Club Connection Volume 15 Issue 3

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A Publication of the National Rifle Association of America volume 15, Number 3

Inside 4 Stars of Tomorrow 16 ILA News 19 State Association Spotlight 20 Club News

ur sights are set for Camp Perry

Contents Give Freedom A Future By Giving A Hunter A Teacher By Ronald L. Schmeits, NRA President


Stars of Tomorrow By Wendy LaFever, Insights Editor


Clubs Workshop & Registry of Events By Clubs & Associations


Club University: Albuquerque, NM


Established 1995 and published quarterly by the Field Operations Division of the National Rifle Association of America. Ronald L. Schmeits


David A. Keene

1st Vice President James W. Porter II

2nd Vice President

Wayne R. LaPierre

Executive Vice President

Clean as Practicable By Jack J. Giordano, Shooting Range Safety & Health Specialist


NC Wildlife Staff Receives NRA RSO Training By Justin McDaniel


ILA News


Zins Aquires Elusive 10th Title, NRA Camp Perry 2010 By John Parker, NRA Competitive Shooting


State Association Spotlight Ohio Rifle & Pistol Association


Club News


Legacy Wildlife Services


NRA Affiliated State Associations


NRA Field Representatives


Edward J. Land, Jr.

Secretary Wilson H. Phillips, Jr.


Kayne Robinson

Executive Director, General Operations Chris W. Cox

Executive Director, Institute for Legislative Action NRA-affiliated clubs and associations are authorized to reproduce all or parts of this newsletter. NRA Clubs & Associations National Rifle Association Attn: Clubs & Associations 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax,VA 22030 (800) NRA – CLUB (672-2582) (703) 267-3939 fax Editors: Elizabeth Bush, National Manager Clubs, Associations, & Range Services (703) 267-1348 Son Nguyen, Marketing Manager (703) 267-1345 Design & layout: Jack Baker, Marketing Coordinator (703) 267-1351 Melissa Betts, Marketing Coordinator (703) 267-1343

© Copyright 2010 National Rifle Association

2 l club connection l Volume 15, Number 3

President’s Column

Give Freedom A Future By Giving A Hunter A Teacher By Ronald L. Schmeits, NRA President


ike many of you, I grew up hunting. And like many of you, I feel that shooting, hunting and all that goes with them—from the beauty and wonder of nature, to the bounty of the hunt—are some of the greatest blessings of my life. So I sometimes wonder where I’d be today if I’d never had the opportunity to experience and enjoy those blessings in my youth. Think about your own life. If no one had introduced you to hunting, shooting or whatever pursuits you care about— would you have missed out on them altogether? Whatever the case, it’s clear that young people today have fewer opportunities for hunting and shooting than many of us had when we were young. That’s why I’m a strong supporter of NRA’s Youth Hunter Education Challenge (YHEC), a vitally important effort that marks its 25th anniversary this summer. Every summer, all across America, the NRA Youth Hunter Education Challenge picks up where state-level hunter safety courses leave off, and gives young men and women the best, most in-depth hunter safety and skills training available. Organized around eight areas of study and practice, this “graduate studies” program uses classroom instruction, practical training and exercises that simulate situations encountered in the field to train young men and women in .22 rifle, shotgun and muzzleloader shooting, archery, wildlife identification, orienteering and more. Through marksmanship competitions, Hunter Safety Trail exercises that reinforce safe and ethical hunting habits, written examinations and constant feedback from instructors, the Youth Hunter Education Challenge continually challenges young hunters to be the safest, most effective and ethical hunters.

Although it’s not a formal competition, the program recognizes and rewards achievement by allowing participants to vie for both individual and team awards in two age classifications: senior (ages 15 to 18) and junior (ages 14 and under). Each year, approximately 50,000 young men and women participate in YHEC programs in more than 40 U.S. states and Canadian provinces. And each year, several hundred of the best of those participants advance to the NRA International Youth Hunter

“Children should be educated and instructed in the principles of freedom.” - John Adams

Education Challenge—the annual culmination of the program—which is often held at the NRA Whittington Center near my home in New Mexico. I always enjoy going out to observe the proceedings and meet the young people who attend. It reminds me of my own hunting apprenticeship, back on my family’s ranch in Nebraska. It brings back fond memories of teaching my son and daughter to hunt and shoot. What’s more, it renews my faith in the future of our country and our cause. Because if the clean-cut, well-spoken, courteous young men and women I see at YHEC are any indication of the future leaders and voters of this country, then I would say our freedoms are in very good hands. continued on page 7 Volume 15, Number 3l club connection l 3

By Wendy La Fever, NRA InSights Managing Editor


hey’ve filled out their applications, written their essays, secured their recommendations, and now there’s nothing left to do but wait—and maybe hit “refresh” on their e-mail inboxes a few more times than is strictly necessary. Are they waiting for their college acceptance letters? A job? Nope—they’ve got their fingers crossed in hopes they’ll get to attend the NRA’s Youth Education Summit (Y.E.S.). Out of hundreds of applicants, they know, fewer than 50 will be invited to come to Washington, D.C., for an expenses-paid adventure in citizenship courtesy of the Friends of NRA and The

L to R: Michael Matheson, Wendy Pittman, Zack Sawyer, and Rachel High assist with presenting a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers. 4 l club connection l Volume 15, Number 3

NRA Foundation. The ones who make it can be called the best of the best, the cream of the crop—or, more appropriately, the stars of tomorrow. And although that’s true of each year’s group, the Y.E.S. “Class of 2010” got a special chance to shine a little more brightly than years past. None of the 45 lucky and talented rising juniors and seniors chosen to attend the Summit knew for sure what was in store for them as they flew in from all over the country. They knew that $30,000 in scholarships were at stake. They knew that they’d be expected to learn, to teach and to test their limits. What they didn’t know was just how much fun they’d have along the way…or that their adventures would play out in print, on the Web, and on a brand-new TV program on the Outdoor Channel, Friends of NRA’s X-Ring. The 2010 Y.E.S. activities unfolded over a week in midJuly, when D.C. temperatures flirt with the triple digits, but the first day thankfully started in the air-conditioned comfort of NRA Headquarters, located in the D.C. suburb of Fairfax, VA. First, they learned about the various programs and services your NRA has to offer. After a tour of the NRA’s National Firearms Museum, the group soon headed down to the NRA’s public shooting facility to put some lead downrange with a variety of firearms on loan from the NRA’s collection. Things kicked into a higher gear when the excited kids got a personal visit from NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre. Some Y.E.S. kids, like double Distinguished Expert Brandy Blanton, are old hands behind the trigger, but it’s not a prerequisite. Others, like Heather McCormac, 16, from California’s central valley, are relatively new to shooting. “I only just started shooting last year,” smiled Heather. “In fact, the day on the NRA range was my third time, ever.” The next day’s activities were all centered around the price and privilege of citizenship. The day began with a series of debates between teams of Y.E.S. participants. The debaters are assigned a topic and a pro or con position, so they must use their creativity, intellect and research skills to argue their positions effectively—even if it’s not in line with their own personal opinion. It’s a challenge in stretching the mind; being

As if to reinforce the message, the evening was spent in a whirlwind tour of D.C.’s most iconic monuments and memorials: the Jefferson Memorial, the Washington Monument, the World War II Memorial, the Vietnam Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial and the Korean Memorial. Despite the heat, the monument tour is a perennial favorite for many Summiters, like 16-year-old Phillip Lenavitt. “I loved the Korean and World War II memorials, especially,” he said. “The Korean memorial is haunting, and the World War II memorial is so beautiful. It’s amazing.” Many attendees echoed Phillip’s thoughts: It’s one thing to see photos of these incredible monuments, and something entirely different to see them in person.

“Just by interacting with them, you can tell that these are the future leaders of the NRA, and of America.”

Evan Poliquin sits near the the Washington Monument.

able to see an issue from all sides as a way to work toward the truth. After lunch, the Summiters headed to the Pentagon for a tour of the famous five-sided facility from which America’s military might is directed. As fascinating as the tour is, there was a moment of solemnity as the group contemplated the Pentagon Memorial, in honor of the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. As a reminder of the precious freedoms that those victims died protecting, the next stop is D.C.’s National Archives.

Thursday brought the Summiters to Capitol Hill. The day began with a personal meeting with Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.), who at 33 is the second-youngest member of the House. Explaining how his life path brought him to Congress, he graciously answered questions from the Summiters about how his military service (two tours in Iraq, one in Afghanistan) had affected his decision to run for public office, what it takes to remain in touch with his constituents and about the health-care reform debate. After touring the Capitol building—even sitting in on a session in the House of Representatives—the Summiters turned their attention to the judicial branch of the government. Mounting the blazing-white marble steps of the Supreme Court, the Summiters were treated to a tutorial on how the Supreme Court chooses cases, how they are argued and what the decisions mean for those who argue cases before them. (The lesson was particularly relevant in light of the recently decided McDonald v. Chicago case, a major victory for gun rights in which Chicago’s handgun ban was overturned.) Volume 15, Number 3l club connection l 5

The Youth Education Summit is about more than just citizenship and competing for scholarships—it’s also about fun. And what’s more fun than a laser-tag championship? As the Summiters geared up for the game, they learned that they had a surprise in store: They were going to be on television! Friends of NRA’s X-Ring, hosted by former professional baseball player Matt Duff and Bianchi Cup winner Jessie Abbate, would be following the group through the rest of the week…starting that very evening. (Look for the show on The Outdoor Channel starting in January 2011.) The awesome news was still coming in. To celebrate the filming of this episode, the Summiters were given a chance for additional prizes over and above the scholarships for which they were already competing. One boy and one girl were selected by their peers to win a trip with the hosts of the show. The results? Breanna Lincoski of Daisytown, PA., will be heading out for a New Mexico hunt with Abbate; Ryan Montgomery of Pendleton, OR., will go on a special whitetail hunt with Duff at the Hunter Specialties spread in Missouri! The week may have been winding down, but the Y.E.S. group was still going full steam, and the destination was all things Marine. Friday, the Summit’s bus motored down I-95 to the Marine Corps Base Quantico. The kids were treated to a demonstration by the military police’s working dog handlers performing attack training techniques, followed by a lesson in the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program (MCMAP). Once they’d had a slice of life in the Corps, the next step was a visit to the soaring National Museum of the Marine Corps, which preserves and honors the nearly 235-year history of that branch of America’s military. From there, it was on to visit the Iwo Jima memorial, which stands proud just outside the walls of Arlington National Cemetery. There, the Summiters received a once-in-a-lifetime honor: a special visit from Sgt. L. Wesley Plummer, a Marine paratrooper and machine gunner

who fought at Iwo Jima. The World War II hero continued on with the Summiters as they attended the world-famous “8th and I” evening parade, which is held every Friday night during D.C.’s summers, just outside the Marine Barracks. The parade, which features the United States Marine Band, the United States Marine Drum and Bugle Corps and the Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon, is an incredible performance of music and precision marching. After a week of learning about and celebrating America’s freedoms, Saturday brought a solemn reminder of the price of those liberties. Arlington National Cemetery, the world-famous 624-acre military place of rest, is the final resting place of 300,000 of America’s military and otherwise notable citizens. Four exceptional members of the Y.E.S. group—Rachel High, Michael Matheson, Wendy Pittman, Zachary Sawyer— were able to participate in a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns. After a week of spirited debates, marksmanship contests, marveling at monuments and sharing friendship, it was finally time for the Y.E.S. participants to bid each other a bittersweet good-bye. Swapping hugs and e-mail addresses, they boarded their planes to bring the lessons they’ve learned back to their schools and hometowns. “These kids are the best of the best,” smiled Nicole McMahon, NRA Field Operations Senior Event Services Coordinator. “Just by interacting with them, you can tell that these are the future leaders of the NRA, and of America.” There’s certainly no doubt that these are the stars of tomorrow! NRA is issuing a call for all young leaders interested in making a difference for the 2011 Youth Education Summit! The summit will run from June 20-26, 2011. Applications are due by February 14 and are available to download at in January 2011.

Scholarship Winners $2000:

Catherine Cox (Southern Pines, NC), Luke Macfarlan (Siloam Springs, AR), Philip Wegmann (Woodburn, IN)


Alyssa Campbell (Huber Heights, OH), Caleb Moore (Elizabethtown, KY.)


Y.E.S. 2010 Scholarship Winners

6 l club connection l Volume 15, Number 3

Russell Babb (Highland, UT), Elizabeth Gonzalez (Chesterton, IN), Heather McCormac (Citrus Heights, CA.), Julia Parker (Merrimack, NH)

President’s Column continued from page 3 One fact is clear: Just as NRA helped set the national standard for hunter training when it worked with New York state to develop a hunter safety course back in 1949, today the NRA Youth Hunter Education Challenge is raising the bar ever higher. Over the past 25 years, YHEC has reached some 1.2 million young people in the U.S. and Canada. Anecdotal evidence from various states suggests that the youngest hunters in the field are among the safest hunters in the field. In fact, figures from the International Hunter Education Association (IHEA), while not definitive, show that between 1997 and 2007, hunting accidents dropped dramatically. So if you want to give your son or daughter—or any young hunter you know—the skills and expertise for a lifetime of safe, effective hunting enjoyment, then I urge you to find out more about YHEC programs available in your area. Go to www.nrahq. org/hunting/yhec/contacts.asp or call (703) 267-1524 for more information. You can go a step further and help support the Youth Hunter Education Challenge—or any of our hunter training or youth educational efforts—by making a contribution to The NRA Foundation. To find out how your gift can support the hunting traditions and freedoms of future generations while

affording tax benefits for you and your family today, please contact Heide Kaser at or (703) 267-1622. In 1787, John Adams wrote, “Children should be educated and instructed in the principles of freedom.” Today, I believe there is no better way to teach young people safety, ethics, respect for our natural resources and all the rights and responsibilities of citizenship—from the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, to the responsibility to vote—than through positive programs like the Youth Hunter Education Challenge. If you agree, please join me in supporting these vital efforts.

Volume 15, Number 3l club connection l 7

Clubs & Associations’ Workshop Sixty-one NRA supporters from all over the country gathered early Sunday morning to attend the Clubs & Associations workshop at the 2010 NRA Annual Meeting in Charlotte, NC. Attendees consisted of NRA affiliated clubs, as well as non-affiliated clubs, NRA State Associations, business owners, or people just interested in the shooting sports. The four-hour workshop covered topics such as: • Benefits of club affiliation • Importance of a State Association • Applying for grants • Range services • Insurance The workshop is a free event and a platform for attendees to network and exchange ideas with each other. Often times a club is faced with an obstacle that another club may have encountered in the past. These attendees are encouraged to share experiences on how to overcome these adversities. Many clubs are not aware of the many benefits NRA has to offer such as receiving money for recruiting new NRA members, discount on credit card processing, having a NRA certified Range Technical Team Advisor inspect the range, or how to apply for a grant. Coming to the workshop is the perfect opportunity for them to learn new things and have all their questions answered. NRA President Ron Schmeits made a special guest appearance to say a few words. President Schmeits stressed the importance of incorporating women and youth programs into club activities as well as club affiliation. “The dedication,

energy and enthusiasm of the attendees at the 2010 Clubs & Associations Workshop during the NRA annual meeting in Charlotte were contagious and inspiring. The capacity crowd of affiliated club and state association leaders from across the country were fully engaged, interacting with the exceptional presenters and the incredibly professional NRA staff members; sharing ideas, experiences and lessons learned with one another; and renewing old friendships while making many new ones. It was an exciting and extraordinarily beneficial way to spend the morning! I am genuinely proud to be associated with our affiliate leaders, and I am already looking forward to another great national workshop during the NRA’s 2011 annual meeting in Pittsburgh” said Herb Lanford, Chairman of the Clubs & Associations Committee.

Attendees applaud after a presentation at the Clubs workshop.

Registry of Events Do you want to increase membership at your club events or have an easy way to let members know about your club meetings? Is there a promotion coming up at your business you want NRA members to know about? Are you looking to boost your club in the community? NRA Clubs & Associations offers you the chance to do this by listing your upcoming events on NRA’s National Registry of Events webpage. More and more people are using the National Registry of Events to get their information out to the public with great success. This huge calendar of events is a fantastic tool for clubs to use to generate more members. The National Registry of Events enables NRA affiliated organizations to list their events up to two years in advance. This efficient and effortless feature will save time and money for any organization that hosts many events or just want to increase member awareness. Anybody 8 l club connection l Volume 15, Number 3

can look at the registry of events to see if there are any activities being held by clubs in their area. Alan Strawn of the Bedford Rifle & Revolver Club, Inc. of Bedford, VA is an avid user of the National Registry of Events. “The attendance at our events has grown, in part, because of the listings on the NRA website. It has also enhanced interest in our club by making more people aware of our existence. When I e-mail our monthly schedule changes to members and outside shooters every month, I reference your website so in case they lose the updates, there’s a quick way for them to find out what we’re shooting on any given day.” If you would like to take advantage of this great opportunity, please go to the National Registry of Events webpage at

Club University

Topics of discussion include: • Networking • Increasing Club Membership • Marketing Techniques

• Range Issues • NRA - ILA • Grant Funding • and Much More!

Saturday, Sept. 25, 2010 Registration and Breakfast - 8:00am

Albuquerque, NM Beat the Rush Register Today! Only $35

Albuquerque Grand Hotel • 2910 Yale Blvd. SE • Albuquerque, NM 87106

For seminar agenda and registration, visit NRA Club University is soon approaching! Club University travels to different areas across the country each year to give advice, share knowledge, and update its members about all the new programs NRA has to offer. This great opportunity is open to all club members who are interesting in expanding club membership, incorporating a youth program, maintaining a range, and recruiting others in support of the Second Amendment. This one-day informative and interactive seminar enables clubs to speak with NRA staff and hear educational presentations that will better assist your organizations growth. Topics for discussion will include: marketing tips, maintaining club membership, range related issues, grants available to your club, individual and club insurance, updated information on NRA’s Institute of Legislative Action, youth programs, competitive shooting, group breakout session and much more! Network with clubs in your surrounding area, exchange ideas, and make new friends. This invitation is open to all NRA members, shooting clubs, ranges, non-members and anyone interested in becoming more involved in the shooting sports. Registration is limited. The $35 online registration/ $40 at door (non-refundable fee) includes breakfast, lunch, educational materials, and a special presentation by keynote speaker Tom Shay. Don’t miss out on the support and guidance of how the NRA can better meet your clubs needs. See you there!

Please visit to find out if Club University is coming to a town near you!

Volume 15, Number 3l club connection l 9

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Clean as Practicable By Jack J. Giordano Shooting Range Safety & Health Specialist EPA Certified Lead Inspector - Lead Risk Assessor NRA Range Technical Team Eastern Region Supervisor

We all have been on ranges which, quite frankly, are a filthy mess. We also know of ranges that have closed as a result of an actual or alleged “lead contamination or overexposure” condition. It is vital for range operators to understand that proper housekeeping is not only good for business, it is required by law. OSHA regulation 29CFR1910.1025(h)(1) states “All surfaces shall be maintained as free as practicable of lead.” This provision of the regulation is intended to prevent avoidable lead exposure caused by inhalation and ingestion. There is no quantitative level of lead dust listed in the standard. Therefore, it is important for the range operator to understand what, “as clean as practicable” means in order to be in compliance with the regulation. In a Standard Interpretation issued 13 January 2003 by the Directorate of Compliance Programs, the standard is clarified. The document discusses the fact that the requirement to maintain surfaces as clean as practicable is “performance oriented.” The document also states “The requirement is met when the employer is vigilant in his efforts to ensure that surfaces are kept free of accumulations of lead-containing dust. The role of the Compliance Safety and Health Officer (CSHO) is to evaluate the employer’s housekeeping schedule, the possibility of exposure from

A range that is properly maintained. 12 l club connection l Volume 15, Number 3

these surfaces, and the characteristics of the workplace.” The document also states “OSHA has stated that the Agency would not expect surfaces to be any cleaner than the 200µg/ft² (two hundred micrograms per square foot) HUD level.” Recently, I was involved in a project which included review of a Department of Health report regarding surface testing done on a law enforcement range. The report stated the following: “It is believed that lead (Pb) on surfaces should be cleaned to a point as close to zero (0) as possible.” Although maintaining surfaces as close to zero of lead dust would be advantageous, on a shooting range utilizing lead ammunition it would not be possible or practical. Therefore, it is vital that the range operator develop and adhere to a written housekeeping program. Should an OSHA inspection take place, determining compliance would not be based on quantities of lead present, but would be based on the cleaning schedule and overall housekeeping program in place. How a shooting facility is designed, constructed and utilized would determine frequency of cleaning, areas to be cleaned and cleaning methods. The important thing for the range operator to remember is to develop a program and stick to it. The regulations are in place to protect workers. There is much less likelihood of overexposure and cross contamination on a range that is properly maintained.

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Volume 15, Number 3l club connection l 13

NC Wildlife Staff Receives NRA RSO Training

NC Wildlife staff attend the NRA Range Safety Officer and Chief Range Safety Officer training class. By Justin McDaniel, NRA Education and Training


taff from NRA’s Training Department traveled to Crossnore, NC, at the end of June to conduct NRA Range Safety Officer (RSO) and Chief Range Safety Officer (CRSO) training for 28 wildlife enforcement officers and hunter education specialists from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC). The training, held June 22-24 at the North Carolina Division of Forest Resources’ B.H. Corpening Training Facility. It was arranged by Travis Casper, NCWRC assistant hunter safety coordinator, at the suggestion of Morris Aguilar, program coordinator in NRA’s Hunter Services Department. Casper also serves as director of the wildlife identification event at NRA’s International Youth Hunter Education Challenge (YHEC), which will take place July 26-30 in Mansfield, PA. “We just recognized the need for more training for our staff,” said Casper. “We do a lot of live-fire activities through our hunter education program, and you can never have too much training. We wanted to further the knowledge base of our volunteer staff, so we put our hunter education specialists and some of our wildlife officers through it to have a base for training volunteer hunter ed instructors.”

14 l club connection l Volume 15, Number 3

Aguilar and Casper thought the training would benefit staff conducting North Carolina’s state YHEC event, but the NCWRC identified the need for all of their personnel involved in firearm instruction to be certified as Range Safety Officers. The three-day session covered the NRA Range Safety Officer course, basic instructor training, and the Chief Range Safety Officer course. By having a core group of certified Chief Range Safety Officers, the NCWRC can conduct training and certify their own RSOs as needed. Casper said the training brought in new ideas and reinforced old ones that the department could put into practice on its ranges for hunter education and YHEC. “The training gave us a new outlook on some things,” Casper said. “We were pretty proficient before, but it was beneficial from the standpoint of having somebody else come in that deals with the shooting sports from another end and who brought in some new ideas that we honestly hadn’t even thought about.” The NRA Range Safety Officer program was developed in response to the demand for a nationally-recognized range safety officer certification. NRA Range Safety Officers possess the knowledge and skills that are needed for organizing,

conducting and supervising safe range operations. NRA RSO training is available to any group that supervises and runs live-fire activities, including YHEC volunteers, hunter education instructors, and local shooting clubs. The Range Safety Officer course consists of Range Safety Officer’s roles and responsibilities, range standard operating procedures, range inspection and range rules, firearm stoppages and malfunctions, and range safety briefings, which include emergency procedures. Range Safety Officer training is conducted by NRA-certified Chief Range Safety Officers and consists of practical range exercises and nine hours of classroom time. In addition to the classroom and range-based training, candidates must also receive a score of 90 percent or better on the course’s written exam to receive their RSO credentials. “Training is a key component in reiterating ideas that have not been employed for some time, as well as learning new and innovative ideas,” said Lt. Rob Fullbright of the NCWRC Division of Enforcement. “Serving 23 years as a North Carolina wildlife law enforcement officer and with 19 years as a general instructor and specialized instructor with the North Carolina Justice Academy, I came away from the NRA’s RSO and CRSO training with key components that will benefit me in many aspects as a training instructor.” The Chief Range Safety Officers who conducted the training for NCWRC staff were Steve Hoback, NRA senior training program coordinator, and Mark Richardson, NRA’s Training Counselor program coordinator. “Mark and I thoroughly enjoyed the training, and the professionals who attended were very impressive,” said Hoback. “Travis indicated that the NCWRC would not have finalized the training without assurance that the training was conducted by NRA staff.” While NRA has certified 12,465 Range Safety Officers to date, this is the first time a state game department has organized an RSO training course for its staff. Other game departments seeking RSO training for range staff, hunter education instructors, and YHEC volunteers/staff are encouraged to contact John Howard in the NRA Training Department at 703-2671423 or Prospective students can sign-up for any NRA firearm training course online by visiting www.

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By Chris Cox, Executive Director NRA Institute For Legislative Action

America is heading full-tilt into an election cycle that offers tremendous opportunities. In primaries and special elections that have already occurred, we’ve seen voters fired up to protect our constitutional rights. Your NRA Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) is working to have the greatest possible impact on this critical election cycle. Between now and November, we will be issuing our candidate endorsements in thousands of elections across the country. We have received letters, e-mails and phone calls from NRA members who had questions about some of our endorsements and want to know how we make these important decisions. Here’s a brief explanation of our policies: First and most important, NRA-PVF is non-partisan in issuing its candidate grades and endorsements. We do not base our grades or endorsement decisions on a candidate’s party affiliation—period. Rather, we look at a candidate’s record on our Right to Keep and Bear Arms; answers to our candidate questionnaires; public statements and involvement in Second Amendment issues. We do this because NRA is a single-issue organization. There are many other issues a candidate must address with voters; obviously, many folks look at candidates’ positions across the board. But our longtime election slogan—“Vote Freedom First”—reflects our hope that our members and all gun owners will put Second Amendment issues in the forefront when they make their voting decisions. Next, NRA-PVF has an incumbent-friendly policy that requires our support for pro-gun lawmakers seeking re-election. Again, this is regardless of political party. Whether in Congress or the state legislatures, it is critical that we stand with our friends who have stood with us. Actions speak louder than words, so a concrete voting record trumps untested words of support. We also consider a candidate’s other actions, both public and behind the scenes, such as pushing for votes on critical bills or lobbying colleagues. (Of course, if a pro-gun challenger wins an election and supports our rights, that person will get our support when it is his or her turn to stand for re-election.) Unfortunately, this is the hardest policy for some to understand. Especially this year, when many voters are in a mood to “throw ‘em all out,” we hear from many members who disagree with our support of certain incumbent lawmakers. But while voters’ tempers are understandably running high, we also need to remember political reality. If we do not support those who have stood shoulder to shoulder with us, there will be no 16 l club connection l Volume 15, Number 3

incentive for other lawmakers to stand up to the biased media and the anti-gun lobby. When an incumbent lawmaker is A-rated and endorsed for re-election by NRA-PVF, that person has been tested over time and has voted to protect our rights. Some may disagree with the candidate on other issues, but an NRA-PVF endorsement reflects support for the Second Amendment. That does not mean other candidates are left out in the cold. Many of them have held other offices, and we always review the votes they cast. And for all candidates, but especially for those who have never held office or built up a voting record, we issue detailed candidate questionnaires. As mentioned earlier, candidates’ voting records and questionnaire answers are evaluated, along with their public statements and involvement in Second Amendment issues. All of this information is reviewed and we issue a grade ranging from “A” to “F.” But we also do not make an endorsement in every race. The NRA-PVF endorsement is not given lightly—it must be earned. Finally, we are often asked about endorsements in judicial races. NRA-PVF generally does not issue endorsements in judicial elections because they often involve unique issues. Judges, unlike legislators, often do not have voting records, so NRA-PVF can only make evaluations based upon past legal opinions (if any) and public statements on firearm-related issues. In addition, states have different codes of judicial conduct. Often, they have statutes that restrict judicial candidates from announcing their views on issues that may come before their courts. While we welcome information from our members on judicial candidates, members should also know that an NRAPVF endorsement in a judicial race is an exception to the rule. We have followed these policies for decades and they have proven time and again that they are the fair and responsible approach to take. Even if you don’t agree 100 percent with NRA-PVF’s endorsement decisions, I hope this explanation is helpful. We know there are no perfect systems, but for an organization to be effective in the political arena it must issue grades and endorsements in a fair, consistent and credible manner. At the end of the day, the most important thing is for you, your friends, your family and your fellow gun owners to Vote Freedom First. For a list of candidate grades and endorsements for your state, please refer to your November NRA magazines, or visit


Campaign Field Representatives


o ensure that NRA members and Second Amendment supporters are registered to vote, are active in the campaigns of pro-gun candidates, and prepared to vote in droves before or on Election Day, NRA-ILA’s Grassroots Division has hired Campaign Field Representatives (CFRs) that have been dispatched to key states across the country.

Our CFRs will be living in their respectively assigned districts, working daily with NRA members and supporters of the Second Amendment to make sure that our community is fully engaged in this year’s critically-important elections. From registering pro-gun voters, to walking neighborhoods, to making phone calls, to distributing literature, stickers, and signs, to writing letters to the editor in support of our candidates, to visiting gun shows, shops, clubs, and ranges, to finally, turning out the pro-gun vote on Election Day, our CFRs will be working day and night in support of our mutual cause! If a CFR is working near you, please contact him TODAY to find out how you can get involved! If preserving the Second Amendment rights for ourselves and future generations aren’t worth a few hours or a couple of days of your time, what is?

2010 Campaign Field Representative Regions and Contact Information District IL-14

CFR Mike Sweeney

Phone Email 847-340-8291


Brady Gibson


none listed

NC Senate

Tom Korman



Matt Murphy



Barry Nilson



John Gaine



Michael Land



David Conte



Nate Lance



Mike Slatinsky



Justin McCarthy


WA Senate

Caleb Giddings


WI Governor

Nate Nelson

920-410-4004 Volume 15, Number 3l club connection l 17

Zins Acquires Elusive 10th title, NRA National Pistol Matches, Camp Perry 2010 By John Parker, NRA Competitive Shooting


For Brian Zins, winning seems to come easy, as he acquired his 10th title as NRA National Conventional Outdoor Pistol Champion at Camp Perry this year. Philip Hemphill held on to his second place finish from last year and Staff Sergeant Robert Park took third. Zins has won more NRA Conventional Pistol Championships than any other competitor. Six-time National Conventional Pistol Champion Bill Blankenship was on hand to present Zins with the trophy plaque. Two antique 1911 five-dollar Indian gold coins were embedded into the pistol grips. Rounding out this premium firearm is custom checkering and Trijicon sights. As the Official Bullion & Rare Coin Dealer of the NRA, UCB has set a high standard with the creation of this unique pistol and their support of the National Matches. Stein hopes that this will encourage others to do the same. “We hope that the partnership to build this gun is a challenge to other companies to work together in whatever ways and means possible to support great causes and national events like Camp Perry has been for over 100 years,” said Stein. Volunteers are the key to the NRA National Matches at Camp Perry being a success each year. For the first time in NRA National Matches history, a 40-year service award was given to longtime Perry volunteer Pierce Johnson. Pierce, along with other long time volunteers, received a plaque at the Volunteer Banquet in the Camp Perry Clubhouse on July 15th. NRA President Ron Schmeits, and Mike Krei, Director of NRA Competitive Shooting, were on hand at this year’s NRA National Pistol Matches Match Director’s Reception. Match Director Tom Hughes was the emcee, as more door prizes were handed out by Mike Krei and NRA Staff while attendees munched on hors d’oeuvres provided by Second Street Diner. Mr. Schmeits gave a speech about the future of the Second Amendment. NRA News was on the scene for the 2010 Pistol Phase at Camp Perry this year. Cameron Gray and John Popp visited the Entry and Awards Offices, the NRA Sales and Memorabilia Store, the NRA Trophy Room, and other high profile areas at

18 l club connection l Volume 15, Number 3

this year’s matches, interviewing NRA Staff, volunteers, and competitors alike. Although hot and humid during the summer, Camp Perry is a special place filled with time-honored traditions and

Paul Stein, VP of marketing for Universal Coin and Bullion, presents 2010 national matches pistol champion, Brian Zins with a custom nighthawk pistol.

camaraderie that evokes the spirit embodied by generations of shooters, past and present. 2010 was no different for the NRA National Conventional Pistol Matches, and to all competitors for all phases of the matches, NRA Staff wishes you “Good Shooting.”

State Association Spotlight: Ohio Rifle and Pistol Association The Ohio Rifle and Pistol Association (ORPA) was organized in 1934 with Dr. M. E. McManus as President. Since then, in addition to having a long and beneficial relationship with the Ohio National Guard Training Site at Camp Perry, the ORPA has enjoyed an excellent relationship with shooters in the state of Ohio. Our active membership is just under 3,000 individuals with approximately 60 affiliated clubs. The Association maintains active junior programs in Smallbore, Pistol, Highpower and Airgun. The Association is justly proud of its competitive shooting programs in all areas. In recent years, ORPA teams have won several National Championships in Smallbore and Pistol. In particular, four of our junior Highpower shooters have earned spots on the prestigious America Young Eagles National Long Range Team and our Junior Pistol team has taken National titles for the last four years. Our Junior Precision Air Rifle team brought the National Championship back to the state for 2010. Creating new junior shooters is one of the projects of our current President, Gwen Bailey. Bailey sees juniors as the future of our sport and our Association. While we are justly proud of our competitive shooting programs, the Ohio Rifle & Pistol Association is also proud of its work in other NRA programs. We have been active in legislative affairs, helping to sponsor the amicus brief that many state associations cosigned for the recent McDonald v. Chicago case. We have also testified on behalf of gun owners in state matters as well, working with the Buckeye Firearms Association and Ohioans For Concealed Carry when possible. The Association has sponsored Women On Target programs throughout the state and for several years at Camp Perry during the National Matches with the Camp Perry Shooting Club. At the heart of most organizations are its volunteers. The ORPA is no exception. Its officers and 30 plus Trustees are elected at our yearly annual meeting in November. The Trustees and Directors do the lion’s share of the work in making our programs possible. Our state championship Smallbore and Highpower matches are held at Camp Perry which requires the Association to maintain not only it own supplies for the matches but a team of dedicated volunteers to set up the ranges,

operate the matches, and tear down afterwards. Our Directors have put together a core of volunteers who are nothing short of amazing for the work and time they devote to run our matches. Without a home range, we also rely on our affiliated clubs to assist in our Championships as well. Our 60 clubs have provided ranges and assistance through the years to promote our programs. These include Canton-McKinley Rifle and Pistol Club, Miami Rifle and Pistol Club, Alliance Rifle Club, Great Trails Musketeers Junior Rifle Club, the Ohio State University Rifle Team, Akron University Rifle Team, Vienna Fish & Game Club, Oak Harbor Conservation Club and Zanesville Rifle Club and more. In its continuing support of our junior shooters, the ORPA established a scholarship for juniors several years ago in honor of a deceased former Trustee who was a Junior Coach for many years. We annually support our junior shooters traveling to the USA Shooting Junior Olympic Tryouts in Colorado Springs as well as our Championship teams participating in the various National Matches. The ORPA also values its place as the official State Association for the NRA. The Association supports NRA-ILA each year as well as supporting all of the 24 plus Friends of NRA dinners throughout the state. The program has served the ORPA well through the years. ORPA also sponsors the Volunteer Program at the National Matches each year, knowing better than most the necessity of trained volunteers. The ORPA has maintained a website for about ten years to better communicate with its membership, in addition to our bi-monthly newsletter, the GUNSMOKE.


Volume 15, Number 3l club connection l 19

DEC, Local Officials Team Up to Offer New Fishing Opportunity Patrons Can Borrow a Fishing Pole from the Dansville Library


n a new initiative aimed at getting New Yorkers outdoors, the state Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has joined with the Dansville Public Library to provide fishing poles for patrons to borrow free of charge, DEC Regional Director Paul D’Amato announced back in May 2010. Sponsored by DEC and the local Fish and Game Club, the program allows Dansville library patrons to sign out one of 16 fishing poles, complete with a bobber, a hook and sinker, a package of spare tackle to keep, and informational materials for up to two weeks. “The intent is to give families and youth a terrific opportunity to discover nature through fishing,” D’Amato said. “This initiative was made possible thanks to the tremendous efforts and support of the many sponsors –State Senator Catherine Young, the Dansville Library, the Dansville Fish and Game Club and the New York Conservation Officers Association. This is a perfect example of leveraging limited resources in a cooperative effort to better benefit the youth and citizens of the state.” DEC used federal funds to purchase the fishing equipment. The federal Sport Fish Restoration program is funded by revenues collected from manufacturers of fishing rods, reels, creels, lures, flies and artificial baits. They pay an excise tax on these items to pay for the management of fishery resources, conservation and habitat restoration.

Senator Cathy Young with 2 local boys that were at the Library 20 l club connection l Volume 15, Number 3

Fishing poles will be lent to area residents who have a Dansville Library card. All program participants must adhere to all appropriate fishing laws, including have a fishing license for anyone 16 years old or older. Season, length, and daily limits must also be followed. The Dansville Fish and Game Club will supply the bobbers, hooks and sinkers, keep the equipment in working order and conduct fishing clinics. The Dansville Fish and Game Club recently licensed their club property as a fishing preserve which allows the public to fish there for free, without needing a license. Their first fishing clinic was in May with a local Cub Scouts Pack and the Dansville After School Program which took place in June. The New York Conservation Officers Association provided funds from the Shikar Safari grant to print informational materials on how to fish. These educational supplies are also available to be signed out with the fishing poles from the library. “This is a great addition to our library that would not have been possible without this great partnership between the Library, DEC, the Dansville Fish and Game Club and the New York State Conservation Officers Association,” Dansville Public Library Director Teresa Dearing said. “Fishing is such a great pastime, but a lot of our kids never get a chance to experience it,” said Senator Catharine Young. “This program will teach individuals of all ages to fish, to provide better local fishing opportunities, and to give participants an understanding of and a greater appreciation for natural resources.”

L to R: NYSDEC Major Scott Florence, NYSDEC Region 8 Captain Michael VanDurme, Dansville Library Dir. Theresa Dearing, NYS Senator (R) Cathy Young, Dansville Fish & Game Pres. Jim Bennett

Fort Hill Rifle Pistol Club Receives NRA Range Grants to Make Improvements Submitted By John Dowell, Treasurer LaVale, Maryland


uring the summer of 2008 the Fort Hill Rifle & Pistol Club of Cumberland, Maryland made huge improvements in one of their facilities. With financial help from an NRA Range Grant, the club members carved out a new NRA Action Pistol Range adjacent to their existing Bullseye Range. The new 20,000 square foot range has four pistol bays, separated by bulletproof wood and gravel walls and includes a moving target, Bianchi Cup style plate racks, barricades, and a fourth bay for the Practical event. With the excavated dirt, the berm behind the Bullseye Range was enlarged. The range access road was improved and the parking lot expanded. The club hosted their first NRA Action Pistol Regional and State Championship in 2009. The club received another NRA Range Grant in 2009 to make some much needed improvements to their Bullseye Pistol Range and put the finishing touches to their Action Pistol Range. The rundown railroad tie and earthen berm that protected the turning target mechanism at the Bullseye Range was replaced with a bulletproof wood and gravel wall; to match similarly in construction that is outlined in the NRA Range Source Book. A wood preservative was applied to all exposed wood and a galvanized cap placed on the walls of the Action Pistol Range. Finally, grading and application of gravel dust to the floor of the Action Pistol Range has improved water drainage and gives competitors’ better footing. All the members of the Fort Hill Rifle & Pistol Club are very appreciative of the generosity of the NRA.

To learn more about Range Grants and how to apply, please visit

Volume 15, Number 3l club connection l 21

GPD Explorers Part i c i pate i n Bas i c R i fle Marksmansh i p The Griffin Police Department Explorer Post (GPD will help me in my future career since I plan on a career in the Explorers) underwent basic rifle marksmanship training military,” Cadet Captain Perry Henderson added. Friday night and all day Saturday through the National Rifle Ole Mill Range Complex Chief Range Safety Officer Association/Boy Scouts of America (NRA/BSA) Basic Rifle Todd Day expressed his views on youth and firearms safety. Shooting Course. The course was held at the Griffin Police “Young people need firearms safety training today more Department for classroom instruction and the Ole Mill than ever before,” he said. “Kids will be exposed to firearms Range Complex on Searcy Avenue for practical application. at some point in their lives-at a friend’s house, grandparents, It was taught by certified instructors Eddie Stikes and Keith or in their own home. I personally believe that the kids with Fernando. this training will be less likely to be involved in an off-range “The Explorers have had several classes on firearms safety, accident or an incident involving firearms.” legal issues of use of force, and scenario based training in The Ole Mill Range Complex is now a Regional Junior our simulator,” stated Explorer advisor Investigator Bryan Olympic Training facility. It provides an opportunity for Clanton. “However, it has been handgun oriented and never firearms safety classes and marksmanship training in the with live ammunition. I requested the assistance of these safest environment possible. The facility has a team which has instructors due to their experience and the curriculum.” been national champions five times in a row. There are also The course covered Rifle Knowledge, Rifle Safety, Eye scholarship opportunities for young people to go to college to Dominance, Marksmanship Fundamentals, and the NRA compete in NCAA college marksmanship competitions. Marksmanship program in the PD training classroom on Investigator Clanton expressed his appreciation for Friday night. Saturday’s instruction included shooting the facility. “This facility is impressive. We could not positions, shooting practicals, rifle cleaning, rifle maintenance, have had this class for my Explorers if it were not for the and a written test. The instructors also covered rifle efforts of Roy McClain and Todd Day,” Clanton stated. marksmanship for non-law enforcement sporting activities “The GPD Explorers will build on this class with the and shooting organizations. hopes that we may have a few who can go to college on Instructor Eddie Stikes stated that he believed shooting a marksmanship scholarship. These activities can provide sports can offer fun activities for youth and adults. academic opportunities along with other scholarships that are “I hope we can give others the opportunity to shoot,” he available to Explorers.” said. According to Instructor Keith Fernando, proper gun education means that gun “accidents” are less likely to happen. “Shooting can be a fun and safe sport. The NRA teaches youth to be responsible with any firearm,” stated Fernando. Explorer Cadet Major Dion Davis spoke about his experience in the class. He stated, “I learned that there are a lot of basics to shooting. You can’t just pick up a firearm and expect to do good your first time without any basic knowledge. The instructors did a good job teaching this course.” Explorer Cadet Captain Kimberly Martin feels that women especially need proper instruction. “Women need to be able to protect themselves. Really, I think everyone needs to have knowledge of firearms,” Martin stated. Bryan Clanton teaching Dion Davis the basics of using a scope “The marksmanship skills I learned today 22 l club connection l Volume 15, Number 3

You are eligible to be an Explorer if: • You are between 14 and 21 years of age. • You are registered as a full-time student with a grade point average of 2.5 or above. • You have not been convicted of a felony or serious misdemeanor. • You can successfully pass a minimum background check and oral interview. The process to become a Griffin Police Explorer:

Eddie Stikes Instructs Perry Henderson

• You must attend two consecutive meetings. • You must complete an application at the Scouting office at 1363 Zebulon Road. • You must pass a background investigation. • You must pass an interview.

Investigator Bryan Clanton Corporal, Internal Affairs, Office of the Chief/Office of, Professional Standards, Special Response Team, Griffin Police Department Kimberly Martin and Christy Stacy serving as spotters for Dion Davis

Pacific Rod & Gun Club Donates $1,700 to Youth Shooter Submitted By James Grant

At the Pacific Rod & Gun Club’s General Membership meeting on June 14, we all met 13 year old Maneva Gill and her parents. Maneva is quite a young lady and a remarkable shooter who will be entering the 8th grade next school year. She trains at Pacific Rod & Gun Club with Coach David Lee and at the Diablo Rod and Gun Club. She came to ask for our help with her expenses so she could compete at the NRA National Match in New Mexico and the National Jr. Olympic Match in Alabama this summer. The Pacific Rod & Gun Club members unanimously approved a motion to present a donation of $1,700 to assist Gill’s expenses. The Diablo Rod and Gun Club also graciously followed by matching the gift. Good Luck, Maneva. Bring home more gold! Maneva with her mother and father

Volume 15, Number 3l club connection l 23

Award Winning Clark County Shooting Park The Clark County Shooting Park celebrated its grand opening on March 27, 2010 and the first phase of the 2,900-acre public shooting facility is open for public shooting. Phase One, also known as The Public Module, was designed to provide safe and affordable recreational shooting for the citizens of Clark County that they can now use for their enjoyment. Poggemeyer Design Group, Inc. is a recognized leader in design of shooting ranges throughout the U.S. and is an active member of the National Rifle Association of America. PDG was the prime Civil Engineer for the range and infrastructure design. The Nevada Recreation & Parks Society (NRPS) recently awarded PDG the Elmer H. Anderson Parks Excellence Award for its outstanding design and hard work on the facility. The park is designed to meet and exceed the “five star” level of service, as established for recreational shooting ranges by the National Association of Shooting Ranges. The $60 million, 2,900-acre world-class shooting park proudly won in the regional facility category, as well. The NRPS actively supports the development of the recreation, parks and leisure profession that Clark County Shooting Park provides to the community. The Facility features the following venues: • • • •

24 combination trap and skeet fields with a pro shop and cafeteria An archery range and building with a 30-seat classroom and restrooms A public rifle and pistol range with a pro shop and convenience store A hunter education center with a 90-seat classroom with archery, rifle, pistol and shotgun ranges and a simulated hunting course A shotgun center with 80 spaces for recreational vehicles that will house dafety officers on-site

Legacy Wildlife Services Submitted By Jeff Bewsher Manager of Wildlife Services

Legacy Wildlife Services is a division of Natural Resource Planning Services, Inc. (NPRS), a consulting forestry firm with over 30 years experience in the Southeastern United States. Specializing in wildlife consulting and hunting lease management, Legacy provides hunting lease management-related services to a diverse clientele including small and large landowners, timber companies, hunting clubs, government agencies, and conservation groups. Currently, Legacy has over 300,000 acres under hunting lease management in Florida & Georgia. In the last 10 years, many forest landowners have taken advantage of increasing demand for recreational lands by leasing out recreational rights on their property to individuals or clubs. In addition to extra income, this arrangement offers benefits like increased property security, assistance with land management, and increased quality of the property’s wildlife habitat and game populations. The majority of leases are acquired for hunting, but there is also an increasing demand for other uses such as camping, fishing, ATV and horseback riding.

If you are a hunter looking for land to lease or a landowner looking to get more out of your property, call (352) 317-0586. 24 l club connection l Volume 15, Number 3

NRA RANGE DEVELOPMENT & OPERATIONS CONFERENCE San Antonio, Texas- October 9-13, 2010 The Range Development & Operations Conference is an exciting and informative five-day industry seminar on learning how to build a shooting range. The conference teaches methods for either identifying or avoiding common problems associated with range engineering, administrative controls, environmental issues, and safety. Registration for the conference is $450.00 (non-refundable), which includes all conference materials as well as a copy of the NRA Range Source Book on CD-ROM.

Topics Will Include: • Business Planning • EPA Lead Standards • OSHA Lead Standards • Construction • Sound Abatement • Range Equipment Costs

• Master Planning • Range Maintenance • Range Safety • Law Enforcement • Insurance • Public Hearings

For more information: or 877-672-7264 Volume 15, Number 3l club connection l 25

NRA Business Alliance:

You are entitled to a free communications consultation. Outdoor Affinity Telecom is a member benefit of the NRA and NRA Business Alliance. We provide a variety of telecommunication services and savings to members, while donating a portion of all sales back to the NRA. As a member, all you have to do to see how you can begin saving your business money, is contact us for a free consultation. We will provide you with optimized and cost-effective solutions from the best network providers of local,


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Please call us at 866-371-3373 (Option 1) for a FREE, no-obligation product demonstration Volume 15, Number 3l club connection l 27

NRA-affiliated state associations Alabama State Rifle & Pistol Association

• •

Mr. James Moses, President 2009 Rodgers Drive, NE Huntsville, AL 35811 256-534-7968 home Mr. Ramon J. Samaniego, Jr. Secretary/Treasurer 2505 Isabelle Circle, NE Huntsville, AL 35811 256-534-2644

Alaska Outdoor Council, Inc.

• •

Rod Arno, Executive Director P.O. Box 87-1069 Wasilla, AK 99687 Denny Hamann, NRA Liason

Arizona State Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Noble C. Hathaway, President P.O. Box 40962 Mesa, AZ 85274-0962 623-687-4251 office • Mr. John Hard, Vice President P.O. Box 40962 Mesa, AZ 85274-0962 480-209-0518

Arkansas Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. David Joyner, President PO Box 400 Cave Springs, AR 72718 479-263-6665 • Mr. John Malinowski, Vice President 6605 East Gate Dr. Fort Smith, AR 72906 479-461-5020

California Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc.

• Mr. Walt Mansell, President 271 East Imperial Highway, Suite 620 Fullerton, CA 92835 714-992-2772 office • Mr. John C. Fields, Executive Director 271 East Imperial Highway, Suite 620 Fullerton, CA 92835 714-992-2772

Colorado State Shooting Association

• Mr. Tony Fabian, President 510 Wilcox Street, Suite C Castle Rock, CO 80104 303-663-9339 office

28 l club connection l Volume 15, Number 3

303-713-0785 fax • Mr. David Gill 510 Wilcox Street, Suite C Castle Rock, CO 80104 303-663-9339 office 303-713-0785 fax

Connecticut State Rifle & Revolver Association

Hawaii Rifle Association • Mr. Harvey F. Gerwig, President 1039 Kupua Street Kailua, HI 96734 808-306-7194 • Bill Richter, Secretary P.O. Box 543 Kailua, HI 96734 808-261-2754 Info Line

Idaho State Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Randy Bieler P.O. Box 754 North Haven, CT 06473 203-272-1725 203-239-2106 fax • Mrs. Shelly Albino P.O. Box 754 North Haven, CT 06473 203-272-1725 203-239-2106 fax

• Mr. Neill Goodfellow, President 8156 North Penn Avenue Fruitland, ID 83619 208-452-4183 home • Mr. Jon Carter, Secretary 1065 River Heights Drive Meridian, ID 83642 208-888-2829 phone/fax

Delaware State Sportsmen’s Association

Illinois State Rifle Association, Inc.

• Mr. John J. Thompson, President 113 North Road Wilmington, DE 19809 302-764-6899 302-658-3031 fax • Mr. Daniel Lindberg 2010 Kynwyd Road Wilmington, DE 19810 302-475-4228

Florida Sport Shooting Association, Inc. • •

Mr. Thomas Brusherd, President P.O. Box 14024 Jacksonville, FL 32238 Mr. Michael D. Langfield, Secretary 5921 Blackthorn Road Jacksonville, FL 32244 407-701-1030 home 407-273-9356 fax

Georgia Sport Shooting Association • Tracy English, President P.O. Box 1733 Macon, GA 31202 706-343-5870 • Mr. Thomas E. Patton, Secretary/Treasurer P.O. Box 1733 Macon, GA 31202

• Mr. Don A. Moran, President P.O. Box 637 Chatsworth, IL 60921 815-635-3198 office 815-635-3723 fax • Mr. Richard Pearson, Executive Director P.O. Box 637 Chatsworth, IL 60921 815-635-3198 office 815-635-3723 fax

Indiana State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. • •

Mr. Jerry Wehner, Executive VP 7527 State Route 56 Rising Sun, IN 47040 812-534-3258 home Mr. William B. Thomas, Secretary 812-948-8226

Iowa State Rifle & Pistol Association • Mr. John Klopfenstein, President 606 S. Harrison Pl Mt Pleasant, IA 52641 • Mr. Bill Besgrove, Secretary 240 Prospect Road North Liberty, IA 52317-9660 319-626-2710

Kansas State Rifle Association • Ms. Patricia Stoneking, President P.O. Box 117 Bonner Springs, KS 66012 913-667-3044 • Ms. Elizabeth Brown P.O. Box 219 Bonnor Springs, KS 66012 913-608-1910

League of Kentucky Sportsmen, Inc. • Mr. Bill Haycraft, President 4902 Determine Lane Louisville, KY 40216 502-299-1929 • Rev. Tom Cottingim, NRA Liaison 353 Atwood Dr. Lexington, KY 40515 859-533-8896

Louisiana Shooting Association • Mr. Daniel Zelnka II, President 11 Carolina Ct. Covington, LA 70433 504-565-3727 direct 504-588-9750 fax • Mr. Danny Hudson, Secretary 603 S. Texas St. DeRidder, LA 70634 337-396-9650 direct

(Maine) Pine Tree State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. • •

Mr. Ronald Vaillancourt, President 307 Riverside Dr. Augusta, ME 04330 207-622-7989 Angus N. Norcross, Treasurer 14 Pine Road Wiscasset, ME 04578 207-882-4713

Maryland State Rifle & Pistol Association • Mr. Richard Kussman, Chairman 832 Bear Cabin Drive Forest Hill, MD 21050-2734 410-838-1734 home • Ms. Margaret Clark, Vice President 14 Brewer Ave. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-268-5000

(Massachusetts) Gun Owners’ Action League – G.O.A.L.

• Mr. James Wallace, Executive Director P.O. Box 567, 37 Pierce Street Northboro, MA 01532 508-393-5333 office 508-393-5222 fax • Mr. Jon Green, Jr., Director Training & Edu. P.O. Box 567, 37 Pierce Street Northboro, MA 01532 508-393-5333 office

Michigan Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Leo Cebula, President P.O. Box 530637 Livonia, MI 48153-0637 269-781-1223 • Mr. Mike Wesner, Secretary/Treasurer P.O. Box 530637 Livonia, MI 48153-0637 888-655-6772 office 269-781-1223

Minnesota Rifle & Revolver Association, Inc.

• Morgen Dietrich, Secretary 14500 45th St, NE Foley, MN 56329 320-522-1934 • Mr. George Minerich, President 14500 45th St NE Foley, MN 56329 320-968-6898 home

Mississippi State Firearm Owners Association

Montana Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Matt Egloff, President P.O. Box 4394 Butte, MT 59702 406-782-5704 • Ms. Zona Mowrer, Secretary/Membership P.O. Box 48 Ramsay, MT 59748 406-782-3450

Nebraska Marksmanship Association

• Mr. Bill J. Keil, President 13105 Sky Park Dr. Omaha, NE 68137 402-933-4881 • Mr. W. Aaron Woehler, Secretary 8609 South 143rd Ave. Omaha, NE 68138 402-679-1147

Nevada State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc.

• •

Mr. Robert E. Smith, President P.O. Box 7512 Reno, NV 89501-7512 775-762-1494 office 775-355-8088 fax Mr. Mark Geldmacher, Secretary/ Treasurer 8220 Mount Logan Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89131 775-762-1494 office 775-355-8088 fax

• Mr. Douglas Bowser, President P.O. Box 1061 McComb, MS 39649 601-249-3315 • Mr. Deborah Withers, Secretary P.O. Box 2486 Madison, MS 39130-2486 601-888-4973

• Mr. Mitch Kopacz, President P.O. Box 847 Concord, NH 03302-0487 603-225-4664 • Mr. Ralph Demicco, Vice President P.O. Box 847 Concord, NH 03302-0847

Missouri Sport Shooting Association

Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs, Inc.

• Mr. Kevin Jamison, President 6140 N. Wagontrail Road Columbia, MO 65202 816-455-2669 816-413-0696 fax • Lee Koester, Secretary Po Box 10170 Columbia, MO 65205

Gun Owners of New Hampshire, Inc.

• Mr. Scott L. Bach, President P.O. Box 651 Newfoundland, NJ 07435 973-697-9270 • Ms. Judith Iorio, Recording Secretary P.O. Box 1397 Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889

Volume 15, Number 3l club connection l 29

NRA-affiliated state associations New Mexico Shooting Sports Association, Inc.

• Mr. Anthony Trennel, President P.O. Box 30850 Albuquerque, NM 87190 505-856-6574 • Mr. Ken Laintz, Secretary P.O. Box 753 Los Alamos, NM 87544 505-672-3507

New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc.

• Mr. Thomas H. King, President P.O. Box 1023 Troy, NY 12181-1023 518-424-1349 518-449-1332 fax • Mr. Joseph DeBergalis, VP of Operations P.O. Box 1023 Troy, NY 12181 518-389-8322

North Carolina Rifle & Pistol Association

• •

Mr. David McFarling, President P.O. Box 4116 Pinehurst, NC 28374 919-929-9585 home Mr. David Prest, Secretary P.O. Box 4116 Pinehurst, NC 28374 910-639-4742 office

North Dakota Shooting Sports Association

• Mr. Eric Pueppke, President PO Box 228 Bismarck, ND 58502 701-967-8450 • Mr. James Ladwig, Vice President 1102 Main Ave. Fargo, ND 58103 701-232-9440

Ohio Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mrs. Gwen Bailey, President 175 W. Main St. New London, OH 44851 419-929-0307 • Mr. G. Martin Capito, Vice President 175 W. Main St. New London, OH 44851 419-929-0307

30 l club connection l Volume 15, Number 3

Oklahoma Rifle Association

• Mr. G. Don Scott, President Rt. 2, Box 21 Maysville, OK 73057 405-867-5234 home • Mr. Charles Smith, Executive Director P.O. Box 850602 Yukon, OK 73085-0602 405-324-2450 office/fax

Oregon State Shooting Association

• •

Mr. Tim Pitzer, President 2815 South Shore Drive SE Albany, OR 97322 541-928-2460 home 541-981-2064 fax Mr. Stan Pate, Vice President 503-652-9931

Pennsylvania Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Jack Lee, President 100 Wycliff Way Butler, PA 16001 724-865-2597 phone/fax • Mr. James G. Johnson, Secretary 405 Hilltop Road Paoli, PA 19301 610-647-2374

Rhode Island State Rifle & Revolver Association

• •

Mr. Paul Boiani, President P.O. Box 41148 Providence, RI 02940 401-233-0771 office Mr. Donn C. DiBiasio, Secretary P.O. Box 17452 Smithfield, RI 02917 401-233-0771 office

Gun Owners of South Carolina

• Mr. Gerald Stoudemire, President P.O. Box 211 Little Mountain, SC 29075 803-945-7677 home • Ms. Peggy Bodner 1080 Pinecrest Dr Rock Hill, SC 29732 803-329-8668

South Dakota Shooting Sports Association

• •

Mr. Tom Raines, President P.O. Box 3 Dell Rapids, SD 57022 Mr. Bruce Plate, Vice President


Tennessee Shooting Sports Association, Inc.

• Mr. Ray W. Harvey, Jr., President 6653 Jocelyn Hollow Road Nashville, TN 37205 615-352-3954 • Mr. Ralph Walker, Secretary 1436 Right Prong Blue Buck Road Duck River, TN 38454 615-662-9116

Texas State Rifle Association

• •

Don Stricklund, President 314 E. Highland Mall Blvd., Ste 300 Austin, TX 78752 512-615-4200 Mr. Charles Cotton, Executive Director 314 E. Highland Mall Blvd., Ste 300 Austin, TX 78752 512-615-4200

Utah State Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Elwood P. Powell, President 4834 Van Buren Avenue Ogden, UT 84403 801-449-9763 office 801-476-8274 fax • Mr. Ralph Schamel, Vice President 801-277-4016

Vermont Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, Inc.

• Mr. Clint Gray, President PO Box 225 Lyndonville, VT 05851 802-467-8445 • Mr. Evan Hughes 16 Milestone Blvd. Barre, VT 05641 802-272-8544

Virginia Shooting Sports Association

Mr. Lucien Charette, Executive Director P.O. Box 1258 Orange, VA 22960 540-672-5848 office Ms. Andrea T. Smith, Secretary/Treasurer P.O. Box 1258 Orange, VA 22960 540-672-5848 office/fax

Washington State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc.

• •

Mr. Ken Littlefield, President Mr. Duane Hatch, Secretary PO Box 382 DuPont, WA 98327 253-853-7533

West Virginia State Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Barry Hogue, President 1220 Philippi Pike Clarksburg, WV 26301 304-624-5363 • Ms. Carol Haynes, Secretary 3516 Hackers Creek Rd. Jane Lew, WV 26378 304-203-1726

Wi-FORCE (Wisconsin Rifle & Pistol Association)

• Mr. Jeff Nass, President N615 Silver Lane Pulaski, WI 54162-8320 920-687-0505 • Gary Nichols, Secretary W271N7055 Hansen Dr Sussex, WI 53089 262-246-3317

Wyoming State Shooting Association, Inc.

• Mr. Mark Spungin, President P.O. Box 94 Guernsey, WY 82214 307-836-2188 home • Mrs. Beverly Spungin, Vice President P.O. Box 94 Guernsey, WY 82214 307-836-2188 home • Mr. Roger Sebesta, Secretary/Treasurer 625 Sweetwater Street Lander, WY 82520 307-335-9323

NRA Endorsed Insurance Program Participant

NRA Field Representative Directory EASTERN REGION

•Eastern Regional Director Brian Hyder Area 1 (ME, NH,VT, N. NY) Michael Langton Area 2 (NY) Jay Rusnock Area 3 (CT, MA, RI, Lower NY) Eric Bieler Area 4 (DE, Eastern PA) Kory Enck Area 5 (Western PA) Thomas Baldrige Area 6 (MD, NJ) Brian Swartz Area 7 (DC, Western VA, WV) Jim Kilgore Area 8 (Eastern NC) David Wells Area 42 (Western NC) Robert Doug Merrill Area 45 (Eastern VA) Bob Hipple

276-579-9828 603-938-2860 845-298-7233 860-426-1478 717-689-3200 724-861-0447 973-343-2104 304-255-2916 252-456-2097 828-628-0410 540-631-0633


•Central Regional Director Philip Gray Area 12 (Southern OH) Brian Hoover Area 14 (IN) Steve Teutsch Area 15 (KY) Larry Summarell, Jr. Area 17 (WI) Scott Taetsch Area 18 (Northern IL) Michael F. Huber Area 19 (MO) Gregg Pearre Area 43 (TN) Mike Webb Area 49 (Northern OH) Lloyd Edwards Area 51 (Southern MI) Allan Herman Area 52 (Southern IL) Wayne Steele

740-773-4119 740-297-4255 317-946-7260 270-586-5031 715-873-3360 815-652-0033 573-761-5466 901-382-4789 419-646-3669 989-686-3013 217-233-6784


•Southern Regional Director Al Hammond Area 9 (SC) Dale Carwile Area 10 (GA) Brad Ward Area 11 (Northern FL) Howell Lancaster Area 16 (LA, Southern MS) Dick Kingsafer Area 22 (AL) Craig Pace Area 25 (Northern TX) Tommy Easterling Area 26 (Southern TX) Gayle Carter-Cook Area 39 (AR, Northern MS) Mike Nevins Area 47 (Western TX) Jack Cannon Area 48 (Southern Florida) Vacant

386-462-5421 864-223-9900 770-228-8218 904-388-9782 601-794-0068 334-821-3200 903-677-6803 361-972-2166 479-754-0282 325-617-4460 Vacant


•Mid West Regional Director Tom Ulik Area 20 (OK) Darren DeLong Area 21 (MN) Scott Lembke Area 23 (IA, NE) Tim Bacon Area 24 (KS) Rick Chrisman Area 27 (NM) Peter Ide Area 28 (MT) Joseph Crismore Area 29 (WY) David Manzer Area 30 (CO) Marc Steinke Area 41 (ND, SD) Clay Pederson

509-895-9407 405-692-8672 218-844-2000 515-576-1285 913-294-9956 505-281-6721 406-293-2498 307-746-2520 719-322-4072 701-522-9622

WESTERN REGION •Western Regional Director J.P. Nelson Area 31 (AZ) Donna Cassity Area 32 (S. ID, Eastern NV, UT) Jerald Olsen Area 33 (Northern ID, Eastern WA) Steve Vreeland Area 34 (HI, OR) Mike Carey Area 35 (Northern CA) Daniel Wilhelm Area 36 (Southern CA, S. NV) Lissa Davis Area 37 (Central CA) Jason Quick Area 38 (AK) Bradley J. Kruger Area 40 (Western WA) Jim Williams Area 46 (E.CA, W. NV) Steve Wilson

480-357-4057 520-316-0620 801-317-4878 208-286-0950 541-385-9404 707-994-5877 714-832-1355 805-239-4246 907-235-9059 253-904-8941 209-847-4826

Volume 15, Number 3l club connection l 31

Club Connection National Rifle Association 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, VA 22030


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