NRA Club Connection Volume 17, Issue 2

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Are You NRA Certified ?

INSIDE 4 How to become an NRA Instructor 10 2012 Gold Medal Clubs 15 Club News 24 NRA Range Report


table of


President Obama’s Planned Assault on the Second Amendment . ....... By David A. Keene, NRA President So You Want To Be An NRA Instructor? ............................................. 2012 Gold Medal Clubs ..................................................................... NRA ILA Update ............................................................................... State Association Spotlight: Texas State Rifle Association .................. Frequently Asked Questions .............................................................. Clubs Workshop Follow-Up .............................................................. Club News ......................................................................................... Range Report .................................................................................... NRA Affiliated State Associations .................................................... NRA Field Representatives ...............................................................

4 10 13 15 16 18 21 24 28 31

On Cover: An NRA instructor assists a new shooter. “You must first attend the NRA Certified Instructor Course for the discipline in which you have an interest. Instructor training courses are conducted by NRA Training Counselors. Training Counselors are active and experienced instructors who received additional training and have been appointed by NRA to train experienced shooters to teach others to shoot.” (pg. 5) For further reading about “So You Want To Be An NRA Instructor?” turn to page 4

Are You NRA Certified?

Established 1995 and published quarterly by the Field Operations Division of the National Rifle Association of America. © Copyright 2012 National Rifle Association


Elizabeth Bush National Manager Clubs,Associations, & Range Services 703-267-1348 Son Nguyen Marketing Manager 703-267-1345

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Melissa Betts Marketing Coordinator 703-267-1343

(800) NRA-Club (672-2582) (703) 267-3939 fax

NRA Clubs & Associations ● 11250 Waples Mill Road- Fairfax, VA 22030 ●

President’s Column

By David A. Keene, NRA President

President Obama’s Planned Assault On The Second Amendment

The world was shocked when President Obama assured Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that the Russians need to give him some “space” between now and the November election because after he is re-elected he will have more flexibility to deal with sensitive issues like missile defense. This wasn’t the first time Barack Obama has either been overheard or has said something he shouldn’t have without realizing he was being picked up by a live microphone. However, Obama’s blatant request that a foreign leader help him keep his post-election plans from the American people surprised even his supporters. Politicians are continually getting caught saying things they shouldn’t around live microphones. Their candid comments, captured when they don’t think anyone is listening in, are often funny or embarrassing, but sometimes they reveal something about the politician he or she would just as soon keep private. Former President George W. Bush famously turned to Vice President Cheney as he caught sight of a New York Times reporter and called the man a “major league a--------” some years ago, prompting Cheney to mutter “big time” in agreement with his boss. The exchange was caught by a live mike to the embarrassment of both men and, to a lesser extent, the reporter.

Marginally more serious was President Obama’s earlier off-handed disparagement of Israel’s prime minister, caught during a supposedly private conversation with the president of France. Since it was known that President Obama and the prime minister are anything but close, the harm that was done was not to their relationship, but to America’s reputation. Second Amendment supporters were perhaps less surprised by his comments than most because Obama’s Second Amendment public utterances and his real

this president is planning to pursue the ideological policies he has soft-pedaled thus far to avoid stirring up voters who strongly oppose what he would like to accomplish. Nowhere has this strategy been clearer than in his administration’s reluctance to confront supporters of the Second Amendment head on. Everything from the regulatory harassment of firearm dealers, to enlisting a Mexican president to demand that Congress reinstitute the Clinton era “assault weapons” ban, to the launching of the “Fast and Furious”

“Obama wants to be elected very badly, so he is following the campaign spin-strategists who don’t want voters to guess where he stands before the votes are counted in November....”

plans for a second Obama administration are very different. We remember his pledge to the Brady Campaign’s Sarah Brady that he intends to keep his promise to his anti-gun allies, but that for now he has to work “under the radar.” She and her friends, like Russia’s leaders, know that if Obama is re-elected he will work to deliver for them, not for us. Gun owners have known for some time that once he’s run his “last election,” as Obama described it to Medvedev,

operation have been designed to ramp up domestic political support for new gun control measures and to set the stage for a post-election assault on the Second Amendment. Shortly after the Medvedev affair, President Obama met again with Mexico’s President Calderon, but this time the two of them must have made certain their private conversations wouldn’t be picked up by either standard or live mikes. After their private meeting, Calderon praised continued on page 5 Volume 17, Number 2 CLUB CONNECTION l 3

So You Want To Be An

NR A In str uctor?

Being able to shoot is fine, but being able to teach that skill is another matter. If you feel the call to become an NRA Certified Instructor, I have a few questions to ask: Why? If your first reason is to help others so that they can become part of the growing community of responsible and safe gun owners and so that you can feel like you made a difference, then you’re on the right track. If your reason is so you can make some extra money and get that boat/house/add-on/remodeling etc., then be aware that, while we applaud your entrepreneurial spirit, it should be a distant second to your responsibility to the student. There are those that make a living at instruction, and there are those that do it out of nothing more than the goodness of their heart. Regardless of where you fall along the scale, the student must be your primary concern. Are you ready for the responsibility? - Being an NRA Certified Instructor means accepting a lot of responsibility. First is the responsibility to the student. Education and training should not stop with the end of class. Follow up, or

4 l CLUB CONNECTION l Volume 17, Number 2

impromptu help are the norm for this calling. This is the reason we call them students and not customers. Each bears very different responsibilities for the instructor. Second is responsibility to the shooting community. We need to make sure we are welcoming and supportive of those who decide that today is the day they are going to start using their Second Amendment right. A wise man once said, “They may forget what you said. They may forget what you did. But they will always remember how you made them feel.” We need to expand the increasing numbers of those who feel good about the shooting community. Third is your responsibility to the NRA and the Instructor Program. This involves paperwork, planning, and the dedication to do it correctly. NRA Instructors are very often a person’s first exposure to the NRA. When you teach, people will see you as the face of the NRA. You must first attend the NRA Certified Instructor Course for the discipline in which you have an interest. Instructor training courses are conducted by NRA Training Counselors. Training Counselors are active and experienced

instructors who received additional training and have been appointed by NRA to train experienced shooters to teach others to shoot. NRA Instructor Training courses are posted at www.nrainstructors. org and can be found using the “Find a Course” tab. To qualify as an NRA Instructor: ● Candidates must possess and demonstrate a solid background in firearm safety and shooting skills acquired through previous firearm training and/or previous shooting experience. Instructor candidates must be intimately familiar with each action type in the discipline they wish to be certified. ● Candidates will be required to demonstrate solid and safe firearms handling skills required to be successful during an instructor training course by completing pre-course questionnaires and qualification exercises administered by the NRA Appointed Training Counselor. ● Candidates must satisfactorily complete an NRA Instructor Training Course in the discipline they wish to teach (e.g., NRA Basic Pistol Course), and receive the endorsement of the NRA

Training Counselor conducting that training. NRA Instructor courses are discipline specific. During the course, candidates will learn NRA policies and procedures, basic public speaking skills, training methodology, use of a training team and training aids, organizing a course, building a budget, and finally preparing to teach. Candidates will also be provided with the appropriate lesson plans and basic course student packets. Role-playing is a major part of an instructor course; therefore, the minimum class size should be at least four candidates, with 10-12 candidates being ideal. Candidates take turns working in teams, actually conducting portions of the course to other candidates who play the role of basic students. Training Counselors will evaluate candidates’ performance based on their ability to handle the firearms with confidence, use of appropriate training aids, following the lesson plans and meeting all learning objectives, while

utilizing the teaching philosophies learned during the first part of the course. Candidates can also expect to learn the NRA discipline, specific instructional methods, and evaluating and improving the performance of beginning shooters. Candidates will be provided with the NRA Trainer’s Guide, appropriate Lesson Plans and Outlines, Basic Course Student handbooks, certificates, basic student examinations, Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification Program booklet, Basic Firearm Training Programs Brochure, Gun Safety Rules brochure, NRA Trainer’s Examination, NRA discipline specific instructor examination (minimum passing grade is 90%), and the Instructor/Range Safety Officer Application. The proper paperwork is submitted by your TC to the NRA Training Department after successfully completing the course, passing the exams with a 90% or higher, and getting the positive recommendation of your Training Counselor. They have a 10 day

grace period within which to do so. After we receive the paperwork, processing will be about 6-8 weeks with an additional week for those joining at the same time. For those with an NRA member number, they can go to from time to time during this process and try to register (your NRA number will be your instructor number). When the site allows you to register, you are good to go. The card and wall certificate will show up later, but the showing of the rating on the site, and therefore in the database, is what truly makes you an NRA Certified Instructor. Sorry, but those who are not NRA members will have to wait until the instructor card shows up with their (super long) nonmember number before they can do the same. Well, there you have it. Mystery solved. Now, for those of you, who feel the calling, get to www.nrainstructors. org, find an instructor course near you and get out there and make a difference!

President’s Column continued from page 3 Obama for his increasing regulatory pressure on U.S. firearm dealers along the Mexican border and once again called on Congress to ban the sale of “assault weapons” and to enact a firearm registry. President Obama thanked Calderon for the praise and said he wants to do more to keep guns sold in this country from making their way to Mexico, but was careful not to specifically endorse his friend’s call for an “assault weapons” ban or firearm registration in this country. Obama didn’t need to be explicit if we are listening—his attorney general recently called on Congress for more gun registration, and his budget this year includes an assault on hard-won

firearm protections enacted by recent Congresses. To anyone who pays attention, the president is clear enough: an assault on the Second Amendment will be a top priority in a second Obama administration. Obama wants to be elected very badly, so he is following the campaign spin-strategists who don’t want voters to guess where he stands before the votes are counted in November lest they send him packing. And besides, he has promised his anti-gun friends what he’s promised Medvedev. All they have to do is let him have a little “space” between now and Election Day. The NRA will fight with truth—our members don’t intend to give Obama

and his cronies any space at all. The president may well have promised President Calderon when the mikes were turned off that he’ll gut the Second Amendment during his second term. But American gun owners know that President Obama has it in for us. If we do what we need to do between now and November, he will never get the chance to deliver on these “under the radar” promises.

Volume 17, Number 2 l CLUB CONNECTION l 5

What is the

NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund?

By Skipp C. Galythly, NRA Assistant General Counsel

As a gun owner, you may be familiar with the Brian Aitken case. He is the individual who moved from Colorado to New Jersey where the police subsequently found, along with his many other possessions in the trunk of his car, three unloaded and locked firearms. After the judge’s adverse rulings on the admissibility of evidence, and after the judge would not let the jury hear about the moving exemption in the law, his conviction and sentence of seven years in prison prompted outrage in the gun community. Mr. Aitken appealed and, as you may know, Governor Christie subsequently commuted Mr. Aitken’s sentence. Two of his three convictions were recently overturned and the one outstanding charge was dismissed. What you may not know is that Mr. Aitken, along with numerous other individuals and entities out there facing and fighting court battles in the Second Amendment arena, received financial support from the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund. In fact, the Fund supported the Brian Aitken case at the trial level long before the outrage made its way across the gun community. (After all, the outrage was a result of the trial’s outcome.) The Fund continued its support through the appeal as well. The NRA Board of Directors established the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund in 1978. The Fund is a 501(c)(3) public charity with a mission to become involved in court cases establishing legal precedents in favor of gun owners. To accomplish this, the Fund provides legal and financial assistance to selected individuals and organizations defending the right to keep and bear arms. The Fund’s activities and impact have been seen from the highest levels in the Heller and McDonald Supreme Court cases down to the Fund’s support of local shooting ranges facing actions by neighbors and local governments seeking to curtail shooting activities at the ranges or to simply shut them down. 6 l CLUB CONNECTION l Volume 17, Number 2

Since the Fund’s inception, millions of dollars in financial assistance have gone to such individuals and organizations fighting for gun rights across the nation. Without this assistance, many individuals would be unable to fight for their rights or could decide that the cost is too great to fight the good fight. The Fund has come to the defense of school children made to remove NRA T-shirts and individuals whose firearms were seized and not returned. The Fund’s litigation support includes the filing of “Friend of the Court” briefs in Second Amendment cases all the way up to the Supreme Court. Those looking for legal assistance in the fight to defend the Right to Keep and Bear Arms turn to the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund for help. I hope you will take the time to visit the Fund’s website at There you can learn more about the Fund, review current litigation, and learn how you can make a tax-deductible donation to support the Fund’s activities. If you are seeking assistance, you can find information on requesting help on the site. Please “like” the Fund on Facebook at www. Finally, if you participate in the Combined Federal Campaign, the Fund’s CFC # is 10006.


Volume 17, Number 2 l CLUB CONNECTION l 7

What is NRA Competitive Shooting? What is NRA Competitive Shooting’s top priority? Our mission is to use all available assets to grow the shooting sports by increasing participation in new and existing programs, and to develop and promote competition knowledge, skills, and abilities. Our vision is to be the leading provider of the highest quality competitive shooting programs and services to America’s gun owners. What is the NRA? The National Rifle Association is an American non-profit 501(c)(4) organization which advocates for the protection of the Second Amendment of the United States Bill of Rights and the promotion of firearm ownership rights as well as marksmanship, firearm safety, and the protection of hunting and self-defense in the United States.

How many people work at NRA Competitive Shooting Headquarters and what do they do? NRA Competitive Shooting has its home base at NRA Headquarters in Fairfax, VA. Amazingly, a total staff of 24 people sanction the 11,000+ tournaments, issue classifications, manage all the disciplines, and provide support to our 51 National Championships. The folks at NRA Competitive Shooting make the rules, right? Wrong! The rules governing NRA Competitive Shooting are actually developed by the discipline committees, which have their ranks filled by members of the NRA Board of Directors and other shooting notables. Currently 12 different committees are responsible for the guidance of their respective disciplines. You can learn more about NRA Competitions at this web site: Well how do I get started? It’s easy! Simply head to our web site at and check out all the information available there. Also, you can view all of our publications for free online at:

The NRA sponsors firearm safety training courses, as well as marksmanship events featuring shooting skill and sports. Its political activity is based on the principle that gun ownership is a civil liberty protected by the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights, and it is the oldest continuously operating civil rights organization in the United States. The NRA has 4.3 million members.

How many championships does the NRA sanction? 8 l CLUB CONNECTION l Volume 17, Number 2 Designed by John Parker, NRA Competitive Shooting 3/12

National Rifle Association Headquarters moved from Washington D.C. to nearby suburb Fairfax, Virginia in 1994.

Match fees support NRA Competitive Shooting... What does NRA do with the money it earns? The NRA is a non-profit organization, with its revenues benefitting its membership through distributions, grants, programs, and services. The money is also used to insure the National Rifle Association will have funds in perpetuity, securing the Second Amendment for future generations.

11,000 tournaments and 51 championships in the over 30 disciplines that are offered. NRA sanctions more than

Every winner earns the right to be called national champion.

Volume 17, Number 2 l CLUB CONNECTION l 9




We are indeed proud to win the Gold Medal Award, because this exemplifies the best of what shooting organizations, such as ourselves, can be, following those standards set forth by - Joseph Fry, Streetsboro Sportsman Association the National Rifle Association.

The NRA offers special recognition by awarding Gold Medal status to NRA affiliated organizations that promote and support the purposes, objectives, policies, and programs of the NRA. Members of these clubs have united to reach a common goal. Everyone wants to protect the Constitution, their freedom, and ensure the future of the shooting sports. Reaching this elite level sets your club apart from others in the area. Each year numerous organizations apply to achieve the Gold Medal status; an honor presented to clubs that meet the 5 specific criteria.

• Have administered, or currently incorporate an NRA Youth Program within the Club’s agenda - Incorporating a youth program helps introduce firearms safety to younger shooters. Encouraging them to shoot at an early age will help keep the shooting sports going for future generations. • Actively participate in NRA’s Membership Recruiting Program - participating in the NRA recruiting program helps bring new members in at a reduced price, helps generate income for your club, and helps to grow NRA numbers.

• Be a 100% NRA Club - Being a 100% NRA club helps Clubs that meet the criteria above will be awarded a plaque make the NRA stronger by increasing its membership numbers along with an inscribed bar listing the year. Current Gold Medal and providing a larger representation of the shooting public. clubs are encouraged to renew their status every year and will • Have a Club Newsletter – A newsletter helps the club be given an inscribed bar with the renewal year. A club that is communicate to its members. Club members are kept in the loop applying for NRA Range Grant will be given preference if they of club activities and community issues. achieve and maintain Gold Medal status. • Belong to the NRA State Association of your state – Joining NRA State Association shows support on the state level. Their mission is to promote and support the purpose and objectives of the NRA while providing programs and support to clubs on the local level.

10 l CLUB CONNECTION l Volume 17, Number 2

“As a Gold Medal Club we have also been afforded the opportunity to apply for and receive NRA range grants which have enabled us to continually make facility improvements. These improvements have helped us achieve the distinction of being one of the finest outdoor facilities in South Florida,” said Linda Dillon, Hollywood Rifle & Pistol Club.

67 Gun Club Airfield Shooting Club Alaska Interior Marksmanship Committee Americana 1800 Adventure Club Apple Valley Gun Club Asheville Rifle & Pistol Club, Inc. Bedford Rifle & Revolver Club Bismarck Mandan Rifle & Pistol Assn. Blue Ridge Cherry Valley Rod & Gun Club Butler Co. Sportsmen's Rifle & Pistol Club Cairo Sportsman Club Capital City Gun Club Cheboygan Hunter Safety Comm Coastal Georgia Gun Club Columbus Sportsmen's Association Inc Copicut Rifle Association, Inc. Cos Cob Revolver & Rifle Club,Inc. Cumberland Riflemen Delaware State Pistol Club, Inc. Downers Grove Sportsman's Club East Hook Sportsmen Assn,Inc Eastern Nebraska Gun Club, Inc. Eaton Employee's Gun Club Emerald Empire Gun Club Estacada Rod & Gun Club Fayette County 4-H Shotgun Club Folsom Shooting Club, Inc. Forks Rifle Club Fort Hill Rifle and Pistol Club Four Corners Rifle And Pistol Club High Rock Shooting Assn, Inc. Highland High School Navy JROTC Hollywood Rifle and Pistol Club Humboldt Rifle And Pistol Club Johnstown Rifle and Pistol Club Kalicoontie Rod & Gun Club, Inc. Kern Shooting Sports, Inc. Lafayette Gun Club Of Virginia, Inc. Lima Sabres Shooting Assn Livingston Gun Club Manzano Mountain Gun Club Martin County Sportsmen's Association, Inc. Miamisburg Sportsmen's Club, Inc.

Monumental Rifle and Pistol Club Mother Lode Gun Club, Inc. Muskegon Pistol & Rifle Club-Jrdv Nescopeck Hunting & Rifle Club, Inc. New Sportsman's Club New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc. Northern Dutchess Rod & Gun Club, Inc. Northwestern Gun Club Old Trails Rifle & Pistol Club, Inc Peconic River Sportsman's Club Inc Pine Tree Pistol Club, Inc. Pioneer Gun Club, Inc. Pueblo Municipal Shooters, Inc. Racine County Line Rifle Club, Inc. Rappahannock Pistol & Rifle Club, Inc. Richwood Gun & Game Club Ridge Rifle Association River City Rifle & Pistol Club Roanoke Rifle & Revolver Club Rochester Rod & Gun Club Santa Clara Valley Rifle Club Sheboygan Rifle and Pistol Club, Inc. Shongum Sportsmen's Assn Shoot Right Shoshone County Public Shooting Range Inc. Silver State Shooting Sport Association Snoqualmie Valley Rifle Club, Inc. South Island Gun Club South Jersey Shooting Club, Inc. Southwest Gun Club Stonycreek Shooting Center Inc. Streetsboro Sportsman Association Strong Arms International Marksmanship Assoc. The Great Lot Sportsman's Club, Inc. Tremont Sportsman's Club Twin City Rifle Club Villa Park VFW Rifle & Pistol Club, Inc. Waldwick Pistol & Rifle Club, Inc. Waynesburg Sportsmen Association White Oak Rod and Gun Club Inc. Wilkes Barre Pistol & Rifle Club Winnequah Gun ClubSouthwest Gun Club

The annual deadline for the NRA Gold Medal Awards is February 15. Applications will be mailed out to all NRA Affiliated Clubs that have given proof of 100% NRA Membership in the month of December. To access the application online, please go to clubs/goldmedal.asp

Volume 17, Number 2 l CLUB CONNECTION l 11

Michigan State Spartans Sweep NRA Intercollegiate Rifle Club Championships

By Kyle Jillson, Media Specialist NRA Media Relations


reated in 2010, the NRA Intercollegiate Rifle Club Championships provide a championship for collegiate teams not eligible with the NCAA. This year’s championships were hosted March 13-16 by the United States Army Marksmanship Unit at Fort Benning as a part of the inaugural Army Strong Collegiate Shooting Championships. The USAMU’s range, both state-ofthe-art and large in size, easily accommodated the collegiate shooters gathered for the third annual championship. In lieu of a regular season to determine championship bids, the competing NRA College Rifle Clubs, Varsity Rifle Teams, ROTC Teams and independent shooters must qualify through NRA Intercollegiate Rifle Sectionals months in advance in order to receive a championship invitation. Shooting a combined 4457 out of 4800 in the smallbore and air rifle championships, the Michigan State Spartans won their first Team Aggregate, besting runners-up and 2011 champions Penn State University in the process. The Spartans’ steady aim and concentration was unmatched as they took first place in both the Smallbore Championship and Air Rifle Championship by significant margins. 12 l CLUB CONNECTION l Volume 17, Number 2

“It’s been a long year for us,” said Michigan State coach Keith Hein. “This feels great and we’ve worked hard for it.” Michigan State’s success went beyond capturing the Team Championship. Spartan Amos Peck took the Individual Championship after shooting a combined 1149 of 1200 in the smallbore and air rifle championships as well as placing first in each. “I’ve been preparing for this for years,” Peck said. “Even though I was hopeful to win the match, I’ve learned through the years you go in confident to win but prepared to lose.” The Michigan State shooters finished Wednesday’s Air Rifle Championship strong and in the lead. Peck, who narrowly beat out teammate Tyler Luce and University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill’s Abi Winegarden for the individual title, led the Spartans to a 69 point lead over Penn State. The overall title was far from secure with the Smallbore Championship looming and Michigan State needed to stay focused. Any number of things could allow Penn State and inter-state rival University of Michigan to rush in and leap ahead. The Spartans needed big scores out of all four team members in smallbore and

that’s exactly what they got. The Nittany Lions’ brought their best accuracy to bear, attempting to surge ahead, but Michigan State held them off and shot a 2172, taking Air Rifle by 27. Amos’ hunt for the Smallbore Championship was tougher than in air rifle. His brother, teammate and 2011 Individual Champion Clayton Peck lay at the shooting point next door as Amos’ score of 559 won him the Air Rifle Championship, and the sweep, by the slimmest of margins. At a firing point not too far away, much like the proximities of their schools, University of Michigan’s Ann Sullivan had kept pace with Peck and wanted the air rifle title just as bad. A first rate rifle shooter herself, the Wolverine posted a 558 in smallbore, losing the title to Peck by just one point. With the 2012 NRA Intercollegiate Rifle Club Championships in the books, Michigan State returned to the Great Lake State with an armful of trophies. The Spartans had accomplished both the top team and individual performances of the championships and would have a year to bask in the victory before stepping back up to the firing line – this time to defend a title.

NRA-ILA Update:

2012 NRA-ILA Campaign Field Program NRA-ILA Campaign Field Representatives (CFRs) live in their respectively assigned districts and work daily with NRA members and Second Amendment supporters to ensure that they are fully engaged in this year's critically important elections. CFRs engage in various activities including, but not limited to: • Registering pro-gun voters • Coordinating and conducting phone banks on behalf of NRA-PVF endorsed candidates • Distributing literature, stickers and signs promoting NRA and the candidates that support our rights • Writing letters to the editor in support of candidates • Visiting gun shops, gun and sportsmen’s club, ranges and all of our gun owner natural resources. Gun owners’ natural resources include all the places that we can find our fellow gun owners: gun shops, gun shows, shooting ranges, sportsmen’s clubs, etc. • Promoting NRA and our PVF-endorsed candidates at gun shows, state fairs, and various events • Turning out the pro-gun vote on Election Day! If there is a CFR in your state, that information is listed below. If there isn't a CFR in your district and you want to help ensure success this election year, be sure to join NRA-ILA’s FrontLines™ volunteer program at



Concord, NH Green Bay, WI Eau Claire, WI Columbus, OH Phoenix, AZ Tallahassee, FL Reading, PA Pittsburgh, PA Colorado Springs, CO Fort Collins, CO St. Charles, MO Jefferson City, MO Virginia Beach, VA Lafayette, IN Reno, NV Las Vegas, NV

Drew Biemer Hugh D. Fike II Annette Olson Michael Land Travis Junion John MacIver Michael A. Slatinsky Dan Patten David Scheurn Stephanee Freer Lorien Johnson Jay C. Anger Robert B. Melvin Joshua Falzone Blayne Osborn Alex Aliferis


PHONE 603-568-9658 707-217-2014 715-760-0665 571-221-3207 602-770-2890 850-778-1901 484-614-2221 918-855-9262 805-217-9239 928-255-7099 281-756-7436 417-860-1858 703-622-4455 727.871.2864 775-450-2349 530-400-5821

For more information on NRA-ILA’s Grassroots programs, please visit or call 800-392-VOTE (8683) Volume 17, Number 2 l CLUB CONNECTION l 13

Introducing SoundGear Electronic Hearing Protection!

Arm Yourself with the Best As a hunter or shooter, you know that hearing is a big key to your success. The new SoundGear is a shooting protection product that is 100% digital and enhances environmental awareness while also protecting your hearing from gun blasts.

Instant. Digital. Incredible. • Features a Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) of 25dB. • Provides easy-to-wear comfort, unlike earmuffs or earplugs. • Dynamic Digital Protection for your ears. • Offers instant fit convenience: they’re ready to wear right out of the box. NRA Clubs and Ranges have the opportunity to become an Official SoundGear Distributor. For details, live product demonstrations and more information contact the SoundGear team at 800.769.8605.

“If you like to shoot firearms, you need to protect your hearing. Whether it’s safety at the range or success in the field, sound matters.” Wayne LaPierre Executive Vice President & CEO, National Rifle Association

l Volume 14 l©CLUB 17, Number 2 2012CONNECTION All Rights Reserved. 5/12 TJAD0153-00-EE-XX

State Association Spotlight

Texas State Rifle Association The Snortin’ Bull is the symbol of the Lone Star State Affiliate of the NRA –The Texas State Rifle Association! The bull represents strength in the fight … “to protect a Texan’s Second Amendment and State’s Constitutional rights….” and support the NRA in its fight to protect Second Amendment and U.S. Constitutional Rights. A smart person doesn’t mess with a fighting bull – so it aptly portrays the mission of the association. Anyone that has met TSRA’s full-time legislative director, Alice Tripp, knows that she is as fierce as a fighting bull when it comes to protecting and supporting Texas firearm rights. Like “Doc” Brown before her, she works daily with Texas legislators and other elected officials as well as many individuals and partners – continually educating them on current issues. It is a full time job (x10) – crucial to turning back efforts that erode at a Texan’s rights. She works integrally with NRA’s Tara Mica, forming a strong duo in getting good legislation passed and defeating the many bad bills introduced each session.

The association currently has over 35,000 members; over half of whom are lifetime supporters, continually backing the mission as one voice with the legislature and as donors towards TSRA Shooting Sports and other programs. Through various fundraisers, TSRA members not only support the lobbyist position, they also provide much needed funding to support a full-time Executive Director and Director’s Assistant, Publisher/Editor, Membership Coordinator and Database & Merchandise Coordinator. Through a grant from the TSRA Foundation, the Association’s (c)(3) counterpart, TSRA supports a full time Youth Shooting Sport Coordinator to bolster education and outreach efforts for kids and families “pulling triggers” in a safe, fun and responsible manner. TSRA is THE shooting sports organization in Texas, and it aims to recruit even more firearms enthusiasts, shooters, clubs, sporting industries, gun collectors, concealed carry licensees, law enforcement & military personnel, hunters, women and junior shooters into the fold. For more information, visit or call (512) 615-4200 Volume 17, Number 2 l CLUB CONNECTION l 15

FREQUENTLYASKED QUESTIONS You asked them-- we’re addressing them! With an assortment of benefits and programs available to our members we understand the information overload that can occur. Here’s a quick go-to reference on our most frequently asked questions:

Should we notify NRA when club bylaws are a mended? The NRA no longer requires clubs to submit club bylaws/amendments for approval. This was a past requirement of NRA club affiliation in which clubs would implement into their club bylaws. We now recommend that clubs amend their bylaws to remove this provision to ensure they are accurate to our standards.

Where can I shoot in my area? The Find NRA Near You website is a public online directory where individuals can visit in search of clubs and ranges in their area. This simple resourse guide allows members to get in touch with their local community clubs, ranges, and businesses at their fingertips. Visit NRA Near You today! www.

Where’s my mail? NRA Clubs & Associations is aware that club officers change over time. We hope that when these changes are made that the clubs will notify us of these contact updates to ensure that our records are up-to-date and that mail is being sent to the correct address. Members can simply notify us of these changes by email:, phone (800) 672-2582, or mail NRA Clubs, 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030.

What financial resources are available to my club/range?

The NRA has grants available for different needs of its members. NRA Foundation Grants benefit a variety of constituencies including children, youth, women, individuals with physical disabilities, gun collectors, law enforcement officers, ranges, hunters and competitive teams. For more information about NRA Foundation grants, visit

What’s recruiting? The NRA Recruiting Department offers a uniquely rewarding opportunity to assist in attracting and retaining NRA members. This applies greatly to our NRA Clubs & Associations members. When you become an NRA Recruiter you become eligible to receive up to $10 for every new member you enroll and $5 per person who renews membership through the club. This is a great fundraising tool for any club (large or small) while supporting the 2nd Amendment. To learn how to become an NRA Recruiter, visit Already a recruiter and need more materials? Visit 16 l CLUB CONNECTION l Volume 17, Number 2

How do I report a problem in my club? Per NRA Bylaws and terms of agreement of any NRA affiliate, members must adhere to “certify that membership in this organization is open to all citizens of good repute, without regard to sex, race, creed, color or national origin.” Also to “conduct themselves in accordance with all applicable laws and in a safe and ethical manner.” If a club or member experiences any violation of the terms listed, the club or member is encouraged to contact the NRA with a formal written complaint to the NRA Secretary’s Office and mail to 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030. Please note, the NRA cannot become involved with internal club matters or disputes.

Does the NRA offer liability insurance? The NRA has an endorsed insurance program with Lockton Affinity. All questions regarding policy quotes should be directed to the insurance company at (877) 487-5407. Not an affiliated member, but still looking for proper and affordable coverage first? Lockton can easily sign your club/business with the NRA once a policy has been contracted.

I signed up through Lockton- where’s my packet? Obtaining NRA membership along with your insurance policy is a great task to complete together. When signing up through Lockton, members should be aware that the insurance company makes contact with NRA once a month with a complete listing of new or renewed affiliates. This could delay the retrieval of certificate of affiliation with the NRA. If members sign up as an NRA Club or Business Alliance membership through NRA, notification of membership will take 3-5 days.

Already paid dues with insurance and still receiving an NRA Invoice? Many affiliated members take care of NRA dues through the insurance invoice which saves the hassle of receiving two separate invoices. However, NRA invoices serve a second purpose for our members- contact updates and selection of magazine subscription!

What is a 100% NRA Club? A 100% NRA Club is an affiliated club that has achieved 100% NRA membership within its association. Clubs who obtain this achievement each year will be issued a certificate of recognition. This also benefits clubs who seek in applying for NRA Range grants for up to $5,000 each year. A great way to achieve this goal is participating in the NRA Recruiting Program.

New Range- where to start? The NRA Range Services Department maintains a qualified staff to assist your range needs. For more information regarding the NRA Range Source Book, attending a Range Conference, or to schedule a Range Technical Team Advisor visit, contact the Range Services Department at (877) NRA-RANGE (672-7264) or email Visit NRA Range Services online for more information at

Volume 17, Number 2 l CLUB CONNECTION l 17

Clubs & Associations’ Workshop By Son Nguyen, Marketing Manager NRA Clubs & Associations

Over 70,000 NRA members gathered this year in St. Louis to attend the 141st NRA Annual Meeting. Whether it was trekking through the seven acre exhibit hall filled with 500 vendors, listening to NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre deliver a powerful speech at the Annual Meeting of Members, bidding on one of a kind firearms at the NRA Foundations Banquet, or waiting in line to get Glenn Beck’s autograph, there was something for everyone during this jam packed weekend. One of the popular returning workshops was the NRA Clubs & Associations workshop on Sunday morning. Organization leaders filled the room eager to hear/learn from NRA staff with tips on membership recruiting & retention, applying for NRA grants, designing a website, dealing with the media, and hosting shooting competitions. The workshop is a free event and a platform for attendees to network and exchange ideas with each other. Often times a club is faced with an obstacle that another club may have encountered in the past. These attendees are encouraged to share experiences on how to overcome these adversities. David Waldrip, member of the Tennessee Shooting Sports Association said, “I enjoyed getting an overview of Wild Apricot, the membership software of choice. In addition, the info of web sites will be very useful for us to put into use.”

18 l CLUB CONNECTION l Volume 17, Number 2

During the workshop, we were greeted with special guest appearances by NRA 2nd Vice President Allan D. Cors and the 2012 Brownells/NRA Youth Ambassadors. The Youth Ambassador program, sponsored by Brownells, encourages growth of the shooting sports and increased industry support of youth firearms-training programs. In order to promote better communication and participation in shooting sport programs among youth, the NRA selects representatives from several major national youth programs to serve as ambassadors, representing their organization to the NRA. Following the three hour Clubs workshop was the NRA State Association round table discussion. A handful of State Association officers stuck around to network with the NRA and each other to strengthen ties and develop new ideas. “I sincerely appreciate that the NRA considered my suggestion to arrange a round table discussion for state association leadership. I felt that this was a very productive session for all in attendance, especially considering the fact that this was the first time we had all met together as a group. I’m hoping we can devote a bit more time and include a few more state associations when we meet again in Houston in 2013.”, said John Fields, Executive Director of the California Rifle & Pistol Association. Tony Montanarella, President of the California Rifle & Pistol Association said, “The state association workshop at the NRA convention in St. Louis was outstanding! What we found is that we are not unique in the challenges that we face in California. Many of our counterparts throughout the country are faced with the same challenges and this workshop was a great opportunity to share ideas and come up with solutions. The NRA staff were wonderful facilitators and very receptive to feedback from their state affiliates. Our hope is, as word gets out about what a success this was, these types of events will only grow and get more popular in the future. It was also a fantastic opportunity to network with state associations throughout the country!” Join us next year in Houston to strengthen bonds, share tips and ideas, see familiar faces, and fortify the future of the shooting sports.


Our Experience at the

NRA’s Annual Meeting St. Louis in

By John Fields, Executive Director


resident Tony Montanarella, Legislative Liaison Tom Pedersen, and I, Executive Director John Fields, spent an action packed five days in St. Louis at the 2012 NRA Annual Meeting. We had many productive meetings during meals; walking between events; before, during and after scheduled meetings; and even during the NRA Board meeting in the hall. The NRA events were sensational… At the Leadership Forum, it was abundantly clear that the NRA is singularly focused on the upcoming presidential election and the defeat of the current president. The ‘All In!’ Campaign reflected that mission and a parade of stars shared the message, including, presidential rivals Romney, Gingrich, and Santorum, Governors Jindal, Walker, and Perry, Congressmen Cantor and Issa, Senators Grassley and Blunt, Ambassador Bolton, and others. During the course of our trip, all three of us put in 14 to 16 hour days and Mr. Joel Friedman and Chief Tom Gaines, both who serve as NRA and CRPA Board members, went out of their way to set up meetings with key members of NRA's leadership. As a result of those meetings:

California Rifle and Pistol Association

• We came to an agreement with NRA-ILA on grading certain candidates and continuity between our two organizations in this area. • We helped to facilitate a meeting of NRA state affiliates and our own counterparts from other states. This meeting was held right after the ‘clubs and associations’ workshop and was a great opportunity to hear from our colleagues in some of the other states. We shared successes and common challenges and discussed some great ideas. • We met with several vendors, manufacturers and industry contacts about sponsoring upcoming CRPA events. • As a result of our many face-to-face meetings and contacts, we were able to cultivate excellent relationships with the leadership of other state associations and key contacts within NRA and NRA-ILA. Overall, it was a very productive experience and all of us were honored and humbled by the reception and treatment we received by the NRA. For more information on CRPA, visit

Volume 17, Number 2 l CLUB CONNECTION l 19

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20 l CLUB CONNECTION l Volume 17, Number 2




Submitted by Gary Marks Malvern, Ohio

Almost 90 years ago,

a group of men from diverse backgrounds, joined together in a common cause and established a club in order to pursue their favorite pastime, target shooting, and the Alliance Rifle Club in Malvern, Ohio was born. The club property was surveyed to plot out a 1,000 yard range in 2008. Local 18, the International Union of Operating Engineers, was contacted about earth moving equipment and a contract was negotiated. Local 18 would provide the equipment and apprentice operators free of charge, with the club paying all the fuel costs. The operating engineer’s estimated that they moved over one half million cubic yards of material to make the new 1,000 yard range and bullet impact hill. The ARC contacted a forester to survey and to manage estimates for loggers, as well as overseeing the logging. The club was paid for the hardwood, money they would use to pay for the fuel. They applied for and received an NRA grant to help pay for the metal used for the 25 target frames, cement pit wall, etc. Several volunteer retired club members helped weld and assemble the target frame metalwork at no cost. Another club member donated the use of his fabricating shop for the work. The club has received several grants, totaling nearly $30,000, from the Friends of NRA and NRA Range Grants over the past three years. The ARC regularly holds club and Ohio-Penn League matches in NMC, Mid-Range, Long-Range, Palma and F-Class. The facility also supports law enforcement training. Other organizations that use the range are the Boy Scout’s of America, the ORPA Junior High-Power Team, and military teams. Members from other local clubs that do not have 600 or 1,000 yard range also practice here. Go to for more information on our club.

Volume 17, Number 2 l CLUB CONNECTION l 21

21 Mile Submitted by Victor Barranco

Rifle & Pistol Club

North Pole, Alaska


riends of NRA graciously awarded a $10,000 grant to the 21 Mile Rifle & Pistol Club in 2011 to educate and train youth shooters in the local community. The club purchased six new Anschutz air rifles and began by loaning them to the North Pole High School Rifle Team/Shooting Club, the junior shooting group of the 21 Mile Rifle & Pistol Club.

The rifle team was able to use the rifles during the 2011 high school rifle season, Mid Alaska Conference Championship, and Junior Olympic Rifle Competition tryouts. The shooters’ improvement in skills have been obvious. Of the returning team members, personal best scores improvements were +4, +13, +59, +64, and +75. The ability to use the rifles and practice consistently with reliability has made a difference in their precision and accuracy. There is no doubt that having these rifles have made a positive impact in our shooters. In past years, Tanana Valley Sportsman's Association made our seasons possible by providing the students rifles, but as the number of youth shooters increased, it became more difficult. The grant has allowed NPHS students to participate in other NRA sanctioned events since we had enough rifles throughout the shooting community. We are expanding our training to the students of Ben Eielson High School and local ROTC groups on both schools in the near future. We would like to thank Friends of NRA for what they have done for our youth shooters as well as all they have done for the entire shooting community.

22 l CLUB CONNECTION l Volume 17, Number 2

Volume 17, Number 2 l CLUB CONNECTION l 23


Range Grants

NRA range grant funds are made available at NRA's sole discretion to qualifying NRA-affiliated clubs and associations by approval of the Range Development Committee -- a standing committee of the NRA Board of Directors. ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS AND PROJECTS In reviewing grant applications, the Range Grant Subcommittee will apply the following criteria and recommend to the Range Development Committee only those projects that conform to these guidelines: Any NRA-affiliated club or association of which 100% of the club's members are also NRA members is eligible to apply for an NRA Range Grant. Preference will be given to recipients of the Gold Medal Club Award. Projects and activities eligible for funding include: acquisition, development and/or improvement of shooting facilities; projects designed to enhance community relations; NRA Day; public shooting and junior programs; and projects addressing range safety, as well as environmental issues i.e. lead reclamation. RESTRICTIONS ON FUNDING The following activities or projects are not eligible for funding: 1) Deficit financing. 2) Projects related to commercial ventures. 3) Applications from clubs or associations that have not submitted final reports for previously awarded grants. COMPLETING THE APPLICATION Applicants must be a 100% NRA membership NRA-Affiliated Club, with preference given to Gold Medal Clubs. This Range Grant program is limited to $5,000 per applicant per year, and the deadline for submission is August 1 annually. Applications are available online at For more information, please contact us at (877) NRA RANGE (672-7264) or email us at

24 l CLUB CONNECTION l Volume 17, Number 2

Volume 17, Number 2 l CLUB CONNECTION l 25

On-Site Assistance To Shooting Range Facilities


he NRA Range Technical Team is a nationwide network of volunteers trained in the field of shooting range development, design, and operations. Services provided by Range Technical Team Advisors (RTTAs) include: • range planning assistance • range use and procedural evaluations • rangesafet To initiate RTTA assistance, contact Eric Whitescarver, NRA Range Services Coordinator for direct assistance at (703) 267-1279 or via email at to ask for an RTTA request form. To download a copy of this form, visit Upon receipt of the RTTA Request Form, NRA will prepare a consultant agreement that must be signed by NRA and the requesting range prior to a RTTA visiting your site. Please allow 10-14 days for the completion of this process. Range survival depends on range managers taking an active role and planning for the future. One way to begin is by having an outside advisor take an honest look at your shooting range facility, and its operations. This advisor will be able to discuss your strong points and the possible areas for improve26 l CLUB CONNECTION l Volume 17, Number 2

ment. Shooting range safety is not a function of sound engineering and design principles alone, but a commitment from every manager, member, and user involved in the proper handling of firearms and the proper use of the shooting range. Ranges requesting on-site RTTA services will be responsible for cost recovery as outlined below. RTTA Cost Recovery Profile • NRA Affiliated Club/Organization: $200 Case Origination Fee includes one day of on-site assistance ($100 for each additional day of service). Case fees are inclusive of expenses incurred relative to transportation, lodging, meals, telephone, etc., for initial visit and for all follow-up visits. • Non-NRA Affiliated Club/Organization: $250 Case Origination Fee: includes one day on-site assistance ($100 for each additional day of service) Case fees are inclusive of expenses incurred relative to transportation, lodging, meals, telephone, etc., for initial visit and for all follow up visits. For more information on the benefits of becoming an NRA Affiliated Club or Business Alliance Member, please call NRA Clubs & Associations at (800) NRA-CLUB. Call Eric Whitescarver at (703) 267-1279 or by email at to open a range case today!

I Don't Have a Place to Shoot By John Joines, Range Services Specialist NRA Range Services


lmost every day I get a call or an email from someone requesting a place to shoot. The National Rifle Association provides the National Registry of Places to Shoot, but is that enough? There are normally ranges that are much closer to these individuals, but they cannot gain access because they are member-only clubs. When looking at this registry and comparing it with the list of clubs affiliated with the National Rifle Association, we notice that there are a lot of clubs that are not listed on this registry. A lot of clubs today are in need of money, but they limit their membership and may not be open to the general public. A member of one of these clubs called me. He said,” I am 77 years old and I am the youngest member of my club. I am worried because there is no one to keep the club going. What can I do?” They never thought there would ever be a problem; no thought was given to what will happen in the future. Will this happen to your range? When I look at this scenario, I have to ask myself, what is wrong with this picture? Two things are happening. The club needs money and they may not be using their range facility to its potential. Why is this? Well it could be the club is not promoting the shooting sports to the extent it once was or it has just become a social club. If the club needs money then it should be willing to open the club on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday if there are no matches being held. The range could be open to the

public with proper supervision. Now what does this do for the club? This provides a source of revenue for the club so that they may be able to repair the backstop and baffles, if necessary, and plan other maintenance projects that have been put off due to lack of working capital. Let's face it, the club takes in membership dues, pays taxes, owns property, builds fences, holds shooting events, collects revenue from those events, but at the same time almost everyone will say our club is not a business, but if you look at IRS code you are classified as a business. Now back to the first part of the article. I need a place to shoot! With the amount of firearms being sold and the number of rounds of ammunition leaving the gun shows each and every weekend, it is evident that Americans are really in need of having a place to shoot. If you are a president of a gun club that is losing membership, operational funds are decreasing, how do you go about generating the need funds to keep the club solvent? You need to carefully think about the clubs future! One way would be to hold NRA Basic Rifle, Pistol or Shotgun courses. This increases range use, generates needed capital and provides a chance to recruit new members into the club. What type of youth program do you have? Do you offer women only classes? Do you provide special training for women that have just purchased their first gun? Who are you market-

ing to? Did you ask local gun stores to tell their customers that your range is available for training sessions? The club can offer basic and advanced classes on firearms safety and how to properly use a firearm. The club can run concealed carry classes. After all, a range is a place to conduct recreation, education, and training. Now you have a potential to attract new club members which will increase the amount of revenue for the club. The club instructors can donate a certain portion or give all of their income back to the club. The club will make money in the end, promote training, be recognized as a needed part of the community, and the range can be maintained and become a viable, recognizable and desirable member of the neighborhood.

To join the NRA National Registry of Places to Shoot, visit https://www. For more information on how NRA can help your club develop programs to generate membership for your club, visit the NRA programs website at Don’t have the funds to conduct these programs? NRA can help? Apply for a grant today by visiting www. Want more detailed information on how to develop club leadership? Join us for a FREE webinars throughout the year at clubs/club_university/default.asp Volume 17, Number 2 l CLUB CONNECTION l 27

NRA - Affiliated

President Obama’s Planned Assault on the Second Amendment . .......

ALABAMA STATE RIFLE & PISTOL By David A. 203-272-1725 Keene, NRA President ASSOCIATION


3 • Mr. James Moses, President c/o 7527 State Route 56 Rising Sun, IN 47040 So You Want To Be An NRASPORTSMEN’S Instructor? ............................................. DELAWARE STATE • Mr. Ramon J. Samaniego, Jr. 812-534-3258 ASSOCIATION Secretary/Treasurer • Mr. Jerry Wehner, Executive VP PO Box 1786 2012 Gold Medal Clubs ..................................................................... 256-534-2644 Wilmington, DE 19899 • Mr. William B. Thomas, Secretary • Mr. Daniel Lindberg, Vice President 812-948-8226 302-475-4228 ALASKA OUTDOOR COUNCIL, INC. NRA ILA Update ............................................................................... PO Box 87-1069 • Mr. Daniel Lindberg, Vice President Wasilla, AK 99687


4 10 13 State Association Spotlight: Texas State Rifle IOWA Association .................. 302-475-4228 907-841-6849 STATE RIFLE & PISTOL 15 • Mr. Rod Arno, Executive Director ASSOCIATION 240 Prospect Road Frequently Asked Questions .............................................................. 16 North Liberty, IA 52317-9660 FLORIDA SPORT SHOOTING 319-626-2710 ASSOCIATION, INC. ARIZONA STATE RIFLE & PISTOL • Mr. Bill Besgrove, Secretary Clubs Workshop .............................................................. PO BoxFollow-Up 65353 ASSOCIATION 18 Orange Park, FL 32065 PO Box 74424 • Mr. John Klopfenstein, President 407-701-1030 New River, AZ 85087 Club News• ......................................................................................... 21 klopfenstein@iowastateriflepistol. Mr. Al Dart, Secretary 623-687-4251 org • Mr. Noble C. Hathaway, President • Mr. Robert Stokes, President Range Report .................................................................................... 24 • Mr. Ed Roberts, Vice President KANSAS STATE RIFLE ASSOCIATION NRA Affiliated StateSPORT Associations .................................................... 28 GEORGIA SHOOTING PO Box 219 ASSOCIATION ARKANSAS RIFLE & PISTOL Bonner Springs, KS 66012-0219 PO Box 1733 ASSOCIATION • Ms. Patricia Stoneking, President NRA Field Representatives ............................................................... 31 Macon, GA 31202 PO Box 2348 913-667-3044 Conway, AR 72033 501-327-4702 Mr. David Joyner, President 479-263-6665 Ms. Ann Fairless, Sec./Treas.

• •


• •



table of

• •

• •


Mr. Silvio M. Montanarella, President Mr. John C. Fields, Executive Director

609 W. Littleton Blvd, Ste 206 Littleton, CO 80120 720-283-1376 Mr. Tony Fabian, President 303-663-9339 office • Mr. David Gill, Vice President Established www.cssa.org1995 and published

• •

quarterly by the Field Operations CONNECTICUT STATE RIFLE & Division of the National Rifle REVOLVER ASSOCIATION Association PO Box 754 of America. North Haven, CT 06473 • ©Mr. Brad 2012 Palmer, President Copyright National Rifle Association 860-480-4600 • Mr. Randy Bieler, Director

478-955-7068 Barbara Senbertrand, President Mr. Tom E. Patton, Sec./Treasurer

l Volume 28 l CLUB CONNECTION 17, Number 2 ● NRA Clubs & Associations

PO Box 543 Kailua, HI 96734 808-261-2754 info line Mr. Harvey F. Gerwig, President Bill Richter, Secretary

Mr. Neill Goodfellow, President Mr. Jon Carter, Secretary

ILLINOIS STATE RIFLE ASSOCIATION, INC. Editors: • • Ms. Elizabeth Brown, Secretary 913-608-1910


2500 Handy’s Bend Road Wilmore, KY 40390 859-858-0135 • Rev. Tom Cottingim, NRA Liaison • Mr. Mark Nethery, President


350 Quill Court Slidell, LA 70461 985-781-4174 • Mr. Daniel Zelenka II, President • Mr. Danny Hudson, Secretary Design & Layout: Melissa Betts

PO Elizabeth Box 637 Bush NationalILManager Chatsworth, 60921 Marketing Coordinator PINE TREE STATE RIFLE & Clubs,Associations, & Range Services (MAINE) 815-635-3198 office PISTOL ASSOCIATION, 703-267-1343 INC. 815-635-3723 fax 703-267-1348 • Mr. Ronald Vaillancourt, President Mr. Richard Pearson, Exec. Dir. (800) NRA-Club (672-2582) Son Nguyen (703) 267-3939 fax • Mr. Angus N. Norcross, Treasurer Marketing Manager Mr. Donald A. Moran, President 703-267-1345

11250 Waples Mill Road- Fairfax, VA 22030 ●

State Associations MARYLAND STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASSOCIATION • Mr. Richard Kussman, President • Mr. Douglas Self, 1st Vice President


PO Box 567, 37 Pierce Street Northboro, MA 01532 508-393-5333 office 508-393-5222 fax Mr. James Wallace, Executive Director Mr. Jon Green, Jr., Dir. Training & Edu.

MICHIGAN RIFLE & PISTOL ASSOCIATION PO Box 530637 Livonia, MI 48153-0637 • Mr. Leo Cebula, President • Mr. Gary Duda, Sec./Tres.

MINNESOTA RIFLE & REVOLVER ASSOCIATION, INC. MRRA Secretary 4737 CR 101, Box 114 Minnetonka, MN 55345-2634 • Mr. George Minerich, President


Mr. Douglas Bowser, President Ms. Deborah Withers, Secretary


PO Box 10170 Columbia, MO 65205-4002 573-449-2849 • Lee Koester, Secretary/Treasurer • Mr. Kevin Jamison, President


PO Box 48 Ramsay, MT 59748 406-782-3450 Mr. Jamey Williams, President Ms. Zona Mowrer, Sec./Membership


13105 Sky Park Drive Omaha, NE 68137 402-933-4881 Mr. Bill J. Keil, President Mr. W. Aaron Woehler, Secretary


5575 Simmons St, Ste I-176 North Las Vegas, NV 89031 Mr. Don Turner, President Mrs. Megan Ferrante, Secretary


P.O. Box 847 Concord, NH 03302-0487 603-225-4664 (GO-NH) Mr. Mitch Kopacz, President Mr. Ralph Demicco, Vice President


5 Sicomac Road, Suite 292 North Haledon, NJ 07508 Mr. Scott L. Bach, President Ms. Kathy Chatterton, Exec. VP


PO Box 30850 Albuquerque, NM 87190-0850 505-856-6574 Mr. Ed Dresner, President Mr. Ken Laintz, Membership Secretary


90 S. Swan Street, Suite 395 Albany, NY 12210 510-272-2654 Mr. Tom H. King, President Mr. Joseph P. DeBergalis, Jr., VP

NORTH CAROLINA RIFLE & PISTOL ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 4116 Pinehurst, NC 28374 910-295-7220

• •

Mr. David McFarling, President Mr. David Prest, Membership Sec. 910-639-4742 office


PO Box 228 Bismark, ND 58502-0028 Mr. Rick Jorgenson, Exec. Director Mr. James Ladwig, President


P.O. Box 43083 Cincinnati, OH 45243-0083 513-891-1325 Ms. Gwen Bailey, President Mr. Keith V. Bailey, Secretary


P.O. Box 850927 Yukon, OK 73085-0927 405-324-8498 • Mr. Charles Smith, Executive Director 405-324-2450 office/fax • Mr. Rick N. Baker, Secretary 405-867-4460 x239 office/fax


Mr. Tim Pitzer, Vice President Mr. Stan Pate, President


Mr. Jack Lee, President 724-865-2597 phone/fax Mrs. Becky Dutra, Secretary


PO Box 10177 Cranston, RI 02910 Mrs. Gail Hogan, Secretary Mr. Charles Hawkins, President

Volume 17, Number 2 l CLUB CONNECTION l 29


PO Box 211 Little Mountain, SC 29075 Mr. Gerald Stoudemire, President Ms. Peggy Bodner

SOUTH DAKOTA SHOOTING SPORTS ASSOCIATION PO Box 3 Dell Rapids, SD 57022 605-428-5488 • Mr. Dan Anderson, Comm. Dir. • Mr. Tom Raines, President


6653 Jocelyn Hollow Road Nashville, TN 37205 Dr. Ray Harvey, President 615-352-3954 Mr. Eugene Paranick, Membership Dir. www.


314 E. Highland Mall Blvd., Ste 300 Austin, TX 78752 512-615-4116 office Mr. Stephen Hall, Exec. Director Mr. Robert Butler, President


4834 Van Buren Avenue Ogden, UT 84403 801-449-9763 office 801-476-8274 fax • Mr. Elwood P. Powell, President • Mr. Ralph Schamel, Vice President

• •

Mr. Lucien Charette, Executive Director Ms. Andrea T. Smith, Sec./Treas. www.myvssa.orgsa.


P.O. Box 382 DuPont, WA 98327 Mr. Duane Hatch, Secretary Mr. James Crosier, President


P.O. Box 2504 Buckhannon, WV 26201 304-472-5174 Ms. Amy Tenney, Treasurer Mr. Gary Bailey, President

Wisconsin Firearm Owners, Ranges, Clubs and Educators • •

Mr. Jeff Nass, President 920-687-0505 Mr. Gary Nichols, Secretary 262-246-3317


PO Box 94 Guernsey, WY 82214 Mr. Mark Spungin, President Mr. Roger Sebesta, Secretary/Treasurer


PO Box 225 Lyndonville, VT 05851 Mr. Clint Gray, President Mr. Evan Hughes, VP/NRA Liason

VIRGINIA SHOOTING SPORTS ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 1258 Orange, VA 22960 540-672-5848

30 l CLUB CONNECTION l Volume 17, Number 2

NRA Endorsed Insurance Program Participant

NRA Field Representative Directory

EASTERN REGION ●Eastern Regional Director Area 1 (ME, NH, VT) Area 2 (NY) Area 3 (CT, MA, RI, Lower NY) Area 4 (DE, Eastern PA) Area 5 (Western PA) Area 6 (MD, NJ) Area 7 (DC, Western VA, WV) Area 8 (Eastern NC) Area 42 (Western NC) Area 45 (Eastern VA)

Brian Hyder Lauralee Pearson Jay Rusnock Eric Bieler Kory Enck Thomas Baldrige Brian Swartz Jim Kilgore Lloyd Edwards Robert Doug Merrill David Wells

276-579-9828 207-375-5143 845-298-7233 860-426-1478 717-689-3200 724-861-0447 973-343-2104 304-255-2916 919-776-0922 828-628-0410 434-696-2189

CENTRAL REGION ●Central Regional Director Area 12 (Southern OH) Area 14 (IN) Area 15 (KY) Area 17 (WI) Area 18 (Northern IL) Area 19 (MO) Area 43 (TN) Area 49 (Northern OH) Area 51 (MI) Area 52 (Southern IL)

Philip Gray Bryan Hoover John Crone Larry Summarell, Jr. Scott Taetsch Michael F. Huber Gregg Pearre Mike Webb Marc Peugeot Allan Herman Chad Franklin

740-773-4119 740-297-4255 317-837-5673 270-586-5031 715-873-3360 815-652-0033 573-761-5466 901-382-4789 419-636-3171 989-686-3013 217-536-6978

Al Hammond Dale Carwile Brad Ward Howell Lancaster Dick Kingsafer Gene Newman Chris Griffin Liz Foley Greg Stephens Jack Cannon Tom Knight

386-462-5421 864-223-9900 770-228-8218 352-463-1673 601-794-0068 205-489-1288 817-441-7700 936-273-6397 479-705-1815 325-617-4460 941-748-7676

Tom Ulik Darren DeLong Scott Lembke Tim Bacon Rick Chrisman Peter Ide Joseph Crismore David Manzer Gwen Chermack Clay Pederson

507-993-1824 405-692-8672 218-844-2000 515-576-1285 913-294-9956 505-281-6721 406-293-2498 307-746-2520 719-539-9574 701-522-9622

Brad Kruger Donna Cassity John Kendall Steve Vreeland Mike Carey Daniel Wilhelm Mike Davis Jason Quick Marc Steinke Keifer Lewis Steve Wilson Bob Anderson

208-305-0945 520-316-0620 435-652-3062 208-286-0950 541-385-9404 707-994-5877 714-368-0451 805-239-4246 719-322-4072 360-985-7749 209-847-4826 209-723-0233

SOUTHERN REGION ●Southern Regional Director Area 9 (SC) Area 10 (GA) Area 11 (Northern FL) Area 16 (LA, Southern MS) Area 22 (AL) Area 25 (Northern TX) Area 26 (Southern TX) Area 39 (AR) Area 47 (Western TX) Area 48 (Southern FL) MID WEST REGION ●Mid West Regional Director Area 20 (OK) Area 21 (MN) Area 23 (IA, NE) Area 24 (KS) Area 27 (NM) Area 28 (MT) Area 29 (WY) Area 30 (CO) Area 41 (ND, SD) WESTERN REGION ●Western Regional Director Area 31 (AZ) Area 32 (Eastern NV, UT) Area 33 (ID) Area 34 (HI, OR) Area 35 (Northern CA) Area 36 (S. CA, S. NV) Area 37 (Central CA) Area 38 (AK) Area 40 (Western WA) Area 46 (E. CA, W. NV) Area 50 (Mid California)

Volume 17, Number 2 l CLUB CONNECTION l 31

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CLUB CONNECTION National Rifle Association 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, VA 22030

NRA Club Leadership & Development Webinar Series

Reserve Your Spot For An Upcoming Webcast! July 19 - Ranges/NRA Business Alliance September 27 - NRA-ILA Update November 8 - Membership Retention/Recruitment December 13 - Clubs & Associations Wrap-Up

Can’t make these dates? Check back on our website for links to pre-recorded webinars

Online Webcasts All Scheduled - 1pm EST

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