NRS International Integrated Catalogue 2018

Page 1

Combining strengths, improving lives

Products with purpose, from factory to field


Index 3

Our story


Our approach to business


Our impact






Corporate responsibility



NRS Relief 15

Core relief items


Family tents


Multipurpose tents


Mobile storage units

TANA Netting 29

Product innovation


DawaPlus速 2.0 (New 150D)


DawaPlus速 3.0 and 4.0 (New)


DawaPlus速 Canopy Hammock


DawaPlus速 performance

H. Sheikh Noor-ud-Din & Sons 37



Production units


Quality management

Our story NRS International is a family company offering fit-forpurpose relief products that make a difference to the lives of those in need. Responding to the growing global demand for humanitarian aid, we do business in a sustainable way, embracing the ‘doing good, doing well’ philosophy. We develop and manufacture shelter solutions, core relief items, mobile storage units and long lasting-insecticidal nets. In 2016-2017 we sold 61 million products to UN agencies, NGOs and government entities. We are an integral part of the humanitarian and global health supply chains and our essential products have improved the lives of 110 million beneficiaries in the past year alone.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

NRS International is the parent company to NRS Relief and TANA Netting and we are strategically located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), a global humanitarian hub. We manufacture what we sell in our modern production facility – H. Sheikh Noor-ud-Din & Sons – in Lahore, Pakistan. We are ready to respond 24/7 and we pride ourselves in having multicultural and multilingual employees who are willing to go the extra mile when disaster strikes. We are committed to providing fit-for-purpose products and offer solutions that are driven by our clients’ needs. In addition, we perform field assessments and are passionate about logistics and quality management. By tapping into over 40 years of excellence in production, we are able to combine our strengths and be ready when the unexpected happens. To emphasize our sense of duty to conduct responsible business – especially as a supplier to the not-for-profit sector – we align our business objectives with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We invite you to learn more about our data-driven approach to sustainability, as well as the many community initiatives and charity projects that we run.

Lahore, Pakistan

Manufacturing arm


NRS International catalogue

Our approach to business

Responding globally, meeting needs locally In April 2015, Nepal faced a complex disaster when a devastating earthquake hit the mountainous country. At NRS International, our aim was to effectively assist affected populations through our holistic ‘Rapid Response Strategy’ (RRS) approach that respected local needs and communities. We witnessed our multipurpose tents being put to inspirational use at the prominent Amitabha monastery in Nepal, making a difference to the lives of 300 nuns. This was just one small part of a much more comprehensive response.

Emergency relief is the nature of our business and requires a holistic and sustainable approach.

Award-winning approach As a result of this integrated and immediate response approach, we were shortlisted for the UPS International Disaster Relief Award 2016. This recognizes businesses that make a unique contribution to addressing international disasters and help communities to prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters.

Rapid response to the Rohingya refugee crisis Field assessment in Kutupalong camp, Bangladesh

“Evaluating the situation on the ground allows us to better understand how to efficiently respond to the crisis, at the same time enable the humanitarian organizations to efficiently distribute vital aid to the affected communities. As technical experts, we strive to find the best logistic solutions to facilitate the supply chain of emergency relief items.” Martina Aureli, Sales & Business Development Manager Asia & Oceania In the early fall of 2017, almost 600,000 Rohingya refugees have poured into Bangladesh, a mass movement dubbed by the UN Refugee Agency as the ‘fastest-growing refugee emergency in the world.’ Working hand in hand with local aid agencies, we were one of the first relief suppliers to visit Kutupalong camp in Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh. Our aim was to understand the challenges faced by the field teams and to assess the existing needs of the beneficiaries. We activated our RRS approach so that aid agencies and local authorities get the required supplies of emergency response materials as quickly as possible.


Relief products supplied Despite logistical challenges, we managed to get the much-needed relief items directly to Myanmar and Bangladesh using air and sea transportation:

100,000 thermal blankets 200,000 sleeping mats 60,000 tarpaulins 36,000 water containers 21,000 LLINs 4 mobile storage units Caribbean crisis Collaborating with local NGOs on the ground In the space of just a few short days in September ‘17, many islands of the Caribbean were hit by Irma and Maria, two of the most destructive hurricanes in recent years. In the British Virgin Islands, the storms wiped out much of the infrastructure and barely left a house standing. In response to the needs identified by our local partners on the ground, our Latin America team traveled to Puerto Rico to assess the current situation and to collaborate with various organizations that are committed to relief, recovery and rebuilding efforts on the hurricane-hit islands.

Building community resilience and raising public awareness Develop partnerships for response and post-disaster initiatives As a private company working with the non-profit sector, we take our role in the humanitarian supply chain seriously. More than just providing emergency relief items, we are also committed to build community resiliency and to raise awareness for people to take action on the pressing global issues. We also share our experiences with the academic community, particularly on how we support international response teams, thereby enriching their research and helping them convey the message to the world.


NRS International catalogue

Our impact in 2016-2017 From factory to field

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clients served

Globally, 110 million lives have been improved by the use of our products* *From July 2016 to June 2017, NRS International sold 61 million life-improving products to a wide range of UN and aid agencies, targeting 110 million people.

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Relief and health essentials dispatched to 110 million beneficiaries We played a significant role in the response to crises around the world and we will continue to build strong public-private partnerships for effective and responsible relief operations. The demand of our sector is highly volatile due to the unpredictability of the occurrence of natural disasters and unexpected humanitarian crises. Our strategy to diversify our portfolio, widen our client base and invest in new territories has paid off. We have served 27% more clients (75 in 2015-2016) and dispatched goods to 15 new countries compared to the previous year (increase of 24%). This is the result of the commitment of our business development team, who have travelled to humanitarian hotspots and fostered local relationships with clients.




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Argentina (43m) Colombia (49m) Chile (18m)









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Key clients





» Kenya » UAE » Iraq

MSF IDA Foundation


Top countries served

PSM/ Chemonics

» Jordan » Uganda » Nigeria » Syria » Turkey » Ivory Coast » Denmark


NRS International catalogue

Logistics & transport Natural disasters and humanitarian crises do not keep time, so we make sure we are at your service, 24/7. At NRS International, we offer an efficient global logistics service. Our strategic locations in Dubai and Pakistan ensure that our emergency stockpiles are ready for immediate deployment.

“Humanitarian operations are 80% about logistics.”

“No destination is too difficult. Our experienced in-house logistics team can make a difference in times of urgency. During the recent Caribbean and Rohingya crises, we managed to shift goods quickly and efficiently, navigating the difficult circumstances we faced. Our aim is simple: enabling our clients to deliver aid essentials as quickly as possible.”

Transportation by air, land and sea Our international network and multilingual professionals work hand in hand with you to ensure that the required goods are exactly where they need to be at the agreed time. We are able to arrange reliable transportation by air, land and sea with our trusted carriers to respond to emergency scenarios.

Emergency stock available 24/7 Our strategic emergency stock of core relief items is available in Dubai and Pakistan for immediate deployment, even to remote destinations. In the aftermath of any disaster, we provide core relief items that are vital for a person’s survival.

Logistics support Our goal is to efficiently transfer relief goods from a source location to a predefined destination. We operate based on the Incoterms 2010 Chart of Responsibility, as governed by the International Chamber of Commerce guidelines. We make it possible to deliver to hard-to-reach destinations, so that the survival commodities reach the intended beneficiaries at the right place, at the right time.

Supply chain management We understand that humanitarian logistics is crucial to disaster response. With our integrated approach, we coordinate inter-organizational performance, eliminate redundancy, and maximize efficiency along our supply chain.


Innovation supports sustainability We strive to pioneer products that meet the needs of the end-user. Since the launch of our ‘Innovation in Action’ campaign in 2015, we have introduced various gamechanging products following this holistic, collaborative approach. Our product developments are beneficiary-driven, sustainable and evidence-based. The solutions are the outcome of a cross-cutting process in which each individual and/or institution contributes. We follow a cycle of innovation that invites all actors to contribute to the optimal product. This collaboration model is applied to every single relief item that we manufacture, from buckets to tarpaulins, from tents to treated mosquito nets. This results in better quality results, greater client and beneficiary satisfaction and technological breakthroughs that have a real social impact.

Our recent innovations Fire retardancy We are the first supplier to bring fully fire retardant tents and tarpaulins to the field, which took years of extensive research and development. This significant milestone has made refugee camps safer.

Jerry Bucket The Jerry Bucket is the result of our collaboration with Oxfam’s WASH team. The improved design of the 14L bucket creates a stackable safe water container that is easy to clean and will reduce the risk of water contamination.

Long-lasting co-insecticide nets The new generation DawaPlus® 3.0 and DawaPlus® 4.0 offer long-lasting co-insecticide netting that uses proprietary dual-insecticide release technology to improve nets efficacy. This innovation is specifically designed for regions in which mosquitoes have developed resistance to pyrethroid insecticides.

Canopy Hammock The DawaPlus® Canopy Hammock is designed to reduce malaria transmission in the remote forests of the Greater Mekong Subregion and was developed in partnership with the Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp.

The problem

Needs analysis



Product design



NRS International catalogue

Corporate responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) shapes our approach to business. We leverage a variety of resources in pursuit of economically, environmentally and socially sustainable operations. Over the past 40 years, we have continuously made improvements across our operations. We understand that this entails an ongoing commitment to the wellbeing of our employees, the environment and the communities where we work. Creating a better world to live and to work in, starts at home. It is with this in mind that we have aligned our business operations with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a set of globally agreed

To ensure a data-driven, measurable approach to sustainability, our subsidiary TANA Netting published its first Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) in 2016. Using GRI’s social, economic and environmental indicators allows us to accurately chart our contribution towards the SDGs and – equally as important – to identify areas for improvement moving forward. To activate our sustainability agenda, we follow the classic CSR pillars of People, Planet and Profit - also known as the Triple Bottom Line.

Social responsibility We focus on creating a safe, diverse, merit-based working environment in Dubai and Pakistan that values teamwork yet allows for individual development. We invest in the communities where we work. Through our family-run charity, the Bilqees Sarwar Foundation (BSF), we continue to expand our pledge to our communities. Our foundation focuses educational opportunities and improved healthcare services – as exemplified by our Bilqees Sarwar Hospital in Lahore, Pakistan. This world-class health facility with expert physicians provides free or subsidized health care to more than 12,500 people every month.

Economical responsibility targets to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all. We try to advance the SDGs in every domain of our operations. Our effort to become a more responsible business is guided by our membership of the UN Global Compact (UNGC), the world’s largest corporate sustainability network. We adhere to the UNGC’s principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anticorruption, and take actions that to embed them throughout our operations and supply chain. Every year we submit our UNGC progress report, which is increasingly important document for assessing suppliers in our sector.

We are committed to entering new markets and creating fit-for-purpose and cost-effective products for the aid and relief, public health, and development sectors. We focus on financial sustainability, relying upon continuous innovation and product diversification. Our aim is creating maximum value for our clients and maximum impact through our products.

Environmental responsibility At NRS International, minimizing our ecological footprint is considered an incentive rather than a burdensome exercise in compliance. We are committed to reducing emissions and waste, while seeking to recycle and reuse across our production processes wherever possible.


Story of Khalida The Women’s Empowerment Principles in practice

Sustainable Development Goal number 5 calls for gender equality and the empowerment women and girls. At NRS International we stand by these commitments – as demonstrated by our business operations. In 2015, we signed the CEO Statement of Support for the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) under the UN Global Compact. We recognize that the inclusion of women in our workforce drives economic development and is necessary for success. In 2017 we relaunched a safe female-friendly production unit at HSNDS. This unit is completely staffed and managed by women, and currently employs 200 skilled members of staff.

Meet Khalida

Khalida is one of our employees working at the HSNDS female unit. Acting as Deputy Supervisor in the sewing department, Khalida is responsible for stitching TANA Netting’s DawaPlus® longlasting insecticidal nets, which protect people from malaria. In addition, she provides training to new staff. As a widow and the main breadwinner of the family, Khalida works tirelessly to provide a better future for her four daughters and two sons. Khalida and two of her children have been working at HSNDS for three years now.

At HSNDS, it’s all about learning new techniques and skills to Watc h become more efficient. I am docu our minionlin mentary grateful to the female unit and knowe to get to Khali and da an the confidence that I gained work averag e in our fe g day in from working here. I am male unit. becoming more assertive and professional every vsingle day.”

Investing in women We believe in equal opportunities for all, especially in countries where we traditionally see a low labor force participation rate among women. In the knowledge that women can produce our nets just as well as men, it makes perfect sense to offer equal employment opportunities to both sexes.” Rune Bosselmann, Director of TANA Netting

Proudly stitched by Pakistani women

We, being powerful women, must know our rights and release the power we have within us. Never lose hope, stay focused and keep moving. Khalida, Deputy Supervisor at HSNDS-TANA Netting female unit

“According to the Global Gender Gap Report 2016, Pakistan ranks second to last worldwide in gender-based disparities. We want to challenge this unacceptable statistic. We are proud to say that Pakistani women make products for NRS International. We believe that a mosquito net that helps someone in Africa can empower women in Pakistan as well.” Francesca Cocozza, Head of Business Development & Sales at NRS International


NRS International catalogue

Multimedia Get the message Client-driven multimedia communications Stay connected. We aim to provide concise and essential communications. In the age of information-overload, we want to reduce the noise and make meaningful information more accessible.

Visual communication


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Seeing is believing. Our in-house team produces quality videos that provide in-depth information and further insights about our products and services. These include: » emergency response and crisis communications; » step-by-step guides to assembling our family tents and multipurpose shelters, which you can download online and watch later (i.e. when you’re out in the field with no Internet) » 30-second clips showing the key features of our products; » detailed production processes that show how each of our products are manufactured according to the highest technical standards; » corporate videos and product innovations; » factory videos and behind-the-scenes footages; and » storytelling videos of people behind the products.



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Did you know?

E-newsletter To ensure you stay updated, we send out dedicated newsletters on a regular basis. Our promise is not to spam you, but to send relevant information such as monthly stock reports, emergency stock reports, product launch announcement, and inspiring, industry-relevant reads. Make sure to subscribe to our newsletters by hitting the ‘Subscribe’ button at the bottom right of our homepage at

Interactive websites

Social media

Our interactive and responsive web portals offer a wealth of information and additional resources that you need - and more.

We are all social. Over the years, we have built up a social community that allows virtual connections, sharing of pressing information and promote engagement. Social media in a business environment has become a relevant tool for us not only to connect, but also to generate business and receive enquiries from untapped territories.

» You can chat with us real time for your urgent concerns and other inquiries. » You can now ‘Request A Quote’ online. » You can also ‘Request A Sample’ online. » You can download all of NRS Relief’s technical specification sheets, shipping and loadability information, tent assembly manuals, and flyers in PDF format. » You can access our photo and video galleries from 2014 onwards for any particular video or event that you may have missed. » You can download TANA Netting’s PDF catalogue and all of their DawaPlus® products’ technical specification sheets through its website.

Connect with us



NRS International

nrs international

NRS International

Public awareness We conduct public relations (PR) campaigns in an effort to address pressing global issues and take action. Our CSR-driven campaigns aim to advocate and raise awareness of humanitarian crises around the world. Learn more about our successful PR campaigns and our ongoing #LoveCoats project with designer Helen Storey and the TIGER Girls in Za’atari refugee camp by visiting our website’s News section.

NRS International catalogue


We offer family tents, core relief items, multipurpose tents and mobile storage units (MSUs) for the humanitarian community. Our cost-effective, fit-for-purpose products comply with UN and leading aid agency standards.


Core relief items Woven Flexible Tarpaulin ICRC/IFRC/MSF/Oxfam Standard

FR optional Waterproof



Family shelter Logo protection customisable

Dimensions Width and length Size / sheet

4.00 m x 6.00 m 4.00 m x 60.00 m

Size / roll Weight Sheet without bands

190 gsm ± 20 g under ISO 3801 As above +10%

Complete sheet with bands

From 187 gsm min to 231 gsm max

Total weight

Materials Woven HDPE black fibres fabric, double-sided lamination with LDPE coating, reinforced with six bands of 75 mm width woven black HDPE fibres fabric and coated outside. Pre-punched 8 mm holes on the two side bands (only the reinforcement bands are pre-punched, not the tarpaulin itself).

Reinforced Plastic Tarpaulin UNHCR/UNICEF Standard

FR optional Waterproof



Family shelter Logo protection customisable

Dimensions Width and length Size / sheet Size / roll

4.00 m x 5.00 m 4.00 m x 50.00 m 190 gsm ± 20 g


Materials 190 gsm ± 20 gsm woven Polyethylene (HDPE) inner black fibres, warp x weft, laminated on both sides with LDPE coating Aluminium reinforcement eyelets on four sheet sides at 100 cm (± 5 cm) centre to centre.

For packing and shipping information for all products, visit:


NRS International catalogue

Core relief items Low Thermal Synthetic Blanket ICRC/IFRC Standard


Mild temperatures

Logo customisable

Dimensions Total size

Materials 100% virgin polyester dry raised on both sides, grey

1.50 m x 2.00 m

IFRC/ICRC Standard Weight

200 gsm - 400 gsm 3.5 mm minimum


Medium Thermal Synthetic Blanket UNHCR/UNICEF & ICRC/IFRC Standard


Mild/cold temperatures

Logo customisable

Dimensions Total size

1.50 m x 2.00 m

IFRC/ICRC Standard Weight

400 gsm - 700 gsm 6.5 mm minimum


Materials 100% virgin polyester dry raised on both sides, grey

UNHCR/UNICEF Standard Weight Thickness

300 gsm - 650 gsm Âą5% 3 mm minimum

High Thermal Synthetic Blanket UNHCR/UNICEF & ICRC/IFRC Standard


Cold temperatures

Logo customisable

Dimensions Total size IFRC/ICRC Standard Weight Thickness

Materials 100% virgin polyester dry raised on both sides, grey

UNHCR/UNICEF Standard Weight Thickness

1.50 m x 2.00 m 500 gsm - 1000 gsm 9.5 mm minimum 500 gsm - 600 gsm Âą5% 5 mm minimum


Core relief items Viva™ Thermal Sleeping Mat UNHCR/ICRC/IFRC Standard

1 Adult / 2 children

Mild/cold Logo temperatures customisable

Dimensions Total length Width

1.80 m 0.90 m

Total weight

3.50 kg

Materials 500 gsm virgin Polypropylene (PP) multi-filament

1st layer 2nd layer

Aluminised synthetic canvas

3rd layer

Medium thermal blanket

Synthetic Sleeping Mat UNHCR Standard



Mild temperature

1 Adult / 2 children

Logo customisable

Dimensions Total length Width Weight

1.80 m 0.90 m 500 gsm minimum

Materials 100% virgin mono-lament or multi-lament warp and thick tape PP or Polyester yarn in weft

For packing and shipping information for all products, visit:


NRS International catalogue

Core relief items Aquatainer™ 10 L Collapsible UNHCR Standard

Impact resistant

UV stabilised

Temperature range

Logo customisable

Dimensions Capacity

10 L 190 g - 230 g


0.60 mm and minimum corner thickness 0.50 mm 90 mm x 30 mm

Average thickness Built-in handle

1 mm diameter and 120 mm long

Polyamide string

Materials Manufactured food grade LDPE without toxic elements, with built-in carrying handle and removable cap. With or without spigot.

Aquatainer™ 20 L Collapsible ICRC/IFRC Standard

UV stabilised

Impact resistant

Temperature Logo range customisable

Dimensions Capacity

20 L 265 g - 275 g

Weight Average thickness Built-in handle Polyamide string

0.60 mm and minimum corner thickness 0.50 mm 90 mm x 30 mm 1 mm diameter and 120 mm long

Materials Manufactured food grade LDPE without toxic elements, with built-in carrying handle and removable cap. With or without spigot.


Core relief items Pura™ 14 L Water Bucket ICRC/IFRC/UNHCR Standard

Safe water storage

UV stabilised

Logo customisable

Dimensions Capacity Top diameter

14 L 300 mm


300 mm

Materials Manufactured HDPE and LDPE, safe for water storage

Jerry Bucket Oxfam Standard

UV stabilised

Safe water Logo storage customisable

Dimensions Capacity Top diameter

14 L 300 mm


300 mm

Materials Manufactured HDPE and LDPE, safe for water storage

For packing and shipping information for all products, visit:


NRS International catalogue

Family tents Viva™ Family Tent UNHCR Standard

Fire retardant




5 person

Logo customisable

Dimensions 6.60 m x 4.00 m

Outer tent length x width

2.20 m

Centre height

1.30 m x 1.40 m

Doors width and height

1.25 m

Side wall height Total living area / main floor area

23 m² / 16 m² 4.00 m

Ridge length

Materials Outer tent roof

380 gsm Polycotton, natural white

Outer tent wall

250 gsm Polycotton, natural white

Inner tent

160 gsm Polycotton, natural white

Mud flaps

180 gsm Polyethylene (HDPE), black

Ground sheet

180 gsm Polyethylene (HDPE), black, sewn in bathtub

Viva™ Family Tent ICRC/IFRC Standard

Fire optional




5 person

Logo customisable

Dimensions 6.60 m x 4.00 m

Outer tent length x width

2.20 m

Centre height

1.30 m x 1.40 m

Doors width and height

1.25 m

Side wall height Total living area / main floor area Ridge length Window height

23 m² / 16 m² 4.00 m 60 cm

Materials Outer tent roof Outer tent wall Inner tent All PE parts Ground sheet

320 gsm Polycotton, natural white 200 gsm Polycotton, natural white 130 gsm Polycotton, dyed sand or cream Woven high density Polyethylene 190 gsm Polyethylene (HDPE), white, sewn in bathtub


Family tents Viva™ Family Tent

DFID/Save the Children Standard

Fire retardant




5 person

Logo customisable

Dimensions Outer tent length x width

6.60 m x 4.00 m

Centre height

2.20 m

Doors width and height

1.35 m x 1.40 m

Side wall height

1.25 m

Total living area / main floor area

23 m² / 16 m² 4.00 m

Ridge length

Materials Outer tent roof + wall

380 gsm Polycotton, natural white

Inner tent

380 gsm Polycotton, natural white

Inner liner

160 gsm, Polycotton, yellow, beige, cream and sand

Mud flaps

500 gsm – 610 gsm, PVC coated Polyester, light colour

Ground sheet

180 gsm Polyethylene (HDPE), light colour, sewn in bathtub

All fire retardant products meet the following international standards: » Pass CPAI section 5 and 6 with maximum 10 s after flame average and maximum 30 s after flame per test piece » Ageing under ISO 4892-2, type A, 360 hours For packing and shipping information for all products, visit:


NRS International catalogue

Family tents GeoHome Tent


Fire retardant




5 person

Logo customisable

Dimensions Outer tent Length x width Centre height

4.33 m x 5.58 m 2.40 m Dome-shaped

Wall height Inner tent Floor space Centre height

18.30 m² 2.20 m

Materials Outer tent

Base fabric: woven HDPE black fibres Coating: white LDPE both sides 190 gsm ± 20% Fire retardancy: EN13823 +AI

Inner tent

100% Polyester, 110 gsm, white Fire retardancy: CPAI 84

Flex™ 1 Family Tent MSF Standard




5 person

Logo customisable

Dimensions Outer tent Total living area

4.30 m x 4.30 m

Vestibule area

1.00 m x 1.50 m

Vestibule height

1.70 m

Centre height

2.25 m

Wall height Inner tent Total size Centre height

Dome-shaped 16m² / 4.00 m x 4.00 m 2.10 m


The Flex™ Series tents are connectable and can accommodate large or extended families.

Outer tent

160 gsm Polyester, grey

Inner tent

Outer fold: 110 gsm Polycotton Middle fold: 80 gsm Polyester felt filling Inner fold: 110 gsm Polycotton

Ground sheet

Polyethylene (HDPE), sewn in bathtub

Extra ground sheet

For winter use, 100% synthetic yarns


Family tents Winterisation Kit for Viva™ Family Tent UNHCR/ICRC/IFRC Standard

Fire retardant

Logo customisable

Materials Five insulating floor mats for Viva™ Family Tent or for any other floor in cold situations One inner liner and one partition for Viva™ Family Tent One heat-resistant floor protection for tent heater One heat resistant chimney sleeve for Viva™ Family Tent heater fume pipe

Viva™ Stove


Logo customisable

Simple yet efficient wood-burning steel stove and heater adapted to fit a standard family tent and other types of shelter structure that have an appropriate chimney opening. Works best with our Winterisation Kit for Viva™ Family Tents (see above)

Materials All stove parts made from steel

All fire retardant products meet the following international standards: » Pass CPAI section 5 and 6 with maximum 10 s after flame average and maximum 30 s after flame per test piece » Ageing under ISO 4892-2, type A, 360 hours For packing and shipping information for all products, visit:


NRS International catalogue

Multipurpose tents Huggy™ 24/42/72 Tents UNICEF Standard

Fire retardant




Logo customisable

Huggy™ 24 Tent Outer tent Total size

4.30 m x 4.30 m 2.80 m

Centre height

1.95 m

Wall height

Huggy™ 24 Tent


1 each gable end: 1.00 m x 1.80 m


2 each gable end: 0.70 m x 0.85 m 3 each side wall: 0.85 m x 0.85 m

Inner tent Centre height

2.30 m

Wall height

1.80 m

Huggy™ 42 Tent Outer tent Total size

7.00 m x 6.00 m 2.95 m

Centre height

2.10 m

Wall height Doors

1 each gable end: 1.20 m x 2.00 m


2 each gable end: 0.85 m x 1.00 m 4 each side wall: 0.90 m x 1.10 m

Inner tent Centre height

2.40 m 1.95 m

Wall height

Huggy™ 42 Tent

Huggy™ 72 Tent Outer tent Total size Centre height Wall height

12.00 m x 6.00 m 2.95 m 2.10 m


1 each gable end: 1.20 m x 2.00 m


2 each gable end: 0.85 m x 1.00 m 6 each side wall: 1.05 m x 1.10 m

Inner tent Centre height Wall height

2.40 m 1.95 m

Materials Outer tent Inner tent Ground sheet Huggy™ 72 Tent

450 gsm - 455 gsm PVC coated fabric, natural white 120 gsm Polycotton, natural white 190 gsm Polyethylene (HDPE), PVC fabric, sewn in bathtub, light grey/natural white


Multipurpose tents Legend™ 33/45 Tents ICRC/IFRC/MSF Standard

Fire optional


15-30 people


Logo customisable

Legend™ 33/45 Tent Outer tent Total size Legend™ 33 Tent

6.00 m x 5.62 m / 7.50 m x 6.00 m

Ridge height

3.00 m (same for both tents)

Side wall height

2.10 m (same for both tents)


1 door each side Two ventilation windows each long side, one each gable end (same for both tents)

Ventilation Inner tent Total size

5.70 m x 5.33 m / 7.20 m x 5.70 m

Ridge height

2.80 m (same for both tents)

Side wall height

1.95 m (same for both tents)

Materials Outer tent roof Outer tent walls Legend™ 45 Tent

Mud flaps

Polycotton blended fibre yarns, 440 gsm Polycotton blended fibre yarns, 320 gsm PVC coated fabric polyester 1100 dtex, PVC coated two sides 540 gsm

Dispensary Tent IFRC Standard

Fire optional



UV - stabilised

Logo customisable

Dimensions Outer tent Total size Ridge height Side wall height Ventilation Dispensary Tent

5.50 m x 5.00 m 2.50 m 1.80 m 4 x triangular windows with mosquito nets

Materials Outer tent roof, walls and doors Shade net Frame

440 gsm Polycotton, natural white Polyethylene (HDPE) with 10 metal sticks Aluminium connectors and poles with 40 mm diameter and 2 mm thickness

For packing and shipping information for all products, visit:


NRS International catalogue

Mobile storage units Rex Hall Used by


Fire retardant



UV - stabilised

Logo customisable

Rex Hall 6.5 x 8 m Main floor area

3.90 m


6.50 m

Ridge length

8.00 m

Side wall height Gable doors Rex Hall 6.5 x 8 m

52 m²

Centre height

2.50 m 2.90 m x 3.00 m

Materials Outer tent Box profiles Apex, base plates and other components

700 gsm PVC coated Polyester, white, UV protected Aluminium Hot dipped galvanised steel

Rex Hall 10.0 x 24 m Main floor area

240 m²

Centre height

5.50 m


10.00 m

Ridge length

24.00 m

Side wall height Gable doors Rex Hall 10.0 x 24 m

3.35 m 4.50 m x 4.00 m

Materials Outer tent Box profiles Apex, base plates and other components

700 gsm PVC coated Polyester, white, UV protected Aluminium Hot dipped galvanised steel


Rex Hall 10.0 x 32 m Main floor area

320 m²

Centre height

5.50 m


10.00 m

Ridge length

32.00 m 3.35 m

Side wall height

4.50 m x 4.00 m

Gable doors

Materials 700 gsm PVC coated Polyester, white, UV protected

Outer tent Box profiles


Apex, base plates and other components Rex Hall 10.0 x 32 m

Hot dipped galvanised steel

Rex Hall 10.0 x 36 m 360 m²

Main floor area

5.50 m

Centre height Width

10.00 m

Ridge length

36.00 m 3.35 m

Side wall height Gable doors

4.50 m x 4.00 m

Materials Outer tent

700 gsm PVC coated Polyester, white, UV protected

Box profiles Apex, base plates and other components

Rex Hall 10.0 x 36 m

Aluminium Hot dipped galvanised steel

Optional accessories / All Rex Hall Non-electrical accessories Electrical accessories


Internal partitioning, Insulation liner system, Pedestrian door, Side door and linking kit Heating system, Fire alarm, Lighting and power distribution system, Mechanical ventilation system Solar energy system

All fire retardant products meet the following international standards: » Pass CPAI section 5 and 6 with maximum 10 s after flame average and maximum 30 s after flame per test piece » Ageing under ISO 4892-2, type A, 360 hours For packing and shipping information for all products, visit:

NRS International catalogue


We manufacture high quality, WHOPES-recommended DawaPlusÂŽ insecticidal nets to combat malaria and other vector-borne diseases. Recently we launched the DawaPlusÂŽ 3.0 and 4.0 co-insecticide nets using proprietary dual-insecticide release technology, as well as a soft, durable 150D net.


Product innovation TANA Netting strives to pioneer products that protect the lives of those threatened by malaria and other vector-borne diseases. We follow a process we call ‘Innovation in Action’ which invites all stakeholders to contribute to the optimal product. This results in higher quality products, greater client and beneficiary satisfaction and technological breakthroughs that have a real impact. Building on the tried and tested success of our existing DawaPlus® products, we have extensively collaborated across the private and public sectors, with academia, and with the beneficiaries themselves. Our new WHO pre-qualified products directly address challenges currently being faced in the fight against malaria:

DawaPlus® 3.0 and 4.0 designed to counter resistance to standard pyrethroid nets.

DawaPlus® 2.0 150D a high-strength 100% polyester net with softer feel and better airflow through the net.

DawaPlus® Canopy Hammock a hammock that incorporates DawaPlus® 2.0 netting and is designed to address malaria transmission in remote forests.


NRS International catalogue

DawaPlus 2.0 ®

Our core product is the DawaPlus® 2.0, a long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN) that lasts a minimum of 20 washes or three years. It is soft and durable and comes in different deniers (75, 100 and 150), shapes, colors and sizes. We can accommodate product design to the requests of clients.

New 150D

DawaPlus® 2.0 - 150D

We offer DawaPlus® 2.0 LLIN in high strength 150 denier yarns and a mesh size of 14 holes per square cm. This gives the net more strength, a softer look and feel and better airflow under the net while sleeping. The 150D net is up to 50% stronger than a standard 100D polyester net in some strength measurements.

DawaPlus® Sandfly Net DawaPlus® Sandfly Net has a fine mesh of 35 holes per square cm that prevents biting from small insects such as sandflies and phlebotomes. This net is specifically developed for areas with leishmaniasis. The net is originally sand colored to reflect user preference and to ensure a long practical life. It is also available in other colors.

DawaPlus® Curtain DawaPlus® Curtain is made from DawaPlus® material and can be used as a screen on doors and windows or to cover eaves to prevent disease-carrying insects from entering into the household. The curtain comes with accessories for installation.

Shapes and sizes


Width x length x height (cm)

Circumference x height x ring (cm)

180 x 200 x 200 180 x 190 x 160 180 x 160 x 170 180 x 130 x 150 190 x 180 x 180 180 x 190 x 150 180 x 160 x 150

1250 x 250 x 65 850 x 220 x 56 1050 x 200 x 56



Trade name

DawaPlus® 2.0 and DawaPlus® 2.0 150D

Common name

Deltamethrin long-lasting (coated) insecticidal net

WHO Prequalified VC Status

WHO PQ listed as accepted for procurement by UN and other international agencies and countries

WHO Specification 333/ LN/2 (July 2017)



Test standards

Active ingredient


CIPAC 333/LN/(M)/2.1 (HPLC-DAD), Handbook N, page 66


80 mg/m2 ± 25%, 2.7 g/kg ± 25% (75 denier) 2.0 g/kg ± 25% (100 denier) 2.0 g/kg ± 25% (150 denier) 2.3 g/kg ± 25% (Sandfly Net*)

CIPAC 333/LN/(M)/3 (HPLC-DAD), Handbook N, page 66

Wash resistance

20 washes


Wash retention Index

0.90 - 1.00


Storage stability

54 ± 2°C for 14 days <5% loss of deltamethrin

MT 46.3.4 (CIPAC/4956/m) CIPAC MT 46.3


Warp knitted

ISO Standard 8388


75: ± 5%, 100: ± 5%, 150: ± 5%

ISO 2060


75 denier: 24 holes/cm² (minimum 23) 100 denier: 24 holes/cm² (minimum 23) 150 denier: 14 holes/cm² (minimum 13) Sandfly Net*: 35 holes/cm²


Dimensional stability

Maximum 10% shrinkage Maximum 5% expansion

ISO 6330:2000/A1:2008

Bursting strength

75 denier: min. 250 kPa 100 denier: min. 350 kPa 150 denier: min. 420 kPa Sandfly Net*: min 300 kPa

ISO Standard 13938-2,1999


75 denier: 30 g/m² : ±10% 100 denier: 40 g/m² : ±10% 150 denier: 42 g/m² : ±10% Sandfly net*: 35 g/m² : ±10%

ISO 3801 / EN 12127

Fire safety

Non - ignitable (NI)

EN 1102

*Sandfly Net physical specifications not WHO listed.


NRS International catalogue

DawaPlus 3.0 & 4.0 ®

The new generation of DawaPlus® products offer longlasting co-insecticide netting using proprietary dualinsecticide release technology to improve nets efficacy. Designed specifically for regions in which mosquitoes have developed metabolic resistance to pyrethroid insecticides, the PBO co-insecticide helps to suppress the resistance mechanism, allowing the insecticide to be recover its efficacy.

Piperonyl butoxide (PBO) is incorporated into the netting, which acts alongside the deltamethrin. The PBO is a coinsecticide, considerably enhancing the effectiveness of the primary insecticide, deltamethrin, by suppressing the mosquito’s enzyme defenses. We optimize each yarn to release either PBO or deltamethrin plus PBO. This way we can ensure a proper ratio of the co-insecticide and the primary insecticide during the lifetime of the net.

DawaPlus® 3.0

DawaPlus® 4.0

incorporates this advanced netting into the roof of the net, with the sides of deltamethrin coated polyester.

incorporates this advanced netting into the entire net, providing the maximum level of protection.

PBO optimized yarn

Deltamethrin + PBO


Trade name

DawaPlus® 3.0 and DawaPlus® 4.0

Common name

DawaPlus® 3.0

DawaPlus® 4.0

Long-lasting co-insecticide net Roof: Deltamethrin + Piperonyl butoxide longlasting (incorporated) insecticidal net Sides: Deltamethrin long-lasting (coated) insecticidal net.

Long-lasting co-insecticide net Deltamethrin + Piperonyl butoxide long- lasting (incorporated) insecticidal net.

WHO Prequalified VC Status

WHO PQ listed as accepted for procurement by UN and other international agencies and countries



Test standards

Active ingredient


CIPAC 333/LN/(M)/2.1 (HPLC-DAD), Handbook N, page 66


DawaPlus® 3.0

DawaPlus® 4.0


Roof: 3 g /kg ± 25%; 120 mg/m² ± 25%, Sides: 2.5 g/kg ± 25%; 100 mg/m² ± 25%

Roof and sides: 3 g /kg ± 25%; 120 mg/m² ± 25%

Synergist identity

Piperonyl butoxide

Piperonyl butoxide content

DawaPlus® 3.0

DawaPlus® 4.0

Roof: 11 g/kg ± 25%; 440 mg/m²± 25%

Roof and sides: 11 g/kg ± 25%; 440 mg/m²± 25%

Wash resistance

20 washes


Wash retention index Deltamethrin

0.90 to 1.00


Wash retention index PBO

0.90 ro 1.00


Storage stability

54 ± 2°C for 14 days, <5% loss of deltamethrin

MT 46.3.4 (CIPAC/4956/m) CIPAC MT 46.3


DawaPlus® 3.0

DawaPlus® 4.0

ISO 1833

Roof: 100% polyethylene, mono-filament, Sides: 100% polyester, multifilament

Roof and sides: 100% polyethylene, monofilament

CIPAC 333/LN/(M)/3 (HPLC-DAD), Handbook N, page 66

CIPAC 33/LN/(M)/2.1(GC-FID), CIPAC Handbook N, pages 111 & 112


Warp knitted


DawaPlus® 3.0

DawaPlus® 4.0

Roof: 130 ± 5%; Sides: 100 ± 5%

Roof and sides: 130 ± 5%

DawaPlus® 3.0

DawaPlus® 4.0

CIPAC 33/LN/(M)/3 (GC-FID), CIPAC Handbook N, pages 111 & 112

ISO Standard 8388 ISO 2060


Roof: 17 holes/cm² (not Roof and sides: 17 holes/ less than16), Sides: 24 cm² (not less than16) holes/cm² (not less than16)

Dimensional Stability

Maximum 10% shrinkage. Maximum 5% expansion

ISO 6330:2000/A1:2008

Bursting strength

min. 400 kPa

ISO 13938-2 (1999)


40 g/m² ±10%

ISO 3801 / EN 12127

Fire safety

Non-ignitable (NI)

EN 1102


NRS International catalogue

DawaPlus Canopy Hammock


The DawaPlus® Canopy Hammock is specifically designed for forests-goers and dwellers in the Greater Mekong Subregion. The hammock is fitted with our DawaPlus® 2.0 long-lasting insecticidal net fabric to prevent bites from mosquitoes and other insects.




250 x 130 cm (LxW)

Bottom fabric quality

115 gsm 100% polyester (breathable) Waterproof PU coating Resistance to water penetration: 1,000 mm (ISO 811: 1981)

Inner fabric

40 gsm, 100% polyester

Zipper opening

YKK #5 zipper along the hammock’s length


Black, one inch, black polyester webbing/8 m each side

Top strings

Black; 4 mm diameter, 8 m length Two special stoppers Two elastic ropes (attached from center loop of LLIN)

Integrated Long-Lasting Insecticidal Net

Minimum 156 holes/inch² as per DawaPlus® 2.0 specifications


400 cm x 300 cm (cross dimension); 100% waterproof; 64 gsm Quality – 1.1 Ripstop polyester fabric coating – waterproof PU Resistance to water penetration: 3,000 mm (ISO 811:1981) Four tying loops sewn in all corners

Other information 50 cm plastic pipe / stick for holding

the LLIN Inner pocket – storage space for personal belongings Insulation zones Color: dark green (can be customized according to client needs)


DawaPlus performance ®

Malaria Consortium in Uganda performed field tests on DawaPlus® 2.0 nets for a period of three years. In 2012, the Consortium published the final results. Among the conclusions drawn, the Consortium confirmed the following:

Biological efficacy of DawaPlus® 2.0 against anopheles gambiae mosquitoes Efficacy

“After 36 months of field use 83.3 (95% CI 65.3– 94.4) of the DawaPlus® 2.0 nets fulfilled the WHOPES criteria for the bioassay test, i.e. the criteria of 80% for the WHOPES phase III evaluation were fulfilled.”

100% 75% 50% 25% 0 Knockdown (a) Efficacy 100% 75% 50% 25% 0 Mortality (b)

DawaPlus® 2.0 has been validated under laboratory conditions in accordance with WHOPES protocols to determine its efficacy after a series of washes. DawaPlus® 2.0 meets the WHO LLIN criteria for efficacy after 20 washes: (a) the percentage knockdown after 60 minutes.

» 95% knockdown after 60 minutes (3 minutes exposure time.)

(b) the percentage of mosquito mortality after 24 hours

» 80% mortality after 24 hours (3 minutes exposure time).

After 10 washes

After 15 washes

After 20 washes

After 25 washes

After 30 washes

WHOPES LLIN baseline criteria


NRS International catalogue

3 8

factory sites

production units

7,000 200 employees

groundbreaking female unit


Manufacturing Introducing H. Sheikh Noor-ud-Din & Sons From family tents to mosquito nets, we have built our unsurpassed product expertise for over 40 years. The driving force behind this success is H. Sheikh Noor-ud-Din & Sons (HSNDS), our familyowned manufacturing facility in Lahore, Pakistan.

Responsible production Our factory uses the latest production technologies to manufacture products that are 100% compliant with the highest standards of international health organizations and NGOs. All our products are manufactured in a sustainable and socially responsible manner. This helps to retain skilled workers, nurture our reputation within the community, and promotes sustainable practices in our day-today business. As part of this approach, we strive to continuously reduce waste and our environmental footprint. Strict policies ensure all waste and effluents are handled in accordance with international standards. Lastly, we recognize that female empowerment is fundamental to the progress of communities, and as a result, our factory has a unit completely managed and staffed by women.

Core relief items and refugee shelters HSNDS manufactures the full innovative range of NRS Relief’s family tents and core relief items such as tarpaulins, blankets, sleeping mats, winterization kits, and water containers for the humanitarian sector. The factory also produces multipurpose tents and mobile storage units for medical, educational, logistic, storage and management support use.

Long-lasting insecticidal nets TANA Netting is one of the leading suppliers of long-lasting insecticidal nets for malaria control and prevention. Our netting unit managed to produce 60 million DawaPlusÂŽ nets, a significant achievement over the past year. The production of DawaPlusÂŽ nets benefits from the cutting, sewing and stitching techniques honed over the years by our sister company NRS Relief, an industry leader in core relief items for the humanitarian sector.


NRS International catalogue

Production units Our factory is spread out over three manufacturing sites, covering a space of 28 football pitches (50 acres) that hosts various specialized production units. Recent upgrades have modernized our manufacturing facilities significantly, offering safe, clean and comfortable workspaces and communal facilities, such as a canteen and prayer areas.

Production capacity On a monthly production capacity*, our 7,000 skilled workers take pride in manufacturing up to:

20,000 Tents & winterization kits

family tents



mobile storage units

450,000 tarpaulins



600,000 blankets


water containers

Water containers

Sleeping mats


sleeping mats

7,000,000 Mosquito nets


long-lasting insecticidal nets *Production capacity might vary depending on demand and emergency response situations.


Quality management Our factory uses the latest technology to manufacture products that meet the highest technical standards of UN agencies and international NGOs. We have an independent quality management department directly reporting to the CEO. And at every single level of our organization, our colleagues feel a shared desire to make processes and outcomes better every day.

Quality Control We conduct stringent quality checks throughout the production process. Our quality control team inspects all incoming raw materials and performs random inspections to ensure compliance with specifications. An independent laboratory performs tests during key production stages and conducts a final audit before shipment to a customer.

Quality Assurance Our quality assurance team performs random process/ system audits to improve our production and quality management. Quality objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs) are defined for each individual department. Based on the KPI assessment, the quality management teams continue to assess processes and suggest training needs.

Lean manufacturing We continuously look for ways to improve production standards. In 2016, we implemented a comprehensive lean production regime, which marks our latest step in this journey.

Certificates (ISO/SA) We are proud that our company complies with the following certifications:

ISO 14000: 2004 Environmental Management

ISO 9001: 2008 Manufacturing and export of insecticidal mosquito nets

ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management, Sales, Business Development, Supply Chain Management, Warehousing and Relief Supplies

ISO 17025: 2005 Testing and Calibration

SA 8000: 2008 Social Accountability

Contact us PO Box 261218 Jebel Ali Free Zone Authority Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Email Phone Fax Web +971 4 888 0125 +971 4 888 0124

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