NRA Club Connection - Fall 2018

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A Special Message from NRA President Oliver North

A Letter From President North

Dear NRA Affiliate Leaders,

We stand at the edge of the precipice of one of the most important elections of our lives. That is the reality we face … just days from now. All the freedoms we hold dear are, quite literally, at stake in this election. The enemies of our freedom are highly organized and abundantly funded… thanks to a group of super-rich political elites hellbent on “buying” this election to serve their own agenda. This self-serving cabal of billionaires and their pet politicians have conspired to permanently transform America into a socialist state. They tried their best to win the White House in 2016 and, ever since, they’ve done everything possible to undo that election. Their goal is a clear and present danger! They plan to seize power in Washington by capturing the House of Representatives and U.S. Senate… then crush the NRA, take the White House two years from now, and repeal the Second Amendment. It is an all-out attack against us and our freedom, not with bombs and bullets, but with billions of dollars buying ballots. You know their names: George Soros, Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer – and their lap dog, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. He’s the genius who recently claimed, “We’re not going to make America great again; it was never that great.” When he made that shocking assertion, I was at the American Cemetery in Normandy, France with

a group of NRA members, Freedom Alliance supporters and combat-wounded heroes from our current war against radical Islamist terror. We were stunned. More stunning still: not one of the anti-freedom, billionaire-socialist-cabal distanced themselves from Governor Cuomo’s pathetic rejection of American values. Apparently, acknowledging America’s greatness doesn’t serve their agenda. That helps explain why George Soros has pumped tens of millions into far left political candidates and causes; why Michael Bloomberg has vowed to spend $80 million in this election and Tom Steyer says he’s spending at least $110 million -- all to plant Democrat-Socialists throughout our government and turn America into a Gun-Free socialist utopia. Only the members of the NRA, and our country’s 100 million gun owners stand in their way. We are the only patriots – proven by history – strong enough, tough enough, and dedicated enough to defeat the big spending liars the one and only way possible – with our votes! On November 6th every one of us must turn out and vote. And every one of us must get someone else out to vote, too. No one sits this election out. The stakes are too high. Every vote is needed. As law-abiding gun owners & 2nd Amendment advocates, you know the battlefield in this election. You helped win this fight two years ago, and you

know our freedom cannot afford to letup this year. Two years ago, it was the NRA – each one of us doing our part – that helped elect one of the most openly pro-Second Amendment Presidents in history. During the past two years, President Trump has demonstrated his strong commitment to protecting our firearms freedom. He has fought back efforts to restrict our rights and nominated not one … but two… pro-freedom judges to sit on the United States Supreme Court. The President’s support for our freedom has driven our opponents and the so-called “mainstream media” absolutely nuts. They’ve protested, ranted and raved… and they’ve organized like never before to take over the U.S. House and Senate. If they win the House, they will spend the next two years trying to impeach the President… and seize the White House in 2020. WE THE PEOPLE are supposed to govern America – not wealthy oligarchs intent on ruling us and stripping away the freedoms we hold dear. The battle lines are clear and the fight is joined. Their last minute smear against Judge Kavanaugh in an attempt to block his confirmation is just one more indication of their tactics. You… and I mean YOU… are the tip of the spear in this fight to preserve our liberties. You are admired, respected and trusted among your peers and colleagues. Use that credibility to encourage your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers – to

spread the word and vote for candidates who support the 2nd Amendment on November 6th. I urge you to visit to obtain a list of NRA endorsed candidates in your area. Every single vote by you and other Americans like you can make all the difference in preserving our freedom and saving our nation. Please stand with me in making that difference. Do everything you can to help us win this election battle. VOTE! Semper Fidelis, Oliver North

President's Column: This Election Requires Participation from "Freedom's Army" of NRA Members


NRA-ILA Update


Election Efforts

NRA School Shield: A Program Whose Time Has Come

NRA School Shield Awards Grants To Support School Security Projects Across The Country

2018 NRA World Shooting Championship Concludes a Memorable Competition Season

2018 NRA National Precision Pistol Championship Repeat Champion - Jonathan Shue

2018 Aguila Cup Bring the Family!

NRA National Police Shooting Championship Reigning Champ: U.S. Border Patrol's Robert Vadasz

USA Shooting: 20 for 20 Firearms for America's Shooting Team

Y.E.S. 2018 Two Summer Sessions of Leading the Legacy

Refuse To Be A Victim® Online Instructor Course

Eddie Eagle's Record Summer!

YHEC Molding Young Hands to Carry Our Hunting Heritage

5 Tips To Improve Your Shooting Skills

NRA Member Services Website Updates

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Editor: Son Nguyen, National Manager Clubs & Associations and Range Services


Design & Layout: Stephen Czarnik, Sr. Program Coord. Clubs & Associations

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(800) NRA-Club (672-2582)

Published quarterly by the National Rifle Association of America Recreational Programs & Ranges Division © Copyright 2018 National Rifle Association

NRA Clubs & Associations • 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 • (800) NRA-Club •

president’scolumn president’scolumn


Mentor a New Shooter, This Election Requires Participation from Mentor a New Shooter, This Election Requires Participation from Save the Second Amendment “Freedom’s Army” of NRA Members Save the Second Amendment “Freedom’s Army” of NRAto vote Members ayhe has been designated NRA reminds me of ato conmost pivotal election of our lives is This andmentorship urge themeffort immediately


has been designated NRA This mentorship effort reminds of cona Mentor month. IJudge sometimes hear, “What is theme NRA only aInitiative fewpivotal weeks away,The and Iour have justisquestion firm Kavanaugh. heay most election ofNRA, lives and urge them to vote immediately to Mentor month. NRA, I sometimes hear, “What the to NRA with support from the firearm indoingquestion for me today?” I challenge you toisask one question: Second, I’m asking all NRA members only a few Initiative weeks away, andThe I have just firm Judge Kavanaugh. with support from firearm doing fortheir me today?” Ifor challenge you to are ask dustry, has designed an initiative with a very “What amI’m I doing Second What are WE going to dothe about it? in- yourself, upgrade NRA memberships. If you one question: Second, asking allthe NRA members to dustry, has designed an to initiative with a veryAmendment yourself, “What amplease I memberships. doing for the Second simple objective; we are calling on each ofit? and America?” I suggest you Please consider what’s at and an annual member, consider signing What are WE going dostake about upgrade their NRA If you are simple objective; wewhat’s are on each Amendment and America?” I our suggestsigning you our 5-million-and-growing NRA members— something for member America, forconsider whether weconsider are willing tocalling join ranks and of can do up asannual a five-year or becoming an Please at stake an member, please our 5-million-and-growing members— can for America, for our and everyone else in the firearm commuSecond Amendment after accept the challenge of doing what’s good treasured NRA Life member. There istoday no more critical whether we are willing to NRA join ranks and up do as asomething five-year member or becoming an and everyone else in the firearm commutreasured Second Amendment today nity—to find someone who has neverwhat’s fired agoodyou finish reading this. You can up, make and right forchallenge our nation. time now and noget wayafter to accept the of doing NRAthan Liferight member. There isbetter no more critical nity—to find has never you finish reading this. Youno can get up, firearm before, take them towho the range and call andstand take up your niece, nephew, One of thesomeone greatest privileges in myfired life aa phone help NRA forand liberty. and right for our nation. time than right now better waymake to firearm before, take them to the range and a phone call and takeisyour niece, nephew, help them put their first rounds on target. grandson, granddaughter is toOne be named the 66th privileges President of Our third mission it is perof the greatest in our my lifeneighbor, help NRA stand up forcrucial—and liberty.or friend help them putAssociation. their first rounds on target. to thehaps neighbor, grandson, or friend There’s no named better way to inform Americans shooting range. National Rifle the third easiest part granddaughter toisaccomplish: is to be the 66th President of our Our mission crucial—anddoubling it is perThere’s no better way to to inform Americans toonthe range. on the Second Amendment than provide all shooting of us to be chief ambassadors That privilege is the opportunity to serve It’sour membership. National Rifle Association. haps the easiest part to accomplish: doubling on thefirst-hand Second than towomen provide on all of us chief ambassadors a positive, experience. It’s been my offor the Second Amendment and to6 ensure you—the nearlyAmendment 6 million men and IfIt’severy one of to ourbenearly million NRA That privilege is the opportunity to serve our membership. By Pete Brownell LtColR. Oliver L. North, a positive, experience. It’s beencivil my for thefor Second Amendment and ensure experience that first-hand within minutes of the safety its viability generations to come. It’stomember, no the NRA—our nation’s oldest and largest members signed up just one new you—the nearly 6 million men and women of If every one of our nearly 6 million NRA By Pete R. Brownell LtCol Oliver L. North, President USMC (Ret.) experience that within minutesand of the itsmore viability for generations to come. It’s no in briefing, a lesson on marksmanship thesafetysecret, and more young Americans grow rights organization. we would double our “political firepower” the NRA—our nation’s oldest and largest civil members signed up just one new member, President briefing, a lesson on marksmanship and the secret, more and more young Americans grow first pull of the trigger, all of the preconup in urban environments void of family and President Yourorganization. sense of duty, your commitment USMC (Ret.) defense of the Second rights we would double our Amendment. “political firepower” in first pull of the trigger, all of the preconup in urban environments void of family and ceived notions and media-fueled biases melt friends to teach them about responsible fireto defending yourcommitment diligence and We all know family member, President Your senseour of rights, duty, your defense of thesomeone—a Second Amendment. ceived media-fueled biases friends neighbor, to teach them about responsible away,activism leavingnotions only anand excited and a ourmeltarm ownership. Frighteningly, more and more in protecting oursmile nation and friend, co-worker, someone wefiresee to defending our rights, your diligence and We all know someone—a family member, away, leaving only an excited smile and a arm ownership. Frighteningly, more and more desirefreedoms for more. young Americans are learning about guns inspires me. That’s why I’m priviatfriend, the gun range or in the hunting field who activism in protecting our nation and our neighbor,are co-worker, someone we see desireto for more. youngabout Americans learning about Whether your newcomer ultimately joins from cares television news stories, movies, leged be your NRA as much asvideo we guns do. We freedoms inspires me.President. That’sultimately why I’m priviat the gun freedom range orstories, in the hunting field who Whether your newcomer joins from television news movies, video the firearm community or simply walks away games or newspaper headlines. The best way Yourtorise to action humbles me. In election need toabout ask him or her as to much join usas aswe members NRA OFFICERS NRA OFFICERS morethe leged be your NRA President. cares freedom do. We firearm community or simply walks the away games ormisinformation newspaper headlines. The best informed, they’ve left helped learning some to counteract gained from any way after election, you have preserve libof this great association. NRA OFFICERS Your rise to action humbles me. Insome election need to ask him or her to join usthe asfrom members NRA OFFICERS PeteOliver R. Brownell L. North more informed, they’ve left learning to counteract misinformation gained any invaluable lessons—not the least of which is of these sources is to help people learn erties and values wehave all hold dear.preserve But this the year,lib- ofUrge them association. to call 1-877-NRA-2000 … or after election, you this great Pete R. Brownell President President invaluable lessons—not the least which istruth contact of these sources is experiences. to people learn the gun safety. I would also hopehelped the next time through first-hand all we have accomplished is at risk.of The time me directly athelp Oliver L. North erties and values we all hold dear. But this year, Urge them to call 1-877-NRA-2000 … or President gunaction, safety. I would also hope the next time truth through first-hand experiences. they hear a discussion regarding firearms, for from every NRA member, is now. to become an NRA member. You can even Richard Childress Richard Childress President all we have accomplished is at risk. The time contact me directly at they hear a discussion regarding firearms, gun rights or gun ownersParty’s that doesn’t relate Childress If the Democrat “progressivea membership, like I am doing for my FirstRichard Vice President First Vice President for action, from every NRA member, isrelate now.TO gift to become an NRA member. You can even Richard Childress HELP YOU GET gun rights or gun owners doesn’t with their own, first-hand experience, they First Vice President socialists” seize control of that the U.S. House and grandchildren as they get old enough to Carolyn D. Vice Meadows Carolyn D. President Meadows will be TO YOU GET If the Democrat Party’s “progressivegift aHELP membership, like I am doing for my First with their own, first-hand experience, they much more likely to see and call out Senate in November, they will derail every STARTED grasp theAS valueAofMENTOR, belonging to America’s I Carolyn Meadows Second Vice D. President Second Vice President bogus socialists” seize control of the U.S. House and grandchildren as they get old enough will be much judicial more likely and out information for what it to is. see Perhaps Carolyn D. Meadows nomination andcall progreatest civil rights organization. STARTED AS A MENTOR, I to Second Vice President moreconservative Senate in November, they will derail every grasp the value of belonging to America’s ENCOURAGE YOU TO VISIT bogus information for what it is. Perhaps importantly, they will be inclined to Wayne LaPierre Wayne LaPierre Second Vice President Second Amendment measure in Congress. Imagine the strength of an NRA with conservative judicial nomination and progreatest civil rights organization. ENCOURAGE YOU TO VISIT more importantly, they will be inclined Wayne LaPierre up and set goals the record for Executive Vice President Executive Vice PresidentspeakTheir stated are tostraight roadblock andto NRAPUBLICATIONS. 12 million members! Wayne LaPierre Second measure in Congress. Imagine the strength of an NRA with speak upAmendment and set the record straight for Executive Vice Presidentthoseimpeach less informed. President Donald Trump and then I’ve been told by some of my former media NRAPUBLICATIONS. JohnJohn Frazer FrazerVice President Executive Their goals are make to roadblock and ORG/MENTOR 12 million members! those less It’sreplace oftenstated said, “A lie will its way himinformed. in 2020 with a far-left, anti“colleagues” that’s a “mission impossible.” John Frazer Secretary Secretary impeach President and then I’ve been told by some of my former media ORG/MENTOR It’s globe often said, “ADonald lie truth will Trump make its way around the before the can get John Frazer freedom socialist. I don’t believe it. Secretary replace him in Sadly, 2020 with atheir far-left, anti“colleagues” that’s a “mission impossible.” Wilson H. Phillips Jr. Jr. Wilson H. Phillips around the globe before truth can get TO DOWNLOAD its boots laced up.” plenty of media Secretary Only the NRA stands inthe way. You If we “stand together in the breach” we TO DOWNLOAD freedom socialist. I don’t believe it. of these missions Wilson H. Phillips Jr. Treasurer Treasurer its boots laced up.” Sadly, plenty of media outlets are happy to give globe-trotting COPY all three and our fellow NRA members, nearly 6 mil- A FREE can accomplish Wilson H. Phillips Jr. Treasurer Only the NRA stands in their way. You If we “stand together in the breach” outlets are happy to give globe-trotting untruths a free ride. Each and every person A FREE COPY lion men and women strong and growing, preserve our Second Amendment for we Josh Josh Powell Powell Treasurer OF and THE NRA’S and our NRA members, nearly 6 milcan accomplish all three of these missions untruths aone freeofride. Each andamovements every person who knows thefellow facts can as stoplight comprise theserve greatest for Josh generations to come: Executive Director, Executive Director, ChiefPowell of Staff OF THE NRA’S lion men and strong and and our Second Amendment Josh Powell who knows thewomen facts can serve as growing, a stoplight long individual enough for the truth about firearms and Executive Director, ■ preserve Immediately let our Senators knowfor we liberty in history. General Operations General Operations “A GUIDE FOR comprise one of the greatest movements for generations toFOR come: Executive Director, long enough forup. the truth about firearms and gun owners to catch General Operations want Judge Kavanaugh confirmed as a “A GUIDE We are “Freedom’s Army.” If our children Christopher W. Cox Christopher W. Cox NEW SHOOTERS.” ■ Supreme Immediately our Senators know we individual inare history. General Operations gun ownersliberty catch up. The benefits oftomentorship don’t“the endblessings Courtlet justice; and grandchildren to enjoy Christopher W. Cox Executive Director, Executive Director, NEW SHOOTERS.” want Judge Kavanaugh confirmed as a We are “Freedom’s Army.” If our children The benefits of mentorship don’t end there. Serving as a mentor is also a great ■ Upgrade our memberships; and of liberty” tomorrow, we have no choice but Christopher W. Cox Executive Institute For Legislative Institute ForDirector, Legislative Supreme Court justice; and grandchildren are to enjoy “the blessings there. Serving as a mentor is also a great refresher course in gun safety and marksWe’ve all had mentors in ■ Sign up at least one new member to fight for our freedom NOW. Executive Director, Institute For Legislative Action Action ■ ofall Upgrade our our memberships; and of Our liberty” tomorrow, we have no choice refresher course insimple. gun safety and marks-but We’ve all mentors in civil rights manship for strategy yourself. you’re doing life. Virtually ofhad us owe successes to our nation’s greatest isPlus, We have three Institute Action For Legislative ■guidance Sign up at at least one new memberto to fight for our freedom NOW. manship formissions: yourself. you’re doing the critical life. Virtually all of us owe our successes your immediate part to improve publicPlus, safety. A more least a handful organization, the NRA— “Freedom’s Action ofremember our nation’s rights Our strategy is owner simple. havecontact your part to improve public Athree more of people. the critical guidance ofgreatest at least acivil handful knowledgeable firearm inWe asafety. commuWe those people; we Safest Place!” First, we ALL must immediately the NRA— “Freedom’s immediate knowledgeable firearm owner a to commuof people. remember those people; nity makes a positive overall difference hold them in organization, high regard, and in many wayswewe Finally, asWe this crucial election looms, our two U.S.missions: Senators and urge in them to nityFirst, makes positive overall difference to we emulate Safest Place!” hold them in in high and inknow many weaALL must immediately contact everyone’s safety. ourregard, everyday lives. This need tothem encourage everyone we toways turn swiftly confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. everyone’s safety. weopportunity emulate them invote our everyday lives. This Finally, as this crucial election looms, we our two U.S. Senators urge them This mentoring initiative isand an offices, extension is your to thatfor person for out at the polls andbe freedom-loving Supreme Court. Call their emailtothem This mentoring initiative is an extension isneed your opportunity to be that person for to encourage everyone we know to turn of NRA’s founding principles—providing swiftly confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the hear U.S.someone else. candidates on Election Day. History proves and send notes in the mail letting them of NRA’s founding principles—providing someone gun safety, training and education to all email themDothat out atpart theelse. polls andour vote for freedom-loving your to keep communities Supreme Court. Call their offices, when NRA members accept the challenge your support for Judge Kavanaugh. gun safety, training and education to all hear Do your to our communities Americans. By becoming a are mentor, you safer,toto keep ourpart kids onkeep theDay. rightHistory track candidates on Election proves and send notes in the mail letting them work and vote, we consistently make the Senate Democrats intent onget blockAmericans. Byfor becoming a mentor, you get and to safer, to difference keep ourmembers kids on the right track to introduce the training process toand a newforever secure our Second that when NRA accept the challenge your support Judge Kavanaugh. essential in precious close elections. ing Kavanaugh’s confirmation delaying introduce the training to new- Amendment. and to forever secure precious Second comer. While weDemocrats advise all November’s new shooters toablocktoWe’ve work and we our consistently make the Senate areprocess intent on donevote, it before. We must do it again. atovote until after this elections comer. While we to advise new shooters to Amendment. with NRA Certified Instructors, we recogBecome a mentor. essential difference in close elections. ing Kavanaugh’s confirmation and delaying For news aboutabout your NRA, they hope take all over the Senate. For news your NRA, train when train with NRA Certified Instructors, we recogBecome a mentor. many people are more comfortable We’ve done it before. We must do it again. a vote until after this November’s For news NRA, nize that visit: andabout Today, pro-freedom Senators are inelections control. visit: and your nize that many people are more comfortable getting started with a knowledgeable friend when they hope to take over the Senate. For news about your NRA, visit: and ShareShare this column onlineonline at That’s why every NRA member and gun this column at getting started knowledgeable friend one. Today, pro-freedom are in control. visit: and this column online at or loved owner must act with now.aSenators Contact your Senators or loved one. That’s why every NRA member and gun Share this column online at owner must may act now. your Senators 2018 Contact ❘ ❘ Fall 2018 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 1 14 | SHOOTINGILLUSTRATED.COM | 10.18 may 2018 ❘ ❘





UPDATE By Glen Caroline, Director, NRA-ILA Grassroots Programs & Campaign Field Operations Division

Election Efforts

With control of Congress hanging in the balance this November, we as gun owners can’t afford to be complacent. Your NRA-ILA has been working hard across the county to ensure that gun owners and Second Amendment supporters are aware of the various candidates’ records on our gun rights, and we are mobilizing in support of our NRA-PVF endorsed candidates. Below is a map of the states where we either have dedicated Campaign Field Representatives (CFRs) or we have volunteer-led election efforts. For our efforts in the remaining states, you can call the NRA-ILA Grassroots Programs and Campaign Field Operations Division at (800) 392-VOTE (8683). If you are interested in getting involved in any of our election efforts, you can do so from home by going to: Your involvement will only involve a couple of hours of your time, but will pay big dividends in November!


NRA Applauds Senate Confirmation of

Judge Brett Kavanaugh

to the U.S. Supreme Court The National Rifle Association today applauded the U.S. Senate’s confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to serve as an associate justice on the United States Supreme Court. “On behalf of our nearly six million members, the NRA congratulates Brett Kavanaugh on his confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court,” said Chris W. Cox, executive director, National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA). “Kavanaugh is an eminently qualified jurist who will interpret the Constitution as the framers intended. He respects our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms for self-defense.” In the 2016 elections, voters made clear that the Supreme Court was an issue of critical importance. Today, President Donald Trump has once again delivered on his promise of appointing constitutionally sound justices to our nation’s highest court. “The NRA would like to thank President Trump for fulfilling his campaign promise to nominate pro-Second Amendment justices to the Supreme Court. The selections of Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh demonstrate President Trump’s unwavering support for our fundamental right to self-defense,” Cox continued. The U.S. Senate confirmed Kavanaugh by a 50 to 48 vote. The NRA applauds all senators who voted in favor of Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation and would especially like to thank Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) for their leadership in this effort.

Grassroots Staff We have also had a number of staff changes. They are represented in the map below. Please feel free to reach out to the Grassroots contact for your state via email using the following formula: [FIRST NAME] Grassroots Staff

Ben Carpenter Amanda Sanders Lexy Higgins Daniel Sheppard David Conte Christian Ragosta Suzanne Anglewicz Sarah Hitchcock Trey Ramsey Mark Galey Fall 2018 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 3


NRA School Shield: A Program Whose Time Has Come By Eric Kaiser, Master Texas Peace Off icer and Chief of Police, Jourdanton, Texas Police Department As a career law enforcement officer, I can tell you that there are no shortage of individuals out there who are ready and willing to teach and train you and your team on a countless number of topics related to keeping the public safe. “Experts” abound — sometimes it takes a flashlight and a roadmap to find those programs that can really add valuable insight and functional tools to your toolbox. With that in mind, let me hit the rewind button for a moment and take you back to 2016. As a leader at my agency, I am typically tasked with sorting through programs that our officers can absorb and implement. I evaluate the programs to ensure valuable hours spent on training are a wise investment for our department. It was in that frame of mind that I began the first (of many) conversations with NRA Field Representative, Liz Foley and NRA School Shield Program Director, Sheila Brantley about a school safety initiative that had not received the fanfare it deserved up to that point. What I soon learned is that the NRA School Shield program was one of the most comprehensive and insightful programs that a school or law enforcement agency could participate in. Knee jerk reactions -- politicians are good at them. Don’t believe me? Just wait for the next act of terrorism or mass violence to occur; and watch those who sit in their proverbial ivory towers rail about how many new laws are

needed in the interest of “keeping us safe.” The reality is that you usually can’t legislate morality into someone who has ill intent. You know this and I know this; lawmakers often don’t. In an era of terrorism, school shootings, and acts of mass violence, what has been proven to work is a well measured, well thought-out plan that addresses the issue from several perspectives. Here in south Texas, I thought hard about how to develop a well-rounded, practical, yet effective solution for the threats our schools face. But after these initial conversations with Liz and Sheila, I realized I didn’t have to. The heavy lifting had already been done; NRA School Shield had already been rolled out. For those not familiar with NRA School Shield, let me pull back the curtain on the most comprehensive and cost effective way to initiate both law enforcement and school officials on making their campuses a difficult target for criminals. NRA School Shield doesn’t reinvent the wheel. What the NRA has done is take various concepts that have been proven to work and fused them together into a holistic approach to protecting our kids and school staff. NRA School Shield took the best practices for hardening a school campus, reacting to violent incidents, mitigating the aftermath, and produced an easy to understand realworld system that any school can implement. The program centers on the “vulnerability assessment.” Fall 2018 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 5

A process through which schools can identify potential risks and weaknesses that could have negative effects on a campus. By identifying these deficiencies, decision makers can properly allocate resources to reduce the threats and potential dangers that schools face daily. But NRA School Shield goes further. It brings together stakeholders from the law enforcement community and education field. Individuals who look at problems from two distinct perspectives and gets them on the same page. Teaching those who we entrust with our children to “Detect, Delay, Respond and Recover” is a framework that elevates the security of any campus that puts NRA School Shield into practice. If the program stopped there it would be an incredible program for any school to adopt… but it doesn’t. NRA School Shield goes above and beyond by working with their partner school districts to obtain grant funds to assist in elevating physical security measures and taking the often high cost of school security off the back of the local tax payer. Via private grants, NRA School Shield can help reduce the likelihood that a criminal can carry out a vio6 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • Fall 2018

lent crime on the premises that hold our nation’s most valuable asset: our children. So what does an all-inclusive school safety initiative like this cost a school district or police department? In the world of law enforcement, this type of enterprise can easily costs tens of thousands of dollars (if not more) for a single agency. But for those police departments and school systems who have partnered with NRA School Shield, there have been zero out of pocket expense -- not a penny. As the first Police Chief in Texas to sponsor an NRA School Shield training event, I can attest that it is a nononsense, effective way that any school system can escalate the safety and security of their facilities. To borrow a line f rom incoming NRA President, Lt. Col. Oliver North, “School Shield has already made world class security resources available to hundreds of schools. It’s free of politics and it’s free of charge.” For more information on how your school or department can gain access this proven program call 844-467-7723 or visit

NRA School Shield Awards Grants To Support School Security Projects Across The Nation By Sheila Brantley, Director, National School Shield Program

Since its inception in 2012, the NRA School Shield program has been on a mission to protect our children. With 69% of public schools reporting at least one violent incident at school during the 2015-2016 school year and 34% of U.S. parents fearing for their children’s safety at school, no task is more important than protecting our nation’s youth. Through awareness, education, and advocacy efforts, the NRA School Shield program has been on the front lines underscoring the importance of school security and calling communities to action to help make our schools more secure. This past spring, the NRA School Shield program, in partnership with The NRA Foundation, Inc., opened its first national grant cycle and subsequently awarded more than $600,000 in grants to support vital school security projects and activities across the nation. A total of 54 grants were recommended among 23 states and included both public and private K-12 educational institutions. Grants were awarded to eligible applicants for proposals that aimed to make our nation’s schools more secure by addressing known vulnerabilities through the implementation of industry best practices in security infrastructure, technology, personnel, training, and policy. Grant funded activities included but were not limited to infrastructure enhancements/renovations, access control and visitor management systems, improved communications systems, emergency medicals kits, and perimeter fencing repairs/installation as well as investments in life-saving training. The NRA School Shield’s grant program is a critical piece of the puzzle when it comes to making our schools more secure and protecting our children. NRA School Shield has made significant investments in helping stakeholders learn more about common vulnerabilities and best practices in terms of school security – even working with law enforcement and school leaders to standardize the process for conducting school vulnerability assessments through the Security Assessor Training program. With this grant program, schools in need received the funding necessary to make meaningful improvements. To learn more about NRA School Shield, please visit The NRA Foundation a war ded Winnsboro Independent School District a grant for access control projects at the elementary, middle, and high school. A check was presented by Ray Hollingsworth, Chairman of the Northeast Texas Friends of NRA.




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The Winners' Circle of the 2018 World Shooting Championship: Champion — Tim Yackley, Second Place — Greg Jordan, Third Place — Bruce Piatt, High Junior — Michael Davis, High Lady — Lena Miculek

History-Making NRA World Shooting Championship Concludes Memorable 2018 Competition Season

By NRA Staff

As the daylight becomes more fleeting with each passing day in the dawn of autumn, another successful NRA Competitive Shooting season comes to a close, capping a great year of world-class shooting from scores of global competitors and innovations at NRA to bring these timehonored sports into the next generation. The 2018 campaign kicked off with the Intercollegiate Pistol and Rifle Club Championships at Fort Benning, Georgia, which saw the nation’s best college shooting sports student-athletes vying for top honors. Ohio State’s Anthony McCollum prevailed at the pistol championships, scoring a 547 for a narrow six-point championship win over the U.S. Coast Guard Academy’s Brian Kim. The Buckeyes also earned the top team hardware with their combined score of 2127. In rifle, fellow Ohioans from the University of Akron repeated as the NRA Intercollegiate Rifle Club Team Champions with a combined score of 4494. Intercollegiate Pistol Champion — Anthony McCollum

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Late May brought the return of the NRA World Action Pistol Championship to American shores, preceding the 40th anniversary of the prestigious NRA Bianchi Cup, with both events taking place at the Green Valley Rifle & Pistol Club in Hallsville, Missouri. The stars and stripes dominated in The Show-Me State, as Team USA won the championship, led by shooting legend Doug Koenig and his perfect score of 1920-180X. In the ensuing Bianchi Cup, however, the WAPC runner-up, SFC Adam Sokolowski of the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit, made history by being the first to sweep all three Bianchi Cup divisions – Production, Metallic and Open – en route to a perfect 1920-176X score and Bianchi Cup title. The tradition of the National Matches proudly resumed this summer, continuing the legacy at various ranges throughout the American heartland. Among the numerous matches at historic Camp Perry, Ohio throughout July, Jonathan Shue captured particular attention with his

Intercollegiate Rifle Club Champions — Zips Rifle Club of the University of Akron

repeat as the NRA National Precision Pistol Champion. Shue, who also won High Veteran and High Civilian honors, mounted a furious comeback down by 13 points in the .22 caliber matches, storming back to seize the title with a 2625 out of a possible 2700 points and edging SFC Sokolowski by a narrow two-point margin. In the 2018 NRA National High Power Rifle Championship at Camp Atterbury, Indiana, another Army marksman, SFC Brandon Green of Box Springs, Georgia, earned the Mumma Trophy as the National High Power Rifle Champion for the third time, finishing with a score of 2394-147. Green later entered the history books when he became the first-ever U.S. military marksman to win the Governor’s General Prize at the Canadian Fullbore Rifle Championships. Elizabeth Gratz, member of the prolific West Virginia University rifle team, excelled in the NRA Smallbore Rifle Championships in Bristol, Indiana, earning the Iron

Man Championship and the Lones Wigger Trophy for her 11799-698X performance across the 11-day event. As temperatures cooled in the latter half of September, the dynamic world series of competitive shooting, the NRA World Shooting Championship, returned to West Virginia’s Peacemaker National Training Center. The sold-out gauntlet challenged 330 shooters in 12 challenging stages spanning myriad shooting disciplines, all to demonstrate solid fundamentals and well-rounded marksmanship skills. After three days of competition, 19-year-old Tim Yackley, a member of the beloved Yackley family of competitive shooting, became the youngest shooter ever to earn the title of World Shooting Champion, finishing with a total score of 582.22, good for 25 points ahead of the second place finisher. These highlights only capture a fraction of the excellence exhibited and accolades earned at competitions throughout the season, with shooters showcasing their National Precision Pistol Champion — Jonathan Shue

Fall 2018 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 11

National High Power Rifle Champion and winner of the Mumma Trophy — SFC Brandon Green

skills at various NRA muzzleloading, air gun, indoor, F-Class and silhouette tournaments from Indiana to New Mexico. For a complete listing of NRA tournaments and results, visit Following warm receptions, excellent competition and positive feedback from competitors, staff and community members, the NRA is proud to announce its lineup of National Matches, including the NRA Bianchi Cup at Green Valley Rifle & Pistol Club, the NRA National High Power Rifle Championship at Camp Atterbury, the NRA Smallbore Rifle Championships at Chief Wa-Ke’-De Range, the NRA National Pistol Championships at Camp Perry, and the NRA World Shooting Championship at Peacemaker National Training Center, will return to their respective host venues in 2019. The NRA Competitive Shooting Staff continues to review and analyze the very best options for all pending National Championships and shooting events. Please look forward to hearing from us again in the very near future. While history was made on the firing line at ranges across the country in 2018, NRA’s Competitive Shooting Division worked diligently in the background to bring the sport into the future. Earlier this year, the division unveiled a completely redesigned website, making it easier for prospective and veteran shooters alike to find their next match or tournament, view recent scores and National Records, browse rule books and regulations, and take advantage of resources to help them plan their own competitive shooting event. The new website isn’t the only improvement being made to bolster NRA Competitive Shooting – the dedicated NRA staff who oversee, plan, and manage the division is growing in size, working to preserve historic matches and 12 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • Fall 2018

cultivate exciting newer events. Implementation of cutting-edge technologies including RANGELOG to automate match registration and PractiScore to analyze scoring approaches is helping streamline processes, making it easier than ever for shooters to focus on their competition and find their results. “With the 2019 shooting season around the corner the NRA is investing in the continued quality growth and support of the NRA Competitive Shooting Division and the protection of the Second Amendment,” said Cole McCulloch, NRA’s Director of Competitive Shooting. “The 2018 season was incredibly fast-paced, and we look forward to carrying this great momentum forward into next year.” Interested in becoming part of the pageantry, camaraderie, and excitement of the shooting sports? There are more than 11,000 NRA-sanctioned shooting tournaments and over 50 national championships each year. Learn more about how NRA Competitive Shooting can help you get started in finding your first or next match at EDITOR’S NOTE: Special thanks to John Parker of NRA Publications’ Shooting Sports USA and everyone who travelled the U.S. to tell the story of these and other NRA Competitive Shooting championships and events. Follow the latest from the competitive shooting world in Shooting Sports USA magazine and at

Director of NRA Competitive Shooting — Cole McCulloch Winner of the Iron Man Championship and the Lones Wigger Trophy at the NRA Smallbore Rifle Championships — Elizabeth Gratz



Maintaining America’s existing shooting ranges and developing new ones are one of the NRA’s top priorities to ensure the survival of the shooting sports. Created to provide an extension of NRA Headquarters to range owners and operators at the local level, the NRA Range Technical Team is a nationwide network of volunteers trained in the field of shooting range development, design, and operations.

The next Range Development and Operations Conference will be in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania March 23-25, 2019. Our Fall Conference will be in Dallas, Texas October 5-7, 2019. The conference is designed to educate potential and current range owners and operators in identifying potential problems associated with range development, environmental issues, and safety. Attendees will receive a multidisciplinary perspective on major topics, such as:

Business Planning

Sound Abatement

Range Safety

EPA Lead Standards

Range Equipment Costs

Law Enforcement


Master Planning

NRA Programs


Range Maintenance


Fall 2018 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 13

2018 NRA National Precision Pistol Championships Jonathan Shue repeats as NRA Pistol Champion with “a good ole’ fashion Carolina comeback”

Story by John Parker, Managing Editor of Shooting Sports USA Photos by Chip Lohman

Well-known as Precision (bullseye) pistol’s biggest stage, the 2018 NRA National Precision Pistol Championships were in July at Camp Perry, OH. There were 532 shooters that attended this year from across the U.S. and worldwide. Winning his second consecutive NRA National Pistol Championship was Jonathan Shue (Mebane, NC), The Team Cabot Guns shooter shocked the bullseye world last year after taking first place at Camp Perry during NRA Pistol Nationals last year. Now the retired Marine is a two-time champion. Additionally, Shue netted High Veteran and High Civilian honors. For his centerfire and .45 gun, Shue was shooting a limited-edition Jones Deluxe Bullseye 1911 from Cabot Guns. Notably, this is the fourth NRA National Pistol Championship in six years that has used a 1911 manufactured by Cabot. Shue said that he fired 27,000 rounds through his 1911 before the match. It does not seem that all those cycles affected the accuracy of his gun. Shue won the championship with a score of 2625-132X. He beat the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit’s (AMU) top pistol shooter SFC Adam Sokolowski (Midland, GA) by two points.

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“This was like a good ole’ fashioned Carolina comeback,” Shue said, referencing the University of North Carolina Tar Heels basketball team and their legendary comebacks at the highest levels of collegiate competition. He added, “[The] temperature and lighting were almost perfect, but there was a slight wind that was just enough to aggravate your process. This type of condition is difficult. You want to settle into your process, but that bit of excess movement throws you off your game. Fighting your heart rate, nerves, mayflies, and the AMU, you have to be mentally strong. That's why I love this sport. It’s a mental marathon, not a sprint.” Regular SSUSA readers will remember when this year’s NRA Pistol Championship runner-up, SFC Sokolowski made history at the Bianchi Cup earlier this year with his impressive victory. Sokolowski is the first shooter since Rob Leatham to have won all three major action pistol championships at Bianchi — Open (Bianchi Cup), Production and Metallic). In third place at Camp Perry this year was Sokolowski’s AMU teammate SGT Christopher Hudock (Fort Benning, GA), with a score of 2620-113X.

Hundreds of shooters made the trek to Camp Perry for the 2018 NRA Pistol Nationals.

.22 Cal. At the end of the first day of shooting, Shue was down by 13 points in the .22 Caliber Championship—enough to cause worry. Subsequently, he delivered an excellent performance in rapid fire. John Zurek (Alpine, AZ) became the 2018 .22 Cal. Champion with a score of 88442X. Second place shooter Alan Barcon (Valley View, OH) finished the match with a score of 883-46X. In third place was Travis Jorgenson (Vergas, MN), only four Xs behind Barcon. Zurek, Barcon and Jorgenson, along with Shue, are all High Master precision pistol shooters. The .22 Caliber Championship High Woman was Kimberly Hobart-Fleming (New Philadelphia, OH), a Master class shooter who finished this year’s match with a score of 874-36X. High Junior was Sharpshooter Heather Powers (West Falls, NY) with 842-22X.

Centerfire Championship

The Cabot Centerfire Championship had 536 entries. A familiar name was at the top of the leaderboard at the end of the match. Jonathan Shue won the Centerfire Championship, edging out Christopher Hudock by 15

Xs, but missing a spot on the Mayleigh Cup Postal Team. In second place was AMU shooter Christopher Hudock shooting 876-34X. Rounding out the top three was fellow AMU shooter SSG Greg Markowski (Columbus, GA) scoring 874-35X. All three shooters are High Masters. Shue’s hopes for victory increased after winning the Centerfire Championship. He was at the top of the leaderboard by the end of day two. Centerfire Championship High Woman was Judy Tant (East Lansing, MI). Tant is a Master class shooter who finished with a score of 848-25X. Samuel Kwon (New York, NY ) was High Junior with 818-16X. Kwon is an Expert class shooter.

Mayleigh Team The Mayleigh Cup team is an international team postal match. U.S. shooters compete against other countries, such as Great Britain. The Mayleigh Cup team is comprised of high scoring competitors in the .22 Caliber Slow Fire Match and the slow fire stage of the .22 Caliber National Match Course. The team consists of the top 10 shooters, plus two alternates. For the Mayleigh Cup postal match,

Fall 2018 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 15

Third place Christopher Hudock, 2018 National Pistol Champion Jonathan Shue and second place Adam Sokolowski

the team shoots 30 slow fire shots at 50 meters. David Lange (Glen Rock, NJ) took top Mayleigh Cup honors this year with a score of 270. This year’s Mayleigh Cup team members are: • Travis Jorgenson • Scott Beyer • Alan Barcon • John Zurek • William Palmer • Jordan Kramp

• Patrick Franks • Jeff Ekblad • David Lange • Kimberly Hobart-Fleming • Philip Hemphill • Walter Douglas

.45 Championship By the final day of the match, 10 of the top shooters were separated by six points. The AT Wall/Metalform .45 Championship was, big surprise, won by Jonathan Shue with 295-14X. A single X behind Shue was SFC

Michael Gasser of the AMU, and in third place was SFC Sokolowski with 294-15X. All three, naturally, are High Master class shooters.

Distinguished Revolver & Harry Reeves Greg Markowski won the Distinguished Revolver Match with 286-7X. His score was a full five points ahead of runner-up Travis Jorgenson’s score of 281-5X. Rounding out the top three in this match was David Lange scoring 278-7X. For the Harry Reeves Memorial Revolver Match, Kevin Vacura (Red Wing, MN) was the winner with 284-8X. U.S. Coast Guard Shooter Charles Petrotto (New London, CT) finished second with 282-8X, and in third place was Greg Abraham (Lake Crystal, MN) with a score of 276-4X.

Back-to-back NRA National Precision Pistol Champion Jonathan Shue on the f iring line at Camp Perry. Shue, a retired marine, has a beard that may be even more popular than he is. 16 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • Fall 2018

2018 National Pistol Championship Leaderboard National Champion Jonathan Shue 2625-132X Second Place Adam Sokolowski 2623-133X Third Place Christopher Hudock 2620-113X Woman Champion Kimberly Hobart Fleming 2568-85X Senior Champion Philip Hemphill 2619-126X Grand Senior Champ. Charles Grove 2517-61X Collegiate Champion Alexander Callage 2513-76X Junior Champion Samuel Kwon 2474-64X View the full results at Fall 2018 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 17

Former Top Shot competitor and Aguila sponsored shooter, Chris Cerino takes aim with a Trijicon RMR mounted on a Ruger Mark IV.

2018 Aguila Cup

$65,000 Prize Purse, Multiple Shooting Disciplines.

Bring the family! Story and Photos by John Parker,

Managing Editor of Shooting Sports USA

The 2018 Aguila Cup concluded at Fossil Pointe Sporting Grounds in Decatur, TX, with 400 shooters attending the three-day match. The match was conducted by Aguila Ammo for the first time in the United States as a spin-off of the Copa Aguila event held in Mexico. The match was truly a multi-discipline event, with stages ranging from Sporting Clays, to Rimfire Challenge and 3-Gun. The total prize purse was $65,000. Gebben Miles won High Overall for the CZ-USA main event with a score of 197 out of 200. Additionally, Miles won the Promatic Prelim Sporting Clays event with a score of 99, also winning the Blaser Five-Stand event scoring 88.

Rob Romero was named the Brownell’s Triple Threat winner, winning the $5,000 cash prize. His three-event score was 254. The Triple Threat winner was determined by shooters’ combined scores (based on time and points) in three events: Rimfire Challenge, 3-Gun and Five-Stand. Team Aguila shooter Corey Kruse was named High Overall for FITASC (an international form of Sporting Clays) with a two-day score of 96 out of 100. Other top finishers included Mark Itzstein, who’s also a NRA Bianchi Cup shooter, winning first place in the Rimfire Challenge open division with a time of 94.3. Jack Copeland brought home first place in the Rimfire Challenge limited division with a time of 110 flat. The Rimfire Challenge had eight stages (four rifle, four pistol) in a course similar to other matches. Keith Garcia placed first in the 3-Gun Challenge. The 3-Gun Challenge included three stages with the usual mix of pistol, rifle and shotgun shooting.

The match

The tournament ran from June 14-17 and since it featured multiple shooting disciplines such as Sporting Clays, Five-Stand, FITASC, 3-Gun, and a Rimfire Challenge; shooters were encouraged to try out new disciplines they haven’t tried before. The Aguila Cup also featured a Texas-sized BBQ with all the trimmings that preceded a concert with the band A Thousand Horses. I was squadded with SSUSA authors and dynamic husband-and-wife duo Chris and Michelle Cerino, along with Mark Redl of Colt Firearms, and Eric Poole, editor 18 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • Fall 2018

of Guns & Ammo magazine (and NRA Publications alumnus). It was undoubtedly the most fun group of shooters I’d been squadded with in years. Both Chris and Michelle Cerino as well as Mr. Redl are Team Aguila shooters. “We are so proud of all the Aguila Cup shooters and are humbled by the outpouring of support and camaraderie we saw [at the Cup],” said Kristi Heuring, director of marketing for Aguila and the 2018 Aguila Cup tournament director. “We wanted to host a family-friendly shooting event that highlighted the positive attributes and fun nature of our shooting sports. The caliber of sponsors, shooters and families that joined us in doing that is truly gratifying.” Fifteen year old competitor Jacob Gardner of Houston, TX, was squadded with me for the Five-Stand event. He began shooting shotgun matches with 4-H and NSCA in 2015. “I decided to come to the Aguila Cup because it’s a big tournament, with great people that have a great attitude,” said Gardner. “It’s been a lot of fun, I’ll definitely be back next year. Everyone here is in a good mood.”


This is a special match—I’m talking NRA World Shooting Championship-esque. That’s the only other match that comes to mind that encompasses such a broad range of shooting disciplines in an effort to get shooters to try something new. It also helps that the people at Aguila run a tight ship with a top-notch crew. “For three years we’ve hosted the Copa Aguila in Mexico, and wanted to bring the same excitement to our home here in Texas,” said TxAT/Aguila Ammo President Leon Brener. “The shooting sports are an exciting yet challenging industry to be a part of … We look forward to an even bigger Aguila Cup next year.” Count me in. For a full list of Rimf ire and 3-Gun scores, visit All of the Sporting Clays scores can be viewed at The Aguila Cup is returning to Fossil Pointe Sporting Grounds for year two. Check it out for yourself next summer.

Aguila Cup Facts -For the past three years, TxAT and Aguila Ammunition have hosted the Copa Aguila in Mexico—the largest sport shooting event in Latin America. While the Copa Aguila will continue to be held in Guadalajara, Mexico, the Aguila Cup has split off as a separate event. -CZ-USA generously donated 10 CZ 612 Target 12-gauge shotguns to be used as prizes for the top 10 f inishers in Hunter Class for the main event. Hunter Class is used by the National Sporting Clays Association for new shooters who are not registered shooters with the organization. Guinness World Record holder Dave Miller and others from CZ-USA were competing at the match and also providing guidance to new shotgun shooters.

-The match had a big incentive meant to encourage shooters to try out unfamiliar disciplines. Among the total $65,000 in prizes at the Aguila Cup this year was the “Triple Threat” prize pack, awarded to the shooter with the highest score competing in three sports offered at the match: Five-Stand, 3-Gun and Rimf ire. Shooters needed at least 100 points in each of the three to qualify. The f irst place “Triple Threat” prize pack included a $5,000 cash payout. -Aguila partnered with Lucas Oil and Rimf ire Challenge to design stages for the individual 3-Gun and Rimf ire events. Noted Rimf ire champion John Nagel was on hand to help with the design and he even shared a few tips with shooters on shaving seconds from scores.

-The Five-Stand course had shooters using Aguila MiniShell ammo. Shooting these shells on the course with the CZ-USA Wingshooter Elite 12-gauge shotgun makes shooters appreciate the reduced recoil.

-For those unfamiliar with 3-Gun competition, there were 3-Gun instructional classes taught by pro shooter Keith Garcia.

-The 2018 Aguila Cup VIP lounge was sponsored by the NRA. Additionally, the National Shooting Sports Foundation provided a condensed version of their “First Shots” program to anyone who wanted basic f irearms instruction. Fall 2018 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 19

U.S. Border Patrol’s Robert Vadasz

Continues Dominant Reign at NRA NPSC

The Champion, Robert Vadasz conf idently sending lead downrange with expert marksmanship skill. By NRA Staff

The world’s best law enforcement and police marksmen once again descended upon Albuquerque, New Mexico, to put their skills to the test in the NRA National Police Shooting Championship Sept. 24-26, and once again, the U.S. Border Patrol’s Robert Vadasz asserted his dominance, winning his 10th championship. Vadasz, whose victory marks his ninth consecutive NPSC championship, finished this year’s championships with a final score of 2991-226X, improving on his 2017 title-winning score of 2983-218X. Tony Simmons of El Paso, Texas placed second with his 2972-173X, and fellow Texas Ben Morrow of Alpine rounded out the top three, scoring 2971-189X. This year’s High Scoring Woman honors went to Stefanie Diaz of Santa Clarita, California, whose 2956166X earned her a third consecutive women’s championship. Newcomer Matthew Dagg of Oklahoma City notched High Scoring First Time honors, finishing with a 2928153X final, and Germany’s Steffen Vogt won the High Scoring International award, tallying a 2947-166X final score. 20 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • Fall 2018

A complete listing of final results from the 2018 NRA National Police Shooting Championships, as well as results f rom previous years, is available online at The NPSC was designed to encourage law enforcement professionals to practice and enhance their firearm skills via competition. By using NRA-standardized law enforcement courses of fire, officers can assess their skill levels while departments evaluate the effectiveness of their training programs in practice. The championships are open to public and private law enforcement members and select law enforcement members of the U.S. military. Unlike a lottery or a match driven by qualification, all eligible officers are welcome to participate in the NPSC. The NPSC’s storied history began in 1962 with the inaugural National Police Revolver Championships, held in Bloomington, Indiana, won by Columbus, Ohio police officer Larry Mead. The championships took their current name in 1989, and celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2012.

Right: NRA President Oliver North (left) and NRA Law Enforcement Director Glen Hoyer (right) present Stefanie Diaz (center) with the High Scoring Woman Award at the 2018 NRA National Police Shooting Championships in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Sept. 26, 2018. Diaz earned her third consecutive High Scoring Woman award at this year’s NPSC.

The NRA thanks the City of Albuquerque and the Albuquerque Police Department for hosting this year’s NPSC and for their tireless support, without which the competition would not be possible. Additionally, the NRA Law Enforcement Division thanks Glock, SIG Sauer, Walther, Double Star, Smith & Wesson, Ruger, Mossberg, Kahr Firearms Group, Rocky Brands, Odor Crusher, Otis Technology, TRU-SPEC, the U.S. Border Patrol, Nine Line Apparel and Present Arms for their support of the NRA Law Enforcement Division and the NPSC.

Lastly, NRA thanks the competitors, armorers, staff and volunteers who travelled to Albuquerque from across the nation and around the globe to participate in and support this tremendous competition. To learn more about the NRA National Police Shooting Championship, visit national-police-shooting-championship. Information about other NRA Law Enforcement shooting programs, including the Police Pistol Combat and Tactical Police Competition programs, can be found at

NRA President Oliver North (left) and NRA Law Enforcement Director Glen Hoyer (right) congratulate U.S. Border Patrol Agent Robert Vadasz (center) on his victory at the 2018 NRA National Police Shooting Championships in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Sept. 26, 2018. Vadasz’s victory marks his ninth consecutive NPSC championship title. (Photo credit: Peter Fountain/NRA Publications) Fall 2018 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 21

By Jessica Delos Reyes, Associate Director, Media & Public Relations for USA Shooting

In the all-out push to achieve 2020 vision, the USA Shooting Team is partnering with and the nation’s top gun manufacturers to support America’s shooting team with a 20 for ’20 gun fundraiser. The collaboration will create 20 monthly gun auctions to help push U.S. athletes to victory in the shooting sports. Hosting each of the monthly auctions will be long-time USA Shooting Team partner, the world’s largest marketplace for firearms, parts and accessories and the foremost gun auction site available today. Guns for the program will be provided by America’s top firearm manufacturers including team sponsors Kimber and Beretta, as well as cooperative support from companies like GLOCK, Sig Sauer, Henry Repeating Arms, Tactical Solutions, Ruger and Remington with more still to come. Perhaps there’s no better way to kick-off this valuable fundraiser than a showcase gun that, like USA Shooting Team athletes, embodies patriotism and pride. USA’s Shooting October gun of the month is The God Bless America lever action .22 caliber rifle courtesy of longtime team supporter Henry Repeating Arms and their widely-popular Patriot Series line of rifles released earlier this year. USA Shooting’s Pistol Ad Hoc Committee, made up of key shooting industry executives and business leads, is doing their part to support our athletes in need. The auction will include several firearms with the specific

22 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • Fall 2018

purpose of raising much needed money for a USA Shooting program that is currently absent key funding from the U.S. Olympic Committee due to a lack of medal production in recent years. “The Road to Tokyo is upon us and now is a most critical time for our organization in trying to provide valuable resources to our athletes that will assist in their training plans and high-performance goals,” said Kevin Neuendorf, Director of Marketing Communications for USA Shooting. “These athletes represent the very best of the shooting sports and taking part in this auction as a buyer or by providing product is the type of rallying effort that could get us on the podium in Tokyo.” USA Shooting Team athletes are just returning from a World Championship in which they earned 19 medals and picked up four Olympic quota slots. Vincent Hancock (Eatonton, Georgia) and Caitlin Connor (Winnfield, Louisiana) were the stand-out stars earning world titles in Changwon, South Korea. USA’s future appears bright given that 10 of the 19 medals were earned by junior team members. USA Shooting is actively seeking support from the entire shooting industry. If you would like to become a team partner or donate guns to the cause, please contact Kevin Neuendorf at 719.866.4605 or by e-mail at

Fall 2018 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 23


Youth Education Summit Logo Y.E.S.NRA2018 – Two Sessions of Leading the Legacy

By Ashley Keefer, Event Marketing and Communications Coordinator Primary Logo

Secondary Logo

2018 was a banner year for the NRA’s Youth Education Summit (Y.E.S.). For the first time ever, the program welcomed two separate sessions to Washington, D.C. for a week-long, all-expense paid trip to learn about our constitutionally protected Second Amendment rights and American history. It total, there were 91 students from 38 states. The growing demand for the program as evidenced by a record number of applications proves that the protection of the Second Amendment is as important as ever for today’s young people. NRA Headquarters, The White House, the Lincoln Memorial, the Jefferson Memorial, the American History Museum, Mount Vernon, and the Marine Corps 8th & I Parade are just a few highlights from the 2018 Y.E.S. sessions. Students were also lucky enough to get to hear from two U. S. Congressmen during their time here. Rep. Alex Mooney (West Virginia) spoke to the first session and Rep. Jeff Duncan (South Carolina) spoke to the second. It wasn’t all big city tourism for the Y.E.S. students though. A month before arriving, the students were divided into debate groups and given topics to research. To keep it lively, these debate topics were not cut and dry. The students went back and forth on things like the United States’ responsibility to keep peace in Asia and the Middle East, if drug abuse should be treated as an addiction or a crime, if publicly funded research projects should be privatized, and if our current Federal appointment and confirmation process should be changed. The Y.E.S. program provides students with an opportunity to learn about our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and American government, while encouraging them to become responsible and active participants in our uniquely American democratic process. The ultimate goal of the program is for Y.E.S. participants to return to their communities as articulate, committed leaders on behalf of the Second Amendment.


24 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • Fall 2018

The NRA Foundation is proud to offer up to $55,000 in college scholarships to the Y.E.S students who best demonstrate strong leadership skills and knowledgeable participation during their session’s activities and after they return to their communities. This year 18 students walked away with scholarships: Alyssa Brouillet (IA) and Jake Witlin (MD) each received $5,000. Jamie Day (UT), Connor Covington (TN) and Chloe St. George (NV) each received $3,000. James Fraiser (AZ), Victoria Crane (LA) and Taylor Christian (WA) each received $2,500. Riley W hitt (AZ), Ross Reed (AL) and Hunter Lindemann (AR) each received $2,000. Doug Gologrosky (NJ), Jace Draper (UT), Justin Vance (VA) and Payton Virden (NM) each received $1,500. And Emma Hoover (MO), Cole Dubois (RI) and Ethan Buhl (PA) each received $1,000. Youth Education Summit students have the option to compete for the Y.E.S. Grand Scholarship, financial aid paid directly to the accredited college or technical school they attend after graduating high school. In the 11 months after their Y.E.S. session, competing students must introduce an NRA program(s) into their community and build a portfolio that documents their experience. Only one student per session walks away with a Grand Scholarship. “Seeing the students develop throughout these two week-long programs and hearing how the program will continue to influence their lives is the most impactful part of Y.E.S. for us,” said Sarah Engeset, Director of Volunteer Fundraising at NRA. “Through debate groups, current events discussions, and tours, we get to see these students shine and grow more confident as the session progresses. This program is truly life-changing for all involved.” Applications for the 2019 Youth Education Summit open September 4. Be sure to visit for more information and join us to Lead the Legacy!


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Fall 2018 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 25

Become A Refuse To Be A Victim® Instructor Online!

By Mina Klier, RTBAV Program Coordinator

Did you know that you can become a certified Refuse To Be A Victim® instructor through online instructor training? From listening to multiple requests and concerns of limited in-person trainings across the country, RTBAV created the online instructor training program so you can become an instructor at the convenience of your home. The online training sessions start on the 1st and 15th of every month with registration closing a week prior to the start date. Every session is assigned an online professor who is a Regional Counselor for the program. When you take the course online, you will be mailed an instructor kit that includes everything you need to hold a RTBAV seminar. The training takes 8-12 hours to complete as you work at your own pace over the two week period. Refuse To Be A Victim®’s lifesaving message is an excellent addition to your club, range, and community. For more information about the online instructor course, visit Refuse To Be A Victim® is an award-winning personal safety and crime prevention seminar that teaches methods to avoid dangerous situations and prevent criminal confrontations. Seminar participants learn a variety of common-sense strategies and about personal safety device options to integrate into their daily lives. For more information about Refuse To Be A Victim, visit or call 800-861-1166. 26 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • Fall 2018

The NRA 100K Challenge Overview: In a competitive landscape where our opponents have more resolve than ever, The NRA 100K Challenge aimed to highlight the power we as individuals have when we join together and become one. Through various forms of media and digital communications, such as social media, newsletters, and the Club Connection itself; our membership campaign supporters were encouraged to like, share, or tweet the way to 100K! By Kara Kelly, Industry Programs Manager, NRA Recruiting

The Challenge: Recruit 100,000 NRA Members in 100 Days.

Inspired by all of the passionate men, women, and youth who participate in the shooting sports and exercise their right to bear arms, the NRA proudly launched the inaugural NRA 100K Challenge. The foundation of the NRA 100K Challenge was crafted from many of the same pillars as NRA Clubs and Associations:

The Objective: Create and provide a platform for meaningful interaction between our fellow freedom lovers—a way to share thoughts and opinions and challenge each other to make a stronger NRA, heading into the mid-term elections.

o Active grassroots connection that keeps the NRA in the forefront of community to benefit the American public. o Honor the hard work and efforts being done at the state and local levels to continue to secure our Second Amendment Freedoms.

The Outcome: NRA became 102,000 members stronger heading into this year’s mid-term elections! Every election is incredibly important, and this one is no different. If you would like to learn more about creating a membership drive within your community, sportsmen’s club, or business, please contact the NRA Recruiting Department. We may be reached by phone at 800-672-0004 or by email at

Fall 2018 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 27

Eddie Eagle’s Record Summer! By DeShawn Bowser, Eddie Eagle Program Coordinator

More requests for Eddie Eagle safety materials were received by the Eddie Eagle GunSafe® Program in July than ever before in its 30-year history. The public-outreach effort was launched in 1988 by the NRA, and to date more than 30 million youngsters in every state in the nation have learned Eddie’s safety message that if they see a gun, “Stop! Don’t Touch. Run Away. Tell a Grownup.” You can now add 1/4 million to that already impressive total, roughly the number of requests received this July. The workbooks, stickers, and DVD’s were mostly provided to law enforcement agencies and community groups that use the materials to teach firearm accident prevention during community events—such as the National Night Out this summer. These community events bring families together and are a perfect environment to provide Eddie’s important safety message. Ensuring that this important topic is

28 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • Fall 2018

discussed by parents with their children and supplying both teaching materials and information for parents is what the Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program is all about. It’s easy to understand why the program is so popular. The goal of the Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program is to help prevent accidents and keep children safe, something everyone can get behind. It’s also easy to teach with materials available online as well as through Eddie Eagle staff. It can be presented anywhere from schools, community events, or club events and no special training is needed to present. The fact is safety education is important for all of our children and the NRA Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program is dedicated to doing its part. If you are interested in bringing Eddie Eagle to your club or community contact us at

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Fall 2018 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 29

Under the watchful eye of a mentoring adult, small caliber f irearms are an exceptionally ideal starting point for developing marksmanship skills.

Molding Young Hands to Carry Our Hunting Heritage By NRA Staff How do we pass the great tradition of hunting on to the next generation? It’s a question that constantly begs attention in today’s changing world and culture. Fortunately, NRA’s Youth Hunter Education Challenge (YHEC) provides one dependable option for helping ensure the future of hunting in America. Since its inception in 1985 when the first event was hosted at Remington Farms in Chestertown, Md., YHEC has helped more than 1.2 million children improve their hunting, marksmanship and firearm safety skills through hands-on training in multiple disciplines. Many YHEC programs receive NRA Foundation grant support that helps them to bring those valuable experiences and lessons to youth throughout the county. “YHEC is a great experience,” shares Joel Freese. “I started participating when I was six years old, following in my siblings’ footsteps. I have come a long way since, from barely hitting paper with my .22 to becoming a pretty good shot.” Joel explains how YHEC has taught him many things, including marksmanship, sportsmanship and safety, while helping him develop diligence, dedication and responsibility. “YHEC has also helped me set goals in life,” he continues. “With the help of my coaches, I achieved my goal in 2016, becoming the YHEC National Junior Grand Champion. I have had a lot of fun and made great friends doing YHEC over the years. I wish every kid had a chance to do YHEC like me. I want to thank 30 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • Fall 2018

The NRA Foundation and my coaches for giving me the opportunity to do what I love to do.” YHEC offers three levels of training; the local level introduces students to the basics of hunting and requires no previous experience. State events require prior completion of a hunter safety course and build on what students learn at the local event. The national YHEC event brings together top-ranked individuals from across the country to compete against each other and learn from one another to prove that they can help preserve hunting traditions in America. With so many activities to plan and promote, YHEC relies on participants and alumni sharing their experience with peers, and on dedicated volunteers who have a passion for sharing hunting with youth. Melissa Martin from South Elgin, Ill., is one of those mentors. For the last six years she has volunteered as the Illinois State YHEC Event Director. Her family got involved with YHEC in 2011 when they were invited to attend a local event. Melissa attended with nine of her 11 children, aged one to 18 years at the time, and they all had such a great time that Melissa assisted with organizing the next year’s event. By 2013, she had become the event director. “I felt that it was too good of an opportunity for the youth in our area to let the event die,” she says. “I couldn’t say ‘no’ to taking over [leadership].” Part of why Melissa loves this program so much is the emphasis put on safety at every step. “The safe handling

of firearms is stressed repeatedly by our coaches and volunteers throughout the entire day [at each event],” she explains. “YHEC has given me a chance to help equip youth with the knowledge they need to be responsible with and around firearms.” This focus on safety is a fundamental part of the YHEC program, ensuring that all participants learn how to properly handle and use a firearm. In her time with the program, Melissa has seen many children change and grow through participating in YHEC. She has also had the pleasure of seeing whole families bond over the experience and develop a love for hunting and the outdoors that they can enjoy together. Melissa had one mother write in about that. “My four children and I had a highly enjoyable and educationally enriching time,” reads the note. “You've helped provide an outstanding experience for us. We are growing even deeper in our appreciation for the sportsmanship, values, and activity of this type of recreation.” Melissa believes so strongly in the YHEC program because she feels that it not only builds and strengthens the foundation for future generations of hunters but also helps save lives. “The YHEC program has given such an amazing opportunity to so many youth and families who otherwise might not ever have the chance to learn about hunting and firearm safety,” Melissa emphasizes. “With the generous support of The NRA Foundation, Friends of NRA and others, we are able to offer an unforgettable, familyfriendly, fun-filled, educational day in the great outdoors —a memory that will last a lifetime! Thank you for making that possible!”

Find a Friends of NRA event near you at and attend to help fundraise in support of these programs!

 Photos by Manda Martin Photography

Practice makes perfect. Using a cast replica of a Remington 870 shotgun, this aspiring hunter practices drawing down on his quarry from a seated position in a ground blind.

Fall 2018 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 31

A QUARTER CENTURY OF WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS --AND STRONGER THAN EVER! s of the Cowboy Moun celebrates 25 yearatch in "cowboy town ted Shooting Association r e b o t c O s " Amarillo, Texa 's ld m Thi s! best in the wor

By Phil Spangenberger, Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association

The Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association, better known as the CMSA, will be holding it's 25th Annual Cowboy Mounted Shooting Championships in the heart of the West in Amarillo, Texas. CMSA has been hosting this rapidly growing and super exciting, western shooting and equestrian sport's world championship competitions since 1994, to determine what cowboy, or cowgirl, and their equine teammate are the "best of the best" in this daredevil, wild west-style sport. Having held past championships in various venues around the western half of the country--including Las Vegas, Nevada--in 2008 Amarillo was decided upon as the ideal location for this premier cowboy match. This colorful West Texas town is not only centrally located for CMSA's member clubs nationwide, it's also the headquarters of the American Quarter Horse Association

(AQHA), which CMSA is an Alliance Partner with. Generally drawing nearly 400 competitors from all over the nation, plus Canada and sometimes even Europe, the 2018 CMSA Wrangler World Championship will be held in Amarillo's Tri-State Expo Center & Fairgrounds, a modern, comfortable, indoor, climate-controlled venue. Throughout the week's main match competitions, you'll see a rousing display of raw horsepower, hard riding and straight shooting, as cowboys and cowgirls race for top honors, silver trophy buckles (custom crafted by Montana Silversmiths), cash, and other valuable prizes! Of special interest to the public is the Friday Night Starline Showcase, hosted by Starline Brass, Inc. Starting at 6:00PM, this colorful event pits the fastest western riders of various levels from teens to seniors for trophy buckles and cash awards...and its all free! Watch these rough riders

Whether they are shooting side-by-side shotguns, lever-action rifles, or six-shooter revolvers, the riders competing in the CMSA Championship exhibit incredible focus and skill.

32 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • Fall 2018

pair fast-action sixgun, rifle, and shotgun shooting, with rodeo-style barrel racing, pole bending, a bit of reining competition, and lots of speed. The action is non-stop, with riders racing through the course about every 45-50 seconds! CMSA is the premier national organization that governs the sport of Cowboy Mounted Shooting. Dubbed by many as the “ultimate western shooting and riding challenge,” Cowboy Mounted Shooting is sighted in for shooters and horsebackers who want to combine the romance of the Old West, with the excitement of a modern high speed shooting and riding competition. Competitors use match supplied, specially loaded, arena-safe black powder blank cartridges, which can break a balloon at a distance of about 15 feet. Racing against the clock, contestants are penalized 5 seconds against their raw time for each missed

target, for not following the prescribed course, dropping a gun, and so on. Head on out to historic Amarillo, Texas, and witness today's Wild West come to life through the sport of Cowboy Mounted Shooting. It’s an exciting sport the entire family can enjoy watching or taking part in. CMSA’s Championship Series are held with the competitors riding to bring awareness of the John Wayne Cancer Foundation, and its fight to cure cancer with courage and grit. For more information on Cowboy Mounted Shooting, contact the Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association by writing P.O. Box 157, Roswell, NM 88202, or call 1-888-960-0003.

Photos by Mr. Quigley Photography Fall 2018 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 33

5 Tips to Improve Your Shooting Skills by Kevin Creighton

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article was originally published on NRA Family. There are many, many drills out there that will help new pistol owners improve their marksmanship. A good many of these require a pistol bay or an outdoor range where you can set up multiple targets and shoot as fast as you can. If you’re like many Americans, though, you live in a city where you can’t set up a backyard range. While you should have a regular dry-fire practice routine which helps develop your pistol skills, there comes a point where you have to put those skills into practice and try some live-fire training at a local indoor range...even if it doesn’t allow for “rapid fire” or drawing from a holster.

1. Bring Your Own Most indoor ranges provide rental eye and ear protection to people renting their shooting lanes, but I prefer to bring my own. Yes, you can play golf with rented clubs, and you can also explore America’s waterways with a rented kayak. However, at some point, if you’re serious about your sport, you get the gear you need to excel at that sport. The same is true with defensive pistol shooting. Renting ear protection and eye protection is a valid option, but I prefer to use my own electronic earmuffs which allow for normal conversation but automatically cut out the loud noise of a gunshot. Because they allow you to hone in on a technique with a minimum of interruption, extra magazines are a must-have for serious shooters. Speaking of magazine changes, I like to bring along a small shoebox or similar container if I know I’m going to be practicing reloads in 34 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • Fall 2018

an indoor lane, so I can drop my empty mag into the box and not have it bounce around in front of the other shooters, setting up a potential safety hazard.

2. Safety, Safety, Safety Speaking of safety, the rules of gun safety apply just as much inside an indoor gun range as they do in the backwoods or at a pistol match. Always treat your guns as if they were loaded, and only uncase or unholster them when you are on the firing line. Keep the muzzle pointed at the backstop downrange at all times, even when uncasing your guns. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot: If your sights are not on your target of choice, you’re not ready to shoot it. Lastly, if your target is placed so that you might be shooting the target carrier or the walls or something other than the backstop of the range, stop what you’re doing and bring a range safety officer over to help set things right.

3. Master Your Gun's Controls Getting familiar with your gun is an often-overlooked element of marksmanship, especially in defensive scenarios. Fumbling for the magazine release or searching for a manual safety can make the difference between life and death. Spending a few minutes in your lane with your gun pointed in a safe direction will improve your confidence with your gun and how it operates, leaving you free to concentrate on other tasks. Take some time in every range session to learn how to manipulate the controls of your

gun so that eventually, you can safely load, unload and manipulate all the controls without conscious thought. 4. Be Realistic Understanding that you probably are not as good a shot as you think you are is a key element to improving your skill with a pistol. We understand that becoming a skilled martial artist takes years and years of commitment, but for some reason, we expect we'll be expert marksmen right out of the gate. If you’ve been to a public range, you’ve no doubt seen target after target that has no discernible pattern or grouping to the shots on paper. Instead, the target looks like it’s been hit multiple times with a shotgun, with no rhyme or reason to how the holes appear on the paper. And that's OK; think of it as your starting point. 5. Run Drills Repeatability and consistency are key elements of marksmanship. Getting a lucky shot that hits the center of the bullseye is one thing; getting a hit like that over again and again and again requires practice. Developing a smooth, consistent trigger press is essential to improving your accuracy, and the ball and dummy drill is an easy way to see how your sights are moving as you pull the trigger. You can set up this drill yourself by randomly mixing in either a dummy round or an empty shell casing every two or three rounds inside a magazine and then shuffling your

magazines around so you don’t know which one has the dummy rounds. If your sights move on the trigger press for the dummy round, it’s a clear sign you need more help developing a smooth and consistent trigger press. Another good drill for the indoor range is the deceptively simple 3x5 Drill, which helps you learn how to shoot tight, precise groups on demand, regardless of distance. Starting off at 3 yards (or whatever the minimum shooting distance is for your range), and with no time limit, the goal of this drill is to put six shots into a 3x5 index card with maximum accuracy (and if you’re really good, do it with just one hand). You can only shoot the 3x5 Drill well if you are paying attention at all times to the fundamentals of pistol accuracy by maintaining a strong grip on the gun and getting a good sight picture and a smooth, repeatable trigger press. This drill helps instill the feeling of making repeated well-aimed shots without time pressure, helping you to be able to make them on-demand, when time pressure is definitely working against you. Shooting stuff on the range is fun, but shooting stuff well and on-demand is even more fun, and also very satisfying. With these drills and others like them, you don’t need to have ready access to an outdoor range to get better with your defensive pistol, you just need the will to improve your shooting and the desire to learn from your mistakes.

Fall 2018 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 35

UPDATED: NRA Member Services

The new upgraded NRA Member Services website makes it easy to update your address, change your magazine or order a new membership card. Visit 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Once you create a user name and password, your membership profile is at your fingertips. A menu of options allows you to modify your membership profile quickly and easily. If you need further assistance from NRA staff, a Live Chat option is available. A representative can assist with changes or general membership questions. Live Chat is available Monday-Friday, 8:30am-5:00pm Eastern Standard Time. Membership satisfaction is a top priority at NRA. We hope you use the upgraded site as a resource for your NRA membership and it improves your NRA member experience.

NRA Affiliated State Associations AL STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N Address Currently Unavailable 256-534-7968 Website Currently Unavailable

ID STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N PO Box 140293 Boise, ID 83714-0293 208-452-0293

MN RIFLE & REVOLVER ASS'N, INC. P.O. Box 143 Farmington, MN 55024 320-968-6898

AK OUTDOOR COUNCIL, INC. 310 K St Ste 200 Anchorage, AK 99501 907-264-6645

IL STATE RIFLE ASS'N, INC. P.O. Box 637 420 E. Locust St. Chatsworth, IL 60921 815-635-3198

MS STATE FIREARM OWNERS ASS'N PO Box 1061 McComb, MS 39649 601-341-8797

AZ STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N P.O. Box 301 Cave Creek, AZ 85327 480-433-8047

IN STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N, INC. Address Currently Unavailable 812-534-3258

MO SPORT SHOOTING ASS’N P.O. Box 209 Winfield, MO 63389-1155 314-440-3811

AR RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N P.O. Box 272 Clarksville, AR 72830 501-327-4702

IA STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N 240 Prospect Road North Liberty, IA 52317-9660 319-626-2710

MT RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N P.O. Box 48 Ramsay, MT 59748 406-868-4181

CA RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N, INC. 271 E Imperial Hwy Ste 620 Fullerton, CA 92835 714-992-2772

KS STATE RIFLE ASS'N P.O. Box 219 Bonner Springs, KS 66012 913-608-1910

NE MARKSMANSHIP ASS’N PO Box 390311 Omaha, NE 68139 402-933-4881

CO STATE SHOOTING ASS'N 609 W Littleton Blvd Ste 206 Littleton, CO 80120 720-283-1376

LEAGUE of KY SPORTSMEN, INC. 116 Hume Rd Lexington, KY 40516 859-858-0135

NV FIREARMS COALITION 5575 Simmons St, Ste I-176 North Las Vegas, NV 89031 702-353-5935

CT STATE RIFLE & REVOLVER ASS'N P.O. Box 754 North Haven, CT 06473 860-480-4600

LA SHOOTING ASS'N 350 Quill Ct. Slidell, LA 70461 985-781-4174

GUN OWNERS OF NH, INC. P.O. Box 847 Concord, NH 03302-0487 603-225-4664

DE STATE SPORTSMEN’S ASS'N P.O. Box 94 Lincoln, DE 19960 302-764-6899

ME PINE TREE STATE R&P ASS'N, INC 14 Pine Road Wiscasset, ME 04578 207-882-4713

ASS'N OF NJ R&P CLUBS, INC. 5 Sicomac Rd Ste 292 North Haledon, NJ 07508 973-764-4100

FL SPORT SHOOTING ASS'N, INC. 4105 Saltwater Blvd Tampa, FL 33615 407-701-1030

MD STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N 341 Whitfield Rd Catonsville, MD 21228 410-838-1734

NM SHOOTING SPORTS ASS'N, INC. P.O. Box 20787 Albuquerque, NM 87154 505-286-8449

GA SPORT SHOOTING ASS’N PO Box 1733 Macon, GA 31202 478-955-7068


PO Box 567, 361 W Main St Northboro, MA 01606 508-393-5333

NY STATE R&P ASS’N, INC. 90 S. Swan Street Suite 395 Albany, NY 12210 518-272-2654

HI RIFLE ASSOCIATION PO Box 543 Kailua, HI 96734 808-306-7194

MI RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N P.O. Box 71 Marshall, MI 49068-0071 269-781-1223

NC RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N P.O. Box 4116 Pinehurst, NC 28374 910-295-7220

NRA Clubs & Associations • Spring 26 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION 2018

• 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 •

NRA Affiliated State Associations ND SHOOTING SPORTS ASS'N P.O. Box 228 Bismarck, ND 58502 701-255-4601

UT STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N 2718 E. 9725 South Sandy, UT 84092-3405 801-942-6529 Website Currently Unavailable

OH RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N PO Box 1201 Morehead, KY 40351-5201 513-426-7944

VT FED'N OF SPRTMN’S CLUBS, INC. PO Box 225 Lyndonville, VT 05851 802-535-7111

OK RIFLE ASS'N P.O. Box 280 Maud, OK 74854-0280 405-374-8262

VA SHOOTING SPORTS ASS’N P.O. Box 1258 Orange, VA 22960 540-672-5848

OR STATE SHOOTING ASS’N P.O. Box 231191 Portland, OR 97281-1161 541-409-3358

WA STATE R&P ASS'N, INC. Address Currently Unavailable 206-427-8257

PA RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N Address Currently Unavailable 814-236-0708

WV SRPA PO Box 553 Charles Town, WV 25414 304-783-5381

GUN RIGHTS & SAFETY ASS'N OF PR PO Box 191919 San Juan, PR 00919-1919 787-691-1919

WI F.O.R.C.E. PO Box 130 Seymour, WI 54165 607-799-3539

RI 2ⁿd AMENDMENT COALITION 928 Atwood Ave Johnston, RI 02919 401-944-1600

WY STATE SHOOTING ASS'N, INC. Address Currently Unavailable 307-335-9323

GUN OWNERS OF SC P.O. Box 211 Little Mountain, SC 29075 803-345-5761 SD SHOOTING SPORTS ASS'N PO Box 3 Dell Rapids, SD 57022 605-428-5488 TN SHOOTING SPORTS ASS'N, INC. 6653 Jocelyn Hollow Road Nashville, TN 37205 615-791-1879

TX STATE RIFLE ASS'N 8411 N. IH 35 Austin, TX 78753 512-615-4200

NRA Clubs & Associations • 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 • Spring 2018 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 27

NRA Field Representative Directory EASTERN REGION Eastern Regional Director

Bryan Hoover

Area 1 (ME, NH, VT)

Brian Smith

Area 2 (NY) Bruce McGowan

Area 3 (CT, MA, RI, NJ, Lower NY)

Craig Decker

Area 4 (DE, Eastern PA)

Kory Enck

Area 5 (Western PA)

Thomas Baldrige

Area 7 (WV, Western VA, Western MD)

Jim Kilgore

Area 12 (Southern OH)

David Graham

Area 45 (DC, Eatern MD, Eastern VA)

David Wells

Area 49 (Northern OH)

Marc Peugeot

Central Regional Director

Chad Franklin

Area 13 (Northern MO)

Travis Scott


Area 14 (IN) Craig Haggard

Area 15 (KY) John LaRowe

Area 17 (WI) Scott Taetsch

Area 18 (Northern IL)

Michael Huber

Area 19 (MO)

Tim Besancenez

Area 23 (IA, NE)

Tim Bacon

Area 51 (MI) Allan Herman Area 52 (Southern IL)

Donald Higgs

Southern Regional Director

Al Hammond

Area 8 (Eastern NC)

Garland B. Storey III

Area 9 (SC)

Freeman Coleman


Area 10 (GA) Neely Raper Area 11 (Northern FL)

Bret Eldridge

Area 16 (LA) Chad Bowen Area 22 (AL, MS)

Gene Newman

Area 42 (Western NC)

Doug Merrill

Area 43 (TN) Mike Webb

Area 48 (Southern FL)

• Spring 28 • NRA CLUB CONNECTION 2018 NRA Clubs & Associations

Tom Knight

• 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 •

NRA Field Representative Directory MID WEST REGION Mid West Regional Director

Tom Ulik

Area 20 (OK) Darren DeLong Area 24 (KS) VACANT ----------------------------------------------

Area 25 (Northern TX)

Kevin Post

Area 44 (Eastern TX)

Liz Foley

Area 26 (Southern TX)

Tyler Ward

Area 27 (NM) Michael Guilliams Area 30 (CO) Brad Dreier

Area 39 (AR) Erica Willard-Dunn

Area 47 (Western TX)

Jack Cannon

Brad Kruger

WESTERN REGION Western Regional Director

Area 21 (MN) Eric Linder

Area 28 (MT) Joseph Crismore

Area 29 (WY) Logan Duff

Area 33 (ID) Steve Vreeland

Area 34 (HI, OR)

Mike Carey

Area 38 (Southern AK)

Greg Stephens

Area 40 (WA) Michael Herrera

Area 41 (ND, SD)

Doug DeLaRoi

Area 53 (Northern AK)

Josh Toennessen

SOUTHWESTERN REGION Southwestern Regional Director

Jason Quick

Area 6 (NV) Steve Wilson

Area 31 (AZ) Winston Pendelton

Area 32 (UT) Jim Reardon

Area 35 (Northern CA)

Daniel Wilhelm

Area 36 (Southern CA)

Mike Davis

Area 37 (Central CA)

Paul Rodarmel

Area 46 (Eastern CA)

Cole Beverly

Area 50 (Mid California)

Sheila Boer

• NRA CLUB CONNECTION • 29 Spring 2018 NRA Clubs & Associations • 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 •

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Recreational Programs & Ranges 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, VA 22030

Club Leadership Development Online Course

Is your club looking for new leadership? Are you a current club officer and need an update? Check out the NRA Club Leadership Development Online Course to obtain your NRA Approved Club Officer Certificate. The NRA Club Leadership & Development Online Course is designed to educate current and incoming club officers and leaders in club operations, programs, and membership development.

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