (SC) Charles Johnson Johnson Area 10 (GA) (GA) VACANT VACANT Area 11 (Northern FL) FL) Patrick “Bret” Eldridge Eldridge Area 16 (LA) Chad (LA) Chad Bowen Bowen Area 22 (AL, MS) MS) Gene Newman Newman Area 42 (Western NC) NC) Robert Doug Merrill Merrill Area 43 (TN) Mike (TN) Mike Webb Webb Area 48 (Southern FL) FL) Tom Knight Knight

NRA Clubs & Associations • 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 •

NRA Field Representative Directory MID MIDWEST WESTREGION REGION Mid Mid West West Regional Regional Director Director Tom Tom Ulik Ulik Area Area 2020 (OK) Darren (OK) Darren DeLong DeLong Area Area 2424 (KS) Rick (KS) Rick Chrisman Chrisman Chris Area Area 2525 (Northern (Northern TX) TX) Chris Griffin Griffin LizLiz Area Area 2626 (Southern (Southern TX) TX) Foley Foley Area Area 2727 (NM) Peter (NM) Peter Ide Ide Area Area 3030 (CO) Brad (CO) Brad Dreier Dreier Area Area 3939 (AR) Erica (AR) Erica Willard Willard-Dunn Area Area 4747 (Western (Western TX) TX) Jack Cannon Cannon Jack

WESTERN WESTERNREGION REGION Western Regional Director Brad Kruger Western Regional Director Brad Kruger Area 21 (MN) Eric Linder Area 21 (MN) Eric Linder Area 2828 (MT) Joseph Crismore Area (MT) Joseph Crismore Area 2929 (WY) David Manzer Area (WY) David Manzer Area 3333 (ID) Steve Vreeland Area (ID) Steve Vreeland Area 34 (HI, OR) Carey Mike Area 34 (HI, OR) Mike Carey Area 3838 (Southern AK) Stephens Greg Area (Southern AK) Greg Stephens Area 4040 (WA) Jim Windrem Area (WA) VACANT Pederson Area 4141 (ND, SD) Clay Area (ND, SD) Clay Pederson Josh Area 53 (Northern AK) Toennessen Area 53 (Northern AK) Josh Toennessen


Director Jason Quick Southwestern Regional Southwestern Regional Director Jason Quick Area 6 (NV) Steve Wilson Area 6 (NV) Steve Wilson Area 3131 (AZ) Winston Pendelton Area (AZ) Winston Pendelton Kendall Area 3232 (UT) John Area (UT) John Kendall Daniel Wilhelm Area 3535 (Northern CA) Area (Northern CA) Daniel Wilhelm Mike Area 36 (Southern CA) Davis Area 36 (Southern CA) Mike Davis Paul Area 3737 (Central CA) Rodarmel Area (Central CA) Paul Rodarmel Cole Beverly Area 4646 (Eastern CA) Area (Eastern CA) Cole Beverly Bob Area 5050 (Mid California) Anderson Area (Mid California) Bob Anderson

NRA Clubs & Associations • 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 •

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Recreational Programs & Ranges 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, VA 22030 m a g a z i n e

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