Club Connection, Volume 13, Issue 4

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A Publication of the National Rifle Association of America volume 13, Number 4

NRA National Award Winners

Inside / / 6 Build Your Membership 9 Friends of NRA 20 Club News 28 Contact Info Pictured NRA President John C. Sigler and G.O.A.L. Exec. Director James Wallace

Contents Guest Editorial By Robert L. Viden Jr.


Introduce Someone to Hunting By John C. Sigler, NRA President


Fall 2008 NRA Awards Ceremony


Build Your Membership With Refuse To Be A Victim®


NRA Range Safety Officer Program By Andy Lander, NRA Instructor Programs Coordinator


NRA Women’s Wilderness Escape By Elizabeth Hellmann, Women On Target®


Friends of NRA


Established 1995 and published quarterly by the Field Operations Division of the National Rifle Association of America. John C. Sigler


Ronald L. Schmeits

1st Vice President David A. Keene

2nd Vice President Wayne R. LaPierre

Executive Vice President Edward J. Land, Jr.

Secretary Wilson H. Phillips, Jr.


Kayne Robinson

Executive Director, General Operations Chris W. Cox

Returning To Normal By Vanessa Warner, Disabled Shooting Services


Executive Director, Institute for Legislative Action

White House Conference on Wildlife Policy


NRA-affiliated clubs and associations are authorized to reproduce all or parts of this newsletter.

National Police Shooting Championships By Glen Hoyer, LEAD Director


Letter to the Editor


Club News


NRA Affiliated State Associations


NRA Field Representatives


All editorial matter should be addressed to Elizabeth Bush, National Manager National Rifle Association 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, VA 22030, or to Son Nguyen, Marketing Manager 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, VA 22030 or fax (703)267-3939 Design and layout by Son Nguyen, NRA Clubs & Associations Dept.

© Copyright 2008 National Rifle Association

l club connection l Volume 13, Number 4


Guest editorial

Robert L. Viden, Jr., Chairman Range Development Committee NRA Board of Director


RA Member Clubs and Associations throughout our country are the key to getting NRA programs to our members. The more clubs that affiliate with the NRA and their home State Association the stronger the NRA becomes. At this time, it is more important then ever that the NRA grows and promotes it programs to the public. Within the NRA Clubs and Associations, committees works with other committees to promote NRA programs to reach shooters throughout the US. All committees network together. Clubs and Associations work with range development in preserving and building shooting ranges throughout the country. Sport shooting and Youth committees work with Clubs and Associations to promote activities aimed at younger children. NRA Day is a program that is part of NRA youth camps. It was developed to introduce new shooters to the many NRA shooting disciplines. The more new shooters we develop the better our sport is and the stronger our voice is. Through Clubs and Associations, the NRA-ILA reaches out to member clubs on legislative and political activities that effect firearm owners and the shooting sports. Grass roots division uses Clubs and Associations to reach members with new programs. Clubs that are NRA affiliated are eligible for grants to be used for NRA programs and activities. Also, ranges that are affiliated with the NRA can request grants to improve and construct ranges and expand facilities. Working together to preserve our shooting sports is the goal of all NRA committees. Together, with the support of our members we can all continue to expand our sport.

Volume 13, Number 4 l club connection l

President’s column

Introduce Someone To Hunting This Season


s a lifelong hunter, this is the most enjoyable time When it comes to of the year for me and if you are a hunter, too, you hunter safety training, NRA probably feel the same way. wrote the book back in John C. Sigler, NRA President No matter where you live or what you hunt—deer or 1949. ducks, quail or cottontails, grouse or geese, elk, moose or Today, NRA programs squirrels—hunting season is probably in full swing in your bring American hunters like neck of the woods right now, just as it is in mine. you the best safety and skills training available anywhere. I hope you will be able to get out there, enjoy Mother For example, NRA’s Youth Hunter Education Challenge Nature and have some fun. And, please, share the fun with (YHEC) trains young men and women not just in shotgun, someone new to the sport. rifle, muzzleloading and archery, but also in orienteering, Hunting occupies a very important position in our culture wildlife identification and advanced hunter-safety drills that and our country.It has been a proud American tradition since have helped make America’s youngest hunters the safest the beginning. And that’s a good thing, because hunting exerhunters in the field. To date, more than 1 million youngsters cises and edifies many of the best values and virtues that make have met the YHEC challenge, and each now has a much America unique in the world. deeper appreciation of the need to conserve and protect Hunting teaches and exemplifies basic American America’s wildlife and the habitat in which it lives and values—self-sufficiency, independence, personal ethics and thrives. individual responsibility—all of which are necessary for a ... person to be a safe and responsible hunter. Likewise, providing food for your family while being a responsible steward of our shared natural resources, and supporting healthy, sustainable wildlife populations, both philosophically and financially, are also part of being a responsible ... American hunter. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, hunting means If you’re an established hunter and you want to hone your exercising and taking a personal stake in your fundamental own skills while helping others do the same, you can do so Right to Keep and Bear Arms. through NRA’s Hunter Clinic Instructor Program with courses Every time you go out to the woods, fields, marshes and on wild turkey, whitetail deer, Western big game hunting and mountains to hunt, every one of these vital ideals is strengthmuch more. ened and sustained. And by giving just one other person just Today, 2 million American women hunt and 4 million one chance to participate in our hunting heritage, you could more enjoy target shooting. And every year more women get double the size of your personal contribution to freedom from their start through NRA’s Women on Target hunting excurone dedicated defender of freedom to two. sions and instructional shooting clinics. Imagine the impact if 14 or 15 million hunters followed The NRA Great American Hunters Tour, and its 40your lead, swelling our ranks to 28 or 30 million! head collection of North America’s highest-scoring whiteHunting has attracted millions of Americans to the tail mounts, including Boone & Crockett’s all-time No. 1 NRA and to a broader understanding and more passionate ìtypical,î brings hunters the latest tips and techniques at belief in the Second Amendment as the ultimate guarantee of sportsmen’s shows nationwide. our freedom and personal safety.

Your NRA is America’s foremost defender of hunting and hunters’ rights, and hunters are among America’s most important stakeholders in the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

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Featured Story

Fall 2008 NRA Awards Ceremony


n Friday, September 12, the NRA Board of Directors gathered to honor individuals and organizations in recognition of their outstanding achievements and service to the NRA and to all firearm owners around the world. The people recognized in this awards ceremony distinguished themselves through their dedication and commitment to the NRA and the principals for which it stands. The 2007 Outstanding Club Award was presented to the Dallas

Arms Collectors Association of Dallas, Texas for their highly distinguished record of service and organization. This club is very active in their state through the sponsoring of youth shooting programs in conjunction with the Arlington Sportsman’s Club, 4-H, Boy Scouts, and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. They also host (5) Texas Hunter Education Courses each year and actively support the Dallas Police Department “Swift Response Team” at the state special weapons and tactics competition. In addition, this club’s 350 members meet monthly to plan (5) gun shows, (5) business meetings, an annual club picnic/shooting tournament and an annual members banquet. The 2007 Outstanding State Association Award was presented to the Gun Owners’ Action League of Northboro, Massachusetts in honor of their effectiveness in carrying out the purposes and objectives of the National Rifle Association in their state.

NRA NATIONAL AWARD WINNERS 2007 Outstanding Club Dallas Arms Collectors Association Dallas, TX Billy E. Carter, President

2007 Outstanding State Association Gun Owners’ Action League Northboro, MA John Durkin, President James Wallace, Executive Director

2007 Most Outstanding Friends of NRA Committee Pennsylvania’s First – Dale Emerick STX-01 Corpus Christi – Laura Berry

2007 Jay M. Littlefield NRA-ILA Volunteer of the Year Robert Grieser David Waldrip

2007 Instructor Recruiter of the Year Cheryl Lamar-Wagner – Cypress, TX

2007 Gun Show Promoter Recruiter of the Year Joe Wanenmacher – Tulsa, OK

2007 Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Capt. Philip Hemphill – Mississippi Highway Patrol

2008 NRA-ILA Volunteer Organization of the Year Buckeye Firearms Association, Ohio Jim Irvine

2008 Outstanding Achievement Youth Award Jeff Bue – Fairbanks, AK Pictured NRA President John C. Sigler and G.O.A.L. Exec. Director James Wallace

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NRA Programs

Build Your Membership With The Refuse To Be A Victim® Program Refuse To Be A Victim®, the crime prevention program of the National Rifle Association, can be a great program to bring a new audience to your club or association. Refuse To Be A Victim® offers vital personal protection information to groups as diverse as high school or college students, to senior citizens or the physically handicapped. Individuals who may not be interested in the shooting sports or hunting would be willing to attend a Refuse To Be A Victim® seminar. This program can bridge the gap, expand your membership and bring new people into the NRA family. While Refuse To Be A Victim® is a non-shooting, nonfirearms class it is a wonderful avenue to educate the public about your club or association and provide the public with essential information for their safety. The Refuse To Be A Victim® three to four hour seminar teaches methods to promote awareness, avoid dangerous situations and prevent criminal confrontations. Experts agree that the most important factor in surviving a criminal attack is to have an overall safety strategy before you need it. Seminar topics include home, automobile, phone, technology, travel and personal security. Participants are presented with a variety of common‑sense crime prevention and personal safety strategies and devices they may integrate into their daily lives. Refuse To Be A Victim® was developed by the women of the NRA in 1993 in response to requests from women nationwide for crime prevention seminars. In 1997, the program became co‑ed. With over thirteen hundred instructors nationwide, seminars have been presented in 50 states and the District of Columbia. Over 68,000 men and women have benefited from the program’s life saving message. National Rifle Association Certified Firearms Instructors l club connection l Volume 13, Number 4

and Training Counselors are eligible to home study to become Certified Instructors for Refuse To Be A Victim®. For information on becoming a Certified Instructor or on hosting a seminar in your club contact the Refuse To Be A Victim® office at 800-861-1166 or email

Above: Refuse To Be A Victim Certified Instructor, Robert Lavery, leads a seminar at the Arlington-Fairfax Chapter of the Isaac Walton League of America, located in Centreville, VA. Below: Refuse To Be A Victim Seminar attendees at a recent event at the Summit County Sheriff’s Training Center in North Canton, Ohio.


Add more credibility and help your club reduce liability by participating in the NRA Range Safety Officer Program By Andy Lander NRA Instructor Programs Coordinator What is an NRA Range Safety Officer (RSO)? The NRA Range Safety Officer program was developed in response to the demand for a nationally recognized range officer certification. NRA RSOs are people who possess the knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to organizing, conducting, and supervising safe shooting activities and range operations. NRA RSOs must be 21 years of age or older. The RSO course consists of: RSOs roles and responsibilities, range standard operating procedures (SOPs), range inspection and range rules, firearm stoppages and malfunctions, and Range Safety Briefings which include emergency procedures. Candidates must also receive 90 percent or better on the written exam. How does one become a certified NRA RSO? There are two ways an individual can become an NRA Certified Range Safety Officer. The first option is only available to individuals who currently possess a valid NRA Firearms Instructor certification or NRA Coach appointment in one of the NRA’s firearms training programs. NRA Coaches and Certified Instructors have the option of taking the Range Safety Officer course by home validation. To take the RSO course by home validation, an NRA trainer may order on line at or call the NRA Program Materials Center at 1-(800)-336-7402 to order the Range Safety Officer Student Packet (item number 13520), complete the exam, and mail the exam along with the application and appropriate fees to the NRA Training Department. Those individuals who do not hold a trainer rating must attend an RSO course. RSO courses are conducted by Chief RSOs. The term “Chief Range Safety Officer” is the title that the NRA uses to identify those individuals certified to train NRA RSOs. The RSO course is a nine-hour course that consists of classroom time and practical exercises conducted on a range. RSO candidates will receive the Range Safety Officer Student Packet (item Number 13520) which can be

obtained by the CRSO from the NRA Program Materials center at 1-(800)-336-7402 or may be purchased online at How does one become an Instructor to teach the RSO Course? As indicated, the NRA calls these individuals Chief Range Safety Officers (CRSO). One of the ways an instructor may obtain the rating is by attending an NRA Training Counselor Workshop (TCWS). If the Training Counselor candidate already has the RSO rating, then he/she will be upgraded to CRSO upon successful completion of the TCWS. Individuals who possess the RSO certification may attend a CRSO course put on by an NRA Training Counselor who also holds the CRSO certification. This is an instructor level course, so the Training Counselor must make sure that the individual has been through the NRA Basic Instructor Training (BIT), which is a minimum of six hours. This course, accompanied with the Basic Range Safety Officer’s course, is given to the CRSO candidate. The materials that the CRSO candidate will receive are: Range Safety Officer Lesson Plans (item number 13516) and Range Safety Officer Student Packet (item number 13520). NRA has a waiver process for those RSOs that are also certified instructors. Instructor/RSOs submit a request in writing for the upgrade, a resume of shooting experience, a letter from the range or club “officer or manager” on the range or club letterhead, requesting the upgrade and why, with the appropriate payment of $11.00 for members and $26 for non-members. A new CRSO must order a Range Safety Officer Lesson Plan (item number 13516). When conducting an RSO course each candidate must be provided with a Range Safety Officer Student Packet (item number 13520). The CRSO will grade the exams and submit the application, appropriate fees and course report form (item number 14680) to the NRA Training Department. For more information, please contact the NRA Training Department at (800) 672-3888 x1428 or email

Volume 13, Number 4 l club connection l

NRA Programs

Volunteer for NRA Women’s Wilderness Escape By Elizabeth D. Hellmann Women On Target® National Program Coordinator


oin an elite cadre of instructors, coaches, and administrative staff as a volunteer at the 2nd Annual NRA Women’s Wilderness Escape in September 2009. This exciting new program will be located at the world’s premiere shooting facility, the NRA Whittington Center. The NRA Women’s Wilderness Escape debuted in July 2008 and established itself as a hallmark of excellence for volunteers who want to help women learn to shoot. “This was the best-planned event I have ever helped start up,” said NRA Certified Instructor Mike Keough of Colorado Springs. All kinds of volunteers are needed, from NRA Coaches to instructors in high power rifles, long range shooting, archery, and outdoor skills. We also need photographers,

2008 Shotgun Instructors Slaughter, Rosenqvist, and Mullen

transportation managers (drivers) and administrative volunteers. If you have a special expertise that you think will fit with our plans, let us hear from you! Space is extremely limited and it fills up quickly, so if you’re interested, don’t wait to let us know. Volunteers will arrive on September 19 or 21 (depending on assignments) and depart on October 5. Food, housing, and apportioned transportation expenses will be provided by NRA Women’s Programs Department. Contact Patty Zollman today at (800) 861-1166 or for a Women’s Wilderness Escape Volunteer Application. For more information, please see our web page at escape.asp.

President’s Column continued from pg 4 For more information on how NRA’s many hunting programs can help you reach out to first-time hunters, please visit, or call NRA’s Hunter Services Department at (703) 267-1500. Your NRA is America’s foremost defender of hunting and hunters’ rights, and hunters are among America’s most important stakeholders in the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. So I ask you to do your part to keep this precious American heritage alive and thriving by introducing someone new to our hunting traditions this year. There are many men and women, young and old, who would enjoy hunting and cherish Second Amendment freedom much more if only a parent or grand-parent, spouse, aunt or uncle, neighbor or friend would offer them the opportunity to try hunting just once. I say just once because just one trip to the field; just one morning in a duck blind, goose pit or tree stand; just one day in the woods or watching a good dog work is all it takes to turn just one great hunting experience into a lifetime as a responsible American hunter enjoying the exercise of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. And once they have enjoyed ìthe exercise of the right,î those new hunters will surely become brand-new defenders of our precious Right to Keep and Bear Arms, as well. Yes, take a youngster hunting, but don’t forget his mom and dad will enjoy becoming a part of America’s great hunting heritage, too.

l club connection l Volume 13, Number 4


What is Friends of NRA?


riends of NRA is an exciting grassroots fund-raising program that fosters community involvement, raises money and gives 100% of the net proceeds to qualified local, state and national programs. Thanks to dedicated individuals across America, Friends of NRA is making a difference. Working with NRA’s Field Staff, thousands of volunteers nationwide are participating in the program by organizing committees and planning events in their communities. Since it’s inception in 1992, Friends of NRA has raised over 125 million, held over 11,000 events, and reached over 2 million attendees. What can I expect at a Friends of NRA Event? The format is simple-food, fun, family and fund-raising. Whether you are a hunter, competitive shooter or just a proud gun owner, Friends of NRA events have something of interest for the entire family. Events include dinner followed by exciting auctions, games, and special drawings for unique and collectible merchandise. Attendees bid on items from the standard Friends of NRA merchandise package, as well as special products and services donated to specific events by local businesses and community members. “Friends of NRA merchandise includes very desirable limited edition firearms, wildlife art from popular artists, jewelry, and shooting sports, hunting and outdoor equipment.

How are event funds distributed? All net proceeds benefit The NRA Foundation, with half allocated to fund projects within the state where the money was raised. The NRA Foundation uses the other half to fund similar projects with a national scope. Friends of NRA committee volunteers are appointed to a State Fund Committee and make recommendations for local grant funding. State Fund Committees have been established in 50 states and 1 federal district located in Washington D.C. To date, The NRA Foundation has funded more than 18,000 grants for a total of $125 million, including but not limited to: youth firearms safety and education programs; hunter education; range development and improvement; support materials for training classes; women’s safety classes; and wildlife conservation efforts. Recognizing that America’s young people represent the future of the shooting sports, State Fund Committee grants frequently target youth programs, allocating more than 50% of grant monies to this important area. For more information visit or call (800) 672-3888 x1354

Attendees at the Bay Friends of NRA 1st Event on the USS Hornet. Volume 13, Number 4 l club connection l

NRA Programs

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Volume 13, Number 4 l club connection l 11

NRA Programs

Returning To Normal By Vanessa Warner, Manager, Disabled Shooting Services Competitive Shooting Division One week after starting as the Manager of Disabled Shooting Services for the National Rifle Association, I was handed a two-inch thick folder of messages that my new coworkers had been saving since my predecessor retired in November. As I began to return phone calls, I found that most people were both surprised and grateful, explaining that they had all but given up on ever hearing back from the NRA. One of those people is a man by the name of John “J.J.” O’Shea of North Carolina. After introductions and jokes about my diving right into work, J.J. began to talk about a program called “M1 for Vets” that he created to provide a way for America’s wounded heroes to get back onto the firing range. J.J. asked for nothing; he truly wanted to just tell the NRA about his program and see if someone would like to join them on the range at Quantico on July 19. There was something to this man’s enthusiasm that was contagious. His obvious dedication and devotion to both the sport and the young men and women in the military compelled me to be there, and I quickly blocked off the day on my calendar. Upon arrival, I wandered into the picnic pavilion and introduced myself to the first person I saw who just happened to be the man I was looking for. J.J. O’Shea is a big teddy bear of a man with closely cropped hair and a smile that shines from ear to ear. I was quickly introduced to so many people that names became confusing. As we sat around chatting and eating the lunch provided by USMC Gunnery, people continued to drift in. One of those people was a young Marine Corporal by the name of Steve Kiernan. Steve sustained the loss of both legs only nine weeks ago while on duty in Iraq. Although he has already been fitted for his prosthetic legs, he arrived this day in his wheelchair accompanied by his father. I have learned very quickly that these young men do

not want a bunch of fanfare made about them, but it was hard to be in the presence of someone so young, who has sacrificed so much, and not trip over myself trying to do any and everything for him that I could. After we finished lunch, the Army Marksmanship Unit’s rifle team (along with a number of the Marine Corps rifle team members) joined us under the pavilion as J.J. stood to make some announcements. After thanking everyone for coming out that day, he opened a rifle case and produced a fully rebuilt M1A, the serial number of which can be traced to being manufactured one week after Pearl Harbor was hit in 1941. JJ’s program includes rebuilding military rifles for our soldiers to have use of and, as often as possible, to be given to them. The rifles and parts are donated by a variety of people and companies who feel the same way about giving back to our soldiers as J.J. does. U.S. Army Medic Staff Sergeant Brian Mancini was presented with this M1A four days shy of the one-year anniversary of being severely wounded in Baghdad.

Pictured J.J. O’Shea and Brian Mancini

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The Hunt for Great Club Insurance Stops Here The hunting season is upon us and clubs are busy renewing leases, ramping up safety procedures, testing equipment and preparing for the hunting activities of members and guests. Even though things are hectic, it’s important to be sure all your bases are covered before any hunting commences.


f your club leases land, be sure to get a written agreement between the landowner and your club. The lease should clearly state information about the price, when payment is due, who has access to the property and at what times, what can or cannot be altered or constructed by the club, specific landowner duties (constructing food plots, mowing, pumping water, etc.), subleasing and, most importantly, liability insurance.

One of the key elements in your club’s success is its protection if someone is injured. That means securing a liability insurance policy. Because hunting clubs are involved in a potentially dangerous activity, concerns about liability should be a priority for not only the club, but the landowner as well. Despite how well the club promotes safety, it takes just one over-zealous hunter not following a safety rule, or a slip on a treestand for an accident to occur. Your NRA Affiliation gives you a distinct advantage over other clubs - access to the NRA Endorsed Insurance Program. Created by the NRA and industry experts, the program is designed specifically to cover the unique exposures facing hunting clubs, providing coverage for club firearms and million-dollar liability coverage. More than 8,000 NRA affiliated clubs currently participate in the program. Coverage is written with carriers rated “A” (Excellent) by A.M. Best. The NRA program includes coverage for: Club activities occurring away from the club Coverage is not restricted to activities held just at the club premises like other policies. Whether it’s attending a shooting competition at another club, participating in a fundraiser, or other normal club activities that occur away from the club premises, your club is covered.

Coverage for club activities conducted in other states General liability coverage applies in the coverage territory which includes the U.S. and its territories, Puerto Rico and Canada. Worldwide coverage applies for an insured, whose home is in the coverage territory, while away for a short time on your business. The policy excludes any premises used for the purpose of holding one or more gun or firearm shows. Coverage for club members Coverage includes club members as additional insureds. This means an individual member, as well as the club, would be defended for allegations of negligence relating to club activities. Medical Payments The general liability policy has a sub-limit of $5,000 for Medical Payments per person regardless of whether or not an injury is the result of an accident caused by the club’s negligence. Don’t put your club’s (or its members) security in jeopardy. The NRA Endorsed Insurance Program sales team will assist you in making sure your club has the coverage it needs. Call (877) 487-5407 to begin a free, no-obligation insurance review today. The program offers free, no-obligation rate quotes. Or visit www/ for additional information.

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NRA update

White House Conference on Wildlife Policy Held in Reno, NV Tasks Hunting and Conservation Community to Carry Polices Forward Reprint permission granted by Mr. David Adams, President, Virginia Shooting Sports Association


he historic meeting to launch the next century of wildlife conservation concluded October 3rd, with an announcement of a new program to increase access for hunters and a challenge to carry forward and implement a far-reaching recreational hunting and wildlife conservation plan. The White House Conference on North American Wildlife Policy was the first time in one hundred years that a sitting President convened a meeting to address the challenges facing conservation and our hunting heritage and only the third time that a nationwide wildlife policy was considered. Over 500 participants, representing wildlife and hunting conservation organizations, the outdoor industry, landowners, and local, state, tribal and federal resource managers, discussed what is necessary to ensure sustainable wildlife populations and promote our nation’s hunting heritage. “Through the leadership of this Administration we were charged with identifying our community’s greatest challenges and outlining common-sense solutions that can be embraced by a broad spectrum of stakeholders,” stated Bob Model, Chairman of the Boone & Crockett Club who chairs the Sporting Conservation Council a federal advisory committee chartered to advise the U.S. Departments of the Interior and Agriculture on wildlife and hunting issues. “Their legacy is starting the process and now it is our opportunity to be the bridge to carry these recommendations forward and ensure that they are implemented. The Conference that concluded here today was by no means the culmination of a process it is in fact the beginning of our work for the next decade and beyond.” One of the greatest barriers identified by the hunting community is access to quality hunting opportunities and one of the recommended solutions to that issue was carried forward by the Conference’s keynote speaker. During

the closing session of the Conference, Vice President Dick Cheney announced a new incentive payment through the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) to landowners who allow public hunting access on their property. Landowners who are enrolled in CRP will now be eligible for a $3 per acre incentive if they sign on to their state’s hunting access program; the incentive is expected to open an additional 7 million acres of quality wildlife habitat for hunting. “Without access to places to hunt, there will be an erosion of people who go hunting - this is one of the most fundamental issues we face today,” commented David Nomsen Chairman of the American Wildlife Conservation Partners and Vice President for Government Affairs with Pheasants Forever/Quail Forever. “Enhancing a program like CRP that has been so successful at protecting critical wildlife habitat by encouraging landowners to open that land for hunting creates a win-win-win situation for private landowners, habitat conservation and hunter access.” Over the course of the last year, the Sporting Conservation Council and members of the American Wildlife Conservation Partners have worked closely with other experts in the wildlife conservation community, the shooting and hunting industry, state and federal management agencies, and congressional leaders to outline major issues facing wildlife and hunting and to make recommendations to address these challenges. The issue analysis and recommendations are documented in a series of white papers that formed the foundation for a preliminary ten-year Recreational Hunting and Wildlife Conservation Plan that was discussed at the Conference. The goal of the Conference was to ground-truth the action plan and to allow participants to take ownership of the implementation. continued on page 17 Volume 13, Number 4 l club connection l 15

Law enforcement

National Police Shooting Championships-“WOW!”


ell, the 2008 National Police Shooting Championships are done. All I can say is “WOW!” We had an outstanding turnout with about 500 officers in total competing in the National Police Shooting Championships, an annual law enforcement which this year encompassed the pre-events of the New Mexico Challengeand the Tactical Police Competition. Our 46th annual NPSC, was September 21 through 24, 2008, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, for the third consecutive year. Law enforcement officers from around the world came to compete for 4,000 trophies and prizes valued at more than $300,000. This makes the NPSC’s prize table one of the best in all of law enforcement competitive shooting. I am grateful for the continued support of our major sponsors including Brownells, ProForce Law Enforcement, FNH-USA, Beretta USA, Smith & Wesson, Colt, Springfield Armory, Glock, DPMS Panther Arms, Remington and Heckler & Koch and about 100 other companies. This year’s event was especially memorable with the arrival of “The Gunny,” R. Lee Ermey, at the range on Wednesday. The Gunny was more than happy to talk with competitors, sign autographs, and pose for pictures. He even participated in the shotgun competition firing a respectable score. The Gunny, who was also our guest speaker at the banquet, had us rolling on the floor with his humor. The New Mexico Challenge, a competition geared toward new shooters who did not possess an NRA PPC 16 l club connection l Volume 13, Number 4

By Glen Hoyer, LEAD Director

Classification card, was a success with over 100 new shooters firing the stock semiautomatic course of fire. This gave many officers from New Mexico an opportunity to give firearm competition a try with obtaining special equipment or a lot of stress of being in a championship. Our TPC, or Tactical Police Competition, was also a hit with over 80 officers competing in a three-gun event that mirrors modern law enforcement training and equipment. Our armorer schools that were held in conjunction with the NPSC, offered by DMPS, Beretta, Glock, and Sig Sauer, enjoyed tremendous participation and will be offered again next year. The value of NRA’s National Police Shooting Championships lies in the fact that this competition tests law enforcement shooting skills. In a life and death situation involving deadly force, an officer’s ability to shoot accurately ...

In a life and death situation involving deadly force, an officer’s ability to shoot accurately is the most important factor.

... is the most important factor. These accuracy skills are put to the test at our Championships. This competition, as well as all shooting competitions, are an extension of training and a honing of skills. Speculation leading up to the championship as to who


might leave Albuquerque with the title of 2008 NPSC Champion was high. The retirement of nine-time NPSC Champion Captain Philip Hemphill of the Mississippi State Patrol left the field wide open. When the smoke cleared a new National Champion was named, U.S. Border Patrol. Agent Robert Vadasz of Tampa, Florida. Vadasz outshot his fellow competitors with a cumulative score of 2980-195x. “It felt good,” Robert said of his win. “Shooting the NRA Bianchi Cup helped me…has taught me a lot about the mental state of firearms competition.” Vadasz took the title of Metallic Sight Champion at the 2008 NRA Bianchi Cup, held annually in May in Columbia, Missouri. Throughout the competition, these law enforcement veterans and countless volunteers are taking the time to listen

to competitors’ stories and feedback. “I’ve been out of the police force since 1991,” Sigler said. “It’s important for the NRA to have the ability to get the information we need to better serve the officers out in the field who are helping to keep their hometowns safe.” For more information about NRA’s National Police Shooting Championships or to register for these matches, visit on the Internet, call (703) 267-1632, or send e-mail to lead@nrahq. org. The 2009 NPSC is scheduled for September 20-24, 2009. For a complete listing of results and information about this year’s championships, as well as a variety of downloadable photographs, visit

White House continued from pg 15 “We believe this has been an inclusive process and that the action plan is something that will carry forward through the next decade and beyond, no matter who is in the White House or controlling Congress or state houses,” remarked Jeff Crane, Vice Chairman of the Sporting Conservation Council and President of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation. “We are grateful for the leadership of this Administration in starting the discussions and ‘teeing up’ the action plan, but the success of this plan is dependent on all those who care about wildlife and the great outdoors, in particular the wildlife and hunting community and sportsmen in general, embracing the recommendations and carrying it forward.” The Sporting Conservation Council (SCC) and the wildlife conservation community have been important partners with the Administration on developing the Recreational Hunting and Wildlife Conservation Plan. In order to ensure their continued involvement in the implementation of the action plan, Vice President Cheney called on Congress to reauthorize the SCC for a ten year term. The American Wildlife Conservation Partners (AWCP) is a network of more than forty organizations that work together to conserve wildlife and wildlife habitat as well as to preserve the traditions of hunting and trapping. The partnership is a loose affiliation with partner organizations retaining their autonomy and respecting each other’s differences. For more information on the AWCP and the White House Conference on North American Wildlife Policy go to: Volume 13, Number 4 l club connection l 17

Returning To Normal continued from pg 12 Nearly one year ago, on July 23, 2007, Brian sustained a direct hit in the head that would have killed most men. As he recounted his story to me, I couldn’t help but be amazed by this incredibly resilient 29-year-old young man. After sustaining a hit in the head that blew off most of the right side of his skull, his left cheekbone and most of the teeth in the left side of his mouth, he figured “it was his time to meet his maker.” Being a medic, he had seen what happened to soldiers who sustained hits like his and knew that he probably wouldn’t make it. He cleared the teeth out of his mouth, tried his best to open his airway, told his gunner to tell his family and his fiancé that he loved them, and fought for oxygen as he waited to die. Three weeks later (after being brought back to life twice), to the amazement and relief of his family and fiancé, Brian emerged from a coma. In the past year, he has endured countless surgeries and can talk facial bones and reconstruction like a seasoned surgeon. Having lost his right eye, Brian was on the range that day with his new M1A learning to shoot left-handed while being coached by one of the Army Marksmanship Unit’s lefthanded shooters. Becoming proficient is important, as Brian, Steve Kiernan and Ceamus McDermott will be making the trip to Camp Perry Ohio next week to compete in the Civilian Marksmanship Program Trophy Matches. While on the range, in between relays I met Lee Hampton. As it turned out, USMC Sergeant Lee Hampton was there that day to shoot. Lee sustained a direct bullet wound while in Iraq. In addition to the damage caused when the bullet entered his upper arm, he still has shrapnel in his hands and “too many other places to list.” While excited to be there, the last time Lee heard gunfire it was coming at him and his apprehension about being on a firing range again was obvious.

18 l club connection l Volume 13, Number 4

Lee asked if I would be willing to coach him when it was his turn to shoot and I gladly accepted the invitation. We found a shooting jacket that would fit this gentle giant, got him into the prone position and worked on his natural point of aim. Once the command to fire was given, Lee squeezed off his first shot since being wounded. As the volunteer pitpullers worked his target up and down marking his 10s and Xs, I asked him how he felt to be back on the gun. The smile he gave me in response needed no explanation. He was back on the gun and felt good. At the conclusion of the day, I asked J.J. why he started this program, “we, as citizens, have an obligation and duty to show our respect and admiration to the members or our armed forces. Our group is made up of citizens, both civilian and military, that work together, to make it successful,” he explained. “I started this project to show these wonderful young men and women that we, the shooting community, care and respect them for their service and sacrifice for freedom and our Nation. I consider all these men and women my sons and daughters.” For more information on the M1 for Vets Program, you can contact J.J. O’Shea directly at Donations can be mailed to: M1 for Vets P.O. Box 876 Huntersville, NC 28070 For information about NRA Disabled Shooting Services, contact Vanessa Warner at (703) 267-1495 or


Letter to the Editor Response to Article Volume 13 Issue 3, Club Officer Burnout While the article, “Club Officer Burnout” was right on, I felt that it only fully presented one aspect as to why club officers burn out, and slightly touched on another. However, I believe there are many more factors that come into play, which can cause a good club officer to quit their post. I am leaving my post, in part due to the “extenuating circumstances” of life, but for other reasons as well. In my 15 years of experience in various leadership positions on a “mid-size” shooting team (our attendance has been as low as a dozen participants, and as high as 40 participants per week), I’ve noticed a few things that “chip away at the souls” of my staff, and cause them to distance themselves from the team for awhile, or to resign permanently. These drains on personnel include: 1. Lack of communication among staff members: When members of your staff are not contacted and kept abreast of upcoming events, they will no longer feel welcome in the organization. I’ve found that the best communication plan was to leave a message on my answering machine, and let club members know when to call for their assignments. We met on Tuesday afternoons. Club members were told to call my number on Monday, and listen to the answering machine for instructions. This replaced our old flow chart. E-mail is good, if your staff checks it diligently. 2. Cliques: Friendships will naturally develop among club staff. This is not a problem, unless the same people make a habit of working together, to the exclusion of others in the group. I’m sure some of you have seen it. The “higherups” on staff always taking the choicest assignments, leaving the dirty work to junior staff. Inventory the skills of your personnel and establish a schedule that rotates staff around the club’s various functions. 3. No Return on our Investment: This is a real heartbreaker, especially when you work with a youth group. You pour your heart and soul into giving your students a positive experience in the world of shooting, hoping that as adults, they’ll come back and donate some of their time, resources, equipment, or money, to give to others the same experience you provided for them. Then year after year, few if any, offer even a day of their time. If you grew up in a youth program that had a positive impact in your life, do your former instructors a favor, and drop them a line. Offer to volunteer for a day. Let them know you care.

4. Lack of Associated Support: My club is reliant upon another club (a range) for use of its facilities. However, there are times I feel that my club is walking on eggshells, despite the fact my club has no negative impact on our host club. If your range has the opportunity to promote shooting sports among the youth population, do it. Don’t just allow them to use your range, encourage them. A positive experience in a safe, supervised program ensures safer hunters and shooters, as well as more pro-gun voters. 5. Lack of Appreciation: Not just from students or a host club, but how many times have we jumped in our cars and sped away, because we had something more important to do somewhere else? (I’m guilty of this too.) Take the time to thank each and every member of your staff for their service every time you meet. Let them know you are grateful for their presence, and do it for everyone, from your best coach, to the guy who sweeps up the brass at the end of the day. I am a firm believer of “safety in numbers”, but numbers don’t always ensure that tasks get done, or that your staff will not face any of these pitfalls. A good club officer is not only there to serve the members of the club, but the staff as well. The best leaders are keenly aware of the personal issues faced by staff members, and operate tactfully and privately to resolve them. While many clubs have regular meetings for the entire membership, resolve your group to having routine meetings for staff, not to delegate more work, but to address the needs and concerns of your workers. It is not only delegation of responsibility that enables clubs to retain key staff members, but open communication, and fostering an atmosphere of appreciation and respect that insures a future for shooting sports, and gun ownership in general. Thank you, Robert N. Kroeger (Mr. Robert N. Kroeger began shooting with a BSA Venturing Crew at the age of 14. He participated in various small-bore rifle competitions, including the National Matches in 1995. He went on to become the Rifle Director/Advisor of the Crew, and to serve as a liaison to the National Director of the Venturing Shooting Sports Sub-Committee. He is set to step down from his post this spring, after 15 years with the Crew.)

Volume 13, Number 4 l club connection l 19

club news

NRA Gold Medal Club Awards In 2007, over 80 clubs were recognized with the NRA Gold Medal Club Award across the country. Gold Medal Clubs receive a wall plaque to display proudly at their club to show off their achievement. To receive the NRA Gold Medal Club Award, your club must meet ALL of the following criteria:

NRA State Association enables your club to be informed with up-to-date information about your rights as a gun owner at the state and local levels of government. State Associations also have access to offering grants to local clubs who are members. More information about your State Association can be found at

1. Become a 100% NRA Membership Club Has your club’s status changed to 100% NRA Membership? Have you informed the NRA Clubs & Associations department of this change? There are more than 1,300 NRA affiliated clubs that have 100% NRA membership. That means there are many clubs out there that have already met the first criteria of becoming a Gold Medal Club. By becoming 100% NRA, your club will also become eligible for to receive funds from the NRA Range Grant program. More information can be found at

4. Administer or currently incorporate an NRA Youth Program into the Club’s agenda The youth are the future of shooting sports. Youth Programs are used to teach the responsibilities and the pleasures of shooting and hunting skills. As the nation’s population continues to age, it will be up to clubs to educate and recruit youth to be the next leaders and to help continue to protect the Second Amendment. For more information, visit

2. Produce a Club Newsletter Club newsletters do many things for the members. It helps to keep the members informed of the club’s happenings and it can address information on local and statewide issues. Newsletters help to provide the communication within the club to its members to help them stay in touch in this busy world.

5. Be an active participant in the NRA’s Membership Recruiting Program NRA Clubs throughout the country are earning money for their club through this program. Clubs can earn up to $10 for each membership submitted. This is a no cost program, and all supplies are even provided by NRA for free! For more information, contact the NRA Recruiting Department at (800) 672-0004 or email recruiting@nrahq. org

3. Belong to the State Association within your own state Your State Association will help to keep your club informed on the latest updates within your state that may affect your Second Amendment rights. Joining the Official

The application deadline is February 15th annually. Applications are available online at or by phone at (800) NRA-CLUB.

NRA Awards continued from pg 5 GOAL actively promotes NRA training in their state by hosting (5) Women On Target ® clinics, (19) Basic Pistol classes, a Personal Protection Outside the Home class, a RSO course, a Chief RSO course, (2) NRA Instructor Courses for Basic Pistol and Home Firearms Safety, and (1) Instructor Course for Personal Protection Outside the home all in the year 2007. The Gun Owners Action League is also very active in their state legislatively and have sponsored or co-sponsored (8) bills in the 2007 legislative session. In addition, GOAL hosts a variety of competitions annually including pistol, smallbore, trapshooters and muzzleloading championships, as well as Crushing Clays, smallbore and postal smallbore matches for junior shooters. Each year the National Rifle Association recognizes outstanding clubs, state associations, youth clubs, and an individual for public service. Those recognized have demonstrated noteworthy achievements at a national level. For more information about applying for National NRA Club Awards, visit the NRA Clubs & Association’s website at or call (800) NRA-CLUB. The deadline for award applications is December 1, 2008. 20 l club connection l Volume 13, Number 4


New Youth Instructor Awards for 2009


f you’re an NRA-Certified Instructor teaching juniors in your NRA firearms safety classes, take note. For 2009, the Youth Programs Department will recognize the top instructors for the most junior students taught during the year (an award for the most boys taught and another award for the most girls). The winning chief instructors will receive an NRA Life Membership worth $1,000.00. If you are already a Life Member, you may donate your membership award to someone else or use it in a drawing or other fundraiser for your school, troop, crew or club. For scoring, NRA basic course reports for classes taught to juniors up to age 18 during January-December 2009 and received by January 15, 2010 will be used. To be considered for the Award, NRA course reports must include the chief instructor’s name, followed by the Youth Organization. In the student portion of the course report, include the name, address and age (in place of NRA Member #) of your junior students. Adult student names, even if they participated in the class, are not necessary. Additional report forms may be used if class size exceeds the 14 student entry lines available on a single form. Contact NRA Youth Programs at (800) 672-3888 x1596 for more information.

Volume 13, Number 4 l club connection l 21

club news

Northboro Sports Club and BSA compete at “The Grand National” Almost 2,000 teenagers from all over the country met on August 4-5 to participate in the largest shotgun shooting competition in the world. The event is the Scholastic Clays Target Program (SCTP) “The Grand National” and is hosted at the World Shooting Complex near Sparta, Illinois. Young Olympic hopefuls from all over the country participate in this two day event hoping to be selected to attend the Olympic Development School at the Olympic Training Camp in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This year, there were only 18 candidates selected to attend this prestigious school. This school is one of the many challenges team member Brett Bachman will complete to become a member of the Olympic Shotgun team. Shotgun is one of many Olympic shooting events. Other events include rifle, pistol, air rifle and air pistol. Brett’s father, Bryan Bachman, and team coach, Bill Marquardt, have been selected to attend the Olympic

By Coach Frank Foster, Northboro Sports Club

Coaches’ School at the Olympic Training School in Colorado Springs. Coach Frank Foster attended this school a few years ago. “The Golden BB’s”, as the Scout team is called, meet on Saturday mornings at Northbrook Sports Club in Hainesville, IL. The team consists of students age 14 thru high school graduation. Northbrook Sports Club and the Boy Scouts of America sponsor this program. It is funded, in part by the Sheridan Rifle & Pistol Club. Offering the Shotgun merit badge provides further funding. The merit badge program also serves as a recruiting tool. For information, contact Frank Foster at 24straight@ or (847) 830-0922. Mr. Frank Foster 711 Juneway Ave. Deerfield, IL 60015

From the Northern Illinois area, representing the Northbrook Sports Club and BSA Crew 1187, from left to right are: Top Row: Brad Bennett, Shane Rische, Doug Bennett, Erik Anderson, Austin Kohlemeyer, Jim Hurtenbach, Courtney Gonzales and Brandi Gonzales. Bottom Row: Coach Bill Marquardt, Coach Frank Foster, Brett Marquardt, Emily Sullivan, Jenna Lebrun, Brett Bachman, Coach Sue Hurtenbach and Coach Dick Eisenmann. 22 l club connection l Volume 13, Number 3


Gunfighters live in Pioneertown By M. Lou Findley, Pioneertown, California Pioneertown lies in the Morongo Basin which is centrally in the southern portion of the state of California. With names marking the surrounding country such as Chaparrosa Wash, Flamingo Heights, and Bullion Range, how could you not think of this place as the heart of the Hollywood west? Western stars including Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, Gail Davis (Annie Oakley), Duncan Renaldo (The Cisco Kid), Leo Carrillo (Pancho), Gene Autry, The Sons of the Pioneers, Jock Mahoney (The Range Rider) and Russell Hayden, (Hopalong Cassidy movie series) all walked these streets packin’ six guns. Gene Autry filmed over 40 of his TV western shows in Pioneertown as well as some of his feature movies. Tom Boring, AKA Jubelum Chance, is the president of Gunfighters for Hire who perform the second and last Sunday of the month from April through October in Pioneertown, California. They represent the post-Civil War era through 1910. They have a ready-made arena because of the generosity of the people who currently live in Pioneertown and the owners of the movie set where they perform. Props consist of different wardrobes for different characters, holsters, prop-guns, wigs, ball and chain, jailer keys, sound equipment and horses, when needed. They are there to play cowboy, inform the public about the old west and Hollywood west and talk about gun safety. “As a group, one of our tenets is to teach our audience about gun safety. We always pick out a child to participate by asking them “What do you do if you find a gun laying on the ground or floor?” Hopefully the answer will be call 9-1-1, or tell your parent or another adult. For that, they get a round of applause and a gift at the end of the show. Then we talk to the audience about transporting a weapon in your car, buying a gun and making sure you know how to use it properly. We urge them to join the NRA and a local range. We also talk about the Second Amendment and perform a re-enactment about an “unloaded” gun and the repercussions of it discharging due to the negligence or ignorance of proper safety precautions and general weapon knowledge; a gun is always considered loaded. We hand out free gun locks to any audience member that needs or wants one.” Their re-enactments are split into three categories: teaching about guns; comedy/Hollywood style with loud gun-

fire; and historical re-enactments. They pick specific scenes from a moment in time to re-enact. Examples of this would be the escape of Billy the Kid from the Lincoln County Courthouse, the Earp/Clanton shootout or the assassination of Sheriff Brady of Lincoln County. Gunfighters for Hire and other re-enacting groups are invited to attend an annual Rendezvous of Gunfighters every May in Pioneertown. This rendezvous is for the re-enactment groups to get together, visit and perform in a “laid-back” atmosphere. This past May, Frontier Army of the West joined the encampment and entertained all the re-enactors as well as the general public. “So Chance, why do you do this?” “For the love of the American West, the history, the legends and the people who made up one of the most celebrated times of our history, the opening of the American Frontier. We want to dispel the Hollywood myths and tell the stories the way they really happened. We want people to know about the people that made up the history of the west, not just the few that get recognition repeatedly. My great-grandparents were part of the Oklahoma land rush and that land is still owned by my family. My grandfather told me stories about the Doolen gang in the Oklahoma territory. He also remembered seeing buffalo bones and wallers on the prairie. He and his father had a sutler store on the Kaw Indian reservation. When he was older, my father became a western history professor. Many of our members have similar stories to tell. I guess most of us never got enough of playing cowboys and cowgirls and reliving those stories when we were kids! “ For more information on Gunfighters for Hire contact Tom Boring AKA “Jubelum Chance” at and/or view the website

Volume 13, Number 4 l club connection l 23

club news

WWGC Lands 2009 Camas Prairie Trapshoot By: Bob Bloch, Secretary Walla Walla Gun Club, Washington The Camas Prairie Trapshooting Association (CPTA) headquartered in Deary, Idaho has just announced that the Camas Prairie Trapshoot for 2009 will be held at Walla Walla Gun Club. The dates for the shoot are March 20-22, 2009. It is hard to over-emphasize how important it is for WWGC to have attracted this huge event. First, the Camas Prairie shoot is one of the largest trapshoots in the Northwest, attracting upwards of 70 squads (350 shooters). It is often bigger than the Washington State Championships or the Inland Empire Shoot at Spokane, it is gigantic. For those who don’t know about the “Camas Prairie”, a little history is in order. The CPTA is a consortium of about twenty gun clubs from Idaho and Washington that banded together in 1953 to form the Camas Prairie Trapshooting Association. Each year, one of the member clubs hosts a trapshoot which coincides with the end of the old Spokesman-Review Telegraphic shoot, and is designed to be


the championship shoot off for trophies and bragging rights for the entire shooting season. Over the years, the shoot has grown so large that only one of the member clubs, Lewiston Gun Club, could handle it. Due to the club’s unfortunate closing, the mantle is passing to Walla Walla Gun Club. It will be quite a job for our Club to maintain the Camas Prairie shoot to the same standard that Lewiston has always set. For now, each member of our Club can simply revel in the knowledge that our Club has succeeded in attracting the premier trapshooting event in the entire Inland Northwest. This will be a huge boost to the fortunes of our Club, and to the shooters of Walla Walla Valley. For more information about the Walla Walla Gun Club, please contact Bob Bloch at (541) 969-7913 or visit their website at

zark Shooters Sports Complex, located 11 miles north of Branson, Missouri has been fortunate to have hosted many different charity events over the past few months. Women’s Recreational Shooting Association (WRSA) hosted the Ladies Charity Shoot in May where 50 ladies shot sporting clays and raised funds for the Shriner’s Childrens Hospital. WRSA hosts 8 shoots around the country during the year and raises funds for such charities like the Shriners Hospital, Cancer Research, Boys and Girls Club and Boy Scouts of America. Friends of NRA Sporting Clays Classic is held each spring at the club and raises money to help fund the grants for the local high school trap teams. This year, two of the local high schools received grants to start up their trap team. These grants were put in place to help teach kids about gun safety, and for some of the kids to compete in local, regional and national trap shoots. In the fall, Knights of Columbus hosts the sporting clay shoot to raise funds for the Special Olympics. This year, 130+ shooters attended the fun filled day of shooting and good times with friends. Corporate events keep the club busy and at the same time are giving new shooters an opportunity to learn about the fun sport of shooting clays. For more information about the Ozark Shooters Sports Complex contact them at (417) 443-3093 or email 24 l club connection l Volume 13, Number 4


Interested in Ammunition? By: Mel Carpenter, Director International Ammunition Association, Inc.


ost NRA-affiliated clubs have activities that involve shooting ammunition: hunting, matches, reloading, trap and skeet, or just plinking. But the members of one NRA association prefer to study and collect ammunition, not shoot it. The International Ammunition Association, Inc. (IAA) has been an NRA-affiliated club for many years. It is a Pennsylvania not-for-profit corporation that exists to promote the study of ammunition of all types and forms and to share information between members and the public. IAA members are authors who share their research by printed and online articles and published books. They are forensic scientists, ammunition manufacturers, government employees, and military personnel. But mainly they are just collectors who share a deep interest in the history of the ammunition specimens they collect, often to compliment a gun collection. One of the IAA’s main club activities is the publication of a bi-monthly 60-page journal with color. The IAA Journal has a diverse mixture of ammunitionrelated articles that cover the history of cartridges from the 1700s to modern times with high-tech experimental military rounds. Columns in each issue cover other cartridge clubs’ publications, patents and trademarks, industry news, coming events, a four-page centerfold color section, collectible-cartridge price guides, legislative alerts, company histories, a lively letters-to-the-editor section, and an extensive section of classified ads. Another main benefit to IAA members is the association web site at The website has information on IAA membership, articles about specialized areas of cartridge collecting, special articles for beginning cartridge collectors, an ammunition glossary, frequentlyasked questions, cartridge head stamp codes, a bibliography of cartridge-related books, cartridge show schedule, a guide to ammunition collecting, links to related sites, and a free copy of the Journal. The IAA sanctions the world’s largest cartridge show, held each spring in St. Louis, Mo. The IAA presents a Cartridge Seminar where several expert presenters discuss and show their specialties with an emphasis on history. Other activities include a traditional banquet and IAA live auction.

Other silent auctions are conducted during the show, in addition to the IAA annual meeting of members and board of directors meeting. Cartridge collecting is a growing hobby almost identical to stamp or coin collecting, where a great deal of knowledge can be gained with almost no expense, except for time, and a significant collection can be created with little cost. The IAA is dedicated to making this NRA-club available to any NRA member who is interested in learning about and collecting the ammunition without which firearms would be useless. For more information about IAA contact: Mel Carpenter 288 Glenlyon Dr. Orange Park, FL 32073 (904) 272-5070 Volume 13, Number 4 l club connection l 25

club news

Advertise your club events with By Paul Helinski, Owner


dvertising a shooting event can be a real challenge, and, the big classified ad website online has just announced a new free program to do

just that. “We have three quarters of a million regular visitors and up to two million visitors to GunsAmerica every month,” explains owner and founder Paul Helinski. “Many of those people would love to be more active in shooting sports but they don’t know how or where. They are from everywhere, every little nook and cranny of America, and that means that probably hundreds of them are near you and your event.” GunsAmerica has created a free advertising system as part of our GunsAmerica calendar that allows you to post any shooting or training event free. When a visitor comes to the website, the website can tell where they logged in from by their internet connection, and the advertisement for your

Hope We Never Need It!


ow many times have gun club boards and officers had to explain expenditures to club members who hated to spend club money? I expected this to be the case when I proposed purchasing an eighteen hundred dollar item that I hoped would never be used! Having taught and coached for thirty-eight years, I had been through the CPR and emergency medical training that most educators receive. And when a new item called an “AED” was presented at an in-service meeting, I was prepared to be bored again. But when the AED (Automatic Electronic Defibrillator) was demonstrated and explained, I knew this was something good. Later in the year, when a student athlete was the object of the AED’s use during a football game, I really became a believer! 26 l club connection l Volume 13, Number 4

event is shown automatically to those within 100 miles. All you need is a free GunsAmerica account to sign up. The ads themselves come up right next to the search results, so visitors don’t even have to click the calendar to see your event. All shooting and training events are free, including gun shows and gun shops that have CCW classes. So far several regional clubs have used the ads and as many as ten new faces showed up at introductory shooting events. Let the power of the internet connect you and your club to the next generation of shooters. They are hungry for the shooting sports heritage that has helped make America great. Take the time to post your event (up to 30 days before) at GunsAmerica, Where America Buys and Sells Guns Questions:

By Billy Carter, President Dallas Arms Collectors Association AED’s are easy to use and with the one we purchased for our club (Dallas Arms Collectors Association, Dallas, TX), all you have to do is turn it on and follow both visual and verbal instructions from the machine. We went with a ZOLL unit from Rescue Medical Group in Plano, Texas, as this was the unit I had used at school. RMG also provided excellent instruction to interested members at a recent club meeting. It was a mandatory session for all members of our Safety Committee to attend. Everyone in the club was very enthusiastic and supportive of our purchase. Our gun shows at Market Hall, Dallas, TX, usually draw about 10,000 interested persons to shop our 1,800 tables, five times each year, so there are plenty of potential users of the machine. Will we ever use it? Hope not! Will we have it if it is ever needed? You bet!


Volume 13, Number 4 l club connection l 27

NRA-affiliated state associations Alabama State Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. James Moses, President 2009 Rodgers Drive, NE Huntsville, AL 35811 256-534-7968 home • Mr. Ramon J. Samaniego, Jr., Secretary/Treasurer 2505 Isabelle Circle, NE Huntsville, AL 35811 256-534-2644

Alaska Outdoor Council, Inc.

• Mr. Dick Bishop, President P.O. Box 73902 Fairbanks, AK 99707-3902 907-455-6151 office 907-455-6447 fax • Mr. Rod Arno, Secretary/Treasurer P.O. Box 87-1069 Wasilla AK 99687

Arizona State Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Landis Aden, President 602-524-4437 office 480-854-8823 fax • Ms. Margaret Conlin, Treasurer 1727 East Alameda Drive Tempe, AZ 85282 480-838-6064 home/fax

Arkansas Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. John Wallis, President P.O. Box 1225 Little Rock, AR 72203 501-455-9669 office • Mr. Rome Helton, Secretary/Treasurer P.O. Box 1225 Little Rock, AR 72203 501-407-2707 office

California Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc.

• Mr. Thomas O. Thomas, President 271 Imperial Highway, Suite 620 Fullerton, CA 92835 714-992-2772 office • Mr. John C. Fields Executive Director 271 Imperial Highway, Suite 620 Fullerton, CA 92835 714-992-2772 office 714-992-2996 fax

Colorado State Shooting Association

• Mr. Tony Fabian, President 510 Wilcox Street #C Castle Rock, CO 80104 303-663-9339 office 303-713-0785 fax • Mr. David Gill

28 l club connection l Volume 13, Number 4

510 Wilcox St #C Castle Rock, CO 80104 303-663-9339 office 303-713-0785 fax Connecticut State Rifle & Revolver Association

• Mr. Randy Bieler, President PO Box 754 North Haven, CT 06473 203-239-2528 Delaware State Sportsmen’s Association

• Mr. John J. Thompson, President 113 North Road Wilmington, DE 19809 302-658-3070 office 302-658-3031 fax • Mr. Daniel Lindbergh, Vice President 2010 Kynwyd Rd Wilmington, DE 19810 302-475-4228 Florida Sport Shooting Association, Inc.

• Mr. Thomas Brusherd, President 5921 Blackthorn Rd Jacksonville, FL 32244 • Mr. Michael D. Langfield, Secretary 5921 Blackthorn Rd Jacksonville, FL 32244 407-701-1030 home 407-273-9356 fax Georgia Sport Shooting Association

• Dr. Paul Broun, President #450 2300 Bethelview Road Suite 110 Cumming, GA 30040-9475 Home: 706-227-0510 • Mr. Scott Bosso, Secretary/Treasurer #450 2300 Bethelview Road Suite 110 Cumming, GA 30040-9475 Hawaii Rifle Association

• Mr. Harvey F. Gerwig, II, President 1039 Kupua Street Kailua, HI 96734 808-261-5287 • Bill Richter, Secretary P.O. Box 543 Kailua, HI 96734 808-261-2754 Info Line

Idaho State Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Neill Goodfellow, President 8156 North Penn Avenue Fruitland, ID 83619 208-452-4183 home • Mr. Jon Carter, Secretary 1065 River Heights Drive Meridian, ID 83642 208-888-2829 phone/fax

Illinois State Rifle Association, Inc.

• Mr. Don A. Moran, President P.O. Box 637 Chatsworth, IL 60921 815-635-3198 office 815-635-3723 fax • Mr. Richard Pearson, Executive Director P.O. Box 637 Chatsworth, IL 60921 815-635-3198 office 815-635-3723 fax Indiana State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc.

• Mr. Jerry Wehner, Executive VP 7527 State Route 56 Rising Sun, IN 47040 812-534-3258 home • Mr. William Jordan, President 755 W. 300 N. Greenfield, IN 47150

Iowa State Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. John Klopfenstein, President 606 S. Harrison Pl Mt Pleasant, IA 52641 • Mr. Bill Besgrove, Secretary 240 Prospect Road North Liberty, IA 52317-9660 319-430-5120 home

Kansas State Rifle Association

• Ms. Patricia Stoneking, President PO Box 117 Bonner Springs, KS 66012 913-667-3044 • Ms. Linda McCune, Executive Officer PO Box 1119 Wichita, KS 67201 316-264-2727

League of Kentucky Sportsmen, Inc.

• Mr. Rick Allen, President P.O. Box 8527 Lexington, KY 40533

// 859-276-3518 home • Mr. Alex Lea, NRA Representative Po Box 8527 Lexington, KY 40533 502-649-8680 Louisiana Shooting Association

• Mr. Lanny Russell President 4737 Hastings St Metairie, LA 70006 504-455-3803 home • Mr. Skip Blanchard, Secretary 3324 Lake Trail Metairie, LA 70003 504-887-5842 home

(Maine) Pine Tree State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc.

• Mr. Leslie M. Ohmart, III, President 73 Sunset Strip Brewer, ME 04412 207-989-7304

Maryland State Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Larry Moreland, President 2814 Needlewood Lane Bowie, MD 20716 301-249-4586 home • Mr. Richard Kussman, Chairman 832 Bear Cabin Drive Forest Hill, MD 21050-2734 410-838-1734 home

(Massachusetts) Gun Owners’ Action League – G.O.A.L.

• Mr. John Durkin, Jr., President P.O. Box 567, 37 Pierce Street Northboro, MA 01532 508-393-5333 office • Mr. James Wallace, Executive Director P.O. Box 567, 37 Pierce Street Northboro, MA 01532 508-393-5333 office 508-393-5222 fax

Michigan Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Leo Cebula, President P.O. Box 530637 Livonia, MI 48153-0637 888-655-6772 office • Mr. Mike Wesner, Secretary/Treasurer P.O. Box 530637 Livonia, MI 48153-0637 888-655-6772 office 269-781-6966 fax Minnesota Rifle & Revolver Association,Inc.

• Mr. Morgen Dietrich, President 14500 45th St NE Foley, MN 56329 320-522-1934 • Mr. George Minerich 14500 45th St NE Foley, MN 56329 320-968-6898 home

Mississippi State Firearm Owners Association

• Mr. Douglas Bowser, President PO Box 1061 McComb, MS 39649 601-249-3315 • Mr. Samuel Richardson, Secretary P.O. Box 6466 Jackson, MS 39282-6466 601-898-9832

Missouri Sport Shooting Association

• Mr. Kevin Jamison, President 6140 N. Wagontrail Rd Columbia, MO 65202 816-455-2669 816-413-0696 fax

Montana Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Matt Egloff, President P.O. Box 4394 Butte, MT 59702 406-723-5704 • Ms. Patsy E. Frimodig, Secretary P.O. Box 477 Park City, MT 59063 406-633-2486 home

775-355-8088 fax • Mr. Mark Geldmacher, Secretary/Treasurer P.O. Box 7512 Reno, NV 89501-7512 775-762-1494 office 775-355-8088 fax Gun Owners of New Hampshire, Inc.

• Mr. Mitch Kopacz, President P.O. Box 847 Concord, NH 03302-0487 603-225-4664 office • Ms. Evelyn Logan, Secretary P.O. Box 847 Concord, NH 03302-0847 603-225-2664 office 877-841-1672 phone/fax

Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs, Inc.

• Mr. Scott L. Bach, President P.O. Box 651 Newfoundland, NJ 07435 • Ms. Judith Iorio, Recording Secretary P.O. Box 1397 Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889

New Mexico Shooting Sports Association, Inc.

• Mr. Charlie Weisleder, President PO Box 9275 Albuquerque, NM 87119 505-877-6128 • Mr. Ken Laintz, Secretary P.O. Box 753 Los Alamos, NM 87544 505-667-0034

New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc.

Nebraska Shooting Sports Association

• Mr. Ronald L. Grapes, President P.O. Box 1585, 3407-19th Ave. Kearney, NE 68848 308-237-7902 home • Mr. Terry Copple, Secretary 10285 North Aspen Avenue Hastings, NE 68901 402-744-2049 home

• Mr. Thomas H. King, President P.O. Box 1023 Troy, NY 12181 518-424-1349 office 518-449-1332 fax or • Mr. Joseph DeBergalis, VP of Operations P.O. Box 1023 Troy, NY 12181

Nevada State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc.

North Carolina Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Robert E. Smith, President P.O. Box 7512 Reno, NV 89501-7512 775-762-1494 office

• Mr. David McFarling, President P.O. Box 4116 Pinehurst, NC 28374 919-929-9585 home

Volume 13, Number 4 l club connection l 29

NRA-affiliated state associations • Mr. David Prest, Secretary P.O. Box 4116 Pinehurst, NC 28374 910-639-4742 office North Dakota Shooting Sports Association

• Mr. Eric Pueppke, President PO Box 228 Bismarck, ND 58502 701-967-8450 • Mr. Steve Faught, Secretary/Treasurer P.O. Box 205 Amenia, ND 58004 701-347-5903 home

Ohio Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. David Johnson, President PO Box 571 Dayton OH 45409 513-934-1468 • Mr. G. Martin Capito, Secretary 1185 Swartz Rd Akron, OH 44306 330-773-2989

Oklahoma Rifle Association

• Mr. G. Don Scott, President Rt. 2, Box 23 Maysville, OK 73057 405-867-5234 home • Mr. Charles Smith, Executive Director P.O. Box 850927 Yukon, OK 73085-0927 405-324-2450 office/fax Oregon State Shooting Association

• Mr. Tim Pitzer, President 2815 South Shore Drive SE Albany, OR 97322 541-928-2460 home • Mr. Jerod Broadfoot, Vice President (503) 930-4926

Pennsylvania Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Jack Lee, President 100 Wycliff Way Butler, PA 16001 724-865-2597 phone/fax • Mr. James G. Johnson, Secretary 405 Hilltop Road Paoli, PA 19301 610-647-2374

30 l club connection l Volume 13, Number 4 Rhode Island State Rifle & Revolver Association

• Mr. Paul Boiani, President P.O. Box 41148 Providence, RI 02940 401-233-0771 office • Mr. Donn C. DiBiasio, Secretary P.O. Box 17452 Smithfield, RI 02917 401-233-0771 office

Gun Owners of South Carolina

• Mr. Gerald Stoudemire, President P.O. Box 211 Little Mountain, SC 29075 803-945-7677 • Mr. Eddie Wagner, Treasurer 864-576-4652

South Dakota Shooting Sports Association

• Mr. BJ McGuire, President P.O. Box 3 Dell Rapids, SD 57022 • Mr. Greg Iversen, Secretary 21421 Richard Road Sturgis, SD 57885 605-347-5445

Tennessee Shooting Sports Association, Inc.

• Mr. Ray W. Harvey, Jr., President C/o BVEOS, 1531 9th Ave N. Nashville, TN 37208 615-291-6762 • Mr. Ralph Walker, Secretary 1436 Right Prong Blue Buck Rd Duck River, TN 38454 Texas State Rifle Association

• Dan Walker President 717 Mountain Ridge Dr Leander, TX 78641 512-260-7157 • Mr. James Dark, Executive Director 620 N Coppell Rd #3402 Coppell, TX 75019 972-889-8772 office

Utah State Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Elwood P. Powell, President 5926 South Fashionpoint Drive #200 Ogden, UT 84403 801-394-1900 office 801-622-2200 fax • Mr. Willis K. Smith, Secretary 1349 West 2600 North Clinton, UT 84015 801-589-5825 home

801-825-6631 Vermont Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, Inc.

• Mr. Roy Marble, President 14 Stafford Avenue Morrisville, VT 05661 802-888-5100 • Mr. William Brunelle Po Box 1231 St. Albans, VT 05478

Virginia Shooting Sports Association

• Mr. Lucien Charette, Executive Director P.O. Box 1258 Orange, VA 22960 540-672-5848 office • Ms. Andrea T. Smith, Secretary/Treasurer P.O. Box 1258 Orange, VA 22960 540-672-4570 home 540-672-5848 office/fax

Washington State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc.

• Mr. Dave Sotelo, President PO Box 993 Ellensburg, WA 98926 509-925-4084 home • Mr. Monte Milanuk, Secretary 4027 Stemilt Creek Rd Wenatchee, WA 98374

West Virginia State Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Barry Hogue, President 1220 Philippi Pike Clarksburg, WV 26301 304-624-5363 • Mr. Richard C. Whiting, Secretary Rt. 1, Box 272-2 Buckhannon, WV 26201 304-472-1449 Wisconsin Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Jeff Nass, President N615 Silver Ln Pulaski, WI 54162 920-687-0505 • Mr. Gary Nichols, Secretary W271 N7055 Hansen Dr. Sussex, WI 53089 262-246-3317

Wyoming State Shooting Association, Inc.

• Mr. Mark Spungin, President P.O. Box 94 Guernsey, WY 82214 307-836-2188 home • Mr. Roger Sebesta, Secretary/Treasurer 625 Sweetwater Street Lander, WY 82520

// 307-335-9323

NRA Field Representative Directory EASTERN REGION •Eastern Regional Director Brian Hyder 276-579-9828 Area 1 (ME, NH,VT) Michael Langton 607-427-8404 Area 2 (Upstate NY) Jay Rusnock 845-298-7233 Area 3 (CT, Upper NJ, Lower NY) Richard P. D’Alauro 631-462-9260 Area 4 (DE, Eastern PA) Kory Enck 717-689-3200 Area 5 (Western PA) Thomas Baldrige 724-861-0447 Area 6 (MD, Lower NJ) Brian Swartz 973-343-2104 Area 7 (DC, Western VA, WV) Jim Kilgore 304-255-2916 Area 8 (Eastern NC) Vacant Vacant Area 42 (Western NC) Robert Doug Merrill 828-628-0410 Area 44 (MA, Northern NY, RI) Vacant Vacant Area 45 (Eastern VA) Bob Hipple 540-6310633

How you can reach us NRA Clubs & Associations Department National Rifle Association Attn: Clubs & Associations Department 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax,VA 22030 (800) NRA – CLUB (672-2582) (703) 267-3939 fax Son Nguyen, Marketing Manager (703) 267-1345 Jack Baker, Marketing Coordinator (703) 267-1351

NRA Range Services Department National Rifle Association Attn: Range Services Department 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax,VA 22030 (800) 672-3888 x1278, x1276, x1279 (703) 267-1011 fax John Joines, Range Services Manager (703) 267-1278 Kara Schlifke, Range Meetings Coordinator, (703) 267-1276 Eric Whitescarver, Assistant Range Coordinator (703) 267-1279

Elizabeth Bush, National Manager Clubs, Associations, & Range Services (703) 267-1348

CENTRAL REGION •Central Regional Director Philip Gray 740-773-4119 Area 12 (Southern OH) Brian Hoover 740-297-4255 Area 13 (Northern MI) Vacant Vacant Area 14 (IN) John Crone 317-946-7260 Area 15 (KY) Larry Summarell, Jr. 270-586-5031 Area 17 (WI) Scott Taetsch 715-873-3360 Area 18 (Northern IL) Michael F. Huber 815-635-3321 Area 19 (MO) Gregg Pearre 573-761-5466 Area 43 (TN) Mike Webb 901-382-4789 Area 49 (Northern OH) Lloyd Edwards 419-646-3669 Area 51 (Southern MI) Allan Herman 989-686-3013 Area 52 (Southern IL) Wayne Steele 217-233-6784 SOUTHERN REGION •Southern Regional Director Al Hammond 386-462-5421 Area 9 (SC) Dale Carwile 864-223-9900 Area 10 (GA) Mike Cockerham 478-472-4640 Area 11 (Northern FL) Howell Lancaster 904-521-1945 Area 16 (LA, Southern MS) Dick Kingsafer 601-794-0068 Area 22 (AL) Craig Pace Vacant Area 25 (Northern TX) Tommy Easterling 903-330-4901 Area 26 (Southern TX) Gayle Carter-Cook 361-972-2166 Area 39 (AR, Northern MS) Mike Nevins 501-366-0293 Area 47 (Western TX) Jack Cannon 325-617-4460 Area 48 (Southern Florida) Larry Mills 941-378-9237 Mid WESTERN REGION •North Central Regional Director Tom Ulik 509-895-9407 Area 20 (OK) Darren DeLong 405-692-8672 Area 21 (MN) Scott Lembke 218-844-4400 Area 23 (IA, NE) Tim Bacon 515-332-1285 Area 24 (KS) Rick Chrisman 913-294-9956 Area 27 (NM) Peter Ide 505-281-6721 Area 28 (MT) Joseph Crismore 406-293-2498 Area 29 (WY) David Manzer 307-746-2520 Area 30 (CO) Marc Steinke 719-207-4080 Area 41 (ND, SD) Clay Pederson 701-522-9622 WESTERN REGION •Western Regional Director J.P. Nelson 480-357-4057 Area 31 (AZ) Donna Cassity 520-316-0620 Area 32 (S. ID, Eastern NV, UT) Rex Thomas 801-829-6260 Area 33 (Northern ID, Eastern WA) Brendon Hill 509-325-0131 Area 34 (HI, OR) Mike Carey 541-385-9404 Area 35 (Northwest CA) Daniel Wilhelm 707-994-5877 Area 36 (Southern CA) Lissa Lee 818-241-0735 Area 37 (Central CA) Jason Quick 805-239-4246 Area 38 (AK) Bradley J. Kruger 907-235-9059 Area 40 (Western WA) Jim Williams 253-904-8941 Area 46 (NE CA, W. NV) Steve Wilson 209-847-4826

Volume 13, Number 4 l club connection l 31

Club Connection National Rifle Association 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, VA 22030


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