The Compass MWR Newsletter

Page 1

Throughout this Issue

Cover Stories

Cover Stories


Renovations complete at NSA HR facilities




Celebrity Salute to Heroes


Auto Hobby & Outback Rentals Your One Stop Shop




Strike Zone Bowling Center


Liberty Programs


Sewells Point Golf Course

Upcoming Events

Fitness & Sports Upcoming Events

11 Child & Youth Programs

School Liaison Program

12 Facility Directory

The Red Ramage Bar & Grill at Sewells Point Golf Course features new tile flooring, flat screen televisions, a new bar, mug chiller and new furniture. Picture by Katisha Draughn-Fraguada

Renovations complete at NSA HR facilities By: John Lucas

After weeks of repair and disruptions to their food and beverage operations, Naval Support Activity (NSA) Hampton Roads MWR Department is pleased to announce that the renovations to PUB One and Sewells Point Golf Course Red Ramage Bar & Grill are complete. The PUB is located across from the Joint Forces Staff College (JFSC) building in Marianas Hall (Bldg. SC400) and is open Monday through

Thursday from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Fridays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. The PUB now boasts new dining furniture, laminate hardwood floors, high top booth seating, nine flat screen televisions and upgrades to the buffet servers. The bar recently hosted a sampling and added its own brand of lager, “NSA Red Tide.” In addition, the décor has been enhanced and truly reflects the joint mission of the College with Continued on page 3...

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