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Intensive rehab supports clients to optimise outcomes
Having seen the need among many clients for more rehabilitation in a short timeframe, to maximise their gains and support their ongoing progress, Tees Neuro Physiotherapy has launched a range of bespoke packages to increase the support on ofer to them

As a specialist in supporting people with all neurological injuries and long-term conditions to rebuild their lives, Tees Neuro Physiotherapy works with clients at all stages of their recovery.
But whether just discharged from a clinical environment, needing support after living in the community for some time, or seeking intervention to help them maintain or improve their independence, the need from many patients for something more than their traditional sessions became increasingly apparent.
“We were delivering a really good quality service with some great progress for clients, but we could see it just wasn’t enough for some. They needed more,” says Victoria MacGregor, clinical director at Tees Neuro Physiotherapy.

“We want to get the best outcome for clients in the shortest period of time, so we had a look at what we could do to redesign our offering to enable them to achieve that.”
Bespoke packages supported by cutting-edge tech
From there came the concept of intensive rehab packages - bespoke to every client, it enables clients to maximise their progress through short programmes which would ordinarily take place over several weeks. Having been launched in January, referrals are already building, with clients coming from across its core referral area of the North East and North Yorkshire, as well as further afield.
The three packages comprise a lower intensity 20-hour programme; a 30-40 hour package; and a high intensity 40-60 hour package. The most intense package receives input from Dr Sohail Salam, a renowned neuro-rehab consultant from nearby James Cook University Hospital, who also supports with its work in spasticity management. All of the packages enable access to Tees Neuro Physiotherapy’s suite of technology and robotics, which the company has made significant investment in to offer the best possible service - and deliver maximum progress and outcomes - to clients.
The Billingham-based neuro-physio is the only site between Scotland and Leeds to offer the Tyromotion Lexo - as well as being one of a handful of sites in the North to offer the Fesia Grasp and Fesia walk, which make use of Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES).
“We have invested in quite a lot of technology, and putting that together with our specialist handson skills, there is great potential for clients to make progress with us,” says Victoria.
“Through our intensive packages, they can really make the best of that. Every single package will be different depending on the individual’s needs, but we’ll bring in everything we can to support them as much as possible.
“The robotics are very important in rehab now, through maximising repetitions and really supporting our work as therapists, and we are seeing the progress clients are making as a result of using the kit alongside our hands-on work.
“This is a new way of working for us, but are already working so well for clients, both self-referral clients and those who come to us from a solicitor or case manager.”
In-house OT and rehab engineering expertise
Since its formation in 2018, Tees Neuro Physiotherapy has built a reputation for its work with adults with a host of conditions, regularly supporting them to achieve progress beyond expectations.
And in addition to its core neuro-physio work, the business also brings in occupational therapy through its relationship with OT Rehab North East.
As a clinical associate, OT Rehab North East, founded by Amanda complement what we can deliver. When we moved into the independent sector, we realised we were totally missing ‘a Martin’ - his work with clients in making the modifications they needed was fantastic.
Jackson, brings specialist expertise in seating, wheeled mobility and posture management - a vital resource to support the client base of Tees Neuro Physiotherapy, many of whom have complex needs.
“Thankfully, we are working together again, and Martin specialises in products such as bespoke adjustments for powered wheelchairs, innovations in seating, even bespoke computer chairs for clients or creating footplates for wheelchairs.
And further supporting the business in delivering mobility and postural support to clients is Martin Hirst, an engineer who delivers a bespoke engineering service for Tees Neuro Physiotherapy and OT Rehab North East, and is able to modify products to client specification.
“I think the addition of both of these services to a neuro-physio practice is quite unique, really,” says Victoria.
“Amanda and I worked together in the NHS, we’ve worked together for the best part of 20 years now, and know how working together can really
“Both Amanda and Martin’s expertise works really well in what we can deliver, and is very important as part of the intensive rehab packages too. When we’re working with quite complex clients who maybe have complex posture needs, something off-theshelf just doesn’t work for them.
“By being able to offer the rehab engineering service, as well as being able to refer to Amanda, we are delivering a really comprehensive offering to our clients and supporting them beyond the core neuro-physio work.” teesneurophysiotherapy.com.