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Election for the Unions’ recognition is now at your door. Brisk preparations are going on. It is a big affair. Who are the real representatives of the workers is the question. 6 Unions are out to test their position. The point is who had sacrificed for the workers and worked for them. Except NRMU which has a record of sacrifices and achievements, others can only make false claims and ask for votes. But workers know well that these Unions are making bogus claims and trying to cheat them. NRMU’s record is an open mirror and workers look at them cheerfully. Comrades are active and alert at every nook and corner to educate the workers and tell them the truth. No employee will be left out from the approach of our comrades in this process. We have exhibited several flex Boards showing our sacrifices and achievements. Also we have put the details of the promises of the Railway Ministry and their volt face in flex Boards. We have also published pamphlets and posters. The Railway employees will never fail to read them and understand and real story. All their votes are for NRMU and the result will show that the NRMU is the only Union of the workers’ choice and others are not worth for their votes. Let us wait a few days We will see the real picture
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Editorial.......... RAILWAY BUDGET As usual the Railway Budget was presented on 26th Feb. 2013 by the Minister for Railways Shri Pawan Kumar Bansal. No fare hike was the big news. Some said it is a clever budget. There are all-round criticisms. The passenger fares were revised upwards a couple of weeks ahead of the Railway budget. By this revision Railway will be able to net Rs. 6600 crores in a year. The freight rates have been raised by about 5 percent. This is bound to put additional burden on the common man. The M. R. says it would be difficult for railways to remain viable. Eventhough the rates have not been increased he has cunningly devised a method of extracting money by increasing the various rates of services such as reservation cancellations, Tatkal booking, supplementary charges for super fast trains etc. Many promises have been made, but a number of promises of last budget and the one prior to it have disappeared. As far as Railway employees are concerned promises given in the last year budget of opening of Hospital and Medical college, providing Rly. Quarters to all Railwaymen, starting of Nursing colleges, opening of sports Academy, opening of more schools, extending medical facilities to the parents of the employees, opening of hospitals, filling up of vacancies of 1.75 lakhs and many other things do not find place in the budget. Railway Employees are being cheated every time. Our Federation had written to
him on the issues in advance, but the M. R. has quietly ignored them. Recruitment and filling up of vacancies have been, as usual, promised but it will remain on paper. While the Govt. does not promise any subsidy to the railways, the railway has to pay Dividend to the tune of Rs. 6000 crores to the Govt. every year. One salient feature is that the operating ratio of Railways has registered a noticeable change, coming down from 94.9 percent in 2011-12 to 88.8 percent this year. Next year, it is set to be atleast 1 percent lower, at 87.8 percent. Many of the demands concerning the regions of the country do not find proper placement in the budget. There is uneven distribution of funds. There is no mention about demands of Railway employees which have been hanging fire for a long time. The General Secretary of the AIRF had met him before the budget and reminded him about certain demands which are within the competence of Railway Ministry but the M. R. has ignored all of them. The Railway Employees have always been ignored in Railway Budget. This budget is no exception. We should forget about it and keep our ammunition day and be prepared to fight to achieve our demands. That is the only way. Let the public evaluate the merits or demerits of the budget. We should be ready for our action programme.
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News From
NRMU - HQ NRMU files nomination with grand show The National Railway Mazdoor Union (C. Rly.) filed its nomination for contesting the ensuing election for deciding the recognition of the Union/ Unions on Central Railway. The nomination fulfilling all the formalities was handed over to the Chief Personnel Officer, C. Rly. at 11-50 hrs. on 20-3-2013 by the General Secretary of the Union along with the President and the Asst. General Secretaries and Working President of the Union. The CPO accepted the nomination form after properly scrutinizing in all respects. The CPO (A) and CPO (IR) were also present on the occasion. While this process was going at the 1st floor of the GM’s building hundreds of employees, activists and well wishers (women and men) were standing at the garden situated in the ground floor shouting slogans in a sky rending sound. They were shouting that the Union already won the election and all others who were seeking election were on the run. Comrades shouted several other provocative slogans also. After submitting the nomination the leaders came down to the ground floor and addressed them. Coms.
Com. P. Menon, Genl. Secretary along with other office bearers filing nomination on 20-3-2013
Mammoth gathering at CSTM on the eve of filing nomination on 20-3-2013.
P. R. Menon, Y. G. Joshi, S. K. Bose and Venu Nair spoke in a very high spirit that the actual issue is not recognition but it is the issue of snatching of our burning demands from the UPA-II Government which is totally negative and anti-labour. The gathering heard the call of the leaders and nodded their heads to the effect they will work relentlessly for the cause till it is achieved. It was an inspiring gathering and they dispersed by shouting slogans in thunderous manner.
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Com. Y. G. Joshi, President – NRMU made following observations on Railway Budget in a TV interview Com. Y. G. Joshi, President of the Union made following observations on Railway Budget – 2013 – 2014 during TV interview on 26-2-2013 on TV9 channel.
Com. Venu. P. Nair, Div. Secy. BB addressing mammoth gathering at CSTM on 20-3-2013 on the eve of filing nomination.
1. Before presenting the budget action taken report on the projects and assurances made in previous budgets should have been placed for better appreciation. 2. He agreed with MR’s statement that Railway needs financial assistance. 3. Insisting on “AADHAR’ card while booking ticket will put the passengers in difficulty as this card has not been issued to large number of people.
Com. P. R. Menon along with other HQ & Div. office bearers on the way to file nomination on 20-3-2013.
Simultaneously the Union’s Divisional Headquarters of certain Divisions also held shouting slogans, bursting of crackers, holding meetings etc. in a big way. Thus the filing of nomination was done with a over coming confidence.
4. Allocation of Rs. 300/- crores for staff quarters is quite inadequate. 5. Promise of filling up of 1.5 lakh vacancies made in last budget has not been fulfilled so far. 6. Govt. has to take a decision whether Railways are a public utility service or profit making organization. 7. Expenditure of social obligation to the tune of Rs. 20000 + crores is not being subsidized by the Central Govt.
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8. Railways are not treated as an Infrastructure industry & yearly dividend on Govt.’s investment is required to be paid to the Central Govt. 9. PPP models are not workable on the Railways and Union has strong opposition to such proposals. Due to inadequate time slot the interview was concluded on the above observations.
********** Massive protest by NRMU against Service Tax on PTOs and Surrendering of 1% posts National Railway Mazdoor Union organized strong protest rallies against the retrograde orders to levy of service tax on PTOs by Ministry of Finance & orders to surrender of 1% of posts by Ministry of Railways on 18-3-2013 throughout the Central Railway as detailed below : 1. Mumbai Divn. :- A huge procession of workers with banners and flags was taken out from platform no. 7 & 8 to GM’s office via Bhatia Baug. The protestionists were giving spirited slogans against levy of surcharge on PTOs and orders of surrendering of 1% posts. When the procession reached GM’s compound it was converted into a mass meeting. The protest meeting was addressed by Coms. Tirbhuvan Singh, Vice President, Mumbai, S.K. Bose, Jt.Genl. Secretary, Nitin
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Pradhan, President, C.Rly. E.C.C. Society, Y.G. Joshi, President of the Union and Venu. P. Nair, Divisional Secretary, Mumbai Divn. All the speakers bitterly criticized against the arbitrary and anti-labour action of the Finance Ministry and Ministry of Railways and impressed upon the minds of Participants that the Govt. was totally negative. They also spoke as to how the Govt. is moving towards privatization & contractorization of the Railway Industry which is the life line of the nation and the cheapest mode of transport of common man. They exhorted the workers to unite under the banner of NRMU to save Railways at any cost from privatization. The meeting ended at 18-30 hrs. with spirited slogans against antilabour and anti-poor policies of the Govt. The protest procession was led by Coms. J. M. Pinto, Working President, Y. G. Joshi, President, S. K. Bose, Jt. Genl. Secretary, Tribhuvan Singh, Vice President and Venu P. Nair, Divisional Secretary, Mumbai Divn. About 3000 workers participated in protest action. 2. Bhusaval Divn :a) Bhusaval : A protest meeting was organized before the DRM’s Office, Bhusaval which was addressed by Coms. A. K. Mahendru, AGS, Ibrahim Khan, Divn. Secretary and Pushpendra Kapde, Vice President. Around 600
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5. Solapur Divn. : On 18-3-2013 depot level protest meetings were held at Gulbarga, Wadi, Solapur, Kurduwadi and Daund where majority of depot workers participated in the meetings. Congratulations to all Divisional Secretaries, Branch Secretaries and activists of the Union for organizing the protest action programmes at a short notice. Protest demonstration against Service Tax on PTOs and 1% retrenchment on 18-3-2013 at BSL.
comrades participated protest action.
b) TMW Nasik :- a protest meeting was held before the CWM’s office (TMW Nasik) during lunch hour which was addressed by Com. Anand Gangurde and other office bearers of the branch. About 200 workers participated in the meeting. 3. Pune Divn. : A protest meeting was held infront of DRM’s office, Pune on 18-3-2013 which was addressed by Coms. P.L. Lanjulkar, Divisional Secretary, S.C. Dhiwar, Vice President and other office bearers of Pune Divn. all branches except Kolhapur Br. attended the protest programme. About 250 workers participated in the meeting. 4. Nagpur Divn. :- Protest meeting was held infront of DRM’s office Nagpur during lunch time which was participated by 300 workers. Coms. Habib Khan, Divn. Secretary and Rakesh Kumar, Vice President of the Union addressed the gathering.
********** International Women’s Day observed over C. Rly. with full enthusiasm International Women’s Day was observed over Central Railway with full enthusiasm and seriousness. Mumbai Division : CST Mumbai :- First programme was held at CST auditorium on 6 th of March 2013 in which more than 400 women employees working in offices in Comml. Dept. C&W, Electrical Dept at CSTM participated. It was presided over by Com. Archana Patankar, Vice President of NRMU, Mumbai Divn. Com. Pallavi Pendse conducted the proceedings. Prominent ladies delivered speeches on various subjects. Ms. Amruta Yoshodhan, Psychiatrist and recipient of Shiv Chatrapati Rajya Krida award spoke about the difficulties is countering the hurdles faced by the sports women. Ms. Preeti Patkar, Executive Member of PRERNA NGO spoke about the human trafficking and sexual harassment of women and children.
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Ms. Reshma Jagtap, Project Officer, SNEHA, NGO delivered lecture on sexual harassment of women and the ways to counter them. Ms. Heena Talpish Shah, Naturopathist dealt about the accupressure therapy with demonstrations. Rly. Employees enacted a skit on sexual harassment of women and how to face the culprits. Com. S. K. Bose, Jt. Genl. Secretary who spoke on the occasion expressed the need of united struggle by women employees to achieve their legitimate status. Coms. J. M. Pinto, Wkg. President, Tribhuvan Singh, Vice President and Venu P. Nair, Divisional Secretary were present in the programme. Com. Kamakshi Bagalwadikar proposed a vote of thanks. Byculla Railway Hospital :Programme was held in Rapicon hall of the hospital on 7-3-2013. The women of Hospital, S&T workshop, Printing Press participated in it. Com. Mariam Dhawle a well-known leader the main speaker, exhaustively spoke about the various problems being faced by Women. Com. S. K. Bose, Jt. Genl. Secretary, Shri Lakde, MD, Byculla and Smt. Vandana Garg, CWM, Byculla S&T Workshop also spoke. Com. J. M. Pinto Wkg. President of the Union was present. Com. Suvarna Kamble conducted the proceedings and Com. Mudita Sharma placed vote of thanks. More than 100 women employees were present.
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C. Rly. ECC Society, Byculla :- On 7-3-2013 the International Women’s day programme was held in the Union’s Educational Institute hall, Byculla. It was presided over by Com. Hema Ahuja one of the Office bearers. Com. Mariam Dhawle, the main speaker, in her elaborate lecture said that women are only blamed in case of sexual harassment and culprits are not questioned. She called upon to fight unitedly and be sensitive to the victims and help them. Com. S.K. Bose, Jt. Genl. Secretary, Shri Sawant, Sr. Manager of the Society and Com. Mani, President of ECC Workers’ Union spoke on the occasion. Com.Vaishali Khandagale conducted the proceedings and proposed vote of thanks. More than 50 women employees of the Society were present in the programme. Matunga Workshop :- More than 500 women employees were present in the programme held on 8-3-2013 at the east gate of Matunga Workshop. Com. Tejal Kanitkar, Asst. Professor of Tata Institute of Social
International Women’s day celebration at Matunga Workshop on 8-3-2013.
bmb ~mdQ>m AnZr emZ ObVr ~Îmr ghr {ZemZ & APRIL 2013
Service was the main speaker. She spoke about the problems which are being faced by women. Com. S. K. Bose, Jt. Genl. Secretary, Shri A. K. Sing, CWM Matunga, Smt. Geeta Krishnan, APO, Employees of the Workshop Coms. Rajubai Talekar, Megha Baviskar and Com. Subhash Patil, Secretary also spoke on the occasion. Com. Rajshri Mhaske presided over and Com. Sukhpal Kaur conducted the meeting. Prior to this 2 days various cultural programmes and games for women employees had been conducted and the winners were given gifts in the meeting. Parel Workshop :- International Women’s Day was celebrated at Canteen Hall, Parel on 9-3-2013. More than 300 women employees were present on the occasion. Shri Sanjay Sharma, Dy. CME(P), Com. A. K. Mahendru, AGS, Shri Rajesh Sahani, SPO, Smt. Nandini Marpakwar, AC&M and Smt. Rashmi, AWAO were on the dias. Com. Sneha Naralkar, Vice Chairman of the branch presided. Ms. Ranjana Basu, Scholar, Tata Institute of Social Service was the main speaker. At the outset 2 minute silence was observed to pay homage to the departed souls. After that Shri Sanjay Sharma spoke briefly about the importance of the day and appreciated the Union for arranging such a grand programme. Com. Mahendru highlighted the issues of women employees and the efforts taken by the Union to sort them out. Smt. Nandini also gave an impressive speech. After that Ms. Harshal Raut, Trade Apprentice presented a very impressive dance
which was well appreciated. Thereafter the main speaker Ms. Ranjani spoke extensively on the importance of women’s day and exhorted the women employees to get united under the banner of NRMU which is the only union struggling hard to sort out their problems. It was a very thought provoking speech. Com. Sneha gave vote of thanks. It was a very impressive programme. LT (T) Kurla :- More than 150 women employees of C&W, ETL, Comml. & Optg. were present in the programme held at sick line shed. Com. Tejal Kanitkar, Asst. Professor of Tata Institute of Social Service was the main speaker. Sr. CDO Shri V. M. Dasputre, APO, Smt. Bhuvaneshwari and Com. Nandlal Swea, Addl. Divl. Secretary addressed the gathering. Currey Road : International women’s day was celebrated on 8-3-2013 in BTC hall of Currey Road Stores Depot. Stores branch organized the programme in a befitting manner. More than 100 women employees were present on the occasion. Com. Shubha Shamim, Secretary, CITU, Maharashtra was the main speaker. Dy. CMM, Shri K. M. Kalsava, Com. A. K. Mahendru, AGS were on the dias. Com. G. B. Krishnan, Chief OS presided. Com. Shubha Shamim, Com. Mahendru and Shri Kalsava addressed the gathering and elaborately explained various injustices meted out to women on economical, political and domestic front and appealed to them to unite and fight against the injustices.
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Kurla Carshed :- Similar programme was held at Kurla Carshed in the open ground of BTC. Shri Suman Sr. DEE was the Chief Guest. Com. Shubha Shamim, Secy, CITU Maharashtra and Com. A.K. Mahendru AGS were the main speakers. Com. Sunita Sonar conducted the proceedings. Coms. Shubha & Mahendru in their speeches highlighted the issues of working women. Com. Shubha spoke extensively on the importance of the day which was well appreciated. Kalyan : Coordination Committee of Kalyan branches organized International Women’s Day on 7th March 2013 in Electric Loco Shed, Kalyan. Programme started at 11-30 hrs. in which 70 women participated. Prof. of R.K.R.T. College Ms. Shital Ganar was the Chief Guest. She gave a thought provoking speech on various problems being faced by women. Coms. Tribhuvan Singh, Vice President, Mumbai Divn., Shantaram Gangurde, Wkg. President guided the meeting. In the afternoon at 15-00 hrs. similar programme was organized in Kalyan Rly. Hospital. More than 60 women participated in the programme. CMS Dr. Sharma chaired the programme. Professor Sheetal Ganar, Chief Guest, Dr. Dhande, Com. Tribhuvan Singh, Shantaram Gangurde guided the participants. On 8 th March 2013 at 16-00 hrs. International Women’s Day was celebrated in NRMU Main branch office, Kalyan. Avocate Smt. Anuradha Pardesi, Chief Guest spoke about Law
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and Smt. Neelam, Dietician of Rly. Hospital gave details about health consciousness, food etc. Daughter of one Rly. Employee spoke about “Bhrun Hatya” Com. Tribhuvan Singh narrated about the Union’s activities. Retired women employees were felicitated by presenting shawl and shreephal. Rose flowers were distributed to women employees working in Rly. Hospital and all offices. Com. Smita Jadhav conducted the proceedings. Sisters Oak, Tiwari, Mangala Bhagwat, Sangeeta Mhatre, Pathare and Coms. J.N. Patil and Malbari with other office bearers took active part in International Women’s Day programme. Bhusaval Divn. :International Women’s Day was observed in Rang Bhawan from 13.30 hrs. to 17.30 hours on 8th March2013. The programme was attended by 400 women employees presenting a festive appearance and cheerful mood in the hall which was well decorated. The programme was chaired by Com. Alka Chaudhari, Vice President of the women’s wing. Com. Deepa Swamy conducted the proceedings. Mrs. Kirti Faltankar, DMO, Civil Hospital, Bhusawal and Mrs. Sunanda Aundhakar, Social Worker, Bhusawal were the chief guests. The following competitions were held on the occasion. 1) 2) 3) 4)
Rangoli Competition. Lemon Spoon Competition. Lecture Competition. Music Chair Competition.
AmO gwIr, H$b ~Zo gwhmZm ~Îmr na Vw_ _wha bJmZmŸ& APRIL 2013
International Women’s day celebration at BSL on 8th March 2013
The winners were awarded gifts at the hands of chief guest. Guest Mrs. Kirti Faltankar, DMO, Civil Hospital, Bhusawal, Mrs. Sunanda Aundhakar, Social Worker, Bhusawal and Com. Ibrahim Khan, Divisional Secretary addressed the gathering and delivered thought provoking and interesting speeches on women’s problems for an hour and it was heard by audience attentively.
International women’s day celebration at Manmad on 8-3-2013.
and narrated an importance of International Women’s Day. On the occasion gift of Red Scarfs were distributed to all the women employees present in the hall. Com. Bharati Kuchawa proposed vote of thanks to everybody. Burhanpur :The programme was held in union office which was well decorated. Com. Atula Shinde Chaired the programme. Smt. Pratima Rajvaidya, LIC Officer’s
Com. Deepa Swamy proposed vote of thanks. The programme was impressive and successful. Manmad O/L :The programme was held in the union office at 10.00 hours where 100 ladies were present. the programme was chaired by Smt. Sunandabai Gaikwad, ex Municipal Counciller who was the chief guest. The meeting was conducted by Smt. Bharati Kuchawa. Smt. Sunandabai Gaikwad addressed the gathering
International Women’s day celebration at Burhanpur on 8-3-2013.
_{hbmAm| H$mo AmJo bmB© NRMU Zo e{ŠV ~‹T>mB©Ÿ& 12
union was present and Smt. Rakhi Mitra, Director, Beans Society, MP and Smt. Pratibha Kapde, All India Bank Employees women wings (Zonal Secretary) were present as guests. All the guests addressed gathering and highlighted all the problems faced by women. Programme was conducted by Smt. Atula Shinde and she thanked everybody. The programme was successful. Nasik TMW : The programme was held in the union office at 10.00 hrs. The programme was chaired by Com. M. R. Joshi. Smt. Rajeshri Aher, RPF Inspector, Nasik Road was the chief guest. Smt. Rajeshri Aher, RPF Inspector addressed the gathering and narrated the status of women in the society and how women should face the problems. She told all the women should be united and strengthen themselves. She also told that women employees should take the benefit of the union and unite under the banner of NRMU. Com. M. R. Joshi thanked the participants. About 40 women were present in the programme. Manmad Workshop :The programme was held at 15:00 hrs in well decorated union office. Total 27 women were present in the programme. CWM, Manmad was in the chair. Smt. Pushpalata More, Municipal Counciller was the chief guest. She addressed the gathering and narrated the importance of the International Women’s Day. She also
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told that all the women should be bold and face unitedly the various problems. Com.Bagul, Secretary of the branch thanked the participants. Solapur Divn :On the division at five places, Ahmednagar, Daund, Solapur, Kurduwadi and Wadi, this programme was observed in a befitting manner. Various events of cultural, sports and drawing competitions were organized as a part of the week . Meetings were held at work spots to inspire the workers from the history of Women’s Day. The speakers in all the meeting spoke elaborately on the security of women, selective abortions, gender inequalities, dowry deaths and similar problems the women are facing today. Details are as under :Ahmednagar :- Women from Rly colony and working in other locations gathered in the Union office at 11:00 Hrs. Smt. Shobha Misal, Dy. Engg., Irrigations depot & winner of “Adarsha Mahila” award was the Chief Guest on the occasion. Com. Asha Bhosale, VP(W) of Ahmednagar Branch presided the meeting. Around 92 women participated in the meeting. Com. Satish Jalindre, Secretary, Com. J. P. Sinha, Chairman and Com.Vijay Solunke delegate of ECC Society also addressed the gathering. Kurduwadi :- The programme was conducted in the Union office at 16:00 Hrs. in which teachers from
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Rly. School, women employees working in Medical Dept, C&W, Workshop, Optg. and Comml. depot attended. Com. A. A. Tamboli, Vice President (Women) chaired the meeting. Com. Mehtab Paigamber, Secretary, Com. D. Y. Maske, Chairman KWV(M) spoke on the occasion. Smt. Vimala Dange, Social worker, Coms. Subha and Shende also spoke in the meeting on women’s problems. SOLAPUR :- Sports for women and drawing competition for children were conducted in the Rly. Colonies from 5th to 7th March. Inter departmental women sports were conducted in the Institute ground on 7th. On 8th March meeting was conducted in the Conference hall in the Railway Hospital. 150 women participated in the meeting. This was chaired by Com. Jayalaxmi, VP (W) NRMU. Smt. Sulbha Zhambre, MD addressed the gathering on the problems confronted by women. Dr. Gunale CMS and Smt. Gaikwad, ANO who were present on the occasion also
International Women’s day celebration at Solapur on 8-3-2013.
addressed the gathering. Com Jayalaxmi in her elaborate speech dealt the union‘s programmes conducted in the year and requested to strengthen the union to get the problems resolved. Com. Rekha conducted the meeting. Com. Usha Indigiri WCM(HQ) also spoke in the meeting. Com.D. Ramesh Babu, Divl. Secy. proposed vote of thanks. Prizes for the winners of the events were presented Com.Sunil Lokhande, VP and other office bearers of SUR (G), (O/L) and (MS) branches were present in the meeting Wadi :- International Women’s day was celebrated jointly by Wadi & Shahabad branches on 10-3-2013 at Ganesh Hall. Com. Santoshi Sharnappa, Vice Chairman and Com. Usharao, WCM were in the presidium. Coms. Jayalaxmi M., Vice President, Reshma Secy. Mahil, JMSS, Sanghatana Bidar and Smt.
International Women’s day celebration at Wadi on 10-3-2013.
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Mahadevi, Chairman local Mahila Sanghatana, Wadi were on the dias. More than 180 women employees were present on the occasion. At the outset two minutes silence was observed to pay homage to the departed women victims. After that Com. Jayalaxmi spoke about the harassment of working women and condemned them. She also explained in detail about the struggles of NRMU for raising their issues. Coms. Reshma and Smt. Mahadevi and two school teachers of Mahatma Gandhi School, Wadi gave very thought provoking speeches. Com. P.Umapathy, Secretary, Wadi branch proposed vote of thanks. A cultural programme was also organized which was appreciated by all. Nagpur Division :Nagpur :- On 11-3-2013, the day was celebrated in the Gunjan hall by the Admn. Branch, Nagpur. Mrs. Jyoti. B. Dixit, President, WSSC, Nagpur was the chief guest. Mrs. Manisha Uday Borvankar, wife of ADRM Nagpur, Dr. Pimprikar, CMS, Mrs. Poornima Sarodkar, Rajbhasha Adhikari, Com. Snehalata Sakhare, Vice President and others were on the dias. More than 500 women employees were present on the occasion. The programme was presided over by Com. Snehalata Sakhare. Com. Jayalaxmi Banne, Committee member conducted the proceedings. Smt. Poornima, Coms. Snehalata Sakhare and Baby Nanda Mote, WCM, AIRF addressed the gathering in a very impressive manner and appealed them to unite and be active in Union field and see that they become a part of decision making in
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all the walks of life. Com. Bashir Khan, Secy. Admn. Branch in his speech highlighted the efforts taken by the Union for the empowerment of women employees. Com. Chhaya Ramteke proposed vote of thanks. A souvenir on “working class women” was also released on the occasion by Mrs. Jyoti. B. Dixit, Ajni :- International Women’s Day was celebrated by AQ (Main) and Electrical Branch on 8th March 2013 at Ajni. More than 175 ladies participated in this programme. Smt. Pratibha Siria, Principal of Dr.
International Women’s day celebration at Ajni on 8-3-2013
Ambedkar College was the Chief Guest. Smt. Archana Sing, Reporter of Lokmat Daily News Paper and Smt. Krishna Iyengar, Lecturer of LAD College, Nagpur were special guests. Shri Maheshkumar, DEE (TRS) also attended the programme. Com. Baby Nanda Mote, AIRF Wkg. Committee Member presided. All guests and Com. Baby Nanda Mote gave speeches. Com. Snehalata Sakhare, Vice President, Nagpur conducted the programme. “Kanya Bhrun Hatya”
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drama which was written by Com. Snehalata was played by herself and 3 other activists namely Vandana, Durga and Amita. Small gifts and refreshment were given to all participants. Coms. Habib Khan, Divisional Secretary, Nagpur, Lanjewar, Divl. Treasurer, Ajni Main Branch Secretarys Com. Rambhade and Com. Kannan, Secretary of Ajni (Electrical) branch along with other office bearers were also present on the occasion. Pune Division :Pune :- Women’s Committee of Pune Divn. celebrated the day on 12-3-2013 in IRICEN Hall, Pune. Com. Kiran Moghe, President, All India Janwadi Mahila Sanghatana was the chief guest. Com. Nirmalabai Kamble presided and Com. Monica Mahadik, Vice President conducted the proceedings. Com. Taibai Bhosale, Vice President, HMS was also on the dias. Com. Kiran Moghe in her speech highlighted the problems of women and the need of their unity to fight against the social evils inflicted upon them. She also emphasized upon the need of education. More than 146 women employees were present on the occasion. Miraj :- On 8-3-2013 the day was celebrated by Miraj Branch. More than 52 women employees participated in a rally under the leadership of Com. Monika Mahadik, Vice President in a colourful manner. They reached platform No. 3 of the Miraj station where a well decorated pandal was erected to celebrate the occasion. At the outset photo of Mother Teresa
was garlanded amidst loud slogan shouting. Com. Ashtekar, Vice Chairman (woman) and Mangala Das were also on the dias. Com. Ahad Hassan, Secy., Miraj Branch conducted the proceedings. 9 women employees placed their views and highlighted their demands. Thereafter Com. Monika highlighted the efforts taken by NRMU for solving their problems. She also thanked Com. P.R.Menon, General Secretary for taking keen interest in empowerment of the women employees all over Central Railway. Com. Ashtekar gave vote of thanks.
Union registered stiff protest against incident occurred at Gulabganj Rly. Station Union registered its stiff protest against the incident occurred at Gulabganj Rly. Station on 26-2-2013 where two people including Shri Bhagwan Das, PWS
Protest demonstration at Pune against incident occurred at Gulabganj Rly. Station on 26-2-2013.
which is far away from Matunga for light job. She is residing at Titwala declared fit for duty by Medical Board immovable condition. She had been could not recover and totally is in treatment. Despite surgeries she during the course of two years’ five surgeries performed on her leg admitted to Rly. Hospital, Byculla and damaged her left lower leg. She was speed of 2400 RPM broke and when a grinding wheel revolving at a injured on 19-4-2011 while on duty Fitter Gr.III. Smt. Suman was badly Smt. Suman Yuvraj Ovale, Mech. against the injustice meted out on branches jointly raised their voice Matunga Mech. and Electrical
achieved Injustice fought, success
News From Divisions ********** working at roadside stations. Rly. Employees especially staff Division and demanded security of Solapur, Bhusaval and Nagpur demonstration at Mumbai, Pune, Railways. Union held a protest Rly. employees all over Indian created widespread unrest among the run by a train. The incident had office afire because two people were injuries when an irate mob set his station and another sustained burn Sanket Bansal, SM of Gulabganj were allegedly burnt alive and Shri
Incharge Suburban. 4. Mismanagement by Lobby on Mail/Exp. Trains. 3. Utilizing Goods Guards to work transferring Passenger Guards. 2. Bypassing seniority while 1. Delay in filling up of vacancies. The issues were : the Tfc. Running staff of Mumbai Divn. period had led to deep unrest among same by Administration for a long serious nature. Non-redressal of the in the memorandum were of the a memorandum and the issue raised CSTM. Administration was served with Station Manager (Sub)’s office at dharna on 9-3-2013 in front of issued a notice for holding a Day long The Kalyan (Line & Tfc.) branch had
was a success Guards of Mumbai Divn. planned agitation of Once again meticulously
Well done comrades. achieved the success. participated in the programme and Secy. Elect. whole heartedly Secy. Mech. and Com. Subhash Patil, leadership of Coms. S.S. Nayak, Mech. & Elect. Branches under the Many devoted activists of Matunga directed for a re-medical examination. struggle Smt. Suman has been examination. After a long sustained demanding for her re-medical action along with Smt. Suman and launched an indefinite protest Rs. 3000/-. Union took up the issue Workshop. She came in taxi spending
H$s `hr H$_mB© & H$m_Jma H$m_Jma ^mB©-^mB© NRMU
APRIL 2013
ha Va\$ `o emoa h¡ NRMU H$m Omoa h¡ & APRIL 2013
5. Allotment of Details of Main line & Suburban. 6. SDC at Main line Guard lobby. 7. Shortage & inferior quality of Tail Lamp/Flasher Lamp & Walkie Talkies. 8. Rest Rooms at LTT for Mail Guards. 9. Deduction Pilot Hours of Goods Guards. 10. Headquarter by passing of Goods Guards. 11. Irregular payment of OT. 12. Pathetic condition of IGP Mail Guard Running Room. Supporting the call for Dharna given by NRMU about 72% Guards (Goods, Passenger, (Sub & M/L) and Mail/Exp) gave their leave applications to participate in the proposed dharna agitation. Sensing that there would be serious repercussion on train service the Admn. gave its para – wise remarks on all the issues raised in the memorandum. The reply was not satisfactory hence the branch decided to go ahead with the Dharna programme. Admn. immediately called for a meeting on 8-3-2013 to redress the issues raised. In the meeting all the issues raised by NRMU were accepted positively by Admn. and targets set for implementation. From the Administration side Sr. DOM, Sr. DPO and from the Union side the meeting was attended by about 35 Guards. Com. Tribhuvan Singh, Vice President and Com. K. A. James, Chairman led the meeting. Coms. S. D. Gangurde, Joe D’Souza, Vijay Nair were also present in the meeting.
Due to positive outcome from the discussion held with Admn. the proposed Dharna was called-off after the successful meeting.
Igatpuri Branch organized a Blood Donation Camp On 15-2-2013 Igatpuri Branch organized a Blood donation camp in co-operation with Arpan Blood Bank, Nasik. The Chief Guest Shri Sanjay Indulkar, Chairman, “Nagarpalika Igatpuri” inaugurated it. Shri Jaganath Jadhav, MLA, Com. Venu. P. Nair, Divl. Secretary, Mumbai and Shri Naim Khan, Corporator were special guests. Com. Chandra Shekhar Dhatrak, Secy. Igatpuri branch along with other office bearers worked hard to make it successful. 90 employees donated blood. Coms. Dhatrak and N. T. Nikam, Chairman, IGP branch also donated blood. It is noteworthy that Igatpuri branch
Blood donation camp at IGP on 15-2-2013.
organizes such camp every year. 500 bottles of blood have been collected since 2010.
Anirudha Bhagat, Pramod Baviskar, Khalade, Kiran Khairnar, Raju Dusane, Narayan Ghayal, P. A. Patil, L. D. Pathan, Sunil Shelar, Manoj Pagare, Chaudhary, Yogesh Shelke, M. F. Gangurde, Bharat Patil, Vijay
Welfare Inspector in the workshop. 8. Creation of permanent post of renewal of motor test plant. 7. Replacement of old cranes and 6. Renovation of Rly. Colonies. 5. Filling up of vacancies.
Dharna organized at TMW Nasik on 8-3-2013.
health Unit. 4. Provision of New ambulance for the staff. 3. Delay in Medical reimbursement of 2. Extension of workshop. the TMW staff. 1. Provision of Incentive Bonus to were :earliest. Some of the main issues assurance to solve them at the them patiently and gave positive with him. The General Manager heard to various grievances and discussed handed over a memorandum relating the Workshop on 15-3-2013 and Shri Subhod Jain during his visit to branch met the General Manager Gangurde, Secretary of TMW Nasik A delegation led by Com. A. V.
organized on 8-3-2013. Coms. 5-3-2013.Accordingly Dharna was grievances are not be solved before the administration in case the Union served a notice of Dharna to their grievances. After the camp more than 100 employees registered was overwhelming response and Secretary of the TMW branch. There leadership of Com. A. V. Gangurde, activists were present there under the branch. All the office bearers and Workshop premises by Nasik TMW redressal camp was organized in the On 12-2-2013 a grievances
Branch. organized by Nasik TMW thereon a Dharna Grievances redressal camp
to General Manager presented memorandum TMW Nasik branch
********** It was a successful programme. spot. decisions were also taken on the the problems at the earliest. Some CWM assured the delegates to solve submitted to the CWM at the end. Dharna. A memorandum was of Dharna programme and sat on took special efforts for the success Sangle together with other activists S. S. Gengole,Suresh Bagul, Dilip
APRIL 2013
H$m_Jma H$s {ZemZr, g§Kf© H$s {ZemZr & ~Îmr {ZemZr AmnH$s {ZemZr
~ĂŽmr na Vw_ _wha bJmAmo aob ~MmAmo, Xoe ~MmAmo & APRIL 2013
Massive Dharna held at Khandwa Khandwa Branch of Bhusaval Divn. organized a massive Dharna in front of Reservation Office, Khandwa on 28-2-2013 against the adamant attitude of the administration in solving the grievances of employees especially that of Operating and Commercial staff. A large number of employees along with Union office bearers and activists took part in it. It was led by Com. Aditya Singh, Secretary, Khandwa Branch. Coms. Ibrahim Khan, Divl. Secretary, Bhusaval Divn. and Pushpendra Kapde, Divl. President were present on the occasion. Dharna was addressed by Coms. Ibrahim Khan, Kapde, Aditya & Mahesh Mule, Chairman Khandwa branch. The leaders strongly protested the death of an on duty Pointsman Shri Sunil Pal, as a result of run over by train and the tragic death of Shri Bhagwan Singh, PWS in an incident which took place at Gulab Ganj station (Bhopal Divn) on 26-2-2013 along with one more employee Shri Sanket Bansal, SM was burnt 70% and was struggling for his life. Com. Ibrahim Khan stated that 176 posts of Station Masters were lying vacant in Bhusaval Divn due to which remaining staff were overburdened with heavy workload and unable to get leave and rest. Same condition was in Commercial dept. and the staff who were working there are facing the same problem. There were many
complaints against CBS, Shri D. P. Kushwah and the administration was not taking any step to solve them. There was great unrest among the employees due to the increase in charges of cycle parking. He warned the administration that if demands were not fulfilled the union will be forced to intensify protest programme. A memorandum addressed to DRM BSL was also handed over to Station Manager Shri Ramesh Chandra. Realizing the gravity of the situation and resentment among the staff DRM called the union office bearers on the very next day. Com. Ibrahim Khan and others discussed the issue with him. After a long discussion DRM agreed to solve the issues at the earliest. Agreement was ratified on the following main demands. 1. Free parking facilities in cycle stand for Railway employees. 2. After performing 4 to 6 hrs. duty no pointsman will be deputed on guard duty. 3. Number of pointsmen will be fixed in each shift. 4. Vacancies of Operating & Commercial dept would be filled after discussion with CPO. 5. After performing Night duty no Running staff will be served 10 hrs. duty memo. It was a notable victory for Khandwa branch.
Zo ewé H$s bS>mB© gmVdo no-H${_eZ H$s _m±J CR>m`r & NRMU
APRIL 2013
NAGPUR DIVISION Dharna of Engineering Staff at Amla Union had been raising the problems of Engineering staff since long but the administration was not giving any response to them. In a joint meeting of office bearers of Amla (M) and Amla (R&L) branches held in Amla (R&L) branch office of Nagpur Divn., a decision to hold a Dharna on 28-1-2013 was taken. Accordingly meetings were arranged in different depots. A notice of Dharna was also served to ADEN, Amla. Realizing the gravity of the situation and preparedness of the Union ADEN called a meeting of Union office bearers on18-1-2013 but no agreement was reached. After that a special meeting was held on 25-1-2013 in which Sr. DEN, DPO and office bearers of the branches were present. After a long discussion the administration agreed to settle the following demands. 1.
Arrears of MACPS will be paid to the staff by the end of March 2013.
Arrears of Increment (Feb. to June) will be paid within two months.
Special allowance of Rs. 375/will be paid to all Gatemen through special pay sheets.
Implementation of Cadre restructuring would be done by 28th Feb. 2013.
Washing allowance will be paid to all Engg. Staff, getting uniforms with the payment of Feb. & March.
Regular payment of T.A. of Engg. Narkhed Depot would be ensured. 7. Identity cards will be issued to all new recruitees (RRC & Compassionate ground) by March 2013. 8. Repair/Maintenance work of Rly. Colonies will be done on top priority. 9. New Torches will be issued to all Gangmen. 10. Leave account of staff will be printed in the pay slips. Many other demands were also agreed. Coms. Y. R. Dhote, Secretary (R&L) branch Amla , Rajesh Dixit, Secretary, Main Branch, Rajesh Kare, Chairman (R&L) Branch. K. K. Srivastava, Chairman (Main) branch and others worked hard to achieve the demands.
********** Nagpur (G) Branch organized a C&W Conference Nagpur (G) branch organized a Conference of C&W staff in Divisional Office, Nagpur on 18-3-2013. Conference started at 11-30 hrs. DME, NGP, APO (C&W) from administration side also attended the conference. Coms. Habib Khan, Div. Secretary, Chaman Pandey, Vice Chairman, Ramesh Gattewar guided the meeting. More than 100 C&W staff attended the conference. Problems of C&W staff were discussed elaborately in the conference. Programme concluded at 14-00 hrs.
b|Jo b‹S> Ho$ h_ Ho$db NRMU _| `o X_ & 4800
APRIL 2013
PUNE DIVISION AGMs of Pune Division completed The AGMs of all the 10 branches of Pune Division were conducted nicely. In all the AGMs participation of staff was impressive by way of attendance and deliberations. The Branches fulfilled all the obligations of presenting Annual Reports, statement of accounts etc. The participants of the AGMs held lively discussions on the reports. The leaders of Head Office and the Division were present in all the meetings invariable and they spoke on the importance of AGMs and discussion on the reports etc.
********** AIRF AIRF had organized an “All India Safety Seminar of Loco Inspectors” in New Delhi on 25-2-2013 All India Safety Seminar of Loco Inspectors was held in T. N. Bajpai memorial Hall, NewDelhi on 25-2-2013 at 10.00 hrs. under the banner of AIRF. Shri Keshav Chandra, Member (Mech.) was the Chief Guest. Other invitees were Shri Vivek Kumar, EDEE (RS) Railway Board, Shri Ved Pal and Shri Kulbhushan, Member (Elect), along with Coms. Shiv Gopal Mishra, General Secretary, AIRF, K. L. Gupta and Salil Lawrence both Asst. Genl. Secretaries of AIRF were on the dias who were felicitated by presenting bouquets.
Com. Shiv Gopal Mishra made a key note address explaining in detail the working conditions of Loco Inspectors and the Loco Running Staff as a whole and their legitimate problems warranting their early redressal. S/Shri Keshav Chandra, Member (Mech.), Vivek Kumar, EDEE (RS) Ved Pal & Kul Bhushan, Member (Ele.) addressed the Seminar highlighting on various technical issues connected with Loco Running Staff, Safety of train operations, technical & electronic back up being introduced for averting accidents, Signal passing at danger (SPAD) and assured the participants that their genuine problems will be addressed on priority. Many Loco Inspectors and representatives of Running Staff spoke on their problems and typical working conditions. From Central Railway Com. P.T.S. Raja CLI/CR attended the Seminar on behalf of NRMU, CR who also placed his views who also placed his views. Following demands were raised in the Seminar. Demands :•
The pay of Loco Inspectors/Chief Loco Inspectors promoted before 1-1-2006 needs to be stepped up on par with those promoted after 1-1-2006.
There was almost consensus that the selection to the post of LI should be from amongst Loco Pilot (Passenger) so that there is no status problem to Loco Inspector while dealing with Sr. Loco Pilots.
J«S o > no Jbo H$s hÈ>r NRMU H$aoJr BgH$s Nw>Å>r & 2000
22 •
The payment of daily kilometerage should be on par with Loco Pilots and not on actual basis. Loco Inspectors category is required to be provided with Laptop so as to discharge their duties timely and efficiently. Cases of SPAD should not be the responsibility of the assigned Loco Inspector, in case he was not on footplate inspection at the time of the incident. There should be in-depth study of SPAD cases in regard to the circumstances and other conditions which result in such cases. As there are around 48 types of locomotives on the Indian Railway system, both electrical and diesel, therefore, to be acquainted with all technical aspects of all kinds of locomotives is next to impossible, therefore, there should be separate groups of LIs for electrical and diesel traction and the types of locomotives assigned to a LI should also be limited for effective discharge of their duties. The category of Loco Inspectors is equally required to be covered under LARSGESS. There should not be any emolument loss on promotion from Loco Pilot to Loco Inspector. Visibility of signals in a number of cases being quite inconvenient, particularly in case of GM Class locomotives while working on long hood, there is urgent need of technical solution of this problem. Blowing of whistle/horn on all level crossing gates and other locations in running trains creates
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unbearable problems to the Loco Running staff and Loco Inspectors on footplate inspection. This may be modified by providing some audio alarm on all level crossing gates which should start blowing as soon as locomotives reaches the board of W/L placed before the level crossing gate and should continue till complete and safe passing of trains from the particular level crossing gate. ·
There is urgent need to fixed duty hours, that too with no continuous night working and with fixed weekly rest in the interest of safety for the Loco Inspectors category.
The mechanism of filling up of vacancies needs to be improved to ensure quickly filling up of vacancies particularly in safety categories.
Proper accommodation and rest room facilities in running rooms with subsidized food need to be provided for LIs.
They should be classified under “Intensive” classification.
No protocol duty should be assigned to this category.
There should be proper arrangements of training for LIs.
It was resolved that important issues should be vigorously chased with the Railway Administration and Ministry of Railways for their quick redressal. The seminar was concluded with a vote of thanks to the chair. No. AIRF/24 (C) dated 18-3-2013.
H$mo {OVmE§Jo aqZJ ñQ>m\$ H$mo hH$ {XbmE§Jo Ÿ& NRMU
APRIL 2013
From HMS No. HMS/DEL/5/2013
Sub: Successful Nationwide two days General Strike on 20th & 21st February 2013
Dear Comrade, Please accept our heartfelt congratulations on the grand success of historic 2 days Nationwide General Strike jointly called by 11 Central Trade Unions, Independent Federations and other regional trade unions. It was near total in most of the major sectors, few to mention are Coal, Public and in the most of cases Private Road Transport, Port and Docks, Banks, Life Insurance, Defence Civilian employees, Govt. offices etc. Taxi, Auto Rickshaws also did not ply in most of the places. The whole nation experienced willing observance of the general strike be it NCR-Delhi, Maharashtra, Bihar, Orissa, Punjab and Haryana, Karnataka, Uttarakhand, Tripura, Assam, U.P., Kerala, Gujarat. Even in West Bengal despite strong opposition by the Government of West Bengal the strike was near complete. In Tamil Nadu it was partial. Hind Mazdoor Sabha played leading role in the General Strike. It’s leadership and activists were leading from the front. HMS Railway affiliates though did not participate in the strike, yet showed their solidarity with striking workers by holding lunch hour gate meeting, dharna, demonstrations etc. throughout the nation. You deserve salute for your valuable
contribution in the strike. Striking workers were arrested, lathi charged or coerced at several places. Particularly at Piragarhi/Delhi, Assam and Noida in U.P. more than 150 persons were arrested and hundreds of FIRs were lodged against some innocent persons too. Trade Union leaders have been implicated under false and frivolous charges for the violence which occurred on 20th February, 2013 wherein several establishments were damaged and property was looted by the anti social elements projected by some of defaulter contractors of Noida. It is learnt that they took advantage of the situation and indulged in looting. Such was the pressure of the industrial orgaisations that the issue was raised in the UP Assembly on 20th February, 2013 itself by all parties. The Chief Minister made a categorical statement of curbing violence anywhere and everywhere. He deputed Home Secretary and DGP/UP to make an enquiry. The Committee has submitted the report. We condemn such violence and demand a judicial enquiry into all such cases. Though the General Strike was a grand success bigger struggle is ahead. Please keep yourself ready for the same. You are requested to send the detailed reports along with photograph and press clippings etc (if any) to this office immediately so that it may find appropriate place in HMS Bulletin. With greetings
H$m_Jmam| H$s h¡ `w{Z`Z ß`mar g~ na nS>J o r NRMU ^mar & 24
AIRF TO RLY. BOARD No. AlRF/443 (47)
Dt. 14-2-2013
Sub : Conference of the Engineers
A conference of the Jr. Engineers and Sr. Section Engineers of all the departments was organized by our affiliate - North Western Railway Employees Union at Ajmer on 3rd February, 2013, wherein following demands were made :(i) Grade Pay of Rs.4800 and 5400 to Jr. Engineer and Sr. Section Engineer respectively. (ii)
Classification of Engineers as Group ‘B’ as per order of the DoP & T. (iii) Grant benefit of stepping up of pay to seniors over their juniors under MACP scheme. (iv) Upgradation of posts of Engineers in apex grade. (v) Grant benefit of MACPS counting training period. (vi) Fixation of pay at par with direct recruits in promotional post. (vii) Promotion to the post of Asst. Officer against Ranker Quota as per seniority without conducting any selection. (viii)Payment of Risk Allowance to all the JEs/SSEs working in field. (ix) Grant benefit of MACPS to Drawing/Design Staff, treating placement of Jr. Draftsman (comes from Tracer) as “Placement” and not “Promotion”. (x) Provision of CUG facilities to JEs/SSEs of all departments. (xi) Incentives for acquiring higher education in the shape of advance increment.
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We earnestly hope that the above demands of the JEs/SSEs will certainly receive favourable response from the Railway Board.
No. AlRF/249
Dt. 18-2-2013
Sub: Request to increase basic tax exemption limit from Rs. 2 lakh to Rs. 4 lakh and Rs. 4.5 lakh in case of women
Indian Railways is the biggest employer in India and a vast majority of Railway employees want the Finance Minister to raise salary exemption limit of Income Tax to Rs. 4 lakhs and Rs. 4.5 lakhs to women in the coming Union Budget so that they are left with more purchasing power. Transportation Allowance granted to the employees to commute between the place of work and residence is tax-free to the extent of 1800 per month. This limit was fixed more than a decade ago and needs to be revised upwards, given rising commuting costs across the country. In this context, it is pertinent to mention that the,matter is pending with the CBDT for a long time, therefore, this also needs to be revised immediately. More so, the slab of tax-free income has not moved up in line with real inflationary rates in the last few years. Therefore, it is strongly urged to examine the above issues and favourable instructions may please be issued early so that the same could be incorporated in the Union Budget, to be presented shortly in the Parliament.
APRIL 2013
No. AlRF/10/(51) Dt. 19-2-2013 Sub: Fixed Medical Allowance to Rly. Beneficiaries of New Pension Scheme drawing additional relief on death/disability of Rly. Servant Ref : Railway Board’s letter No. PC-V/ 2010/Medical/1 dated 22-1-2013
It is good that vide above letter Fixed Medical Allowance and RELHS facilities has been extended to the beneficiaries of New Pension Scheme drawing additional relief on death/ disabilityof Railwaymen. It is requested that the similar benefit of RELHS may be extended to all staff who could not complete 20 years of service.
any scope for advancement in life. It is the policy of the Govt. to look after the advancement of down trodden employees. It is requested that Joint Committee may please be formed like that of Trackmen Committee to look in to the affairs of advancement of Safaiwalla/Sanitary cleaners.
********** No. AlRF/MPP
Dt. 22-2-2013
Sub: Action Plan Target for the year 2012-13 in respect of Man Power Planning
Ref : ED (Trg. & MPP) Railway Board’s letter No. E (MPP)2012/1/40 dated 3-8-2012
Sub: Provision of additional electrical fittings in Rly. Quarters
Vide letter under reference arbitrary orders have been issued for reduction of the sanctioned strength by 1% in all zonal railways. As Railways are already facing acute hardship due to already reduced staff strength and non-availability of adequate manpower, particularly in the wake of regular introduction of new trains and new assets, the orders for further reduction by 1% would definitely result in further deteriorating the situation. These orders have been issued without consulting the Federation, which is quite unfortunate and the Federation would not permit any such action to be taken by the Ministry of Railways.
No. AlRF/116 (49)
Dt. 19-2-2013
With the advent of time the Railwaymen are now in a position to live in Rly. Quarters, providing T.V., Fridge, Washing Machine etc. Further, some Type -I, Type-II, Type-III and Type lV quarters in the name of ‘Model Colony’ has since been constructed with one additional Drawing Room. But there is no provision for extra light and fan in such quarters. Hence, the Rly. Board is requested to re-assess the requirement of electrical fitting in Type-I, II, III & IV quarters so thit the Railwaymen an enjoy the fruits of development that has taken place during the years.
********** No. AlRF/53 (48)
Dt. 20-2-2013
Sub: Carrier prospect of Safaiwallas/ Sanitary Cleaners
The Safaiwallas/Sanitary Cleaners are down trodden. They have hardly
It would be quite appropriate that the orders for reduction of sanctioned strength by 1%, issued vide letter mentioned above may be withdrawn forthwith in the interest of industrial harmony over Indian Railways.
AmB©, AmOmo~m g~H$mo ß`mar NRMU h¡ g~H$s Xwbmar & 26
No. AlRF/249 AIRF/82
Dt. 23-2-2013
Sub: Levy of Service Tax on PTOs
Your kind attention is invited towards S.No. 5 of Railway Board’s letter No. TC-ll/2910/2012/ Service Tax dated 26.06.2012 on the above cited subject. AIRF is surprised to note that the Railway Board have issued instructions to all the Zonal Railways for levying Service Charges also on exchange of PTOs. It requested that the decision of the Railway Board levying Service Charge on PTOs may be reviewed immediately and status-quo be maintained in the matter.
No. AlRF/(24) (C)
Dt. 26-2-2013
Sub: Grievances/demands of the P. Way Supervisors
During “All India Safety Seminar of P. Way Supervisor”, organized by the All India Railwaymen’s Federation on 24th February 2013 at New Delhi, the following major issues related to safety and grievances of the P. Way Supervisor Category were enlisted. (i)
En-block merger of PWS Category with JE (P. Way) with retrospective effect and all consequential benefits.
Fix duty hours and weekly rest, allowances, accommodation, runover cases due to non-availability of proper maintenance corridor, their headquarters at a place where educational and other facilities are available, risk factor etc.
(iii) As the pay structure of P. Way Supervisors has been diluted in the successive pay commissions
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on account of various legal and technical pretext, there is need to totally merge this category with JE (P.Way) with effect from the date Mistry Supervisor of other departments, like Mechanical, Electrical, S&T have been en-block upgraded as JE. (iv) The total strength of PWS on the IR is around 4,400 and there are roughly 3,650 PWS on roll, only 17.26% of this category has been upgraded to JE the remaining strength is still in GP Rs. 2800 causing serious resentment among them, therefore, their pay scales are required to be upgraded to GP Rs. 4200. (v) The benefit of cadre restructuring/ upgradation effective from 01.11.2003 has not been extended to PWS, which is a cause of frustration among this category and needs to be set right. (vi) The Headquarters of the PWS needs to be located on those stations where there are adequate facilities for their proper accommodation, education of their children and medical facilities etc. for their families are available. (vii) The discrepancies in their MACPS are also cause of discontentment and need to be addressed suitably. (viii) The working conditions, including duty hours and weekly rest etc. are also quite unsatisfactory, as such need to be set right at the earliest. (ix) The P. Way Supervisors need to be imparted proper training with Refresher Courses from time to time for updating their knowledge in the wake of adoption of advance technology in railway track.
APRIL 2013 No. AIRF/PNM/6/2012 (69)
MAZDOOR AAWAZ Dt. 28-2-2013
Sub: AIRF’s PNM Item No. 6/2012 Merger of all Permanent Way Supervisor with Jr. Engineer (P.Way)
During discussion on AIRF’s above cited PNM item on 6-7 February, 2013, you had assured us that the issue - Merger of all Permanent Way Supervisor with Jr. Engineer (P. Way) - would be resolved by the end of February. Since there is serious resentment among the PWS Cadre on account of inordinate delay in resolving this important issue, the Board are requested to issue necessary orders to the General Managers of the Indian Railways for the merger of all Permanent Way Supervisor with Jr. Engineer (P. Way) without any loss of time, treating the matter as most urgent.
**********Dt. 1-3-2013
No. AIRF/66
Sub: Miseries being faced by the Ticket Checking Staff over the Indian Railways
Ticket Checking Staff all over the Indian Railways are a suffering lot. They are the staff responsible for revenue earning of the Indian Railways. These frontline staff always work under various difficulties, and the miseries use to be faced by them - they are often being harassed by the hooligans and encounter harassment from the VIPs. Instead of providing them protection, the administration also harass them. They are soft target of the Vigilance Department and off and on being subjected to harassment. For merely shortage or excess of fifty rupees, they use to be transferred out of the division, cash debar suspension, major penalty charge-sheet. Such atrocities are being faced by these loyal revenue earners of the Indian
Railways who often use to be designated by the Railway Administration as “Ambassadors of the Indian Railways”. These Ticket Checking Staff work under bad working conditions, beyond duty hours. Running Rooms meant for the TTEs as Rest Houses are in very bad conditions having no proper beds, electricity, water and food arrangements. They cannot take proper rest in the TTEs Rest Houses after performing more than 12 hrs. duty. There are some places where even Rest Houses for the TTEs are not available. Because they work under tremendous pressure and bad working condition and due to nonrest, many of them have developed various diseases, most of them have become hypersensitive, cardiac patients, which has led them to casualty in quite young age. A large number of Ticket Checking Staff are from women. They face very arduous circumstances during the course of their duty and or equally harassed by the passengers as well as by the Vigilance and Officers. They are often booked to work in night trains which is in violation of ILO Convention. Shortage of Ticket Checking Staff is a menace. For 24 coaches, two or three TTEs are deputed, and many a times they become victim of rowdism. Due to shortage of TTEs, there use to be loss of railway revenue too. Many customer complaints use to be only because of shortage of Ticket Checking Staff. Recently we conducted Ticket Checking Staff Conference, where following issues and demands have been raised by the Ticket Checking Staff :-
28 (i)
MAZDOOR AAWAZ Implement the agreed decision for providing adequate facilities to Ticket Checking Staff in the Rest Houses on the Zonal Railways. Create adequate posts of Ticket Checking for manning the trains.
Cadre Restructuring of Ticket Checking Staff be implemented,
Stop harassment of Ticket Checking Staff by the Vigilance/ Officers.
Provide adequate Avenue of Promotion in Group ‘B’ to Ticket Checking Staff.
Stop night train duty in the case of Female Ticket Checking Staff.
Reduce duty hours of Ticket Checking Staff and provide them proper links.
(viii) Payment of Washing Allowance and enhancement in the Stitching Charges of the uniform. (ix)
Provide adequate security to Ticket Checking Staff and save them from hooligans.
Stop irregular debits.
Stop penalization of Ticket Checking Staff on the name of target
(xii) Scrap New Pension Scheme. You are requested to kindly go through above cited apathies of the Ticket Checking Staff and form a Joint Committee to found solution and resolve their problems within a targeted period; failing which AIRF will be compelled to start sustained struggle.
No. AIRF/443
APRIL 2013 Dt. 10-3-2013
Sub: Zonal Conference of the Ministerial, Accounts, Medical, Cash & Pay, Printing Press and Training Centre Staff organized by the NWREU at Jaipur on 09.02.2013
Dear Sir, A Zonal Conference of the Ministerial, Accounts, Medical, Cash & Pay, Printing Press and Training Centre Staff was organized by our affiliate en North Western RailwayNorth Western Railway Employees’ at Jaipur on 09.02.2013, wherein following demands were made:1. Grant of Grade Pay Rs.4800 to Sr. Supervisors of Ministerial/ Medical/Store Cadre. 2. Removal of pay anomalies of all the staff. 3. Early issue of cadre restructuring orders. 4. Scrapping of New Pension Scheme. 5. Earmark 5% posts of SO Sr. SO for non-qualified Appendix-III Staff and allot GP Rs. 5400 to Accounts staff. 6. Upgradation of Sr. Supervisors to Gr. B posts. 7. Provide additional increment w.e.f. 01.01.2006 to staff working in old pay scale Rs. 7450-11500. 8. Free Pass and Medical facilities for parents of Railway employees. 9. Merger of Jr. Clerk and Sr. Clerk and allotment of Grade Pay Rs. 2800 as entry level in Clerical Cadre. 10. Redeployment of surplus Cash office Staff as per their option. 11. Written examination for Sr. Clerk of Ministerial Cadre should be abolished and promotion may be processed on the basis of Benchmarking.
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12. Parity between Field and Secretariat Stenographers. 13. Extension of LARSGESS to Non-Safety Categories also. 14. Extra remuneration should be given to Office Peon for doing duty for extra hours work. 15. Provide Type II quarters to employees working in Gr. Pay Rs. 1800. 16. Change of designation of Peons, Clerks, Accounts Assistants, Nursing Sister etc. 17. Payment of Honorium to Accounts, Cash & Pay and Ministerial Staff. 18. Removal of Grade Pay Rs. 2000 for the purpose of MACPS. 19. Provide adequate staff to Central Hospital, Jaipur. 20. Give facility of R. H. to Store Staff. 21. Give 30% Teaching Allowance to Training Instructor in Railway Training Centre. 22. Improve conditions of Railway Hospital, Railway Colonies/ Quarters. 23. Fill all the vacancies of the Office Peons, Clerical Staff, Medical Staff & Accounts Staff 50% of promotion quota of clerical cadre should be reserved for Office Peons. 24. Staff working in field should be given attention and they should be provided with good working environment, stationary goods, uniforms, computers etc. 25. Stop surrendering of posts. 26. Provide protective garments and safety shoes to Store Staff. 27. Revise the rates of Patient Care Allowance to Hospital Staff and extend it to other Medical Categories of Staff.
Exemption of Transport Allowance from the purview of Income Tax - enhancement of exemption limit from Rs.800 to Rs.3200 plus DA thereon.
29. Filling-up of all vacancies including backlog vacancies of SC, ST and OBC. 30. Provide ample facilities to Sportspersons working in the Railways. 31. Appointments of Clerks on compassionate ground. 32. Treat Grade Pay of Rs.4800 as Recruitment Grade for Pharmacist Category. It would be highly appreciated if aforementioned demands of the staff referred to above are addressed favourably.
**********Dt. 18-3-2013
No. AIRF/44
Sub: Revision of pension of pre-1996 Railway Pensioners
Please find enclosed herewith a copy of the judgment dated 04.01.2012 of Hon’ble Delhi High Court on the above cited subject. In this regard, attention is invited to Board’s letter No.F(E)lll/2008/PN1/8 Pt. I dated 24.7.2012 and 10.9.2012, addressed to AIRF, wherein it has been mentioned that since the matter has already been examined, there appears no such requirement to carry out the exercise again. It has also been mentioned in Board’s letter that even if judgment of Punjab and Haryana High Courts is implemented, the same will be implemented in favour of the Petitioners only. In reference to Board’s above said letter, AIRF would like to draw Board’s attention to the observation of the Delhi High Court in their judgment dated 04.01.2012. Hon’ble High
Court has clearly stated that the Respondents are forcing Individuals to approach the concerned Tribunals, expend money and only then they are being granted the benefit. They have no basis to deny the said relief to those who may not have individually preferred their own O.A. Such action and conduct of the Respondents is highly depricable. In the light of observation/directions of Hon’ble High Court, AIRF requests the Railway Board to take necessary action in the matter, directing Zonal Railways to issue revised PPOs to all pre-1996 pensioners applying PB-II and fixing their minimum pension at Rs. 6750.
No. AIRF/115
Dt. 18-3-2013
Sub: Revised option for pay fixation after grant of one increment to the employees whose annual increment was due between February to June 2006
In terms of Board’s letter dated 23.3.2012, one increment has been granted to those employees whose annual increment was due between February to June 2006 w.e.f. 01.01.2006 in the pre revised scale. In the circumstances, certain employees who had given their option earlier at the time of new pay scale were granted after implementation of VICPC’s recommendations have been put to disadvantageous position with the grant of one additional increment w.e.f 01.01.2006. This was in fact, an unforeseen situation at the time the option was given by them. In terms of Board’s letter No. E (P&A) ll-2003/PP-1 dated 16.10.2003 Railway Servant may give revised/ fresh option for the purpose of fixation of pay under Rule 1313 (FR22(1)(a)/(1))of IREC Vol. II within one month’s time.
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In the light of the above said position, the employees who have been granted one increment w.e.f. 01.01.2006 in pre-revised scales may be permitted to give their fresh option for the purpose of fixation their pay. AIRF humbly requests that the matter may be considered in proper perspective in the interest of such railway servants.
Dt. 18-3-2013
Sub: Grant of third financial upgradation under MACPS on completion of 20 years of service from the first promotion or 10 years after second promotion Or 30 years after regular appointment whichever is earlier Ref : Railway Board’s letter No. PC-V/ 2009/ACP/2 dated 10.06.2009 (RBE No. 101/2009), No. PC-V/2009/ ACP/2 dated 29.09.10 (RBE No. 143/2010), No. PC-V/2009/ACP/2 dated 29.12.2011 and CPO/ICF’s letter No. PB/S2/MACP dated 21.01.2010
We would like to bring to your notice the need for issuing clarification on granting of 3rd financial upgradation under MACP after completion of 20 years from the first promotion as per Railway Board’s orders and clarifications cited above regarding Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme(MACPS). As per Board’s letter dated 10.06.2009 cited above, vide para 28, in the Illustration - A Railway servant is eligible to get 3rd financial upgradation under MACPS before completion of 30 years of service from the date of initial appointment. The illustration shows that 3rd financial upgradation under MACPS shall be granted on completion of 8+10+10 = 28 years. (Annexure -1).
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Again in the illustration shown in para 5 of the same letter referred to above, it is stated that “promotions earned/upgradation granted under old ACP Scheme in the past to those grades which now carry same grade pay due to merger of pay scales/upgradation of posts, recommended by the Sixth Pay Commission, shall be ignored for the purpose of granting upgradation under MACPS” and clearly illustrates that service rendered prior to 1.1.2006 should be counted for financial upgradation under MACPS. (Annexure-II). Clarification on grant of third financial upgradation after completion of 30 years from the initial appointment has been issued by the Railway Board by vide letter No.PCV/2009/ACP/2 dated 29.09.10(RBE No.143/2010) only to extend financial upgradation to those employees who got two financial upgradations in 24 years, in old ACP Scheme without waiting for completion of 10 years from the date of their second financial upgradation on old ACP Scheme. This has been clarified in the point of doubt number 3 in Railway Board’s letter, but for this clarification, these employees would be eligible for their 3rd financial upgradation on completion of 34 years of service from the date of initial appointment. (Annexure - III). This principle has been emphasized in Railway Board’s letter No.PC-V/ 2009/ACP/2 dated 29.12.2011. (Annexure -IV). Some Zonal Railways/Production Units, without understanding the principle of 3 financial upgradation which can happen well before completion of 30 years of service from the date of initial appointment, are denying benefit of 3rd financial upgradation on completion of
20 years of service from the date of first promotion, i.e. granting 2nd financial upgradation after completion of 10 years service from the first promotion received by the employee and subsequent 3rd financial upgradation after completion of 10 years service from the second financial upgradation received by the employee, including the service rendered by him prior to 1.1.2006 in old ACP Scheme. One example of denial of 3rd financial upgradation after completion of 20 years service from the date of first promotion, ignoring the service rendered prior to 1.9.2008 at Integral Coach Factory Chennai, is attached as Annexure-V. The Board are therefore, requested to issue necessary clarifications to all the Zonal Railways and Production Units to grant third financial upgradation under MACPS on completion of 20 years service from the first promotion or 10 years service after second promotion or 30 years service after regular appointment, whichever is earlier.
********** AIRF to Affiliated Unions of Zonal Rlys. No.AIRF/24(C)
Dt. 21-03-2013
Sub: Feedback on the meeting with Hon’ble Minister for Railways
Today I had an opportunity to meet Hon’ble Minister for Railways, whereupon I conveyed our serious concern over inordinate delay in resolving certain long pending major issues, a number of which havealready agreed upon in different Negotiating Fora, but the final outcome of the same is still hanging fire. I also emphasized that these issues are of significance for the
Railwaymen and causing serious resentment among them because of unwarranted for delay in their redressal. The following issues were again brought to his notice for paying urgent attention thereon. (i) Dispensation of written examination from the process of appointment to the wards of Railway Employees under LARSGESS and to enhance the scope of this scheme. (ii)
To implement the agreement on the anomalies of the VI CPC, already discussed and agreed upon in the Departmental Anomaly Committee, which include allotment of GP Rs. 4800 in place of GP Rs. 4600 to Sr. Supervisors, merger of Technician II GP Rs. 2400 with Technician I GP Rs. 2800, allotment of improved grade pay to certain categories of Railwaymen, provision of grades to the Stenographers of Zonal Railways as are allotted to those working in the Ministries and Secretariat etc.
(iii) Merger of P. Way Supervisors with J.E. (P. Way). (iv) Stepping up of pay of Loco Inspectors promoted prior to 01.01 2006 at par with those promoted after 01.01.2006. (v) Implementation of unanimous recommendations of the Joint Committee on Package and Career Progression of Trackmen in letter and spirit (vi) Implementation of cadre restructuring of various categories of the Railwaymen, as already decided in the meetings of the Cadre Restructuring Committee.
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(vii) Improvement in the emoluments, working conditions and working hours, including Weekly Rest etc. in case of Running Staff. (viii) Payment of arrears of Running Allowance to the Running Staff w.e.f. 01.012006 and improvement in the rate of ALK. (ix) Implementation of various Welfare Scheme, already announced in the previous Rail Budget. (x) Facilities of Privilege Pass and healthcare to both the parents of the Railway Employees, as is available in other Central Government Departments. (xi) Absorption of the staff of quasi-administrative offices in the Railways. I also mentioned that, almost all the issues are already agreed upon in different Negotiating Fora, but because of indifferent attitude of the Finance Ministry as also the Railway Board, their settlement is getting unnecessary delayed. I also informed him that, in case these issues are not resolved within a reasonable time, the Railwaymen, who are badly agitated, would not wait any longer and shall be compelled to resort to direct action, and entire responsibility of which shall rest with the Railway administration. Hon’ble MR has assured, that the current session of the Parliament is going to conclude on 22nd March, 2013, thereafter, he would definitely look into the issues raised by the AIRF, and would also have discussions with us to amicably get resolved problems of the Railwaymen.
APRIL 2013 No. AlRF/Trackmen
MAZDOOR AAWAZ Dt. 23-2-2013
Sub: Feedback of the meeting of the cadre Restructuring Committee meeting held on 22-02-2013 to discuss Cadre Restructuring of Trackmen
In the aforementioned meeting of the Cadre Restructuring Committee, the issue of restructuring of Trackmen Category was also discussed, wherein the following deliberations were took place :-
33 Grade Existing Proposed Pay (Rs) % %
2800 2400 1900 1800
03 06 20 71
06 12 22 60
AIRF did not agree to above-noted proposal of the Railway Board, and on insistence of the Federation(AIRF), it was agreed to by the CRC to review the matter further. Comradesl AIRF would not keep silent and will try its best to achieve maximum possible for this vulnerable cadre of the Indian Railways.
********** RLY. BOARD ORDERS No. PC-V/2010/A/Med./1
Sub: Fixed Medical Allowance to railway beneficiaries of New Pension Scheme drawing additional relief on death/disability of railway servant
The Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) is granted to Railway pensioners/family pensioners in terms of instructions contained in Boards letter dated 21-4-99, 1-3-2004 and subsequent clarifications issued from time to time. Grant of FMA to the railway beneficiaries of NPS drawing additional relief on death /disability of railway servant in terms pf Board’s letter No. 2008/AC-II/ 21/19 dated 29-5-2009 has been examined in consultation with Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare. Since in terms of para 602 of IRMM-2000, railway employees are entitled for medical attendance and treatment facilities, free of charge, the NPS railway pensioners drawing additional relief on death/disability of Railway servant in terms of Board’s letter dated 29-5-2009 and staying beyond 2.5 KMs from the nearest Railway Hospital/ Health unit can get a RELHS card by paying necessary amount to enable them to obtain indoor treatment. They are also entitled to draw FMA as fixed by the Government. The necessary amount for getting RELHS Card as prescribed in Board’s letter No. 2003/H/28/1/RELHS dt. 16.3.2009 are as under:(i) The employees who have already retired.
A sum equivalent to double the amount of revised basic pension after the implementation of Vlth CPC.
(ii) Family pensioners
A sum equivalent to double the amount of revised family pension after the implementation of Vlth CPC.
2. As and when the Health Insurance is introduced in Railways, the New Pension Scheme railway pensioners would be shifted to the Health Insurance Scheme.
No. E(NG)-II/2004/RR-1/14
APRIL 2013 Dt. 8-2-2013
Sub: Recognition of certificate/qualification awarded by State Open Schools (SOS) for the purpose of employment in Central Government offices Ref : GS/AIRF’s letters No. AIRF/443 (361) dated 06-12-2012 and AIRF/443 (373) dated 29-12-2012
The undersigned is directed to refer to letters quoted above and to inform that pursuant to receipt of OM from Ministry of Human Resource Development cited in letters ibid, the matter has been referred to Department of Personnel & Training (DOP & T) on 28-9-2012 and reply thereto is still awaited. Once the same is received, necessary action will be taken at this end.
No. E(NG)I-2011/CFP/10
Dt. 19-2-2013
Sub: Procedure for selection for promotion from GP Rs. 1800 to GP Rs. 1900 against departmental promotion quota
In terms of the extant provisions as contained in para 189 of Indian Railway Establishment Manual (IREM), Vol.l, (Revised Edition-1989), First Re-Print-2009, 33-1/3% quota of posts in the lowest grade of Commercial Clerks, Ticket Collectors, Trains Clerks, Office Clerks and other categories of Clerks like Store Clerks etc. are to be earmarked for promotion of Railway servants in the categories carrying Grade Pay of Rs. 1800, for whom no regular avenue of promotion exists; the Group ‘C’ categories being suitably linked with specified categories in Grade Pay of Rs.1800 on the basis of broad affinity of work. 2. It has been noticed that a few Railways are adopting different eligibility criteria and are allowing Trackmen to appear in the selection being conducted against 33-1/3% departmental promotion quota which is not consistent with the extant policy as Trackman/Gateman/Trolleyman have separate avenue channel of promotion as per para 181 of IREM ibid. The issue reached upto Central Vigilance Commission(CVC) who, in turn has desired that guidelines may be issued to all Zonal Railways regarding uniform interpretation of Para 181 to 189 of IREM and related instructions thereon. 3. In the light of the above, the matter has been considered. Ministry of Railways wish to state that the extant provisions contained in para 181 to 189 of IREM, Vol. l, (Revised Edition-1989), First Re-Print Edition-2009 and subsequent instructions issued thereon may be followed scrupulously and only eligible categories as specified may be allowed to appear in the selections being conducted for promotion from GP Rs. 1800 to GP Rs. 1900 against 33-1/3% departmental promotion quota. No.F(E)III/2005/PN1/32
Sub: (i) Eligibility of disable children for family pension after marriage and (ii) Eligibility for two family pensions-
clarification regarding
The undersigned is directed to state that the Government has decided to allow continuance of family pension to mentally/physically disabled children who drew, are drawing or may draw family pension even after their marriage. Further, the Government has also decided to allow two family pensions where the pensioner drew, is drawing or may draw two pensions for military and/or civil employments.
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2. In order to implement these decisions, Explanations 1 and 3 after subrule 6 of Rule 54 of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972 have been suitably amended and sub-rules 13-A and 13-B have been omitted. A copy of Gazette notification, G.S.R. No. 938 (E), dated 27th December, 2012, giving effect to these amendments is enclosed. 3. For the sake of clarity, the old and new explanations 1 and 3 are reproduced as under highlighting the changes made therein: Old: EXPLANATION 1 - An unmarried son or an unmarried or widowed or divorced daughter shall become ineligible for family pension under this sub-rule from the date he or she gets married or remarried. EXPLANATION 3 - It shall be the duty of son or daughter or siblings or the guardian to furnish a certificate to the Treasury or Bank, as the case may be, once in a year that (i) he or she has not started earning his or her livelihood and (ii) he or she has not yet married or remarried. A similar certificate shall be furnished by a childless ‘widow after her remarriage or parents to the Treasury or Bank, as the case may be, once in a year that she or he or they have not started earning her or his of their livelihood. , New: EXPLANATION 1 - An unmarried son or an unmarried or widowed or divorced daughter, except a disabled son or daughter, shall become ineligible for family pension under this sub-rule from the date he or she gets married or remarried. EXPLANATION 3 - It shall be the duty of son or daughter or siblings or the guardian to furnish a certificate to the Treasury or Bank, as the case may be, once in a year that (i) he or she has not started earning his or her livelihood and (ii) he or she has not yet married or remarried. A similar certificate shall be furnished by a childless widow after her re-marriage or by the disabled son or daughter or parents to the Treasury or Bank, as the case may be, once in a year that she or he or they have not started earning her or his or their livelihood. 4. Sub rule 13-A regulates the grant of family pension to a military pensioner after his re-employment in a civil service or a civil post. Grant of two family pensions had been prohibited under this sub rule. Similarly, sub rule 13-B prohibits grant of two family pensions to a person who is already in receipt of Family Pension or is eligible therefore under any other rules of the Central Government or a State Government and/or Public Sector Undertaking/Autonomous Body/Local Fund under the Central or a State Government. The sub-rules 13-A and 13-B have since been omitted vide the above mentioned Gazette notification. 5. It is clarified that financial benefits in past cases will accrue with effect from 24th September, 2012. 6. As regards pensioners/family pensioners belonging to the Indian Audit and Accounts Departments, these Orders issue after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
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g~go AmJo H$m¡Z g~go AmJo H$m¡Z NRMU aob àemgZ H$mo hmoe _o bmZo dmbm NRMU aob H$_©Mm[a`m| Ho$ ~ÀMm| H$mo Zm¡H$ar XoZo dmbm NRMU aob H$_©Mmar Ho$ {hV _o g§Kf© H$aZo dmbm NRMU {\$a Amn ~mobmo g~go AmJo H$m¡Z NRMU NRMU Ÿ&& 1 Ÿ&& bmb P|S>m hmW _| boH$a g§Kf© H$aZo dmbm NRMU H$_©Mmar H$s EH$Vm ~ZmH$a AmdmO Xmo H$m Zmam XoZo dmbm NRMU _{hbmAm| H$m gÝ_mZ H$aZo dmbm NRMU Vmo ~mobmo g~go AmJo H$m¡Z NRMU NRMU Ÿ&& 2 Ÿ&& _h§JmB© na amoH$ bJmZo H$s _m±J H$aZo dmbm NRMU nwamZr n|eZ bmJw H$amo H$hZo dmbm NRMU _hmnwéfm| H$m gÝ_mZ H$aZo dmbm NRMU JÔmam| H$mo g~H$ {gImZo dmbm NRMU Vmo ~mobmo g~go AmJo H$m¡Z NRMU NRMU Ÿ&& 3 Ÿ&& A_mob JoZ{gÜX {VHw$Q>o g\$mB©dmbm/dmS>r O§. RRC ^aVr
EH$ ao b do , EH$ `w { Z`Z Vra VaH$e _| h¢ {OVZo, ~mha Vw_ {ZH$mb bmo, eVa§O H$s {~gmV {~N>r h¡, gmoM g_P H$a Mmb Mbmo, ha ß`mXo H$s H$s_V g_Pmo, ZOaA§XmO CZH$mo Z H$amo, gm_Zo h¡ JÔma {Ibm‹S>r, ha H$s_V na _mV H$amoŸ & {dH$mg Oéar h¡ aobdo H$m, na Ý`m` {_bo H$m_Jmam| H$mo, Jw_amh H$aZo dmbmo§ H$m, _whV± moS‹ > Vw_ Odm~ Xmo Ÿ& g§Kf© Ho$ X_ na ~hþV Hw$N> nm`m, OZ-OZ _| àMma H$amo, g_ñ`m AZoH$ h¢ ~mH$s, g§Kf© H$m n¡Jm_ Xmo && e{ŠV AnZr nyU© bJmAmo, H$ga Z ~mH$s Vw_ N>mS‹o >m,o H$b na Hw$N> ^r Z Vw_ N>mS‹o >m,o AmO A^r go OwQ> OmAmo Ÿ& H$m_Jmam| Ho$ ~rM _| OmAmo, ~Îmr H$m Vw_ àMma H$amo, EH$ aobdo, EH$ `w{Z`Z, gnZm Vw_ gmH$ma H$amo &&
H$m°. E. Ho$. _hoÝÐÿ (ghm. _hm_§Ìr) “ NRMU H$s OrV - AmnH$s OrV ”
APRIL 2013
MoVZm H$s AmdmµO O_mZm XoIJ o m, EH$ {XZ Eogm ^r Am`oJm aobdo H$m ha _µOXya, {\$a go _wñH$am`oJm A~ Omoa bJm Xmo g^r {_bH$a BVZm JÔmam| H$m Z_mo{ZemZ hr {_Q> Om`oJmŸ& Owë_ ghVo aho h¢ H$m_Jma ~agm| go A~ BZH$s _ah_ bJmZo H$s Oê$aV Zht Iy~ nhMmZVo h¢ h_ BZ JÔmam| H$mo BZH$s nhMmZ H$amZo H$s Oê$aV Zhr§ Ÿ& B{Vhmg Ho$ nÞm| H$mo bmbr go gOmVo h¢ `mam§o AnZo IyZ go h_ Z`m B{Vhmg ~ZmVo h¢ `mamo§ BZ JÔmam| H$mo Hw$~m©{Z`m| H$s H$s_V Š`m _mby_ Xygam| Ho$ IyZ go Omo Wmbr AnZr gOmVo h¢ `mamoŸ§ & Jar~m| _µOXyam| H$m XX© dmo Š`m g_P| Omo IyZ Ho$ Am§gy ê$bmVo h¢ `mam§o ha XX© H$m __© H$moB© CZgo nyN>o Omo Am§gy nrH$a ^r _wñH$mVo h¢ `mam§o Ÿ& _¢ AHo$bm h§ÿ {g\©$ AHo$bm, `h ~mV _¢ OmZVm h§ÿ H$a Zhr gH$Vm g~ Hw$N>, `h ~mV _¢ _mZVm h§ÿ Hw$N> Vmo H$a gH$Vm h§,ÿ `h Vmo {~bHw$b V` h¡ Hw$N> H$a JwOaZo _|, {\$a {H$gH$m ^` h¡Ÿ ?
H$m°. í`m_ Zm`H$ g{Md, _mQw>§Jm dH©$em°n