Club Connection Volume 13, Issue 2

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A Publication of the National Rifle Association of America volume 13, Number 2

Inside / / 6 Beyond the Basics 12 NRA Range Grants 15 Sarbanes-Oxley Act 21 Club News

Contents Pretenders Dressed As Patriots By John C. Sigler, NRA President


Up the Mountain By Ann Siefke


Beyond the Basics By John Howard, NRA National Instructor Trainer


Meet the Youth Program’s Volunteer State Coordinator


Navy Wins 28th NRA Intercollegiate Pistol Championships


Established 1995 and published quarterly by the Field Operations Division of the National Rifle Association of America. John C. Sigler


Ronald L. Schmeits

1st Vice President David A. Keene

2nd Vice President Wayne R. LaPierre

Executive Vice President Edward J. Land, Jr.

Secretary Wilson H. Phillips, Jr.

2008 NRA All-American Teams NRA Range Grants

10 12

A Short Summary of the Sabanes-Oxley Act By Stefan Tahmassebi, NRA Deputy General Counsel


ILA News


US Army Study By Troy Acoustics Shooting Range


Club News


NRA Affiliated State Associations


NRA Field Representatives



Kayne Robinson

Executive Director, General Operations Chris W. Cox

Executive Director, Institute for Legislative Action NRA-affiliated clubs and associations are authorized to reproduce all or parts of this newsletter. All editorial matter should be addressed to Elizabeth Bush, National Manager National Rifle Association 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, VA 22030, or to Kirsten Bradley, Marketing Manager 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, VA 22030 or fax (703)267-3939 Design and layout by Son Nguyen, NRA Clubs & Associations Dept.

© Copyright 2008 National Rifle Association

l club connection l Volume 13, Number 2


President’s Column

Pretenders Dressed As Patriots


s a history buff, I am often intrigued by the similarities between war and politics. With Independence Day approaching and Election Day soon to follow, I’m reminded of how deception has been used as an effective weapon in both war and politics since the American Revolution. Without a doubt, deception and double-dealing are at work during this election season. That’s why you must be prepared to separate the patriots from the pretenders as we work together to preserve and defend our God-given Right to Keep and Bear Arms. A perfect example of duplicity and deception at work is the socalled American Hunters and Shooters Association (AHSA), which claims to support your Second Amendment rights—yet attacks your NRA and endorses Barack Obama for president. If you’re confused, concerned and confounded when a supposedly “pro-gun” group endorses the same Obama who wants to ban all handguns, outlaw all semi-automatic firearms, shut down nearly every gun store in America and abolish “Right-to-Carry” nationwide, you’re not alone. Telling gun owners to vote for Obama is like telling chickens to vote for Colonel Sanders. Yet in effect, that’s exactly what AHSA is doing, apparently believing that gun owners like you and me are either gullible or stupid, or both. I have a message for them— “We’re not!” When you learn who actually runs AHSA, their motives and the method behind their madness become amazingly clear. Indeed, AHSA’s board of directors and executive leadership reads like a “Who’s Who of the Gun-Ban Elites.” AHSA’s executive director is Bob Ricker. Ricker switched sides after an unsuccessful stint as a gun industry lobbyist, and went to work for anti-gun forces in their efforts to sue the firearm industry out of existence. AHSA spokesman Ray Schoenke has given thousands of dollars to Handgun Control, Inc. He has also given political contri-


Since when does the Bill of Rights say anything about hunting or target shooting?


butions to most of the gun-ban luminaries in Washington, D.C., including John Kerry, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein. John Rosenthal, the founder and chairman of Stop Handgun Violence, a Boston anti-gun group, left the board of directors of the American Hunters and Shooters Association only after his ties to gun-ban groups became widely known. AHSA board member Jody Powell was once press secretary for President Carter, whose Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) grew so abusive of law-abiding gun owners’ rights that it spurred three major congressional investigations.

The bottom line is that the American Hunters and Shooters Association is nothing more than a front group for extremist politicians seeking to divide gun owners and deceive you into supporting anti-gun John C. Sigler, NRA President candidates. But AHSA isn’t alone. In our fight to defend your Second Amendment rights, we’ve seen an increasing number of such deceptive operations in recent years. Remember Americans for Gun Safety? This is the group that sold itself as being “mainstream” on the gun issue—yet its billionaire founder, Andrew McKelvey, was a board member of Handgun Control, Inc., and the primary money man behind the Million Mom March. Since 2000, when Al Gore used that failed event for his own campaign pep rally—and Hillary Clinton stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Rosie O’Donnell, vowing to push gun owner licensing, gun registration and other anti-gun schemes—gun-ban politicians have become much less open and honest about their true intentions regarding your rights. So now, when Hillary Clinton visits a state with a large population of hunters and gun owners, she theatrically reminisces about how, when she was growing up, her father allegedly took her duck hunting … and puts out amazingly hypocritical mailings attacking Obama as anti-gun! Meanwhile, AHSA tells us how Barack Obama supposedly “gets it” regarding the Second Amendment because he has pledged to “protect the rights of hunters” to own firearms “for the purposes of hunting and target shooting.” Since when does the Bill of Rights say anything about hunting or target shooting? And what about keeping and bearing arms to protect yourself and your freedom? As for self-defense, Obama has been consistent and clear. According to Obama, who touts himself as a former “constitutional law professor,” the Second Amendment doesn’t prevent Washington, D.C. and Chicago, Ill. from banning self-defense guns in citizens’ homes. As the most important elections in generations approach, I ask you to spread the word like Paul Revere did two centuries ago, to fellow hunters, shooters and gun owners in every city, village and farm—“Don’t be fooled by pretenders dressed as patriots.” Do your part now. It is absolutely critical that you help to ensure that the freedoms for which our Founding Fathers fought so hard so long ago won’t be stolen and destroyed by “false-flag” organizations controlled by anti-gun politicians through election-year deception, obfuscation and subterfuge. Volume 13, Number 2 l club connection l

Featured Story

Up the Mountain I am not a typical or avid hunter. I used borrowed clothes and borrowed guns. I’ve never trophy hunted and I’m not very comfortable with shooting. I have not found a gun that “works” for me. I am 5’3” and most guns kick me too much - until this year.


his year, after only eight attempts, I drew a moose tag. Everything changed. With the drawing came a whole new attitude. I could no longer just use other people’s guns and clothes. My husband, Mel, insisted that I have my own. He took me shopping for my own camo clothes, boots and gun. We had many friends giving me advice on which gun I should use or lending me their guns to try on for size. Mel took me to the firing range time and again trying to find a gun to fit me, and to just get me comfortable with a gun - any gun. I’m sure even he did not know what a challenge that was going to be. After several failed attempts and much frustration, our friend Kevin suggested I try the new Marlin 30-30 I had won several months prior at a Friends of NRA banquet. After taking it out and shooting it, I turned to my husband and told him that I was going to use that gun. Once I had the gun modified to fit me, including a new limb saver pad and brand new Hornady bullets, I was ready to go. The third week in November, a week after shooting my moose, we decided to deer hunt. Now, I don’t hunt very far off the road and I never hike. I always hunt with my husband, and when he says he’s going to hike I break out my book and wait for him to come back. He always gets bigger deer than me, but I’ve always been content to just get the whitetail that happened to be closest. This particular day had been going very well for me. We woke up, got the kids to school, and were detained by a last minute favor for Kevin that put us back another half hour. We started very late for a morning hunt, which worked great for me not so much for Mel. When we reached our first destination, the sun had already risen and was shining brightly. Mel pulled off and told me he was going to check it out. At first, I thought he was just going to look a minute and then we would try l club connection l Volume 13, Number 2

another spot. Then I realized that because we were so late getting out, Mel was expecting to hunt this spot. I was gearing up for more reading and waiting as usual, but I got out of the truck and glassed with him. He was quiet for some time - looking and looking


- before finally saying, “Can you see that one, he’s a huge muley!” I glassed the hillside, and of course I couldn’t see it anywhere. “He’s only a couple hundred yards up,” which in Mel-speak usually means halfway up the mountain. “I’m going after him, are you coming?” he asked. He got about 50 feet from the truck, when I decided that for some unknown reason I was going along today. I picked up my gun and started after him. Mel was shocked when I ran up behind him and told him I had decided to go. And off we hiked - straight up - for what seemed to me to be forever. We stopped after about 40 minutes. Mel turned to me and pointed up the mountain, “There they are, mule deer. Let’s sneak closer to them so we can get a good shot.” More hiking. We stopped three or four more times, each time checking out the location of the deer and whether or not they had spotted us. The deer were getting farther and farther up the mountain and we kept stalking behind, trying to stay down wind so as to not spook them. A small two-point buck stopped, turned and came toward us. Busted! We sat and waited fully expecting the buck to spot us, but the deer remained calm and didn’t alert the other deer to our presence. He came within 50 feet from us and held his position looking in our direction. We sat there facing off with the deer for about 10 minutes when Mel decided that we couldn’t sit there all day. We had to keep looking for the big buck he had seen. He stood up and continued on up the mountain. Our luck held and the deer just turned and walked away. Halfway up the mountain, my husband stated he couldn’t believe that I had made it this far and that he had expected me to go back long ago. I wanted to. The hike was not only steep, but we had to hike over several rockslides wet from the morning dew. It was difficult for me to not only stay upright, but also to stay quiet at the same time to avoid spooking the deer. After a two-hour hike, I had had enough. I could not go any farther. I was hiked out. Mel continued up another 250 yards then waved at me. There they were on a cliff; a clear shot 300 yards away - my max. There were three bucks standing together: the two-point, and two large bucks. Mel nodded. If it feels right take the shot he told me. I raised the gun, took a few deep breaths and squeezed the trigger. One shot and the deer went down right over the cliff. Since I was tired from the long hike, Mel trekked those last yards and retrieved the deer for me. After dragging the deer back down the mountain to the truck, we took the deer to Mel’s taxidermy shop where it was scored. Turned out the deer scored 188 7/8 gross, a 7x9 non-typical. That would be my trophy mule deer and one

I am definitely having mounted. It’s also my very first mule deer and it just so happens to be bigger than any Mel has ever shot. Most people who know me have asked if I’ll do it again. When asked that day, I answered with a most resounding no. Now that I’ve had some time to reflect, who knows? About the author: Equipment list: Marlin lever-action 336 XLR stainless steel - 30-30 Winchester Hornaday Lever Evolution 160 grain Nikon Pro-staff scope Swarovski 8x30 binos River’s West clothing Contact information: Ann M. Siefke 2243 Hwy. 2 West Libby MT 59923 406-293-7878 or work number 406-293-2322 (9 to 5)

e-mail: OR Personal Information: I am 41 years old and a paralegal. I live in Libby, Montana. I am married with 5 children - 3 of my own and 2 stepchildren. My husband owns Wildlife Recapture Taxidermy studio. This is my first mule deer and my first deer with a score able rack.

Volume 13, Number 2 l club connection l

NRA Training Department. I explained to Randy that I certainly own an AR platform carbine, but my focus has always been with pistols. My son carried a M4 during his tour as a Combat Medic in Iraq so I had a good friend build me a Rock River Carbine I could legally own. This was my way of feeling close to him during his deployment. Randy Smith is the President of Defensive Training Concepts Inc, located in Staunton, Va. He is also one of our most prolific Senior Training Counselors and holds all of our civilian certifications, NRA’s Law Enforcement Instructor credentials, and a myriad of others. As a matter of fact, he is the epitome of a personal protection trainer. When we needed someone to play the role of the “instructor” during our Personal Protection Outside The Home DVD development, he was the first one we thought of. Not only is he close, he is always eager to lend a hand. “You know, I qualified several times with an M14 in the Navy, gone squirrel hunting with a .22, and earned Distinguished Expert in Light Rifle” I explained. Randy replied, “Okay, that’s the type of student I’m looking for.” “A friend built my rifle and I put an Aimpoint M3 on it, which I sighted in and put away.” By this time, I suspect he was sensing a little bit of excitement in my voice. I have never attended any tactical type training with a carbine, but the thought was certainly an exciting one. I made some notes and asked if it was the NRA Law Enforcement course. Randy stated that though the same material would be covered, this course was his own version – geared toward training folks like me, without a law enforcement background, but a solid background in firearms safety training, and that he’d like my perspective. “Well now, that sounds like something I can do for you,” was my response! He guided me to his website so I could take a look at the course syllabus, equipment requirements, registration and tuition. I determined it was something I certainly had the desire to attend, and once I found a fit for it in my budget, I registered for the course. I realized I needed to inventory my gear and get prepared for the course. I drove down to Charlottesville the night before the course and checked into the “Bates Motel.” Not literally, but you get the picture! The course was conducted at the phenomenal Rivanna Rifle and Pistol Club in Charlottesville, Va. I was the first to arrive Friday morning and gave Randy a hand setting up for the course. When everyone else showed up, we settled in and began our introductions. It was quickly apparent that the participants in the course were everyday folks that shared the same interests. Joe drove down from Pennsylvania to join his brother Mike, who are both insurance agents. Bill makes soda pop for a living and made sure I knew he wore his NRA hat for me. Pete, who ended up

Beyond the Basics Defensive Training Concepts: Patrol Rifle/Carbine Course By John Howard, NRA National Instructor Trainer My phone rang and a friendly voice said, “Hey John, this is Randy.” After the usual exchange of pleasantries, Randy said, “Have you ever thought about a Patrol Rifle course?” Having the desire to increase my skills with a carbine, and thinking of possible future projects, this certainly sparked my interest. I’ve wanted to attend one of our LEO restricted Law Enforcement Patrol Rifle instructor courses for some time, and not having the requisite law enforcement background, this is nearly impossible, even for a guy in the

l club connection l Volume 13, Number 2


being my shooting partner, works for a major tobacco company, and Tom is an IDPA competitor with the desire to continue to out-shoot his soldier sons! We were all there for the same reason, to become better equipped to use our carbines in a life-threatening situation. As in any course, Randy began by covering the fundamentals of patrol rifle marksmanship, handling and so on. He covered immediate action and feedway clearance, use of the sling (all types), loading and unloading, the safety circle and his expectations on the range, among other things. We spent the first few hours in the classroom, but you all know what we were there to do, Shoot! Once we all felt mentally and physically prepared we decided to head over and set-up before breaking for lunch. We took care of all the formalities, range safety briefing and sat down for a very informal lunch. We all visited and learned more about each other before getting the okay to load up and begin the part of the course we had been anticipating. “Imagine yourself standing on a trashcan lid, you will maintain constant awareness of your muzzle and control it at all times” Randy stated as he took his position in front of us and demonstrated an appropriate safety circle position, in which you held the gun tight against your body, muzzle down within the diameter of the trashcan lid. He instructed us to maintain control with our grasp and not to rely on the sling. He made it clear that we would be moving constantly throughout the course with a “hot” rifle and that the two most important safety checks were to keep the muzzle in a safe direction and finger off the trigger. We took our places on the firing line for the first familiarization firing. These positions remained ours throughout the course. We always assumed the same position, no matter what the exercise. We did all the drills in the same order as well. As the course progressed, I noted that many of us had long established habits that are hard to break. One thing I figured out quickly is to shoot the carbine much like a pistol, squared to the threat, elbows tucked tight. “No Chicken Wings!” I heard Randy state a time or two. At one point, during the moving target drill, I caught myself performing an emergency reload by standing above my cover to retrieve my spare magazine… I know better, but in the heat of the moment, that is what I did. When I

pointed this out to Randy he nodded and told me, “that’s because it’s the way you’ve always done it. At least you are catching yourself.” “Right…” I noted hesitantly, but that didn’t make me feel any better. With that one exercise, I know I will never expose myself when reloading or performing immediate action drills again. We all learn from our mistakes! That particular exercise was caught on video, so I’ll have a constant reminder, and for that I am quite thankful. By the end of the two-day 22 hour course, we were all exhausted and sore. I have the blisters to prove it! The sun had long been down by the time we completed our exams, received our certificates and were saying our goodbyes. No one was anxious for the end of the course or complained about the long days. We all had a blast and learned skills that we will carry with us for a lifetime. I compare the course to our Personal Protection Outside The Home course, and well beyond. Instead of pistols, we used carbines, and shot a lot more ammunition. The constant use of “dummy” ammunition mixed in every magazine made immediate action become “second nature!” The “Patrol Rifle Skills Assessment” course that started at the 50-yard line, and ultimately ended at the seven gave us the confidence needed to prevail in a life-threatening situation. We all left with the knowledge that our iron sights (and back-up iron sights) were zeroed at 50 yards. We could shoot and move, shoot on the move, deal with moving and multiple threats, transition and shoot from our support side, perform tactical and emergency reloads, and much more! At the end of the day, I noted that I never witnessed any safety violations; we learned things above and beyond the norm and simply had a great time. I thank Randy for the invitation and look forward to attending future courses. His course is thoughtfully put together and is designed to meet the needs of a fast growing audience. If you are ready to move beyond the basics and enhance your skills using your carbine, DTC’s Patrol Rifle/Carbine course would be a great start. Defensive Training Concepts, Inc., provides all levels of firearms and less lethal training to law enforcement, military, private security and civilian personnel. More information on this and other available training courses can be found on their web site at

Volume 13, Number 2 l club connection l

NRA Programs

Meet the Youth Program’s Volunteer State Coordinator Steven H. Gibbs Volunteer State Coordinator for Wisconsin Steven H. Gibbs is a native of the Badger State, Wisconsin, and is the son of a retired deputy sheriff. He started shooting around the age of five under the close l club connection l Volume 13, Number 2

supervision of his father, and at the age of 12 he began to shoot trap and hunt regularly. After graduating from Chippewa Falls Senior High School in 1980, Steve Gibbs attended the University of Wisconsin at Platteville where he double majored in Political Science and Criminal Justice. Afterwards, he graduated from Hamline University School of Law in 1988. Steve continued shooting throughout his college career. Steven H. Gibbs is licensed to practice law in Minnesota and Wisconsin. He had a practice in St Paul, Minn. for six years before moving to Eau Claire, Wis. where he is a partner at the law firm of Hertel & Gibbs, S.C. He is a founding member of the Indianhead Friends of the NRA, which was founded over 14 years ago. The committee’s dinners have been the top fundraising event for the past eight years. Gibbs has co-chaired Wisconsin’s NRA State Funds Committee for the past five years. Steve Gibbs’ NRA credentials are very extensive. He is an NRA patron member and an attorney on the NRA attorney referral list (a list for NRA members ONLY) where he continues to represent NRA clubs, members, and firearm owners across the state. He is a consultant to various state legislators, and lectures about firearms and the Second Amendment for the Wisconsin Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Gibbs also was a former board member for the Wisconsin Rifle and Pistol Association and currently is on the Chippewa County Public Range and Firearms Training facility Board of Directors. He is an NRA Chief Range Safety Officer, an NRA Certified Instructor in six disciplines (including pistol and personal protection inside/outside the home), and an NRA Training Counselor. Steve Gibbs continues to hunt and shoot trap with his wife. He has two children, Marissa (9) and Reid (3) who have been shooting since they turned three. In his spare time, Steve coaches his daughter’s hockey team. To reach Steven H. Gibbs about the opportunities NRA Youth Programs can offer, please call him at (715) 832-4330 or email him at Interested in becoming a Volunteer State Coordinator? For more information, please contact the Shooting Sports Camp Coordinator at (703) 267-1591 or


Navy Wins 28th NRA Intercollegiate Pistol Championships

The University of Alaska Fairbanks celebrates after claiming its 10th national championship in March 2008 and third NCAA title in as many years. (1994, 1999-2004 and 2006-2008)


he National Rifle Association’s 28th Intercollegiate Pistol Championships were held at the international shooting ranges at Ft. Benning in Columbus, Ga. on March 10-14. At this year’s championships, more than 90 shooters represented 13 educational institutions, and included three ROTC teams. The U.S. Naval Academy team defeated its competition with a team aggregate score of 6329 to take the national title. Overall team aggregate scores are a combination of team scores from free, standard, and open-air pistol events. Navy’s score allowed Navy to overcome runner-ups Ohio State University (6302) and the U.S. Military Academy (6292). Nick Mowrer of Montana Tech of the University of Montana won the overall open individual aggregate title with a combined score of 1636 (531 in free, 545 in standard, and 560 in open-air pistol). Seth Berglee of Ohio State University came in close behind Mowrer for a second place finish with 1635 (530 in free, 546 in standard, and 559 in open-air pistol). Tucker Stachitas of the U.S. Naval Academy took the bronze medal with an overall score of 1613 (526 in free, 532 in standard, and 555 in open-air pistol). The women’s team championship was won by the U.S. Military Academy with an overall score of 2703. The women’s team championship title is determined by combining the team scores from women’s air and sport pistol. The U.S. Naval Academy followed in second place with a 2694, and the women from Ohio State University held on to a

close third place with an overall score of 2684. This year’s overall women’s individual aggregate was won again by Ohio State University’s Teresa Meyer with a total score of 939 (374 in women’s air and 565 in sport pistol). The women’s overall individual aggregate is determined by adding the women’s air and sport pistol events. Kimberly Schultz of the U.S. Military Academy came in second after shooting a total of 925 (365 in women’s air and 560 in sport pistol). Krystin Schmid, also of Ohio State University, came in third with an overall individual aggregate of 903 (361 in women’s air and 542 in sport pistol). For the past two years, NRA has recognized the shooter with the highest final. Finals are comprised of the top eight shooters in the free, open-air, women’s air, and sport pistol events. Shooters fire ten rounds on command to determine the final results. Typically, each round is scored in tenths of points instead of whole numbers, like the match itself, with the highest finals score being 109.00. This year’s highest final shooter was Teresa Meyer of Ohio State University with a score of 98.3. This score was fired in the women’s sport pistol finals to increase her lead over her competition for the gold medal and national title. Throughout the competition, an individual national champion is named in each event. This year’s individual national champion title winners are: Women’s Air Pistol, Teresa Meyer of Ohio State University, 472; Women’s Sport Pistol, Teresa Meyer of Ohio State University, 663.3; Standard Pistol, Seth Berglee of Ohio State University, 546; Free Pistol, Seth Berglee of Ohio State University, 621; and Open-Air Pistol, Nick Mowrer of Montana Tech of the University of Montana, 656. Every year, the NRA also invites the top teams in ROTC to participate in the standard pistol event of the championships. Invitations were extended to teams from Texas A&M, Ohio State University, and the University of Utah. Kyle Copeland from Ohio State University again won the individual ROTC event with an overall score of 537. J.D. Webb of Texas A&M came in second with a 532. Nick Gruning, also of Texas A&M, won third place with a 501. In the team event, Texas A&M defeated their competition with a score of 1996. Ohio State University came in second with a 1902, and the University of Utah placed third with a score of 1699. Every year since 1936, the NRA has presented AllAmerican Awards to nominated students who meet a set of qualifying criteria. Nominees are chosen based on marksmanship skills, grade-point-averages, coaches’ recommendations, and leadership qualities.

Volume 13, Number 2 l club connection l

NRA Programs

2008 NRA ALL-AMERICAN TEAMS FREE PISTOL First Team Seth Berglee, Ohio State University, Junior Daniel Hickok, U.S. Military Academy, Senior Edward Huo, MIT, Senior Cody Owsley, Pikes Peak Community College, Junior Tucker Stachitas, U.S. Naval Academy, Senior

Second Team Andrew Bock, U.S. Naval Academy, Senior Marc Eskew, U.S. Military Academy, Senior Daniel Jang, MIT, Sophomore Marc Roncoroni, U.S. Naval Academy, Sophomore Krystin Schmid, Ohio State University, Senior

Honorable Mention Fuzhou Hu, MIT, Junior


Andrew Bock, U.S. Naval Academy, Senior Edward Huo, MIT Senior Cody Owsley, Pikes Peak Community College, Junior Teresa Meyer, Ohio State University, Senior Krystin Schmid, Ohio State University, Senior Tucker Stachitas, U.S. Naval Academy, Senior

Second Team Ryan Dowd, U.S. Military Academy, Junior Marc Eskew, U.S. Military Academy, Senior Christine Hsueh, MIT, Sophomore Fuzhou Hu, MIT, Junior Rodolfo Palma, U.S. Military Academy, Senior Marc Roncoroni, U.S. Naval Academy, Sophomore Kimberly Schultz, U.S. Military Academy, Junior

Honorable Mention Ashley Asdal, U.S. Naval Academy, Junior Daniel Hickok, U.S. Military Academy, Senior Nick Mowrer, Montana Tech, Freshman Jeremiah Smith, U.S. Naval Academy, Junior Rebekah Vaughan, U.S. Military Academy, Senior

First Team


Seth Berglee, Ohio State University, Junior Andrew Bock, U.S. Naval Academy, Senior Edward Huo, MIT, Senior Nick Mowrer, Montana Tech, Freshman Tucker Stachitas, U.S. Naval Academy, Senior

First Team

Second Team Ryan Dowd, U.S. Military Academy, Junior Marc Eskew, U.S. Military Academy, Senior Wesley Huber, U.S. Naval Academy, Sophomore Teresa Meyer, Ohio State University, Senior Marc Roncoroni, U.S. Naval Academy, Sophomore

Honorable Mention Daniel Hickok, U.S. Military Academy, Senior

AIR PISTOL First Team Seth Berglee, Ohio State University, Junior

Teresa Meyer, Ohio State University, Senior Krystin Schmid, Ohio State University, Senior

Second Team Rachel Florea, U.S. Naval Academy, Senior Kimberly Schultz, U.S. Military Academy, Junior

Honorable Mention Ashley Asdal, U.S. Naval Academy, Junior Lindsey Asdal, U.S. Naval Academy, Sophomore

For more information on the NRA Intercollegiate Pistol Championships, visit, or call the NRA Collegiate and Schools Program at (703) 267-1473.


Volume 13, Number 2 l club connection l 11

NRA Range


he NRA Range Grant Program was established in September 2000 by a resolution of the NRA Board of Directors. This resolution also dissolved a separate account established by the Board of Directors known as the Range Loan Fund. The unused balance of the Range Loan Fund ($2 million less notes receivable from outstanding range loans) was deposited in the NRA Range Loans Program Endowment. The remaining loan repayments are added to the Range Loans Program Endowment upon receipt. A portion of the endowment’s earnings is used to award grants for purposes consistent with the endowment’s objectives. The amount distributed annually is limited to the lesser of the endowment’s prior year’s net earnings or 5% of the endowment’s fair value as of December 31 of the previous year. Grant funds available for 2008 will be based on the aforementioned guidelines applied to the fair value of the former Range Loan Fund. Range Grant funds are made available at the NRA’s sole discretion to qualifying NRA-affiliated clubs and associations by approval of the Range Development Committee – a standing committee of the NRA Board of Directors. The Range Grant Subcommittee reviews grant applications from qualifying NRA affiliates, and it submits recommendations to the Range Development Committee for approval. Range Grants will be awarded concurrent with the fall NRA Board of Directors meeting. At the NRA’s sole discretion, grants are awarded to qualifying NRA affiliates to assist with acquisition, development and improvement of shooting facilities. Grants are also awarded to assist qualifying NRA affiliates with projects designed to improve community relations and to address environmental issues related to range operations. ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS AND PROJECTS In reviewing grant applications, the Range Grant Subcommittee will apply the following criteria and recommend to the Range Development Committee only those projects that conform to these guidelines: • Any NRA-affiliated club or association of which 100% of the club’s members are also NRA members is eligible to apply for a NRA Range Grant. Preference will be given to recipients of the Gold Medal Club Award. When submitting this application, a club orrange must also submit a list of the club’s members in a spreadsheet (CD, disc, emailed file) with the following information: Last name, First name, Street address, City, State, Zip Code, club ID#, and NRA membership number if on file. (This submission will be used to verify NRA membership status for all club members.) • Projects and activities eligible for funding include: acquisition, development and/or improvement of shooting facilities; projects designed to enhance community relations, NRA “Range Day, public shooting, and junior programs; and projects addressing range safety, as well as environmental issues i.e. lead reclamation. RESTRICTIONS ON FUNDING • Applications for grant funding will not exceed $5,000 for any qualifying NRA affiliate per year. • Grants will be limited to one per year per facility in those cases where more than one qualifying affiliate utilizes the same range. • Range grants will not be approved for multi-year funding of projects. • A final report must be submitted for any and all funded projects. Failure to submit a final report will result in disqualifcation for future consideration. 12 l club connection l Volume 13, Number 2


Grants • All projects must be for the sole purpose of range development/range improvement. Applications for short-term supplies such as

targets, firearms, PA systems, manuals, etc. will not be accepted. (Short-term being defined as projects with a life of less than 10 years.) • Applications must be submitted for consideration each year. Prior year funds awarded shall not be construed as a guarantee of funding in subsequent years. The following activities or projects are also not eligible for funding: 1) Deficit financing. 2) Projects related to commercial ventures. 3) Applications from clubs or associations that have not submitted final reports for previously awarded grants. COMPLETING THE APPLICATION All applications for NRA Range Grants must be submitted on official application forms. These application forms are available from the NRA Range Department or at and should be mailed to the address below (Must Arrive at NRA by August 1, 2008): National Rifle Association ATTN: NRA Range Department – 2008 Range Grants 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, VA 22030 (703) 267-1276 or (800) 672-3888 x 1276 Things to Include When Mailing your Application: • Application • Club’s Membership List in Spreadsheet (CD, Disc or Email) • Copy of Club’s Bylaws Stating NRA membership • Photos (not a requirement) • Completed W-9 Form • Supporting Documents (Detailed Description of club’s needs) In order for grant applications to be promptly considered by the Range Development Committee, they must be received by the NRA Range Department no later than August 1, 2008. All applications received by the NRA Range Department will be forwarded to the National Manager, Clubs, Associations and Range Services Departments, for verification of the application described qualifications. Qualifying applications will be forwarded to the Chairman and Committee Members of the Range Grant Subcommittee for review. Following an affirmative vote by the Range Development Committee, the Committee Secretary will notify the NRA Range Department of approved applications. The NRA Range Department will notify the applicant that the grant has been approved and will request a check from NRA’s Office of the Treasurer.

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14 l club connection l Volume 13, Number 2


A Short Summary of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act


he corporate and accounting scandals of 20002002, such as the Enron debacle, were viewed by many as a breakdown in corporate governance and a failure by the government to regulate corporations to prevent such corporate malfeasance. In response to these corporate scandals, Senator Paul Sarbanes of Maryland and Representative Michael Oxley of Ohio introduced the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX). The Act was intended to enforce corporate accountability and responsibility and to restore investor confidence. SOX was approved by the House by a vote of 423-3 and by the Senate 99-0 and was signed into law in July 2002 by President Bush. SOX is a statutory smorgasbord, amending various Titles of the United States Code, including the Securities and Exchange Act, the Judiciary and Judicial Procedure Code, and the Criminal Code. Title I (Sections 101-109) of SOX creates an independent board, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB). The PCAOB is a nonprofit corporation funded by registration and annual fees collected from registered public accounting firms and annual accounting support fees collected from SEC regulated companies. The members of the PCAOB are appointed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The PCAOB regulates and provides supplementary oversight to SEC regulation of independent public accounting firms, which practice before the SEC. The PCAOB registers and regulates all public accounting firms, including inspecting, investigating and disciplining accounting firms and enforcing professional standards. In fact, it is now unlawful for any public accounting firm not registered with the Board to prepare or issue or participate in the preparation or issuance of any audit report for a SEC regulated company. Title II (Sections 201-209) of SOX regulates public accounting firms. Section 204 of the Act requires auditors to report all critical accounting policies and practices to the firm’s audit committee. Section 203 requires that the lead audit and reviewing partner must rotate off the audit every 5 years. Section 201 prohibits any public accounting firm from providing non-audit services (include bookkeeping,

By Stefan Tahmassebi, NRA Deputy General Counsel

appraisal, and others services but excluding tax preparation), while auditing the same corporation. A registered public accounting firm also may not perform an audit for a corporation if any of the corporation’s top executives were employed by that accounting firm during the previous year. The PCAOB also oversees the audit of public companies that are subject to the securities laws and establishes audit report standards and rules. And Title III of SOX (Sections 301-302) regulates corporate responsibility. Section 301 requires the formation of an independent and competent audit committee, which is responsible for hiring, setting compensation, and supervising the auditor’s activities. SOX requires that each member of a firm’s audit committee be a member of the board of directors and be “independent” (i.e., the members are not part of the management team and do not perform any consulting or professional services for the firm). In addition, it is recommended that each audit committee also have a “financial expert.” The audit committee also has to establish procedures for the receipt, retention and treatment of complaints received by the company concerning accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters as well as the confidential anonymous submission by employees concerning questionable accounting or auditing matters. Section 302 requires CEO’s and chief financial officers to certify that financial statements accurately and fairly represent the financial condition and operations of the company. SOX provides for criminal sanctions for intentional false certification. Title IV of SOX (Sections 401-409) requires enhanced financial disclosures. This chapter requires disclosure of all material off balance sheet transactions and relationships that may have a material effect on the financial condition of the company and the presentation of pro forma financial information in a manner that is not misleading. Section 409 requires rapid disclosure of material changes in the financial conditions of the firm. Section 404 requires that each annual report contain an internal control report which must include a statement of the responsibility of management for establishing and implementing adequate continued on page 19 Volume 13, Number 2 l club connection l 15

ILA News

FEDERAL UPDATE H.R. 4900 BATFE Modernization Act Representatives Steve King (R-Iowa) and Zack Space (D-Ohio), have introduced H.R. 4900 the “Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Reform and Firearms Modernization Act of 2007.” The bill would roll back unnecessary restrictions, correct errors, and codify longstanding congressional policies in the firearms arena. This bipartisan bill is a vital step to modernize and improve BATFE operations. Of highest importance, H.R. 4900 totally rewrites the system of administrative penalties for licensed dealers, manufacturers and importers of firearms. H.R. 4900 would allow fines or license suspensions for less serious violations, while still allowing license revocation for the kind of serious violations that would block an investigation or put guns in the hands of criminals. This prevents the all-too-common situations where BATFE has punished licensees for insignificant technical violation—such as improper use of abbreviations, or filing records in the wrong order. CONTACT YOUR LAWMAKERS IN SUPPORT OF H.R. 4900!

S. 2588 Gun Show Legislation Sen. Frank Lautenberg has once again introduced legislation to regulate gun shows. And as before, it calls for massive new government powers to register gun show customers, register gun owners, retain information on people who pass criminal records checks when buying firearms, heavily tax both gun collectors and gun sales, and require gun show promoters to police gun show customers, as if they were agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. The bill is not about “gun shows.” Claims that the bill would only “close” the so-called “gun show loophole” by requiring Instant Checks on non-retail sales of guns at gun shows, are patently false. In reality, gun shows are large, public events held in convention centers and banquet halls. But S. 2577 defines “gun show” so broadly, that it would include a person’s home. Merely “offering” to “exchange” a firearm at 16 l club connection l Volume 13, Number 2

an “event” could be banned. The National Matches at Camp Perry and your local gun club’s Sunday trap shoot would be defined as “events” subject to the bill’s provisions. Gun show customer registration: A person who attends a show, even without a gun, who even discusses the possibility of selling a gun, would be required to sign “a ledger with identifying information.” Gun show promoters would have to retain the ledgers indefinitely for inspection by the BATFE. Absurd requirement on gun show promoters: Because a promoter cannot know whether a person who attends his show will discuss the sale of a gun, he will have to require every customer to sign the ledger, and check every customer’s ID to verify the information required on the ledger. Invasion of privacy: In addition to records kept on gun show customers, the bill would allow the FBI to retain, for 90 days, personal information about people who clear instant checks when buying guns. Gun collector registration: If you are at home with a collection of 50 or more firearms, it would be a five-year felony to “offer” or “exchange” a single gun -- even between family or friends -- unless you first registered with the BATFE and paid a fee, the cost of which would be at BATFE’s discretion. The restrictions and regulations S. 2577 would impose upon real gun shows, and upon gun owners’ personal activities the bill would preposterously define as “gun shows” and “events,” are unprecedented. Running afoul of S. 2577’s numerous, far-fetched provisions could send you to prison for years. CONTACT YOUR LAWMAKERS IN OPPOSITION TO S. 2588!

Micro-stamping Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) and Congressman Xavier Becerra (D-CA) introduced “microstamping” legislation titled the “National Crime Gun Identification Act of 2007.” The theory of “micro-stamping” is that a firearm’s firing pin or other internal parts could bear microscopic codes unique to the firearm, that could imprint the codes on fired cartridge cases, and that the codes could be entered into a computerized database before the firearm leaves the factory. Then, the theory continues, if such a gun were used in a


crime, police investigators could pick up a cartridge case left at the crime scene, identify the markings on the case, run the markings against the database, and thereby identify the criminal involved. . On the contrary, there are numerous and varied problems with micro-stamping: o Micro-stamping has repeatedly failed tests o Micro-stampings are easily removed o Most gun crimes cannot be solved by micro-stamp ing, or do not require micro-stamping to be solved. o Most criminals who use guns, get them through unregulated channels. o Most guns do not automatically eject fired cartridge cases o Only a small percentage of guns will be micro-stamped o Most violent crimes are committed without guns o Micro-stamping wastes money, including that which is better spent on traditional crime-fighting and crime-solving efforts CONTACT YOUR LAWMAKERS IN OPPOSITION TO THIS PROPOSAL!

what is “reasonable;” and what kinds of regulations would be “reasonable” under the Second Amendment. A decision by the Court is expected in June. For more information on the Heller case, including links to the official Supreme Court Transcript, C-SPAN audio recording, and all the briefs in the case, please visit

District of Columbia v. Heller On March 18, 2008, the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments in District of Columbia v. Heller, a case the Court has stated is “limited to the following question: Whether Washington, D.C.’s bans [on handguns, on having guns in operable condition in the home and on carrying guns within the home] violate the Second Amendment rights of individuals who are not affiliated with any state-regulated militia, but who wish to keep handguns and other firearms for private use in their homes.” Most in the Supreme Court chamber seemed to agree that the Second Amendment protects an individual right. The issues that were most in contention included the meaning of the words “keep” and “bear,” and whether the amendment protects the possession of arms only during militia service or also for self-defense; whether a total ban on handguns is a “reasonable” regulation of firearms; whether restrictions on the right to arms should be subject to “strict scrutiny,” or legislatures or courts should be able to decide

With the 2008 campaign already well underway, it is critical that gun owners and gun rights supporters are registered to vote in advance of respective deadlines. Make no mistake, opponents of our freedom will be working hard over this next year to gain momentum they need to attack our rights. It is critical that we as gun owners are registered to vote and that we most assuredly vote on Election Day. To assist you in registering to vote this year, NRA-ILA has a number of tools available. For voter registration applications for your state, information on voter registration deadlines and election dates, and ways you can get involved this election year, please visit

Volume 13, Number 2 l club connection l 17

range report

US Army Study shows “Hearing loss occurs primarily during training” Reprint permission granted by Troy Acoustics Shooting Range NEWS

Have you had difficulty getting approval for noise control in your indoor or outdoor shooting range? If so, think of it as an investment. Based on a US Army study “hearing loss occurs primarily during training, not combat”. That determination translates to ALL training, whether it is for law enforcement personnel, or the casual shooter who practices for several hours. But, the person whom this impacts the most is the trainer or range master, who could be subjected to unnecessary noise levels for several hours a week. You can avoid unnecessary workmen’s compensation claims by initiating some preventive maintenance. Customers and personnel will stay longer. With a reverb time of 1.25

seconds or less your range will be much more comfortable. If you would like to hear the difference just drop a note to Acoustical doors and windows provide additional protection for the range master and people standing outside the range. Troy provides custom designed doors and windows for existing and new shooting ranges. Unlike traditional doorways, the Troy door is manufactured with the same patented acoustical system used in the range. Acoustical doors and windows are used in several other applications such as broadcast and live performance venues where noise control is critical. According to the US Army Study permanent hearing loss is the most common disability among soldiers today. Although hearing loss is preventable by limiting exposure to high volume sound levels, it is irreversible once it occurs.

From 1977 to 2005 $9.3 billion in disability benefits has been paid to veterans and service men and women for Hearing Loss as the Primary Disability. This information is from the report by the Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventative Medicine, Aberdeen, MD. The Army accounts for over 50% of the disability benefits paid (over $5Billion in disability benefits were paid over this period of time). The trend is on the upswing. As a matter of fact, just in the last 15 years, from 1990 to 2005 the Army has paid out $3,304,753,898 in benefits for hearing loss as the primary disability. Hearing loss degrades combat performance. Exposure to gunfire peak levels while training, especially training in untreated indoor ranges, affects word intelligibility, increases stress levels and causes fatigue. This translates to incorrect commands heard, or incorrect targets identified or shot. Hearing loss,


even a small percentage, is too much of a loss for the soldiers of today’s mission. Hearing loss occurs primarily during training, not combat. In today’s urban type training the indoor ranges of concrete walls and overhead armor baffles, for ballistic containment, cause this very condition of hearing loss and the other effects of reverberation from the gunfire sound level (muzzle blast energy). Other containerized types of training facilities expose shooters to greater sound levels due to their confined spaces so there is no absorption of the muzzle blast energy so it is not diminished. For more information, please visit: Http:// Http:// Http://

continued from page 15 procedures for financial reporting, an assessment of the effectiveness of internal control structures and procedures, and any code of ethics. Section 402 prohibits, with certain exceptions, the company from making personal loans to any director or executive officer. Principal stockholders, directors and officers are also required to disclose changes in ownership of securities or securities based swap agreements within two business days. Title VIII (Sections 801-807) of SOX addresses corporate and criminal fraud. It prohibits knowingly destroying, altering, concealing or falsifying records with the intent to obstruct or influence an investigation and imposes a fine and/or imprisonment of up to 20 years. (Note that this provision applies to all companies, including non-profits). This chapter also imposes record retention requirements and penalties for willful violation of a fine and/or up to 10 years imprisonment. This chapter also provides whistle blower protection against retaliation or discrimination against employees of publicly traded companies who assist in proceedings involving alleged securities law violations Title IX (Sections 901-903) of SOX enacts white collar crime penalty enhancements by amending federal criminal law to increase penalties for attempts and conspiracies to commit criminal fraud offenses, mail and wire fraud, and ERISA violations. It imposes fines up to $1 million and/or up to 10 years imprisonment for making a certification knowing it is false and a fine of $5 million and/or up to 20 years imprisonment for willfully making the certification knowing that it is false. Title X (Section 1001) of SOX, expresses the sense of the Senate that the Federal Income Tax Return of a corporation should be signed by the CEO of that corporation. Title XI (Sections 1101-1107) of SOX also addresses corporate fraud. Section 1102 makes it a crime for any

person to destroy, alter or conceal any document to prevent its use in official legal proceedings. It imposes fines and/or imprisonment of up to 20 years for knowingly altering, destroying or concealing such records or documents. This chapter also increases penalties under the Exchange Act to $5 million and/or imprisonment of up to 20 years and increases the fines for corporations up to $25 million. SOX also creates new protections for whistle blowers. It is a federal crime for anyone to take any action harmful to any person for providing to a law enforcement officer any truthful information relating to the commission of a federal offense. This provisions applies to all corporations, including non-profits. A violation of this provision is punishable by a fine and/or imprisonment of up to 10 years. Currently SOX applies only to publicly traded companies under jurisdiction of the SEC, with two notable exceptions. The provisions relating to whistle blower protection and document destruction apply to all companies, including non-profits. All organizations should implement procedures for handling employee complaints referring to accounting or financial management practices. It is recommended that organizations establish an anonymous complaint process to encourage employees to report any inappropriate financial management practices. Furthermore, some state legislatures are considering legislation that would require SOX like compliance by all companies, including non-profit organizations. In any event, whether you are governed by SOX or not, many companies are using the SOX standards for their corporate governance and, therefore, the SOX requirements are fast becoming the best practices standard for all companies.

Volume 13, Number 2 l club connection l 19

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20 l club connection l Volume 13, Number 2


ClUB News

How to Create a Comprehensive Marketing and Growth Program for Your Club

By: Jeff LaFave, Vice President, Livingston Gun Club, Brighton, Michigan


even years ago, I joined what was to become my home gun club, The Livingston Gun Club in Brighton, Mich. At the time, it was a very exclusive, if not “clandestine” club. In short, you really had to know somebody to be accepted into the fold. I distinctly remember my first meeting. I entered the clubhouse on a cold March Sunday morning to be greeted by the stare of a gruff looking long-time member who was stoking the fire in the woodstove that provided the heat for the 20x15 foot room that we were gathered in. I can remember the stares that all basically said: “Who is the new guy, and who invited him?” As the meeting started, I was asked to introduce myself, state my intentions, and give some background information about myself. I proceeded to tell them that I had taken a CPL class from another member a couple of years ago, and that I had been driving by that day, noticed the gate open, and figured I would stop in and see if I could join. Well, they all gave me the eye, and started firing off questions to discern my intentions. As the “grilling” started to get intense, the Vice President of the club finally told the guys to lay-off me, and made a motion to accept me into the fold. Now don’t get me wrong, LGC has always been a good club, but some disagreements with the neighbors and a three year shutdown due to litigation forced by said neighbors had given them a reason to be guarded. After a long, drawn-out legal battle (thankfully with NRA’s assistance), they were able to reopen, but at a tremendous cost, as they had to pay all those legal bills and add overhead baffles on all the ranges in order to meet a consent judgment’s conditions. This caused them to be really leery of outsiders. As the years wore on, I had the opportunity to sponsor several people for membership and they in turn did the same. By 2004, the time was right to make a change, and several of us got elected to the Executive Board. Almost instantly, several things started happening. The ranges and parking areas were expanded, certified NRA range safety officers were

acquired, several of us became NRA instructors, and then the biggest addition, a 2000 square foot Education Center was built complete with restrooms and a full kitchen. The biggest question how do we market it and to whom? We knew we wanted to make it a place for families, sportsmen, women and children to come enjoy and diversify its power base by adding more people from the community. All of this led us to develop a comprehensive marketing plan to help promote our club. The important thing is to make sure that when you take on a particular discipline, it needs to be “low-impact” on your other disciplines in the club to keep infighting and turf wars from erupting in the various groups, but it can be done through scheduling, and by having things take place on separate ranges so they don’t interfere with one another. This geographic separation can make a lot of things possible. For instance, we added both field and 3-D archery. They take place on the north and west end of the property, and don’t in any way cross over into our gun range areas. We also added a partition in our Education Center to allow us to hold multiple classes simultaneously. This allowed us to add women and youth programs without jeopardizing our relationship with our CPL instructors who had been teaching there for years. Next, we needed to figure out how to reach out to the masses to let them know that our club existed and we found that we simply needed more exposure. We started with an interactive web page that listed our entire calendar of events. Our next step was to redo the signage at the road to list our web page so folks in the area had a way to contact us. This only cost a few hundred dollars, and the return on investment has been immense. I highly recommend this useful tool for any club that wants to grow. Next, we realized that we needed to reach out to the general population. This meant hosting Cub Scout and Girl Scout shooting events structured as “mini camps”, and continued on page 24 Volume 13, Number 2 l club connection l 21

club news

Overcoming Adversity Last year, the Lemon Grove Rod and Gun Club faced encroachment with houses being as close as 150 feet to the east of the club property and approximately 900 yards directly north of the rifle and pistol range.


he club received two complaints from one of the neighbors regarding bullets leaving the range and impacting on their property. It should be noted that the club is located in an open shooting area, which was more likely, the source of the rounds impacting the house than from our range. The club voluntarily suspended rifle and pistol fire at the range pending an NRA club inspection. With the feedback from NRA, and with the guidance of a club member who volunteered to attend the NRA Range Safety Course, over $20,000 was spent making improvements to the range to increase safety. This included increasing the height of the wall surrounding

the pistol range another six feet; adding six feet to the berms at the 50 and 100 yard range; placing plaster sand on the face of the berms to contain the rounds. The Range Policies and Procedures Manual underwent an extensive updating including adding a requirement that all shooting is to be done under the control of Range Safety Officers. This was a drastic change for members as this was the first time in over 50 years of the club’s existence that RSO’s were required for open shooting. A call went out to the club members requesting that they become RSO’s. The club paid for the classes and offered to reimburse all members that spent at least six four hour sessions acting as a RSO at the club for their out

Shooting on the main range before safety improvements.

of pocket costs. Over 60 members have attended the NRA RSO class and are now certified. Since the implementation of the new policies and the inspection of the range by the local Sheriff’s department, the club received a clean bill of health and is now open most days at least four hours and many days eight for the shooting enjoyment of our members. This was made possible entirely by the combined effort of the members of the club with no outside contractors necessary. There have been no further issues with our neighbors surrounding us but continued diligence will be required. By Paul Coffey, President, Lemon Grove Rod and Gun Club, San Diego County, California.

NRA Family Shooting Sports Camp Wilma Schreuer coaching a new shot gunner.


Volume 13, Number 2 l club connection l 23

club news continued from page 21 super-sizing our hunter safety program to 100 students per class. This brought a tremendous amount of exposure, as the parents all came with the kids, and invariably asked about the club while they were there for the events. We also procured a Ladies Coordinator and a “Junior Coordinator”. These individuals then began teaching classes such as NRA’s Eddie Eagle GunSafe® program, Refuse To Be A Victim®, Women On Target®, youth day camps, and various other beginner classes to entice new shooters to give the club a try. We then turned our attention to participating in local events that would help bolster the clubs image and allow us to expose the community to what Livingston Gun Club had to offer. We decided to host the first-ever Friends of NRA Banquet for our county. We contacted our State Representative, Al Herman, and made our intentions known. Al guided us through the process and helped us get the program off the ground. We had added a social dimension to our club that we previously could have never enjoyed. There was a wonderful dinner, drinks, raffles, games, auctions, and the camaraderie was unbelievable! A Friends of NRA event truly fosters a sense of community and belonging in a club. It also makes people and businesses in the community aware that you exist and greatly enhances the traffic pattern at your club. Most importantly, our participation allows us to send a representative to the state fund allocation meeting to convey our interests, and help determine how the money is spent. Many people don’t know it, but all the money raised by Friends goes back to The NRA Foundation with half going back to clubs in that state to fund shooting clubs and its programs. 24 l club connection l Volume 13, Number 2

Lastly, we turned our attention to major events. We obtained a booth at “Outdoorama”, the largest sportsmen’s show in our state. We put together a backdrop, printed media about the club, blew-up pictures and had some promotional DVD’s put together by one of the guys in the club. We highlighted our women and youth programs and also had show specials for memberships to stimulate interest. Members staffed the booth for the weekend, and we enjoyed all the exposure that the show afforded. It has led to us signing a lot of new members and allowed us to project a positive image of our club. All the ideas I have listed above are very viable ways for you to promote your club, and make it a place for everybody to come and enjoy the shooting sports. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Clubs need to grow or they run the risk of closing. Being proactive and advertising your club is one way to insure your clubs future and be sure that your children and their children can enjoy the shooting sports. After all, the choices we make and the efforts we make now will determine if shooting is available to the next generation and if we don’t do it…who will? For more information about the Livingston Gun Club contact: Jeff LaFave LGC Vice President

Congratulations to 141 Shooting Range, Inc. – Jonesboro, Arkansas On April 4, 141 Shooting Range, Inc. was the first business to be awarded the Environmental Stewardship Award from the Jonesboro Regional Chamber of Commerce, AR. With their grand opening only being in October 2007, 141 Shooting Range won this award over hundreds of other applying businesses. 141 Shooting Range, Inc. was selected for this award because of their outstanding commitment to improving the quality of life in their region through good stewardship of the environment. 141 Shooting Range is a private shooting range just off 141 in Jonesboro, Ark. where all types of guns can be shot; such as air rifles, pistols, rifles, shotguns (slugs), muzzleloaders, and bows for only $120 a year. Visit their website at www.141shootingrange. com for more information.


North American Deer Farmers Association Celebrates 25th Anniversary

NADeFA速 celebrated its 25th Anniversary in February at the Grand Wayne Convention Center in Fort Wayne, Ind. The conference was a huge success. Approximately 600 people attended the three day event. Conference attendees were welcomed to the conference by the Indiana State Veterinarian, Dr. Bret Marsh. The conference was filled with educational sessions presented by speakers from across the country. These sessions provided information on such topics as animal injuries, research on munt足jack deer, research regarding fence height, nutrition, EHD, tranquilization, marketing techniques, security systems and the preparation of fine cuts of meat. Keynote speakers, Alan and Keith Warren entertained the audience with a portion of one of their television specials and talked about the importance of promoting our industry. Darren LaSorte, NRA-ILA Manager of Hunting Policy, pledged the support of the NRA to our industry and spoke to everyone concerning the threat of the groups that oppose the cervid industry and hunting ranches. A highlight of the conference was the appearance of Josef von Pictured are Josef von Kerckerinck, President Carolyn Kerckerinck, the founder of NADeFA. Josef had the fore足sight 25 Laughlin and Executive Director Shawn Schafer. years ago to realize that a national multi-species organization was necessary to promote and protect this industry. CLF sponsored a venison cooking competition at Ivy Tech Culinary School. Six teams of student chefs participated. Winning bidders at our auction were able to dine on the venison prepared for the competition. NADeFA continues to work to protect your right to own animals and conduct business throughout the country.

Congratulations to the Oil City Izaak Walton Junior Rifle Team! The Oil City Izaak Walton Junior Rifle Team recently earned the title of Pennsylvania State Champions in a 4P match held in Alexandria, Pa. Members of the team included Brent Books, Ashley Ahrens, Ed Ryznar and Andy Ryznar. Brent Books took the overall state championship title by posting a 795, and team member Ashley Ahrens won the sub-junior class with a 782. The team shot a total score of 3131 to take the title. Oil City Izaak Walton is looking forward to some great things from these kids. All four have already been chosen to go to Colorado to shoot at the U.S. Olympic Complex training center in Colorado Springs, CO. From Left to Right: Ed Ryznar, Brent Books, Andy Ryznar and Ashley Ahrens. Volume 13, Number 2 l club connection l 25

club news shooting sports and secure our traditions. It helps that two of the 16 Board members are women – and also moms. The objectives of the Cheshire County Fish and Game Club have always been consistent with gun clubs across the nation that are considered as true leaders in club relations within their community. Their current bylaws specifically address the following objectives:

CHESHIRE COUNTY FISH AND GAME CLUB, INC. CHRONICLES by Steve Miller, Executive Director, Youth Shooting Sports Alliance

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estled within the peaceful valleys of the southwestern corner of New Hampshire, the Cheshire County Fish and Game Club, Inc. has provided opportunities to enjoy the shooting sports since 1936. The club offers a 100-, 200- and 300-yard rifle range; a separate 100-yard small-bore rifle range under covered firing points; a covered pistol range; two trap fields; an archery range and a clubhouse. A complete overview of the club facilities can be seen at their website The shooting sports are an everyday part of the members’ lives, and are traditions which they feel must be passed on to future generations. The club members sincerely feel that they have an individual and collective obligation to ensure that these traditions remain intact thus preserving our shooting sports heritage forever. Based on the club’s activities over the past few years, the Board has adopted a philosophy that educating our youth about fish and wildlife conservation and introducing them to the shooting sports at our facilities is one of its most important tasks. Concurrent with their focus on youth, the club also advocates shooting sports activities as opportunities for family interaction. The club wishes to be innovative in developing opportunities for a broad spectrum of new constituents in its community – children, women and families – to experience the joy of shooting. The club members know that by cultivating our youth and their families, they could significantly increase participation and acceptance of the 26 l club connection l Volume 13, Number 2

To better the hunting and fishing condition of this State and especially Cheshire County. To perpetuate and promote management of wildlife for the enjoyment of all sportsmen, present and future. To educate the membership and general public in the wise use of fish and game resources and the safe handling of firearms. To promote a more friendly feeling among those interested in these sports. To provide a good facility for those interested in shooting. To promote excellence in marksmanship

With such a long tenure of operations, the club has obviously done a lot of things right in the past. However, the membership also has a vision for the future as well. Joe Greathouse, the new President of the Cheshire County Fish and Game Club, states “In my first month as the club’s President, I have seen an incredible amount of enthusiasm from our membership related to new ideas for growing the club. My belief is that with the right plan in place and the dedication of a core group, we can greatly expand the offerings at the club and double our membership in the next five years.”

Survey of Club Members In late 2007, a Club Improvement Committee was formed to compile ideas after reviewing input received by the Board from club members. The Board asked the basic question “What type of club do we want to be?” Survey responses ranged from keep things the way they are, to the desire to advance beyond the current levels of operations, to upgrade and expand range facilities, improve administrative and advertising practices, and aggressively expand club membership through club outreach programs. Members want to construct fully-accessible heated restrooms in the clubhouse and upgrade the interior of the facility. They expressed a need to install card access for members to the facilities accompanied by security motion lights and video surveillance throughout the club grounds.


Regarding range upgrades, the members want improved range signage, target stands and shooting benches. They also suggested that concessions and/or vending services be provided for ear plugs, safety glasses, targets, sun block and insect repellant. Although the club currently offers a diverse array of range facilities to accommodate a variety of shooting disciplines, the members recognized opportunities to expand the club’s range facilities. Most notably is their desire to construct an indoor range complete with a store, firearm rentals and opportunities to conduct year-round archery, air rifle, small-bore rifle and pistol activities. Membership drives were encouraged to be conducted, with outreach programs for 4-H clubs and Boy Scouts and an expansion of current offerings such as Women on Target® programs and Republican shoots. Promotion of the club’s role in the community was suggested to include highway signs, radio and local TV commercials, production and display of shooting venue brochures, and partnerships with other community groups.

Development of a Master Plan Following the Club Improvement Committee’s review of the responses to the member survey, the Board of Directors was presented with a list of short-term goals which were considered to be vital to the future growth of the club. The Board decided to update its master plan for growth, with specific goals over the next five years, accompanied by additional long-range goals.

Cumberland Riflemen, Inc. educate youth members

The Youth Shooting Sports Alliance (YSSA) believes that an effective tactic to promote development of family-friendly shooting facilities to clubs across the nation would be to chronicle the steps that this club initiates to progress from their current operational status to that of a true model for other clubs to emulate. The YSSA asked the club to include the following objectives, affecting all gun clubs today, in its master plan: • • •

Improving gateways for youth and family participa- tion in club shooting sports activities. Ensuring a positive shooting atmosphere exists to enhance the beginner shooter experience and enjoy- ment of the club. Providing pathways for continued family involve- ment in club shooting sports programs and activities.

The YSSA will maintain a running chronicle of the club’s efforts on their website complete with photos, testimonials, and the peaks and valleys of discussions associated with this comprehensive review undertaken by a club with a long, proud tenure.

This past fall, under the direction of Lou Rider, Chairman and Ron Maxwell, Co-Chairman and Head Instructor, the Cumberland Riflemen, Inc. of Millville, N.J. organized a Junior Marksmanship Program to teach our youth the safe and proper handling of firearms. Several adult members including the ones pictured attended classes and became NRA Certified Rifle Instructors. Some of those went on to receive their Pistol Certification. Our students shot their first BB gun Postal Match and all of them qualified to receive a certificate. Other certified instructors working with the students are Mike Scavelli, Brian Banks and Jim Wilson. Not pictured are Alan Weinerman (cameraman) and David Brown. The team has been discussing with the leaders of the Cumberland County Council of the Boy Scouts of America, the possibility of including them in our classes to aid them in qualifying them for their merit badges and is hopeful that they will succeed in doing so. Volume 13, Number 2 l club connection l 27

NRA-affiliated state associations Alabama State Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. James Moses, President 2009 Rodgers Drive, NE Huntsville, AL 35811 256-534-7968 home • Mr. Ramon J. Samaniego, Jr., Secretary/Treasurer 2505 Isabelle Circle, NE Huntsville, AL 35811 256-534-2644

Alaska Outdoor Council, Inc.

• Mr. Dick Bishop, President P.O. Box 73902 Fairbanks, AK 99707-3902 907-455-6151 office 907-455-6447 fax • Mr. Rod Arno, Secretary/Treasurer P.O. Box 87-1069 Wasilla AK 99687

Arizona State Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Landis Aden, President 602-524-4437 office 480-854-8823 fax • Ms. Margaret Conlin, Treasurer 1727 East Alameda Drive Tempe, AZ 85282 480-838-6064 home/fax

Arkansas Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. John Wallis, President P.O. Box 1225 Little Rock, AR 72203 501-455-9669 office • Mr. Rome Helton, Secretary/Treasurer P.O. Box 1225 Little Rock, AR 72203 501-407-2707 office

California Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc.

• Mr. Thomas O. Thomas, President 271 Imperial Highway, Suite 620 Fullerton, CA 92835 714-992-2772 office • Mr. John C. Fields Executive Director 271 Imperial Highway, Suite 620 Fullerton, CA 92835 714-992-2772 office 714-992-2996 fax

Colorado State Shooting Association

• Mr. Tony Fabian, President 510 Wilcox Street #C Castle Rock, CO 80104 303-663-9339 office 303-713-0785 fax • Mr. Ken Gloss

28 l club connection l Volume 13, Number 2

609 West Littleton Boulevard #206 Littleton, CO 80120-2368 720-283-1376 office 720-282-1333 fax Connecticut State Rifle & Revolver Association

• Mr. Michael Dane, President 39 John Brook Rd Canterbury, CT 06331 860-546-2124 home • Ms. Catherine Smittner, Membership Director P.O. Box 754 North Haven, CT 06473 203-239-2528 203-239-2106 fax Delaware State Sportsmen’s Association

• Mr. John J. Thompson, President 113 North Road Wilmington, DE 19809 302-658-3070 office 302-658-3031 fax • Mr. Foster W. Rennie, Recording Secretary P.O. Box 1786 Wilmington, DE 19899 302-998-4820 home 302-998-4861 fax Florida Sport Shooting Association, Inc.

• Mr. Thomas Brusherd, President 5921 Blackthorn Rd Jacksonville, FL 32244 • Mr. Michael D. Langfield, Secretary 5921 Blackthorn Rd Jacksonville, FL 32244 407-701-1030 home 407-273-9356 fax

Georgia Sport Shooting Association

• Dr. Paul Broun, President #450 2300 Bethelview Road Suite 110 Cumming, GA 30040-9475 Home: 706-227-0510 • Mr. Scott Bosso, Secretary/Treasurer #450 2300 Bethelview Road Suite 110 Cumming, GA 30040-9475 Hawaii Rifle Association

• Mr. Harvey F. Gerwig, II, President 1039 Kupua Street Kailua, HI 96734 808-261-5287 • Tim Billings, Secretary

P.O. Box 543 Kailua, HI 96734 808-261-2754 Info Line Idaho State Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Neill Goodfellow, President 8156 North Penn Avenue Fruitland, ID 83619 208-452-4183 home • Mr. Jon Carter, Secretary 1065 River Heights Drive Meridian, ID 83642 208-888-2829 phone/fax

Illinois State Rifle Association, Inc.

• Mr. Don A. Moran, President P.O. Box 637 Chatsworth, IL 60921 815-635-3198 office 815-635-3723 fax • Mr. Richard Pearson, Executive Director P.O. Box 637 Chatsworth, IL 60921 815-635-3198 office 815-635-3723 fax Indiana State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc.

• Mr. Jerry Wehner, President 7527 State Route 56 Rising Sun, IN 47040 812-534-3258 home • Mr. William B. Thomas, Treasurer 101 Sidney Ct. New Albany, IN 47150 812-948-8226

Iowa State Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. John Klopfenstein, President 606 S. Harrison Pl Mt Pleasant, IA 52641 • Mr. Bill Besgrove, Secretary 240 Prospect Road North Liberty, IA 52317-9660 319-430-5120 home

Kansas State Rifle Association

• Mr. Ralph Goodwin, President PO Box 108 Andover, KS 67002 316-778-1104 • Bruce Williams, Secretary 833 Santa Fe Rd Agra, KS 67621 785-543-2114

// League of Kentucky Sportsmen, Inc.

• Mr. Rick Allen, President P.O. Box 8527 Lexington, KY 40533 859-276-3518 home • Mr. Rowland Beers, NRA Representative 774 Sherwood Drive Lexington, KY 40502 859-277-4608 home

Louisiana Shooting Association

• Mr. John Texada, President 911 Inverery Drive Lake Charles, LA 70605 337-477-5277 home • Mr. Lanny J. Russell, Secretary 4737 Hastings Street Metairie, LA 70006 504-455-3803 home

(Maine) Pine Tree State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc.

• Mr. Leslie M. Ohmart, III, President 73 Sunset Strip Brewer, ME 04412 207-989-7304 • Mr. Stacey Modrusan, Secretary 11 Bangor Mall Boulevard, Suite D Bangor, ME 04401 207-433-5817 home

Maryland State Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Larry Moreland, President 2814 Needlewood Lane Bowie, MD 20716 301-249-4586 home • Mr. Richard Kussman, Chairman 832 Bear Cabin Drive Forest Hill, MD 21050-2734 410-838-1734 home

(Massachusetts) Gun Owners’ Action League – G.O.A.L.

• Mr. John Durkin, Jr., President P.O. Box 567, 37 Pierce Street Northboro, MA 01532 508-393-5333 office • Mr. James Wallace, Executive Director P.O. Box 567, 37 Pierce Street Northboro, MA 01532 508-393-5333 office 508-393-5222 fax

Michigan Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Leo Cebula, President P.O. Box 530637

Livonia, MI 48153-0637 888-655-6772 office • Mr. Mike Wesner, Secretary/Treasurer P.O. Box 530637 Livonia, MI 48153-0637 888-655-6772 office 269-781-6966 fax Minnesota Rifle & Revolver Association,Inc.

• Mr. Morgen Dietrich, President 14500 45th St NE Foley, MN 56329 320-522-1934 • Mr. George Minerich 14500 45th St NE Foley, MN 56329 320-968-6898 home

Mississippi State Firearm Owners Association

• Mr. Douglas Bowser, President PO Box 7358 McComb, MS 39649 601-249-3315 • Mr. Samuel Richardson, Secretary P.O. Box 6466 Jackson, MS 39282-6466 601-898-9832

Missouri Sport Shooting Association

• Mr. Kevin Jamison, President 6140 N. Wagontrail Rd Columbia, MO 65202 816-455-2669 816-413-0696 fax

Montana Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Matt Egloff, President P.O. Box 4394 Butte, MT 59702 406-723-5704 • Ms. Patsy E. Frimodig, Secretary P.O. Box 477 Park City, MT 59063 406-633-2486 home

Nebraska Shooting Sports Association

• Mr. Ronald L. Grapes, President P.O. Box 1585, 3407-19th Ave. Kearney, NE 68848 308-237-7902 home • Mr. Terry Copple, Secretary 10285 North Aspen Avenue Hastings, NE 68901

402-744-2049 home Nevada State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc.

• Mr. Robert E. Smith, President P.O. Box 7512 Reno, NV 89501-7512 775-762-1494 office 775-355-8088 fax • Mr. Mark Geldmacher, Secretary/Treasurer P.O. Box 7512 Reno, NV 89501-7512 775-762-1494 office 775-355-8088 fax Gun Owners of New Hampshire, Inc.

• Mr. Mitch Kopacz, President P.O. Box 847 Concord, NH 03302-0487 603-225-4664 office • Ms. Evelyn Logan, Secretary P.O. Box 847 Concord, NH 03302-0847 603-225-2664 office 877-841-1672 phone/fax

Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs, Inc.

• Mr. Scott L. Bach, President P.O. Box 651 Newfoundland, NJ 07435 • Ms. Judith Iorio, Recording Secretary P.O. Box 1397 Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889

New Mexico Shooting Sports Association, Inc.

• Mr. Charlie Weisleder, President PO Box 9275 Albuquerque, NM 87119 505-877-6128 • Mr. Ken Laintz, Secretary P.O. Box 753 Los Alamos, NM 87544 505-667-0034

New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc.

• Mr. Thomas H. King, President P.O. Box 1023 Troy, NY 12181 518-424-1349 office 518-449-1332 fax or • Mr. Steve D. Kraynak, Secretary P.O. Box 1023 Troy, NY 12181 Volume 13, Number 2 l club connection l 29

NRA-affiliated state associations 518-273-6969 518-272-2654 office North Carolina Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. David McFarling, President P.O. Box 4116 Pinehurst, NC 28374 919-929-9585 home • Mr. David Prest, Secretary P.O. Box 4116 Pinehurst, NC 28374 910-639-4742 office

North Dakota Shooting Sports Association

• Mr. Walt Fairbanks, President 5515 6th Ave SW Bismarck, ND 58504 701-250-4242 x3605 work • Mr. Steve Faught, Secretary/Treasurer P.O. Box 205 Amenia, ND 58004 701-347-5903 home

Ohio Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. David Johnson, President PO Box 571 Dayton OH 45409 513-934-1468 • Mr. G. Martin Capito, Secretary 1185 Swartz Rd Akron, OH 44306 330-773-2989

Oklahoma Rifle Association

• Mr. G. Don Scott, President Rt. 2, Box 23 Maysville, OK 73057 405-867-5234 home • Mr. Charles Smith, Executive Director P.O. Box 850927 Yukon, OK 73085-0927 405-324-2450 office/fax Oregon State Shooting Association

• Mr. Tim Pitzer, President 2815 South Shore Drive SE Albany, OR 97322 541-928-2460 home • Mr. Jerod Broadfoot, Vice President (503) 930-4926

30 l club connection l Volume 13, Number 2

Pennsylvania Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Jack Lee, President 100 Wycliff Way Butler, PA 16001 724-865-2597 phone/fax • Mr. James G. Johnson, Secretary 405 Hilltop Road Paoli, PA 19301 610-647-2374

Rhode Island State Rifle & Revolver Association

• Mr. Paul Boiani, President P.O. Box 41148 Providence, RI 02940 401-233-0771 office • Mr. Donn C. DiBiasio, Secretary P.O. Box 17452 Smithfield, RI 02917 401-233-0771 office

Gun Owners of South Carolina

• Mr. Gerald Stoudemire, President P.O. Box 211 Little Mountain, SC 29075 803-945-7677 • Mr. Carl W. Yates, Secretary/Treasurer 6024 Reynolds Road Blackville, SC 29817 803-671-0493

South Dakota Shooting Sports Association

• Mr. BJ McGuire, President P.O. Box 3 Dell Rapids, SD 57022 • Mr. Greg Iversen, Secretary 21421 Richard Road Sturgis, SD 57885 605-347-5445

Tennessee Shooting Sports Association, Inc.

• Mr. Ray W. Harvey, Jr., President C/o BVEOS, 1531 9th Ave N. Nashville, TN 37208 615-291-6762 • Mr. Michael Desjardin, Treasurer 4041 Caney Creek Ln, Chapel Hill, TN 37034

Texas State Rifle Association

• Richard V Muckelroy, President PO Box 1406 Lockhart, TX 78644 512-398-6897 • Mr. James Dark, Executive Director 620 N Coppell Rd #3402 Coppell, TX 75019 972-889-8772 office

972-889-1515 fax Utah State Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Elwood P. Powell, President 5926 South Fashionpoint Drive #200 Ogden, UT 84403 801-394-1900 office 801-622-2200 fax • Mr. Willis K. Smith, Secretary 1349 West 2600 North Clinton, UT 84015 801-589-5825 home 801-825-6631

Vermont Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, Inc.

• Mr. Roy Marble, President 14 Stafford Avenue Morrisville, VT 05661 802-888-5100 • Mrs. Rusty Hart, Secretary 126 Sandhill Road Essex Junction, VT 05452-3347 P.O. Box 8523, Essex Jct, VT 05451-8523 802-878-6616 home

Virginia Shooting Sports Association

• Mr. David Adams, President P.O. Box 1258 Orange, VA 22960 540-672-5848 office • Ms. Andrea T. Smith, Secretary/Treasurer P.O. Box 1258 Orange, VA 22960 540-672-4570 home 540-672-5848 office/fax

Washington State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc.

• Mr. Dave Sotelo, President PO Box 993 Ellensburg, WA 98926 509-925-4084 home • Mr. Monte Milanuk, Secretary 4027 Stemilt Creek Rd Wenatchee, WA 98374

West Virginia State Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Barry Hogue, President 1220 Philippi Pike Clarksburg, WV 26301 304-624-5363 • Mr. Richard C. Whiting, Secretary Rt. 1, Box 272-2 Buckhannon, WV 26201 304-472-1449 Wisconsin Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Eric Obermeyer, President P.O. Box 320173

// Franklin, WI 53132 414-529-3807 • Mr. Lee Walker, Treasurer/Membership Director W299 56316 Hwy. 83 Mukwonago, WI 53149 262-968-9350 Wyoming State Shooting Association, Inc.

• Mr. Mark Spungin, President P.O. Box 94 Guernsey, WY 82214 307-836-2188 home • Mr. Roger Sebesta, Secretary/Treasurer 625 Sweetwater Street Lander, WY 82520 307-335-9323

How you can reach us NRA Clubs & Associations Department National Rifle Association Attn: Clubs & Associations Department 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax,VA 22030 (800) NRA – CLUB (672-2582) (703) 267-3939 fax Kirsten Bradley, Marketing Manager (703) 267-1345 Son Nguyen, Marketing Coordinator (703) 267-1343 Kara Schlifke, Marketing Coordinator (703) 267-1351 NRA Range Services Department National Rifle Association Attn: Range Services Department 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax,VA 22030 (800) 672-3888 x1278, x1276, x1279 (703) 267-1011 fax John Joines, Range Services Manager (703) 267-1278 Jason Smith, Range Meetings Coordinator, (703) 267-1276 Eric Whitescarver, Assistant Range Coordinator (703) 267-1279

Elizabeth Bush, National Manager Clubs, Associations, & Range Services (703) 267-1348

NRA Field Representative Directory EASTERN REGION •Eastern Regional Director Brian Hyder 276-579-9828 Area 1 (ME, NH,VT) Michael Langton 607-427-8404 Area 2 (Upstate NY) Jay Rusnock 845-298-7233 Area 3 (CT, Upper NJ, Lower NY) Richard P. D’Alauro 631-462-9260 Area 4 (DE, Eastern PA) Kory Enck 717-689-3200 Area 5 (Western PA) Thomas Baldrige 724-861-0447 Area 6 (MD, Lower NJ) Brian Swartz 973-343-2104 Area 7 (DC, Western VA, WV) Jim Kilgore 304-255-2916 Area 8 (Eastern NC) Kirk D. Smith 919-258-5576 Area 42 (Western NC) Robert Doug Merrill 828-628-0410 Area 44 (MA, Northern NY, RI) James Carswell 518-479-0555 Area 45 (Eastern VA) Bob Hipple 540-6310633 CENTRAL REGION •Central Regional Director Philip Gray 740-773-4119 Area 12 (Southern OH) Vacant Vacant Area 13 (Northern MI) Don Bassett 231-839-1055 Area 14 (IN) John Crone 317-946-7260 Area 15 (KY) Larry Summarell, Jr. 270-586-5031 Area 17 (WI) Scott Taetsch 715-873-3360 Area 18 (Northern IL) Michael F. Huber 815-635-3321 Area 19 (MO) Gregg Pearre 573-761-5466 Area 43 (TN) Mike Webb 901-382-4789 Area 49 (Northern OH) Lloyd Edwards 419-646-3669 Area 51 (Southern MI) Allan Herman 989-686-3013 Area 52 (Southern IL) Wayne Steele 217-233-6784 SOUTHERN REGION •Southern Regional Director Al Hammond 386-462-5421 Area 9 (SC) Dale Carwile 864-223-9900 Area 10 (GA) Mike Cockerham 478-472-4640 Area 11 (Northern FL) Howell Lancaster 904-521-1945 Area 16 (LA, Southern MS) Dick Kingsafer 601-794-0068 Area 22 (AL) Stephen McKinny 334-887-0309 Area 25 (Northern TX) Tommy Easterling 903-330-4901 Area 26 (Southern TX) Gayle Carter-Cook 361-972-2166 Area 39 (AR, Northern MS) Mike Nevins 501-366-0293 Area 47 (Western TX) Jack Cannon 325-617-4460 Area 48 (Southern Florida) Larry Mills 941-378-9237 Mid WESTERN REGION •North Central Regional Director Tom Ulik 509-895-9407 Area 20 (OK) Darren DeLong 405-692-8672 Area 21 (MN) Scott Lembke 218-844-4400 Area 23 (IA, NE) Tim Bacon 515-332-1285 Area 24 (KS) Rick Chrisman 913-294-9956 Area 27 (NM) Peter Ide 505-281-6721 Area 28 (MT) Joseph Crismore 406-293-2498 Area 29 (WY) David Manzer 307-746-2520 Area 30 (CO) Marc Steinke 719-207-4080 Area 41 (ND, SD) Clay Pederson 701-522-9622 WESTERN REGION •Western Regional Director J.P. Nelson 480-357-4057 Area 31 (AZ) Donna Cassity 520-316-0620 Area 32 (S. ID, Eastern NV, UT) Rex Thomas 801-829-6260 Area 33 (Northern ID, Eastern WA) Brendon Hill 509-325-0131 Area 34 (HI, OR) Mike Carey 541-385-9404 Area 35 (Northwest CA) Daniel Wilhelm 707-994-5877 Area 36 (Southern CA) Lissa Lee 818-241-0735 Area 37 (Central CA) Jason Quick 805-239-4246 Area 38 (AK) Bradley J. Kruger 907-235-9059 Area 40 (Western WA) Jim Williams 253-904-8941 Area 46 (NE CA, W. NV) Steve Wilson 209-847-4826

Volume 13, Number 2 l club connection l 31

Club Connection National Rifle Assocaition 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, VA 22030


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