NRA Club Connection - Winter 2018-2019

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President's Column: Every Election Matters

Cover Story: 2018 NRA Youth Wildlife Art Contest Winners

Club Spotlight: 100th Anniversary of the Carson Rifle and Pistol Club

Hunter's Update:

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NRA Hunters For The Hungry


Sportsmen in PA Provide 200K Meals!


A Conservation Officer’s View on How Hunters Care


Kudos to Virginia’s Hunters for the Hungry Program


NRA Hunter Education Online Course Now Available in WV


NRA-ILA Update: 2017-2018 Award Winners

NRA Youth Programs Update:


Y.E.S. Alumni Receive Scholarships for Leading the Legacy


Looking Back at Y.E.S. 2018


Editor: Son Nguyen, National Manager Clubs & Associations and Range Services

Planning Your 2019 Brownells/NRA Day Event


Design & Layout: Stephen Czarnik, Sr. Program Coord. Clubs & Associations

NRA Education & Training Update: NRA CCW Training

NRA Adaptive Shooting Programs: Range in a Box

NRA Business Alliance Update: The Benefits of Using FFL BizHub

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(800) NRA-Club (672-2582)

Published quarterly by the National Rifle Association of America Recreational Programs & Ranges Division © Copyright 2019 National Rifle Association

NRA Clubs & Associations • 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 • (800) NRA-Club •


president’s column

Mentor a New Matters Shooter, Every Election Save Second Amendment lections the matter. Votes do count—somepresidents almost always lose some seats in

E M By Pete R. Brownell LtCol Oliver L. North, President USMC (Ret.) President


Pete R.L.Brownell Oliver North President President Richard Childress Childress Richard First Vice Vice President President First Carolyn D. D. Meadows Meadows Carolyn Second Vice Vice President President Second Wayne LaPierre LaPierre Wayne Executive Vice Vice President President Executive John Frazer Frazer John Secretary Secretary

WilsonSpray H. Phillips Jr. Craig Treasurer Treasurer

Josh Powell Joseph P. DeBergalis, Jr. Josh Powell Director, Executive Director, Director, Executive General Operations Operations General Christopher W. W. Cox Cox Christopher Executive Director, Director, Executive Institute For For Legislative Legislative Institute Action Action

For news news about about your your NRA, NRA, For visit: and and visit: Share this this column column online online at at Share


times for a generation and beyond. ay has been designated NRA I am not just referring to the recent Mentor Initiative month. The NRA, midterm elections. Let’s start with 2016, that with support from the firearm inpivotal year when NRA members helped dustry, has designed an initiative with a very elect President Donald Trump. simple objective; we are calling on each of That election has mattered. A lot. our 5-million-and-growing NRA members— As one of the most openly pro-Second and everyone else in the firearm commuAmendment presidents in modern history, nity—to find someone who has never fired a Mr. Trump has stood firm in his defense firearm before, take them to the range and of our freedom. Not a single anti-Second help them put their first rounds on target. Amendment measure has been adopted at There’s no better way to inform Americans the federal level in the last two years—despite on the Second Amendment than to provide fierce, even sometimes violent, protests a positive, first-hand experience. It’s been my and calls for restrictions on our rights. The experience that within minutes of the safety president has remained rock-solid against the briefing, a lesson on marksmanship and the anti-Second Amendment national media and first pull of the trigger, all of the preconresolute in his defense of individual liberty. ceived notions and media-fueled biases melt With the exception of ensuring our away, leaving only an excited smile and a national defense, perhaps no presidential desire for more. action is more important than the appointWhether your newcomer ultimately joins ment of justices to the U.S. Supreme Court. the firearm community or simply walks away When Justice Antonin Scalia unexpectedly more informed, they’ve left learning some passed away, the appointment of Justice Neil invaluable lessons—not the least of which is Gorsuch to replace him was critical. But the gun safety. I would also hope the next time confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh was they hear a discussion regarding firearms, monumental! His confirmation should secure gun rights or gun owners that doesn’t relate a pro-Second Amendment Supreme Court with their own, first-hand experience, they majority for decades. will be much more likely to see and call out The election of Trump has also resulted bogus information for what it is. Perhaps in significant, positive changes throughout more importantly, they will be inclined to the federal judiciary. As Randy Barnett, a speak up and set the record straight for libertarian legal scholar and Georgetown those less informed. Law professor said about Trump’s election, It’s often said, “A lie will make its way “The president only has power to do so many around the globe before the truth can get impactful things on his own. This was a pivotal its boots laced up.” Sadly, plenty of media moment for the conservative legal movement. outlets are happy to give globe-trotting They have new life.” untruths a free ride. Each and every person New life, indeed. The president has already who knows the facts can serve as a stoplight placed 29 new appointees on the 12 regional long enough for the truth about firearms and circuit courts. One out of six federal appeals gun owners to catch up. judges are Trump appointees. And there will The benefits of mentorship don’t end likely be many more over the next two years. there. Serving as a mentor is also a great Trump’s 84 judicial appointments to date, refresher course in gun safety and markson federal and appellate courts, far exceed manship for yourself. Plus, you’re doing the pace set by President Barack Obama in your part to improve public safety. A more his first two years. knowledgeable firearm owner in a commuLegal analysts agree these presidential nity makes a positive overall difference to appointments could have a profound effect everyone’s safety. for decades to come. This bodes well for NRA This mentoring initiative is an extension members and all freedom-loving Americans. of NRA’s founding principles—providing Without doubt, the 2016 election mattered. gun safety, training and education to all So did 2018. Americans. By becoming a mentor, you get The past midterms were not the waterto introduce the training process to a newshed, blue-wave election for which the liberal comer. While we advise all new shooters to democratic socialists hoped. It was, in fact, train with NRA Certified Instructors, we recoga pretty typical midterm year in which the nize that many people are more comfortable political party holding the White House getting started with a knowledgeable friend usually loses ground. Going all the way back or loved one. to the days of my old boss, Ronald Reagan, may 2018 ❘

January 2019

Congress during the midterms. This mentorship effort reminds me of a The difference now is in the aggressivequestion I sometimes hear, “What is the NRA ness of the new socialists-driven leadership doing for me today?” I challenge you to ask in the House of Representatives. Many of yourself, “What am I doing for the Second them openly campaigned on impeaching the Amendment and America?” I suggest you president, savaging his administration, even can do something for America, for our dismantling our NRA and destroying the treasured Second Amendment today after Second Amendment. you finish reading this. You can get up, make New York Congressman Jerrold Nadler, a phone call and take your niece, nephew, now Chairman of the House Judiciary neighbor, grandson, granddaughter or friend Committee, has even talked about reviewing to the shooting range. the Kavanaugh confirmation to the Supreme It’s on all of us to be chief ambassadors Court—seemingly as if that appointment can for the Second Amendment and to ensure somehow be un-done! its viability for generations to come. It’s no The last election matters because of three secret, more and more young Americans grow important things we will all now be subjected up in urban environments void of family and to for the next two years. friends to teach them about responsible fireOne: House Democrats will go after arm ownership. Frighteningly, more and more the president with every tool in the box. young Americans are learning about guns Investigations into the president, his family from television news stories, movies, video and his personal life—even his life before he games or newspaper headlines. The best way was elected. They’ll investigate and dig and to counteract misinformation gained from any throw dirt at the president, his family and of these sources is to help people learn the staff, Cabinet secretaries and their staff. All truth through first-hand experiences. of it aimed at tearing down the president to defeat him in 2020. The anti-Second Amendment leaderTOTwo: HELP YOU GET ship in the House will come after our firearms STARTED AS Abefore. MENTOR, freedoms like never They wantIgun bans and registration schemes—measures ENCOURAGE YOU TO VISIT that prevent honest gun owners from transNRAPUBLICATIONS. ferring a firearm to a friend or family member—federal licensing and increased taxes on ORG/MENTOR firearms and ammunition. have the backing of the so-called TOThey’ll DOWNLOAD “mainstream media” and millions of dolA FREE COPY lars in funding from super-rich anti-Second Amendment oligarchs. OF THE NRA’S They will call them “gun control mea“A GUIDE FORpart of their plan to sures,” but it’s really disarm America—all of it aimed at seizing our NEW SHOOTERS.” freedom … and our firearms … and weakening the NRA going into 2020. We’ve all had mentors in Three: Get ready for the 2020 elections. life. Virtually all of us owe our successes to That campaign has already started. Elizabeth the critical guidance of at least a handful Warren, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Beto of people. We remember those people; we O’Rourke, Joe Biden, even Hillary Clinton … hold them in high regard, and in many ways and a crowd of others … are already considwe emulate them in our everyday lives. This ering a run for president. is your opportunity to be that person for Campaign war chests and organizations someone else. are being built right now, many with millions Do your part to keep our communities already in the bank—all of it aimed at winning safer, to keep our kids on the right track the White House and imposing anti-freedom and to forever secure our precious Second democratic socialism upon the rest of us. Amendment. Elections matter. None more than the Become a mentor. next one.

14 ❘ Winter 2018-19 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 1 american rifleman

Cover Story


he George Montgomery/NRA Youth Wildlife Art Contest offers young artists interested in hunting and wildlife an outlet to use their creative talent, practice artistic techniques, and refine wildlife identification skills through the creation of original works. This contest encourages youth to nurture their interest for the visual arts, hunting, and wildlife conservation. It also reinforces the positive effects of hunting and wildlife conservation with the public at large. The 31st Annual George Montgomery/NRA Youth Wildlife Art Contest was held this past November at NRA Headquarters in Fairfax, Virginia, and featured 350 incredible entries submitted by young artists from all over the United States. Begun in 1987, the Youth Wildlife Art Contest challenges students to create exceptional works of art depicting North American wildlife and offers $7,000 in cash prizes. The contest started out small with a specific goal: to foster young artists’ enthusiasm for the outdoors through letting them practice their animal identification skills and expand their knowledge on the continent’s indigenous wildlife. Over the years the contest has grown in size substantially and many past winners have gone on to make successful careers as professional artists. It makes us proud that the contest’s message has resonated with young artists, who carefully study an animal and hone their techniques to not just accurately depict a species, but to give their entry life. The Youth Wildlife Art Contest is open to any student in grades 1 through 12, including children who are home-schooled, and does not require NRA membership to participate. Any North American game bird or animal that may be legally hunted or trapped is eligible to be depicted. Endangered species and non-game animals, such as eagles and snakes, are not eligible subjects. In an effort to level the field of competition and recognize skilled artists of all ages besides the most talented high school seniors, the contest is divided into four categories based on the entrant’s school grade. Although many artist begin at different ages and advance at varying rates, grade-based categories are easiest way to fairly group artists with similar skills. Judges select first, second, and third place entries in each category, which receive respective prizes of $750, $500, and $250. A Best In Show award, selected from among all entries across all categories, receives a $1,000 prize. With 350 entries from across the United States, the National Rifle Association would like to congratulate the winners of the 2018 George Montgomery/NRA Youth Wildlife Art Contest.

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BestIn Show: Emma VanderVort Lynden WA

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Category 1: 1st Jayden Cheuk Chandler, AZ

Category 1: 2ⁿd Chandana Muhlian Parsippany, NJ

Category 1: 3rd Sophia Zhao Chandler, AZ Category 2: 1st Cynthia Lin Chandler, AZ

Category 2: 2ⁿd Morgan Feng Sugarland, TX Category 2: 3rd Ada Lau Houston, TX

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Category 3: 1st Anna Yao Chandler, AZ

Category 3: 3rd Minjeong Kim Coppell, TX

Category 4: 2ⁿd Anya Yu Gilbert, AZ

Category 3: 2ⁿd Leyi Gao Sugarland, TX

Category 4: 1st Christina Zhang Richmond, TX

Category 4: 3rd Ethan Pro Canyon Country, CA Winter 2018-19 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 5



Best in Show: Emma VanderVort “Swimming Lessons” Grade 10 (Age 16) Lynden WA Category 1 – 1st - 3rd Grade

First Place –Jayden Cheuk “The Duck in the Pond” Grade 2 (Age 7) Chandler, AZ Second Place – Chandana Muhlian “Majestic Fox in the Woods” Grade 3 (Age 8)Parsippany, NJ Third Place –Sophia Zhao “Best Love” Grade 3 (Age 9) Chandler, AZ

Category 2 – 4th - 6th Grade

First Place – Cynthia Liu “Together” Grade 5 (Age 10) Chandler, AZ Second Place – Morgan Feng “Snow Hunter” Grade 5 (Age 10) Sugarland, TX Third Place – Ada Lau “The Lone Wolf ” Grade 6 (Age 11) Houston, TX

Category 3 – 7th - 9th Grade

First Place – Anna Yao “Together in the snow” Grade 8 (Age 13) Chandler, AZ Second Place – Leyi Gao “Tree House” Grade 7 (Age 12) Sugarland, TX Third Place – Minjeong Kim “Savage” Grade 9 (Age 15) Coppell, TX

Category 4 – 10th - 12th Grade

First Place – Christina Zhang “Thriving in Adventure” Grade 12 (Age 17) Richmond, TX Second Place – Anya Yu “Tranquil Moments” Grade 11 (Age 16) Gilbert, AZ Third Place – Ethan Pro “Pronghorn Buck” Grade 12 (Age 17) Canyon Country, CA

The following artists' names and categories are our Honorable Mention entries. (Works pictured at right follow the order below - left to right)

Lucas Yan “Floating Elegance” Grade 2 (Age 7) Chandler, AZ Fay Fay He “The Deer” Grade 3 (Age 8) Chandler, AZ Elaine Lin “Fox in the Grass” Grade 2 (Age 7) Chandler, AZ Devyn Jin “Happy Time” Grade 2 (Age 7) San Jose, CA Christina Lee “A Sheep in the Mountain” Grade 6 (Age 12) Dallas, TX Yiteng Cai “Bison” Grade 6 (Age 12) Toronto, Ontario Victoria Ursol “Bear Glare” Grade 6 (Age 11) Fair Oaks, CA Sophia Lin “Curious” Grade 6 (Age 11) Scottsdale, AZ Jayda Ma “Wild in the Forest” Grade 7 (Age 12) Sugarland, TX Catherine Wang “Curious Fox” Grade 9 (Age 14) Fremont, CA Fiona Gao “Courage” Grade 7 (Age 12) Chandler, AZ Jessica Xu “Snowy Raccoon” Grade 7 (Age 12) Coppell, TX Meiuen Yang “Inquisitive” Grade 11 (Age 16) Phoenix, AZ Haejin Chong “Fishing” Grade 10 (Age 15) Carrollton, TX Amanda Wong “Wings up to New Heights” Grade 10 (Age 16) Chandler, AZ Yunbeen Bae “Serene Day” Grade 11 (Age 16) Frisco, TX For more information about this program, please visit our website at 6 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • Winter 2018-19

Lucas Yan Chandler, AZ

Fay Fay He Chandler, AZ

Elaine Lin Chandler, AZ

Devyn Jin San Jose, CA

Christina Lee Dallas, TX

Yiteng Cai Toronto, ON

Victoria Ursol Fair Oaks, CA

Sophia Lin Scottsdale, AZ

Jayda Ma Sugarland, TX

Catherine Wang Fremont, CA

Fiona Gao Chandler, AZ

Jessica Xu Coppell, TX

Meiuen Yang Phoenix, AZ

Haejin Chong Carrollton, TX

Amanda Wong Chandler, AZ

Yunbeen Bae Frisco, TX

Club Spotlight

100th Anniversary of the Carson Rifle and Pistol Club by Fred LaSor, Club Member

When WWI – the “war to end all wars” – ended in 1918, many soldiers came home to take up where they had left off. Some of those who returned to Virginia City and Carson City wanted to recreate the formal rifle and pistol competitions they had practiced during their military training, and the idea of a target shooting club was born. A few of the veterans from Virginia City created the Carson Home Guard Rifle Club, chartered by the National Rifle Association in 1918. The Home Guard was the predecessor of today’s National Guard. That club was later renamed the Carson Rifle and Pistol Club, a marksmanship and training club that is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. As our nation remembers Armistice Day -- the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month -- that ended World War I, it is timely for us also to remember the foundation of our rifle and pistol club, which exists to this day. Members of this club still meet regularly at the Carson City range on the road to Mound House, where they compete in a variety of matches – some using rifles and pistols of the same style that were issued to troops a hundred years ago, and some that were not even dreamed of when the club was first formed in 1918. None of the original members are with us today, but a few of the “old-timers” who were active during the fifties and sixties, when the club was revived after a short lull, sat down recently to talk about their memories over the years. Ken Bobbitt was president of the club from 1983 to 2006. He started out working with the junior program, teaching high schoolers to shoot in .22 match rifles with support from the National Rifle Association, which has long been active in firearms training and safety. The Carson City Parks Department and the Board of Education also supported our effort to create a marksmanship program in the high school. Stan Mund and Chris Hill worked with Ken building that program and teaching high school students to shoot safely and accurately. Fortunately, the Director of Civilian Marksmanship made target rifles and ammo available to programs like the one they were building, and some really good shooters were developed. The range at that time was in eastern Carson, but at our urging, the Board of Education gave a $25,000 grant to develop an indoor range at the high school. Club members maintained the range, instructed students, and conducted matches. A five-person high power junior rifle team was formed, eventually travelling to Camp Perry, Ohio, to compete with marksmen from all over the country in National Junior high power rifle competitions. They also took two junior shooters to compete in small bore national matches three times, some of whom went on to compete successfully during later military careers. Bobbit, Hill, and Mund are certified instructors in rifle, pistol, and home security. They are particularly proud of the fact that the program was conducted safely, with zero injuries. But the competitions were not without their difficulties, as anyone who has lived in Carson City can understand. Ken said that sometimes the wind would blow so hard you had to shoot at your neighbor’s target in order to hit your own. And Hill remembers when Ken’s rifle case was picked up by the wind and blown down range, scattering papers all over the shooting field. There was even one match where the wind was toppling the steel targets, and another where the snow was falling so hard it blocked Hill’s front sight. He managed to clean it out and finish in first place. Our club managed a high power state championship match in 1983 at the Washoe Range, with as many as 150 shooters from Oregon, California and Nevada. But the club eventually had to 8 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • Winter 2018-19

move from the east Carson location, and was able to find its current location through aerial photographs of the open lands around Carson City. Asked how he got into shooting, Ken said his uncle was a hunter who could shoot tacks off the barn with a small bore rifle. The uncle didn’t like the fact that Ken naturally shot left handed, so he gave Bobbit five hundred bullets and a .22 caliber rifle one day and told him to keep shooting until he could shoot right handed. Ken went on to shot small bore matches in his junior rifle club, earning nine bars, but he admits that cars and girls eventually got in the way. He regrets that our junior club is no longer active, and hopes new youth members and seniors to instruct them will step forward and renew that program. With his extensive civilian and military experience, Stan Mund is the Range Master for monthly matches. Those matches run efficiently and safely, with a dozen or more shooters competing just about every weekend. Although the range is owned by Carson City, it is operated under a written use agreement between us and the City Parks, Recreation and Open Space Department. Together we have helped make improvements like extending side berms on the private bays, removing outdated and worn out target lines, and getting restrooms installed. Future projects include the installation of new range rule signs and adding new target stands on the rifle line. There are lots of opportunities for people who would like to get involved, even if they no longer shoot. We need more Range Safety Officers and other help at matches, and we’re always looking for volunteer help with range improvement or our semi-annual range cleanup days. Volunteers who could fire up the youth program would be most welcome. Shooters who would like to get involved with the Carson City Rifle and Pistol Club are invited to visit our web site at <> or to attend one of our weekend matches at the range on Saturday or Sunday morning (your first shooting event is free), or to attend a business meeting at 7:00 pm on the first Monday of the month at Round Table Pizza near In-N-Out Burger in south Carson City. Come wish us a happy birthday!

Winter 2018-19 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 9

Hunter's Update

NRA Hunters for the Hungry By NRA Staff

The idea of donating food to the hungry has been something in play since the beginning of time. Families have always shared on years when they had a bountiful crop or game harvest with those that were not as fortunate. That idea of helping others with harvested game is now very well organized so many people are able to benefit from the programs that are put in place. The National Rifle Association started a program called Hunters for the Hungry back in 1993. This program allows hunters that have met the needs for game meat in their household to continue hunting and donate their harvested game back to society. Currently National Rifle Association has an easy to use web site at, which allows hunters to locate an active drop off point to donate game in their area. Once you have located a drop off location the hunter should contact them and see if there are any restrictions. Below are a few questions that should be asked by the hunter.

• Hours of operation?

• How should the animal be dressed at the drop off?

• What animals can be donated?

• Can you donate partial animals?

If a hunter is going to donate game it should always be handled as if they were going to be receiving the meat back to feed their family. Large animal should be field dressed as soon as possible and cooled down. If it’s a large animal that need to be quartered try to keep the quarters as cool and clean as possible. The majority of the funding for the Hunters for the Hungry programs and others like it are through donations. If you would like to donate you can contact the local group in your area and see what the process is. Some State Fish and Game agencies will allow you to donate when you purchase your hunting license for the upcoming season. On average nationwide there are 2,029,353 pounds of game meat donated annually, which equates to 8,117,412 meals distributed to those less fortunate. The Hunters for the Hungry program and others like it make a large impact on millions of lives every year. Visit for more information on how to get involved.

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Sportsmen in Pennsylvania

Provide 200K Meals Each Hunting Season! Reprinted with permission from

Since 1991, a venison donation program that enlists hunters to share their extra harvest with food banks across the Keystone State has fed thousands. Hunters Sharing The Harvest has distributed over 1.2 million pounds of donated venison statewide through a network of butchers to food banks across Pennsylvania, on average producing 200,000 meals for the state’s hungry each year. “There’s no greater gift than feeding someone who is hungry, and our state’s hunters have stepped up to do that, time and again, by working through the program to generously donate meat from the deer they harvest to people in need,” said Pennsylvania Game Commission Executive Director Bryan Burhans last week at a press conference. The PGC this year continued to donate $20,000 to the program to help defray deer-processing costs. Last year, the HSH initiative saw hunters donate 3,337 harvested deer, which in turn yielded 130,930 pounds of venison that provided 667,400 meals for those in need– a program record. Even with that in mind, less than 1 percent of deer taken by hunters end up in the program. According to statistics from the state, sportsmen harvested an estimated 367,159 deer in the 2017-18 seasons, up about 10 percent from the previous year. It is not just Pennsylvania that has such a success story, as most states have venison donation programs. The National Rifle Association’s Hunters for the Hungry clearinghouse can put sportsmen with extra meat in contact with a local charitable organization for distribution.

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A Conser vation Officer’s View on How Hunters Care by John Borkovich, author and retired Michigan conservation off icer Reprinted with permission from icer-s-view-on-how-hunters-care/

We live in an era where profiling and labeling people seems to be taboo. Some say that labels should only be used for items like jars and envelopes and not for people. Even though labeling certain people may not always be appropriate, some forms of labeling can be done in a positive manner. After working as a state wildlife conservation officer in Michigan for nearly 30 years, I confidently can label one particular group of people. I proudly label the vast majority of hunters as great citizens. I label hunters as people who care about our wildlife, natural resources, and our fellow man. I label hunters as people who have conviction and strong beliefs in issues such as our constitution, faith and love of their families. And I label hunters as true conservationists. This labeling and my knowledge about hunters comes from my decades of personal experiences and interactions with thousands upon thousands of hunters. From so many positive contacts with hunters comes my favorable opinion about this group of people who care so much. Regarding hunters’ core beliefs in our constitutional rights, not much needs to be written here, as it was very obvious to me that almost all hunters harbor very strong beliefs in our founding documents and such rights as the Second Amendment. As far as the faith issue is concerned, most hunters care about religious values and, for example, under14 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • Winter 2018-19

stand the Bible teachings from the book of “Genesis.” From these verses, we are taught that God created fish, birds and animals for man’s use for food. It is stated that man is to have dominion over these creatures and be good stewards of these creatures and is not to waste them. Understanding these principles shows why many hunters are people of faith, and are often seen saying prayers of thanks after a successful hunting experience. I have witnessed hunters actually kneel down, tear up and thank God for the animal that they just harvested. Many TV shows feature hunters mentioning God after a hunt. Legendary hunter, musician and great American Ted Nugent often mentions God after he shoots an animal. He mentions God’s creation, is very thankful and cherishes his hunting experience. As far as family is concerned, most hunters truly care about their families and spend quality time outdoors together. So much is learned by hunters while hunting with family members. Learning about nature, renewable resources, animal habits and lifestyles, and respect for our environment are just a few of the lessons learned. Family members including grandparents, parents and their children often gather at special places such as deer camp. Hunters enjoy family time there and carry fond memories with them their entire lives. Some groups and political organizations act as if

they have a patent or lockbox on environmental, conservation and natural resource protection issues. On the contrary, it is the hunter who cares about and has compassion for our outdoor world. Just look at how hunters have supported conservation efforts over the years. Hunters contribute more than $800 million per year from excise taxes alone on guns, ammo and sporting goods. As reported by, in 2016, $1.1 billion in sportsmen-generated funding was allocated back to our states for wildlife and habitat programs. Hunters belong to many clubs and organizations such as Ducks Unlimited, the National Rifle Association, National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF), Pheasants Forever, Safari Club International (SCI), Whitetails Unlimited and many other groups whose mission statements include caring for our wildlife and natural resources. Through their clubs, hunters donate more than $2.6 billion in additional funds annually to wildlife and habitat programs. Through hunters’ collective efforts in supporting healthy and stable wildlife populations, numerous species, including game and non-game species, have benefited. For a few examples, the U.S. whitetail deer population was down to only 300,000 animals in 1930 and now numbers more than 30 million. Elk numbers tumbled to only 100,000 elk in 1900 and now total more than 1.1 million. Wild turkey numbers fell to around 100,000 in 1930 and now total 7 million nationwide. These examples show how hunters care about our wildlife and its long term stability, and how hunters strive to keep populations healthy so as not to allow our animals to become threatened or endangered. In addition, hunters do an amazing amount of good deeds for our wildlife and its habitat through America’s many sportsman and conservation clubs. Even non-game birds and animals receive hunter funding for conservation and preservation projects. User groups such as bird watchers, kayak and canoeing enthusiasts, boaters and people who just love the outdoors benefit from the care hunters have for our resources and the projects paid for by hunters. Not only do hunters care and have compassion for our wildlife and our environment, hunters also care for other human beings. An example of hunters’ “caring spirit” can be seen by all of the good accomplished through the Hunters for the Hungry (HFH) movement each year. HFH is an initiative created by the NRA that has brought tens of thousands of pounds of meat to those in need in homeless shelters, soup kitchens and church kitchens across America. Many groups and clubs such as the NWTF and SCI participate in “Hunters Feeding the Hungry,” “Sportsmen against Hunger” and similarly-titled

programs where hunters regularly donate game meat to needy people. The NRA operates a HFH information clearinghouse, working closely with state agencies to put interested individuals in touch with programs in their area and to foster public awareness through education, fundraising and publicity. In total, 2.8 million pounds of game meat is donated annually by hunters through such programs, which provide more than 11 million meals for those less fortunate. In addition to these staggering numbers, hundreds of thousands of meals are provided directly by hunters to their relatives, neighbors and friends in need. Hunters also care about firearm safety and hunting ethics, and care about being responsible hunters. These issues are passed down from generation to generation but are also taught in hunter safety and education classes. Conservation officers and thousands of caring volunteer hunter safety instructors are part of a culture of training and educating all hunters. There is absolutely no doubt that the implementation of hunter education classes has led to hunting being a very safe sport. The origin of hunter safety courses can be traced back to 1949, when the NRA created our country’s first hunter education course. The NRA worked in conjunction with the state of New York and developed the first state based hunter education curriculum. Also, the NRA recently introduced a free, very comprehensive NRA Online Hunter Education course that to date has been adopted by three states. It launched in Florida in August and has since expanded to Connecticut and Oregon. The NRA’s goal is to have it offered in all 50 states within five years. Most hunters 50 years of age and under have passed a hunter safety course. The classes are mandatory in all 50 states before being able to go hunting. These hunter safety courses produce millions of responsible individuals similar to how Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of America and 4-H clubs across America produce responsible members. Through all of the great work that our hunter safety instructors and coordinators do, hunters are taught to be a group of people who care about people and nature, to act responsibly, legally and ethically, and to enjoy their sport in a safe manner. Through my eyes as a conservation officer, I am pleased to be able to place these labels on hunters. I have seen the proof that most hunters live in a world and culture where they are good stewards of our land and our natural resources, and use firearms in a safe, ethical, and legal manner. I beam with pride when I mention this fine group of people. Winter 2018-19 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 15

Kudos to Virginia’s

Hunters for the Hungry Program

by Bruce Ingram Reprinted with permission from

One of the many ways sportsmen make society a better place is through state Hunters for the Hungry (HFH) organizations. Laura Newell-Furniss, director of the HFH program in Virginia—Virginia Hunters Who Care—has been with the organization since it began in 1991. She says the idea for the organization came from its first director and founder, the late David Horne, who had heard about a feeding program in Texas that was distributing venison. “David, a hunter himself, knew that because of liberal bag limits, hunters could harvest more deer than they could use,” says Newell-Furniss. “So he thought why not have people donate their excess deer to an organization that could then distribute it to those less fortunate who were desperately in need of a healthy, high-protein, low-cholesterol meat source. “That started the process of us becoming one of the first hunters for the hungry organizations in the country and now probably the largest one. We have reached 26.5 million servings [1/4 pound] of venison being provided to those in need.” The way the Virginia organization works is typical of others around the country. The entity has a list of

16 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • Winter 2018-19

processors and collection sites where hunters can drop off field-dressed deer. While some processors donate portions of their services, the charity raises funds to pay them to skin, cut, wrap and freeze the meat so it is ready for distribution. This high-protein, lean meat is then given to local feeding programs such as church food pantries, the Salvation Army and food banks which then make it available to the clients they serve. Newell-Furniss says many communities have a half dozen or more local feeding programs that could benefit from having this meat donated. Working with already established distribution systems that are doing a great job and just need more lean protein, says Newell-Furniss, is far more time and cost efficient than having HFH staff members travel across the state and distribute the venison themselves. The tremendous good that state HFH organizations and participating food banks, churches and feeding groups do cannot be underestimated. “Venison is a healthy, high protein, low fat meat,” emphasizes Newell-Furniss. “Venison doesn’t have antibiotics or growth hormones in it—it’s the original organic meat. Many doctors recommend venison for

those who have suffered from such afflictions as diabetes, cancer and heart disease.” In working to promote the Virginia program, Newell-Furniss emphasizes another reason more hunters should consider giving meat to their state HFH organizations. “Hunters donating venison to those in need absolutely reflects the generosity and compassion of hunters, letting those who don’t hunt know the true nature of hunters,” she says. “Hunters traditionally have shared their bounty with their friends, neighbors and the less fortunate. Now, it has never been easier to do.” The Virginia HFH director says bestowing venison can bring great personal satisfaction as well. “I recently delivered venison to a mother and her children,” she says. “They were living in a house that was very dilapidated with broken windows and holes in the floor. The way those kids’ eyes lit up when we came with the meat, and the way the woman, with tears in her eyes, thanked us for coming and how she said she could cook so many meals with that meat… well, that was very gratifying.” Hunters and sportsmen groups also don’t have to

donate a deer to be a part of state hunters for the hungry efforts. Newell-Furniss relates that cash or inkind donations are welcome as well, and some processors today even collect bear meat for distribution. “Bear have become more abundant in Virginia and other states,” she says. “Some of our processors say it’s very easy to work up a bear for distribution while others say it is very time consuming. So it’s an individual decision regarding whether a processor will accept bear meat or not.” In any event, there’s no doubt that Virginia Hunters Who Care and other such state organizations are very thankful for the generosity of sportsmen. “We really appreciate the hunters who donate,” she says. “They go to the effort to field-dress and deliver deer to our processors so that others can be fed. It’s wonderful to be a part of that.” For more information, go to

Winter 2018-19 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 17

NRA Hunter Education Online Course

Now Available in West Virginia

FAIRFAX, Va. – The National Rifle Association’s award-winning free NRA Hunter Education online course is now available in the state of West Virginia. West Virginia is the latest addition as NRA works to make the course available to new hunters in all 50 states. West Virginia joins Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas, Connecticut, Florida and Oregon as states that accept the free NRA online Hunter Education course as a prerequisite for purchasing a hunting licensure. Designed and provided by the organization that built the first-ever hunter education program in the United States in 1949, the free NRA Hunter Education online course offers a fresh and fully comprehensive approach to hunter education. The 15-chapter, online sequence features attention-grabbing videos, eye-catching graphics and diagrams, interactive modules, audio recordings and dozens of action photos presented in appealing, easy-to-

18 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • Winter 2018-19

access components that provide the best method for teaching future hunters. All of this instruction is available at students’ fingertips, whenever and wherever they are able to complete it. Removing the sometimes prohibitive cost barrier of other online courses, the NRA Online Hunter Education course is available completely free of charge, encouraging new hunters to take the first step and making it easier for seasoned hunters to revisit the material. To take the NRA Hunter Education online course or learn more, visit

JOIN US. become an nra club recruiter today Offer discounts on NRA Membership rates Earn up to $25 for every membership sold* Sign up or renew your club members annually Applying is easy and free!

Winter 2018-19 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 17

*Contingent upon terms and conditions set by NRA Recruiting Department


Use It or Lose It The 2016 report of “Fishing, Hunting By J. Scott Olmsted, Safari Club International, the Rocky Mountain and Wildlife-Associated Recreation,” Editor in Chief Elk Foundation and others have pushed it for a survey conducted every five years years. But it is our new mission. by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, showed that today only Who better than NRA members to tackle this job? We’re about 11.5 million Americans aged 16 or older hunt. That’s only already part of the greatest gun club in the world. Our mem4.9 percent of adults among a population of 320 million. bership grants access to resources at our fingertips. Many Americans who may become hunters lack a proper Start with this magazine. American Hunter, founded in 1973 introduction to our pastime; they have no mentors to guide and published 12 months a year, is the largest-circulating pure them; they have no access to the knowledge needed to pursue hunting magazine in the world. Every month we inform and hunting, or they lack knowledge of those outlets that may entertain a million readers who are passionate about the huntinform them; and they either lack knowledge of or have little ing lifestyle. is our digital component, access to hunting lands. Too many Americans have left the field; chockful of all the content found in this magazine and more, and they no longer hunt. Too many current American hunters con- available 24/7 to all hunters regardless whether they are members. tinue to consider leaving the field. We’re all gun owners, right? The NRA was founded in 1871 In fact the number of American hunters today is about half on the premise of instructing a civilian populace in the use of what it was 50 years ago, and the decline is expected to con- small arms so that our homeland would always be protected. tinue to accelerate. Today, 111,934 NRA-certified rifle, shotgun and pistol instructors Demographers don’t see any uptick on the horizon. Nearly ( stand ready to help new gun owners and a third of American hunters are baby boomers. We hunted like even experienced gun owners who need expert training. no other generation, but the youngest boomers are 54, and You should know the NRA was the first organization to trends suggest most hunters stop buying licenses by about 65. develop a hunter-education course, in 1949 in New York. It So what happens in 11 years when the last of the baby boomers became the model, and today, in the digital age, you should stops hunting? be heartened to know your NRA has once again developed the Indeed wildlife and wildlands are heavily dependent on nationwide model for hunter ed: NRA Hunter Education Online. hunters and fishers to survive and thrive. State agencies, which At you’ll find a fresh, comprehensive approach manage most of the wildlife in America, derive about 59 percent to hunter safety available anywhere Internet access is found. The of their collective funding from hunting- and fishing-related 15-chapter sequence features attention-grabbing videos, photos activities. A primary source of that funding—hunters—is and graphics, audio recordings and interactive modules presented shrinking. Note that funding doesn’t come from birdwatching in appealing, easy-to-access components prospective hunters or hiking or kayaking, to name a few non-consumptive activi- may access whenever and wherever they are able to complete ties that contribute no funds. it. It provides the best method for teaching future hunters lesOur user-pay system of conservation, the North American sons they will remember the rest of their lives—the same lessons Model of Wildlife Conservation, is recognized worldwide. But we all learned. And it’s absolutely free. It’s our gift to hunting. non-consumptive users (heck, many hunters) don’t know about Today, your NRA is urging every state to accept our gift, but so it. We need to broaden the base of understanding if only by rais- far only seven have done so. Until is available and ing the level of awareness of hunting. Better yet, let’s increase accepted for use everywhere free we will not rest, because future the number of hunters while we’re at it. hunters deserve the best possible instrucEnter the three r’s: recruitment, retention tion possible. and reactivation. As a concept it’s known as Let’s not forget our youngest hunters. r3, 3, and it pays dividends. It’s not new. WildSince 1985, the NRA’s NRA Youth Hunter Educalife agencies and private groups like the NRA, tion Challenge (YHEC) has introduced more

Reprinted with permission from NRA Publications.


























than 1.2 million participants to a lifetime of safe, ethical hunting. It’s a competition in which youth from across the country gather to display their prowess in scenarios designed to simulate various activities that may or may not occur afield while on a hunt. YHEC is also a competition intended to educate participants and encourage them to build personal outdoor skills through the use of eight different scored events, first at the local/state level then at the national level. If you know a youth who may be interested in YHEC, direct him or her to Remember the NRA sponsors two outstanding outdoor shows. The NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits assembles almost 100,000 members in a different city every year, where we celebrate our Second Amendment freedom and see new guns and gear, gather for hands-on instruction and more. Remember the Great American Outdoor Show (GAOS). Folks up and down the East Coast recognize it as a humdinger that lasts nine days every winter. You owe it to yourself and

a prospective pupil to join the tremendous gathering of fellow hunters at the GAOS in Harrisburg, Pa., from February 2–10. Finally, I would be remiss if I did not speak to our legislative advocacy on behalf of gun owners and hunters. The Institute for Legislative Action is the lobbying arm of the NRA, founded in 1975 to preserve the right of all law-abiding individuals to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. When restrictive “gun-control” legislation is proposed at any government level, NRA members and supporters are alerted and respond with individual letters, faxes, e-mails and calls to their elected representatives to make their views known. Visit to sign up for these alerts. Our newest initiative on behalf of hunters, the NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum (, was founded in 2014 to address the cultural, political, demographic and technological challenges to hunting’s future in the 21st century. The NRA-HLF links dedicated hunters who have distinguished themselves as leaders in their fields with companies and organizations in the firearm and hunting communities as we go on the offense and work together to save hunting’s future. Wow—that’s a mouthful. Let no NRA member-hunter holding this magazine claim ignorance any longer. Hunting is a lifestyle that attracted us years ago for any number of reasons. We all know it has the power to attract and captivate others like us. We need only to find those people and inspire them. We can do this. We must. It starts with an introduction. ah

Photo: Wes Uncapher /


NRA-ILA Update



by Aaron Michael,Retail & Dealer Recruiter Marketing Representative

Shooters World of Tampa, Florida recruited 750 members last year, making them the second highest XR Recruiter for the first time and earning them 2017 Recruiter of the Year honors! The staff at Shooters World Tampa made NRA memberships a total team effort and increased their Membership numbers by 293%. Shooters World Tampa has recruited NRA members since 2012. Owner Bing Kearney was shocked to hear his store was not selling hundreds of memberships a year. He and General Manager Bruce Kitzis motivated their employees to increase their recruiting efforts. In 2017, the hard work came to fruition. Bruce implemented a new strategy of having all team members, including cashiers, sell NRA memberships. Daniel Alamazon was a star salesman and set the bar as the best Recruiter in the store. Kelsey Jacobs played a key role in the process as well. She made sure all applications were sent in on time and relentlessly reminded those on the sales floor about the commission they could earn. With Bing and Bruce’s leader-ship, Shooters World of Tampa was able to sell more memberships in 2017 than the last three years combined! This 'all hands on deck' approach and the tireless dedication to build the ranks of NRA is a common trait among Recruiter of the Year award winners, such as Shooters World. Congratulations to the store and staff for the outstanding year and for winning Recruiter of the Year honors!



by David Helmer, Clubs & Instructor Recruiter Representative

Congratulations to Rivanna Rifle & Pistol Club (RR&PC) of Charlottesville, VA, for being named 2017 Club Recruiter of the Year! In 2017, RR&PC brought in 505 members and $23,950 in corresponding revenue, more than any other Club Recruiter in 2017! Founded in 1950, RR&PC has a 100-acre shooting facility and is maintained solely by member volunteers. RR&PC has brought in 1,606 members since joining the NRA Recruiting Program in 2010 and has been in the top 20 for Club Recruiters since 2011, improving every year.The club considers NRA recruiting to be a regular part of their own application process, and makes sure all their members have NRA memberships up-to-date as they are a long-time 100% NRA club. Many 100% NRA clubs rely on NRA Associate level memberships, but RR&PC averages over $47 per member, which is very high for a large club. The club contact, Michael Johnson, is very diligent in making sure all 1,950 club members have NRA memberships up-to-date. After a politically-charged year in 2016, many clubs experienced a decline in recruiting results in 2017. This was not the case for RR&PC, however, who had their most successful year yet! The members truly believe in the NRA and fully support its mission. Johnson commented, “If it wasn’t for the actions of the NRA over the last 100 years, we wouldn’t even be able to own firearms and have a club like we do today.” RR&PC notes on their website, “RRPC membership continues to grow. We do not intend to compete with other clubs or organizations, but to form partnerships with all, and work toward a common goal. We are dedicated to educating, encouraging, and promoting the proper and safe use of firearms, hunting and conservation, in a friendly, social environment.” With a positive mission and strong commitment to the Second Amendment, we are confident Rivanna Rifle & Pistol Club will continue to make a major positive impact for the NRA for years to come! 22 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • Winter 2018-19

2017 NRA-ILA Second Amendment Activist Center of the Year:

Gun for Hire at Woodland Park Range

For Free, Gun For Hire is offering invaluable seminars run by our skilled tactical professionals and including presentation materials, for any Civic, Religious and Academic organizations, that want to promote safety and awareness to their members. During these turbulent times, your preparedness and proactivity may save your life. Our team will instill in your members the reality of seemingly innocuous situations and give them the tools they will need to be able to readily assess and act in their own defense in a “worst case scenario.” Our safety protocols are proven in real-life situations, by professionals with a desire to proliferate that information to law abiding citizens, and our state-of-the-art training contains information people will need to facilitate risk-aware action. After attending our seminars your members will be able to make informed, situational decisions that can potentially save their life and the lives of their loved ones. There is no such thing as “too prepared” and with hundreds of years of combined tactical training and continuing safety education under our belts, our goal is your confidence in our ability to make your members safer in this ever-changing world, where anything can happen.

2017 Jay M. Littlefield Memorial NRA-ILA Volunteer of the Year Award (2 Winners)

Alan Penn from Glen Allen, Virginia

David Rosenthal from South Amboy, New Jersey

Winter 2018-19 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 23

2017 NRA-ILA Youth Leadership Award Giovanni Triana from Greenville, North Carolina

2018 NRA Outstanding

Achievement Youth Award Sponsored by Brownells

The winner of this award was Danielle Makucevich from Akron, Ohio. Danielle was unable to be there to accept her award personally as the day before she had to have an emergency appendectomy. Her grandfather, George Harmon was there to accept the award on her behalf.

2017 Most Outstanding Friends of NRA Committee:

The Falls of the Ohio Committee of Indiana

The Committee of the Year goes to the Committee that had the most outstanding achievement and holds the honor of highest net income out of all 1,100 Friends of NRA committees.The Falls of the Ohio Friends of NRA committee is a huge committee of 50-60 members. This is one well-oiled ship with every member having a specific job. They love a challenge and always strive to improve setting annual goals. Since its inception in 1999 the Fall of the Ohio Friends of NRA committee has raised over 1.6 million dollars for The NRA Foundation. Their 2017 banquet raised 240-thousand dollars – beating last year’s record of 214-thousand dollars. This keeps the Fall of the Ohio Committee at the top as the top grossing Friends of NRA committee for 2017. Congratulations Joe and the Falls of the Ohio committee on your outstanding effort and dedication to Friends of NRA. This award honors you and your team as the 2017 Friends of NRA committee of the Year. .

Help secure American freedoms and shooting sports traditions for generations to come! To join in the fundraising efforts near you, contact your local Field Rep or attend a local Friends of NRA event. 24 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • Winter 2018-19

Experience Experience The The Ultimate Ultimate Outdoor Outdoor Adventure Adventure

Leupold Academy Scoped Rifle Training with Kristy Titus!

Rifle Hunting ·•·•· NEW EVENTOutdoor ·•·•· Rifle Hunting Experience The Ultimate Adventure Class with Jessie Experience The Ultimate Outdoor Adventure June 3-7, 2019 • $1,200 Class with Jessie Duff-Harrison Weekend of Sporting Clays at Seven Springs Resort Duff-Harrison Whittington Seven Whittington Seven Springs Springs June 2124, 2019 • $995 Jun. 7–10, 2018 • $2,500 Center Resort Jun. 7–10, 2018 • $2,500 Center Resort MPX School at Sig Sauer Academy

Oct. 1–6, 2018 • $1,750 Jun. 1–4, 2018 • $995 September 14-15, 2019 • $875 Oct. 1–6, 2018 • $1,750 Jun. 1–4, 2018 • $995

Week of Rifle, Shotgun and Pistol at NRA Whittington Center October 7-12, 2019 • $1,600


CONTACT CONTACT US US call (800) 672-7435, call (800) 672-7435, option option 55 or or email email ||

Leupold Academy Scoped Rifle Training with Kristy Titus! Rifle Hunting ·•·•· NEW EVENT ·•·•· Rifle Hunting Class with June 3-7,with 2019Jessie • $1,200 Class Jessie Duff-Harrison Weekend of Sporting Clays at Seven Springs Resort Duff-Harrison Whittington Seven Springs Whittington Seven Springs June 2124, 2019 • $995 Jun. 7–10, 2018 • $2,500 Center Resort Jun. 7–10, 2018 • $2,500 Center Resort MPX School at Sig Sauer Academy Through the NRA Recruiting Program, hundreds of clubs and associations are currently offering discounted NRA Oct. • get $1,750 Jun. 1–4, 2018 • $995 membership rates to their members, while also earning commission2019 for every member they1–6, enroll! 2018 It’s easy to your September 14-15, • $875 Oct. 1–6, 2018 • $1,750 Jun. 1–4, 2018 • $995 club set up as a Recruiter and the program materials are mailed out free of charge. Week of Rifle, Shotgun and Pistol at NRA Whittington Center The program is a great way for clubs to reach and maintain 100% NRA membership, which also opens the door for October 7-12, 2019 • $1,600 other awards and benefits. Many clubs will not only renew their club members every year, but they also sign up guests

Enroll NRA Members at Your Club! Apply to Become an NRA Recruiter Today! O W KKN M TTO O T RREE? N O N W A O M O W T N A ? W

and members of the community at events open to the public. Successful Club Recruiters are able to deposit thousands of dollars into their treasuries every year through the program with little effort. Clubs of all sizes are working hard to defend our Second Amendment freedoms, and we encourage you to join the fight today!

CONTACT CONTACT US US call call (800) (800) 672-7435, 672-7435, option option 55 or or email email ||

If you have any questions in regards to the program or you'd like to get started, please contact David Helmer at or (703) 267-3781.

Winter 2018-19 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 25

UPDATE Keep Telling Your Members of Congress

to Oppose “Universal” Background Check Bills On January 8, two bills were introduced in Congress to impose so-called "universal" background checks. The bills, H.R. 8 and S. 42, are being misleadingly described as simply requiring background checks on all sales of firearms, but this is just a small part of what these overbroad pieces of legislation would do. A vote on this gun control legislation could take place as early as the first weeks of February. Therefore, it is vital that gun owners immediately contact their members of Congress to urge them to oppose this legislation, and that gun owners encourage their freedom-minded family and friends to do the same.

Traps for Law-Abiding Gun Owners Both bills would make it a crime, subject to certain exceptions, to simply hand a firearm to another person. Any time gun owners carry out this simple act, they would potentially be exposing themselves to criminal penalties. While the bills do create some exceptions, they are overly complicated and create many traps for unwary gun owners. Accidental violations of these complicated provisions are not excused under the proposed legislation. This legislation is not about public safety. These bills attack law-abiding gun owners by placing further burdens on gun ownership and use. For the anti-gun groups and politicians intent on criminalizing the private transfer of firearms, this legislation is just another step in their effort to extinguish America’s vibrant and legitimate gun culture.

Expanded Background Checks Don’t Work Proponents of so-called “universal” background checks claim that this legislation is the “most important” thing that can be done to stop dangerous people from obtaining firearms. This is a lie. There is no evidence that expanded background checks are useful for this purpose. Just last year, a study by anti-gun researchers confirmed that expanded background checks in California did not reduce gun homicides or gun suicides. This finding is consistent with a review of past studies on expanded background checks by the RAND Corporation that found that “evidence of the effect of private-seller background checks on firearm homicides is inconclusive.” In 2013, the Department of Justice’s National Institute of Justice researched so-called “universal” background checks and determined that they would be not be effective without further harsh firearms restrictions and efforts to combat straw purchasing. Criminals are not deterred by background checks. ATF has reported, “[t]he most frequent type of trafficking channel identified in ATF investigations is straw purchasing from federally licensed firearms dealers. Nearly 50 percent ... .” A Chicago-area inmate explained this reality to researchers from the University of Chicago in relation to Illinois’s stringent firearm licensing regime for a 2015 study, stating, “All they need is one person who got a gun card in the ‘hood’ and everybody got one.” A 2016 Department of Justice survey of “state and federal prisoners who had possessed a firearm during the offense for which they were serving” found that the most common source of prisoner firearms was “Off the street/underground market.” This was defined as “Illegal sources of firearms that include markets for stolen goods, middlemen for stolen goods, criminals or criminal enterprises, or individuals or groups involved in sales of illegal drugs.” Less than one percent had obtained their firearm from a gun show. The research confirms that anti-gun members of Congress aren’t interested in actually addressing violent crime; they’re just trying to deflect the blame on law-abiding gun owners. Please use this link to let your elected officials know that you won’t be blamed for the actions of violent criminals. Ask your Representative and Senators to oppose H.R.8 and S.42. Additionally, you may call your U.S. Representative and U.S. Senators using the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121. 26 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • Winter 2018-19

2019 NRA Shooting Schools In 2019, the NRA is producing a series of affordable, world-class unique shooting schools via the NRA Competitive Shooting Division. The content is written by top competitive shooters and designed in most cases for intermediate level students to attend a one-day course with their own f irearms. The NRA is providing the instructors, ranges and additional supporting gear and optics and in some cases, f irearms for students to try. Space is limited, so register today!

NRA Competitive Shooting Division supported shooting schools and registration information NRA Competitions Presents, Intro To Handgun Competition School

The NRA's Competitive Shooting Division is proud to present an incredible, affordable, one day Introduction to Handgun Competition School. The NRA understands that newer shooters interested in handgun competition are often confused by the many differences between today’s competitive handgun match disciplines. During this course of instruction, students will learn the differences between USPSA, NRA Action Pistol, Steel Challenge, NRA Precision Pistol, Falling

Steel and IDPA Handgun Competitions. Students will also learn to draw from the holster safely, reload, shoot from various positions including the use of barricades, windows, etc. In addition, students will shoot actual match courses of fire similar to those they might encounter in an actual match. NRA Bianchi Cup ranges, Steel Challenge, Falling Steel, USPSA Precision Pistol, and/or IDPA courses of fire will be used during this training.

March 30 Aug 25

Sept 29

NRA Competitions Presents, Intro To 3Gun School The NRA's Competitive Shooting Division is proud to present an incredible, affordable, one-day Introduction to 3Gun Shooting School for the entry to intermediate level shooter. This class also takes place on the SAME DAY as the Peacemaker 3Gun Series, which is a regional level 3Gun series. If you're interested in learning about 3Gun, there is no better opportunity to learn than by having an introductory 3Gun school on world class ranges, while observing an

actual 3Gun match as part of the class content on the same day! The NRA understands that newer shooters interested in shooting 3Gun, especially for the first time, are often overwhelmed by rules, scoring, firearms requirements, gear requirements and match requirements. In this unique class, students will begin by learning proper gun safety for all three firearms and the entry level competition techniques and gear needs for 3Gun.

May 18 June 30 Oct 19

Winter 2018-19 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 27

NRA Youth Programs Update

BRAND GUIDELINES NRA Youth Education Summit Logo

Primary Logo

Secondary Logo

Alumni Receive Scholarships

for Leading the Legacy by Abigail Klein, Event Marketing & Communications Coordinator

After attending NRA’s Youth Education Summit (Y.E.S.), students are encouraged to head back to their communities and share their experiences to grow the presence of Y.E.S. and other NRA programs. By doing so, they also have the opportunity to earn more scholarship awards after leaving the weeklong summit in Washington, D.C. To compete for the Y.E.S. Grand Scholarship, alumni have 11 months to build their portfolios and prepare their applications by getting involved with NRA programs, sharing their Y.E.S. story with others and documenting their efforts. This year’s winners focused on sharing their passion for the shooting sports and for Y.E.S. by writing articles for THE NRA YOUTH EDUCATION SUMMIT LOGO the NRA Blog and The NRA Foundation’s Traditions magazine, giving speeches, and promoting on social media. One student brought the Eddie Eagle GunSafe® program into his local elementary school, and one started a shooting club. Read below to learn more about how Y.E.S. students are leaving their mark while they Lead the Legacy.

28 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • Winter 2018-19


Awarded to 2017 Y.E.S. Participants ALEX HENRY (AR) – $10,000 Over the past year, Alex has dedicated much of his time to sharing about the Y.E.S. program and his experience. He attended 11 Friends of NRA events where he educated attendees about the program—which their donations help to support—and encouraged them to share Y.E.S. with high schoolers they know. He also personally thanked the Arkansas Friends of NRA volunteers for their hard work and dedication in supporting the next generation of Second Amendment enthusiasts. Additionally, Alex presented the Eddie Eagle GunSafe® program to 750 students in kindergarten through fifth grade and supplied information to other schools who showed interest in the program. Alex was also featured in three articles in NRA outlets which covered his work on behalf of Y.E.S. and NRA.

EMILY CUPP (CA) – $2,000 Emily used her social media skills to raise awareness of the program and share her story with a new audience. On Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, she reached more than 1,000 people with information about Y.E.S. and her experience. Emily also visited two Friends of NRA events to talk to attendees about how Y.E.S. impacted her and why she would encourage others to apply for the Summit.

GIANNA GUZZO (NY) – $6,500 Gianna has a gift for journalism that she has shared with NRA Headquarters by writing stories for the NRA Blog and Traditions magazine. Topics ranged from her personal experience at Y.E.S. and write-ups about other Y.E.S. alumni to stories about various shooting sports programs and participants. In addition, Gianna volunteered at two Friends of NRA events to help raise awareness about Y.E.S. Before heading off to college, she took the opportunity to share her passion for the program with her community one more time by conducting an on-air interview with a local television program about the program, her experience and her Second Amendment support.

Learn more about the NRA's Youth Education Summit at Applications are now open for Y.E.S. 2019: two sessions are scheduled for July 8-14 and July 22-28. High school sophomores and juniors are encouraged to apply!

KRZYSZTOF GAJDA (IL) – $5,500 While attending Y.E.S. last summer, Krzysztof learned that he could share his passion for shooting with his peers in his local community through an NRA youth shooting club. After returning home, he spent countless hours organizing meetings, recruiting members, finding a coach and gaining the support of a sponsor organization. Krzysztof also developed goals for the club, as well as prerequisites, a membership application and an execution plan. Once the club was established, he worked with NRA Clubs and Associations to make the new youth shooting club an official NRA affiliate.

QUINTON TAYLOR (OH) – $1,000 Quinton left Y.E.S. with a refreshed passion for the shooting sports, which he shared with his local shooting team. It was then he decided to write an article on his team captain’s experience at the Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) National Championship for Traditions magazine.

Winter 2018-19 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 29

Looking Back at Y.E.S. 2018

by Abigail Klein, Event Marketing & Communications Coordinator

The 2018 NRA Youth Education Summit (Y.E.S.) brought some great "firsts" to the program. This was our first summer having two sessions of students, meaning that we were able to make double the impact! We also had our first ever student from Rhode Island, and had our first chaperone/student sibling duo. In our 23 year history we have had 999 students graduate the program and awarded scholarships totaling more than $607,000 to our nation's future leaders. The class of 2018 consisted of 91 students representing 42 states over two sessions. This diversity is one of the programs longest lasting impacts. The students have an unparalleled opportunity to meet people from all over the country and create networks and lasting friendships that will influence them for years to come. Y.E.S. students are leaders in their communities, and influencers among their peers. It is our goal to help grow their leadership skills and develop their passions. We accomplish this by teaching the participants about the NRA and how to get involved, government, public speaking, history, the military, and civic engagement. Throughout the week in the Washington D.C. area, students explore these themes and better understand how to apply them in their lives and communities. Some of the NRA programs the students got to hear about were: NRA School Shield, Refuse To Be A Victim, Eddie Eagle, NRA Clubs, Women on Target, Hunter’s Education, NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund, and the NRA Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA). Students are encouraged to take what they learn about these programs and share them with their community to be an active voice for the Second Amendment. 30 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • Winter 2018-19

During the week, Y.E.S. students got to speak with a Congressman to learn more about serving as an elected official. In the House Gallery, they had the opportunity to hear several representatives speak about topics important to their districts. Topics ranged from recognizing heroic people and actions to environmental issues impacting their area. At the Supreme Court, students sat in the chamber and learned the history of the court, and about the process a case goes through in order to be heard at that level. Other locations that we visited include: the National Archives to see the Bill of Rights, including the Second Amendment, the National American History Museum to gain a better understanding of our past, various memorials that honor our veterans, and the National Marine Corps Museum. One of the most impactful parts of the week are the debates and current events discussions. The formal debate setting offered students the chance to practice public speaking, fine tune their research skills, and work as a team. The current events discussions were more informal, and provided students the opportunity to apply their diverse experiences and voice their opinions on topics, and learn from each other in the process. Thank you to everyone who supports the NRA Youth Education Summit and the students who attend. These leaders will transform tomorrow, inspire change, and LEAD The LEGACY! Applications are now being accepted for Y.E.S. 2019. Apply today!

Winter 2018-19 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 25

Planning Your 2019


Brownells/NRA Day Event by Samantha Olsen, National Coach Trainer for Shotgun

It’s that time of year again to start making preparations for the 2019 Shooting Sports Season. Don’t wait until the last minute to get started. Remember, the earlier your club plans an event, the more options of facilities, equipment, and dates you have to choose from. If your club doesn’t know where to begin, below are some suggestions to help start your Shooting Sports year in the correct direction.

Request 2019 Information

If you have not planned a Brownells/NRA Day Event before, contact the Brownells/NRA Day Program Specialist at and request the Brownells/NRA Day Planning Guide or visit the website for a digital download of the Planning Guide at:

Form a Planning Committee

Planning a Brownells/NRA Day can be easy if you start early and have help. Form a committee dedicated to organizing the event. With a team, tasks can be divided and given to the members of the committee. Each person could be assigned chair positions of subcommittees (for example, the Event Director can be the head of the Planning Committee and the smaller subcommittees can include volunteer committee, safety committee, equipment and facilities committee, advertising committee, etc.). This way, members are responsible for one task and can focus their time and energy on achieving the goals of the subcommittee and planning committee.

Select Event Type

There are many event themes to choose from, however, the committee should choose the type that best fits the club and its firearm specialty. • SAFETY AND FIREARM EDUCATION EVENT — (family event, open to everyone) Participants learn how to safely handle, load, shoot, and unload a variety of different guns. • BASIC SHOOTING EVENT — family event, open to everyone) Participants complete a formal NRA Basic Course of Instruction (10-14 hours) or an NRA First Steps Course of Instruction (3 hours) enhanced with plenty of range time to apply lessons learned, receive personalized instruction, and develop confidence on the range. • HUNTERS EVENT —(family event, open to everyone) Participants explore a variety of informative and educational topics such as hunting ethics and responsibility, wildlife identification, field techniques, orienteering, gun handling/shooting, and gun and bow hunting. • COMPETITION EVENT — (family event, open to everyone) Participants learn how to hone the skills and techniques that give a competitive edge in matches and championships. Competition camps can be conducted at beginner, intermediate or advanced skill levels. • YOUTH SPORTSFEST EVENT — (closed event, limited to youth attendees) Youth participants are introduced to the fun and excitement of shooting sports in a safe, positive, and educational environment. Each SportsFest has its own specialized program based on the resources, expertise, and facilities at the sponsor’s disposal. • SHOTGUN EVENT — (family event, open to everyone) Participants learn the ins and outs of shotgun shooting and the specifics of the game of Trap, Skeet, Sporting Clays, or 5-Stand. • SPECIAL INTEREST EVENT — (closed event, limited to a specific audience.) Sponsors promote new or locally popular shooting activities, or design programs that meet the needs of more specialized segments of the population, such as scouts, youth conservation clubs, and high adventure groups. • NRA 3 GUN EXPERIENCE EVENT — (family event, open to everyone.) This is a safe family-fun mildly competitive recreational event. Utilizing modern sporting .22 rifles .22 pistols and shotguns as well as AirSoft rifles pistols and shotguns this activity is designed to fully equip each participant with the same firearms and ammunition to give them a level playing field. Depending how the shooting course is staged participants may also have to demonstrate their athletic and tactical abilities. 32 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • Winter 2018-19

Set Event Date

After knowing the event type and possible volunteers, plan for several possible event dates and schedule your event with a facility as soon as possible. The desired range or center may hold several events per year. Plan early to get the best possible date to make your camp a success.

Fill out 2019 Brownells/NRA Day Application Properly

After the date is set, the facility is booked, and camp type has been selected, now it’s time to fill out the 2019 Brownells/NRA Day Event Application. The application must have the following criteria filled out to be accepted: • Event Name (the words Brownells/NRA Day MUST be in the event name) • Event(s) Date(s) • Location (Including the range name, city and state) • Event Director with contact information • Contact Person with contact information (It may be event director) • Select only ONE event theme

In addition to the application, it is required that a rough draft of the event flyer and the materials order form sheet (included with application). It is very important to fill out the form correctly; any mistakes may delay the processing of your application. The application is free and is available online at You must first register as an Event Director first before the application can be submitted. Please remember to submit the application 60 days before the event. All events registered will receive, free of charge, up to 50 t-shirts, 15 staff hats, lapel pins, NRA Marksmanship Qualification Program Booklets and the Gun Safety Rules Card. If you have any questions or need help with the planning process or the event application, contact the Brownells/NRA Day Program Specialist at Have a safe and wonderful 2019 Shooting Sports Season!

Winter 2018-19 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 33

NRA Education & Training Update



by Christian Vara, Training Program Coordinator

The CCW program has been almost 2 years in the making and is the first NRA program specifically designed to meet the States' requirements for concealed carry permits. In it, the course covers 10 different classroom lessons and can range from 1 to 16 hours. If necessary to meet the state or local requirements, a qualification course of fire may also be administered. In the NRA CCW course, instructors will teach the basic knowledge, skills and attitude necessary to carry a concealed pistol for personal defense.

For the instructor level course, the Trainers will cover how the course will be administered to the public. By design, the course lesson plan is “a la carte”, based on the state minimum requirements. Some of the available topics to be taught may include, Firearms Safety, Basic Defensive Pistol Skills, Loading and Stoppage Remediation, Carry Modes and Pistol Concealment. When the instructor creates the course on the instructor portal, they choose which lessons out of the 10 will be taught. If the states minimum requirements are a class on Firearms Safety, that’s all the instructor will choose if they are sticking to the state minimum. Some states require additional training, such as Firearm Safety, Drawing from a Holster, and possibly a Legal Considerations portion. These topics can all be selected individually to meet the requirements of the state in which the class is administered. Additionally, in order to become NRA certified, Above: Preparing for a live f ire qualif ication requires functional defensive pistol and quality ammunition. Left: Training Counselors taking part in classroom portion of NRA CCW instruction course.

34 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • Winter 2018-19

the instructor level course requires the instructor to be proficient with defensive pistol manipulation and solid fundamental shooting skills. This is tested using a timed qualification course of fire in which the instructor must pass with a 90% or better. The NRA is holding the instructor candidates to higher standards than that of the student (80%) to help ensure that the instructor cannot only teach, but also Do. For the student, they will be signing up to take a concealed carry class, taught by an NRA certified CCW instructor who possesses the Knowledge, Skills and Attitude necessary to provide the best possible entry level concealed carry course in the country. Whether the student takes a one hour class or the full 2 day class, which includes live fire range instruction, they will walk away from the course knowing they took the best possible training they were able to get.

Top Right: Instructor Candidates prepare for Day 2, live f ire drills and qualif ication Bottom Right: Training Counselors testing for live f ire qualif ication to become NRA CCW certif ied



Maintaining America’s existing shooting ranges and developing new ones are one of the NRA’s top priorities to ensure the survival of the shooting sports. Created to provide an extension of NRA Headquarters to range owners and operators at the local level, the NRA Range Technical Team is a nationwide network of volunteers trained in the field of shooting range development, design, and operations.

The next Range Development and Operations Conference will be in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania March 23-25, 2019. Our Fall Conference will be in Dallas, Texas October 5-7, 2019. The conference is designed to educate potential and current range owners and operators in identifying potential problems associated with range development, environmental issues, and safety. Attendees will receive a multidisciplinary perspective on major topics, such as:

Business Planning

Sound Abatement

Range Safety

EPA Lead Standards

Range Equipment Costs

Law Enforcement

• Grants

Master Planning

NRA Programs

• Construction

Range Maintenance

• Insurance

Winter 2018-19 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 35

Range in a Box

by Dr. Joseph Logar, National Manager of NRA Adaptive Shooting Programs

Since receiving its charter on November 17, 1871 the NRA has offered services to keep the love of shooting sports alive across the lifespan or to provide opportunities thought to be out of reach due to impairment or injury. The NRA Adaptive Shooting Program serves this population with projects such as the Range in a Box. The Range in a Box, a collaboration between the NRA and Pyramyd Air, includes nearly everything needed to run a temporary air gun range: rifles, pistols, portable range, rifle rests and reactive targets. It is available free of charge to organizations looking to host an event for people with disabilities. The Range in a Box has been available for approximately 10 years and has provided countless hours of instruction and enjoyment to thousands of people but, as components approached the end of their serviceable life, it was time for an upgrade. The centerpiece of the new kit is the Crosman portable air gun range which is a large tent (8 feet wide by 24 feet long) constructed of heavy vinyl, steel tubing and ballistic cloth. It may be used indoors or outdoors and can accommodate one or two shooting lanes. It is easily assembled using basic hand tools and following the manufacturer directions included in the kit. The air guns for the range needed to be sturdy while also being light weight to accommodate users with compromised strength and operation had to be as close to “point and shoot” as possible for those new to shooting.

The Range-in-a-Box includes a Crosman Air Gun Range (immediate right) and the Ultimate Tripod from McFadden Machine Company Inc. (far right)

36 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • Winter 2018-19

The expert help from the folks at Pyramyd Air resulted in the seven T-200 Sporter Air Rifles and three Air Venturi Air Pistols Included in the kit. The new range includes rifle rests from McFadden Machine Company. “The Ultimate Tripod” uses a free floating pivot to provide the freedom of movement to make the shot without the user having to support the weight of the rifle. The three configurations included in the kit should accommodate almost every user’s needs. Finally, we included some reactive targets because it’s nice to get that bullseye but nothing beats the “ping!” of steel or the “clunk!” of a falling plate. Pyramyd Air provided some durable options that are just plain fun. The Range in a Box is available to any organization planning an event including people with disabilities. To get started, a representative must contact NRA Adaptive Shooting Program either via e-mail at adaptiveshooting. or by visiting Each organization may use the Range in a Box two times and, if they wish to continue their event, they are encouraged to apply for grants through the NRA Foundation to purchase their own equipment. The NRA Adaptive Shooting Program removes the barriers that prevent interested groups from hosting events for people with disabilities by merging the resources of partners such as Pyramyd Air with the commitment and energy of the community.

The Ultimate Tripod can easily accomodate wheelchair users at variable heights (below). McFadden's specially designed free floating pivot with tension adjustment allows shooters to move in all directions simultaneously allowing you to stay on target. Portable construction of powder coated aluminum, choice hardwoods and leather. Even the shakiest shooter can make those once in a lifetime shots.

Pyramyd Air provides action targets such as the Medusa (above). With 9 spinning targets, defeating Medusa is diff icult quest indeed. With targets only 2.1" wide, this target presents a formidable challenge for shooters of all skill levels.

Get Your NRA Law Enforcement

Tactical Koozie, Dummy Rounds and Supplies Are you an instructor, club member or avid shooter in need of dummy rounds or other supplies? Visit our Program Materials Web Site at to see if we have what you need. Just like a law enforcement officers know how important it is to wear their body armor now you can protect your bottled drink and keep it cool at the same time with our Tactical Koozie!

Made to look like an external tactical ballistic vest, including Velcro strap adjustments. It also bears the NRA Law Enforcement Division logo on the front. Don’t go out without your tactical koozie. To order, visit

Winter 2018-19 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 37

NRA Business Alliance Update

Top Three Criteria FFLs Use for Selecting ATF Compliant Bound Book Software For many in the firearms industry, the “bound book” is well known as the regulated record for tracking the lifecycle movement of a firearm through the commercial sector and between licenses and non-licensees. Perhaps less well known are the unintended consequences of relying on software company advertising and advice as the sole determination of your needs as an FFL. The following are three important considerations when selecting an electronic Bound Book provider for your Federal Firearms License.

ATF 2016-1 Compliant Software is Different than FFL Compliance

When it comes to selecting an electronic bound book, consideration needs to be given, not only to compliance with ATF Ruling 2016-1, as so many advertise, but also what that term really means. FFLs find the greatest compliance and financial investment when shopping with a keen awareness of the “fly by, drop in” A&D installation kit offered by software companies who lack on-hand, operational FFL expertise. FFLs are most successful when they fully understand the capabilities of the electronic bound book software, including the source and use of firearm data, the location of backup files and user access rights. 38 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • Winter 2018-19

Consider asking the following questions: • I understand the software is 2016-1 compliant, but will my process be compliant? • Who reviews your software for ATF compliance when the regulations change? Implementation a by software vendor alone is the equivalent of expecting a car manufacturer to ensure its future drivers known what speed to drive and when to stop or go.

Firearms Software Expertise ≠ Firearms Business Expertise

Shopping for an ATF 2016-1 compliant bound book means knowing the details about the combined software and services expertise of your provider. Unfortunately, most software vendors don’t employ any ATF compliance experts and merely rely on outside, third party expertise. Such expertise may come with a deep knowledge of the regulations, but often lacks any experience in implementing an FFL’s Standard Operating Procedures. Consider asking the following questions: • Can you evaluate the status of my current bound book data – am I ATF compliant? • Will you assess my ATF compliance within 90 days?

Don’t Stop at Compliance – Your Provider Should Prove FFL Cost Savings FFLs using paper-based records invest 4-5 minutes to acquire and validate firearms into their chosen ledger. And, for every disposition FFLs invest another 4-5 minutes to dispose and validate a firearm. Dispositions to a non-licensee via ATF Form 4473, or those involving NFA firearms, often require additional time. For example, a mid-sized retail FFL acquires and disposes of 2,000 firearms per year. Running at top efficiency, that would require approximately 20,000 minutes between acquisitions and dispositions. Adding 4 minutes for each 4473 and the total time investment climbs to 24,000 minutes. At $17.00 per labor hour (business’s total investment, not employee’s hourly rate), that equates to $6,800 or $3.40 per firearm. FFLs using technology enabled processes can reduce overall processing time by upwards of 40%, equating to a savings of $1.36 per firearm. Consider asking the following questions: • Do I know all the features of the software and which should I implement? • Are there changes to my FFL business process that could save more money?

Before selecting your electronic bound book software provider, talk to other software users – not the businesses whose names are in the software brochures – businesses that are in your area with similar business models (i.e. if you are a gun shop talk to a gun shop, not a manufacturer). Ask the software provider about clients’ inspection results and how they supported those clients if/when issues were detected. It is important to know if your provider can support you through your inspection process and supply functional solutions if issues are uncovered. For additional information on selecting a Bound Book software solution, consult our partners at Orchid Advisors, the industry leading ATF and ITAR compliance services provider to manufacturing, distribution, and retail FFLs. The firm offers FFL and export licensing, deep record inspections, e4473 / NFA eForms, Electronic Bound Book software and delivers the largest online ATF and ITAR compliance training platform available. Orchid Advisors, in conjunction with sister companies, Retail Technology Group, Gearfire, and Gearfire Payments, provides FFLs the most comprehensive compliance solutions available in the industry. For additional information, visit http://

Winter 2018-19 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 35

NRA Affiliated State Associations AL STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N Address Currently Unavailable 256-534-7968 Website Currently Unavailable

ID STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N PO Box 140293 Boise, ID 83714-0293 208-452-0293

MN RIFLE & REVOLVER ASS'N, INC. P.O. Box 143 Farmington, MN 55024 320-968-6898

AK OUTDOOR COUNCIL, INC. 310 K St Ste 200 Anchorage, AK 99501 907-264-6645

IL STATE RIFLE ASS'N, INC. P.O. Box 637 420 E. Locust St. Chatsworth, IL 60921 815-635-3198

MS STATE FIREARM OWNERS ASS'N PO Box 1061 McComb, MS 39649 601-341-8797

AZ STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N P.O. Box 301 Cave Creek, AZ 85327 480-433-8047

IN STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N, INC. Address Currently Unavailable 812-534-3258

MO SPORT SHOOTING ASS’N P.O. Box 209 Winfield, MO 63389-1155 314-440-3811

AR RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N 4 Porter Field Drive Greenbrier, AR 72058 501-581-8762

IA FIREARMS COALITION PO Box 994 Cedar Falls, IA 50613 563-340-1377

MT RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N P.O. Box 48 Ramsay, MT 59748 406-868-4181

CA RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N, INC. 271 E Imperial Hwy Ste 620 Fullerton, CA 92835 714-992-2772

KS STATE RIFLE ASS'N P.O. Box 219 Bonner Springs, KS 66012 913-608-1910

NE MARKSMANSHIP ASS’N PO Box 390311 Omaha, NE 68139 402-933-4881

CO STATE SHOOTING ASS'N 510 Wilcox St Suite C Castle Rock, CO 80104 303-663-9339

LEAGUE of KY SPORTSMEN, INC. 116 Hume Rd Lexington, KY 40516 859-858-0135

NV FIREARMS COALITION 5575 Simmons St, Ste I-176 North Las Vegas, NV 89031 702-353-5935

CT STATE RIFLE & REVOLVER ASS'N P.O. Box 754 North Haven, CT 06473 860-480-4600

LA SHOOTING ASS'N 350 Quill Ct. Slidell, LA 70461 985-781-4174

GUN OWNERS OF NH, INC. P.O. Box 847 Concord, NH 03302-0487 603-225-4664

DE STATE SPORTSMEN’S ASS'N P.O. Box 94 Lincoln, DE 19960 302-764-6899

ME PINE TREE STATE R&P ASS'N, INC 14 Pine Road Wiscasset, ME 04578 207-882-4713

ASS'N OF NJ R&P CLUBS, INC. 5 Sicomac Rd Ste 292 North Haledon, NJ 07508 973-764-4100

FL SPORT SHOOTING ASS'N, INC. 4412 Hood Road Jacksonville, FL 32257 904-880-1715

MD STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N 341 Whitfield Rd Catonsville, MD 21228 410-838-1734

NM SHOOTING SPORTS ASS'N, INC. P.O. Box 20787 Albuquerque, NM 87154 505-286-8449

GA SPORT SHOOTING ASS’N 880 Marietta Highway - PO Box 351 Roswell, GA, 30075 404-791-5166


PO Box 567, 361 W Main St Northboro, MA 01606 508-393-5333

NY STATE R&P ASS’N, INC. 90 S. Swan Street Suite 395 Albany, NY 12210 518-272-2654

HI RIFLE ASSOCIATION PO Box 543 Kailua, HI 96734 808-306-7194

MI RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N P.O. Box 71 Marshall, MI 49068-0071 269-781-1223

NC RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N P.O. Box 4116 Pinehurst, NC 28374 910-295-7220

NRA Clubs & Associations • Spring 26 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION 2018

• 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 •

NRA Affiliated State Associations ND SHOOTING SPORTS ASS'N P.O. Box 228 Bismarck, ND 58502 701-255-4601

UT STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N 2718 E. 9725 South Sandy, UT 84092-3405 801-942-6529 Website Currently Unavailable

OH RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N PO Box 1201 Morehead, KY 40351-5201 513-426-7944

VT FED'N OF SPRTMN’S CLUBS, INC. PO Box 225 Lyndonville, VT 05851 802-535-7111

OK RIFLE ASS'N P.O. Box 280 Maud, OK 74854-0280 405-374-8262

VA SHOOTING SPORTS ASS’N P.O. Box 1258 Orange, VA 22960 540-672-5848

OR STATE SHOOTING ASS’N P.O. Box 231191 Portland, OR 97281-1161 541-409-3358

WA STATE R&P ASS'N, INC. Address Currently Unavailable 206-427-8257

PA RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N Address Currently Unavailable 814-236-0708

WV SRPA PO Box 553 Charles Town, WV 25414 304-783-5381

GUN RIGHTS & SAFETY ASS'N OF PR PO Box 191919 San Juan, PR 00919-1919 787-691-1919

WI F.O.R.C.E. PO Box 130 Seymour, WI 54165 607-799-3539

RI 2ⁿd AMENDMENT COALITION 928 Atwood Ave Johnston, RI 02919 401-944-1600

WY STATE SHOOTING ASS'N, INC. Address Currently Unavailable 307-335-9323

GUN OWNERS OF SC P.O. Box 211 Little Mountain, SC 29075 803-345-5761 SD SHOOTING SPORTS ASS'N PO Box 3 Dell Rapids, SD 57022 605-428-5488 TN SHOOTING SPORTS ASS'N, INC. 6653 Jocelyn Hollow Road Nashville, TN 37205 615-791-1879

TX STATE RIFLE ASS'N 8411 N. IH 35 Austin, TX 78753 512-615-4200

NRA Clubs & Associations • 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 • Spring 2018 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 27

NRA Field Representative Directory EASTERN REGION Eastern Regional Director

Bryan Hoover

Area 1 (ME, NH, VT)

Brian Smith

Area 2 (NY) Bruce McGowan

Area 3 (CT, MA, RI, NJ, Lower NY)

Craig Decker

Area 4 (DE, Eastern PA)

Kory Enck

Area 5 (Western PA)

Thomas Baldrige

Area 7 (WV, Western VA, Western MD)

Michael Swackhamer

Area 12 (Southern OH)

David Graham

Area 45 (DC, Eatern MD, Eastern VA)

David Wells

Area 49 (Northern OH)

Marc Peugeot

Central Regional Director

Chad Franklin

Area 13 (Northern MO)

Travis Scott


Area 14 (IN) Craig Haggard

Area 15 (KY) John LaRowe

Area 17 (WI) Scott Taetsch

Area 18 (Northern IL)

Michael Huber

Area 19 (MO)

Tim Besancenez

Area 23 (IA, NE)

Tim Bacon

Area 51 (MI) Allan Herman Area 52 (Southern IL)

Donald Higgs

Southern Regional Director

Al Hammond

Area 8 (Eastern NC)

Garland B. Storey III

Area 9 (SC)

Freeman Coleman


Area 10 (GA) Neely Raper Area 11 (Northern FL)

Bret Eldridge

Area 16 (LA) Chad Bowen Area 22 (AL, MS)

Bobby Berthelot

Area 42 (Western NC)

Doug Merrill bberthelot@nrahq.or

Area 43 (TN) Mike Webb

Area 48 (Southern FL)

• Spring 28 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION 2018 NRA Clubs & Associations

Tom Knight

• 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 •

NRA Field Representative Directory MID WEST REGION Mid West Regional Director

Tom Ulik

Area 20 (OK) Darren DeLong Area 24 (KS) VACANT ----------------------------------------------

Area 25 (Northern TX)

Kevin Post

Area 44 (Eastern TX)

Liz Foley

Area 26 (Southern TX)

Tyler Ward

Area 27 (NM) Michael Guilliams Area 30 (CO) Brad Dreier

Area 39 (AR) Erica Willard-Dunn

Area 47 (Western TX)

Jack Cannon

Brad Kruger

WESTERN REGION Western Regional Director

Area 21 (MN) Eric Linder

Area 28 (MT) Joseph Crismore

Area 29 (WY) Logan Duff

Area 33 (ID) Steve Vreeland

Area 34 (HI, OR)

Mike Carey

Area 38 (Southern AK)

Greg Stephens

Area 40 (WA) Michael Herrera

Area 41 (ND, SD)

Doug DeLaRoi

Area 53 (Northern AK)

Josh Toennessen

SOUTHWESTERN REGION Southwestern Regional Director

Jason Quick

Area 31 (AZ) Winston Pendelton

Area 32 (UT, Eastern NV)

Jim Reardon

Area 35 (Northern CA)

Daniel Wilhelm

Area 36 (Southern CA)

Mike Davis

Area 37 (Central CA, Southern NV) Steve Wilson

Area 46 (Eastern CA)

Cole Beverly

Area 50 (Mid California)

Sheila Boer

• NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 29 Spring 2018 NRA Clubs & Associations • 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 •

Nonprofit Org U.S. POSTAGE PAID Dulles, VA Permit No. 67

Recreational Programs & Ranges 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, VA 22030

Club Leadership Development Online Course

Is your club looking for new leadership? Are you a current club officer and need an update? Check out the NRA Club Leadership Development Online Course to obtain your NRA Approved Club Officer Certificate. The NRA Club Leadership & Development Online Course is designed to educate current and incoming club officers and leaders in club operations, programs, and membership development.

Sign up today by visiting

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